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The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-20, Page 4
WINGI•i:'AM ADVANCE -TIMES' Thursday, October ,zoth, e927, Mill 11! IIk�IIl1M111M111NMl11MM..11/ ItMMIl1MI11tIlI11I99M11I11Md11�11tIM11( !91111111 I 1. 111111 t�rM I . Mi M NM � INM IIMM! L 1MI, _,ll M1i A Paif Ca Fancy and Colored, 50c Value iN itra Int Free With Jonteel. Face Powder, all shades, and Jooteel Pace Cheam, cold or Vanishing All >to1� $1,00 „ cwa W.sawa/rao. .. mSYDsmasso awn iHBYQ®4®uYgC...6 W.W aimi6uaraw Mc . I to Phone 53 ON'S DRUG STORE Wingham 1111 1171311111111111111111111111111111h111®I I1111111lll lrlll11l ll11I p011111111111111111111111111111E111HI I I21I I I1vl!!illi!?1111 11' 11 11112111181 I I 1 I Ii111111MI111111®I hill llEU lel1118111®I I i1 11112111151121110p11111111'19 x . cents a weird per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.'. s i I! ! it fl, ! I II #111!!Ia suatoimiu ■lil�ltllllliltiat1Iaw ■mail I ! Rei 111 ensu �1tI911111t111ninissmo FOR SALE--Arrt'Huron heater in good condition. Apply to David Finley. FOR SALE—Walnut eofa, chest -of- drawers, fall -leaf table, Apply at the Advance -Times. SITUATION WANTED for house- work; references. Apply to Box A, ' Advance -Times. iOUSES, FARMS -and LOTS-Mx-- sale; OTSfrsale, the time tobuY. APPlY Fells.. HOUSE FOR SALE — All modern conveniences; good garden; well . situated. A bargain ,for quick .sale. 'Abner Cosens, Insurance and Real Estate, /IfI111U11 hrel/lt1m11Ii 1I1futHoli siIr1111 Ili numbing;Steam, • •Hot'; a" to r and 1 Hot: Air Heating1 W: 4: BOYCE — Store Ph-Si.House, Ph. U. — l9! 1•1 I1i111 It�11111111111411111 ■i Il� i! I l!1 � ! It! AUcTIONY` SALE .., -o© F WANTED — Hens, ducks, chickens. "Farm Stock We are loading a car at C. N. Ry., Oct. 20, 21. Bring them in. UnitedImplements, Grain, Furniture, Etc, Farmers' Co-op. Co. ..AUCTIONSALE of Furniture, and W. J. TAYLOR, Lot `4o, Con. 8, 'Valuable village property, of Mrs. East Wawanosh, (r milewest of Bel- Rotilston, Minnie street, Wingham, grave), has instructed the undersign - on Saturday, October, 22nd, at two ed to sell by Pixblic Auction on o'clock: Thomas Fells, Auctioneer.Thursday; October 27th FARM FOR SALE—Lot ars-Con. g, at x o'clock sharp, the following: East Wawanosh, xoo acres of HORSES—Matched Team of Roan choice land; immediate possession. Mares, & yrs. old, one registered Par particulars apply to Mrs. Mary Matched'Team of Geldings, 2 yrs. old. Owens, Belgrave. CATTLE' ---Pure Bred Registered. Holstein Cots; 4 yrs. old, due in Jan.; TEESWATER CIDER MILL will Pure Bred Holstein 5 yrs. old;. due in make apple batter on Tuesday, Oc- Dee.; Hereford. Cow due in Jan.; Dur- tober 25th, November rst and 8th, hang Cozy due in May; 32 -year-olds; and cider every day until further 2 Yearlings; 3 Calves; notice, , SHEEP -3o Oxford Ewes; 5 Oxford FOR SALE or RENT -Brick douse Lambs; Oxford Ram, PIGS—Sow- IGS=Sow; 8 Suckers; xo Store on Leopold street, 7 rooms, hard v- ies: `8 Chunks. and soft water, 3 lots: Apply to 1'OUy TR --5o Hens;, 25 Pure Bred Mrs. Fred Taylor, Gorrie; possesion Leghorn Pullets. novel:ab t- x4; easy terms. IliPLEMENTS—Massew-Harris 6 -ft. EARN $25 WEEKLY UP at home Binder; Massey -Harris 1 -lay Loader, clipping newspapers and addressing nearly new; Massey -Harris Fertilizer envelops. No canvassing. Every- Drill;' Massey -Harris 10 -ft. Rake; thing furnish.d. Share or full time. Massey Harris . 6 -ft. Mower, new; Particulars for stamp. Gillies mail- Steel , Roller; International .Riding ing Service, Boa e, Sydney, N;.s. Pled' Walking Plow; Gang Plow; Disc; 2 Wagons; Set of Sleighs; Rub- SHROPSHIRES FOR •SALE — ben Tire Top' Buggy; Cutter; Set of Shearling and ram lambs sired by :Har rows• Set Team Harness; Set a and prize ram at Toronto; priced Driving Harness, 3o -ft. Ladder, new: ; Froin $2o to $.30; also some good Pandora Kitchen Range., 1 iano Cased ewes. W. G. Ross, Londesboro, Organ; DeLaval Cream Separator. Ont., phone 26-13 Blyth Central. GRAIN—About 1,200 bus. uf Oats; about 200 bus, of Barley; about 50 THE PROPERTY of the late James ee.. expring wheat Roulston, Minnie street, Wiugharu. