The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-24, Page 3eie",erai•""
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Gorrie Vidette and VVroxe
Thursday, November 4th,wepee.
, , r
GORRIE calf of Paisley visited the "Misses Pot-
----el , ter on Monday.
The township council met in Gorri.e The young people of the Anglicart
at the Towaship Hall ori Wednesday, church spent a very enjoyable evening
The main street has received a at, the Rectory on lelondaya eveniug
light coat of gravel, last " , •
Gorrie is at present "without theIxr •
vve are sorry to report the serious
services of a garage rriaa aeraid 'illnes's ef Mr, Thos. 33aird and hope
Gray, has gone to Td,ronto. It is ex- soon to report his recovery.
pected that a new garage tnein will Mrs. Himmler of Neustacit spit
be on the job in a few days. , 'the past week with her sister, Airs.
Lawreece Short and ld.iss Myrtle "Steinmiller who hasbeen ill.
Short are in Toronto this week . I •
• this week attending the funeral of . • '
her sister-in-law, Mrs. I-Iawn, 1 —
r , J, Steennailler Sr„ J Steinmiller Jr. Mrs' Jno. Gibson, who has been in
and 'VVillard Steinmiller visited Netc, the Palmerston Hospital .for the past
stadt this week at the home of Mrs. few weeks, returried home one day
Stc,-inmiller's brother-in-law, L. Him, last week mach improved in llealth.
. rs, Keneeth n
Gibeo, of Hamilton
ler. Mrs. 1-iiielm
,er aecopanied thm
to Garlic and is staying with her sis- ss.ent last Sunday with his, parents,
ter, Mrs, Steinmiller, who has been. ivirr and Mrs- '1'116111as Gibson.
. ',. ill for some thee but who is now mak- ontoMrAfter spending a few days' in Tor-
ing rather slow pregress to recovery. , . Van Dickson and daughter
Misses Inez and Lois Strong, of
Mrs. A. Hamilton was in Areeford
Jeanct returned on Saturday.
The auction sale for winding up of
Weseen, were recent visitors at the
the Sanburn estate was held. on Sat -
home of W. G. end •Mrs. Strong, of
•urday with a good, attendance..
•the 9th con, of I -fowled:. I Mrs, Alex. Sanderson of Harriston
John Heinbecker, of the ieth con. ''
called on friends in town on Saterday
of Howick, has rented his ieo-acre
Mrs. Sandy McDougall left on Sat -
farm to 13. Kerwin, of Clifford, and. 1
urdayN to spuOd the winter with her
will move with his family to 1 -lam- daughter, MrS. Alex. Sanderson, of
ilton where he intends working on
railway. , '
Miss Howzircl, superintendent of 1
Smith's Falls Hospital, has been al
• recent visitor with her sister, Mrs.! MEETINGS .
George Galbraith at Orange Hill,
it The council meeting on Tuesday
Congratulations are due Mr. and ' evening as per stature to accept the
Mrs. Melvin Neigh on the birth of ,
Treasurer's financial statement, after
a son. • due consideration it was rnoved by
• Rev. F. Craik will conduct prayar ;A. J., Sanderson and Neil White that
meetings at Orange Hill one night Treasurer's statement be accepted and,
each week. •the Clerk was instructed to have xoo
A "Father and Son" banquet will1, co. es printed. Meeting adjourned to
be held in Gorrie United Church eer-
, .
meet in regular meeting Friday night.
• ly in 'December . •.•r , i Regular meeting of Council on Fri -
The funeral of James Merritt, who ,
day November i8th. Members all pre -
died in Toronto, on Monday last, tool:
sent except R. Stocks. Reeve lienne-
place in that city on "Thursday. 'bergIn-
in the chair, Minutes of meeting
Cemetery.1 °I October eest and Special meeting
Mr. Merritt was a Gorrie
terrnent was made in Mt. Pleasant
of November 15th read and adopted
resident for three years and was ill
for several weeks before dea.t4. His ' on motion of Wright and White. Ac -
for Presented for payment. H.
sister, Mrs. James Eaton, lives in
Gorrie. , , Patterson, 4 week's twining plant and
•overtime, $45.53; T. G. Hemphill, Oct.
