HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-10, Page 64NOTON NCE MUTUA
Established 140
Head Office, Guelph, Ont,
Risks taken on all classes of insure
axtce at reasonable rates, '
;,A.BNER COSEl1TS, Agent, Wingham
J. W. AP O .I V D
Office in Chisholiil Block
P. O. Box 30o Phone 40
, Etc.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,
Money to Loan
Office -Meyer Block, Wingham
Successor to Dudley Holmes
Money to Loan at Lowest Rates
Wingham. - Ontario
Wing ham, - Ontario
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Dentistry.
Office over H. E. Isard's Store.
Physician and Surgeon
Medical Representative - D. S. C. R.
Phone 54
Successor to Dr. W. R. Hamblyf
By Percival Christopher Wren
.\ugustus, always t poor horseman, " (fur the benefit of the tenants and tl
hell: fallen of his hunter ant'd been „slaw), andknow you inust dread
dragged Until he was 'dead indeed, the retourn of Sir Hector, and, is
Isobel was quite well, No, she had
not Married. How loam was it since
l..awrctice'had heard: from Lady
llrundun e Oh, quite recently, :only : a
month or so ago. She wrote more
frequently, nowaday, Scented to: have
no one to turn ;to for advice, now the
t:.ltaplaixti was dead ..
• Isobel was .Well and unmarried! (I.
was tinconsciuus that I was breathing
more freely and My heart functioning
more regularly, that ithad, done since
this rave a
ustere official had inen-
M.R.C.S. (Eng.)" L.R.C.P. (Loud.)
Dr. Chisholm's old stand.
d Claudia's, marriage
by Sir Hector,
r 11 en l did' not say 'discovered
discovery of the fact, sooner or later.
I: Was inside one of the suits >f
Armour when yeti handed the "Blue
Water" over,to the vivier lir agent of
theMaharajall:I Beard everything;and
when oniee yuu had said whatyou said
and I had, heard it — it was pointless
for lite to confess that I know, but
When I found that you had a duplicate
Made, I thought what a splendid
thing it would be if only, we had `a.
Burglary and the "Blue Water" sub-
stitute were stolen! The thieves woilld
be 'nicely done in the eye,,. and your
ileac au sale of the stone would never be
Did she feel toward me es she had sale . f
November x3
I•I,useaPreaches God's1,4:ivc--liost,a,
Chapters fa,
Golden 'rext: I desire p oodne 45 and
done that morning w
pad -bye to her i- . that morning that l Had I known how to get into'the
a Priests' Hole and open the safe, ' I
would have burgled it for you.
Then, .Sir ,Rector's letter carne,
announcing' his return, and, 1 know
that things' were desperate and the
matter urgent. So I spirited away
that clever piece of glass or quartz or
Whatever it is, and I herewith return
it (with apologies I nearly put it back
after all, the same night, but I'm glad
I didn't. (!'ell John this.)
Now I do beg and pray you to let
Sir Hector go on thinking that 1 am
a common thief and stole the `Blue
Water" — or all this bother that
eveybody has had will be all 'for
nothing, and I shall have failed to
shield you from trouble and annoy-
If it is not impertinent, may I, say
that I think you were absolutely right
to sell it, and that the value is a
jolly sight better applied to the health
and ` happiness of the tenants and
villagers and to the productiveness of
the farms. than locked, up. in a safe
in theform of a shining stone that is
of no earthly benefit to anyone.
It nearly made me regret what 1
had done, when those asses, Digby
and John, had the cheek to bolt too.
Honestly, it never occurred to me
that they would do anything so silly.
But I suppose it is selfish of me to
want all the.blame and all the fun and
pleasure of xloing a little job for you.
I do so hope that all has gone well
and turned out as I planned. I Bet
Uncle Hector was sick!
Well, my dear Aunt, I can only
pray that I have helped you a little.
With sincerest gratitude for allyou
have done, for us,
Your loving and admiring nephew,
"Beau Geste".
"A beau gest, indeed," said 'Aunt
Patricia, and for the only time in my
life, I saw her put her handkerchief to
her eyes.
Graduate of University of Toronto,
Facultyof Medicine; Licentiate of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Office in Chisholm Block
.Josephine Street. Phone 29.
seemed so long ago that it might have
been in a previous existence, that
morning that was so long ago?
