HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-27, Page 4Ill 11th,,aurn llai11p naii1 11U14 natl9 9#I ItIIaitiA it fh {II 1f1»itam m t , 1M11111t1alh I Pairof :.Candies Eancy and •Colored., SOc Value 111 Free With Jonteel Face Powder, all shades, and Jonteel Face Cream, cold or Vanishing X11 far SI. 00 441113.41.114.21504.111115111 McKIB.BON'S DRUG STORE Phone 53 og. 131118Pi111�i1i/lfl�il!"'+F illlu�l lIHH11m41i1!&llli Ingham 1141111111111IIINC191211i41101➢ .111101111/11111111 1111211111111inll/iliiiiilifill13311i111R/1111+11141,I11talli illilIil;011/tll1111lh/11111111 FIli10111111111110al 0 i i_ x~j cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of ` 25c N • � � t�ln/illiltiiUliltl/11!®R!t<iI1i110(11/NI/IiI/illl�lti/f4f/i1t/I1 i• frit{t/Illlltlll�pl/lll■lil�lll®lit'11teell FOR SALE—Walnut sofa, clst-of- drawers, fall-ieaf table. Apply at the Advance -Times, FARM FOR SALE—Lot 41, Con. 9, East Wawanosh, too acres ` of choice land; 'immediate possession. For particulars apply to Mrs. Mary Owens, Belgrave. TEESWATER CIDER MILL will make apple butter on Tuesday, Oc- tober, 25th, November ist and 8th, and cider every day until further notice. SINGING CARARIES—Also Treas- ure coal heater for sale: Apply at Larry Beninger's, Francis street. AUCTION SALE -- Of household furniture and 8 -roomed frame house at Mrs. John Hainese, near C. P. R. station, on Saturday, 29th inst. at 1 o'clock. Thomas Fells, Auctioneer. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE Of farm stock and implements at Lot 41, Con. 9, East Wawanosh, at 1 p. m. on Thursday, Nov. 3. Jas. Taylor, Auct., T. Edwin Irwin, Prop. io PURE BRED OXFORD DOWN+' I RAM LAMBS, Government graded,i for sale. 5 graded XXX, class A,' suitable for use on best pure bred. flocks.; 3 graded XXX, class B, suitable for use on good pure bred frocks, and, 2 Faded XX, suitable for use on grade stock. Also an. aged stock rare.. J. L. MacEwen„ Noel Bluevale. Phone 604-10. WINGHAM .ADVANCE -TIMES; THE WINGRAN ADVANCE TIMES .Published at WINGKA1A, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W. Loan Craig, y Publisher Subscription rates a-- One year $s.00 months $x.00, in advance. Advertising rates on application. tt1011 isiumIiI/lll/III/1n/iII/Iiisti EIII1tIuII1 Plumbing;n1 Steam, _ >r Hot Water and I t0 1! .Hot 'Air `Heating.P. " W. J. ROYCE • St'ore';?h. 88. Hoose Ph. W. 1 FOR . SALE—At a real bargain, a Star sedan, Star coach, Star coupe,! Studebaker. Six coupe. several good. open ears; also good furnace and stove. Apply to B. J. Beninger, Nash dealer. '111,7M tom ovs.v.,errnur..1 FARM FOR SALE—too acres, Lot 12, Con. 15, Grey Twp., with good bank .barn, splendid stabling, 8 roomed house well finished inside; i cement c �.r ma. rage, drive-shed,- spring r'we s led t spring well. gond orchard, 5 acres. hardwood bu h. i5 acres pasture, rest working land; r -mile from school, 3.a miles rotas Walton Sta- tion. To settle estate will be sold very reasonabl - and: on good terms; price S5,5oo. For further particulars apply to Mrs. Marie Ha\•ris, R.R. • , `ilee;aa e, Ont..; shore Brats - sels x1-6. • AUCTION LE.. C. G. CAlldiPBELL, 2t f+,.alf Lot Si Cen. 2, "I tis, has h s oc ed the uuo designee te sell by Feb:Le Auction on TISeasl d , s'lC}venaher 8 c ".lis the follew- rv;:. _ - rel!eetthorns, be with 6x� r r r '-'� to tali n -dais year; driving Iii.,+. e, ago tud, o pies o weeks old; set barn scales ti of s.; 25 pullets; 72Oxford breeding ewes. TERMS: 12 mos. credit on approv- ed joint notes, . r.,r 5 per cent oft for cash. JOHN PUIRVIS, Auctioneer. ee:r.firaerrg +. farihi MSF VOTERS' LISTS Town of Wingham COUNTY OR HURON IN/111/111/111/11I.H1/Ii I/111/11101114.11R1I/1Ut Notice is Hereby given that i have complied with Section to, of the Vot- ers' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Wingharn; on the Oath day of October, 1927, the list of ell persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains 'there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take ixntnediate proceedings to have any errors .or ontissionS carreet- ed according to law, Dated, this e7th day of October, .1427.,., A, GALBRAITII Municipal _ Clerk, Winglttttt'i, Oltt. HEARS DAUGHTER'S WEDDING BY -RADIO CARGILL, .Oct. ao.