HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-20, Page 7hursda , Oct?Der ;~0th, 1927 MAKE DRIVING SAFE A large member of urban centres in Ontario have alr>eady'',entered into enthusiastic co-operation with the Highway Safety Committee in the campaign to prevent accidents. Many, reports have been made to W, ( . Robertson of . the Ontario Motor League and a member of the execu- tive of the Safety Committee. Among others the work of the St, Catharines and Lincoln Motor Club may be giv- en as an xalriple, 'This club announc •ed that at certain service garages its members could have their headlights and brakes tested free of charge, and 'that a nominal charge would he made far adjustment. Within a few days more than x,000 -carr owners took ad- vantage 'of this offer. It was found that at least 90 per cent. of the lights .tested required adjustment, that is, 90 per .cent. of -tie motor cars examined .had glaring headlights:, In a great :many instances the lamps were found 'to be tilted correctly, but the bulbs were badly out of focus. It was ,pointed out to these motorists that tilting the lamps to the proper angle will not always prevent a glarnig light, The bulbs also have to be at- tended to. Of the brakes tested, the ,great majority were found to be in 'pretty fair shape." Some other clubs doing similar work are Ottawa, Essex County, Lon- don, a n Hamilton, Cobourg, , H'zm ark, Cobou a is 'Guelph On Thursday of this 'week the secretaries of all the motor clubs in the province are to meet Hon. Geo. 'S. 'Henry,' Minister of Highways, to ;go into the accident preventionques- tion more thoroughly and link up more closely with the Highway Safety Committee. It is pointed out that one of the fundamental principles of these clubs is to advocate a reason- able, regard for the rights. of others on the highways, which is embodied in the word "courtesy" in the High- way Safety Cornrn:ittee':s campaign. Last week all the big oil and gaso- lin.e companies obtained thousands of stickers with the words, "I'n'for safe- ty and :courtesy. Are you?" and, sent, thein to filling stations with .instruc- tions to paste these stickers on the lower right hand corner of wind- shields. Within a few hours after the first bundles of stickers went Taut, cars. bearing them appeared in many city streets,; Mr, J. P. Iiickeil, Registrar of Mo- tor Vehicles in the Department of Iiglrways, and a rnember of the Highway Safety Committee executive, emphasized the fact that it was not the . committee's thought to put for- ward the idea of accident prevention for 'a couple of weeks, arid then for- get all about it. "We are .going about this campaign deliberately," stated Mr. Bie1c 11, "No- thing is being rushed without care and planning beforehand, We want the public to get accident prevention consciousness arid to retain it, Al ready,reports have come to us telling of a great improvement in theimatter of headlights. We are also getting reports about reckless • driving and cutting -in. These are being investigat- ed.. During September lee drivers' li- censes were suspended for varying periods' foir infractions" of the Motor Vehicles Act, and of these 68 were for reckless driving. We want reve;:ybody to help in this :commendable work. More and more automobiles will be on our :highways as time goes on. While we hope that the number of accidents will gneatly diminish, we must recognize that the 'problem of accident prevention is likely to in- crease rather than decrease." LAW NOT BEING OBSERVED (Arnherstburg Echo) After all the publicity given to the Provincial Act which came into force for iMakin October g i' t mandatory all vehicles to be equipped with lights after dark, it is rather surprising these. nights to drive on most any roeel out i of Amherstbur•g and have to pass or! meet wagons, buggies and other ve- hicl.es being ,driven blithely on their way with absolute clisl e 'ard of not only the law, but also of common sense.Surely the drivers in these times of congestion of motor driven vehicles realize the ,risk they are tak- ing by chancing it along our promin- ent highways without some kind of warning beaeon. Besides