HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-03, Page 5Thursday, November 3rd 19p7" , • • • 1, MUM •,/ 41 IM 14, 211111,1 •!:t,. ..7.........-7.r.-..77-7.I.7•7"t7IIIIIT"..777r--'":".7.9"'''''"''''''.7."'""'...-""r.`,..""".."'..rttrIll"'"..-,.........--.'-„.. . , . WINM-IAM ADVANCE -TIMES , (.011.(141411n1,011, 7.mo,uacpu mon wwoaisuopemso-csoail.ss...v•roa.••.••••......./X.,..01,..V.O......g.H.t....e.o.....••••. Two Stores Contribute Values beyond. the t.../r‘ rutiriary just When you will Want Good Warm Clothing. Money Savers- in Every "11)epar men t t . , • i,liallooltenimmillogimilotintstlionionligiusaimulisoilimiligtia11011161111M11111111104111011111}1 ME MEM:, X °I: '1•IN weimmigigigis 2 a ' "Alt^ 444V't '41.044.14V' ' Al ti ',..?,• -' ritql 10•':••,!,• Atiolqt• 1. 0.0 11),,,P qi yo X4r4i.,,t,. .4, or v.4,11ireP'Fi, '' .1$ Ili '0.1 err 1 '44.I1jCII ` I, .' II1I4 { I • ' in ..te ... 1.. ., •/ ,. 1. ,,,.•• 1•14 •,;11 / :,,,,41:r.1....•11/4n1,46•t. 40, MI • ‘ - WOMEN'S WEAR STORE , am - BE SPECIAL PURCHASE of on case of Hose. Thirty.dozen I-leavy w . All Wool Ribbed I -lose, all Sizes, 75c qu'ality •on sale at .... 50c 1 _ BLOOMERS -Women's Heavy Fleeced Bloomers. Now - 69c • il GLOVES -- Women's Charnoisette Grey. and Sand Gloves, •Nw ..... . . ....... 1 ..........,„ ;. : ... , - . .'. .49d and 69c IIII Girls' Heavy Vest and Drawers. Special at ••• ........ . • .... 50c MI E ILI a 1 . i ) ,-, 1 SILK -Black Duchess Silk, reg. $2.00. Our cut price . .$ 1.49 VELVTS -- • Yard wide, Navy, Black, Brown, fine finish, Bargain •at . . • • . • . \ $1.59 5 Pieces Heavy Coating, Reg. $2.00, Cut•Price $1,50 200 Yds. Wool Crepe Dress Goods, reg. $1.50. Value, good Colors ...... " " 40 Pieces All Wool Delaine, Bargain ............. .... 89c, Li Dress Serge -54 inch, Navy. Now $ 1.00 Tamah Silk RayOn, reg $1.00 ............ 69c •it Ends of Colored. Silk, value up to $2.50.•Now only .,$ 1.49 • a 5 Pieces Check Gingham. Now only 15c •IN' Flannelette. Blankets (large)Bargain .! ' ' $2.25 Curtain Net 50c Value.;Now •.39c m Table Linens. Heavy and Wide; Special •• • • ••• 95-c • Fine Quality White Flannelette. Now ..... .. .19c •• • Wide Heavy Striped. Flannelette , .......22c Light and Dark Striped Flannelette . : . .... : . .17c ia Factory Cotton, fine. Wide, .8 yds. for • .... • . • .$1.00 ,Rag Rtigs, 18x36, reg. 50c. Now : .............35c Sheeting, 2 yds. wide, Heavy. Bargain . 2. ...... • •••• -49c 111 Pillow Slips, Hemstitched . • • • • • • • •‘• • • • • • • • • • Turkish Crash Towelling. Now only . ...• ........ ; ... .13c Cruris English Prints, Light or Dark Coldrs .............. 25c For... . .. . . . . . • . • • ..... • • • • ........ • • • • • • • .19 • Galitea, Vast Colors, in Stripes . . .. • • • • • • -29c IN Check Dimity, Best Colors, yard wide .............. qc READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT GIRLS' COATS, In Good Quality Cloths, cut prices, $5.90„ Now . . , • • $7•50 and,$ .90 MISSES' COATS, Made in best Models, Colors. See these at ...... $ 12.75, $ womN's CdATS, Nicely made of All - and cuffs. •See our Specials at $ 16.75, o •,11, Fur trimmed, Leading 14,90 and $ 18.50 Wool 'Cloths, fur collar $19 00 & $22.50 FLANNEL DRESSES Broken. Liries,No7- on Your Pick for .. . . . . . $3.95 HOUSE DRESSES Made of Mackinaw Flannel, Cut Pr. 1.95 1111- Hose, 10 Dozen, Wool arid' Silk and Wool Hose, Value up tO$1.25 • WOMEN'S SILK AND SATIN DRESSES -Latest Models on a Sale at . . ......... $15.00, '416.75 arid $19.50, At $8.95 KNITTED WL OODRESSES in •I3est models and choice colors. • Printed Chally for Dresses, Reg. 50e, -Now • •• • • • • •• • 39c SWEATERS, A large range of Wool and Silk and Wool, Sweat- s! Towels large White Turkisk towels with,. Borders . . .4q ers. Specially priced at...........