Mr. and, Mrs. C. Mayberry, of Strat- ' power and rent, $95.50; Earls Ball,
ford, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wine. • reading meters, collecting and work
Mrs. James Shera is spending a an 1thea'826.65; Ben Wade, digging
couple ' of weeks at Dashwood visit- at Town Hall, te.00; Ward, Sharpin,
ing with Rev' and Mrs. Z.I. Myers. drawing gravel and dragging road,
• ---- ••$17ego; Thos. Jachlin, spreading gra-
• •Mrs. Jones, of Brighton, is visiting
vel, •$14.20; F. Davey, clerk, issuing
• at the home of her son, Rev. R. S.
tax notices, stationery and postage,
• Jones. ,,.
Sears, :Motion by Wright and San-
• Miss • Jean Murray has returned
derson that those accounts be paid.
froiri an extended visit with Cfriendsarried. Motion by White ' and, San
at Tugaske, Sask. 4t
derson that by-law No. 8 forholding
Miss Alma Sheir, of Teeswater,
elections for Reeve, Councillors and
visited Miss Alba Carson on Friday
Trustees now read thee times be pas -
last. •
Mrs. j. Metcalfe of Paisley and Miss sed. Carried,
•Irene, also Mr. and Mrs.. D. J. Met- Motion by Wright and White that
• the Clerk call for tenders for the run-
in Winter
Weather -
Sesi for you and
Baby too '
1-1, Ready For
Colder Weather 111-
1 ▪ Our Fall and Winter OVER-
COATS are now in. These 1
ei Coats are made up in the lat-
▪ est popular styles and colors; 9
all hand tailored, and finished 14
1 with the best of tnaterial, and N
are priced to compete with any.
We have our 'Fall samples for
and OVERCOATS. We can P.
I take your order, make delivery 11
in ten. days, and guarantee a
Overalls,. Smocks, Work Shirts,
• Pants atici Vests—you will End 1.
1 what you want here—Peabody's,
Kitchen Haugh's are the pop. Fee
• tiler brands.
g 800TS and SHOES—With
P. leather prices advancing, Shoes
ell will be much Meier in price.
• We have them still at the low g
- price.•
11 11.1
ee. China and Cropkery Dinner 1
• 1 Sets, Tea Sete, or Clover Leaf
or plain white in open stock. a•
We pay the highest, Pries for =
ti produce. Yott save Money both
� ways by dealing here- E
Radio Plays Important Part in Northern Survey
eireaionerinewe nee
TrearirTe MIMI; • • ineennentelenetee. •
eltelee" /ewe
1111111111111111 111111111111
1 1
n two occasions engineers of the Canadian National Railways were required to send out location parties
each occasion it was found desirable to include amongst the suppliee and equipment a radio receiving set
• and oh the return of the pa,rties it was stated that no addieion, to camp equipment had ever done so much
• Lesson IX—Novernber 27
This involves in teeny Vee a lone;
struggle with ingrained nabite, with
crafty temptations to which they have
yieedol $6 eften that yielding litesebe-
• SHIP; Isaiah it i-eo come second eature,
GOLDEN TEXT—Who shall ascend Learn to do well. "How are we to
into the hill of Jehovah? And who learn to do well?" (1) We need
shall stand in his holy place? He that Power. (2) WQ need a Pattern, (3)
bath clean hands, and a pure heart.— We need Practice,
Ps. 24; 3, 4, •Seek justice, relieve the oppressed,.
THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Sec that the judges decide rightly on
Time --e, Isaiah prophesied from the the cases brought before them, Judge
Yt,:ar in which King Uzziah died, 13.C. the fatherless, plead for the widow.
7$5, jut° the reign of King Manasseh,
who Lnecuted the prophet about •B.C.