—Unable to at- tend i her the wild ng of younger daughter, Annetta, of East Elnia, N, Y., who was wedded to Henry B. Thomas at Buffalo yesterday, Mrs. Anna Gress, of. Carrick Township, had the pleasure of hearing the ceremony over the radio. The bride,, knowing her mother could, not be present owing to illness in the family, arranged to have the ceremony broadcast in order that her mother, and other relatives residing in the vicinity of Mildmay, might listen in. AUCTION SALE — OF Farm Stock Implements, Grain, Furniture, Etc. TRIP TO ROYAL WINTER FAIR Junior Farmer Judging Competition The Junior, Farmer Judging Compe- tition, conducted by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, was held in Clinton on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Thirty- one young men •of Huron County, between the ages of 16 and 23, com- peted for thefree trip to the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Competition was keen and the boys worked hard to gain a place amoi.g the top ten qualifying for the trip. In the morning six . classes were judged and oral reasons given to the judges..' The classes were composed of fall wheat, -tats, barley, apples,, po- tetoes and Barred Rock hens. In the afternoon the boys judged and gave oral reasons on five classes of live stock•.—dairy cattle, at Wm, Lobb's; heavy horses, at Lou Anderson's; beef '.cattle, sheep and swine, at. Ephriain Snell's. The successful ten in order of merit were asfollows, possible score 85o Warron Zurbrigg, Gorrie .. 734 Edwin Wood, Blyth .. _ _.. 733 Edwin Johns, Seaforth ._. _ _._ 729 William Archibald, Seaforth . -..._ 723 Robert Archibald, Seaforth •:•.. 72o Douglas Campbell, Belgrave , 717 Walter Woods, Wingham _ - ....- 699 Keith Gardner, Goderich _ -- 697 Graham Failis, Palmerston 695 Alex. Alexander, Listowel .. -.; 679 The Ontario Department of Agri- culture is entertaining a party of ap- proximately five hundred 'representa- tive young farmers from all sections of the province at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, Nov. 15 to 19, in- clusive. • e .- The object is to enable a number of bright young men from each coun- ty and district to see the Royal Win- ter Fair and other incidental features, in the hope that they may benefit from this educational experience so that their own work and their own. communities may thereby have the advantage of the information and en- thusiasm which such an experience cannot fail td givela Theproggram will include :a'tour 'of P the city and visits to Union Stock Yards, abattoirs, factories, other com- mercial' concerns and Public Institu- tions, as well as a: study of the -great Royal Winter Fair. A. COMMUNITY INTEREST IN A COMMUNITY'S WELFARE To the Editor av all thim Wingham payper5: Dear Sur: Ye rimimber that lasht -wake I wus afther tellin' ye „about the new. club a few av us byes evus' shtasttin', an av how the misses ;didn't fall in avid the oidea at furst. Now, av coarse, whin a wunixoan say annyting as if she manes it ye heir to sit up an take notish, as we byes who wus oversays wud say, but if she is only talkie' camooflage to use another worred I larned frum the bye, why thin ye kin hould yer parses fer a whoile. I sup- pose a lot av ould bachelors wud loike to know how ye kin tell whin a wuinman is in airnest, but to iviry sinsible married man it is as aisy a- teliird his roight hand frune his left, an jist as barred to explain to anny- body ilse. I suppose webby 'tis be rayson av a lack av discernment in a lot av fel- lahs that 'capes .thein ould bachelors all their lives. Perhaps they proposed to a girrul sometoime, an because she didn't say yes roight off the bat, but asked for toime to consider the quistion, they tought they wus dis- missed, an nivir throid it agin, ayther tis bashfulness that kapes a lot av ould fellahs in a loife av single bliss- idniss, but theer may be others who nivir married because they: didn't loike the oidea av sharin' .up theer money wid a wumman: _Thin theer may be others who hay been too busy all theeer loives wid pollyticks, .an mak- m' money to tink av marryin'. This apploies to Mishter King an Mishter Binnitt, the layders av the two parties at the prisint toime. 