HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-10, Page 8ti
wide on- Mrs, Parker has been spend-
ig the la. ew week's 'with her moth -
er in Toronto, Nyho is Seriously ,
1Vlisses Elizabeth, Annie and Flor-
ence Barber a Toronto viSite,..1, with
'their mother, Mrs, Chas. Barber, over
the holiday.
011tfil, 'after an absenee of eighteen
earS; leaves this 'week for 'Toronto;
eri.iertitu; to her home.
How trim and small your foot looks. Every
ty line of'instep and ankle,
Cony ,.cold and rain., snow or sleet, you're
and warm..
Color§ ancl fabrics to blend with the modish en-
semble; dome and slide fastener mo`del. Your
choice is wide at GREER'S.
Mr. join) Munro, ,orouto, spent
Thanksgiving at his twate• ,
Mrs. Geo., S. Lockle and daughter
Miss Georgina, of London, spent the
holiday, at Mri, Morrison. s. :
Dr, and Mrs. Smith and" child and
Jack yown returned. to Detroit Sat -
Mr, William, painter, Gourd, New
-11 Ontario, is visiting' his brother, Wes
P. in towri and other friends in the vi -
iii pinity.
i Earle Ball spent the vveek-end in
Toronto, ,
Bert Martin and family and John
McBurrzey went to London on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shannon Mrs.
-1 Thos. Rowntree and. son Russell, of
II Woodbridge,' spent Thanksgiving 'at
p While going to Orangeville on Sat -
Mrs. T. W, Henry had the inisfOrtune
to be ran into near .Grand Valley,by
beau -
We are -ready for School Opening with a Complete
Stock of Supplies, including:
Town Agency Canadian National Railways.
a big Nash Sedan; doing considerabl'e
damage tO Mr,' Henry's new I3uick
sedan, He had to have it towed into
Grand Valley where it is being repair-
ed, Fortunately no one was .
In the Izirvioti,Cottlity Rome Garden
Athol Purd,on, son of Mr. and IVIrs,
Alex PtIrdQu, tbis village, received
ard prize. Congratulations.
Mrs. Fleming of Dal,ota,
with her mother Mrs, Jas. IVIartiii and
other relatives nere,
Mr, and. 'Mrs, R.ussel Reid of Brant-
ford spent the Week -end with his par-
ents here.
Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Browrzing,of
eardhie spent ,ithe week -end with her
,parents, .M.r, and Mrs.' Geo. Cottle.
California, vislfed with MeClenaghan
Mr. and IVIrs.jnba Ross, of 'I-turon
Township spent ,Spn.dav with hpf
.,ep.ts, Mr.. and, Mrs. Dave Farrier.
Thanksgiving was ushered in with a
fall of snow.
Those home for the. holiday were:
Miss Helen Mulvey, Annie Douglas,
Olive Stokes. Away ^for the holiday:
Mrs. John Peterman with Mrs. Perk-
ins in Teeswater, Miss Amy Newans
in Toronto, Mr. and, Mrs. Herd and
family at Lion's Head. .
Rev. and Mrs: Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Johann and family, Edna Lin-
coln, Charlie Scott, Minnie Jeffray
were among those who attended the
-fowl supper in Mildmay Thursday
evening, which was held"in"the'skat-
Miss Katherine Foster anti, Jackie
Herd entertained over twenty of their
friends Monday evening. This was in
the form of a Hallowe'en party.
Witches were there, Goblins were
there, Ghosts were there, while the.
decorations shoived much time and pa-
tience. ,
Mrs. Dr. James 'Mulvey from the
West is the guest of Mrs. John Mul-
Miss Eleanor Jeffray spent Thurs-
day evcning with. Mrs. Lucy' Harris,
Mildmay. .
Miis Irene Mundell spent the holi-
day with Miss Katherine Foster at
the general store
A team belonging; to Mr., Wesley
Haskins,' Huntingfield, made things
lively Monday, breaking loose in the
shed. One horse frked itself and put
for home, the remaining, one with
harnesi and, wagon, made a dash for
dug into the sod and threw the horse
the creek. The tongue of the wagon
on its back. Willing workers were
soon on the job and extricated it
from, its perilous position. Without
taking" time to say thank you, it
bounded for home, none the worse
apparently for its cold bath,
Mary and Jim and Arthur and Jean
played pranks on Hallowe'en.
