HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-01, Page 5NI MI X18 IAF In IVA til 102 LI Ettl 041 Itht MINIM EN EN l�911� kt I�JF� IIS ree Sam les ane 411.6n Hili emmneeoetsv.62199.11011•06.1. /11-0411.11,04.31.0411113411161.0 .111.4, anmmsnern..,.mwna.:mt TO THE FIRST 100 CUSTOMERS Making a purchase of 50c or over, we will present a shopping bag, tested to 70 lbs. ca- acity. It Will contain several samples of ooth Paste Perfume, Powder, Face Cream etc. SATURDAY DECEMBER 3rd cA V WIN(iIAM rs, DRUG .STORE ONTARIO ■�91' k611ANA Thorsdayr December rat, x0277 WINCxHAM ADVANCE -TIM S soma w maiman ■■ouguitionunistmi m■ wry ► • • SpeCial eek Offer!ngs ■' ' ■ SEE OUR RANGE 'NG 1 ' :,■ O,"ME S D' BOYS' � , ..4'; � �N B - OVERCOATS A. T ES R P h . S. Most popular' imodels---Slnart and Warm and Best Tailorin - DCle r nc' f,C� Coats ' t . 35.0 g a a ed o u� q$ qr o At a Saving' See out Men's Special 'Model Plush lined: Good. vl a ue at $25,O0. Now Only ;l:5Q ▪ Mesand Young Men's navy blue overcoats. Mad e .• 'in. good styles and cloths that will give good w4ar. $15'.00-=$20.00$22:50 1♦ ■ Men's Fancy English Worsted Suits. Regtilar;,$30100 �.: ,'ague for .. , , , $24.50 • ■ •,■ BoY's Fleece Lined Underwear.Our cut. pprices 49c 111 Men's All -Wool Shirts and Drawers ,Heavy Ri - bed. Now .. • . $1.39 Boy's''Tiger'Brand' 'Combinations. 'All sizes:l?tices ■ begin at . . ... .. .. $1.50. iilSpecial in Mens 'Combinationws. Trine quality. Tiger III :. ■ $rand. Now . , • ... $2.90 it is noto ■ �1�111 S#anf Ield S al al, ■ �;if yt II``��'1 I r ■ nuts-tr•-"•r 1 't i `;;t' .. Underwerr IIIN Popular lines of Men's Shirts and Drawers in red and bluelabel waren, serviceable, and guaranteed un - shrinkable. All sizes in stock. i • • Y�YtYal`1P7cCLY•Ytti11Yi1ricsiiriif rsiitl'a a1i• •1fYal1gli tF TOWN OF WINGH,AM By -Law No. 9:$1, 1927 For borrowing the stent of Six Thou-; • sand dollars for the purpose of aiding Amateur Athletic' Sports in. the Town . of 'Wingham. WHEREAS the Wingham Arena Company Linuted,'has.bent and equip- •pid an" Arena' in the said Town of W g 'in lam l for the purpose 'of encour- aging and assistingoskating, . hockey, and other amateur, Athletic Sports; and has applied to the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the, Town of Wingham for a ''loan of $6,000,00 to be repayable in ten .equal annual Instalments of � 600.0o each e I : a without interest and such ,repayment ■ to be secured by a second mortgage. on the said Arena and pnemises ap- pertaining thereto, for the purpose. of ■ ` assisting the said . Company to -pa ; MI for the saki Arena and to carry on Nal the said sports; 11 AND WHEREAS it is. deemed expedient to grant the said aid;,■ ■ AND WHEREAS it will be ■ necessary Op issue debentures of the • • said Corporation for the sum of $6,000,00 and that is the amount of the debt intended to be created, the ■ proceeds of the said debentures to be Capplied to the purpose aforesaid and to no other; ■ AND 'WHEREAS the amount ■ of the whole rateable property of the ■ Municipality according to the ' last ■ revised aassessment roll is $1,129,o45 ■ AND WHEREAS the amount, ■ of the debenture debt of the 'Corpora- 'tion is $304,308.56 and no part of the ■ principal' or interest of which is in ar- il '■ rear. ,J E IT THEREFORE, enacted 1111 by the 'Municipal al Council of the Cor- p .. ■ poration of the Town' of Winghain C theFor the 'pt;~rpose mentioned' in e pambl pre a there shall:be borrowed Ion the credit of the Corporation the sum of Six thousand dollars, and de,, • bentures shall ,be issued therefore on •the instalment plan in sums • of not less than, One hundred dollars each which shall have coupons attached ■■ thereto for the paymentofinterest if desired. ■ 2. The, debentures . shall all bear ■ . the same date and shall be issued ■ within two ,years after the date. on • Which this by-law is passed and may ■ bear any date within ,such two years andshall be payable ® in ten annual instalments during the ten years neat