'Tis quare, so it isehowmuch thim two byes resimole aitch other. They are both bachelors, as I said befoor, an both rather short, shtout'fellahs widout anny whiskers, both good shpakers on the platfoorm, an nayther wan av thine wint over - says, but besht av all they are both honorabiet mine wid no black marruks furninsht theer names, ayther•moral- ly orr financhally, so far as I am tould. W. �, o Con. E Lot L 3, b1. COLE, .l , J. , East Wawanosh, (x rifle west of Bel- grave), has instructed the endersign- ed to sell by Public Auction on Thursday, October 27th '' at0cheek ShatP, the fullcwi n : HORSES - 'Matched Team of Roan Mares, 8 yrs. old, one . registered; ;,latched Team of Geldings, 2 yrs. old. CATTLE — Pure Bred Registered Holstein Cow 4,yrs. old, due in Jan.; Pure Bred Holstein 5' yrs. old, due in Dec.; Hereford Cow' due in Jan.; Dur- ham Cow due in May; 82 -year-olds; 2 Yearlings; 3 Calves; SHEET' -30 Oxfos+d Dyes;. 5 Oxford Lambs Oxford Ram. PIGS—Sow; 8 Suckers; xo Store Pigs; 8 Chunks. £ iJU t"RY-5o Hens; 25 Pure Bred L Iauru Pullets. L.i# Lie il.N'Is--.ta...•..g -Harr , 6-,t. ?Finder; MMa .sew Harris Hay Loader, :,early new;'Massey-Harris Fertilizer Drill;Massey-Harris xo-ft. Rake; Massey -Harris 6 -ft. Mower, new;. Steal, Roller; International Ridin,. View; Walkine ,flow; Gang Plow; Set Sleighs; e 2 i� a*t;in, of �1., �, eigh a, Ler Tire Top Buggy; Cutter; Set of !Harrowe; Set team Harness; Set I Driving Harness, 3o -ft. Ladder, new; Pandora Kitchen Range; Piano Cased Organ; DeLaval Cream Separator. GRAIN—About 1,200 bus. of Oats; about 200 bus. of Barley; about 5o bus, Spring Wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS—Exten- sion FFECTS—Exten-sion Table, Sideboard, Kitchen Chairs, .Cupboard, Small Tables and Stands, Quantity of Linoleum, Set of Dishes, Set 24o -lb. Scales,Churn, and numer- ous other articles. Sale Unreserved as Proprietir has Sold Hs Farm TERMS: Grain and sums of $xo.00 and under, cash; over that' amount, t2 months credit on approved joint notes, or 5 per cent. off- for each on credit amounts, Land owners for se- turity. R. PROCTER, Clerls. NOTICE The Fist Sitting of the 'Court of,Re 1 vision orf the Town of Winghatti for the revision of the Assesstirtettt Roll for the year x928, will be held at the Clerk's' Office, Town Hall, Win8ltantt, on . 'her.$4ay, November Si tg,1, at 8 it« xn, Da i • Ct404 Office, dila 2eh day i."4 ctobeh, iAr2/. • ` y }� e Ytl. A. dYALA7`R.AITX , Cie l+, I intindid to tell ye soineting more about how our community Doinin. Club is gittin' along an av how I blarneyed the misses into bein' wan av the head pushers fir it, but hivin't toirue at prisint be rayson av ,i.evin to rake up laves an burn thim, an do a lot av wurruk in the garden, whoilc the foin weather lashts, Thixi, too, I wanted to wroite soineting about the maytin av the Board av Thrade in Walkerton, which is to be hild this wake. Sonie av the business min asked me to go avid thim, but I said that I nivir belonged to a Board a-te Thrade in me loife, fir we didn't hev unless ye h con nth+ s tings in the such y, cud count the bafi rings. They said that be rayson av the harse thradin I used to do whin I acus out on the ould farrum, an av havin been prise - .r dint av the bare ring, an a school; t.ushtee an cheernian av the ward fer the Tory parthy fer years, I cud 1 c.uai•lfa- as a mimber avlthe Board av _ Tliraiue in Wingham, be payin 'a fey: av wan doolor. It takes a lot av money to live in Town an jine up wid au the club=: an tines, wid the rate av intirjjst follin all, the toime av the bye not payin up his rent fer the ould farrum too reglar, but what differ does. it make so long as me an the missus hev I BORN HARDING-In Howick, Oct., 18. To Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Larding, a son. enough to do ns the resht av our loives? Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. Copeland—In the Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Copeland, a son, CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes wish to thank the many friends and neigh- bors for kindness and sympathy shown during their recent sad ber- e announce agen i 11 -Plate winarattraz We've said all along that we are here to save you money; but this battery value simo Cpl shouts the message for us. Only slightly high- er in the 12.volt size, too.. A. rd. -Crawford :. DEALER Wingham Ont. Phone ' 139, TheiVillard Battay men Here and Tlire 1. The total. attendance at tre To Ionto Exhibition -this year was 3,870,000, or an increase of '297,000'•, over 1926. The Saint John Board of Harbor Commissioners is ,now busy work- ing on plans for more adequate , port facilities and estimating costs of new wharves, grain elle~ aters and everything necessary to handle a larger flow\ of business. The establishment of a' "Faculty of Fisheries" at Dalhousie Univer- sity at Halifax is under considera- tion. If thh- course is' added to'th`e curriculum, it will be the first time in the history of this continent that lectures on fisheries will have been delivered as a college course. As a latest development of tithe. Canada -West Indies. treaty, ice cream is now being shipped from Halifax to British Guiana in liquid form and re -frozen at its destine- eavement, and also for the many tion. On the other hand, ice cream beautiful floral tri.butes.' shipped to Bermuda is shipped in blocks and kept solid throughout the journey. IN MEMORIAN KING—In lovingmemory of our 'Application has been made to the lin and Board of 'Harbor father, Sophina a ver' dear mother and at SVancou a , P r - ri ht to •drill• Com - Stephen Ring. who passed away Oct. t missioners fax the g 22 and 2u, 1926. along the shore of Stanley Park Surrounded by friends we are "Ione- and across First Narrows with a some. view to building a tunnel und'er`tlie In the midstof' our joys we are entrance to the harbor. The back - blue, i blue,, ers of the project estimate is cost With a smile on our face we've a at 54,000,000. heartache; Longing, dear parents, for r you. A saving of forty-eight hours was t. Ever remembered by their daut la- , effected in the transport' of trans - tees, Emily and Mae. Atlantic mail to the city when bundles were taken from the Cana- dian Pacific "Empress of Australia". at Rimouski and conveyed by plane to Montreal. Experiments are con- sidered to have been successful, and it is understood a future develop- ment will extend the flying service to Toronto. Thursday; October 27th, x9ee '1imataIIII illan ISI IiIMinisoIIMII1 111mIIi 11sliMIMaIIiIIIAMIIIi Ionitimin lunulas of • 1 a 0 here y� � i and Four ships, arriving at Vancouver within one week, brought, more than 4 see 000;000' worth . of silk front the y, Orient, for trans -shipment to New York. This is the heaviest- move- ment of its kind on record along this coast. The Canada Colonization A•ssocia- tioe, a subsidiary of the Canadian. Pacific :Railway for the settlement oil privately -owned lands in Wes- � iie, tern Canada, . in the 'first six Mr. J..Idirst, salesman for t d fax the months of 1927 accounts Wingham Rubber Co., with his farit placem:ent 401 families on 97,944 ily, moved to Toronto last week. acres• of landof. r Bargains! New Low Prices on All Model T. Ford Cars. Selling now $140 Less than regular price, We have only one new car hi stock a Sedan fully equipped, the regular price being $745.00., New Price, $645.00 A Real Bargain, One good used Ford Town lig in running Order $80. �. Stephen: > Peed Dealer. The first passenger trip. of the Lethbridge Commercial Airways was made on August 7th, between High River and Lethbridge by a pl"ane piloted by Sock Palmer. It is announced that commercial flights will be arranged. between Lethbridge and Waterton Lakes. Already the muskrat has come to lead all other furbearers of the Dominion in the total value of pet - try sold, not alone by reason of the great