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --Eaten- frame house containing 6 rooms, ,inn Table, Sideboard, Kitchen Chairs, water, light, cool cellar; barn and Cupboard., Small Tables and. Standee coal shed. for sale. Apply after uantity of Linoleum!, Set of Dishes, Monday, October 17th, to Mrs. Set o -3b. Scales,Churn, and nutner- Roulston. ons other articles. SEE OCR. LARGE STOCK of the Sale Unreservedas Proprietir has best makes of Quebec cook stoves; Sold his Farris r n heaters,several styles anal size; TERMS: Grain and sums o� $1o.00 a dand under, cash; over that amount, on di ,;iia', We stock hand made 12 months credit on approved joint stovepipes; elbows, coal hods and or sifters. Several second-hand notes, cooky a per e itit:,o for cash on stoves and, heaters in good condi-1 credit amounts. Land owners for se - tion. Buchanan hardware. r vivify. R. PROCTER, Clerk BULBS—Hyacinths, tulips, narcissus;; -...:..._.__,._, ___..;_,.._.._.._. our fall stock is now here. J. M SHERIFF'S Graham. SALE OF FOR SALE or RENT—Modern 8-', GOODS roomed frame house, , Alfred. and Shelter streets; all conveniences;' County of Suron To Wit:woodshed and garage, barn. Apply to H. 5. Thompson, evenings. ]3y virtue of a Writ rit of Fi Fa issued out of His Majesty's Supreme Court FARM FOR SALE --Being the north and to nee directed against the Goods half of Lot No. 4, Concession 5, in and Chattels of John Gillespie at the the Township of M -orris. The farm Suit of Patrick McGlynn, I have seize is only quarter mile from Station ed and taken in Execution the follow - and kali mile from church and ing property, viz:: school. The laevo is the best clay STOCK --x Team Horses (1 bay, 3 loam, all in seed, and: buildings in yrs. old; 1 .black, "7 yrs. old), x Heifer. good condition. For particulars ap- to/PLISMENTS---1 Wagon, Bind - ply to W. G, Nicholson, Belgrave, er (Deering), i Mower, r Set Disk Out.,ws, 1 Single Plow, x Pr. Iron Harrows, FARM FOR SALE—too acres, Lot H,er'rows, 6e cords wood (a ft.). en Corr. 15, Grey Tap., with good Also grain, utithreshed . and hay,, bank barn, splendid stabling, 3- Which Goods and Chattels 1 shall', roonxed house well finished inside, Offer for,.ale at the faun of the sant' cement cellar, garage, drive -shed, : John Giiiespie, East half of Lot x,. spring welt, good or•cltard, 5 acres Con, 12, Turnberry Tp., on hardwood 'busty, 15 acres pastures . Tateedel4a 1:heth ► clay of test working land; I( mile from, schtsoi. !miles . r.lortr `Vex lton..Sta- . % tte:«her 3I ,a. ,�;, lion To`sett1a estate Wail be stild•l at the lr our of orae of" the clack, very reasonably and on good tettns; ,T+erresof sale --Cash. rich t f r l'► $5�5�?� Vat xt tht*r faatwtirrrylars, ,yC. G. 1ViIDD.E"it3N egg,' to Mrs. ':Maria I:Terris, li..R. i Sheriff; 'IHuron, Ntr, rx; teuevti,te, Ont. ; Aerie Bros-- Sheriff's O frtcc,. a3trderich, ascii a t to - OttO Ietie nal. • TOE WINGIIAM ADVANCE -TIMES Published at WINGHAM, QNTARXQ Every Thursday. Morning W. Lagan Craig, • Publisher Subscription rates' -- One year $2.00, ' Six rnonths $x,00, in advance. Advertising rates on application. WOMAN IS UNREASONABLE. To the Editur av all thim Wingham paypers: Deer Sur. I tisk xnebby winimin do be the mosht unraysonable craythurs ye cud foind annywheer, They webby kin bate us min at rarinehilder, an cookie dinners, an attindin church, an lookin afther sick payple, :.but, shure, they hev no sinse av rayson in thim at. all, at all, whin it comes to an argy- mint, an a sinsible man weelden't throy to argy wid thine. If ye shtart in to oven rayson•wid thine an show thin wheer they are wrong, the fursht ting ye know they turn arround an go the other way; an use yer own wurruds agin ye, an the next ting ye know ye aresayin tings ye don't belave yersilf. In ordher to prove the above shtatement I will tell ye about a talk I had wid the missusno longer ago than lasht wake. We wus sittin by the kitchen shtove wan noight raydin the paypurs whin the rnisus sez: "Lishten to this, will ye, •plaze Tim. 