HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-24, Page 8tp WING'HAM ADVANCE -TIMES 11 1111 1(1pN1111�I1i11e11dNR1111411113{11 111 1 i 2 2 td 8 i. !!11111iIu moms 1 a 11 III I I1W111111111111 I P'==1 ll ¢111 111q t►i 11119 111111U10WINIII 11 Ndail11 • How Smart They Are These New Goloshes! How trim and small you foot looks. Every beauty line of in- step and ankle--hoyv suitably emphasiz ed. Come coldand rain, snow or sleet -you're snug and warm. Colors and fabrics to 'blend with the modish ensemble dome and slide fastener models. ttittMlltm./mMoltl1ttt11111ttttttlttl1111ttt41611t1t11ttl4tMUtlltlttt.ltttt.ttttl t ltltttll..tltittl hitt ttittlttl 111 lith Your choice is wide at Greer's Prices $2.50 to $3.95 w. WINGHAM, 111111If8111g1WOW 2 rem�tir�m�r[rrQiria�m�n[�m�i[��i[u�n J. GREER ONTARIO 111111111111211I1Ellig 1111111. 111111111111I111112111111111111181111011I 2 9 t�l�■illy®®®®�' ;,f ERE ®I~sMX, 3;MO x;11'. ®it .IN®E!.,=''I d pap • ,I o I' 4i' uE 7 t tire" If, 111 r !4� We will Store,, Seal and Repair Your Battery all for the same price. We have Complete Equipment to give the same Service as in the past. We will call for your Battery and Replace it in the spring. 111 ST, HELENS Mrs, Shapland' of Edmonton, has returned to Goderich.z after visiting for several week'sweek'swithth her sisters; razed Mrs, Gordon, liirisunt •Woods and Mrs. rave the sympathy of 'manythe loss oftlactlr brother, wl Johnston; whose death uddenily at :13ruee�field, last ;<r with Mr..Robinson and Mr. Lorne Woods and Mrs. R. J. attended the funeral on Mrs. Mitatlnell and,and,Allie of ted reoezrtl3r with Mr. and Mrs, Win. McQuillin. The regular meeting ,of the Wenn- en's . MrsMill Mrs. Ro Johnston 1 friends in M r. Santo. occurred s week. The Woods a. Thursday. Mr, and Ripley visi ' l'l?arsday, NoveinbX927 en's `- Institute will be held' at; Mrs. Arch, Anderson's on Thursday, Dec, $t. Roll Call --Inexpensive Christ- mas Gifts, Miss A:nniQ McKenzie will have change of the subject, 'The regular meting of the Y,P,.C. will be held in the United. Church next Friday evening, All members are requested to attend. Messrs Gordon and ltoss McPher- son and George McQuil'lin have re- turned from the West. WHITECHURCH The W,M.S, of Chalmers Presby- terian . Church held their thank -offer- ing meeting in the church on Taliiirs- day evening, Nov. loth. Mrs, F, Da - 011111111111111111111111111 11111 Millin MIN*IIIIICIVII1rII11U11111�111■IIiNIU■Til■1141111N1111I11M111■lh SPECIAL VALUES. ■ SILK & WOOL HOSE New shades for fall -95c CORSETTES Special 95c $1.25 ill prices $L95 VESTS Pl.Silk, & Wool Strap and !° V Neck styles. Reg. 90c '-_' and $1.00 Special 69c. VESTS Cream Union in winter it weights Strap and V Neck styles Reg. 75c for .. 59c .. BLOOMERS 11 White, Mauve, Pink and I Peach Reg. $1.00 Special .... 79c TOWELLINGS All linen, heavy quality per yd. 23c FLANNELETTE` English white' 36 inches wide' 29c FLANNELETTE 36 inch heavy striped ••• 23c FLANNELS , 54 inch all wool, fine im- port quality, Special value per yd. $1.29 BLANKET CLOTH. 54 inch all wool, Cardin- al shade Special yd. $1.69 LADIES' SWEATERS at ... $2.95, $3.95, $4.50 WORK SHIRTS Flannel, at' $L25 & $1,39 DRESS SHIRTS Separate collars $1.95 UNDERWEAR Heavy ribbed shirts and drawers, all wool Special value $2.19 COMBINATIONS Fine knit $2.95 & $3.95 SWEATERS Special .. $,1.95 ;to $5.50: Sox All wool, black 49c&59c OVERCOATS At $19.50 to $35..00 WORK SOX At '. , .... 