if. an acci dent occurs now and. it ,is pled as an i excuse that the motor car didn't ser 'the unlighted vehicle, the driver of the latter becomes liable for damages. The new law wes passed to secure greater safety 00 the highways for all Concerned, One of these days vinci'al officers will make "a sheds up of conditions like these, and chose who have forfeited their right to pro- tection'will have to pay for their del- inquency. BIG ,GAME HUNTING Northern Ontario 'Reports from the early hunters .in- dicate fine weather and excellent' sport, particularly along the line Of Canadin. National Railways which taps the best of all hunting territory, The season north of the French Riv- er is now open and will nett close un- til November 3oth. South of the Pict,;-' erel and French Rivers, season will opera .frorn November est to the ,nth. There is choice country for t],eer, and ne0ose between Parry Sound and Sudbury, and beyond Sudbiiry for a distance of 300 m%les. leloose are plentiful in almost any section. The line from. Toronto to North Bay and 'Timagami passes through the eastern Portion of the finest deer country in the Province, and to the north, Tim- againi territory is too well known for moose to need 'description. ' Canadian National train service to these several hunting grounds is fast ar,.J comfortable. Sjiecial -service' is being operatedirated on the To nto-Su d - bury line, and extra`eciuipfnent will he carried in many otter trains, An attractive hunting leaflet has been issued and copies may be obtain- ed application to any Agent, Can- adian National Railways. FLORIDA'S WONDERFUL BEACHES Are you longing for. the caressing wal'mth of a cloudless 'midsummer day, for the song of birds, for the scent of .flowers? Then don't wait 'months to enjoy them! In Florida you .niay drink in health and gladness at one of l'er magnificent coastal re- sorts. Motor over her glorious roads. Play Golf in her brilliant sunshine. Enjoy the thrill of her 'deep-sea fish- ing and sailing. Bask ''n her velvet silver beaches. Plunge into the buoy- ant warmth of her surf, Howl .to . Test 'vonr lEts Lights as ass:mow ' t4remmti baba blas out oma t lame theme:t m not hawks the Vogel To test the lights on your tee game the ere as a lewd space 25 feet dream a tall or einem. Mark * horizontellineea thewall the same height froth the ground as the eenbe of the lam ppee a® your car. Under m daomaten=.bouid this thin..stdch is called the Lamp Level Lice, be iocas bum 42 fnef ea: hoof the mooed. WIW lamps Invitee * screw adjustment hats the screw enema, er mother until the hearimll !B ntal beam on the wall each irive not bad es narwneed oL) as posslde. (Leas d To faces bulbs in lamps witheeit outside adjatrtina screw, remove the leas and move the bulb bmcra*rd or ;forward until the circle of light on the wall is as small as possible. Then replace leas. Then teat each lamp separately: with tens wed. The top of the bemm of light Amid be 4 inches to 7 inches below the Lamp Level l in a to take caro of tha loading Of the car. Light touring cars require a full 7 inches below the line. Lamps on Fords witheut batteries require 10 inches tSIoti' the line. If in doubt tilt the lamps topof the'i>4am is still lower. The law vires arc npprovtd headlight device and 21 candle power bulbs. The Department of liighwaYs will Supply more detailed instructions. Or• ,leµ can bavo your ilghta tested and adimited at Most esteem.. Sec to them. Night Time Terror of the Highways The motor car with glaring headlights is a danger toils COM . driver and a terror to `Others on - the high Drives moving in the opposite efirection are deprived of .. - sight td guide their efun. A good garage mechanic • can foals headlights, so that; they do notglares gravers can do it themselvesby , following printed instructions. The Departunent ' df Highways will mail you 'without charge complete instructions. Test your headlights often to be assured they do not glare. You' are .responsible.' Lamps are designed' far the, roadway and not the other driver's eyes or the tree tops. Night driving must be made safe. Never drive with only one headlamp lighted