'Tis about thin Dookaboors out in the wesht. Some payple don't loike thim, but I do be - lave they hev lnore'sinse than whoite payple," she sez. ti "An fer what rayson, ' rnoight I be so bould as to ask?" sez I. "Rayson enough!" sez she. "Shure, don't they hev the, community oidea deviloped to such an ixtint that they. do theer cookin all in the wan house an ate togither, an hev a friendly at theer male 'times, whoile•iv iry whoite wumman, who is unlucky., enough to hev a man eomin home fer dinner, : has to wurruk all the-znarnin gittin tings ready fer .him to -ate, an whin he sits down to the table he mebby has nothin • bettber to "talk about than the Tory convinshun in' Winnipeg, arr: tlte' koind av hats an digresses the wimmin` do be wearin on the shtratese' (Fer some rayson the missus has. got it into her head that Dookoboors are loike thim nagur min an South Say Oislanders me ould brother Matt. used totell us about, but I didn't tink it wus nicissary to the matther undher discushion to make her anny the woiser.) "Isn't it quare," sez I in reploy to her remarks, "that we shud be both tinkin along thim same loines? I sup- pose ye haven't'heered yit av the new club u nein hev organoized: clown town," sez I. "An fer whoy do ye min want anny more clubs?" sez she, "Shure ye are nivir at home now barrintto ate an shlape, whoile us wimmin do be fret- tin our loives away wid .lonesome- ness, havin nobody to talk to at all, at all, mosht av the toirne, barrin the canary birrud arr the eat." "Tis fer the speshul binifit av the wimmin that we shtarted what we call the Wingham Community Doinin Club," sez L "We knew' that they wus toired av seein the same oulcl faces furninst thin across the dinner table, wake in an wake out, frum wan years' ind to another, so we fought we wed give thin a bit av a change, so did. The oidea is that wance iviry wake, ntebby on Tursday, iviry man who be- longs to the club goes fer his dinner to some other minlber's house. We hev twinty-foive mimbers now at a dollar theft, an more feliahs weenie to jine up wiry day, What d'ye tisk av that skame?" sez•.I: 1 tink 1 shud loike'to know what koind av nerve tonic ye nein are ei- ther tai ie," sez she. "The oidea av shtartin a club ay that koind widout consultin wid the wimmin fursht. Set min do be ieirlastirrgle- tinkin av yer shtninmicks, an the whole skargte is only to throy to Aft betther dinners fer yersilves. Ye can take yer name off the lisht av lnimbers roight away, fer I will hev nothin to do wid yer ould club." "Hould on, wenn—flan!" sez I. "Don't shpake so fasht. Shure 1 can't take me name off the lisht be anny manner av manes, fer I am the chairman av the club, havin been elicited widout opposition be rayson av me ixperience es prisidint av the •bafe ring whin we wus out on the ould farrum, 'Tis to be run on purty much the same plan,' fer in the bafe ring we nivir sirtt the same cut av mate twoice to the same place; so wid our club,the S mCi man will ll nt it v bei Snt' t voice -t to Tie same house fer ciiuner during the whole winther. 'Twill inane a lot av book- lkapin fer me, but Misther Bracken- bury, av the Ploiglt School, has praw- mised to hilt, itie wire it. 