Place --- Isaiah prophesied in Jeru-
salem, •
The widows and orphans, lacking tlitir
natural defenders and proteetcan, were
peculiarly open to the attacks of greed •
and freed, and gond men were often
called 0300 to see that they received
THE VISION OF-ISAIAH 0 fair treatment at the hands c,f the
• Isaiah's- name, like "Joshua" and judges arid to act as their advocates
"Jesus'! Means "Jehovah saves." His in On collets. Thus• Jetties taunt
father was Anwz, a different • word that this care for the lanterns:- end
from 'Amos. ;He was a native of Ju- the widow is one of the (nine: netries
del and lived, in. Jerusalem. He was
of pure a.nd, undefiled religien.
probably a child when Ainos preached Come now, and let us reason to,.
so boldly ,in,Betlnel, and his own first gether, ,saith Jehovah. Thi; text hae
preaching was • contemporary with been . used as though God 1l1 as c'.. 1
Hosea: Micah was his younger con- ing people to get together. with Hitt
temporary. for an argument. In reality, the text
Hear the word of Jehovah, ye rug is God's call to get together for a de-
ers of Sodom. See,the preceding verse cision, How many men there are who
in 'which Jerusalein is likened to So- would rather argue about religion than
000 dean and Gomorrah, thos,e evil cities act"
destroyed by the Lord as 'punishment Though your sifts be as scarlet,
for their iniquities. Give ear unto the ;they shall be as white as snow. Sins
law,of our. God, ye people of domor- glaring- as scarlet, souls dyed with
rah. "Like ruler, like people." Isaiah blood -guiltiness, when brought in re -
condemns not only the rulers, those pentance and faith to a forgiving God
false guides, but the people, their, are all washed out 'and made as if
ready followers in wickedness. they never had bee, Though they be
What unto me is the multitude of red like crimson, they shall be as wool
your sacrifices? saith Jehovah. We if ye be willing and obedient, ye
in the Peace River country and in Northern Manitoba, the latter party making towards Churchill. On '
have found this thought repeated oft- shall eat the good of the land. Willing
to add to the morale of the mdn. The illustrations show: Upper left, a section of a camp in the Owl River
district on the way to Churchill; upper tight a group of men in camp listening to radio reception; below. en .
in our lessons from, the prophets, in your hearts, obedient in your lives.
the survey party in -winter garb.•(Canadian National Railways photographs.) tor it was frequently emphasized by But if
.ye refuse and rebel, ye shall
"THE OLD MAN, AND THE..periences. I -le needs new mei-cies ev-
ery morning, just as he needs new
meals, and even though we may preach
the old Gospel, as pray God we all
do, yet he needs new visions, new
ideals, new unfoldings of the Father's
face fresh applications of the Sav-
-have to guard against making—the '
mistake of age, and the mistake of tours blood and, new illuminations of
sin the Holy Spirit,
Contributed by Rev, D. A. Armstrong
33, D., Wroxeter United Church.
There are two mistakes that we
y .
Both are so likely to cast away the dies served, a lovely- lunch, and the rifice."1And I delight not in the blood
A creed that does not grow, breeds
wheat, with the chaff . death. Every generation must speak meeting closed with singing the -hymn of bullocks, or of Iambs, or of he-
• with a new tongue and every disciple • "Blest be the tie that binds." goats. These three animals, with the
The danger of the Old man is to
•' them: The Lord wants the heart, and be devoured with the sword. If your
, if he has not that; He does not care wills refuse and your lives rebel, then
HARRISTON •for the, forms of worship without it. instead of .eating the good of the land
. 9
.. I I have had enough of the burnt -offer- ye shall yourselves be devoured with
The young people of Knox Church mgs of rams, and the fat.of fed beasts
1., i
the ravening sword of the hostile host
motored to ralmerston on Monday Burnt -offerings were those complete.
from the east. This is the prophetic
nighteand put on the programme in ly consudied on the altar. Rams were
threat which runs through the pro -
the Presbyterian church there. There required to be offered, up on all gieat ph-ecies of the clear-eyed statesman,
were eight car loads ancceveryone en- Occasions. "The fat was always re- Isaiah. For the mouth of Jehovah hath
joyed themselves very much- Aft& garded, both by the Hebrews and the spoken it. The prophecy ends on a
the progra.mme, the Palmerston la- Greeks, as especially suitable for sac- solemn and majestic note. If it were
only Isaiah, a:mere man, who was
speaking, the people might disregard
his word; but not when the speaker
is Jehovah, the Alinie;lity, the Omnis-
willWilliam Street, Mr. Robt. Armstrong Irnals used by the Hebrews jn their -
' i . '
king forth from his teeasure
. „mat, out of whose mouth comes only
things new and old. A theology that .
