The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-06, Page 4WINCnHAM AOVANCE.TIMES
111Ila iminalimiloril1alila'mummy iMi t 1iI s ili:i i ni1111
"Ickel and Reed.' a
We Carry '"Supeddhlte Reeds" only.-
-The Finest Quality of Imported Reeds
also materials for trays, ferneries, lamps,
Baskets, :Etc:
Price List and Instruction Sheet Free.
+�aa�n.wwm«�wmm04.1304elwo7nm 0.0. oqm u.moommetamaow®,ra+ptur.
Phone 63
lI1m91111i1113111 11 111)3111
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11112+11M1ri1)1A1311111113111 111 11111111311411> 11119!;1 11 IIVIIisi11/ mi1101I1161t1®111
111 kalag
, with a minim
ea cents;a word per insertion urn charge of 2Sc.
falllslla1131111111111111f1111 11i1t1131111111111 1111111111iimitsaim mllti®111#f11a111111still usla 111 a
PIANO FOR SALE—Gogd as nee*v,
at a sacrific�.:price_ John Hanna.
FOR SALE — A Fawn Heater, Me -
Clary. Apply to Robert Sheill,
phone 3x3W.
FOR SALE — Two .rollsof ready
roofing. Apply to Mrs. Skeldtng,
Francis St
FOR SALE—Dry hardwood;; also
some dry soft wood. Apply to R.
E. Jackson, Massey -Harris agent.
FOR SALE - Baby carriage, newly
upholstered and, in first-class condi-
tion. Apply at the Ad.vanee-Times.
WAN-TED—Experienced girl for gen-
eral housework, for .good position.
A I.' t
o Box la Advance -Times. o
pP y
.BULBS—Hyacinths, tulips, narcissus;
our falliock ki:, snow w here, J. M.
Graham. _
A BARGAIN—Fane 8 -roomed house;
light, `water,' garage; $r,600, terms
easy_ Thos. Fells.
HONEY—Mixed roc ib.; also few
pails , toti er lion ey. Charles Camp-
bell, phone 24-624.
cider for the next two weeks, on.
Tues lays and Fridays. Joseph 01-
heiser, Teeswater.
FARM FOR SALE—Being the north
half of. Lot No. 4, Concession 5, in
- the Township, of Morris. The farm,
is only quarter mile from station
and :half mite' from church and
school. The land, is the best clay
loam,all in `seed, and buildings in
good condition. 'For particulars ap-
Plateta W..G.,,Nicholson, Belgrave,
Ont.• -
FARM FOR SALE—roo acres, Lot
r2, Colt. 15, Grey Twp., with good
• bank ' barn lin splendid stabling, ab g, 3-
rooted house" well finished inside,
ceriiant cellar, garage, drive -shed;
..: saring•.ayell, good orchard, 5 acres
hardwood' bush,• 15 acres pasture,
rest- working,. land; a mile from
,miles' rfom Walton Sta-
tion. -To
tation.'-To settle estate it 1
will b e sold
very reasonably and on good terms.
price $�ao
o For further particulr
apply to Mrs.- Maria Harris, R.R.
Na.2, Mamie, Onnt.,; phone Brus-
sels. 11-6.
of ,
far sale by public auction at Lot N.
28, Concession 3, E. Wawanosh, on
1 OLSE FOR RENT -5 rooms, elec- Cosainencieg at x o'Clack p.m.
tree lights, water in kitchen; easily Horses= -r aged mare and Percheron
heated, large garden;. rent Sem Ask colt; s road brood; mare, xa years old,
at Advance-Tin:es raffice. 8
FOR SALE. or RENT—Modern 8-
roomed frame house, Alfred and
Shuler streets; all conveniences;
woodshed and garage, barn_ 'Apply
to H. J, Thompson, evenings..
bu'.: eel.. Lonth'n grocery. Great
,,x.crtrq -,ff•ered fora cash buy-
er. Sydney 'Smythe, Market Lane,
FOUND --A doa strayed to my Prem-
i c , bearing detag Twp. E. Y terh.
ner may have same by identify -
Ina and raying for ad. Apply to F.
Yule, bear ave.
AUCTION SALE ;S head of eheire
brtedy' f. edine eteere, t: iters
ca mk , a at •'"he rtl a n irnat3 eaT es,
at Lot .. G to Culrass.n 'cwt r
day, Oct nth, one "'deck slime:.
ale ay .'S.. S77a Si .1[•tit a`` t•l ., J. Pr:
TENDERS willba •e•• by b
day. October :eta, next. fer a
c i.:.t~-Itaiett, ttiah .lone faun -
data. e. ki at t *y .1 c:t
cellar, t, uuds Vted ;:.<'1; Y' 'teat.
Pm S erty is in villa -se ar
tander nece e ea-iay ate cepa ed.