'Tis the proud man i shall be all troo the whither hearin the byes tellin'av the foine dinners y e bee been either set tin out fer thing" "Och! go away wid yer blarney; ye can't pull anny shtunts loike that off wid me, Go an do as ye're touk'd, fursht ting in the mamins an take yer name aff that lisht, arr ye are not loikely to ei.t anny dinner, aven,,in yer own house," sez she. All the sanie I haven't taken m,e name off yit, an I tisk Other all that the missus, an all the other wimmin are plazed, more than they loike to admit, wid the oidea, 'Tis only the contrairyness av thine purtindin they shud hev been consulted in the fursht. place. Yours till next Wake, Timothy Hay. EAST HURON TEACHERS (Continued from page z) count' of its practical value and be- cause of the development of mental activity. Friday Afternoon. On Friday afternoon Mr. G. R. Patterson, of Clinton, gave an inter- esting address on "Some New ideas in Agriculture." He brought the rela- tion of science to agriculture, show- ing that agriculture .is a science, He explained the different kinds of re- search for new ideas and why made. First, for the love of it; second, fun- damental research for the making and estaelishing of facts; third, experi- mental research; fourth, fit and try method of research. lie wondered if the science of agriculture was keep- ing pace with other sciences. He dwelt on the advances agriculture has made in Britain by developing a pas- ture of the same composition as milk. The teachers were entertained and instructed by motion pictures for the remainder of the afternoon. The following resolutions were brought in: ' (r) That we; the East Huron Teachers' Institute,. tender a vote of thanks to the Board of Management of. the United church for the use•of the building for our convention. (2) That a vote •' of appreciation be tendered Reeve Backer for his very appropriate' 'words of welcome, also to Mr. Barker for the opening exer- cises. • • (3) That rthe thanks of the conven- tion be tendered those who prepared and delivered papers, Iectures, or in any way helped toward the education- al value of our meetings. ' (4) That the thanks of the conven- tion be tendered those who so willing- ly entertained us at the evening ses- sion, (5) That the committee consider the 11 idea of the small conference -a great help to the teachers and that this be enlarged in the future. (6) That copies of our convention be sent to all papers of the Inspector- ate. (7) That the East Huron Teachers' Convention be held in Blyth, 1928. Here and There To meet the increased activity in aviation the Royal Canadian Aire Force will be equipped with 26 new planes, according to information given out at Ottawa reeently. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has decided to give the name of Princess Elaine to the new vessel building in Scotland for the Vancouver-Nanaimo route, at a cost. of $1,500,000. e To handle th heavy •prospective movement of grain this year the. Cifnadian Pacific Railway have Opened the Transcona yards at Winnipeg and the new double track between Moises and Whittier Junction. VOTERS' LISTS Town of Wingham COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section io, of the Vot- ers' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Wingham, on the 17th dao* of October, 1927, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correct- l ed according to law; Dated, this 17th day of October, 1927. W. A. GALBRAITH, Municipal Clerk, Winghant, Ont, AUCTION SALE C. G. CAuPB;✓LL, N. half Lot 5, Con. 2, Morris, has instructed the rte- designed to sell. by Public Auction an Tuesday,November ember 8 comtnencing at 1 o'clock, the follow- ing farm stock: 12 head• dual purpose Shorthorns 6 cows, 6 heifers supposed tobe with calf, 5 to freshen this ,year; tdrivitrg horse 7 yrs, old; J pigs 6 weeks .old; set barn scales t60o11es,; Se pallets; 12 Oxford breedingewe. TERMS: 12 trios. credit on approv- ed point notes, ore per cent; off for cash. " JOHN PURVIS, Auctioneer. The Sacred Heart church in Tees - water was the scene' of e quiet but pretty wedding on Oct, xe, when Rev. Fr. Dagorfki officiated at the marriage of Mrs. Ella . Netterdeld of Wingham to Francis MMCorn3ick of Teeswater. The bride looked pretty in a dress of powdered blue embroidered silk crepe de chine with blue and silver hat, `:and was attended by IVtrs. John McCor- miek. The groom was 4ttend i by Mr. John McCormick., his b �� After the marriage a receptio l,,eld at the home of the grooms mo- ther, after which the happy couple left by motor for Detroit and other cities. BORN LAWRENCE -,-In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital on October t th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence, Bellmore, a daughter. ANGUS—In Wingham, on October xgth, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Angus, a daughter. MARRIED WrLLIAMS-TAMLYN-On Wed- nesday, October xpth, 1927, at Toron- to, Ont„'dna Helena Tamlyn, only daughter of the late Dr, .H. E. W. Tamlyn and the late Mrs, Tamlyn, of Wingham, Ontario, to :-Mr. Edward C. Williams, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams,. of Toronto, Ont. IN MEMORIAN RODERUS—In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Frederick Ro- derus, who passed away one year ago October x6th, 1926. Others may love, but only Mother understands, She loves and forgiyes, and we only 'realize her blessedness when she is called away, —Ever remember by her , Son and Daughters:; MacGREGOR—In loving memdry of our dear Father, who departed this life - October r7th, 1926. Dearest father, how we miss you, How our hearts are filled with pain; Oh, this world would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. You are gone, but not forgotten,-. Years can never ease the pain In the hearts of those who love you, Till the day we meet again.” —Sadly missed by Lexay and Mac. MacGREGOR-In loving memory of our dear Grandpa, who departed this lifeOctober ctober r th 1926. Deep in our hearts lies a picture Of a loved one laid to rest; In memory's frame we will keep it Because Grandpa was one of the best. We knew him inour baby days, We learned to love him and his ways, His loving thoughts, and fond•caress;. We miss our Grandpa, like the rest. Grandchildren, Olive and. Katheen. WANTED—.Capable saleslady, exper- ienced in buying silks, dress goods and ladies' furnishings. 4pply by letter stating full particulars. Can- adian Department Stores Limited, Hanover.. J. B. KNIGHT (Formerly with Dorenwend-Pember) Hotel Brunswick on Thursday, etober 27th .ATR . GOODS LADIES and GENTS Advice on Scalp Makers of Patent Structure e1:0HNSTON & KNIGHT Ryrie-Birks Building Yottge:& Temperance, TORONTO PERSONAL 0 At At yourService • The men and women of this eons pony are trying to turn out some- thing more than just a good gen- eral telephone service. No two users have exactly the same needs. When you ask us to install or tnove a telephone we want to handle your order in such a way that your personal require- ments are eitaetly met, Whenou ask for lace -motion. about a contract, .or a bill, or re- pent trouble with your instru- ment, -or melte even the most casual te:jeupttshtgon.attevtlera:igelp, • 've wane;, to give eachmatter the sort of at» tention that; spells persona/ sen v£ce, not service This is nt lut; at's ' easy hat,. we; are al'solid scl a +trade. 111.1111M'MP11311.14111 1111111! Iifi191Ml11 IItM11Il11111 I1,II1N1M1111MMtlI�IN 111 1111MRI�t1111111MMHIIdIN a '.PORTANT dWN• ERS . OF TOURING CARS: which We make make the Side Curtains for this type of car m practically as comfortable as an up-to-date Seca Yl. ' al at IN OTHER WORDSlii Each curtain is made with an "over -lap" of atv proximately four inches and this combined with a "draft shield" which extends about four inches be-_ low the top, will make your Touring Car absolute lTyr Draft Proof, I This type of side curtain is made, with: rods,.' thereby permitting .the opening and. closing of 1,' s doors just the same as a Sedan. 