HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-20, Page 8114°,0)4,4,-,vmAY;0-liv • , ceptional Value CHOOL SHOES , momomomomomoflomommmomonmummimmuomownwimommalimo On Friday and Saturday October 21 st and 22nd we will give 10% OFF • •regular prices on all lines of Boys' and Girls' School Shoes Bring along the Boys and Girls on ,Friday and Saturday next, and have them- fitiedi ii will pay you. FREE --A good School Scribbler, ,given free with each purchaseof Shoes. W. .GEER THE GOOD SHOE STORE PHONE 23 1 111 • • m m en's Handsome Overcoats • • rill WARM BURLY STYLES, IN DIAGONAL 1 I WEAVES, HERRINGBONES, WHITNEYS, ri I CHINCHILLA AND VECUNAS--SINGLE 1 1 ' AND DOUBLE. BREASTED MODELS. 1 • , .... , ' 1 Piked 214.50, 33.00 and up to 50.90 1 " lo I me Sweaters 0 ,.? for Now. • We show an unusually large stock of Fine MI Coats: • V -NECKS PULLOVERS and LUMBERJACKS • JUMBO KNIT, CASHMERE KNIT Priced a_olg 5.00 and 6.50 • • SIIE(',IAL TO CLEAR 1. About 20 good Coats, in Pullover anti Coat xi • StYlet---solid eulors with coutrasting trim; some m are V-Ileck models, while others have collars, Reg. DI alar $5.50 to $7.00, Your choice) each 3.79, to moossionotiosimoNsimomournam ININCTITAlVf AT)VANC4-TIIVIRS 13ELGRAVE Mrs. G, Crowe, of 'Trenton, On- tario, is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Bran- don. Mrs. Wise, of Clinton, is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Geddes. Mr, and Mrs, Panent and Mn and Mrs. Strebb, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe' Brandon. Mr. and Mrs, Brandon spent a few days with friends in Fergus, Guelph and Elmira last week. Mr. Jim Jamieson has purchased the William Cole property and takes possession this fall, • Mr. and Mrs. R. McClelland, of Denver, Colorado', and the two Miss McCiellands, of Blyth, were visiting in the village one day last 'Week. William J. Cole has disposed of his farm, lot 41, concession 8, East Wa- wanosh, to James Jamieson and is holding a clearing sale on Thursday, the 27th. James Taylor, Auctioneer, ASHFIELD Mr, and Mrs. James Cook; tenth concession, and son John, of Toronto, motored to Lion's I -lead and spent a couple of days with relatives there:. Born, to Mr. and, IVirs. Casswell Hackett, on 'Thursday, October 13th, a son. Thursday and Friday was teachers'. convention, which was held in Exeter., Nearly all the local teachers were Pre.: sent, and took in the tripi to 'London, to visit the 'city schools. Mrs. R. A. Grant, twelfth ConeeS- sion, returned home from her trip out west. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Vint and the Misses Mary and Elsie attended, the anniversary service in St. Helens and' spent the afternoon with Mr. aid Mrs. Thomas. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond- Finnigan and son Chester, near Crewe, spent Sunday with relatives at Beigrave.. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Gray, of God- erich spent the week -end with their daughter, Mrs. Matt, Shackleton, near Crewe. Mr. Will Alton returned home"from Chicago last week, where he has been since last fall. Miss Lila Irwin, Belfast, is visiting with her aunt in Brampton. Mrs. David Little and daughter Dora, and Miss Mary Alton, of Cour- ey's Corners, spent Friday with rela- tives in Huron. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross, of Tees-scra.ter, visited Qn Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin. 'Mrs. Hodgkinson, who has been visiting with her brother, Mr. Herb. Pettapiece, returned to her home in Kinlough on Saturday. Mrs. Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Conn spent Sunday -"with Mr. and Mrs. James Ross, of Tees - water. Mrs. Campbell, of Petrolia, is vis- iting with her brother, Mrs. Eli Jacques. Mrs. James Barbour, Freda ,and Verna, of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour, of Erin; also Mrs. Ben. McClenaghan, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Barbour; sr. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew St'ein, of Lucknow, also Mr. and Mrs. Percy MacLean, Donelda and Coi-inne, of Belgrave, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Pnrdon, visiting with Mr. William Stein, who is seriously Miss Jeanette B. Cottle, of Toron- to, is visiting with Mrs. Kew, of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Hutchison and Dorothy, of Wingham, visited at the home of Mrs. Hutchison's siker, Mrs. Will Conn, on Sunday. Miss Olive Terriff, R.N., spent a few days last week with Mrs. Allan Turner, of Lucknow. Mrs. A. Fox is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Humphrey, of St. Helens, for a few days. Miss Annie Henry, R.1N•T„ returned to New York City on Thursday. Mr. Elliott Fells attended the Bruce teachers' convention in Kin- cardine on Thursday and Friday of last week. Miss Dorothy Hutchison visited with Miss Agnes Gillespie for a few days last ;Week. Coulter Brothers finished their sea- son's threshing on, Monday •of this We are