HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-10, Page 2if. 'I! HRIST'MAS APPLE As there is no one here to introduce tae, allow me the privilege of intro- ducing myself, I am the Canadian Ap- ple, and as I have donequite a lot of travelling since I was taken from any home in a large orchard in the Ni- agara fruit belt, I am going to tell you all about it. I belong to the well- known McIntosh Red family, My an, cestry can be traced back many years in this 'particular orchard, which is situated not very far from the town of St, Catharines. This charming place. le on the Toronto -Niagara Falls branch of the Canadian National Rail-. ways, and from my tree home, I have seen the trains go to and fro between Ontario's capital and beautiful Niag- ara. iagara. So much for my location. I had .spent the whole summer with warm sunshine and grow big, Being on the uppermost hough of the tree, I was able to get the most sun, and as e conseeuence, had becoine one of tl • e bestlooking loot. ng isieces of fruit in the orchard—excuse my edesty, I3ut• with the coming of the Fall, 1 be- came aware of the plans that 1 fig' tired out would upset the serenity of my life. The first I heard of it was when a group of men, which included my waster, came to a halt beneath my tree, I could not help overhear- ing what they had to say, and I gave quite a start when I .discovered that all of its living on this particular tree were booked for a. long journey, to a place called. England. So it came about a few days after the visit of the men; to the orchard, I' found myself taken from the tree and laid alongside hundreds more of my brother McIntoshes. Late that af- nothing else to do but to bask in the ternoon 1 was picked up and, after a The Cosy Home QUEBEC is King of them all It brightens your home and lightens your work. It does five things well. It heats, cooks, bakes, supplies, hot water and burns any kind of fuel. A Heater of the finest type and a highly efficient range combined-- that's exactly what the "Cosy Home" 'Quebec is ! Sold In WI ghant At d BUCHANNAN'S HARDWARE t fi 4. t>49fi> Al 334171:45,10•CAAi,4r1.h• FQ nsmor CO&3PAN4'•UM ED Canada's Larges Retail Grocers -operating over 800 stores Finest Quality • • California eed ess Raisins 2 lbs. �;3, }Extra SSpecial FogValues in. Dried Fruits El Fruits Choice Prunes lbs. 3c Quality - Santa Clara ,.... s,.. Finest�C �] Caoid _ wn Dates 2113s. Hatloi Natural" g 2 lbs. �C Cooking F s p g Fancy Table Figs2t�,1 a 9C Quality Make Sure of having Good Butter r Braeside Brand We recommend and guar- antee our Braeside Brand to be the finest Butter to tter t Ib. 134 12041 also Ma f*eld Brand 41c Heinz Tomato Itetchup 27c Grated Horseradish - 15c Clark's Potted Meats -• 3 tins 2Sc Stelna Corned Beef - - 25c Aylmer Beets (Rosebud) 23c Christie's Assorted ISCuftS 1 -lb. pkg. �. C Club Houee Olives 2D•oz. Jer Queen 39 Pimento stalled Zsa Domino Brand "}i. ?atncy Quality2 kth.- xxrr, , p 1r: Gtrtxn. Rice We wish to. extend to all our patrons our sincere appreciation for the won- derful response to our Oath Store Celebration Sate last 'ictk Our estimated savings to the house - 'Meta of Ontario and Qltoboo was $100,000.00, but this figure wasfar exceeded, owing to the enotrnott0 sales made during the week. During that week we Sold OVER 100,000Ibs. of Picnic Mutt 100,000 ihs, Radon, 150,000 cant of Peas and Cottt, 050,000 lbs, Rtotsidc & IdaYSald Button 01100,000 lbs, Sugar.. 000,000 Cakes of P & 0. Soap. and eec and tons of other me rehandle& ;Marty remarkable valuer are offered ever weak by Dominic 9 re Lt Come regularly week by week and share in tune saving. Maay {{i $ovret ib M. 35 fn bzil� , 6 Lhh a: Y h' I Js: U D.S.L. .M r' lin l: doitota ical 6ltntl • «re 1 tI -mille naiwrp ib I Il r ' TASr`- '' y( gy�pp,, ��'�*pp Bt74 . C AtAD e ad t t 7' bread hit h due this focal ber i�ttq� w5z pC r_F '�•� rr'. r suns ht r Surprise arise `%d'`trla ld k,aTa N�, a a +t'�1A� -,;,,+w,..w. KCn.LFA's: i'..itCie ,Chip Lemonor Orange adatad 1., $ 1”. int, J „�x. a•t,..,.. , a ,...,.,, AtIvory 3 Soap .1, iss k3� taken 25c P.b3.0 ; C WINGHAM ADVANC last look around the .big orchard that had been my :home ever since I could remember, 1 wee taken to a packing house, : there to be prepared for lay journey overseas, 1 was very carefully packed in a small wooden boa, after having been wrapped up in tissue pa- per. My place in the box• was right at the top, very near to a small open., ing, so 1 was enabled to see some- thing of the outer world and also something of the country ' through