HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-24, Page 6Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Established r84o Bead Office, Guelph, Ont, Rieke taken on all classes of inaur- $ ce at reasonable rates. ABNER COSENS, Agent, Winghain J. W. DQDD Office in Chisholm Block FIRE, LIFE; ACCIDENT AND HEALTH - INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE P. 0. Bo?. 36o Phone 240 WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO J. W. BUSHFIELD Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office -Meyer. Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes VANSTONE I3A.RI2Ia'TER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Loney to Loan at Lowest Rates Wingham. e Ontario "J, A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Wingharre Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS 'Graduate RoyalCollege of Dental Surgeons Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Office over H. E. Isard's Store. H. W. COLBORNE, M.D., Physician and Surgeon 1UIedical Representative D. S C. R. Phone 54 Wineham. Successor to Dr. W. R. Hambly EDMOND DR. ROBT. C. R .112.R.C.S, (Eng.) ; L.R.C.P. (Loud.) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. Chisholm's old stand. CHAPTER IT••- The murdered nzan his, papers reveal, had been in New Zealand, ,where Doctor McAlister had lived in_ his youth. A young man, Will Harvey, has testified he saw a woman in the Morgan, hvnie the night of. the murder, and uiakes special mention of a green cloak she "Lias wearing. ;Doc- tor Reinhardt, friend of 'McAlister, telephones he has a queer case in his hospital and invites I''IcAlister to site the patient. Withhis ,two friends the doctor goes to the huspital..Ou the way he tells of a notorious pirate, Bully Franklin, who had :*iterated in New Zealand wateee Docto' Rein- hardt's patient provers. to be a young.. woman, who in unconciousnete -nut ters in a larttguage Reinhardt does 'not utlderstan'd, ; McAlister ' apparently does, later tellinghis friends the girl is a South Sea Islander and her•:niut tering was in the Maori tongue, He has noted a peculiar tattoo .-nark on her arm.; -Thedoctor sees a' possible connection between the Murdered Nety Zealander and the girl, CHAPTER II No one could deity my old. chief a ossession of DR. R. • L. STEWART Graduate of University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the ,Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons: Office in;Chisholm Block Josephine Street, Phone 29: Dr. Margaret C. Calder General Practitioner Graduate University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine Office=Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel: Telephones: Office 281, Residence =51 DR. G. W. HOWSON DENTIST • Office over John Galbraith's Store F. A. PARKER OSTEOPATH All Diseases Treated Office adjoining' residence next to Anglican Church on "Centre Street. Sundays by appointment. Hours -9' . a.m. ' to -8 pan. Osteopathy . Electricity Telephone 272. with suniething queer -looking around his .throat, That.: evuuld be interc:.sting enough, and may be true, but hear for tha strange different look what he piles onto it. He says he saw And ifyou find you xlirit't want . lay count i tr g Y ere was 'no negro the shadow of ,another figura !iii the about .when it coirlef; to, exanikzl-, her face wore.7,� g 11'1x11 - WOW in her vekis even in a remote shade, the figure of a woman, win.) was in �� tale patient, �vlly ,I; earl: wait out oto. , Morgan and making R stage of dilit,tion. The fact was as leaning everl t side." t WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIME you? From what he says, it may Prev. interesting. I nodded assent; and, we both rase frons the table, "You'll excuse us, won't you?" said Doctor McAlister to Ashton, "Look ale up in the morning and I'll give you those addresses." Ashton rose too, "I suppose yeti wouldn't care to take me over to the hospital with you?" he hazarded. My chief looked a little surprised, and, perhaps, for an. instantaneous moment, he hesitated; 'but then he said heartily; "Why, we'd be glad to have you