And, so Aunt Petrici,e know! Yet
what did she know after all? Merely
thatMichael professed and confessed
to be the single-handed thief of the
"Blue Water," and that he, and he
alone, was to blame . •
Did she yet know the truth as to
the theft?
I had been feeling horribly ill for
some time, and now I collapsed alto-
gether with a combination of malarial
fever and dysentery—that ill-omened
union after whose attack a man is
never quite the sante again.
Had I been Lawrence's own son,
he could not have done more for me,
and the Government doctor, who
came posthaste by rail and horse, was
splendid. It was a close call and a
long, slow recovery, but the came at
last when 1 found myself weak, shaky,
and. emaciated on Maiduguri platform
en route for Lagos and home.
Dr.Margaret C. Calder
General Practitioner
Graduate University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine
Office—Josephine St., two doors south
of Brunswick Hotel.
Telephones: Office 281, Residence 252
Office over John. Galbraith's Store
All Diseases Treated
Office adjoining' residence next to
Anglican Church on Centre Street.
Sundays by appointment.
Hours -g a.m. to 8 p.m.
Osteopathy Electricity
Telephone 272.
A. R. & F. E. DUVAL
Licensed ":Drugless Practitioners,
Chiropractic and Electro Therapy.
Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic
College, Toronto, and National. Col-
lege Chicago.
Office opposite Hamilton's Jewelry
Store; Main St.
HOURS: a-5, 7--8.30 p.m., and
by appointment
Out of town and night calls re-
sponded to. All business confidential
Phones: Office Soo; Residence 6o1-13.
George Lawrence was with nie,
having sworn not to let me out of his
sight until he had delivered ale safe
and sound, at Brandon Abbas. put
asidethe unworthy thought which
occurred to me — that it was himself
he yearned to see safe and sound at
that house! The idea occurred to me
when I found that whatever I said
about Michael interested him to the
extent that it bore upon Michael's
relations to Aunt Patricia, and that
his interest in the, mystery of the
"Blue Water" was limited to its bea-
ring upon Aunt Patricia's affairs.
And so one day, I found myself on
the deck of a - steamer, breathing
glorious sea -air, and looking back
upon the recedingcoast of horrible
Africa, and almost too weak to keep
my eyes from watering and my throat.
from swelling, as I realised that I was
leaving behind nee all that was mortal
of two of the best and finest men ever
lived — my brothers, Michael and
Digby. Also two more of the finest
men of a different kind, Hank and
Buddy, possibly alive, probably dead
(for no word had come to Kane)
and, but for Isobel, I should have
wished that I were dead too.• • - • •
But I was glad to be alive, and in "•
And so that is the other side
my selfishness let my joy lay balm of ' the story, ray friend. Alas, for
upon my grief for my brothers and those two splendid boys, Michael and
my friends for in nmypocket were Digby Geste ... .
cables front. Isobel, cables dispatched And the remaining piece of news
as soon as Lawrence's letter reached is that I do most sincerely hope that
Brandon Abbas, announcing my ap- you 'will be able to come over to
pearance in Nigeria, andel the deaths of England in June.ei
Michael. and Digby. You are the best man <I know, Jolly,
I will not write of my meeting with and I want you to be my Best Man,
her. Those who love, or ever have a desire heartily' shared by Lady
loved, can imagine something of what Brandon.
I felt as.1 walked to the Bower, which Fancy, old cabbage, after more than
she had elected to be our meeting thirty years of devotion! , .. I feel
like •a boy!
Phone xgx.
Hours: o -IS) a.m., 2-5, 7-8 p.m., or
by appointment.
Adjustments given for diseases of place rather than a railway-plal:forni
not :.icrifice, and the knowledge of
(;;(>d, more than burnt .Yfl'ttides.--
Hos, 6 O.
Tirrlt; — k1osea's earliest pro l,heeie:s
are dated by Professor Beecher at
Place. Hosea .pruhllcsied, in th;d
Northern 1'.ingdoill,( bat it is nut
known where: perhaps at the capital,
Samaria, or the summer. capital, Jez-
reel,,after which he named One. of his
• When Israel was a child: That is, in
the early days of the history of the
Jewish nation. Theta, 1 loved
Gcd1's • love began with the very
beginning of the chosen People, as
a father's love does ` not wait .for
his child to develop beauty and
strength; of eltaracter. God's way
is the way of a father with his son,
adapting his niethods to the son',
successive periods of growth, and
through every: vicissitude exhibiting
the skill of an Educator with the
unwearied patient love of a Parent.