number of pelts taken, but on account of the remarkable rise in the price of the furs. In the Olden days furs sold in London for a few cents apiece and in even more reoettt times. ,An official attnatxtiCerhent has been triads to the effect that the Canadian Palette Railway Otaitpatty Will oOnstruct tt lite. Pram Mid11ml to ?ot+t li�1Cc,1�lfoot1, Pubtiv petradew and demonstrations were held` itt ) ldlsand *heti lite nrinoutteetneefit was made as ilial citizens .feel thait the taettlitre Ul •tit rt Feat deal ht lxuttldizx0 tip Meindseturing sod adttsttI O. +i ,•t tete. Though the crop s'. :sort is late, reports received by the transpor- tation department of the Canadian Paeifie Railway are most satiefac- tory, insofar as yield per acre concerned. From many point:, in Saskatchewan word tomes ..,,that wheat threshed out froni 25 to u i bushels per acre, while in Aiba ta, the yield runs from 25 to 45 bushels per acre. • ' r 0 0 0 �n F. W. • Swindells,'a wealthy Con- necticut manufacturer, is develop- ing a model farm at Priueeport, on the Midland division of the Doman- ion Atlantic Railway, twelve miles from here. This farm con- tains 400 'acres under cultiva- tion and 50 ,; acres of woodland, ideally situated on the summit of a hill overlooking the upper part of Cobequid Bay aria . valleys of ex- ceeding beauty, Nis Guernsey herd consists of 50 purebred mileh cows. His barns are on the Danish dairy plan and are said to be tile best itt the province. It is annourieed that the 2,000,000 - bushel elevator at Midland, Ontario, erected by James Playfair aid his •associates has been completed, and that the Oa.rtadian Pacific Railway is to predeed wilth, the Construction of seven miles d line directly con- necting the elevator at Midland and joining up its main line through Port MMNicoll to Montreal. The int, mediate : result, it is believed, will be that the largest shipping voint' en the eastern lakes will have dtreet con ttoetiotiwi�t'kt Saint 3017t1,6 and have the effect Of greatly thereat, ig the . traaaffia through that polar, Fs 0 s. / IMPORTANT coi* TO OWNERS OF TOURING CARS: We make Side Curtains for this type of coot �w. which make them practically as comfortable as an Elr up-to-date Sedan, i 0 ii IN OTHER WORDS tach curtain is made with an "over -lap" of ap- proximately four inches and this combined with a "draft shield" which extends about four inches be- low the top, will make your Touring Car absolute- ly. Draft Proof. This type of side curtain is made with rods, thereby " permitting the opening and closing , of doors just the same as a Sedan. The cost of curtains such as these varies accord- ing to quality — in fact we make in five different qualities, but the most popular are those at $13.50 and $15.00 Per Set / 0 a 0 a The above are for Ford or cars of similar size,, • the prices being slightly more for the bigger cars. _ �W ' . ehave cheaper qualities ualities than above, down as t love as, $9.50' per set, but not guaranteed. • _ WILLIStii THE SHOE ii..STORE Phone 129, WINGHAM — • =®® /IinionsIIIs II/II101111/1110111/i1I01 nit/111/ nsiminitaluit i1t�l,It/iII/ill/111/1111!111/Ili V,ILWAI\FJ,\ 1 1. 1,V "'-')"2"-''- "K.. l i \. agave/we St 594-1 .t.M..V,4,.\y_ M 1e l h 7 •1Supplies.i- 1 IA We are'ready for School 3 Stock of Supplies, pP i iz '—PUPLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS 1 '•--CRAYONS„-,' • i —DRAWING BOOKS ► - _ ► —ERASERS —EXERCISE BOOKS -FOOLSCAP _A N PENS —FOUNTAIN ea—INKS - ► —LOOSE LEAF BOOKS ►- �A dg ..,:- 69 .,�. Town Agency,Canadian;: ►1a. LI Opening with a Complete i including: i g —NOTE BOOKS Y —LEAD PENCILS •' —PENCIL BOXES : -PEN HOLDERS —PEN PEN NIBS —RULERS i 4 -SCHOOL BAGS • 1• ER —SCRIBBLERS 11 —SLATES 4 —WATER COLORS t la h5,4' d�' .fib. T•• 1 National Railways. . i—agues nYestareari\•li7•lN(•\YYi�Yil •— a • FBYietrainiS ' 4Straeael'M de air l'BTiIiY•-5 4 2.8E RT How Geo. R Graham CHAIRMAN EXECUT1v! COMMITTEE Mn C.G, Cow , n HONORARY ttCgt -R ,.133zsrcttt7're Officer.*of the4d'atranal Committee jb the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee ort coal+#\ t