HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-12-01, Page 3•rie Vidette Thursday;`, December sf,,'; z•gz. GORRIE iture, but the house is a total 'loss. A Community Christmas' Concert will be hel4 in. Gorrie Town Hall un- der the auspices of the United Church Sunday School on Friday evening, December 23rd. The funeral 'service for the cafe. Thomas Baird was held at ,the 'h'onie of Mr, John Stewart, Thursday after- noon, and was well attended. The , le - ceased was a man pf splendid !dispo- sition and one.,;Wlto 'showed a keen interest in the welfare of the district. Asa staunch inembei of the J-'resby terian Church ,the late Mr, LairKi was, consistent in.his-;belief and a strong supporter' of . th"a`t Organization. 'Rev. Dr, Perrie of Wingham- conducted a brief but impressive service and, was assisted by Rev. h, Craik. Next ' Sunday' will be Father and Son day at the United .'Church. A choir of young men will sing at the morning service and ,tli,e pastor's theme will be "The Banner of Truth',. The fathers will sing two selections at t1:te evening service and Rev. Crack will Iispeak on "Moral Superiority You will enjoy these services."Bring the family. A "Father and Son" banquet will be .held* in the' United Church next Wednesday, December 7th, commenc- ing at 6.30. Rev. E. F. Armstrong of Listowel, will be the guest of the evening,' A night of inspiration for 1 The cause of the fire was due to the stove pipes becoming over -heated. A quantity of wood '? toyed in a shed: near the house was saved by the. timely assistance • of neighbours. Mrs, Jas, Shera is expected to re - Wm home this week ,fter spending a couple of weeks at the Dashwood Parsonage with •Rev. F. and fir's. My- ers. Mr. JohnStewart wilt •g0 tp!'o onto this;' week where he •expects .to , take trhiltnient•'s, Mr. Stewart has itj t;'i'ieen' in gpod health for sone time Earl 7r TonerWas in 'Toronto re- cently. " .1Vliss, M. Asht'on • of Seaforth spent the :week -end in Gorrie; Rev. Craik will conduct a commun- ity prayer meeting on Wednesday' evening -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cowan, of Orange Hill. ;Mrs.: Jas. 1 . Leech ekpects to leave' Gorrie this week to spend the winter rnonhts With relatives at Listowel and Harriston. The; rnembers of the Gorrie ',Church League were' entertained on Monday - evening by . the Fordwich United Church Young People's society. The Women's Missionary Society' will meet at; the home of Mrs.: R. 'FI: Stephens.' !on Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m: WROXETER dads and boys. The members. of the, 'W.M.S. have arranged this evening; l Get your ticket noir. A serious fire broke out at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank King last Stir-' day afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. King were away., from home 'at the time., Neighbours rushed to the, scene and were able to get out, a lot of the Turn-, Owing to the very 'wer night only a few of the ratepayers 'attended the Nominations in the Town Hall' Mon- day night. The meeting passed off very quietly 'and no criticism df eith- er the Council or School Trustees was offered. The Reeve was re-elected and the old council ef`,cept Thomas Gib- son takes Frank W; Wright's place, Mr. Wright having moved out of the Corporation. The three retiring irns- 9 !`tees were re-elected: The following �t'(t are the nominees anrl.their proposer Coughs, Whooping Ceegis9 BP, ;,nchit is, Chest Affections Soothing and healing in its ac- tion, ANGIER'S EMULSION is an effective remedy for children's a i 1 m en t s ---par- ticularly colds, coughs, bron- chitis and whooping cough. It is also a safeguard against the chest complications associated with measles, scarlet fever and grippe. Angier's loosens the phlegm, relieves the soreness of throat and chest, and its cleansing action removes body impurities, thus hastening the pattent's recovery. ANGIER'S is an emulsion of puri- fied petroleum oil with hypophos- phites (lime and. soda). It is ppleas= ant to take, builds up strength and vitality, and call be given to the children with absolute confidence. For over thirty-five years ANGIER'S EMULSION has been endorsed' and prescribed by the Medical Profession of Gt. Britain and Canada and used in Children's Hospitals. .4 British Doctor writes: "I consider your preparation shpt-ior to any other emu,- ' elan or preparation hating the sane or circular claims." and. seconder, Reve—John Henneberg, gentleman, by Thomas Gibson and Rbt. ,Stocks. Councillors -Abrar J. Sanderson, agent, by, George Bennett and 1. Durst Robert Stocks, undertaker, by D. Ro- binson and Thomas Gibson. Thomas Gibson, sawrniller, by John Henneberg and Bert Martain, Neil White, woodworker, by G. 