HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-24, Page 4• FERNERIES SMOKING, STANDS, Etc. We carry the' large'st stock c4 Reed. -work sup Itt plies in this T?art, of 'the 113 province. In.structipla Sheet Free =la atee41101094' SUPERFIlrE REED i only—The finest quali- ti STANDARD FERNERY ty of im or 'ed reed.14 ' .1 McKIBON'S DRUGSTOil - Phone 53 :4 14%,4,14,4j Mo; 'natoe."'S''PrqS; ingham, ^ ” RITE Dana' TORE'S stimilmonsilisinolinistinuettiort MIGHTY MESSAGES OF MCONE,Y-SAVING • ' . 1 IsStephenson!s•Great itest „, . Your . ,, . g Credit • Good ; -Ypu a 1•1 TRADE E . 1 a• . ,, SALE. a .munislaillimaxiiionsuansisTailainsummonajoialismainmo .... . • • No* for the Bargain Feast that will overshadow ri • all previous sales offering. Encouraged by (he II : mighty response that we have already received we• 1 • are determined to make this the Greatest Value • "a .giving opportunity for Christmas shoppers in our 1 entire history. • '''''' •' • • '' • • timisistatututtotansmunstmmunsoniimilmitimiltsciwoons • a a• REMEMBER ----Only $1 00 needlle\ Paid down IN I on any of the articles listed below and $1. 00 a a 11 a week to pay the balance. No interest or Extra . • Charges. You pay only the sale price.• • , N • _ i • ps• _imansirsiminamatialimismaiwiptionsiminsnallsiiisisiminimis a a ,i -t- . BEAUTIEUL FIERY:•N DIAMONDS ' •- a ,•,;, • b ' \•• -1P-4,1 .1•_•a $25.00 Ladies' Dia.aing .$14.95 111--- ,., % S40.00 Ladies' Dia. Ring .$27.50, ri - $60.00 31,adieS' Dia. Ring$42.50. ill , a S100 Ladies' Dia. Ring $68.00 1 -'; 'FOR SAI.„,E---pQ4. 6eclar, r0., App y toAcivance-Tlme,, FOR SALE -One driving mare. •ebeapi Apply to Thos. '1',0710r. LOST -Anyone finding ladies' blue umbrella on. Hallowe'en, will oblige •by leaving it at T, FOR SALE -Ten good feeding heif- ers, APPlY .1, W. Smith, or A, Nortrop, Winghain, FOR S.LE-Z--One Duplex Auto '<flit- ting machine, gocod as low, 'APPlY Advance -Times. / FOR SALE -Reed Jardineres, Bask- ets, etc, Artificial flowers. Sewing done by M. Norrnan Shiell, B. FOR SALE -Plano, in first class cori- Priee reasonable. .Apply.at this office, FOR SALE—Six month's old White Wyandotte Roosters, Fisher's bred - to -lay strain. Good stock. $2 each. Miss M. Duff, Bluevale. FOR SALE -Few barrels of apples. Spies and Alexanders, Apply to Wm, Fields. ''FOR SALE -Square pine water tank•, 65o gallons. Good as new. Suitable for farmer. Apply •Advance-Tirnes, •a • You will be repaid by selecting your Diamond Ring/ j • • here because you select from bbetter values. •, • 111 " $1 00 down $1 00 a week•I 1111 EMIIRM MMMEMOSIMMIII":MEMIIIMMWSHINWSWICIIMUMMIIIIIIIMUMEMIM 11 MEN'S WATCHES • N of UNHEARr) OF VALUES m , . ' 'S25.00 Walthana Watch. . _$19.95 •• ',;1.8.00 12 size Pocket Watch $10.75 SI , $15.00 Wrist Watch ...... $10.60 $2,00 Boy's Watch .... $1.35 LADIES' WRIST WATCHES—A Perfect Xmas 1 ' • Gift.-- Just you See Them! 1 • IN $1.5.00 Ladies Wrist Watch $8.75• is Ilk $25.00 L,a.dies' Oval Wrist Watch $18.50 FR •a $3.5 00 Ladies' Solid Gold Wrist'Watch $22.00 1 • $30.00 Ladies' Pendant Watches ......... $19.50 N • • $1.00 down $1 00 a week • nountrittanstatimilitemittliwitutimonnattatiouteirimmonstm, • * A Large Stock Of• • • CHINA, CUT .GLASS, IVORY, SILVERVVARE, • • etc. N • to he sold on the deferred payment plan. We have la,t-tnched this new and sensational sale• • for 500 new chira'e-accounts---Buy Gifts the mod - /41 ernway—just say Charge It! , • ▪ You, will marvel how easy it is to buy and how easy it is to pay• $1 00 dowg $1 00 aweek • 111 • 111111l1I011111111111B111111111110111811111M11110111111111011112111111111511111111N1111111111111111111111111,111111l111 , • u. Make your selections riow while the stocks are the a greatest—The Store With The Stock. FOR SALE -Finest Silver Foxes. Registered in Canadian National. • Pick 'yours from 25 of this year's • pups. R. E, Laidlaw, Wingharn Ont. HOUSE FOR, SALE - All modern conveniences; good garden; well situatedA bargain, for quick sale. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real • Estate. H ti 1 STEPHENSON and SON s' a * b Al)VANCE-TIIVIES BOR/N ,DUNKIN-7, Turnberry„ on Nov. 17t1, to 1\1r. and Mrs. T, C, Dunkin, a, rlaughter, Mabel Doreen. DEATHS JENKINS-In Turriberry, on Friday November 18th, Margaret Jacquiline infant daughter of, Mr. and lire Clifford Jenkins, aged, Irlonth$ and'0 days.. • alsiliiiiiiiiiirsaisislimainimissisiNsurANNIIIIIIIIIINK a • . is , ' • 21 IN MEMORIAM • IMLAY-In Toying memory of the dearest wife and mother, Mrs. John • G. Imlay, who passed away one year ago today, November 29th, 1926. Dearest another, thou bast left us Here tliy loss we deeply feel But tis0 God that hast bereft us, tElecan anjt1tour sorrows heal. On the basks beyond, the River We shall meet and no more sever In the fair and bright forever In the summer land of Song. John, Imlay and family • NOTICE OF .TRANSFER Bluevale, Nov. 2oth, 1927. To the Patrons of • Bluevale Creamery: • - • 1 first desire to thank my many friends and the patrons of Blue - vale Creamery for their long and con- tinued. patronage, and also for the many offers of 'encouragement and assistance since the destruciton of the creamers by fire a few/weeks ago. I heartily appreciate the sentiment so warmly and genuinelyi, expressed. However,- I find I am unable at the present time to accept of the liberal offers made and believe the needs of m patrons and the vicinity can be • FOR SALE -Two good buggieS and a ,set of single harriesS,i a five -tube, possibly better, 'served by other-ar- Atwater-ICent Calainiet Radio, Set. rangements. have idispqsed of /my A.pply at Crawford'iipl.igo,,,:c; , interests in the Bluevale Creamery to , Of& United•Farmers -.Co-operative Co. FOR SALE-1,Fax,M,'WaOki,rilare Limited of ViingliaiN who'‘will look or less,'good, after,everY:need,of MY patrons in the standing thither. SithatedA,Wing.:Aluture, With,,jast .a.sequal efficiency haat Tovvn Plot. ApPly.lii: john ad satisfietion.asiwthe past. P! ask of /my old pationsnd friends, a con- tinued p,a.tronag'e to this old establish- . e'd- organization,,, which has a very practical and intimate connection with the farmers' best interests. Again thanking you for your past favors, and considerate, acts, and, trusting the new relationship will be WIN O.HAM CRIZDIT ;111,W4LE.R.S • • 1 Opposite the Otteen's Hotel air C.N.R. Official Watch, Inspector 'ttIMMUMMOMMOMMS,11******************MIng 'bons, Patricia TEESW,ATER CIDER. -will make apple- butter On' Tuesday, Oc- tober,' 25th, 'Noveniber ist and 8th, and cider 'every day until further notice. '• The Buchanan Hardware are show- ing a full line of QuebeC„Heaters and Quebec Cook Stoves: Several styles and sizes to select from. McClary's Quebec Heaters at $r7.00 and Mc- Clary's Quebec Cook with roomy fire box, individual shake?grateS atl$.3o.00• at'? wonderful stove values. Old stoves taken as part lvyrnent. AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Farm Property The Executor •off the estate of ;Thomas Stacey, de'C'eased, will offer for sale at the P,runsWick Hotel, in the Town of Wingharn, by public ,auction, on Saturday the Third Day of December,A.D 1927 ( •, At'two o'clock in the afternoon by Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the follow- ing valuable property, that is to say: • Lot No. ,ro,in the stb. Concesston of the 'Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, containing one hun- dred acres of land more or less. On this property is 'situate a com- fortable frame house and,good' barn with stone Stabling tiliderneath. The road about two miles •from the property is situate on a good gravel Vil- lage of Belgrave, one mile from school and two miles,trom. Church, The soil is a, ftrst class clay loam and