3t $,rd'}gN'
accempaided by Mrs, GordOn Irwin
and son,, of . Belfast, 'spent
tt couple 9f days with MO. Powers
near GuelPh.
IV/iss Mary Curates of Toronto was
a Sunday visitor With her brother,
C. Coultes and family; '
Mrs, Simpson of London has re-
turned to her home tifter , visiting
with her mother Mrs, McGee in the
parents, Ur, Ana Mrs. Malcolni koSse
Mrs. Alfred Reed and son Eliner,
of Detroit, also Miss Jean. Finlayson
of LOchalsh, visited last week with
their •aunt; WS. Jai, IvlacGregor.
Miis Caroline' Wellwobd, of Wing -
ham, returned,MissionarY frorti China,
gave a very interesting address on
the work there, in the 'United 'Church
here, on 'Sunday afternoon.
The United Church are holding their
Anniversary on Sunday November r3
Rev. R. Fulton Irwin of Centralia, a
former pastor, will occupy the pulpit
nan-ning and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thorripson and
children of Mitchell visited on' Sunday
with Mr. and IVfrs. Thos. Robinson.,
Mr. Wrn. Stein passed aWay on
Sunday, at the honie of his sister, Mrs;
Wm. Purdon, after a few weeks ill-
ness. He leaves to niourn him three
sisters, M'rs:' Wm. PurrIon and Mrs,
Jas, Purcion of lielens and Mrs.
Rintotil of Brussels. Also five broth;,
ers, Andrew of Ashfield, John of Kin-
cardine; Albert and Robert and James
in Saskatchewan,: All of the family ex-
cept Robert and James were here for
the funeral, which took place on
'rhursda.y to Wingharn Cemetery. Re)
H. Whitfield of the United Chuch
Whitechurch, -taking the services.
Miss gary Martin of Lorrdon spent
the 'week -end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and
children spent 'Thanksgiving with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk
of Seaforth.
Miss Dorothy Reed,. of Clinton,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
Messrs. Adin Furdon, of Leaming-
ton z-tild Elmer Purdon of Detroit,
spent Sunday with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and IVIrs• Wm. Pardon.
Mr, Jas. Aitcheson Sr., of Fordyce
passed away at his home Thursday
last. He was buried in Bethel on Sat-
urday afternoon.
Mr. Albert Stein of Aylesbury Sask.
is home attending the funeral of his
brother, Mr. Wm. Stein.
Miss Amelia Leaver returned to
London on Thursday last.
Mr. J. Elgin Currie, M.A.; and Mrs.
Currie and little son Johri, of St.
Ma.r3r's, visited over the week -end at.
the home of Mr. and Mrs, James Isard
Wingham,, and Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Currie, East Wawanosh.
Coils are anchored—quiet
Causingtria;iniuth relaxation
of every , *hitch in
upanxioi grow old,
peifect bed spring
tOtiltg '"for the rest
toot ot con
1 Cross 3. Perfected
Tension Base
2. Extra 4. The
Strength Stabilize
The members of Belgrave Orange
Lodge 'gathered together 'last Tues -
'day evening and went to the home of
Ed. Irwin just west of the -village to,
spend' a SoCial time with ere he
leaves for his new hdme Goderich
During the evening, Mr.' and Mrs.
Irwin ,were presented with a fernery
and fern. gharles King read the ad-
dress and Allan Patterson made the
: George Wightman has returned
lOad of cattle east.
The members' of Belgrave L. O. L.
'held social evening last Friday'
night whert they. and their families
met,''together and enjoyed an oyster'
supPer. At the conclusion Of the
supper a program of solos, readings
and addresses vvak carried out,
operation in Wingham hospital has
iecovere,r1 so far as to be able to
An accident occurred on Sunday af-
ternoon as the people were returning
from 'church, when a car driven b)
men, which was traveling north. Mr.
Michie was turning.to the main road
and traveling very slowly ..ivhen he
was .itruelc by the coupe. The coupe
was turned right about by the shock
of the impact but was not dainaged
to, any extent, while Mr. Michie's
'car suffered a broken windshield,
axle and steering rod.
Mr. and Mrs. C, Coultes and
family were recent visitors with the
lady's sister, Mrs. F. Reid, and fain-
ily of Varna.
Mrs. Russel Walker and son Jack of
Teeswater, have spent the last couplt
of weeks visiting friends in and 'a -
Mrs. John Wightman, is visiting
with her daughter, Mrs. Jim Elliot,
near Bluevale.