come. Reinhardt won't ob- ject, I'm sure, Only I'm afraid you may find. us rather dull company when we get going. on otir hobbies." "I'll go with you as far as the hos- pita-, anyway," Ashton said,. "I'd' like your company, and, if possible„ I'd like to get this" confounded mercler out of my heed for :an -tour' or two. according to our standards, hut 'the thought came to me that in soine, far off corner of the world where stand- ards were different, she might have been aecounted'so, possibly in a suet' preme .degree, Her skin was very dark, a brownish olive, her hair blue -black, vary e.btin dant and wavy, and the surroul:liilg whit- o£ pillowcase; sheet and 1. dress set off the richness and of her coloring to the greatest au - vantage. Where tate quality: of her face. lay that gave it that strange, weird, un- earthly look, even now•in quiet slum- ber, I could not decide. The features were bold, rather than fine; the brows and lashes very heavy, and the nose broad, . at the base, the lips full and rather wide, though not. protuding, cheek -bones high and prominent. the c g p But this analysis'left ale no wiser than before;.: it failed utterly to ac strange gestures lit the air. It hard occurred fa rbc when:Ash,tuit obvi,cals as it'�was that she vas not a sense of humor, but his p it did not always prevent him from taking literally' a reinark intended to, be jocular.. He waited in perfect si- a yellow by its shadow. And not one lence until .Ashton laid 'down his fish of his precious jurors inouired about - . fork and took his first sip of coffee. it, either. So his -testimony went en Then he pounced upon him like a cat. tirely unchallenged. Of course I could "So' you want my help, do you?" ,,have spoken up, but .I was only too Well, I'in glad of abut. I'm glad that' glad, to let the thing go until tomor- at last there's a district attorney's: of- row morning, when I shall have the fice in this countryadvanced enough i young man to myself.': to use applied physchology in'the de- I could -see by the wrinkles about tection of crime. I'm at your service the doctor's eyes that his good hu- absolutely. uabsolute1y. Phelps, heree and I will do mor was returning. "So it's perfectly- p all we ,can for yoti. But you must tell us all about the case first." Ashton laughed.' "I'm sorry ..to 'dis- appoint you, but the fact is that when. A. R. & F. E. DUVAL Licensed Drugless "Practitioners, Chiropractic and Electro Thet.py. Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic College, Toronto, and National Col- lege Chicago. Office:. opposite Hamilton's Jewelry Store, Main St. HOURS: 2-5, 7-8.3o. p.m., and by appointment. Out of town and night calls re- sponded to. All business confidential. Phones: Office 300; Residence 601-13. J. ALVIN FOX DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS PRACTICE ELECTRO -THERAPY Phone xgx.. Hours: xo-Ie a.m., 2-5, 7-8 p.m., o by appointment. "Well,'' said the doctor, '°may not exl,ressecl his wish to forget the Oats Caucasian. that he true, too?" Ridge murder for an hour ortwo, that There will be no trouble about ,"He might have wade us think so he was choosing his company badly in identifying her," Doctor Reinhardt, re if he had stopped -there,' said Ashton offering to go out to the hospital ilvith-marked, and I agreed with him, think-. but his subsequent testilnony``zoade us, but I soon found `1 was mistaken. ing that he referred to the strange quality of distinction_ 1 lied noted a- bout her face. But it was evident, the next moment, that;he had some ?mire definite. mark in mind, for he tools 00 one of the passive hands that lay tet - on the coverlet], and: started to strip back the sleeve. of her nightdress. But the movement was arrested by an imperative gesture "from D9ctor Mc- Alister: o- Alister; , (to be continued) A 'GREAT FAVOURITE People often wonder liow it is that almost in every home they, visit in any part of the Dominion they will find " The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is tthe favourite pa- per of the household; But when one thinks of the snake -up of that great publication at