the . . resbyterians of ,Auburn and Blyth have extended a call to .4e,v,-,r, W. Goo,d.i.vin,, of Toronto, offering $i000 a year and $rso in:lieu of a manse.' Mr; and Mrs, W. $. King, iiae be SPending a few days with Weir dRugh ter, Mrs. Wm; R. Davidson; just as friendly and beneficial, I remain, Very truly yours, A. H. COONBES 44.4444,44.4.44 instuimmiltitounalinomposoc , to_ Plumbing; Steam, Hot W ater and Hot Air rieatin5 F -TA NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 56, Chap. I2I of the Revised Statutes Of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate ofl Thomas Stacey, deceased, who died on or about the fourth day of October, .A,,, D. 1927, at the Town- ship of Turnherry in the County of Huron, are required to send by post, prepaid, or toIeliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontaario, Solicitor for the Administrator:on or before the thirti- PI W. 30 OYCE Store Ph.58 House Ph. 88 CI' Dorniniois Elections' Act Electoral District of Huron North, Thereis below set out, as required by Section 79 (5) of the above Act, a summary signed by the official agent of the return . of election expenses made to me by him on 'behalf of George Spotton, one of the candidates at the recent election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada, which said, return is on file at my,office and ,may, on'payment of a fee of twenty cents, be there ,in- spected and extracts takeh therefrom at any reasonable time during the six months next after the r8th day of November, being the day. upon which the said return was furnished to me. Dated at- Gaderich, this Eighteenth day of November, T927. 'CHAS: NAIRN, NI Returning Officer for the Electral • District of Huron North. Candidate's .personal gxpenses $469.35 112 Postage.• ,... • 3.25 ma Hire' of premises '41,5o Goods supplied , . .......... . . ..... 39.55 MI • Poursday, November g4th,t. tolaixammlitsms140/000011 P POPPOPOPOPOPPOPMMI, ."•,.•40,....0,.. • ,• ...: ....... .1..,,lii,'.'.,.....i...-,.. Iitt ry _, .:••••,..„.•,,,eggtii.,. -...-.1..,,...,.,......••••••,,.....,....,. . ... -..,..:.••,.....• ,,,.....,, „,...,.. Pli," A: . • H.... . . ,„ . .. .... ....,•",........"11- ."'"':' ... • ., ''•••• 'N..' • ' ' • FOR 1ViER.AND• BOYS • , . .• -.,•'.'•,..*:::::........'••:.., ', •,. • .• • •'•. . ..,'....to,•••...:: ....• .. • : • .' ...• ...••••-•.Nr'.......,...'..•••••••••••••••,•••••.: 0 • Made of gnooth Brown Kcp, Leath- IN, aern,dspofrfii.ag 'fronts and easy to .put on Me make these at our place of bus- a iness, and our prices are just the same,,„ N as asked by wholesale dealer—in' oth- er words, we save you the middle- 1111, man's profits. , a NOTE THE VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES Small ,Boys' sizes -11„12 and 13—for $1.75: and 111 per pair. These will fit boys 6 to 10 years old. BO SI sizes— 1 Z 3, 4 and '5—$1.95 and. $2.35 Per 11, All boys like them—they are clean, warm and ary. 1111 pair. These will fit boys from 10 to 15 years old. * • Men's sizes '10and 11 for $2.25 and $2.75 I • Total -7— $578'15 morsimommisionommomismommalimm Dated at Goaerich this Eighteenth • day of November, /927. • , i= • 1' THOS. J, McLEAN, . Official Agent a Notice to Creditors ter W"E1 -WILLIS pursuant to S'ection 56, Chap. 191 of ' a • .:„ • :a • • NOTCE Is *HEREBY GivgN, is THE SHOE STORE Phone 129., WINGHAM • e immenwinuumainkasimainimemanummassima .., the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that Z.. -- all persons having claims against the '"' ,...