'A.. Gibson and. Harry Chamberlin, Public School Trustees—S. D. Tay- lor, Howick: Tp„ farmer, by John Henneb•erg and Neil' White. Gordon A. Gibson, Wroxeter, con- tractor, Thomas Gison, and D. Ro- binson W. T. • McClean, Howick Tp., fanner, by Bert Martain and D.• Robinson. All were 'declared elected. Lorne Kaake returned Saturday from the West. Hespent the last three months near Bigger, Sask. 'Mrs. Booth's many.frien'ls are pleas ed that She is still improving in health Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of• loth Line, Howick, sustained a heavy loss when their home was burned Sun- ' day afternoon. Robert ]3allant3rne intends leaving for the West to spend the winter 'with his sister at Melita, Man. Mrs, Alvina Moffat's health is not improving as fast as her friends wish for. 'renders are out for someone to manage the skating rink for the com- ing season. • Mr. and Mrs, E. Wegg add family of London were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker, GLENNANAN On Thursday evening, Nov. 24th, 6 c and P.20 --at all druggist s s the neighbours and friends of Mr, and. 5 $ gg Mrs Thomas Metcalfe gathered at "---- their" home and spent a social even- ing with them Early in the evening j Mr. Norman Muir read ` the follow-: W11111112Ii1�11f01IIM111®III/11110I11NIII�III�II1111I1 ! mg address and they were presented WI -with a rattan armchair, a Coleman ���aCp6+ ,n �! imp and a walnut table. awl ® Dear Toni and, Myrtle - 9 i '' We have soni�ething to tell •you. And if `you will visit our ft store between now and Christ- � r Inas we have something to show s ,you, For weeks we have been I getting together the nicest as -14 - • sortment of goods for . the s — •°Christmas Trade we have ever' _ had, In this small space we can only mention a few of the chi- M ierent lines we: carry, .The goods A ▪ we carry are first quality and' It 3s to present to you our con- gratulations and sincere good wishes for your future happiness that we have assembled here tonight. We join in wishing you also, health, and pros- perity in your new sphere of life and many years in which to enjoy thein. During our pasf associations you both have always shown a kindly and sympathetic spirit in all our interests and a willingness to give of your best in all our activities, and we are very rnuch pleased that you are now taking a more permanent place in our 1I you will find our prices are yeas- midst, enable. — i We ask you to accept these tokens of our esteem, not for any intrinsic ▪ tN GROCERIES—We have Va.- a value but only as a slight evidence lencia Raisins, Real Sultanaof our appreciation for your friend Raisins, Thompson Seedless and ® ship, C Puffed Seed„ Australian Cur i I Signed' on behalf of the people of fA rants, Figs, Dates, Peels, Pre- the community, served Ginger, Pineapple and = • Glennanan, Nova 24, 1927• Cherries, a CHINAWARE— Dinner sets, ® Luster finish Tea Sets and Fan- cy China of all kinds. w MEN'S WEAR --Overcoats, hi Tweeds, Melton and Chinchillas 1i Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Ties 11 Sox, Scarfs, .Gloves or anything you want for nice. HOOTS : & SHOES -- Rubber Boots Leather tops, Overshoes, , • Ladies' Goloshes, Gaytees, Jiffy Fasteners or ?lain Rubbers. CANDY and CONFECTION'.. 1,14 ERY --'We will have a full line fit of fruits, candy etc:., for your - Xmas entertainment, Let us furnish these. ,, • —0— - • ▪ Cream taken for the Co -oiler- N ative Co.nipany, • 111 AVJIEY'S STORE - WROXETER. lllp111111�f11�1111�1111�{llMlllll�llllll�`I IIp1111�ItHINAINl11111� 1 Mr. Metcalfe made a suitable: re- ply, after which the evening was spent in dancing, BAZAAR: The Ladies' Guild of. St, Paul's Church will hold their annual Bazaar in the Council Chamber on Saturday afternoon, December zoth., Sale • of Towels,. Aprons and Fancy Articles. Homemade Cooking and Candy, Af- ternoon T to will be served. Sale com- mences at 2.30 p.m, Everybody wel- tome. FRED DAV]V• Village Clerk ISSUER OP MARRIAGE LICT.NS Isstt'er of Marriage Licenses Tlie, law now requites the license be taken out three days before the ceremony. WROXETER The regular, meeting of the .Wrox- eter - Women's Institute was ,held at Mrs. j. R. Wendt's on Novernber',24, Mrs. R. Stocks 'gave "a very full de - count 'of the recent convention held.: in Walkerton, Miss X, Hazlewood. gave a travelogue OfEastern Ontario through Peterboro, : Smith's Falls, Brockville, Rideatii Late and `'Canal to Ottawa. It was very interesting and well illustrated by' snapshots. Roll Call was answered by showing new ,ideas in. Christmas n9Adlevyorlc, Many . new ideas for gifts• were shown. DOna- tions were received to besent to the House of Refuge•, Clinton. Would any: who -were not present.and wishing to donate