Miss Florence Scott, of Stratford, -
Normal School, is spending the holi-
day with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
John Scott of Wawanosh.
Miss Sara Young, of Beamsville,
was a holiday visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mo. Jas, Anderson, of Mor -
The regular meeting of 'th'6 'Bel -
grave Women's Institute „will be
held at the home of Mrs. Norman
Walsh, on Tuesday afternoon, No-
vember xsth, at 2.3o o'clock.
Mrs.' Rev. Scobie will give a paper
entitled "Making Life Count';,
Mrs, Dan Geddes will have charge
of the musical part o,f the program.
All the. ladies of the'community are
condially invited to attend.
A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the fowl supper and concert at
Landesboro on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Campbell and
children were Stratford, visitors on
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and
family visited at the home of Mrs.
McDowell's sister, Rev. Mrs. McIn-
tosh of Milverton, a couple of days
last week.
Mr..Morrish of Toronto spent over
the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Miss Ruth Vincent spent Thanks-
giving under the parental roof.
Mrs. Pentland is visiting her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Harry Bellamy of Toronto.
Mr. Alfred Cook, of Toronto, vis-
ited on Monday with his sister, Mrs.
Fred J. Cook.
Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, of Bruce -
field, is spending a few days with her
brother, Mr. Earl Wightman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Campbell vis-
ited over the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. Allen of Lucknow.
Miss E, Sawerby spent over the
week -end with her parents in God.-
erich Township.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stonehouse and
son Donald, of Goderieh 'visited over
Thanksgiving with Mrs. Stonehouse's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N, Campbell
and other friends.
Mrs. Barkley and Mrs. Ceasar of
Dungannon returned home from the
West on Fridar after spending the
eummer with the •former's son, Mr.
David Barkley of Limerick. Mrs.
Barkley, and Mrs. Ceasar spent a
few days with Mrs, Albert Campbell
before returning to their home at
Miss Grace Redmond of Stratford
spent over Thanksgiving at her hOme
A very successful social tiine was
spent in Knox Church last Monday
evening when a Hallowe'en social
was held. 'The basement was stiitably
decorated for the .oecasion, A large
number who attended were dressed
in coStUmes to suit the event and
were qttite interesting The pri-Aes
given for the hest costumes -Were Won
by Mrs. D. Geddes arid Gordon
Stonehous 6. A program of readings,
solos and instrutnentaA musie followed
by different contests that was given.
Lunch was served at the close of the
program. -
111r, and Mrs. Orval Taylor and
sons, jack and Lloyd of Wawariosh
To some homes a, newspaper is a
newspaper, and no thought is given
f6 the quality. That rule ,does not
apply when buying house supplies.
The best is then wanted, even if it
costs More. Why should those homes
not be as particular about the reading
inillion Canadians each ,"veek. " It is
had at the same price or less than
the inferior article. The Family
Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal
is the acknowledged best value in all
Canada. It is a wonderful combina-
tion of newspaper and family ina.ga-
zine and a farm journal without an
equal on the Continent, and it casts
no more than an ordinary country
weekly — one dollar a year. Seventy-
two pag;es every week of the choicest
fly at a cost o/ less than two cents a
week should interest every home in
Canada, No wonder The Family
'amid and Weekly Star is read by a
matter that comes into the fainily,
particularly when the very best eau be
well worth a trial.
I Buying
Line's of Mertlitandis:
Ibex .Flannelette Blankets $2.29
$6.50 Young Men's Wool Windbreakers . $3.95
(Women's Georgette and Silk Presses .. ..: —.410.00
(3 North Star Comforter Batts
1$12.00 Pure Wool Blankets
IMen's $40.00 Glencairn Serge Suits', Blues
25 Men's Fine Suits regular $33.00 and $35.00
20 Men's I.Irster Overcoats, Qood Blues and
25 Young Men's Stilts, Season's Best, New-
t,14- Children's Coats, Regular ialues to $11.50
'Xour choice each, $5.00
Hundreds of qther good buys from our Big Winter
Stocks. Extra values await you—Come
along and see them.
Make your subscription renewals now to Advance -Times
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I Monday Tuesday Wednesday November 14-15-16
Thursday, Friday, Saturday' November 17-18-19
Make your subscription renewals now Adv nce.Tirnes