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THURSDAY, NOV., 24th, zgai
By -Law No. 981, 1927
For borrowing the sum of Six Thou-
housand dollars for the purpose of
aidingAmateur Athletic Sports
in the Town. of Wingham.
WHEREAS the Wingham Arena
Company Limited, has built and equip-
ped an Arena in the said Town of
Wingham for the purpose of eneour-''
aging and assistingskating, hockey,
and other amateur Athletic Sports,
and has applied to -the Municipal
Council of the Corporation of the
Town of Wingham for a loan of
$6,000.00 to be repayable in teen equal
annual instalments of $600.00 each
without interest and, such repayment
to be secured by a secondmortgage
on the said Arena and pnemises ap-
pertaining thereto, for the purpose of
assisting the said Company to pay
for the said Arena and to carry on
the said sports;
AND WHEREAS it is deemed
expediei t to grant the said aid;
AND WHEREAS it will be
necessary to issue debentures of the
said Corporation for the sum of
$6,000.00 and that is the amount of
the debt intended to be created, the
proceeds of the said debentures to be
applied to the purpose aforesaid and
to no other;
AND ' WHEREAS the amount
of the whole rateable property of the
Municipality according to the last
revised assessment roll is $1,129,045
AND WHEREAS the amount
of the debenture debt of the• Corpora-
tion is $304,308.56 and no part of the
principal or interest of which is in ar-
by the Municipal Council of the Cor-
poration of the Town of Wingham:--
ingham;-I. For the purpose mentioned in
the preamble there shall be borrowed
on the credit of the Corporation the
sum of Six thousand dollars, and de•
bentures shall be issued therefore on
the . instalment plan in sums of not
less than One hundred dollars each
which shall have coupons attached
thereto for the payment of interest if
2. The debentures shall all bear
the same date and shall be issued
within two years after the date on .
which .this by-law is passed and may
bear any date within such two years
and shall be payable in tenannual
instalments during the ten years next
after the date when they shall be is-
sued and the amount payable in each
year shall be $777.03. •
3. The debentures and the interest
coupons, if any, shall be signed and
issued by the Mayor if any, and shall
also be signed by the Treasurer and,
the debentures shall be sealed with
the seal of the Corporation.
4. The debentures shall bear in-;
terest at the rate of five per cent. per
5. During the currency of the de-
bentunes there shall be raised in each
yea= the amount of the instalment of
Principal and interest payable in that 1
year as set forth in the schedule at-
tached to this by-law.
a. The debentures may contain any
pioci.,on 'for the registration of them
authorized by law •
7. That all motley received on a -
count of the said loan shall be de-
posited to a special account in a Char-
tered Bank in said Town of Wing
ham, and such money or a sufficient
part thereof shall be applied . in pay-
ment of the amount •falling due in
such year for principal and interest
ott,account of the said debenture is-
sued pursuant to this by-law
8. This by-law shall take effect on
the day of the passing therecf, sub-
ject to its being assented to by the
Read a first and second time this
8th day of November, A. 1)., 1927.
Referred to in the Annexed By-law.
Years Principal Interest Total
L $477.03 $300:00 $777.03
2. 300.88 276,15 777.03
3. 523.93 231.10 777.03
4. 552.22 22481 777.03
5• 579.83 197.20 777.03
6. 608.83 568.20 777.03
7. 639.27 137.76 777.03
8. 671:23 105.80 777.03
9. 704.82 12.21 777.03
10. 739.96 37.07 777.03
By -Law No. 982, 1927
A By-law to provide far taking the
votes of the electors on a proposed
By-law entitled a By-law for borrow-
ing the sum of Six thousand dollars
for the purpose of aiding amateur Ath-
letic Sports in the Town of Wingham.
Passed the 8th day of November,
A. D. 1927.
WHEREAS it is desirable that
a proposed By-law of the Corporation
of the Town of Wingham entitled a
"By-law for borrowing the sum of Six
thousand dollars for the purpose of
aiding Amateur Athletic Sports in the
,Town of Wingham," be submitted to
the electors for their approval, and it
is expedient and necessary to pass
this By-law for the purpose of enab-
ling the electors to vote on the pro-
posed By-law.
by the Municipal Council of the Cor
poration of the Town of Wingham as
1. • The votes of the electors of the
Corporation of the Town of Wing -
ham shall be taken on the .said pro-
posed By-law on the fifth day of De-
cember, A.D. 5927, between the hours
of 'nine o'clock in the forenoon and
five o'clock in the afternoon at the
following places, and by the Deputy
Returning Officers and Poll Clerks,
Ward No. 1 -Polling sub -division
No. 1, at Geo, T. Robertson's Garage,
Edgar Pattison, D.R.U., John Me -
Cool, Poll Clerk.
Ward No. ,.2 --Polling sub -division
No. 2, at Wm. Davidson's Implement
Shop, Chas. Bowden, D.R.O.; Wm,
Robertson, Poll Clerk.
Ward No. 3 -Polling sub -division
No. 3, at Town Hall, Lloyd Hingston
D.R.O., John McDonald, Poll Clerk.
Ward No. 4 -Polling sub -division
No. 1, at James. Thomas' Store, Thos.
Garret D.R.O., Jos. Pugh, Poll Clerk.
Ward No. 4 -Polling sub -division
No. 2, at Watson's Store, David Mc-
Gill, D,R.O., Thos. Miller, Poll Clerk.
2. On the 1st . day of December,
A.D. 1927, at the hour of 10 o'clock in
the forenoon, the head of the Council.
of the said Corporation or some mem-
ber of said Council appointed for that
purpose by resolution shall -attend at
the Town Hall in the said Municipal-
ity for the purpose of appointing, and,
if requested' so to do, shall appoint by
writing signed by him two persons to
attend at the final summing up of the
vote by the Clerk, and one person to
attend at each polling place on behalf
of the persons interested in and pro-
moting the ;proposed By-law, and a
like number on behalf of the persons -
interest in the opposing the proposed
3. On the 6th day of December,
A.D. 5927, at the hour of 10 o'clock
in the forenoon at the Town Hall, in
the said Municipality the Clerk of the
said . Municipality shall attend and sum
up the votes given for and against the
proposed By-law.
Passed this 8th day of November,
A.D. 5927.
Thos. Fells, Mayor
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk
Take notice that the foregoing is a
true copy of a proposed By-law of the
Corporation of the Town of Wing -
ham to be submitted to the votes of
the electors on the fifth day of De-
cember, 1927,
And, that, if the assent of the elect-
ors is obtained to the said proposed
By-law it will be taken into consider-
ation by the Municipal Council of the
said Corporation at a meeting thereof
to be held after the expiration of one
month from the date of the first pub-
lication of this notice and that such..
first publication was made on 'the
17th day of November, A, D. 1927.
Takes notice further that a tenant
who desires to vote upon said pro-
posed By-law must deliver to the
Clerk not later than the tenth day
before the day appointed for taking
the vote a declaration under the Can-
ada Evidence Act that he is a tenant
whose lease extends for the time for
which the 'debt or liability is to be
created, or in which the money to be
raised by the proposed By-law is pay-
able, or . for at laeast ten years, and
that he has by the lease covenanted to
pay all municipal takes in respect of
the property of which he is tenant,
other than local improvement rates_
Also take notice that By-law No.
982 a true copy of which is shown a-
bove, is the By-law providing for the
taking of votes of the electors.
DATED and first published .this
57th day of November, A.D. 1927.
W. A. Galbraith, Clerk.