or tail light out. Brakes and steering gear should be kept in perfect condition at all times. Your car must obey'if you 'wish it to be safe for you and not a menace to others. The concentrated effort in behalf, of safety on the high- ways is meeting with a widespread and active support. Co-operation from every motorist is asked so that the. eatample set during this period may take a permanent hold of the consciousness of all who use the highways. It is the duty of everybody to learn how accidents may be prevented. To show that, you support this movement put . the sticker on your car, any garage "I'm for Care and Courtesy. Are You?" You canget one at filling station. or g ar• PJCbCIJ'i'JVE COMM1.TTEt ceetrominet 0 ono s.1110 aY., Miefetetotinghweer W. C3 n011ESTspN,; 9ecrotery antarlo Moist Lta0uoi T r ,1, 2., WYBI..t, Secretary' Coterie .5atety leadl(e; S. J. nn nssoer, mot of Pollee, 'Toronto: T. MAaSI,tALL, Beetotary Assoeleted Boarded 'rrede; J'. P. organza., feaistrar of Stater Vobletas; 15. Al. SMITH, Acting Deputy minister et £ilgirwa5a. ADVISOlt,'St COMMtrirtt All Editors,.ltoade et Mun eioel ocworettiontit, Paulo Oilers, t'rsselenta'et teoenel of Trade, Alltoreobile Clubs turd Sallee Clidni th the Pravtnoe of betide s Ut WINGHA1U1 4DvaTeg T"iviz$ A winter spent on the beaches of Florida is a winter spent in a para- dise of sunshiny pleasure and luxury. Information about convenient 'Can- adian National service and full partic- odors on application to any Canadian National Agent, IN SUNNY CALIFORNIA In Sunny California hundreds of Canadians will again revel this win- ter in the beauty of that land of per- petual summer --the orange groves, the pepper trees and palms and flow- ers; and the ever changing scenery of sea and mountain, ' The attractions of California are manifold. It is recognized as one of the greatest out -door playgrounds 'in the world with an unsurpassed whiter climate, The ' glory of its mountain scenery' is indescribable. Deep-sea fishing, motoring,' golf and every 0th-, er outdoor recreation may be indulg- ed in. • Canadian National Railways offer. special fares and wide variety of routes, going and returning - either through Canada or the United States. Apply for particulars to your near- est Agent. ear-estAgent. • Miss Pearl Gielley, pianist of Blyth Choral Society, was presented with , $loo in recognition of her services. j. W, Skinner, a HensalU business man for many years, has sold out to W. C. Davis and W. J. White, of near Owen Sound. PLAN NOW FOR PLAY DAYS IN FLORIDA Get reasdy for a season in I lerida Have a few weeks' holiday down eauti-i--where whiter is only the name or a. season, Your friends will be there. Your favorite caddy will be ready to follow you around the course; your, favorite chair will be waiting for you on the ocean side of the hotel verandah. Florida is famous for its hospitality -for:: its sports and pleasures. There are leagues of clear ocean beach for. swimming and sun bathing; miles of tree -bordered roads fors ,motoring;'. doter -boating, ,yachting, polo, tennis and golf in abundance. Now is the time to plait your win- ter vacation. Any agent of the Can- adian National. Railways will gladly. supply you with all the necessary in- formation about Florida -its rates,' routes and resorts. Vinol Gives Girl Appetite and Strength "My zo-year-old daughter was weak and had no appetite. Since giving her Vinol, she has an amazing appetite and strength." -Mrs. W. Joosten. The very FIRST week they take Vinol, children' begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. A simple strength- ening: iron and cod liver compound in use for over 'e5 years for run-down n men and 'women and weak children. J. Walton McKibben, Druggist. Business Opportunities often' call for the invescznent of rrioney. Regular saving will prepare you to take advantage of your opportunity when it arrives. Established 1871 151 BLUEVALE Mrs. A. H. Coombs has returned Mr. and Mrs. J. Kerneywereww ere at home afters en d.i n a week with rel- Goderich on business on Monday. . atives at Beaszitle 4r f ltirk4 r• "t tl .is ti a f t:. •t' t 'ir, i5.,;=,',,1± as Oitr f(yi �j g',j:.sj;,. ,'s 'ri°'K11 0 ii1-els-east e ee 111UE Offers this h emendus F mune to a i•y Mn, Fi d thr' Words Hidden in th Letters of the NST..NTS`' tj LE" ,1► r Childs rd 9l4 Li There is nothing hard to do. And there is Two 'Thousand Dollars to win. All you need is paper and pencil. It is easy to understand and play this gamine. Just sit down and see how many words you can make from the letters in the word Constantinople. You will find all sorts of words that can be imade out of these letters. For example, cat is one, pie is one, pant is another, and ant, etc, etc. It is as easy as that. It is a game for the whole family. No 'expert knowledge is needed. All you have to do to win a fortune is to play the game according to the rules announced to -day. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. FIFTY Prizes will be given for the 50 best lists of words submitted. The answer having the largest and nearest correct list of words made out of the letters in the word Constantinople will be awarded first prize; second best, second prize, etc. Observe These E sy ,tales (1) Any man, woman or child who lives In Canada and in not a resident of the City of Toronto and who is not In the employ of The Mall and Empire may submit an answer. (2) Make as many words as possible from the letters In the word Constantinople. You may use the letters over and over again in different words, but each word must not contain a letter more times than it appears In the word Constantinople. For ekampie, you may use the letter "a" just' once in each word. the letter "e" Just once in each word and the letter ."t" twice in each word. (3) Write your words plainly on one aide of 'the paper and in alphabetical order, numbering them 1, 2, 3, etc. Write your full name and address on each page in the upper right-hand corner. If you desire to write anything else use a separate sheet. (4) Do not use proper nouns, proper adjectives, prefixes,. suffixes, abbreviations, oontractlons, foreign' words, obsolete words, combined forms, Scot or dialectic words. • Words spelled alike but with different meanings will be counted as one word. Words moiled differently but with the same meaning will be counted as separate words. both the singular and tho plural may be used. and both will he counted, provided both forms are listed In the dictionary , _ (6) .Tho Judges will use Webster's New International Dictionary, the latest edition, ae authority, and the largest correct .list of words made from'the'letters In Constant!. resale will be awarded first prize. (5) One correct word will bededucted for each age. melted or incorrect' word. (7) in the event of a tie for any prize offered, the full amount of such prize will be awarded to each tied participant. (8) Only one prize will be awarded to any one household or group of pereons. Every list must represent your own affort, and must be prepared by the portion submitting It. Lista submitted which cause the Judges to believe that they have been compiled by one and the same person Will be refected. (0) The largest correct list of words prepared according to these rules will win litrat prize. The next iargeat correct Het will win emend prize, and so on until 60 pri;ee have been awarded (subject to rule 0). (10) A cash prize of 550.00 will be awarded the 'first prize winner if no subscrlptfons to The Mali and Empire are Bent In. However, the first prize winner will receive 51,000.00 Instead of 3550.00, provided one new or renewal yearly subscription to The Mall 'And Empire Is sent in. Batter atilt, if TWO subscriptlone to The Mall and Empire (either .one now and ono renewal, or both neW, at 55.00 /./or year by mail, or 56.00 per year delivered by carrier in Hamilton or_ `London) are Sent in by the first ' prize winner he or slo win be awarded 52,000.00 Instead : of 550.00, (11) Renewal subscriptions Will not be accepted that extend any subscription beyond January lat, 1931. (12) Alt answers . will receive the earns consideration, 'regardless of whether or not a subscription to Tho Mail. and Empire 1s sent In. (13) Three prominent'Toronto :citizens, having ne con. *cotton with The Mall and Empire, wilt be selected to act as Judges to docile the winners; and participants,by sending in their' anaWera, agree to accept the decision of the Judges aafinal, and conctustve. (14) Prize Winners in former contests conducted by The Matt and Empire who have won $200,00 or more are not eligible to participate in this contest. (15) Lists of words must be mailed and postmarked on or before midnight of Saturday, December 3rd, 1927. SUBSCRIPTION RATES for United States and their for Canasta, Great .t3ri,tain Possessions! ^ and her Possession/I! 12 ]!Months . 