35c to 75c 2 2 r. virtson presided, and a vocal duet was nicely rendered by Mrs, DIgnean Ben- ndy and Mrs, (Rev.) 5, PC lloele, The sneaker of the evening was. Mrs. Lougheed of ` Hamilton, =wito gave a very interesting and earnest address on Thanksgiving. During her address slie 4used a chart composed of many Sct'iptnre texts, designdd to show the tlieo attitude and, purpose of God to ward mankind and our duty in carry- ing Hit. message to all people. The offering was a very liberal, one, The Mission Band held their thatik- offeiing and, ent,ertainznent Friday evening Nov. rSath in the basement of the church:, The Lucknow Band gave half the program, A large art4,ienee enjoyed the .'splendid program after which the Whitechurch Band served refreshments; to the visitors, The C. G. I. I•, were entertained at the home of Mrs. W. Leggitt on Sat- urday afternoon, Nov. xgth. The meet- ing was presided over by the Presi-. dent, Miss Dorothy Pollock and their leader, Mrs. Robt. Mobray. The sympathy of the whole com- munity is 'etlended to Mrs, George and Miss Ida McQuoid in the loss of their sister, Mrs. Thompson,' who died in .Vancouver Hospital, Thursday morning Nov xgth. EAST WAW,ANOSH ■ i Miss Annie L. Currie, R. N., of Cleveland is visiting her parents, Mr. ■ and Mrs. W. J. Currie. ,Mr. and Mrs, Frank Salter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Cur- rie , Mr. Wilmer. Taylor motored from 1 Hamilton on Sunday. He was accox i ' panned by Mr. F. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Walker are spending. a few days- in .Toronto,` Mr,• and Mrs.. Alex. Lever . and daughter Jean spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Ross Currie. Nies. Wni. Anderson is visiting tag friends at Aylmer. Mr. John Currie lost his car crank on Saturday night. Don't , forget the entertainment of.. Currie's School on December 16th. Mr. and Mrs. T. Se6tt spent a day with friends at Lucknow last week. Mrs. Bone and Toni. Ralleson weir to Port Huron last week to see nurse Bone. Tr. and Mrs. Brandon attended thefuneral of a cousin in Orangeville one :Friday: a. a 8 2 2 2 2 8 11.4 . "'LLS {m✓19A10WI11P111481IIEWI11M1II ° MEW l 1 1 l i lllllilU1I1M11I6111Mllh';iilUllllail1E111 I{I110111M11E1116i(IlO F:x4f at Hihway Garage ■ R. C. MILJIRHEAD, Prop. ■■ PHONE 46 ■ ■ ■■■■unpin NINnanall■■anaNngi■■■■■■■■/1®■■■®' liati 1111111611alatI111111111111111111111111111111111Koni1111t111111■111111tI®111■iti■IIIWl unitalll■IIn 2 2 2 2 2 LYCEUM THEATRE ■ VFEt ii 11 II FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25-26 DOLORES COSTELLO In "A MILLION BID" MONDAY AND. TUESDAY NOVEMBER. 28.29 MONTE BLUE In "THE BLACI( DIAMOND EXPR SS" WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Nov, 30 Dec. 1 MAY McAVOY In "IRISH HEARTS"' U 8 ill 9 f 111111. 11M11111111aftllfi1f111)1111 a IoIII I I ! I f1d11 li 11)I1W1111181p11e'111111tW11111111p11.111111i16111e HURON OLD BOYS' 4SSOCX ,w TION OF TORONTO The n tt lurid gge of he anualb.ucreEuchre t#fte -futon Old, Boys' Ass a ion of Toronto will be held tia Hall, Elm Street on Monday evening CJ wc. 5th..Valuable prizes will be a,. warded to the suecesful competitors nd1 after the. cards, ddttcin will be/ indulged in for the balance of the evening. Refreshments will be served,, Music will be supplied by the Stokes Family : y es;.tette > a real live Huron organization, Every Hurenitein , : arc rta should d lxeax this promising young band of tnnsicistts 'as this will be their fust appearance at any of the l Xuron Old Boys functions, 1 Out Of Thirdiraa.try 1i9 1 ..■ 1 1■ • Manufacturers Special Sale of 111 KITCHEN CABINETS, • ■ ; ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ WHITECHURCH Miss Phronia Grenaelue of Wingham spent Sunday with Miss Lottie Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Jas; Purdon of St Helens, Mrs. Wm. Purilon and Mr. Albert Stein spent Monday with their sister, . Mrs. Rintoul, of Brussels. Mr. and Mrs Lester Falconer, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Falconer visited on Sunday with Mr. 