And called my Son out of Egypt.
All t1ir tt:„h the !Bible the peculiar
relation of J elroval't to , the .101V5
GutphaS.i .:d..hli:, the .duly One, dwells
in the nutlet of that people as with
no other, And I will not come in.
wrath'MS repeats in ether uol'4,14
Cltt cA>nth rtiu„ protelat. !.}vari, "1 rtii,11
not ..return to kt tr",y”
i.\1Ol(.N PJr;l"1: :•'1':
I will heal theft backsli lira.
pression 1;; very cuutltn,.i•• ,Ill.
heal the harm wrought byd the illt....i1 5
backsliding frtsln truth and right, the
rents ht their . mural Nature, the
shameful ruin :of their cunthtet, the
eanour of their, soul s,
I will love therm freely, Freely, with-
out requiring, costly s:lerifice,. It is
God's love that will be the healing
medicine, God's 'free grace that, will
:fling warren` amts around thein and
lift thein back to health,
For mine auger is turned away
front hint. From u.lsrael, new conceived
intimately as a man and not "them," a
nation of niers.,
I will be as the dew unto Israel,
God, will refresh °Israel as dew refrlesh-
es the parched gross,
He shall :blossom as the lily, and
cast forth his roots as Lebanon. The
blossoms, is a symbol of fruitfulness;
but its roots are shallow :and. it soon
fades, so that. Hosea changes his com-
parison to the majestic IMIt. Hermon,
which dominates all Palestine, its
nighty ridges rtlnIlnlg down into the
heart of the earth, the surest token
of_permanence .and stability.
His branches shall spread, and his
beauty shall be as the olive -tree, and
smell as Lebanon. When we think of
Lebanon we think of its cedars,. and.
Israel is to be like thein also, in.
their fragrance, earl like the olive -tree
which bears its silver-grey foliage'.
Tlie "son" is the Jewish people, and
Moses was told to describe the He-
brews thus in asking Pharaoh to let
them go.
The more the prophets called them,
the more they went from them. The
people were called ,by God out of
Egypt, but remained in the Egypt
of idolatry and worldliness. Then God
sent the prophets' to call them, but
the: call was not heeded; indeed•, the
Eictract from a letter from Law-
rence, Esq., C. M. G., of His Majesty's
Nigerian Civil Service,. to Colonel
Henry de Beaujolais, Colonel of
Spahis, XIXth (African Arany Corps:
people obstinately went in just the op- winter and summer, a beautiful sym-
posite way—a vivid picture of the bol of the unfailing grace of God.
perversity of all, sinners. They sacri- •:They that dwell under his shadow
ficed unto the ,
Beeline and burned in- shall return. Some cornmentators
cense to graven imagds. The Beeline t think that "his" refers to Israel, others
("lords") were the various local gods
of the Canaanites, imitating whom the
Israelites; established hill sanctuaries
of Jehovah all over the land.
Yet I taught Ephriam to walk.'Eph-`
riam •was the strongest tribe of the
Northern Kingdom, and therefore is
used as - a synonym for it.
1 took them on my arms. When the
nation grew weary with its initial tot-
tering stepsand its frequent falls, the
loving Father took it up in his arms
and carried a while—a beautiful con-
all kinds; specialize in dealing with
children. Lady attendant. Night' calls
responded to.
Office on Scott St., Wingham, Ont.
Phone 15o
Phone 73. Lucknow, Ontario
Money to lend on first and second fused to come, and had further diso-
'mortgages on farm and other real es- bey ed her by leaving the house against
tate properties at a reasonable rate of
or a steamer's deck.
There was my ,darling,,more beatiti-.
ful than ever, and if Possible; more
sweet and loving „
Well, joy does not kill, or I should
not have survived that hour. Aunt
Patricia was coldly kind,' at first. '
I was made to feel' that she had
send for inc one day, and I had _re -
interest, also on first Chattel rnort-
gages on stock and on personal notes.
A few farms on - hand for sale or to
rent on easy terms.
A thorough knowledge of Farm
Phone 235, Wingham-•w
Phones: Office Tod, Resid.
— and --«
'Motor Equipment
IMAM P1MAP1e1k11Y111MMMni OY.AYM41nt01"1M4410,1004/1141141.0:.
her expressed desires!
