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The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-01, Page 8
IaI io11Id{11111 a1I In I i I11 III,IIi 111 1111 01111. 11011 111/11111 ill.,11 1411 N111 111 0111111111 Mt I a Now, when you have plenty of time, when selec- ieel tions are immense, when your choice is unhurried-- Now is the best time to buy Slippers. for Christmas ' i Gifts. We are;showing many new and novel patterns for the first time. m. - _ SLIPPERS FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CILDR'EN 75c $1.00 $ L25 $ L50 $2M0 And in fine selected leathers, in Romeo and Everett ill styles for men ..... $2.00 to $35O ONTARIO iiallllmuit ltl>"II1allE1N(X1111311101115111i811121Iill111111115111lli,Il III 411 I1111111MIE w. _ 4, „ rt; 4 rr'.. WINGHAM, 2 in • • 2 R. C. MUIRHEAD, Prop. M PHONE 46 111 • 1Mmassas 'i•®�l®■®AI®iQ�®ilOAi���/t�■��lA����® We will Shore,' Sea and Repair Your Battery al! for the same price. We have Complete Equipment to give the same Service as in the past. We will call for your Battery and Replace it in the spring. Hig ay Garage • • O • l�fit i1111�i11 1lhill( 1111 intilliationV 11a1II IiIaustl ilinistimmatilimi[fl0fi1 tttnitottastii E' INC EUM THEATRE arallinfraimlinallWalinebatalliar 1 Friday and Saturday Id MILTON SILLS IN "FRAMED" December 2 & 3, Monday and Tuesday December 5 & 6 Jack' Mulhall and Dorothy MacKill Wedn jil1Il IItII l lei l ilpgl11 IN - "SUBWAY SADIE" ay end Thaarsda MONTE. BLUE "THE BRUTE" a DeCen her 7 111 111111111113$lig2111 t11r1111 1111 11111111ik111011110111 1111t111pfiIlIi111I2111 111M 1i IDAY,--.:SATURD FAX'--1VVO NDAY Letter Days in Bluevale, Yonr Dollars Will Have M Cents at the Following Low Prices. Bulli Dates 2•' lbs, zit: ff Corm Starch 3 boxes 27c Corn Flakes z pkgs. 23c 1 Macaroni $ lbs. 27c Matches 3 boxes 23c111j11 Peas, Corn, Tomatoes 2 cans 27C We have all the Fresh Fruits for Xmas Baking ins, Currants, Feels and Decorative Candies AND QUALITY CALINOT BE 131:EiiTEN T PR'ICES PAID 1 OR CREAM AND EC:TG5, c r Gro p tle ncselertt c , With the Chain *Ices" FHONE,---Wingha it 5o9rrt "The BLUEVALE The Ebenezer (Browntown) United. Sunday School intend holding their cnnual. Christmas. rs Tree and' Entertain; nri�nt on Thursday evening, December 22nd. lteuen?ber the .date. ST, HELENS Messrs McDonald and Durri n fin- ished their season's threshing last NveMessrs John McGuire and John Mc- Pherson returned front the 1vVest last ween. Messrs. Frank and Tom Todd re- turned home from the Royal Fair with their cattle on Saturday. They were successful in carrying off quite a num- ber of prizes' . Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor visited friends in Goderich on Saturday, Mr. Elwell Webster demonstrated his new Split Dorf Radio in Miller's store on Saturday and a very inter- esting evening was enjoyed. The pupils and teachers of S. S. No. 4 are ,preparing for a Christmas entertainment to be given Wednesday evening, December 2xst WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell Mr. Norman McDowell visit me of the former' sister, Phoebe Taylor, of C=oderit7h Y Miss Lenore' Million is visiting aunt in Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Cardiff of re the guests of the lane s. Melvin Taylor on S�urida Mr. Earl Wightman spent days this week with his sister, Stackhouse of Brucefeb3; Mr. Matheson of Luckriot g his daughter, Mrs, Ear n, Mr. Douglas Campbell me on Friday from GoYier ltvhere he had his He also spent a couple with his uncle, Mr. R. Stonehouse. owell and ed at the ho ger, Mrs. , on Fri - da her Brussels were rs sister Mr y. a couple of Mrs. vis vis- iting l Wight - man. returned hoich Hos- pital tonsils remov- ed, of days BELGRAVE A pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of ,,l1rs , N ormau Walsh re- cently