the,extremely low price of one .dollar a year, it ceases 'to be a \yonder. The Family Herald and Weekly Star"is undoubtedly Canada's favourite, and Canadians are justly proud pf it. It is a wonderful coin- bination'— newspaper, agricultural journal, .and family ,magazine — all three in one, at a cost of; two cents Per week, Our readers can make no mistake by giving it a trial, it perfectly clear that he was lying. Be told the coroner that after: watch- ing that lighted window shade for a few moment:eat-•ie had walked, away and gone straight home, `and, that w My chief seemed'. as little anxious as his guest to discuss the -subject that was in all our minds. But' it was the lute I3•enry Morgan °echo provided us as with a topic of conversation after all.: all he knew about it. Then the'coron The suggestion that he• might have er questioned him more closely as to liv"d iii New Zealand, set the doctor the appearance of the wontan:el'd:e de- off in reininiscenee about his own scribed her very fully.. He said she: early clays spent iii that part of the - was young, pretty, dark, and that she world. wore a green cloak with a high turn- "That 'Inas` a great • country, for a ed-t.•tp , collar; and yet, mind you, he boy to speiidt his ,, childhood in," he' hacl just testified that he had only seen said presently, "at Least in, the days her in silhouette upon a window shade._ when :T was a youngster.' That was "That thick-witted deputy coroner during the gold rush, you know. They seemed to find nothing extraordinary were finding it everywhere. And a in this` description, and did not ask wild lot of men they were. And if we him' how he could distinguish black had, gold hunters ashore„ we had pi hair from blond, or a green cloak from rates, and famous .ones, too, afloat. Why, I myself saw Bully Franklin once." "Was he a pirate?" Ashton inquired politely, but with no great interest. "Was he a pirate! Well, what does fame amount ,to? He was a pirate that a British cruiser once spent a whole: year looking for, tramping up and down the Pacific on the wildest goose chase that' ever a cruiser led." I was rather glad to get the doctor to talking of something besides the murder, soI pushed along an this to- pic. "I suppose he got what was coal- ing to him, at last," r remarked. "Well, I don't know; not poetic jus- tice, certainly. Nothing like what his crimes' called for. He was killed as the result of a love affair of his. He made love to' a Maori girl that one of his ‘'nen was interested in, and it's said the fellow bashed,his head with a tiller: one' night as he was coining aboard; up over the side. His crew went all to pieces after that. The au- thorities got hold of most of them and hanged them in short aider. "How did you happen to see him?" I asked. "I should think a pirate• would be a' rather difficult man to come to close quarters with." "Let's see, lie answered, reflectively. "It was when we were living at•Hokit- il:i. My father was manager of a branch of : the Union bank there. Franklin put into the harbor and came ashore. 1 was only a lad then, aryl a good deal disappointed that - he hadn't a long black mustache and a pair of pistols in his belt.+He probably had the pistols somewhere, but they,'didn't show, and he was mild looking' en - (nigh." Then he turned suddenly to Ashton, "How old a roan did you say this Morgan was?" ' D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR ELECTRICITY Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds; specialize in dealing with children.• Lady, attendant. Night calls responded to. Office on Scott St., Winghani, Ont. Phone xso GEORGE A. SIDDALL Broken•- e - Phone 73. Lucknow, Ontario Money to lend on first and second mortgages on farm and other real es- tate properties at a reasonable rate of interest, also on first Chattel mort- gages on stock and on personal notes. A few fauns on hand for sale or to rent on easy` terms. tl THOMAS FELLS -- AUCTIONIIER LB REAL ESTATE SO A thorough knowledge of Parra Stock Phone 23x, Winghana- 11 r» , It tll.i,1 •1111111i111 ,ts,,,,tl,»II.,IIC»IIY",»Iii »f»Inti „ 1-1 t Phones: Office ro6, Resid. 