51.00 12 Months ' .. 335.00 0 Months 4,00 6 Months ... 8.53 1 arca oath . 1 .75 1 Month.... • ,89 Saturday itlon, satursiar i0Zlition, 12 Months 8.00 12 aromas 0.00 80,00 per year by carrier in London or ttamilton, m este 9 Here you are folks -the big cash awards! 0 5. ao 0Er1Nar razz les Prize If TWO Prize 1f ONE ".. subscriptions Prize If no I now or renewal are' sent, one subscriptions su'bscrlption of which must are sent is sent . be -a new subscriber $1,000.00 $2,000.00 500:00 1,000.00 350.00 700.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 Winning' Answers First Prize$50.00 torn receive cash Second Prize .... 25.00 prized gccordi, to Third' Prize 15.00 the table here. Fourth Prize . 10.00 a Fifth' Prize ... . I0.00 Remember- Sixth Prize.....5.00 Seventh Prize ` . 5.00 Eighth Prize 5.00 1<linilr Pride 5.00 Tenth Prize 5.00 Aim ® Eleventh Prue 1!0 tor O!g the �Q nth Prize, in. r elusive . `i6.00 5.00 10.00 $ 2 , 0 0 0.00 Award 1 TOTAL $213.00 $2,500.00 85,000.00 In the event of a do for any prize offered the Egli amount of eaclt prize win be paid to each tied participant.. A fully qualified answer wins the larger amounts. No $5,000 w the l Prizes iII Be Awarded The greatest opportunity of your life la what The, Mail and Empire le offering you in teals word game, to "play and learn" while earning a big cash prize.You cannot bele but enjoy, the hunt for words in this flame.+' All you need Is an obaorving eye. Let's all Join 1n and have a Jolly good time. Put ell the family in this game. Give Mary a pencil, and Bobby a pencil. ..Both 'parents take a pencil, and any other members of the family. Make It a game. See who can find the moat words from the letters in the word bon. stantinople in hall an hour. You'll find it fust. It is easy to do. It's educational, 'and it may be worth TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. 50 CASH PRIZES 10 Be Given Away TMs game is a campaign to Increase the popularity of THE MAIL AND EMPIRE. It costs nothing to take part, and you do not have to send In a subscription to win a prize. If your list of Words le awarded first prize by the Judges,, you will win 550.00. However, y p y y cash prizes by we aro makingthe following special, offers whereby you can win, Greater sending In one or two early subscriptions. Here's How the Big Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded instead of 550.00 will be awarded to, the answer winningg first' prize provided two yearly aubscriptiorns to The Mail and i Empire have been sent in, one subscription f Which must be .700.00. ^see. . new. Second prize, $1,000.00, thrid prize, $ • third column frgures.in prize list.) $1 instead of 850.00 ;will be awarded to the answer winning first. prize, provided one yearly subscription has been sent in. Seeond prize. 5500.00: third. $350.00, and so on. Big Cash Prize Qualifying BI Leslie $.' Moote, Puzzle Manager, itoom 207, Nian and Empire, Toronto, Canada. Enclosed find ' $ , for which kindly send The Mail and Empire to the following persons, which will qualify me for the 331g Cash Swards in 55,00040. Constantinople word gable. Sitndly, aenti The Mall and Empire to taindiy send "Tire Mall and Empire to S71Mtg ..... .r. . .. l3 iE, •. .r.ws A 00133 oar...-• 1.•.•r .. ADDRESS 1,..•......•.•..•..........111 • nk 4•.••.1,11✓.111•.01,•••••Y•.•..•♦•...•.• zs this subscription new or reneWall - • ...Y*.:I.,..r r11.1,..1.1..".•..•..•0 quality for highest award this subscription must be new. .. AM:MSS. ,..4.•.ene..0.4.400* uotalt by Money Order, postai Note or Clrerlde. i)o to 'Send col% unregistered.