After lunch, in the drawing -room,
the room from which the "Blue
Water" had disappeared, I gave her,.
in the .presence of Isobel and George
Lawrence, the letter and packet -that
had, been. Michael's charge to mc.
She opened the letter first and read
it, and"then read aloud in a clear and
steady voice:
"M.ymost dear and admired,
Aunt Patricia,
When you get this, 1 shall be dead,
and when you have read it. I shall be
forgiven, 1 hope, for I did what I
thought was best, and what would, in
a small aleasune, repay yott for some
of your great goodness to me and my
My dear Aunt, f know you had sold
the "Mae Water" td the 'Maharajah
that it refers to Jehovah.
They shall revive i as the grain, and
blossom as the vine. The `repentant
)people shall prosper as desolated
farms and vineyards may be made
.,to smile with fresh harvests. The -scent
thereof shall be as the wine of Le-
banon. The Lebanon and especially.
the Anti-Libanus district north of.
Damascus is said to produce the best
grapes as large as plums.
Ephraim shall say, What have I to
do any more with idols? The North
'J'1ltnirt day, November a oth, r,cwee,
Wh '" be content with
pari on, illustrating what God does ern Kingdom, in that day of wisdom
always, for beginners in the religious wird holy decision, will cut itself off
life. But they knew not that I healed decisively and forever from idolatry.
them. The Jews, after their return from exile
drew them with cords of a man, never again fell into that gross and
with bands of love. Hosea had coin -
pared Israel to an unruly heifer, which
must' be tied with stout ropes and
pulled. violently in the way it should
And I was to them as they that
lift up the yoke on their jaws. Still comparing Himself toone of the
terrible sin. I have answered, .and
will regard him. That is, the Lord,
answering, Israel's expressions of
true repentance, will regard the na-
tion with favor. 'I am like a 'green.
fir -tree. Jehovah asserts His Majesty
Weeping the comparison of Israel to a
heifer, Hosea says that the Lord did
not compel the heifer to toil under a
And that fine boy, john, i5 going tow
marry thc'so beautiful child' whom
you renie.m.bered,. Lady Brandon is
being a fairy godlnlother to them,
indeed. l think she feels she is solne-
k w doing something for Michael by
smoothingtheir path so . , , "
Gas Spoiled Sleep,
Made Her Dizzy
noblest trees of Lebanon. "It is a tall
stately tree in whose branches the
stork could make its nest; its wood
chafing yoke, but lifted up the yoke, precious enough to be employed in
eased it, so that the work might be the temple, fine enough to be used in
done with all possible comfort..all sorts of musical," instruments,
And I laid food before them. The strong and pliant enough to be used
yoke was lifted so than the animal for spears. It was part of the glory
Might be rested, and also in order of Lebanon."
Frdm me is thy fruit found. "Eph-
raim" means "fruitfulness." The na-
tion is warned not to trust in its pros-
perity, 'but to remember that •.all
wealth and power and happiness conte
from God,
that it might be free to use its jaws
in taking food. Thus a teamster.
to -day will take the bit out of the
horse's mouth before lie ties the
feed bag over the animal's head, All
of this is expressive of God's thought-
ful care of His people.
How shall I give thee up, Ephriam?
In spite of the nation's baseness, 'the
loving Father cannot give it up to de-
struction. This cry of the Father -
heart of God is a wonderful antici-
pation of the New Testament. God so
loved the world that He sent his only
begotten Son to save it, Ile could not
givemeir up: How shall I cast, thee
off, Israel? Israel had cast off God,
but God ci could not cast off Israel.
Wingham, Total Hogs, 52; Select
Bacon,' 15; "I"hick Smooth, 3o; Hieaves
4; Lights and Feeders, 1.
Bluevale, Total Hogs, gx; Select
Bacon, 31; Thich. Smooth>_ 54; Shop
Hogs, 4.
Whitechurch, Total: Hogs, 53; sel-
ect Bacon, 20; > Thich • 5niootht 26;
Heavies, 2; Extra Heavies, 2; Shop
How shall I make thee as Adnnah? Hogs, I.