which, 1 travelled to get to ruXdesti- nation. I, along with the other apples in the case, was now left to myself.. This state of tranquillity did, not last long, however. It was late the next day when .the manager of the pack- ing house came into the room where our box was. He had a young lady with him, "Yes, Madam!' he was telling her, "for eight dollars, the For- eign Dejartment of the Canadian Na- tional Express will deliver any of these boxes to arty address you give them in the British Isles, this amount including the price .of the apples; you flay the money here, and that is all you have to do, The apples will be delivered and their, safe arrival guar- anteed," So..impressed'was the young lady with the fact that such a thing was possible, that she then and there laid clown the necessary number of dollars and filled out the label. After she had gone, a young fellow pulled .the box. I . was in and tacked the label right near me,.I heard him tell a friend that the label was addressed to the secret- ary of a society in the East End of London, England, I was really glad to think I was tb be on the move again, but more so because l was going such a journey!. and, from what the man said, T was apparently going to be the means, al- ong with the other McIntoshes in my box, of bringing a little of Canada's sunshine and, also quite a lot of hap-' piness, to some poor children, be- cause I. figured out that the club where we were bound for would be one thatwas in the habit of dispens- ing Christmas cheer to 'those who needed it. So I was just a little im- patient to get going; and I did not '. have to wait long. That very evening the box that was now my temporary home, along with tothe station and was put in the care of a chap they .•called the Ex- press Agent. There were eight boxes of us altogether and we took the af- ternoon train for. Toronto. - From there we went to Montreal where we were to board the .steamer "Dorle", of the Whig star Line, Oil: quarters on the boat were vei'v comfortable. Everything had apparently been at-' ranged whereby we were to have what is t'errned, in Express circles "top stowage,' and with twelve hours to spare, °I found myself in a very com- fortable part of the holo with nothing, to do but to wait for the time of sailing and my "subsequent arrival at Liverpool. I had never been away from my or- chard before, much less taken a voy age and as the time of yiling drew near, I found' myself getting nervous.' But as the big ship pulled out and proceeded down the St. Lawrence to. Quebec and the ocean beyond, this feeling of nervousness passed and I began to look around from my little hole in the box and found that those atharof us who had come from St. Cath- arines were ines'were not the only members of, the Apple family travelling on the "Doric". There were no less than eighty boxes .in the hold. Several cousins of mine werein the shipment Cousin Stark and Baldwin, from No- va Scotia, and Cousin Spy, from far- away British ;Columbia. They, were all going to various parts of Great Britain, but none, I don't suppose, could have felt as happy as 'I did, because I was going to bring cheer. to those in need of it, not merely to add to existing joy, although that is all right in its way. By this time we were on the open sea, but so nicely had we been pack- ed, and so comfortable' housed ori the big vessel, that we felt very little effect of the ocean ride, and after six days' travelling we landed at the Princess Landing Stag, Liverpool, a place entirely foreign to me, never- theless interesting. I was taken off the boat immedi- ately after mmedi-atelyafter the passengers, and hay - nig ; said. good-bye to my cousins and brothers who were going to other Barts of the country, I was put on the baggage car of. the London beat train. Being in England now, I shall have to substitute the term "luggage van" for " baggage car," es: that is what they are called over there, It tl4 not take us lotlg to commence (Mr journey, and we , were soon speeding along at what seemed' to 'rue a tern Able rat e, through very beautiful Girt ntr r t and historical , 1 1. to Ica y 1. towns arid 1 l- ti+es. On . our arrival at Euston Sta., tion, in London, found that .