The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-10, Page 4u "'ni Ill>Isli nlwul�linrllnlwliiNrluln��: Illtrl CI I I I lila IIIMIIII lil IIUMIII IIII�iII�I11NllllMlllik INM MI _ _ 5 We are offerlog this week O. very temptitlg e of y� choke Chocolates ta wN,2041..411.6ou.aw.poaw0.1....wum.e.4.1.omaodrosM.oaso.MOOKM.oammumo-wwu-0.uommo MclUBBON'S DRUGSTORE Phone 58 Ali1i1i1111swil1IIMIl1MIIIiIlI11B111mIIIMISImI11>•Illi•IIIMIIlINIIILII smosIIIMm1lIeNI®Illlllllltlum IiE" m �g�•f6 ingharn THE WINGRAM ADVANCE41MES ie zi IMIII®Iusiii1 111t�111M1lIMIigniniti allllis•lI�IIiMi f IHIU11ll1eIIIM111®I!I®II It®IIIMl111lIlISIIIIIIIIIEIiII THEE 111 @_ 4t� \_. e r 151 ' i i ii ii i 3 sf cents a word per insertion, with .a minimum charge of 25c. _ l 1M11LIIIMI I I I IN I NI I I®I I IMI I IMi II®1111111011®II I/' ''rHil1111�1111rlliilll®IIIII{tlmllltlsitllgHil�llidII I Pblshed at WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO Avery Thursday Idorning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates -- One year $2.00, Six months $r.00, in advance, Advee tising rates on application. HOUSE FOR SALE - All modern conveniences; good garden; well situated.A bargain for quick: sale. Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate. FOR SALE -4927 Ford Tudor, gone 2950 miles, Bumper, Bumpenettes, 'Speedometer, Spare Tire, $soo.00 Apply to W. E. Hammond, Charles St., Wingham, FOR SALE -Several good farms and Fells. forApply houses, sale. A ,PP Y FOR SALE—One storm door, com- plete, also storage room forone car A. F. Homuth, FOR SALE—Two young cows and two spring calves. Apply to P. Ke - hoe, Patrick street. FOR SALE—One composite stove, one Detroit Vapor Stove, both in first-class condition. Apply to Mrs. H. A. Wallis. FOR SALE—Two Ford cars in good running order—one has new top. Will exchange for body beech or maple wood. Furthere particulars from B. J. Beninger, Wingham. HOUSE WORK WANTED—A cap- able girl waists a position at gener- al house work, references, apply Advance -Times. NORTHERN SPY APPLES— No. and Domestic, will be delivered in. Wingham on Friday, No. x, $7.00, Domestic, $5.00. Isaac Nixon, R.R. No. 7, Lucknow. FOR SALE -5o acres of choice pas- ture land, all cleared, South .half of Lot 41, Concession 1, Morris. Apply to Wm. Hamilton or Mrs. Robt, Hamilton. TEESWATER CIDER,' MILL will t e nn-Tuesd Tuesday, Oc- tober apple makeY, pP and 8th, t 3 tob r 2 th Novemberis e 5 ,, and cider every day until further notice. Iai II�II11Mlil®Iil@IIIIMIII®IIIMIIIMIIIMIII®III®IIIMIIini • Plumbing; Steam, Hot Water and ILA ®-Hot Air Heating N W. ' Store Ph. 58. House: Ph. 88. Tarnl®HE M u MIM E lMul>al MMM l►ri FRED DAVEY Village'Clerk of ' ONTARIO VOTERS' LISTS ACT Notice is hereby given that a court will be held, pursuant to The Voters' Lists Act, at the 'Town Hall, Wing - ham, on Wednesday, the 23rd day of November, 1927, at 10.30 a.m. o'clocik, Lor hearing all complaints made a-. gainst the voters' list for the Munici- l pality of Wingham for 1927, particul- ars of which complaints are available at the Clerk's Office, Town Hall,' Wingham: Dated, Clerk's Office, this 5th day of .November, 1927- W. A GALBRAITH, Town Clerk, .Wingham,. and, of the Court. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Municipal Council of the ; Township of 'Morris are asking for tenders for the construction of the Tipling Drain 1']ans, spect,.cations, profile at the Clerk's. office Tenders cousiderud at the Council meeting, Township nship Hall, on. Monday November 2ist, at 3 p.ui. The lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted A. MacEWEN, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF BUILDINGS The Trustees of the United Hackett atsd Lane's congregations will offer f4rr sate by pub. 'a auction, the build- ing known as Lane's Church on the Lida concession of Ashfield, on Nov. ember 15th, at 2.so pari. The sale will be held on the premises and there will be offered also what remains of the Church shed, and the Church seats' and furnislurgs. The Church is a sub- stantial frame structure, and contains a lot of good material. The seats al- so are strong and in good condition. ELLIOTT MILLER, Auctioneer. MEETING OF. