HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-11-03, Page 4Illlituns l 1 1111III w I1arut�iklnutrllll�ll411 cuStI11 1(i11E11I11111i 41IIblE1e! {Jli�f unitlwtlizt 11�d 1 � THE BIG. BUYING EVENT OF THE SEASON NOW GOING ON _ Thusday Friday. Saturday NOVEMBER You cannot afford to miss this big event. — If you have not received a list of the bargains kindly come and get one. McI B N' STORE Phone 53 „� A , � t 'er " ' ii.o ite4 .le.i .,. ! : Ingham 5 1 !®11111(1ll11111111111111n111111111111$1111111111111@ i111111111111111IBV 1111111111111111 11 VBI1111n11111l®11111111V11111 1111•111Ei1II, eillU1181118111111111111111911111 111E'Ji111111111111111E111d1UR1Nffi111851111Ih11111R111d11111I11111111111110 e per insertion, with a m;iniinum charge of 25e. z4 cents a word !tel11112011111Et11111111N11fYUlili1R111111M11111111111101011111111111111111U1111U11111158011SU111111W 11111111 FOR SALE—Ford Coupe, late mod- el. Apply Advance -Times Office. FOR SALE—A number of young Pigs, apply to Orval Taylor, Bel - grave. HAIR SWITCHES = Made to or- der. Apply to Mrs. John Moir, phone 602 r23, Wingham, Route. 2. SOUSE WORK W,NTED—A cap- able girl wants a position at gener- a 1 house -work, reference,. apply Advance -Times. FOR SALE—Hand Washing Mach- ine in good condition, and a Chick- en brooder. Apply to Advance - Times Office. FOR SALE -1927 Ford Tudor, gone 2930 miles, Bumper, Bumperettes, Speedometer, Spare Tire, $3oo.00 Apply to W. E. Hammond, Charles St., Wingham. NORTHERN SPY APPLES— No I and Domestic, will be delivered in t Wingham on Friday, No. x, $7o0 Domestic, $5.00. Isaac Nixon, R.R. No. 7, Lucknow. FOR SALE -5o acres of choice pas- ture land, all cleared, South half of Lot 41, Concession i, Morris. Apply to Win. Hamilton. or Mrs. Robt. Hamilton. FARM FOR SALE—Lot 41,"'Con. 9, East Wawanosh, loo acres of choice land; immediate. possession. For particulars apply to Mrs. Mary-. Owens, Belgrave MILL will TEESWATER CIDER make apple butter on Tue_eday, Oc- tober 25tlt, November est and 8th,, and cider every day until further notice. SPLENDID DISPLAY—of the best makes of Quebec Cook Stoves, Quebec Heaters, several styles and sizes to choose from. See Mc Clary's three way Heater with "Hot air" pipe attachment. Liberal al- lowance for old stoves as part pay- ment. Also several second hand stoves, Buchanan Hardware. o PURE BRED OXFORD DOWN RAM LAMBS, Government graded, for sale. 5 graded XXX, class A, suitable for use on best pure bred' flocks; 3 graded XXX, class B, suitable for use on good pure bred; flocks, and 2 graded XX, suitable' for use on grade stock. Also an. aged stock ram. J. L. MacEwen,, No. 1 Bluevale. Phone 604-l0. RIGHT SHINING FLOORS—All. Fall and '!Winter your floors will be,if treated to a coat of Lowe Bros. "Neptunite . Varaish", will not discolor patterns in Iinoleums, will not scratch or turn white' under severe usuage, also our quick dry- ing "Lacquer". makes old fueniture look like new, at little cost. Sold at 1 uchanan's Hardware. AUCTION SALE C. G. CAMPBELL. N. half Lot 3, Con.y, Morris, has instructed the ur. designed to sell by Public Auction on Tuesday, November 8 ortn•ter sir tt 1 a cit.e,i:, the follow - ug farce stock: 1a heed dr:el eureese til erthora:, 6 w:, 6 heifers .i,.,.n .;d to be with calf, S to ire hen thi1s year; driving hc,rse. 7 yrs. + "u; 9 pies 6 Weeks ods set barn scales. ameba.; a5 puilets; " ewes. x.. 'Oxford b tc39s�� e e'4 . TERMS x..: 's. credit on appro''- ed Ioiant; notes. or e per cent. of for JOH FI.RVIS. At:etonee OTIC The Fitist g of the Cc,urt of Re- y*isleaat ref the r oti+n tit Wingham for the rt.visiett e -i. the Assessment sment Rol for the year x92S, Avi 1. he held at the Ierk's Office,' Tena BA, ' Vingbatu, rust Tluurssday, November s, 1927, at 8 p. sn. Dated, Clerk's Office, this 20th day •of October, 027, W. A. GALBRAITH, Clerk. A CAMEO..BROACE — Awaits on, 'owner at The Advance -Times Off- ice. HOUSE FOR'SALE 41 modern conveniences; good garden; well situated.A bargain for quick sake. Abner Cosens; Insurance and Real Estate. _ - AX CTION Sr1I E, NOVEMBER 7 The undersigned will have an auction sale of choice stock - 5 horses including. 