MIinstalments the date.whee they shall be is - 1111 sued and the amount payable in each ® year shall be $777.03. y. The debentures and the interest ■ ■ coupons, if anyj.,., shall be signed and • issued by the Mayor if any, and shall ■ also be signed by the Treasurer and ■■ , the debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation. ■ a. The debentures shall bear in- terest at the rate of five per cent. per ® annu 1115. m:. During the currency of the de- ■ bentures there'shall be raised in each: ■ year the amount of the instalment of ■ principal and interest payable in .that ® year as set forth in the schedule at- ■ . Cached to this by-law. iN The debentures may contain any ■ prem ion for the registration of them ® authorized by law ' ■ • 7. That all 312one' received on a- ll count of the said loan shall be de posited:to a special account in a Char- tered, Bank in sajd Town cf Wing- hann, and such money ur a sufficient partthereof shall be applied in pay- ment of the amount falling clue in such year for principal and interest on account of the said debenture is- sued pursuant to this b`y-law 8. This by-law shall tial t effect ui the day of tine pati,in,. thcrecf, tub- tect to its being assented to by the; C J�. it m°"" risk ::, .. ,,w. ifts BOOKS ! BOOKS ! We have a large stoclr'of all kinds of Bboks, including the best copyright and. reprint fiction, and books for1boys, girls and young folks.'If the book you desite is not in stock we can procure. it four you. STATIONERY Many new designs in fancy boxed Stationery and Correspond- ence Cards, suitable for Xmas gifts. It will pay you to inspect our stock. BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS A complete line, of Bibles and Hymn Books and Church of England Prayer Books. FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS The well known Waterman and Parker Fountain Pens and Pencils and Wahl Eversharp Pencils, Pen and Pencil Sets. CHRISTMAS CARDS We always have an excellent showing of Christmas Greeting. Cards, Folders, Tags -and Seals. SUBSCRIPTIONS We take subscriptions for any Magazine or Newspaper you may desire. We give prompt service. LENDING LIBRARY Read the latest and'best fiction at 3c per day. W INGE[AM. Quality and Service ONTARIO nnmesommtimssmimm. o oto ," Cold ''� �'l1 eather foot e.A comfort for work, walk or sport in winter weather. Cold and wet proof. Felt - lined ripper ; 'heavy rubber sole and solid heel. Made in 9 and 7 inch heights for men, and 6 and 5 inch for boys. ?NZ tine s sags swarms • The "Moncton" is ono of the several excellent' styles of "Northern" footwear we- take pride in showing patrons !ilypll,' • i' ad a .firs, andsecond' time this 8th day of Novernbr, A. 1.1., Mayor, Clerk. scl3:l DL rE Referred to in the Anne:zed Py -law, Years Principal Interest Total 1. $477.03 $300.00 $777.03 2. 500.88 276.15 777.03 3. 525,93 23i -to 777.03 4. . 55 2, 22-..81 777.03 5'• . 579.83 197.20 777.03 6. • 608:83 108.20 777.03' 7. 639.27 13 7.7 6 e77.03 8. 67x.23 105.80 :77.03 9. 704.82, 72.21 777.00. 10. 739.96 37.07 777.03 TOWN OF WINGHAM By -Law No. 982, 1927 A By-law to provide for telling the votes of the electors on a proposed By-law entitled a ]3y -law for borrow- ing the sum of Six thousand dollars for the9urpose of aiding amateur Ath- letic Sports in the Town of Wingham.: Passed the sell clay of November, A, D,'e9a7. WHEREAS it'is desirable that a proposed By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Wingham entitled'a "By-law for borrowing the sum of Six thousand dollars for the purpose'•, cf. aiding Amateur Athletic Sports in the Town of Wingham," be submitted to th'e electors for their approval, and it is ,expedient and necessary to pass this By-law for the purptfse of miab-" ling the electors to vote on tate pro- posed .By-law, - BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Town of Wingham as follows: - x. The votes of the electors of the (Corporation of the Town of Wiing- hani shall be taken on . the said pro- posed 13y -law on the fifth day of •De - cumber,. A.D. rg27, between the 'hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and fiver o'clock in the afternoon at UAL following places, . and by the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely: No, WardIgo, x -Polling set'G drvisiinnn N0. 