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at 2 o'clocknin the afternoon of Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1927. All accounts against the County roust be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of the Council. At this meeting of County Council, the appointment of t County Treasurer,, also an Inspect- or for the House of Refuge will be' trade. Applications for the above po- sitions to be sent or delivered to the. xuldiersigned County Clerk, on or be- fore Saturday, December 3rd, 1927.. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk.I Issuer Mrariage Licenses. The law now requires the license be taken out three days before the We announce aOnline 11: -'flare �� >� Automobile Il. BATTERY We've said all along that we are here to save you money; but this' battery value sim. ply shouts the message for us. Only slightly high- er in the 12 -volt. s,.ar' '.d too. A. M. Crawford DEALER inhrp, Ont. Phone 139 'xlIa Bade e i A CONVlNTION IS .FULL OF SURPRISES WINGHA,VI ADVANCE -TIMES Mrs,;Robt, Brooks of Toronto, vis- ited, over the week -end with her ano- ther, Mrs. Margaret McLean, Cath- arine street, Miss Muriel Redmond, of Victoria College, Toronto, spent the week -end at her home here, accompanied by her cousin, Mr. George Ferrier, of Toronto University, Miss Olive Clow has returned after a month's visit with friends in Guelph and Erin: (Intended for last week- To the Editor av dll thim Wingham. paypors. Deer Sur, — I 'didnt git to Walkerton lasht wake afther all, be rayson av the missus wantin ire to vhtay at home an bate carpets. 'lis a jawb T dispoise wid me whole heart, bat sontetaimes all av us married min hev to shtretch a point to,,plaje the whnmin, fer stey hev con- throl av the panthry, an bessides that it is good polishy for,a roan to give way wance in a whoile if he wants to be boss the mosht av the toime. All the same I wus sorry not to git goin. to Walkerton wid the resht av the byes, for it is a purty town, almosbt as purty as Wingham wid about tree tousand payple in it layoin out the fellahs who are in the jail, .but countin all thim who are not theer • yit. The byes who went do be tellin me that they, had a foin'e toime intirely wid maytin min from the other towns, an wid a banquit at naight wid lashins av good tings to ate, an shpakin, an music an singin afterwards. 'Tis a pity I wassint theer, but 'tis a wu&rruld av dishappointments, so it is. Wan ting our byes didn't loike wits that theer was far too much talk about a blue waster hoighway that a few fellates do be throyin to git built along the lake shoor, troo Grand Bind an Boyfield, an Goderich, an Poort Albert, ,an Point Clark, an Kincardine, an Bruce Baich, an Poort other na few ton a Elgin, Southampton 50 t 1 ianP >✓ n. g , shmall places wheer nobody wud use it but webby .a few toorists, an stey wud nivir come back afstue bein over the thrack wance. Av coorse I am not afstur sayin that mebby this hoignway shuddin't be built sometoinme whin Mishter Ferguson tink she _ has' made money enough out ' av the b.00ze business to affoord it but in the mone toime the proper ititinshum to ,,be made to the Provinshul Haighway sishtem is from Clinton troo Blyth an Wingham an Teeswater an Wol- kerton an Hanover and Chesley to. Owen Sound. This road wud ran troo as foine a stretch av counthry as ye cud foind annywheer, an the local traffick weed be double what theer wud wis be on army auld blue wather haigway wid the lake all the way on. wan soidebav it, an the srnull av fish so shtrong that toorists wuddin't git it out av theer sishtems for wakes after bein over the road. T tink mebby we do be makin too much fuss throying to catch toorist thrade hum the cities. Shure they moshtly camp b.esoide the road an bring what they want to ate wid thin in tin cans, an shratter ould paypers an pashtboord boxes all over the place, an nivir pick thim up on layvin. Whim we hev almosht'run the praw- vince bankrupt wid buildin road, thin iverybody . will be boyin floyin masheens, an thin tings will be worse than ivir. "Fink av ,aeroplane picnic parthies floyin over top av us iviry foine Summer day, an trown dirthy noospayypers an rotten bananas, an broken dishes down on our heads as we walk the shtraits. Faith, it will be. wurse than doti,gin automobeels. Isn't it a quare wurruld? Yours till nixt wake, 'Tiniostry Hay Violent Headaches: DEATHS Until She Found Fruitua.tives" WILLT.A1fSO�i -In •'Wingham, on November, 5th, William R, William- son, in his 67th year. STEIN—In East Wawanosb, on Nov- ember 6th, \ illiam George Stein, aged. 57 years. Funeral from the residence of his brother-in-law, Wil- liam Pardon, Lot 31, Concession 19, to-day,(Thursday),. at two -thirty o'clock. Interment in Wingham Cemetery. MRS. MICHAEL COOL'S. former sufferer, again. a form grateful for relief given by "Fruit-a-tives' , returns heart -felt thanks:— "I used to feel tired out and rundown, and periodically had severe headaches," writes Mrs. Michael Coulis, Killaloe Sta- tion' tation, Ontario.' "After using `Fruit -a -tines' the headaches and tired -out feeling soon. disappeared, , and for two years now I have been in the best of health." For over 20 years "Fruit-a-tives" has been a positive boon to thousands of Cana- dians visited with headaches, listlessness, rheumatism, constipation and kindred ills due to failure of the kidneys, stomach bowelsor liver to act properly. erlY . 'Fruit -a -tines" is so universally success - fel because it is a natural medicine—made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits combined with tonics.' Let it help you, too. Buy a box, to -day. 25c and 50; everywhere, CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Williamson and family -wish to thank all the friends, especially the Western Foundry staff and employees for their kindness and sympathy dur- ing their sad bereavement . Thursday, j'ovem'?er lath, 1927. Mr. and MrI'. John Pipdr of i3adian Michigan, motored up and spent. 'a few days with the forme 's brother, Mr. Steve Piper. These two brothers Miss Margaret Piper and Mr, Ken- neth Love of Toronto, spent the hol- iday at the borne of the former's parents. • lelV )erten 9 rcoo14M. ass Ame.eSa.aeUndid. Mtn, rent. Jorultcu %/WC 'a us JapanerC •.,x 'mills are to be established in Win- nipeg soon, P;t is understood, so as to be in a good position do buy wheat, Two representatives of the Missin !Flour Mills and Mitsui Grain Com. patty, of Tokio, were yin Winnipeg recently making arrangements for the purchase of 150,009 tons of ' wheat for the two firms. Ernest Rolph, a Toronto architect, has claims to the discovery of tact first fossilized remains of eggs o$ prehistoric reptiles. He found them In a deep cutting between Lethbridge and -MacLeod .in the shape of about 15 perfectly round stones. The eggs measure 2% inchesin diameter and. are now being investigated by Pro.. fessor Parks of Toronto. Miss Anna Smeltzer, .laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smeltzer, of. Amulet, Saskatchewan, spent a 'few l Twainley. Mr, :George Lane and daughters Iiielda. and Hilda and son Clifford, motored to Riverview and spent their Thanksgiving day with Mr.. and Mrs. Jas, 'Raeburn Mr and Mrs. Eleanor Iaarrish mot - Reeve i'1aekett spent `!',uesdley in Goderich. • Mrs. Cyril Campbell received the' sad news of the death of her mother,; Friday. Funeral was held on Monday, 'Much sympathy is extended to. the' bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin spent' ' the end of the vteek with fir. and: Mrs, Thomas Strong, near b'ordwich, InaliIGpII1llilllisim IIIMIIIE�IIIMI111l111m111®IIIIIIIII�IIipIII1�IiI�IlIN1IIINeIIIaIIiNllllllslil®111lIAAll� lil, �.^ `e}, __°�ir�i •� Wit.:. `. , c. - `1 - .. ` .. , \� NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant tb Section 56, Chap. 