254 J. WALKER A. FURNITURE DEAIGEI� k' RNI 1. and - ..,.,. --- FUNERAL DIRECTOR Motor Equipment H,AIUl ONTARIO joilttitoit,dntlH7init.tttnttu"Ilrrelliv Yrt"ileloostertl't1,117A IF clear to you, is it," he asked, "that lights, wasn't telling the exact truth? You rail at the ,coroner and his jury, you people who walk in darkness and I spoke of wanting your help, I was 'might see a .great light and won't, not thinking of you as a psychologist Haven't you any category in your but as a New Zealander. mind at all between truth and lies? Doctor McAlister frowned: Don't y014 allow for any- margin of 31- "What has em;lit?" being a New Zea -lesion? lander to do with Ashton snorted. "Do you "Why," said Ashton, "we found really believe that a man could testify � some bundles of old newspapers and as Harvey did in perfectly good faith? various other odds -and -ends which Do you believe a sane man's mind. seemed to point to Morgan having could play hint a trick like that? What lived at one time in Wellington, and was there to give him illusions?" knowing that you had spent all the "Associations," said Doctor early years of your life in those parts, ter bluntly. "The profile he saw in ell - it occurred to me that you might have houette was associated, in 'his mind, some connection there which would with some woman with black hair, and assistus in tracing, him," the high -collared cloak connected it - "Of course," growled the doctor "I'll self in his mind with some cloak of do anything I can for you." the sante shape that he had previously Tartly .to appease hire and; partly seen, which happened to be green in because the subject was running color.Consequently,' he thought of the strongly in, his own mind, Ashton woman whose shadow he saw upon talked about little else than the Oak the shade as a black -haired woman Ridge mystery during all the while we with a green cloak." sat at dinner. It was clear to me thatAshton had "The papers will make a great sen- been impressed with the ieasonable- sation tomorrow morning," he said, ness of Doctor McAlister's explana- "of the testimony at the inquest of a tions, and :yet 'he was unwilling to ad - young man naiiied Harvey, 1 wish we mit to himself that the'irnpression had might have got hold of him before been made. Before he -could think of that fool of a coroner did. His testi- any comrnent that would be'sufficient- nlony sounded like a choice selection ly noncommittal, Doctor 11dcAlister of pages from the 'Old Sleuth' and changed the subject, I ain inclined to think: that it has just "You've searched the house pretty about as much relation to fact. I left thoroughly, 1 suppose;" he said. "Have Mallory—he's one of the detectives in you found anyone besides that vague - our office—out in Oak Ridge to keep ly suggested connection with New an eye, lon hien. He's to bring him down Zealand that places your man at all? to the office in the 'morning. Until I Have ,you any indication how he tpas- have questioned him pretty. thorough- sed the time? W.11kt sort of books he ly, I shan't know whether to believe read, if he read at, all, or what he did a word of his tale •or not. Mallory to amuse himself?" seems, half inclined to think that the "He had one queer hobby," said boy has some active connection with Ashton, "and that was geography,' He the crime, but that I disbelieve at hadt literally hundreds of maps, large terly,, scale "Tell tis about hirrl," said, the ddc- ern 'Pacific". tor. 1 saw my chief's eyes.light up at "Why;' lies a young fellow well that,, and waited, with a good.deal of known there in town; His parents are interest, for' what are` meanf to say to eminently pious and Respectable, but this rather unpromising,lanking clew.. Willie' enjoys the reputation of being' But just then we were interrupted. a little fast. He's One of "these -mita- Wilkins came up and bent over his tiovt college boys, very well pleased chair. "Doctor Reinhardt has tele - with himself and quit a lady-killer, 1 phoned to you, sir,' be said. "Shall 1 jitdgie, from the snickers that went round the room when he testified that he had gone out to, call on a young lady and'had not found her at alone. "I ain telling you all that` becattse 11: throws something of a Eight on his •thathepassed as '3-1`e swore testimony. the house about •nine o'clock, he no- ticed a' light in the upper windows. 