'a, -dappled; grey team of Ingres; .1e -registered 'bulls; cows, brood sows an'u` young pigs; . 20 registered ewes and ewe lamb, 4 rams• — Edwin Purvis, Proprietor, 2 Miles east of Lucknow. John Purvis, Auc. 111E1111111111111211411111112111111111111111011111Ilill Plumbing- Steam, Hot Water and i t i Hot Air Heating W. J. BEYCE-, Store Ph. 58• House Fla 88. rillilt1LV1•l l illill 1kii11111t111I1111111B1Rti 4 NOTICE 'TO RATEPAYERS Morris Township, Parties wishing to pay cash on the Bowes, the e u •e T n v thel' Ts to the ,Tipling, Peacock or the 'Wells drains should notify the treasurer (A. Show, Blue - vale) at once as Debentures are being prepare& A MacEwen, clerk, Morris. IN MEMORIAN • In loving Memory of our Dear Newton who died eight years ago,' November 2nd. He was only a sweet little rosebud A pure little flower from birth So God called him Home to. Heaven Before he was wild on earth, Parents Mr. and, Mrs. Anson Galbraith RUDDY CANADIAN APPLES FOR OyERSEAS "What shall I send the folks in the Old : Country"? is a query heard as the season appro rhes, but if the average Canadian ,.ealized how much our big, juicy, red apples are apprec- iated and enjoyed by people overseas the problem would, be immediately solved. Canada's luscious rosy apples are relished by young and old alike. They symbolize our brillamt sunshine and warm summer days and they do look elnristraaze- and cheerful. Northern' Spies, McIntosh Reds and Baldwins a e the best and the most popular to Ca:Try your lnd thoughts and goei wishes across the sea and standard beeee and barrels of choice hand picked and had packed fruit, Govern- ment Insrr.c:e% are procurable a.t reasonable prices front any grocer, while the matter of shipment is as simple a.s n anling:of a car:!: 1'he Canadian National £x; ress wil? call fair y 'tn' apples, traa: seeet and deliver them by ,Quick service to any station in Great Britain, Ireland and most European countries. The transportation charge from 3Surttreal to Quebec tap to November thereafter, by direct steamer t,c• points in Great Britain, Ireland and the Channel Island is $3.10 per stan- iarta box and $6.24 ` per standard barrel, including refrigeration. For .rates to Canadian ports; tbrough rates tea Continental stations and outer partkillers, consult a Canadian Natiorval Express Agent, THE \V NGU A ADVANCE -TIMI Published at WINGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates — One year $a.00. Six months $x.00, in advance. Advertising rates on application. Hey e and There 1 Following a recent tour of west. ern Canada, W. L. Snaith, farmer editor of the "Farmer's Sun", writes that he will be suxprieed if the aggregate wheat crop of the Prairie Provinces falls below 400,000,000 bushels, "It wiU not be surprising if the 500,000,000 mark is nearly reached," states Mr. Smith, Eleven hundred farms will he needed next year to accommodate the British settlers who will bo brought to western Canada. ac- cording to Major E. J. Ashton, commissioner of the Soldiers' Sett- lers Board. So far this . year 1,430 families were placed on farms is the prairie provinces by this .or- ganization. - s Hogs to the valve of $400,000 were shipped from the Prince Albert dis- trict in 1925. This sum was far in advance of that received the previ- ous year and the increase was due to a considerable extent to the aetivi- ties of the agricultural society boost- ing hog production. This year the hog raisers' slogan is one million dollars worth of hogs, ` and