'rhe cost of curtains such as these varies accord- �il� ing to ` quality — in fact we make in five :`different P qualities, but the most popular are those at.`, $13.5.0, 'and $15::OO .Per' ase. • The above 'are for Ford or cars of similar size, the prices being slightly more for the bigger cars. 'We iale chtaPerqualities than above, down '_as ti)ws9:50,Per set, but not 'guaranteed. H I L .L IS '1 TH4 SSO :STORE ,129: VINGHAMr. r Tinel! tliinW11111111111111111\Ilis11111111®91�19 1niamin1s1minintstnti■ I�nl/III>♦9 i l \r,Y_lr�S1r�E\�J::1►tnlr/L'\r["Vtx\a:��nvioi�\nn\ur\r1r\r.U'.��/°\o�Y,\t1�s/><�nL��A.\r(u��i$\rF�r�-w�trri.\ 'a p,: V, sl s drool Supplies. We are ready for School Opening with aComplete Stock of Supplies, pp1 es, including -PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS • CRAYONS' .� --DRAWING BOOKS —ERASERS EXERCISE BOOKS FOOLSCAP -FOUNTAIN PENS —INKS —LOOSE LEAF BOOKS —NOTE BOOKS —LEAD PENCILS --PENCIL ` BOXES -PEN HOLDERS =PEN NIBS -RULERS -SCHOOL BAGS —SCRIBBLERS SLATES --WATER COLORS er .o. ,alat,.., somsoaamo-cmomnewoate. ELLI"sY Town Agency CanadianNational Railways. .l' 1V'eriiateaVi.lA'dr ti (. ii ti a • lit•Wdilariariv iV • A1i'.1eYi''Ifll1? WESTFIELD (Too late for last week) Rev, and Mrs. Barker, of Brussels, -were entertained at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. William Mceettie on Sun- day. Mr.• Robert and Miss Elizabeth Hoover, of Brussels, were Westfield visitors on Sunday. . Mr. J. E. Ellis attended Delaware Pair on Thursday of this week, Mr. Robert Buchanan visited his son, Aire -Stanley Buchanan, of Mount Forest, last week. ieEr. and Mrs. Walker and children, of Wingham, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Walden ori Sunday. Miss Pearl Fisher, of Goderich, is spending a few days with her friend, Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mrs. 3, Killough and Miss Mabel, of Dungannon, visited on Sunday with , Mars. William Kelly, Miss Mary Ellis is visiting friends at Strathroy: Mrs, O. Smith,of .Bru . ascii, spent over Sunday Y v vet i a l her'daugliter, Mrs: Melvin Taylor. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Robertson of Clinton? Visited At >>;he home' of Mr. and Mrs.i I' W l i�mMcDowell on Mon- day. Althou h weather condition. ,, �.,� s Werc. not`'veriy?favorable'iti#i. Sunday kir the: Wescfel4 lnitcdAu'fch er t still very successful sereiees were held both t flteTeorip3 eYenrttg, The A00.044,11,;0: church was nicely decorated with flowers, foliages and ferns, and large congregations attended both services. In the afternoon the church was filled to overflowing. The pulpit was occu- pied by Rev. Barker, of Brussels Un- ited church, who gave two very ap- preciative sermons. The choir of the church rendered special numbers both afternoon and evening. Asolo was rendered by Mr. Maitland -Henry in the afternoon, :and Mrs. (Rev,)Bark- er, r:-er, of Brussels rendered a beautiful solo both afternoon and evening. DO 'YOU WANT TO ENJOY YOUR WESTERN TRIP? .—GO "THE NATIONAL" Western travellers who havebeeii "over the road" make regular use of the National, "The National" provides there-, with a fast interesting trip, leaving and at - riving at convenient hours; it allows a valued, `though short, stop -over at Winnipeg_ a fine chance to work. in Sothe bnsincss, and entertaining' pause irt,the lonage g jouSrirney ,to the far W'est,;. "The National" k eave5 s- TqVonttt nightly at p tis,, •srrivin tVlrinw G rtipeg, is o'clox•45 lG fife second natttiidtling Eciaipnient consists of Com er � est p tm r Library, Obser7atiort, Buffet -,I cars (Radrol, Standi0 1 and: Toutist"'$leep- et,;;ixer• anli, Loathes, Tickets ;arid i•nfotntatlon from" arty Canadian National, Agent. .,. f:.`:N •'din . ,. ,.. -.