'rhe shades were down he said, arid r in silhouette oat one of them he coked see ''old Morgan leaning back in a chair in an Unnatural attitude, and AM'P.ZING RESULTS Hundreds of operations avoided, treating Bronchitis, Sore throats, Head 'colds, Croup, . Quinsy, Cough .arid Diseased' Tonsils, by, using `Mrs, Sybilla Spalirs Tonsilitis'success or money hack. C. 1d. McAvoy, Wingham J. R. Allan; Wroxeter. "A man apparently about sixty." "Well,; if he was out in that part of the world . when 1 was, he was old enough to have a rather lively time." "1 don't know whether it is a 'case that will interest you, o'r not;" he'said "but it's rather' curious, She was picked up for'drank, half frozen, out of the gutter by a' patrolman. He rang up the wagon and they took her to the police station, but the desk sergeant disagreeti with the diagnosis an+:l sent her. here, Gilbert was on. neaps of the whole of the sottth duty when they brought her in, about two o'clock, this rnorning, and he thought it was concussion of the brain For myself, I don't believe it. I'd say to look at her, that cares no.emally asleep, except that we can't wake her. She's queer looking pretty, itt a sort of outlandish' way. When 1 last looked at her she was mumbling the queerest.. gibberish you ever Beard, I've got a put an instrument on the table?" 'nodding acquaintance with most of the ''ti'hank you, Wilkins, Yes, I'll talk languages that conic in here, but I. with TJoctor Reinhardt right here;" never heard anything that sounded at A•moment later a portable telephone all like this." said . ,was set down: beside the xlcictox s •col- " Coale along," sa cl x D octor McAlis- fee cup. When he had hung g up the re- ter; "I'd like to take a look at her." . i octor Reinhardt made no ob' i waiter to D ec- J i r and motioned to a vv ce ve , talcs the telephone a.wa)` , he'turned tion "to Ashton's accompanying us, p to MC- so together iwc`followed him i nto the e "Reinhardt says Ise'5 got a queer long white ward. „1c girl we fottird upon a narrow cot beside wlricli cast, out at St, Martin's. He wants lying i, is in i description inc to mine alit, posthaste, and have a we stopped, justffle.l his dc, p looit at it. You'll go with me wcit,'t of her. She was not at calla beatity ugh1 Thursday, November 24th, 192 Gas Spoiled Sleep, Made Her Dizzy "For years I suffered" from; gas and constipation, Used to'' get headaches and dizzy spells. The • first dose of Adlerilca gave Inc relief. Now I nest well." -Mrs, 13, Brinkley. Just ONE spoonful of'Adlcrika relieves gas and that -bloated feeling'so that you cart' eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste matter you never thought was' thereat. No matter what you tried. for,, your Stoanaeh, Adlerika will sur- prise you. McI(ibbon's Drug Store,. •• ASSISTING HOME BUILDING The town councils of Kincardine and "Palmeaston is considering a scherzre at present -whereby a partial :. exemption of taxes will be granted on new houses built in those towns. noou • t is to enc0tlrage The Object doubt the building of new homes and a bet- ter class of homes, ancI.theeyentption` • taxes would be a big inducement, of scheme worthyof the consid- eration is a "of the officials of this'town, ;Over 500 Stores Canada's Largest Retail Grocers Aylmer Brand Canned. Special Introduction of 'n'oia Stores ' o a >< D m 4.sti,t • N P A neglected cold, an attack of bronchitis not properly treat- ed, may easily -lead to serious chest troubles. As soon as you feel a cold. coming ,orf, begin immediately to t a k e ANGIER' S "EMULSION. This well known remedy not only soothes the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, relieves the tightness and soreness of'the chest and eases breathing, but it : also, keeps the stomach and digestive organs itt a healthy ''condition— promoting appetite'and building up strength. The very finely emulsified min- eral o i 1' contained in ANGIER'S EMULSION exerts a soothing. laxa- tive action that'keeps the bowels in a normal healthy condition so necessary for a prompt recovery. ANGIER'S EM>;T,LSION has been recommended and prescribed by physicians in Gt. Britain and Canada for over .thirty-five • years. Pleasant to take. A British Doctor writes: "I have been prescribing Angler's Emulsion for many years with' most satisfactory results. (Signed.)