'and Mrs, Elgin Wellwood of Orangeville. ' Messrs. Wilmer Taylor .and Fred Newman of Hamilton spent Sunday at their respective homes here, Mrs. Donaldson of Teeswater -has been visiting for the past two weeks with her cousin, Mrs. Murray. -Mr. Price Scott, Messrs, Alec and. Bob McKenzie and Mr. John Rintoul. attended the Winter Fair in Toronto this week. r Mr. and Mrs. W,' R. Farrier visited on Sunday with= friends at Gurrie's Corners. Mr. Ed Gaunt and Joe and Edgar and Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan and Mil- , ▪ Brd spent Sunday with the former's N daughter Mrs. Nicholson of Auburn.. gr. Harold. Sparling is attending the Beekeeper's Cox `iiention in Tor- onto this week. Mr. and Mrs. John McGee visited over the' = week end with hist sister, Mrs. Simpson, in London. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert, Falconer and baby Arnold spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, William Falconer of 'Blue- vale, Messrs. Donald and Bert Westbrook moto`red from London on Sunday for 'their fathers, Messrs, Chas. and Albert Westbrook who . have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cornelius for 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ SPECIAL PRICES=and in adlditio ~< $5.00 i L Worth 'of Groceries --ABSOLUTELY FREE A mum mumumumumuI11k 111WGoutf111tiuiit11lCllnillil ill 1119m19tll ill1t41111uf1111i11i1 ■ SEE OUR WINDOW AND CALL Iii ANO GET • i4 OUR PRUDES 1 Ilfillti11li111111111111111111it111t1111it1;i1 ■ 1tlt1i11W11l1111111$11111NIl111111 1 11 N1111�111111111111111N MINIM 1 ALK nit>tr lye° and Unde rtakini : ■ �1. WINGHAM ONTARIO O ■ the past,: week and hunting in: this neighborhood. Several'' wild deer and fawns have .been seen in the bush surrounding Whitechurch. The Y. P. S. and W. M. S. of the =C:Tiiited Church are holding a Bazaar in the church basement on Friday, November 25th. Everybody welcome. Quite a number frons here attended the box social held in Brick United (hur h ort Friday evening last. Mr, Johnston Conn is shipping a carload of oats from here this week. Mr, Chas, Wighcsnan unloaded a car- load of Goderich salt among the farm- ers armer.s of this district on Saturday, fourAfall of incltes of snowy over the week -end suggested winter might be hovering around, but it all disap- peared in a mild spell Monday. At� tend the big dance in teig ve ort Friday night, z,5th inst., and dance to Towne's orchestra. mimmm ,y mem th m 9omOsimO'm:momm11 momm l mommommmit Fashionah e 'Winter GarrTients r• NI COATS or A SuPERIO CLASS ■ ■` ■ 111' ■`' The best materials, newest styles and with. ` fur° trim- .111' naings-of a quality -and lustre ` extraordinary. • ■ . • Junior, Misses and Wom 1 en's sizes:' All 'at • lowered prices, ■ ■ 19p. ▪ W 7OV $24.50 $33.00 ■ 1 toveiy New Dresses ■ For Afternoon or Evening '1 ■ Wd t " SATINS, VELVETS, FLAT CREPES and TAFFETA Desirable garments in new shades of the latest styles. -Prices at -- .$1 .00 $16.50 $22.50 • •■ to. $35.00 Ne* Bags Received. UNDERARM, POUCH and. ENVELOPE STYLES ■ , ® In SnakeskinV , elour Calf, Fine ®Kid, etc. IN The finest bags we have yet shown. • ■ 1e. IN ■ ■ ■ ■' ■, ■ ■ '$2.50-$3.50-$5.00 to $10.00 ®: ■ ■ ■ REMEMBER -CHRISTMAS IN FIVE WEEKS START`YOUR SHOPPING EARLY 1 t e ROS: P 111111111111111111111I111111$111i111■1111111111111■11111111111111111111I1r111■111111111$111111111111111111111111111111111n ■ Society'i. B'ra n,dI High Class Clothes; Tailored to measure or sold off the rack, aid rens bnably priced at from '$30600 . to $42.5. "Educate rotarself to wear Society Br•anlal Suits and Overcoat.." la' tm nq.init.11t iont$.ttttlimitiftt L1m115mmi1m111tt%Iti.tt.llmmiM6,tittYllmt...kttm.tttt.mtit"E ttrrhffia tff. Ira A ; NN" A A i kgeatcyy in Wingham Broom f11NA11 ountHi 11iIIttui 1i 1i1imihNN�IINI imi til 111M•INI 111NMN►LinitotheNi Blot ,v a' Ei