-.............................;: Estate of George VanCamp, d,eceased, who died on or about the twentieth Make your subscription renewals now to Advance -Tines I.,. day of September, A. D. 1927, at thcl Township of East Wawanosh in the ' hoEMPIIIIOMINMINNIMM..4 Alsommioutamm,' Psernodvibnycepoosft,Oparetapraiiod, aorretoredqueliirveed_ 11110111111111511111IMMAIIIIIII0111011110111011111111111111011111111111111114111111I111111111111111111511111111111511111IIIIIIIIIIIi r kk R. Vanstone', 'Wingham, Ontario, Sol- icitor for the Executors, on or before ri . , , A the twelfth day of December, nnouncerne nt 1927, their names and addresses, with - hill particulars in Ivriting of their •_4. claims, and the nature of the securit- ies (if any) held by them duly veri- FT. -- fled by a statutory declaration. . AND TAKE. NOTICE FURTHER thday of November, A. D. 1927, that after the' said twelfth day of De- - i :their names and addresses with full Ceniber, A. D. 1927, the said Executors by thez, ,duly verified by a (Ti of' the said estate among the parties ; Ny,... Pro9n4 to distribute the assets .P. particulars. in writing of their claims, m and the nature of the securities ' ' entitled thereto, having regard only 'Ft any) held 1 1.1 then statutory declaip,tion, to 'the claims of which they si- AND",TAKE NOTICE.FURTH- havehad notice, and the said Execu- "Eassma=comigartraf :We have taken over the Bluevale Creamery inter . -- et from Mr. Coombs. ,Our trucks will be covering - his cream routes the same as before. Any cream. taken to Bluevale, if left at Mr, Alvin Smith's Store wiltreeeive•prompt attention. ER that after the said thirtieth day tors shall not be lia.ble for the said we ho -pe to recelVe your patronage and will try trator 'will proceed' to distribute the son of whose .claim. they shall hot § ' togiveyott the same courteous painstaking service • ix of November, 1927, the said Adminis- assets or any part thereof to any per - then have received notice. assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they. shall then have' had notice, and the said Admisitrator shall not be Hattie for the,said asset's or any part there- of to any person of whose c aim he shall not then have received no - land is all in a good state 'df culti- tllicAeTED at Wingham th s nt 1 ay , vation. There are abut six acres of. of November, A. D. 1927. ' fall wheat. , VANSTONE, The publle is informed that train No. 22I, arriving itl,$eftforth at 5,53 9,111., now ' carries 'rniil Inc Sea- iortb, not is tti'ent'iany maildespatch- ed for he 'North London and Wing- Terms of saler.-Ten per c,ent. on the day of sale and the balance with- in thirty days' therealten- Immediate possession can be given. 00 RAYMOND ELLIOTT, Blueval,e, Ontario, Executor. •-• •e R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. DATED this sixteenth day of Nov- ember, A. D. 1927. AUCTION SALE John StaceY, Lot in, Con. 5, Turn- berry,•has instructed the undersigned to sell by Public Auction at o'clock, Tuesday Nov. 29th the following valuable, property, name- ly:- ' HOrse "fising 12 years; liOrse, ris- ing 17 years; horse, rising 7 sears; gelding, rising 2 years; cow, 7' years old; cow, 8 years oM; 2 COWS, d years old; cow, 5 years old; 4 steers, rising 2 years; 9, heifers, rising 2 years; 4 young calves; it chunks; sow, due January 20th; 24 barred, rock hens. 20 white leghorn. pullets, • Quantity of turnips- and marigolds; /5 tons hay and bulk straw; 7oo bus. oats; Ioo bus. barley, 'ruclhopie Anderson plow, new; Fli.t- ry plow; double Tia,rness; wagon; hay I rack; Renfrew scales; cultivator; seed drill; harrows; binder; steel roller; turnip,: sower; scuffler; cutter; cider mill; turnip pulper; DeLaval ,cream separator; Ford car; Quantity f Elm Whither; double ploW; Massey -Harris manure spneader, nearly new; also furniture aid other articles too nttin- erous tO menfion. PositiVely no reserve. • Terms of sale -All suin:S of ..$to and under, caSh; over that amount 8 months credit •will be given on ap- proved joint Poles, or 5 per Cent,off for cash . )OHN PURVIS, Anctioneen- JOHN VrACEY oprietor.; Wingham, P.O. Solicitor for the Administrator i that Mr. Coombs gave yott. DATED at Wingliam this eighteenth F.