from present indications this mark is more than likely to be attained. t Arrangements for the export of large quantities of British Columbia seed potatoes to California are be- ing made by a potato grower of that ztate:'' The British Colombia pota- toes are desired in California for seed Purposes because they intro- duce new strength into the south- ern strain. Experiments were made with Canadian grown seed Iast year in California and growers Fere well satisfied with the results A fleck of 46 sheep, comprising 85 ewes and 11 rams, has been pur- ehased by an official of the Domin- ion Government under instruction from the Soviet Government for dis- patch to Vladivostok, as soon- as arrangements can be made for their shipment. Last year quite a num- ber of prize-winning cattle were shipped from British Columbia to Russia and this new order indieeates that previous shipments have been satisfactory: Many valuable shipments of furs from the great trapping areas at the Hudson Bay Company are ar- riving through gh he Dominion Ex- press at Montreal. These unim- posing biles, piled high on the trucks often resent a total value cf $200,000. .after being collected at the various Hudson Bay posts along Hudson:' Bay and Janes Bay the furs are brought down by canoe in summer and dog team in winte? to the northern ter,minns of the T. and 0. Railway. Remarkable expansion of passen- ger assesger traffic into and out of Mont- real has" been reported. during July and August by the passenger de- partment of the Canadian Pacific Rsilway. The "Red Wing" and the "Alouette" on the B'oston inn and the "Rideau" and "York" to To- ronto, four new trains de -luxe placed on these routes early in the year have been running with capa- city loads. Eastward to 6 uebee there is heavy traffic for the An- cient Capital, while trains runiting north into the Laurentians, it is stated, have never ,been so filled as t:. the ease this summer. muscalunge, 35 pounds in. weight, with a length of 50 inches inches, , was taken from the French Riser near the 'French River Bungalow Camp re- eentiy,eaocorcling to information re- ceived by the tourist department of the Canadian. Pacific, Railway. Tbis fine fish was taken by E. A, Farintosb of New York with a 30 - silk teat line and using Chub Minnow bait. To date this is the sst fish caught tlaas year to be Entered in the annual French Rivet Bungalow Camp Troptt3' comps i• 0 DAVE'Y age Clerk rariage Licenses. requires the license Iree days before the' [N'CrH ;M ADVANCE -TIM .STPIELD Mrs. 4,,f Toronto lb visit- tng li,wr sisWr Mrs. Rabt. Henry and other friends, . Mr, and Mrs. Bert Taylor and family and Mr, J. N. Campbell visit- ed Mrs. J. Tamblyn of Londesboro on Sunday. Mrs, J. N. . Campbell who ; had been spending 'a few days with her sister, Mrs. 3. Tamblyn returned home'. with then. Mrs. James Wood .entertained the 1 members of the Mission Circle on !. Tuesday, Mr. and Airs. Wm. Walden and family visited Mrs. Walden's sister, Mrs. Kenny Cameron of Lucknow on Sun day. On October 31, one of Ashfield Township's pioneers passed the, nine ty-first milestone of his life, seventy= nine years of which have been spent contitiously in this township. ,Alex- ander McLean ° of the 13th conces- sion of Ashfield township, is the one and he is receiving the .congratula tions of his many friends. Born October 31, 1836, in the Isle: of Skye, he came at the age of ..ten to Canada, S1'tth his parents, one brother and his sister in the spring of 1847. The ocean journey* was made in a sailing vessel and lasted eight weeks. During thevoyage there was much sickness aboard the vessel, including measels and fever,, and there being no doctor aboard, many of the patients died, among them being the only brother of Mr. McLean. ' -This section, of country was at that tiine a dense