at all. After all it is the old Gospel. It ;from out near Fordwich. The late Mr.! Wheri ye come to appear ' before
has no old truth in it is not a theology who moved to town a short time ago , the truth,
is still the manner scene of Bethlehem I Armstrong had been sick since Sept. me, who hath. required this at your • SALEM
of 2000 years„ago that inspires and i but not until last Wednesday did they hand, to traraple.tny courts? The law
We ane glad to know that Mr. Geo.
gladdens humanity, today—There are think him so low. He was a member of 'required every Jew to go up to the
Lane is improving as well'as can be
no substitutes for that. •
New 13rielge L.O.L. which lodge at- temple three times a year, at the
expecte.d after his recent operation.
tended. Mr. Armstrong was in his three great annual feasts; but if their
What we have to do as wise scribes 86th year. Besides his sorrowing W1-. hearts were not in the festival, if they The community was shocked last
Thursday inornirig when • the news
overestimate the past, while the dan-
ger of tire young man is to underesti-
mate it. Old folk so often nook with
suspicion upon anything that is new,
and young folk are apt to treat the
traditions of the past with impatience,
As a rule,. therefore, age has its face
to the 'past and treasures the old,
,while youth has its face to the future'
and worships the ,new.
New things can only be truly and
usefully new in iproportion as they
are old. Antiquity is the basis of mod-
ernness, in 'the degree in which mod-
ernness is trtie in the soul. -
If we lived' in a world that was all
Mug of ,the skating rink for the coin -
novelty and surprise, our life would
ing season. Tenders to baopened, Dec. be so ,unsettled as to be impotent for
end at 8 o'clock. •
Motion by Sanderson and Wright
that we adjourn to a regular meeting
on call of the Reeve.
• This community has ,scldom been
more shocked, than when the news of
the sudden death of Mrs. Robert
Sharpinewas circulated, She had gone
in the morning • ihimediately after
breakfast to the heme of her son,
Morrison Sliarpin, when she took
suddenly ill and • passed away in 0a
few minutes. ,
Mrs. Sharpio will be greatly mis-
sed, She was ninth devoted to her
husband and family and to the whole
community,, She was a loyal member
of the Salem United Church, having
served as President of the Ladies' Aid
for inany years.
Upon her retirement through fail-
ing health, she was Presented with
gifts 'from her fellow -workers.
1 The sincerest sympathy goes out to
her httsband who has been in poor
health for many years and to her
sons arid daughters and the other
relatives of the family.
1 • The funeral took place from' her
late residence on Saturday afternoon,
and was largely, attended. The Ser-
vice at the honk' and graveside was
:iecealutted ,by the Rev. D A. Arm-
strong,,P.D., of the Wroxeter Church.
Village Clerk ,
• Issuer Of Martiage Licenses
The law now rot -mines' the license
be taken out three days before the
*0 *jl0'0 0.L0000 0000Y1.1.:11.1".111 111" " 1'11'1" 't "
good. We all love to come -upon a
man who is original, but he must have
the'commen instincts 'Of humanity,
otherwise, we could not endure him.
Were a man to be entirely different
to the race he would cease to be a
man. So humanity is old and person-
ality is new.
Such truth as we preach from the
pulpit is from everlasting. It is only
our method of presenting it that has
the slightest claim to originality. We
could not preach a new theology if
we tried to, for a new theology would
not be true. the most new-
fangled idea that has come to light,
and I think I can satisfy you, by re-
vealing its hoary antiquity. Sir Oliver,
Lodge once pointed, out how old our
newest inventions are. A man takes
half a dozen old things and puts them
into a fresh relationship to each other
and he calls the result a new inven-
tion. Volta takes zinc and copper and
said all these are as old as the hills,
and produces a world shocking dis-
covery—yet what was there eicevt a-
bout it? It was quite literally as old
as the hills—yet it changed the face of
our modern world add revolutionised
who is a true scribe of the J.ineelaini
There pasSed- away at his late hoihe 1 raMs, made up the totainlist of. ani -
is to express that old Gospel in lan-
derstand. Truth is everlastingly the does he leaves to mourn his loss, two did not really worship God, the Lord
daughters, Miss Margaret at home, did not ask them just to tramp tin and
mine floors.
guage that the eoth century can un -
same, but our conceptions of it must son William of Dakota and two: Bring no more vain oblations.