glad to report that Mr. Miles McMillan has been improving lately. His son Joe arrived on Satur- day from Vancouver, One son, Hugh, was reached in Detroit by broa.dcast.. ing on the radio for him. " Mr. and Mrs. Orval Graham, of Stratford, spent the Week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Campbell, of Marnoch, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, of Huron township, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tif- fin, of Langside, spent Sunda3r with Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Farrier, ivIr, and Mrs, Robert NIc.Clenaghan and. Clarence visited on Sunday with 'Mr, and Mrs. Herb, Lardlar, A great number from here attend- ed. the anniversary services in St. Het - ens 'United church on Sunday, • ' • . Thµrsclay, October autb., x907 aseinisuusaaalliammilasainompaamorammaigionoinsiamesisimmasmstilaniammeaseiummax•Illaraillollellifillulli - • 'Beautiful Winter Coats With Rich Fur Trimmings Just Received. Broadcloths, Duvetyn, . Vellabloorn, Needlepoint and Broadtail, with • Shawl or Crush Collars and Cuffs of Platinum Wolf, Alaska Sable, Na- tural Opossum, Thibet- ine and Mandel. Exclusive styles and materials, moderately priced: $18, $25 and $35. Other numbers from $40 to $100. SATINS, VELVETS, FLAT CREPES, WOOL ffERSEYS, FAILLES AND TWILLS — THE SEASON'S SMARTEST GARMENTS Priced $1g $20 and $30 A IT PAYS TO VISIT OUR\SHOWROOM AND SEE THE -N EW STYLES* KING BROS. • . • _ sainuomEEBEEIIIIIIimomniaammounniumunummisamanumnummonemennumatamiamung smosownommommononnsuanunoisimmuminomannutomfig LYC E REATRE • Thursday, Friday, Saturday — October 20, 21, 22 •RIN TIN, TIN -- "THE HILLS OF KENTUCKY" Comedy: "Beauty a -La Mud" I Monday; Tuesday Wednesday Oct. 24, 25, 26 .1 • COLLEEN MOORE "TWINKLETOES" • ill A picture of the Limehouse district of Old London : immommbimomonowomomommomomOmommomomoummotoMmmted While,,ex-Reeve W, A. Powandof The St. Catharines Standa.nd says Brant, was cutting corn on his' farm, that the automobile has over'500 nuts, north of Walkerton last Friday morn - bot the one at the wheel, when loose, ,ing, he made a slash at a stalk with ' cat cause the most trouble. That a hoe, ,but missed by a narrow Mar- . trouble is not a eireunistance, gin and hit his left leg a hard swipe ever, to the 'damage likely to be done with the 'blade between the ankle and if the "nut" at the wheel happen to the knee, making a gash that severed the arteries and the veins and right be reckle8s* to 4e .bone,, George Davidsott,'a Kincardine ho - Cargill United churches, Wesle tel keeper, is spending a month in the and St. Andrew's, after two years' ex- 13.ttiC6 cunty boarding house for a PetlatiOe of carrying on separately, second infraction of the, government /Sunday, the pth inst., to a formal liquor act, He Was lust convicted of ices will be held in St. Andrew's cluirge of having liquor in an illegal and practital union. Tn tire, serv- being toxicated and tl Oaa chtireh. place. innionismimitimmiolimmisinirinintinitomiloolO1111111111111111111111111.111111O11111 We will 'be in W• ingharn, at"rear of Mundy's. Store, on Tuesday and Friday of eack week coin-, it mencing .Tuesday, 25th October, and will pay the °- following prices for Selected No. 1 Poultry. Alive Dressed g Spring Chickens, over,6 lbs caOh 23c 210, 11• Spring Chickens, 53 to"6 lbs. each 220 28c Spring Chickens, 5 to 53 lbs. each ______ Bxc 27c' Spring Chickens, 4* to 5 lbs. each 2oc 26c Spring Chickens, 4.10 43 lbs. each 23e I& d •tSpring Chickens, under 4 lbs. eachtsc 2ro Old Hens, over 6 IbEi. each• Igo 21c'11 OM Rena, 1 to 6 lbs each • x8c soc E. Old Hens 43 to 5' lbs each 16c iSc Old' Hens, 4 to 43 %EL each - 13c r5c Old Hens, 33 to 4 lbs, each xic sac! j Old Hens, 3 to 33 lbs. each ..... gc roc =° Old Hens, under 3 lbs. each .. . . .. .. .-_-____ • 7c 8c IN • Young Ducks, g tbs. and over (whit -0 x4c 22C- • Young Ducks, under 5 lbs. (white) Ise........._.22c , II Young Ducks (colored) roe or. Roosters, 5 lbs, and over . 130 /.6C.‘ = Roosters, under 5 lbs. xxc x4c * Dressed Poultry to be bled in the mouth, and iv I dry picked, all feathers off. All poultry starved' - properly. • • Yours truly, -1-1 THE EAST HURON PRODUCE'EMPORIUM • Brussels - - Ontario . At Stephens & Ashton's Store, Gorrie, on Friday a of each week. = iiioNociiinowomottlorioiliotolislitplitioutonomonoilioionostoloptiamilon Last June, William Cook wiled De. • las Taman and John McCormick, all of Blythr for damages on account of injuries rectived itt Octdber, 1g26, from being knocked down by 4drcar , by ,14cCoriniek. By a judgment handed down last week -he iiiteiVed $65.06, • One of the sentences handed out by Magistrate Reid of Goderieh the past week was a fine 'of $as and costs Posed ori T. A. Miller, of Ilrussels *vicinity, for violation of the HighWaY Traffic Act. Miller made a false 1 • statement as to ho age when making application at Wirigliarn 161" a Petruit to drive a motor ear.