-there was man a cart t herez • to nGe t t its azlcl li . seemed to be very enthusiastic over our safe arrival. Re had us trattsfctred to a waiting vast 'which was to take us on the last lap of our journey, h f. h�t •, 1� � t,r .,. Thursday, Novernbe alsa,nr: e allter Store • Speaks Again With Outstanding Values 4 BY FOLLOWING OUR WEEKLY ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE ADVANCE -TIMES, AND BY TAKING ADVANTAGE .FROM DAY TO DAY Oki THE SPECIAL VALUES WE OFFER, HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE IN THIS VICINITY ARE SAVING MONEY FOR THEIR CHRISTMAS SHOPPINGYOU TOO HAVE TIME TO SAVE AND JUST HERE WE WISH TO SAY—WATCH FOR OUR CHRISTMAS OPENING, WHICH WILL SURPASS ANYTHING EVER ATTEMPTED IN 'THESE PARTS—IT WILL PAY YOU TO WAIT—IT WILL PAY YOU TO SHOP WITH US A'—THE WALKER STORE, WINGHAM. Quality Quantity Lowest Prices Service The Walker Store Motto Always This Week's Specials Include FANCY BATH TOWELS i (Slightly Counter Soiled)' Worth up to 98c.--59c-While They Last each 35 Inch STRIPED FLANNELETTE (10 Good Patterns) Worth 25c per yd.-19c—Week End Only yd. 54 Inch ALL WOOL. SERGE. (Dark Navy Color) Regular 98c Line -79c Week End Only ODD LINES—SILKS AND CREPES` (Values up to $2.50) Week End Special -98c COME 'EARLY yd. REMNANTS • - REMNANTS THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY THE LAST CHANCE THIS YEAR Price GET YOUR SHARE EARLY MEN'S FLANNEL, SHIRTS (Several Good, Colors) Values up to $1.98 AL1 SIZES each CLEAN UP --SWEATERS (Men's and Boys') Worth to $2.75_$1.49—Alanost-Half Price each LADIES' CHAMO GLOVES (Peau -Suede -Grey -Black) Regular 50e Line -39c -Sizes up to S/ pair LADIES ALL WOOL HOSE (First Quality) Regular $1.00 Value -49c ----Several Colors pair Many Other Honest Money Saving Values at WINGHAM'S BIG DEPARTMENTAL STORE which proved to be a large hall an a somewhat squalid looking street in the district of Wrapping, in the East of London. We arrived on December isth, five days before the annual Christmas entertainment was Clue for four hundred children of the neigh- bourhood. 1 was kit to pass the time away in a corner of the hall. The day Prior to the entertainment things were astir early. A band of vol- unteer helpers carefully took,tts out of the box, relieved us of our tissue paper covering, and placed one of us g t side . •t ' i t the, gaily a the, of c.ac x ti e at c t p decorated tables which filled the hall, and for the first time since .I left the .lar hartIin Ontario, rt became aware that my hours were nunberied , and that before tong, I should be a thing of the , However, ,1 ke1 t cheerful past, renx tnbering itzy Mission and waited .141 27. 1 to see what the child looked like who would get me. 1 hadn't long to wait— just till the next day, when about two in the afternoon the youngsters carne trooping into the hall. Gazing at the pale, wistful faces alt around` cue, a feeling of pride, mingled with grati- tude, overwhelmed me when '1 realiz- cd that .I and my kind were playing no small part in bringing a little joy into the lives of these poor children.' When they all 1;•ot to their places, '1 observed: that t was allotted to a bright little girl of about five years old, 'Elle first thing she did was to pick me up and, turn time ever and over, "What a beautiful apple," she i said 1 wonder V IrU i it got1cr,it 1=. 'With that rerttar-lk and began to eat things there wet' pork,'frrince pies she put me clown the other t r good around; turkey, nd pluon pudding. After the little girl had finished she once more turned, and I really thought this was my last moment on earth. She gave me a good look over once more and then said; "I' am so big pp full, 1 just can't eat this apple. T will take it home and put it onthe mantle piece over the fire, It will help to brighten tip the room a bit." So . I was saved, and after watch- ing atch lit � all my brother t - g t y bio iter 1vlclri'tosl es dis- appear, 1 was taken away to the':tit- ti a Marls home and perched up on ,a high shelf for the purpose ofbring- r " tn sunshine alto asinalt room rn squalid section of the world's largest city, which niad,e inc feel a very proud apple, And there you must leave me. Thin Nervous Girl. Gains n With Vinol "1 was nervous, run-down, and my druggist recommended Vinol. 1 have gained pounds and feel zoo per cent better,—1,tarie Remind. You begin to feel stronger, eat, and sleep better the very FIRST week you take this simple, strengthening iron and cod liver compound, For over 25 years Vinol has helped weak, nervous wo- men, over -tired mien and frail child- ren. J. Walton MCI<ibbon, Druggist,. 1 lvi'r, 13. Piper, ichildren p, w fe and two Mild c 7 e Marvin 'and Laverne, of Amherstburg motored up and spent a few days with uncle tine e Mr. S. 'Riper, Mr. Mrs, •e . and 'd s. St ve Piper a d son i T"+•. ' ed spent a week in Amherstburg, Pelee Island and Detroit.