$3.75,,$4.50 and $575 • • MEN'S WEAR STORE • OVERCOATS -Clearing Lines of Men's Dvercoa.ts, not all sizes, Le • if your size is here you will make a» big- saving .at these prices • I• $5.00, $7.50, $8.75, 10.00 and • E. MEN'SsUITS, in latest models. Special at $15.Q0, $18.50, $22.50 E. MEN'S OVERALLS -Heavy weight, Blue or Black, Snag -proof Overalls. Now .. . .. . . . $1.95 • SWEATERS --Boys Nav, Cardinal and Brown, small sizesRe- duced to .......... . . .. .......... $1.39 N SPECIAL IN MEN'S SWEATERS at $2.50 1111 10 B y's Suits, sizes 5, 6, 7,and 8, reduced to $4.95 o .... N MEN'S SOCKS -25 doz., 30,0 pairs first quality Socks, Silk and /NV' 11141111111•111111•INIMIII a a a 4 4 4 40e, '•')1 911 FRESH. GROCERIES I11:" l'emeratt,ermoteneal*..e.oliaayvecamelemorMatommm...awaltroxma../manvorromonme NADA REDgEMING NADA OF WAR LOAN BONDS IN MONTH Within a period of 3/ days, Canada is redeeming $/oo,000,000 of war loan bonds. Yesterday, Sao,o0o,000 in 5, per cont. five-y6ar Victory bonds were redeemed through funds secured from revenue. By the middle of November Hon. J. A. Robb, minister of finance, expects to meet $8,0oo,000 in treasury notes falling duo. This ainount will also probably be paid from revenues. On December x, a Victory loan of $63,000,000 falls due. This also is a war loan of 51 per cent. bonds and will likely be met out of revenue as far as possible although no definite annotinceinent has been made. 19 Silk and Wool, reg. value ?Sc. Cut price 50c UNDERWEAR --Men's Wool Ribbed Shirts and drawers, Heavy, Now. ............... . . . . • $1.39' See Our Specials in MEN'S SHIRTS and DRAWERS at••• •95c, $1.50 $2.00. BOYS Fine Quality Tigar Brand Combinations price begin at $1.50 El MEN'S FLANNEL TAP SHIRTS,Special $1.50 BOYS STRONG OVERALI,S, now . . .. . .. . $1.25 • TIES, Men's Fancy Silk Ties,. . . .... 49c BOOTS, Boys Strong Wearing Boots . . . ..... . $2.50 Fli MEN'S Heavy Grained Waterproof BOA.TS,• $4.50 • MEN'S Fine Quality Dress SHOES, • ........ ... ... $4.95 E AT CUT PRICES WORTH HEARING ABOUT (Stralford Beacon -Herald,) IL S. Colliver, Conservative, was elected by acclamation in Priiice Ed - 'ward riding Tursday the election being made necessary by the ele- vation of Hon, W E. Raney to the bench. There was no t,J. v. 0. candidate on hand, neither was there a Liberal on thejtorizon, plumed for the fray. Of course Mr. Raney, the warrior of provincial political circles, is now Mr. Justice Raney, and from his lofty position on the ben,ch, will have no- thing to say about such a trivat af- fair as his former seat slipping away, uncontested, to the Conserva- tive' column. •4 or k44, But after he finishes his judicial work for the day, it would be in- teresting to sii down by the kitchen fire and hear what plain W. E. Raney thinks about the situation in • Prince Edward, and also abottt the chances p the Liberals and Progres- sives putting Hon. Howard Ferguson out of power. at Toronto. IVIORRIS .Miss Sadie Coling of Ripley is visit:141g her sister, Mrs. Victor Haiti - 05. •Dr, Shaw and Mrs. Shaw of Dray- ton visited the former'parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Shaw last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacEwen spent Sunday with friends In London. Mrs. T. Abraham has gone to Kill - 1 • • • I I IR; El IN :el ,f• cardiac to spend the vinter with her Mr. E. Baird and sister spent Sun - daughter, Mrs, John Robinson, fi day at Mr, John. C, Casemore's. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fryfogle and Mr. • and , Mrs. Win. Orr and Miss Master Jim, of Detroit, Mich., visit- Sarah Orr spent Sunday 'at Mr. R. ed at Mr. A, MacEwert's last week.' Hetherington's. 0"e".e-L-7" • .0 It is the selection of rich, western wheats -- the finest " .grown on the prairies- that gives extra flavour to bread and buns. and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from Ot iVcatttn Coands Flout Mille CoL . inlilted. Toronto * lYteutrett, oted. Saint Semi 30o• itatnte far' ar 700rocipo Parity Flour Cook Book, :1.64 i ir `'• • • • Best Qualiaies . . Special. 1 -'rides Come Here For Value MAPLE LEAF BLANKETS , • $8 00 LI An outstanding 'value is the Wool Bl„anket made from carefully fscqect,d, -Vol With just enough cotton to prevent shrinking. -„L rif Size 68"'x.86". Bloc & Pink Borders: As, $8.00 pair. a SNOW FLAKE BLANKETS or d Two special weights: mad,; from all wool yarns, guaranteed qua- lities, thoroughly scoured in that creamy white shade, with a soft fine finish, Full bed size in both Pink & Blue Borders. Price $9.0o & $10.5o SPECIAL, . . $11.5o • Made in extra large size from fine selected all wool yarns, nicely • nappcd, Best quality & weight, perfectly woven, Bin & Pink, stri- ped borders. Our special at ........... ............. ............ $x1.5o pair ill • YARNS :...$1.25,1b. III Home .., Bros. famous wheeling yarns, even thread throughly scoured, all wool every skein guaranteed. Grey & Black, Mottled, Heathers, N WI Blue & Red, 2 & 3 ply., Special $r "5 Ib 11 I UNBLEACHED SHEETING . .. .69c yd.• ..... ii 111 Heavy quality unbleached sheeting,round thread weave, bleached _ It perfectly, suitable for needle work, 9-4 width. ---. Regular.85c value special .. . - .... __ 69c yd. fill PILLOW COTTON -55c English circular pillow cotton in a Nironderful fine quality with a Ai = linen finish 45 in. wide, Reg. 75c value, for .. •55c J.,. A. MILLS 7ortrairisiwiniiminiriarmaiwrialiwrisimariarmairiariaiwninownwinisiromal WARNING TO USERS OF RADIO All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be Licensed Penalty on summary conviction is.a fine not . exceeding $50.00 LICENSE FEE $1.00 PER ANNUM Licenses, valid to 31st March, 1928, may be obtained from Staff Post Office; Radio Dealers, Radio Inspectors; or from Radio Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of:Marine and Fisheries 01111111111111111111111111111•111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111R1115111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111* a • CREAM PRICF, Fir SPECIAL GRADE CREAM • Delivered our plant FE tIllq.,*9101,.111•14,0511,11CIN nnouncement 42c Phone and get our Prices on ,LIVE and DRESSED POULTRY Wellington Produce Co., Ltd. Wingham, Ont. W. . THOMPSON, :ranch Manager. PHONE x66. II II 1 1111181111 1141111 [II 111)1111MIIN1111111111INIIINIll .1‘;. -74.).73.4k7Funowl- iwatianninn, • moks% • ___,.mt,•,40,g5, 1/4",m_iv.•,,,m.g.mtm•42.4k•Apmx,w, 40p THE MAITLAND CREAMERY fteawrintsdaavrE,Istotalcem,./weriniretiamirratteenwernmpvirmi e pecialize in COMMUNITY DIVIDENDS ON CREAM • POOL EGGS CAR LOAD POULTRY SHIPPING Poultry taken any day. - Live or Dressed. T E UNITED FA ERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY,LIMIITEDd, ?HONE " Orlitari1110, Viyiale4-'clijeiVI,' /At a- 'WINO holfr‘satore,- whoa -4w* r `4161eTiir 'sue* 1' 4 • • 6 , •