—M.D. GItii,dl � SULSION 65c and $z.20 -at all druggist's ose Wretched Bilious Attacks. a " Fruit -a -tines " Always :. Stops Them Our close connection with the Tea Market and Tea .Gardens enables us to prepare blends *1 tea at a price tonsid- erably lower than many other sources. We are constantly in touch with every phase 'of . the Tea .Business, and can. assure you of supplying the very ,best The. Te¢¢ Market has very considerably advanceki, but we will notadvanceour prices until it is absolutely necessary.' D.S.L. Sulk - Sec lb. Domino lend 69c Ib. English Breakfast Styli Richrneilio - - - 79c Ib. Ceylon and Assam for ,tl Fresh Milled v 1' lbs. .. Start the. day right with good porridge - White -Satin . • 24 -las. Bag Pastry The Finest Flour for Pastry Club House LIVE 2Quee•oz.n 7d 39e► Q Pimento �+ Stuffed 5:9re Fry's Pure Breakfast C4I'A ik,-lb. tin 2,;e Christie's Assorted 1.16:Package `Finest Quality ISCReg ° lbs, c�C tIi1Cd:krii' eat 2 flt� 35c 33c it ew Fruits RAISINS Thompson Seedless ...2 lbs, 27e Sunmaid Puffed Seeded 15 oz, 18c. Delmonte Seedless, 15 oz16e PEEL Lemon and Orange 27c Ib' Cut Mixed 32c lb. DATES Choice Hallows .. .. .:2 lb.. 23c i(aravan Stoneless 16c CHERRIES Maraschino, 8 o ... 2sc e Whole Glade, ;! lb, • 25e "TASTY'Y� REA The leader of all; wax wrapped and -a flavor all its own. Our Own Make Loaf Mayfield Brand Machine Slued from specially selected Ontario hogs.. 35 `' lb. Canes Bnssetts'orts Licorice Alls32c Creams Satin Mixed CB h. t lb. Beechnut late FruitD Drops 2 for Tic' Geum Ds Jelly Beansropnerve Spools lb: Sweetheart Chest An assorted Box of Chocolates 3-Ib.99c 1 -Ib. 39c Aylmer Brand S J; ]l°�' r' ch No. 2 t n 15c Singapore silted. - Pine •t gs4 a le y,'7cc tin Choice Cohoe Salm° hjinh. 2 for 39C Free . 5;.iit . IOc. box 2a.5,C.g 205;C•F - - Delmonte Tips 5paTagussgs stn33C Shirriff's tt.•oipe peg. Jelly Powders 4 to, 25c Finest Bordeaux Shelled � �'4T a ttuutt V2 -1b..... 35c Crown or Beehive Corn Syrup 57ib.37 Jasper G If Trophy Prese t M1t.. LEO. GODIN "I was always bilious and never seeteieti to digest my food properly," writes Mr. Leo,. Gedin, 2371 Clark St., Montreal, "This kept me very weak. A friend, who had been coinnpletely relieved of these troubles by leruit-a-tives', advised tee to try this fruit inedieine. I did sot and now I am so web that I want to congratulate `Fruit-a•tives'' en its unfailing; effective- ness." If you suffer with: poor digestion, upset stomach, bilious sttcks or chronic con- stipation, take 1ktr. Godin's'; advice and ' try ` Pruit-a-tives". This natural remedy, made front intensified fruit juices com- bined with tonic., will surely correct these troubles and bring you back to health. Don't put it oft—bay a box today, take °the tablets regularly, and see hew quickly grim refit iromove,, 25c and edc e -617- tibhe^ e, t,wil��Ga•,Ci.i�.. P, Baker (right),' at Jericho ri,`Aa r, _ (:Iiib, 'va'n0buv©,wanner of the Totem Foie trophy at a.spet Park Golf Course, Jasper National Park; durin ; the anmual• golf week, heirse presented with the trophyby Walter l?ratt, General. Manager of XXotels, Sleeping a in ar,Canadian 17. .., ti awl Tylall �' ("... 5. National, Railways, The Jena. C+rolt tot)rl,<lment is trrfhving in fdver with reliavrcrs OT, the game ll:,ril t: ,:ta year, with entries from Canada;., United, Staten and other coumtrles, iinternational1. rac- 1 ecatng in 'lt,� c � ter. ; Catt'ado's 'famous seonio golf coarse won' .hili praise 'Prom the golfers who played over it during tate Galt Week eompetiiitions, and sonic keeal: bottles for ,supremacy. were staged.. --Canadian National' Railways photograp x.