-,,. Ili day of November A. D. 1927. : 1.1 UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. Ltd. I R. VANSTONE, , - kij • -- • _ • Winglvn, Ontario 5TOMOMMMEMPUMMEMISMUMMM0 Solicitorfor .the Executors. ilflIMMMEMEMUMMUI.M, PMUMNIMMUNNWIIIIIIMlMi \ , 1116/11Z111121115311)tik1111111111111':11110111111111111112111.111811111111111111113111111111111111111M111x111611011 :ell 01lZ111153.111111ittallE111111110:111111i111,11111111111111111 1111114111i COAT. .OVE kJ it • Special Sale toSlear at it 15000 , 1 (i- . -..., il --1°- . 40 Men's and Young Men's Tweed, s..... Navy Blue and Dark Shades. Belted mo- RI EL dels. Plain models. f •it, - ....-: 1._ The coats are sizes 34 to 40 in good i cloths. ;,2 it Regular $22.50 and $25.00 overcoats • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM! CRA.WFORD, late of the Town- -di ship of Turnberry, in the County ri of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, R pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121 of R.S.O., 1914, that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Wil- liam Crawford, who died on or about the twenty-first day of October, A.D., 1927, at the Township of Turnberry, are required -to send by post, prepaid or deliver to Alberta- Stokes, Glenan- nan, Ontario, the Administratrix of the said Estate, or to the undersigncd, on or before the Third day of Decem- ber, A.D., 1,927, their names and ad- dresses with 'particulars bf their claims in writing and the nature the securities (if any). held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that after the said Third day of De- cember, A.D., .r927,`itheassets of the said Estate will be distributed by the 'said Administratrix among the n,arties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which she shall then have notice and the,Estate will not be liable for any claims not filed at the time of the said distribution. DATED at Winghain, this fourteenth day of November, A.D., 1927, • J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administratrix hani branch froiti the i eafoitit office • AUCTION SALE , • as !fornierly 'by this tram. The mall trains, therefore, are .now four in , Of Vann Stock, Implements,' Furn- Novembet 20th., at Lot zo,i' number, two, for the east and two ittlro, ctc, - , ,,, ,,_ ir t ,,, • . concesSion 5, Ldrnuerry, jonn ..itacey f/li ''liv'csi'i ' Proprietor, John Purvis, Auctioneer, MEETING OF HUPON COUNTY • COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will inieet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 O'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1027. All accounts against the County must be it the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council. At this meeting of County Council, the appointment of a County Treasurer, also an Inspect- or for the 'House of Refuge will be triad. Applications for the above po- sitions to be sent or delivered to the ttirdelisigned County Clerk, on or be- fore Saturday, December 3rd, r92. GO, W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. 4 • 4.111111111=01111101 et 0 • -W-r-r-r1711Li N • ilfillAllik11111111111101011111111110111110111101111111111111011111111111111AIISIMIIIIIII11011101110111110111011114111104110111111101111IIIIIIIIIIIIII1110111000111$1110116.; MEN'S ODD KNITTED VESTS —All Wool - 0 0 Dark and Light Shades Sale Price . .. . $1 00 • 'Wonderful Value MEN'S KNITTED SILK SCRFS: '40 sa,mples in all. Plain Wite, Navy, Light and Dark Shades. • • All English imported sarf§, Regular 2.00 and $3.00 each. v . , 1 i'l 1,1,11, Sale Price - . . .,....L.ar•,•—.A.. mita..r.mlcaPeuudonnbamouul'ace*oburr..a.e.r.=.".........h..ftskmoa.rouaameas*“ofk i i ' MEN'S ALL WOOL SVVEATERS ' i,..,, • -V Necks in Heather, Brown, Lovet , Sizes 38 to 42. Clearino, this line for . E---- ' •0Each • , .... , , , , ,, ,00, ; .. $1Aq - ANNA & Limoited, ,WINGHAM. ,---. • .•