1, at Gets. T. Robertson's Garr.ge, Edgar Pattison,. D,R.O,, john Me - Cool, Poll Clerk, Wand No. 2 ---Polling sub -division No. 2, at Win, Davidson's Implement Slurp, Chas, Bowden; IMO., Wm,Robertson, Poll Clerk, vieM!�.,aft T. Ward No. 3 --Bolling sub-divisio No. 3, at Town Hall, Lloyd Hingsto D,R,O., John:McDonald, Poll Clerk Ward No. 4-..P,elling sub-diyisio1 No.'at at Janles Thomas' Store, Thos Garret D.R,O., Jos. Pugh, Poll Clerk Ward No. 4 -..Polling st#b»divisio' No, 2, at Watson's Store, David Mc Gill, D,R,O., Thos. Miller, Poll Clerk 2• On the est day of .December A.D. 1927, at'the:'itput of 10 o'clock i. the 'foreno'on, the lead,pf the.Counci :Of the Said Cor oration p or sbine nie,Yn ber of said'Council`appainted for the purpose; by ,resoluti:on shall' attend a the Town Hall in the said Municipal ity fpr the purpose of appointing, and if re u st eq ed so to do, shall appoiht by writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of the vote "by the Clerk, and one„person to attend at each polling place on4belialf of thepersons p sons rntexested in and prci� oting the proposed By-law, and a like number on behalf of the persons interest in the opposing 'the proposed By-law. 3. On the 6th day of. December; A.D. '1927, at the hour • 7 9 of to o'clock ck in the forenoon at the Town Hall, in the said Municipality the Clerk of the said Municipality shall attend and sum up the votes given for and against the proposed By-law. Passed "'this 8th day of November,. A.D. 1927. Thos. Fells; Mayor W. A. Galbraith, Clerk NOTICE Take notice; that'the foregoing is a true copy of,a proposed By-law of the Corporation of„the' Town of Wing - ham to be submitted oto the votes of the electors on the fifth day of De- cember, 1927. • • And,that, if'the assent of the elect ors is obtained to the said 'proposed By-laiv it will be'taken' into consider-. ation by the Municipal Council of the; said Corporation at a meeting thereof h1 tobe held after tr e the expiration pnration of one. Month frorn the date of the. first pub- lication of ub-licationof this notice and;that such: first publication was made on the ,17th day of November, A. D. 1927. Take notice further that a tenant who desires to vote upon saki pro- posed ro- posed., By-law must deliver to the Clerk not'later than' the tenth day before the day appointed for taking the vote a declaration under the Can- ada Evidence Act that he is a tenant whose• lease extends for the time for which the'debt or liability is to be created,or in which the money to be raised by the proposed By-law is pay- able, or for at least ten years, and that he has by. the lease covenanted to pay all municipal taxes in respect of the property of: which he is tenant, other than local improvement rates. Also take .notice that By-law No. 982 a true copy of'which is shown a- bove, . is the By-law providing for the taking of votes of the electors. DATED and first.published` this x.gth day of November, A.D. 1927. W. A. Galbraith, Clerk. n n 1• • n F • t t these cars is matched by their beau - t i1 y, Skillful selectionof color com- bined with the finest quality' upholster- ing -and appointments gives'each 3110 - del. the beauty and luxury pf custom �r aftsnranship.' 1;tsem features, ,it •ls ptlinted out, make every Nash model eminently suitatfe '• as"' a gift w • itch willprovide $ 1 140tixi3O eirjbyrnent fox the en, the fan} 0., Among the 24 models there is a car 19X -every imaginable. purpose, The' lfody styles range from two and four passenger roadsters and°cabriolets to. 