when the Belgrrave' Women's. Institute met there for their Novem- ber meeting. There was a large representation of members present, also a.nuinber of visitors, Four new members were en- rolled,. The meeting was opened'with the singing of the Institute Ode, after which the minutes of previous meeting also Treasurer's report were read and adopted The Roll Call "Say,"Sing• or Pay"' brought forth a number of interest- ing responses. A violin solo' by Miss Nora Van. Camp was much enjoyed, also a Reading by Mrs. Forbes of'Wingham entitled -"The Master is Coming," The Topic "Making, Life Count" was very ably handled, by Mrs. (Rev.) Scobie. • Miss Martha Armstrong was the delegate sent to the Women's Insti- tute convention in London, Miss Arm- strong gave in part her report of the convention. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem, after which tasty refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. James Tay- lor. REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS For Week Ending Nov, 24th, x927, Wingham-total hogs ¢4; select ba- con, 27 thick smooth `r4; heavies 2; shop hogs r, Wroxeter -total hogs 76; select ba- con, x3; thick smooth 58; heavies 4; Bluevale-•total bogs Z7; select ba- con 13; thick smooth 52; heavies 2; shop hogs 4, .Belgrave-total Bogs 88; select ba con 3r; tlxick smooth 54; heavies a; lights arid feeders x. Whitechurch --total hags 86; select bacon 34; thick smooth 49 shop hogs Huron County -total hogs, 2p45; se- lect bacon, 602; thick smooth 1289; heavies 78; extra heavies 2; shop hogs 24; lights and feeders 13. BLUEVALE' The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Airs, Clair Hetherington, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 8th, at 2.3o o'clock.. Mrs. Chas. Elliott will assist as hostess. Recipes; C'=--hristmas Cake- Mrs, R. ace. H -once Cured Hants -Mrs, A. Messer df,-ot 1., or •Roast Goose -Mrs. H. Bosnian. I--••cr.s or lee Cream -Mrs. C. Elliott S -clads crs',auei. -Mrs, 12. Shaw. T--affy or Tarts -Mrs. 1t. 4tc.5\ t. M -.ince Pie or Muffins- Miss 11 Thornton. A -i pie l.e�crl, 4.. -_Miss C. ' witt. `S` ---bort Bread, "Suet 1'utlding--M s. Curwo<ul. How to make Christmas lr xpy for the Sink and Aged. --Mrs: 13d. John- sons Christmas Music. Roll Call, -- Gifts fol° the. needy.' Mr, and Mrs, E. Vipond of Done- gal, Mrs. Wm. 'Bremner of Grey, were -s isito'' last week at the ihoi:nc• of Mr. and $b1.t't '1.obert;' 111osgtovtu: Mr, Alvin Smith, Liss eilie. Gilkin- son : were r e visitors oti Sunday at .the ,cine of Mr. and' Mrs, Alex 'Mowbray 1Vfrs, Leonard.Elliott and sora Steyr- art spent last week at the home of. ter mother, who is confined to her bed wiai. a very bad fall, Miss Mar,tret Garniss returned onto Saturday after spending th 1 g e ast,few weeks with tier sister, Mrs. irtx Seott at West: Larne:, r, Thos. fladdew_is at present vis. h J WINGHAMVI ADVANCE -TYNE Thursday, Detepher 927; CIE thIuu Here you will find appropriate gifts for most everybody. Gifts' that spread Christmas Cheer throughout the whole year. Come at your convenience.It will be a pleasure to show you the many pret ty and useful lines we offer. GIFTS SHE WOULD CHOOSE A new Coat, Dress or Blouse FINE LINENS Table eloths:'with Naps to match -Old Bleach Face Towels ,- Linen P,illovc- Cases -'Hemstitched Tea Cloths -Plain Serviettes-. Madeira Ernbroidered Lig - ens- Italian Cut Work etc Single pieces as low as 39c and . ranging in pfi e. `to. $15.00 BED COMFORTERS, BLANKETS, Etc. Wool, Cotton, Doyen, ea large selection. $2.49 to $4.95 $7.50 to $35 00S6- 1,,1,1•.._1 SWISS HANDK''S All Linen and_ Fine Lawns, in a host of attrac- tive designs. 