wilderness, being cover- ed with' forest; without roads, bridges or anything to make travelling,lasy. The -family settled on the farm, which was Government Crown Land, on which Mr. McLean still resides. God erich, 20 miles' distant, was their near- est market place and post office and it was a long and tedious journey, the two rivers; as welI as various ci:eeks, having to be either waded• or crossed; by means of fallen trees. In 5864 Mn- McLean was married to Catharine Finlayson, and to thein were born eightchildren, all of whom are still living. Mrs. McLean passed on some- years ago. It is said that Mr. McLean chop* ped down the first tree that was fell- ed in 'the riibrthern part of the town ship, and helped to, hew out for him- • self and parents, a home in the !gush. A man of piety and integrity; he has been associated with .Ashfield Presbyterian Church since its inaugu- ration. He is- of quiet and retiring disposition, and carries his years well. He is remarkably well preserved in mind and body, and is still able to move about the home. He lives with histwo sons and •a daughter, and takes an interest in things in general, When it is realized that he was a boy less than two yeas old when Victoria became Queeh of England, it gives some idea of what; his ninety -odd years mean. race noted for long- evity, He comes of a ac g evity, his father living to be 92 years old, and his maternal grandmother, 106. Mr. and Mrs. Wei- Greer, Mrs. G. L. Barker motored to Bruoefieldi on Sunday to hear their former pastor, Rev. D. McIntosh preach anniversary services, while in Bruceiield they'. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry, Mr. Alvin D. Smith of Bluevale spent the week -end -with his sister, Mrs. II. F. Berry, Brucefield. near ''Paramount,,and jean, sl nt Sun-: ,11 IBOIILS1110111 day with: relativhrs in Sea£orth. , Mr, and Mrs. Hiarold Ferguson' and Children of Lucknow, spend Sunday at the lionie of "lir. and Mrs. • Waiter r Alton, ASHFIELD Ht re and Tiler.-- What l, i"ler.--W nt is considered the largest grizzly shot in the Canadian Rookies this season was taken by Miss A. Van Vieck, daughter of Ernest Van Vieck, prominent New York archi- tect who headed a hunting party into the Selkirk district. The party went in north of Revelstoke. An amount of grain greatly in excess of the entire production' of •western . Canada in the year • 1887, 4,454,000 bushels, were hauled to elevators over Canadian Pacific lines in one day in the west during the middle of October. This constitut- ed a record haul of grain for this railway company. e The second shi meet of horses from Canada to Russia was a re- cord shipment, according to Louis Kon, Soviet representative, there being only one horse that died dur- ing the passage. The next ship- ment Is expected to go forward in November, and this will bring the total number up to 3,300. G. N. Torgen, ex-M.P. for Sweden,. recently left for tLe Peace River Country in order to locate suitable farm land for the estabiishing.of a large colony . of Swedish farmers, who are said to be in a position to undertake farming on an extensive scale. He has already canvassed Mexico and the, Southwestern States, which he Livia unruitable. DIED . "ENGLAND—In Wingham Town Poto on October 29th, Eliza Jane Par, widow of the late James Eng- land, in her gist year. LOUTTIT—In London, on Oct. 27th, Agnes Louttit, sister of Miss Jean Louttit, Josephine street, Wing - ham, from whose residence the funer=> al took place to Wingham's ceme- tery on Saturday. Mrs. Wilson Irwin, spent a day re- cently with friends in Belgrave. Sorry to hear of Mr. Wm Twam- ley's accident on Saturday while working on some implement. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and babe, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Irwin's. Mrs. Jas. Cook, is spending two week in Toroato, with relatives. ir. and Mrs. Wni. Miller and children Florence and Howard, of Listowel, and Mr. Thomas Strong and.4 .:daughters, Verde and Olive, frond near Fordv.ich, spent Sunday w with Mr. and Mrs. John lfullin,;nand called, on some of their old neighbcirs. { Mrs. Lorne McLernton, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDonald, Boundary. Mrs. Peter Clark, of St. Helen's, spent a few days last, week with her brother, Mr. M. C. McKenzie, near 3 Kintail. . !' Mr_ and 'Mrs. Arthur Cook, Para-; mount, 'spent a day recently .with roti d. in Sazartin and Gadt:rte: t. lir. and Mrs. Dan. Calvert, of North Battleford, Sask., spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 11;0- Dorraugh and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cook Mr. and lira. Win. Henry, of Flesti- erlton, silent Sunday ' with relatives, asottrd Belfast. llrs, Clifford Webb, of Goderich spent a few days last week with her sisters ltrs, lints, Shackleton, near Crewe. and hIrs. Melvin Reyna d, sowinsamossatiossnaleear lei a E Phone 129, W'INGHAM _ I THE SHOE STORE, noutnlNg'i11mniu1�111tIil�I i n�listu ll t�ililitilltl111/fi1llItilllEllt>•VIEBIIil l■ll►>♦i1[ I i 1111l1111111I11 unci Thursday, November 3rd tae? ,._: t i f f ILIII1P.1111 i 1B11V15iIIIkN?I! 11�111MIIIl�l11�1111�111811 S i � i . I�lll11. IMPORTANT To Ladies -with "NARROW FEET" BEAUTIFUL SHOES in placed in stock Ira Several Styles just ; ® „ Ills • A; B and C widths 1 Also Shoes With D and E forepart (that is fairly wide) and B and C in the heel (that is narrow) Otherwise known as Combination Last, SHOES such as these are seldom stocked in towns.: the size of Wingham and as a consequence we are now in a position to fit perfectly the feet of. those ladies who have experienced much difficulty in; get- ting proper fitting previous to this - These- are stocked in "HIGH GRADE" only and. prices run.from $5.00 to $6.50 per pair. ' W.1-1. WILLIS giVi and Stupendous EBIRTI A wenessions r'm upon -the openini of out° Tr5 lel' 1 V $1001000.00 1st Savings 'The apgroamaee athe hour ivw who takeszviadvangs tageto of the special values listed this week" will exceed the enorznow. strm of One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Think what this means' to the I people who deal at DOMINION N Stores. This is only one weed's savings which are consistently made throughout the year. Every customer who. deals at a lied Front Dominion Store receivef Real Value for her expenditure. Come this 'week and ;eke advan- tage of these exceptional offers. Choice Smoked a to s iba. each PIcnic Hams 1 8c 1 i Finest Granulated or Yellow p Su g IOs. 65`E New Season's Pure Jam FamIly.SIze Jar Raspberry 37 Reg: 49c Strawberry A ow Biel Cu2rant> Reg. 5Se Domino Brand Tomato i Catsup Famous Quality Sa,ta Clara bot. Choke Red Cohoe 3.417 At Less Than Market Price Batter As a Speetat Introduetory Offer we are selling our Ilraeddde Bund Butter this week at an , epi exceptionally lo*3 C price. ' , • lb. "The Finest Sutter in Canada" slab Mayfield Brand 38c lb. Aylmer or Bayside Peas or Corn 2 tins 23C Beeklsst Pure Mover Roney or No. 5 Pail runes large size 2ms. 2 mese Quailty Club House lives Mason Jar Mite Naptha c JellyBeans Gum D1cP s excams am 25e lb. Todhuner!ffi ie1i, C Chocolate il'l*bs Sweetheart Chest box of Assorted Ciao c of ates 1-m. 3* c •34; I1 ,3,'lasses , ap ilcasrrextle cur Easlitrst Short Agood strong blend of .India and Ceylon Teat. Btendled by experts who have spent ye ers"Ira the Tea bei %li re ell r r. Freels gale!! C iysp ati Finest Calikriata Seedless - Aot n ,.c Raisins 21"°- 454 Golden lEfalRtaasri atfs'!s' ` Facile - Almonds Bracite, Welnkat ir'V'ashed Zil Nuts tsle let to Flits 'Sag F' est Candied Lemon Wo J11 � 1101. citron 55e 16.. ut Mix 2ttlb 5 lbs nd Ib. Da S. L Tei «-. 1.59