Aires. McLauchlin of Toronto and one down the temple
grow with our growth. We have the
very same stars that the wise men of
old saw. But, how wonderfully our
astronomical conceptions have chang-
ed since then.
Truth, like God, never changes, but
•our conceptions of it are constantly
changing. It is good for a man to
have a creed, and here the old his-
toric confessions are of value, but if
they cannot be handled, in a broad
way, in a large free fashion, they be-
come a hindrance and not an inspira-
tion. The sad results of this kind of
thing are all too evident in some cir-
cles today. E'xtreines beget extremes.
'The pendulum will have to recoil, we
have now, a theol*ical left wing and
a theological right. wing and, they are
two hostile camps. There are Radicals
on the one side and Conservatives on
the other. The wise man refuses party
labels and will belong to neither. He
has learned to take a broader view,
which unites what God has joined to-
gether ant.,1 what these contending
parties are trying toniut asunder.
Mere love .of novelty is a disease
and so he looks,for a "via media". He
will neither hate the old nor fear the
new. They both love value, and he
brings them both forth from hisnreas-
And as it is in the field of opininn
so it is in the realm of conduct. In
All this deubles in force when we our work as citizens and reformers of
come into the sphere' •of religion. society,' old and new must be forever
Again the new is °kinetic' the old is 1 blended. The old principles stand,
the new. It must of necessity be so. Faith, Hope, Lone Courage, Integrity
We all stand between the tomb of one
age and the'cradle of another, And
th,e ereed,of tomorrow must be in vi
tal relationshipto the creed of today,
WC need progress and vie also need
.conservatisin and our best theoleigians
are doalitieniete, We, who stand on a
height tedaynowe a debt we can nev-
er repay to Augnstine'atd Luther and
Calvin and Oven, and. We must not
be in a hurry to kick down the lad-
der 'by which -We' climbed.
and Fidelity are old fashioned virtues.
They are old as the patriarchs and
since God ordained them. Old as the
hills. Yet God governs by paradox,
and --
"New occasions teach nevv duties,
Time worketh ancient good uncotith
We must upward still and onward
-Who would keep abreast of tenth."
There are ever new fields- to till—
new tongues to sepeek—and new wea-
came that the late Mrs. Robert Sher -
pin had dropped, dead while about her
household duties. She was a faithful
grandsons, Mews. Alex. and Fred "Oblations' may mean offerings in member of the Ladies' Aid, and the
Sanderson oftown. The funeral was general, or specifically, offerings of United Church here. She leaves to
held Monday to Salem Cemetery and grain or meal. Incense is an abomina- mourn her loss her sorrowing bus -
was largely attended. • tion unto me. Incense is the smoke band and three sons and three daugh-
M—r7 Wm. Welch D. Smith, Mr. and or smell arising from sacrifices; clef- ters, who have the sympathy. 'of the
Mrs. Mal. McMillian motored to Tor- initely, it is the smoke and, odor of neighborhood. The funeral on Sat-
oato on Sunday.
Mr. R. Kidd, Mrs. Lambert,t' Mrs. .
sPlees burned on an altar, such as the urday was largely attended. She was
lanteasroionfeinscpbencsiael inretclexpe tHacoiely swung to
or ' lid Mr. and
arnedstast oNelsonf 'CGen7vedtye rya -T1 d
E, Aitchison, Mrs. A. Meniurry mot -
i keep the spices burning. New moon children called on the foerner's par-
ored to London on Sunday. •
and sabbath, the calling of assemblies ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy one;
Mr, and Mrs. 13. Whitmore spent i —Icannotwith iniquityand thed 1 t Is
away ay as wee -, ,•, e
Sunday in Denniville.
, solemn meeting. The opening of each Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gallagher of Bd..