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, that all persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Stacey, deceased; who died on or about the fourth 'day of October, A. D. 1927, at the Town- ship of Turnberry in the County of Huron, are required to send by post, prepaid,, or too deliver to R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the' Administrator on or before the thirti- eth day of November, A. D. 1927, their names and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTH- ER that after the 'saidthirtieth day of November, 1927, the saki Adminis- trator will proceed to distribute the assets of -the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having e- gard: only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and the said Adniisitrator, shall not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person of whose claim cno- have he shall not then received tice. DATED at Wingham this ninth day of November, A. Ds 1927. R. VANSTONE, Wingham, P.O. Solicitor for the Administrator ASHFIELD Mr, Wm. Baldwin, Mr. and firs. Gilbert Vint, . spent Sunday 'at the (home' of Mr. Wm, Love's, Marnock, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lane and fam- ily, of Ripley, spent Sunday with rela- tives here. , Mr, and Mrs. John Moss and Miss Pearl Finnigan of Dungannon, spent their; Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. Gilbert Vint and .Mr, Wm. Baldwin. ored to Arthur on- Sunda'y.' CARD OP THANES , ti Mi-, and Mrs. Robt . Dey elwish to l publicly thank their friends and neigh- bors and especially 'Mrs. J. Rogers, who was so kind and rendered every ssistance at the time of sad bereave - .,t lent in their home, • bV.N.USsrvice Have you 'inyour travels or in your reading- of the South Seas ever heard of the death chant of the Maoris, and do yott know its significance? It forms the basis of the plot in this extremely fascinating mystery story. In, this case, the chant was not heard in faraway New Zealand, but in an American inland city. Read of the amazing double -per- sonality of the girl who wore the green cloak. To Be Printed as a Serial in The Advance -Times, Commencing November 17th. 111 SROM E • MINER Rubber Boot will carry you through the rotting manure of the barnyard, through rain and slushy snow, = across swampy fields and running streams, F and land you home with dry socks and • contented feet. And they will continue i, to do this through months and months of the hardest wear. Our stock of, footwear is complete. ® Come in and see it. hi For Sale at WILLIS SHOE STORE only otos 1 i • .,1 f .a �.1 � _ O IIIMII AMMIIIMIIIBIUBIIIBIiIEMMIIIOIrIi M li®IIIIaiIIJ®IIIBIII®IIIOIIIIIIIIQfI M l)Alll®Ii1011liCIMIIIIO E,r BEEN -IMEEP, F ,rfitial d:l11 ENNENN®■■■®®■a unseeman•oatt.tm•-kuse. Arai. 116 1111 11 sal l(11I11111I1 UM I110111M111MIIIMIIII11d1111fi, 111®II113111_ti� *l oyaI.'ervicetation 1 Taking Chances is the Sport of Fools BE WISE ;rill your radiator with VULCAN ANTI -FREEZE PI • And your crank case with nl ZERO AUTOLENE or MOTORENE _ it i Super Power and Peerless Winter Gases. y . III i J. E.. M �N� �/iiAr OMU TH BRITISH AMERICAN PRODUCTS -. Main , illStreet N« .,_ ■ #IlIellilliailittliiieliialliellellilleltellalliAN11111111111111.111.111011 lit 11MIIIlI1 tel•llleil 'TH.P1 HYDRO SHOP., rte+ • . ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Polishers For Rent. ■ ■ Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. ■ .Wingham Utilities Commission • Crawtor,s, Mock. Phone 156. C ■ E'af:MUM: W ig' « aR..1 E 1 uf� � 351111 'tr ET ®FiAi ,,,Ni b iia J;4 t`M :2A ghP • Eli f�® The Studebaker Pied to the : 11.E.biic Ian ■ ■ g rkl ��`n �� � 3 � i ilr' '� � ' � ' 6'f9 t 1, 1 } ,1�/i''j1y� LONDON. cord Tudor, 1922 Sedan, newly painted, four a good tires, mechanical cc)ndition good...,. $195 cord Tudor Sedan, good condition, 1921 ■ model a « . , .. $150 ■ pq Ford Coupe, 1921 model . $150 rota Touring, 1918 model, good tires, and ■ itt running condition good ...... • . $40 C i 'ord Coupe, 1926 model , . , $475 e vi EssexCoach, 1927model $750 ■ ■ ▪ Studebaker Sedan, 1922light six,special re-■ C ■ (laced price of ... $425 ■ ■ . McLaughlin five passenger Touring,- 1922 ■ ■ .....$350 C ■ model, sloe cylinder . « : � « ... • ... . ■ McLaughlin Touring, newly- painted,1923 N model el • • $475 Ni ▪ HudsonCoach, 1924 model .... $550 ■C ■