'the big,. luxurious Ambassador, lead- er of the Nash line. Many who .helit contemplated the purchase ,of a sec- ond car as a Christmas gift for tarn- ib' use have found in the smaller Nash models of limited passenger capacity‘, a car which is ideal for .this purpose, because of the e performance, -and com- fort fart Wh ch they offer at lee; prices. . The local , Nash showroom will be open evenings until Christmas, so that everyone in this Iocality will have an opportunity to thoroughly examine the Nash Models for 1928. ASHFIBLD Mr. and Mrs. Wm Phillips of God- erich,,spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs,' Thomas Ferguson. Messrs. John :and Wilfred Farrish and W. Johnson. rotored'•'to Toronto on'.Saturday toe the' Fat Stock Show returning .n Monday. :A: number from Ashfield were over to. Wingham on Friday attending the: U.F.O..'Convention., Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Alton and child- ren spent Saturday at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Graham, near Sheppardton and Miss Mary Cunning- ham near Port Albert. Mr. D. Campbell spent Sunday in Goderich. Mrs, Will Baldwin is spending the week in Stratford and Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, John Mullin spent Sunday in Lucknow with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mullin. Mrs. Samuel Sherwood spenta few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. L. Ritchie of Zion. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie Webb lith concession, Wawanosh, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Little of Courey's corners. In order to create a better under- NASH "CHRISTMAS WEEK" 1 standing of the game, an all-star FROM DECEMBER 4th TO 1. team of English badminton charas DECEMBER irth. pions arrived in Saint John, N.B., Attractive Showroom Displays By Dealers Throughout Country Ann.ounc,ement is made that, in keeping with the Christmas spirit, Nash showrooms here and through- out the country have been attractive- ly and appropriately decorated for a country -wide "Give a Nash for Christmas" Week. Arvid Yuletide surroundings "open house" will be maintained by Nash dealers during this period from De- coni el .lt 1 to nth inclusive. the pub- lic is ins lied to visit the showrooms and to inspect at leisure the various models in the Nash line ()Fears, rang- ing in price from $865 to $'ipoo f o,b: factory.'. There are 24 models in the three series of Nash cars, thus affording the Clnristutas buyer an opportunity to se= lect just the car in keeping 'Kith his purse that would "hest surprise, the family." it is of further interest that special easy berms for these Christmas pur- chases Have been announced. The .new Nash models on display are distinguished by features and ap- pointments which make thein by far the greatest valines ever offered by, the ,Nash Motors Company. Eeery'cal- in the lime is a 7 -bearing crankshift six; all have 2 -way 4 -wheel brakes, ex- ceptional steering ease, fast pick-up and; remarkable riding comfort con- tributed by new secret process alloy steel springs, - ' The remarkable . performance Of recently and made a. tour rig t, across the Dominion, exclusively o'b Canadian Pacific lines, playing ex- hibition games in the largest cities. Sir George Thomas, Bart., is cap- tain of the team which rails for home on December S0 - M. U. Bates, who operates a chain of camps in the Matagnama district 1 of,,,,,,Ontario, reported to the tourist department of the Canadian Pacific Railway that the record for the 1928 season was fourteen moose, two deer land one bear, taken by ten parties le fall hunters totalling 22 persons. &lost of the visitors were satisfied as 75 percent of thein made reserva- tions for next year. A prize of $1,000 weekly, offered 1 oy a Chicago publicationfora deed sf bravery, comes to Canada for I the first time. J. B. Partridge, fire- lman on the Canadian Pacific Rail- aty, on the run between Calgary, i Alta., and Field, B.C., is to receive the reward for saving the lives of rive Hien who were in danger from. a huge rock and mud slide on the Field Hill, August 21 last. Canadian roses grown at Bramp- ton, Ontario, and sent to Sir George AdeLaren Brown, European general manager of the Canadian Pacific (railway, stationed in. London, scored ,,A decided hit with Londoners. Large crowds gathered to see the Canadian blooms which were on display in the windows of the offices of' she Canadian Pacific Railway in Tra- falgar Square. #1111 111111111 elf llli�lJll�li!