Mrs. Percy Dryden spent a 'few month by the coming of the new moon mone visited friends around here last
days last week at the home of her was made a religious ceremony am- Sunday.
mother, Mrs. Wilkin, near Palmer- ong the Jews, with rites carefully laid leer. Richard Palmer is somewhat
Miss D. Geddes spent the week -end
down.. improved in health ht time of writing
in Torentg. • '
The teachers and officers of Knox
church Sten -day 'School here enter-
tained,at the Manse last Friday night
The Wolf Chapter of the 1,0.1333.
held a very succesful • Euchre aad.
Dance in the Hall on. Thursday night.
The prizes were won by, Ladies, Mrs.
Your new 'swoons and your appoint- We hope he continues to gain ifl
ed feasts my soul hatetk. The "ap-. strength.
pointed, feasts" are the religious fes-
tivafe at the elifferent seasons of the
year,. especially the passover and feast
of unleaveiaed bread in the first month
elb.e feast of weeks (first fruits, Pen-
tecost) at the beginning ef' harvest,
and the feast of tabernacles at the
end of harvest in the seventh month.
J. H. Shannon and Mrs. Gibbsoia Mr.
a trOuble onto me; I am
Davis and Mr. Webber gents. The They are
ladies will clear $sceoo. - weary of bearing thern. If the people
bad put their souls into them, God's
soul would have /*iced in them,
And when ye spread forth your
hands, I will hide mine eyes froin
you. Their hands outspread and
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Strong and Miss
stretched up to heaven in the attitude hope they soon be well again.
TO,Alsitemsvpern, Saturday with friends in
of prayer; but it is only attitudinizing; Mr, Milvert Sellers returned home
Mr. Sam Jefferson spent the week- God averts His eyes from the farce. Saturday night after spending the past
end in Gorric. Yea, when ye make many prayers, I few months in the West.
Mr. and Mrs, Wen. Ferguson spent will riot hear Their many prayers are Mr. A. D. Smith has installed another
Mrs. W. Stewart is at p-rlems"e:74%t ens*:
iting with relatives at Dungatinon.
Mr. 33. Jarnigem was home over
Sunday and took servic'es at Presby-
terian church on Sunday. •
Mr. 13. H. Moffat returned home
Saturday after relieving the'assistant
at the C.N.R. at Weston during the
summer and fall inortths.
We are sorry to report Mr. a.tid
Mrs. Hutton both on the sick list and
Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Walter
i the "vain repetitions" which •gas pump ancl is now selling Shell
i leAerisrb. uarteldle
Mrs. Earl Patterson and full of blood.
Christ eondemnied.
The L'aited Church Xmas tree en -
Your hands are gasolene.
TRUE W6RSHIP " , tertaiement will be
alittrctile.m\rVsi,h1Tahosps,eisittrSotilligi(lay with Mr.
Wash you, make, you clean. 1 will bee estd and Ebenezeiltei'd'Xinoans Dtreceeelolli:
'• Mr. and Mrs. join), Nimms and Mr, wash, My hands in innoceecy, In December 22nd.
and Mrs, Elmer Davis left on Mon- all religious rites the use ot water
day for their home in Long Island, • for purifying the body is the appro-
of months out west. prime symbol for the removal 01
New York. Ifie • Davis spent a couple the stains ,., of sin from the soul Put
Miss Dorothy Champ, tight Opera-
, away the ivil of your doings frorn be -
Listowel Public Utilities Cominci:1-1fit(lemiT'Lleseibelyeett -trulkidiselmnntdnattlidie:Nuvaalscitl,! ttcheermaito
l'af8teIleitonRelei d'ID'eleeePri: °Atli% erPttal
Modernness alone leads to tempta- pons to -wield. It is for society to Sion has made a cut of 5 Per cent.
don. Antiquity alone is the pathway give new Me to these ancient prin- all water rates, with exception of met- ing and cleaning as referring to re- 2,36o miles distant, the conversation
of death. No man can liyo on old ex- clples.
Mr, A. H. Coombs is taking, in the.
Winter Pair at ,Toronto this week.
erad customers, and hydrant rental. ligions cenemonies, Cease to do evilbeing very distinct..