15; 25c, 50c, $1.00 to $2.00 LOVELY STOCKINGS Winsome Maid, Holeproof Kayser Slipper Hee English makes, Silk, Cashmere, Wool. Sports -$1,00, $1.6$,. to $2.00 SCARVES All are new $1.50 to $2.50 $4.00 to '$5.50 GLOVES New French Kid Trefousse fine Cape Skin, Suede and ' Dressed ,,Kiel, Kayser Silk and Chamoi- sette. 75c to $3.50 per Pr. PARASOLS Colors and Black in the la- test styles and shapes. $2.00 to $7.50 LINGERIE Vests, Blooilmers; Step -Ins, Gowns, Kimonas, Bobettes• etc. , . 9$c to $3.50 ''eckwear, Mowers, Hand Bags, Powder Sets, Dress Accessories in big array. 1 arly ;ff Shoppercets the ozzlizr et)/ SUGGESTIONS FOR 'CHILDREN Volar Boy Would Choose - A new Sweater, Wind-' breaker, Sports Stockings, Mitts or Gloves-,' Handker- chiefs, :A good Scarf, Tie or Belt, A Blouse, Shirt•or Neck Tie. See the useful gifts` we Dhow , t SOc, 75c$1.00 & up The Girls Will Like Pretty Scarfs, •Handker- chiefs, Silk or • Sports Stockings, Gloves, Under- wear, A Parasol, Slicker or Smart Purse, S k a ting -Sweaters, Tweed 'Sports Breeches, Mitts, Gloves, etc. Styles for all at prices to suit every -purse. , For Smaller Children Knitted Wool Suits, Toqu es,' Mitts, Scarfs and Bon- nets, Scotch Shawls, Eider- down Blankets, Bootees, Bath Robes, Clouds, Fur Robes, Jersey Pullovers,' etc. A fine selection for your approval. , Gifts He Would Choose Knitted or Silk Neckwear, Smart new weaves and shapes, at 50c, $1.00, $1.50, to $2.00 HANDKERCHIEFS n with --�- znaleachInitialed or plain line h .' hemstitched b order s Browns, real Irish 35e,150c, 57c, $1.00 each WOOLOR SILK HOSIERY New patterns in fine wool .plain shades and fancies in ' 75c, $1.00, $1.35 to $1:75 a pair. CUFF LINKS 50c, $1.00 to $1450 'pet pi. BELTS AND SUSPENDERS Vine leathers and webbings 75+c, $L00 to $1.50 Suspenders at 50c, 75c and $1..00 See the new English . Belts $1.50 GOOD PAJAMAS Warm flannelette, 'Ceylon . Flannel, Fine Broadcloth. $1.98, $2.98 to $4.50 SMOKING JACKETS OR HOUSE COATS New materials in 'smart garments that eve1"y man likes. $8.00, $9.75 & $10.50 IMPO+'' TED' MUFFLER• Ultra smart design in fine silks, whites, greys and new plaids, $1.50 to $4.50 DRESS SHIRTS No man has too many good ,shirts. New separate collar styles. $1.50, ' $1.95 to $4.50. SWEATER COATS Pullover or buttoned styles in qualities to suit all. $3.00, $3.95, $5.50 to $8.00 sermaionmetamememennoteransasmowassteemanancuttirznovelatamustmoas A GOOD MOTOR RUG ©re of the most useful' gifts, warm Woolly fabrics in plain at check designs. $5.95, $7.50 to $12.00 "REMEMBER,. OUR FURS" -if contcni,plating baying a fur coat for your wife or daughter, you cannot do better than visit us: We show the finest obtainable in good furs -Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb,:French Seal of Muskrat. ;fox Scarfs and Squirrel Chokers. Selection made now will be stored till Christmas. ' . - FtNW(.a.W:yWgqu.yM34tIWbIfI1gM1.WM dMteN..feYeafrntR.muMµ.�Wry These arc only a few v-orth-while suggestions -Come in and looka,r _ ul 'lt.l. $ o tree tln.e many useful gifts we offer. �I'ffiA, ititg with iela,tives at Brantford. Mr, Wallace ' Cttrwvane Iles gone to Stratford. where he has secured a pe- sition With the. Stillman Creamery. Mr, atrd' Mrs. A. Procter and fam- ily of Be1orave spent Sunday at the iiorti.e of Mr. anal, ;MCrS, W, j, Masters, Mr. acid Mrs. Anson Thornton spent SSuiilay with Mr,.' Win, Thornton, Mr. Trwirx Durst shipped a ear o£ turnips to Cleveland and V. 131ack. dripped two cars of live 'stock to Tor onto, Mr, A. 1.1 Coombs made a business trip to Teiranto and B wee ;,.Mr,k. Lee )3recicen r b ascii the s0 -acre grass ttobt. Hamilton, Mr. Geo, Mrponal' carted on, ohcl friends evittle' this id ga has jrhttrclt» fault ft'.orn Mti f Goderisli is on Sattrr, ay, and Mrs, Harold kfohne s of De- troit visited e-troit'visited with the fornier's parents here, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Coultess of Lis- towel spent Sunday with Mrs: ' G,