/ill/!1!/181 l iII�IiiN lll/11110111i1111111111111l11/III/i110IIII 111001 SPECIAL I� QUALITY Tan:y. Ba th I cls ata 9 $ �. Sta ped Hixce ' . firen Towels: l s • . 75't. VALUES OW PRIG 11 111 10 Gloves, Suede Fabrr Silk Vests . ;„ , , . 95c . • "4 . `.! Silk Bloomers A, , e. .. � . $L39 _ "vests , . , , `G91C • 79 and 95c r !g ;� � Bloomers,• all s sa:l'e 111 _ Silk Hose, silk to to .. , . 2 ° r. l ;:•5 e19p � French. Cut. Linens ..,•i . „ , _ _ • ',� , �29c to�:$4:50. ' � E Fine Velvets, 34 in. wide .. ... . 1.59 Scarfs, Crepes acid Gettii ettes $1.49 to $3.50 i Ladies' Sweaters , , .., . , . $3.95 and $4.95 i Silk Crepes; 40, in. wide`�',a , , . $2.65 P Canton 5`lk re Silk ,C es 4fJ in. $2.19 iCrepes, Fancy Art teen' `� S� s; b`liie 'and sand �,39c * I Silk and Wool -Tose .all sizes 95c _..�,« MENS• WEAR ,a i Sweaters •r, $1 95 to $5.50 _ 1.00•, per cent. °, csol Undershirts and Drawers $2.19 Men's'°Comb nation ,f % . $2.95' and 3.95 Wool Worsted 49c andS9c 11ainel WorkIShirtA, r !- � 1.25 and 1.39 - Finue Shits, :cl ticks; and stri • e5 1.95 P $ Yaun Mens Cove ` at i° .$14.50 to $.�5a00 Ni yr ern O e c a s t5�:. ,... .$16.50to 29.00; ,J A. MILLS J.�l A ciamililil/nscil/ mattlilll/III deist .� , 1/illellail/1111®Iia/Illillsllililiiil/IIIii11/tali fI l/Ui/III/NI/III/111/111/Ii1il/111m11!#Itlili/illlll/III/U I/I I I/III/III/111/111/lil/111/Aill li nnouncernent a WANTED! LIVE AND DRESSED POULTRY Highest Market Prices We Buy Poultry, Cream and Eggs the year round. ellindt011 Produce CO.,it ® PHONE FOR PRICES o otAmpoostoomosootosottal W.ingJaarn, Qnt. W. 13. THOMPSON, Branch Manager. Phone 166 W irsgharn EE Illi) MIIIIIMM II®li EM1 BINIflE lltf1111M111i lilElll®Illtiiip/111®Illffiillilll} aIIEIllUllMlllt3ill176111 Canada's 1.,..argest Retail Grocers IL'2,21_'...christinas Groceries Early All our stares are now Harris' Domestic full' stocked withrtew Christmas fruits ,and „:4„..,,,T":21 seasonable groceries We recommend buying your Christmas grocer- ies early. Come and lone around' and make your seiac- tions leisurely. cur Manager will be pleas« ed to help you. 3.1b. pnil E4Owes }Sigin-Grade `egg iPop Domino Brand Cook's Friend Contains No Alum C' 16 -oz. tin Z Ye -oz .p� nails JR.e and cS-OZ. tire. Finest Shredded COCGaiirdit e lb. 2 Mgt 1 act,s. 2-oz.r t, bo , enuename,;Kmnleamb 8PEC1AL OFFER Our Pannus Braeside Finest Creamery rSzatte 4>° • The Pinola Satter in Camila I�"as a ei vtae 3ra.' ,al Domino alend English 6reakWanStyle -lb., r/ -lb., 1/4-lb.p&t,. Seker's Preraiu'm tic✓0106 r'tY.1b45 tate zse • /Iib' California Thompson Seedless 2 lb27c Sanmaid Puffed Seeded, 15 oz Ido Sunmaid Puffed Seeded, lb : .............17c Deletonte Seedless, 15 ox: 150, Malaga Clusters, pkg. 35e ?nest Australian Sultanas„Ib. 25c ran Rinest Candied Lemon or Orange, 255112. Candied Citron 45c ler. Cut Mixed 10: ler. Golden }1allawi !Dates 2 lbs. 23c }Caravan Stone ess Deltas a, A+i; Natural Cooking Figs 2lbs, ate E:Table�y firm '+ ib. zso Maraschino 3wz, Whole Glace ire )b, Evaporated A,ver:Te is 324 Ib. rlaaet I2oetnaneil Cr'.s.C'r aa+taCt. 16te lb. ' rr..'Cafi,'mJnVssYrrJ12»Gla+.'xFWp�nspitYaMraplme�vtnedtih,�cq. Tatsd4's„`•L` s 7,111➢ ci atE Give your order for our own make •Christmas 4 ( ''t.da Pi l?iilc•. R i a > Puddings and Cabe to our loeal manager now. trtf'snsr .,.. Pork ontr s Sant%Nn.1rr, Aunt Jemima Parietake , ritrur A Coed Ile Mixture 4' ib. new tit 3raxila 29C th. Shelled r'' c Aitnande: a lb. eG•C•. See Our Clt;!istmas Candy Display wvc.0ti1Crtrt Chest I•lb. boa 300 A k MSCy Ent, or ■».orted 3•lh. bolt $9c Cbut•Intol ,ante/s tlartmenl +'l5 Carrdye and 1Mai ell. Chocolate Bart 3 for i4e taien is