articles, please leave thein at Mrs. Wendt's or Miss Howe's before Dec. loth, ' MRS. ROBERT SIIARPIN PASSES The rleath of Mrs. Robt. Sharpin came as a sudden shock to her. fain- ily and everyone on Thursday morn ing,-rNovember 17th. She, had, been in usual' health ° and rose early in the morning and went to the home of her son, to assist in sickness, but died of heart failure a few minutes after arriving, • Her maiden name was Mary Alice White and was born 'in' Hc in x866 and was married on December 25th, ..x889 to her now bereaved hus- band. In March 1890 they move'd'to Turn= berry, whepe they now reside. Sheds survived by one sister; •Lizzie'. of Toronto, and two brothers, Jim of Unity, Sask. and John of. 1Mon.,who were unable to attend the funeral. of the Club dinner, and able td write Their unionwas blessed with six his weekly letter, ' children Who 'arc?. left to mourn ,the' Dr•:'Tackaberry and wif • of Owen loss of a kind and loving mot h '� � er, Wards of Wroxeter, Morrisonof Sound were the guests of M'r, -Tacka- .Turnberry, (Bertha) Mrs.' Frank Mix-, Mix -4 sister, Mrs. 'Herd, Sunday, son of Windsor. Alvin, Viola, Alice,' . Still at home." " Tho floral tributes were, many and beautiful, showing•the esteem in which she was held, The funeral Was held on, Saturday, ;on Iier: (52nd birthday, fi•oni her late residence to 'Wroxeter: Cemetery, The C.JniDi Sal bath School have de- cided to:•have- a Xmas' entertainment: A meeting, was held Friday evening at the ;hornie of lvfr. ' Joseph Vogan, for the ipurposei of • electing officers for the Christian Endeavor 'Society, Visitors out of the'v{Ilage• recently were, Mr. and Mrs. 1` .oy `Rutherford;. George 'Rutherford, Jaynes: ;Darling; GLENNANAN ,Mr. and' Mrs. Thos, Wallace, ,and family''spent Sunday evening .at.,the -home of, Mr, and Mrs. Oliver SStokes Mr. Edward Baird and his sister, Jane, are visiting with their brothers in Flint, Mich. Mn- and Mrs, Albert Deitz, and daughter Myrtle, and son Stye}vart, of Clifford,. visited last Fr/day .at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. 4r• :rhos. Haugh spent ,last week in:Toronto attending.the; Winter,'P�aix, Mr: and Mrs. Omar Stokes and finily spent Sunday with, Mrs.,tewis on the ninth. Harry Metcalfe ..at the Manse. Ripley++Ir..Harve :Copeland of Wroxeter, Y I , Mr, and Mrs. Herd: at Owen. ,Sound spent Wednesday, evening at Mr, Wm: Sunday. hr cckenbridge's. Mr. Dick Culliton paid a'flYigvis''lbirs:'� Joseph Thompsorand two it across the line last week. What aro thildren of :Detroit; also Mrs. T; R. the attractions Dick? :'r+ . Those home' are` Tom Martin- Jr,, Gordon Mulvey, Toledo, jolt* Abram. Metcalfe tine West. Mr, and Mrs. Ale- Stewart and Mr. Fleiriing Ballagh:is the.owner of, daughter;, Dorothy, also Mrs. Angus a new'•Coacli:"` Stevarf' of.-the.•13 Line, Howick, vis - 1 i ed,,recently With Mrs..For ie on the We arepleased that Tmiath� .Ilay.. t ., ,Torg ie fully recovered from the ieffects nimbi,. Bennett of Winghan '`spent Monday a the home + r a td Mrs.Thomas x the of 11I • .,, i Ii The President and Directors of the ,,TALWINIER desire to give expression to their appreciation of of the generous patidnage vvhtck the public have extended the "Royal" --a. fitting ` e1us ty tribute to Canadian Agriculture in jubilee Year, and for <the Fair • au unparalleled success. MakeouYsubscriptions ` Y r�iaewvals, now to Adl�relnce- l�"irnes Cakes baked with .>Purity Flour keep fresh for three or four days. Purity is a .'vigorous, "dry flour that absorbs and holds more water or milk. Tasty cakes, rich pies, and. large,' light buns arrd� bread,ar'e, always 'yours when you use. = Send 30c in stamis for eu 70.Qrrecipe Purist'Flour :Ceak Book. ass Western Carmelo Flour •Mills Co Limited. Toronto. Montreal "©ttawa,,.Saint John. rlgig •,,.,gip., Tie 4 Pp • 1 ,� EXPERT ISS1810(20 FREEAIR wog ,4,+ti��'tuik To make Dominion Tires and other good tires worth more to the public; To give the man who buys tires the mileage he pays for; To make it possible for car owners to drive with greater faithin the soundness of their tires; To make the care of tires weigh as lightly as possible on the motorist; A system of service to car owners has been organized, known as Dominion Tire Depots. At these Depots, which are readily recognized by their distinctive colors, orange and blue, the motorist may expect to find well, equipped and completely orgaiii lzed tire service, along the most modern lines* I agree entirely with this idea oforganized service and now announce that I am operating a Dominion Tire Depot. Drop in and have your tires checked for pressure. It's a step to greater mileage. And it will give me a chance to explain the Dominion Depot idea to you. fk 5, 155 411