Gen. 19 names only Sodom and Go- Huron County, Total Hogs, eon;
nlorrah as the cities of the plain which Select Bacon, 634; Thick Smooth,
God destroyed for their wickedness; ,I1o8; Heavies, 55; Extra Heavies, g;
Hosea learned also of Admah and Shop .-logs, 72; Lights and Feeders
Zeboiim from Dent. 29:23. How shall 36,'
I set thee as Zeboiim?' Sodom and
Gomorrah were certainly far mn+.
important than Adnaah and Zebuilui..
Hosea names ,the lesser cities as a
rebuke to Israel's pride. My heart is
turned within me, my compassions
are kindled together. God's heart was
turned away from stern judgments..
Pity, even as a spark, set fire to an-
other spark of compassion,: until. the
entire great heart of God was aflame.
with forgiving love.
I will not execute tite fierceness of
no cam iii anger
"Foryears I suffered front gas and
constipation. ation. Usecl to get headaches
and dizzy spells. The first dose of
Adlerika gave isle relief, Now I rest
well." --Mrs. B. Brinkley. Just ONE
spoonful of Adl'erilca relieves gas and
that bloated, feeling so that you can
eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH,
upper and lower bowel and removes
old -rite matter you never thought
was there. No matter what you tried
for your stomach, Adlerilca will sure
In the last seven weeks, has been
transacted siigltzly more than one
per cent. of all the business ever
done by the Salado. Tea Company'
in itsthirty-five year's of ,existence„
Salesin this pernod were 2,x75,014
icor tea.
Made onlyfrona hard Western wheats, Purity Flour, is
rich in gluten the energy giving and body building food.
g u baking and. will supply extra
best for 'ah your a Y
Purity Flour is beY , g . pp
nourishment to the children, in cakes, ;pees, buns and bread.
Send 30c in stamps for our 700 -recipe Purity Flour Cook Book. 265
Western Canada Flour Mills Co. Limited Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Saint John.
Change Your.. Attic
into a comfortable den, radio room, play-
room or extra sleeping quarters by erect-
ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc.
Gyproc will make your attic fire-resistant,
warm' in winter and cool in summer.
Write for free booklet—"My Rome." Itwill tell
you how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating
Sheathing and Insulex will reduce your fuel bill
from 20. to 40%. '
Fireproof Wallboard
R. J.Hueston - -
Thos. Stewart
Wm. Rutherford
Wingham, Ont.
Wingham, Ont.
Gorrie, Ont.
Bluevale, Ont.
Wroxeter, Ont
The Ladies Aid of St. Andr,ew's
Church purpose having a bazaar oil
Saturday, November e9111, ill • the
Council Chamber, Sale to commence
at z p.m. Any person wishing to dew
nate .anything, will rhe gratefully re-
ceived and'either sent!, or bring to.
Church' on Thursday' evening, so
that sale prices' may be marked on it.
Lunch will be served,
mine anger..I willt y y g
to completeness in executing the
punishment that the nation deserves;
The expression is very condensed, I.
will not return to• destroy Ephraim,
God had been at work with li.phraim
for many, generations; he wiillnot
conte back to the nation again f+
destruction as he had been corning nning
bask over and over for reformation
and restoration. For 1 aria 'Ood and
not roan,
The holy One its rhe midst of thee.
Canadians are figuring in the big
live stock show; at Chicago, Duncan
;J'ohtlston of Appin is judge: bf Ox-"
ford sheep and Jolui Wright, Chesley,
on,Liecesters. Duncan Snell of Clint-
on is exhibiting 25 sheep, while the
list of Canadian exhibitors includes
well-known names Froin every part of
the country,'. partieil1arly Saskatc1aes
Yvan and '.Alberta,
The standard model
by which all electric
sets are judged
The Fa
s "220"
$275.00 Complete (except Speaker)
Paiable on term to suit you
WITH all the "new" ,things
that are being talked d
about in �a. i this year, tie,e isn't•a single
important feature that wasn't built into the Rogers "220"
a year ago. it has' been tried, tested, perfected. It has
all over Canada.
�i9•oz�eyz ithelf 111 thoiesands of homes
It is the standard in performance: and quality that others
(who a few years ago were criticising the batteryless
principle) are now striving to attain.
We invite you to test this famous model 'AS to distance,
selectivity, volume, tone-quality—confident that you will
find it everything youp
could possibly wish for in a radio.
Christmas istonting t, Call or
'phone us now for a tree home'
demonstration. Conivenient
terms,, of desired.
W>r>n hann U
tilities Comm.
Aiose hx>he St• ,Wingham