Property aryl' ie ,i geed repair. Andrew
FARM FOR SALE—too acts:-: more
tiax lwse, Lit so, rise?:W.essienra t, Mor-
ris, miles from W5 itnghan-a and ai
flake hare: ,l lus:a'al.e; good barn
with fotamdation, brick hone with
kitchen attached, wells at h;ease and
bairn, and 2 acres orchard. Setting
on cc u
� o its poor health and lack of
help. John `W 'almsiey, No. 4, Wing -
FARII FOR SALE—idea acres more
ur legs, Lot 12, concession i, Mor-
ris; good barn 4oxa's feet, cement
stabling with water bowls, straw
shed 26ax5feet, cement silo 13x40
feet, frame house; 4 miles from
'Le,ingham aria 2 miles from Bloc
vale_ .For, sale on account of poor
health and lack of help. John
Waimsley, No. .t, \Vingham.
FOR SALE—About 1a' miles from.
eiilages of Wroxeter or Graeae, 6th
concession Hciyvitk township, 72
acres; excellent> land, good Barn,
orchard, frame house, #2 ares hush'
with never -failing water supply,
balance partly crop partly seeded,
Also adjoinieg ih concession How,'
.ick township, too -acre grass farm;
watt] fenced, good barn,, drh'c shed,
orrallant : small house,„ :and, a ..con-
stoat water supple foitctting both'
ands t'of farm. Apply ts. W. Wolk
er arr Mrs. Wm. R. f•Iastie, Corrie,;
with foal at foot; sired by the Great
Widower, by Peter the Great (this
mare bas been a very succesfui show
mare); i two-year-old Percheron colt;
r aged horse; x seven -year -aid driv-
ing horse.
Cattle -5 2 -year-old steers, fat; 3 2 -
year -old heifers, fat; a yearling steers;
6 yearling heifers; 7 spring calves; x +
farrow tow; r -dry cow; x Shorthorn i
Bull (Silver Creek Chief—17694o—).,
Sheep—r7 Oxford ewes; 13 Oxford l
ewe lambs.
Poultry* — 76 year-old purebred Ply-
mouth Rock hens,
TERMS — Sums under Sto.oa, cash;
over that amount, g months cre lir
l be given oto furnishing approved
joust notes. Pour per sent. discount
straight allowed for cash on credit
Pe—dee—rely No, Reserve.
Gu to ry & Sons Auctioneers
of sale anti the balance within thirty
days thereafter. The purchaser will
be entitled to im ,ediate possession.
Further terms and herd teams of sale l
will be made' known, at the tare
sale or may be hid on application
to the under aened.
At the same time and place will be
offered f -:r sa]e the following house-
hold goods and effects, namely:
sideboard 1 dining room table., 1 sec-
retary, z le Binge, 1 organ, 6 vane -bot-
tom chair, 6 kitchen chairs,2 bed-
room suites, a bedsteads, I kitchen
table. 1 cupboard, 1 kitchen stove, 2
heaters, t oil stove, r feather bed and
pillows, T set of bed springs, a quan-
tity of bedding and table linen, a '
number of farm and garden tools,
cutlery, pictures and other articles
too numerous to mention, x robe, a
quantity of wood split and in the
wood shed.
Sums of Ten dollars acid un-
der, cash; and For sums over that
amount, approved joint notes at sir
months will be accepted.
DATED this twentieth day of Sep-
tember, A.D. Mg27.
Winghann, Ontario,
Vendors Solicitor.
si t11I111111t11'x11161181111111!lh111111111111111111f
Hirt Wate and
M ttrf a' a E SALE.
Valuable Farm Lands in the
Township of Turnberry.
Under and by virtue of a lir= e n
sale contained in a certain fnatirtga,e <
which will be produced at the time
sale, there trill be offered for sale be "
public auction en Saturday, the S l:
day of October, A.D. me,,, at the hour
c7i two a'clock in the afternoon, att
the Brunswick Hotel in the Town of
Wingibam, the followi'ttg raluabie prc,-
pert4, namely. The east half of 'twit
Hunter One in the Twelfth Conces-
sion o of the Township .
r, fi nriIIbeFr t
its the County of Huron, containing
fifty acres of land more or less.
This property is well situate on a
good gravel road two and one-half
miles front Glenannan station, and
about nine miles from the -Village of
Teeswater and the Town of Wing -
ham, and: within about one-half a mile
from school and church,.
The land is .a good' clay loam and
it is all under cuhtavation.
There are on the premises a frame
house 14x24, a Brame barn 36x 6o
with a good. stone stable underneath
atad there is au abundance of good
TERM'S i3L•` SALE: Tern per cent,
Ott .tbe°day of'sale and, the balance.
within twenty .days thereafter.: The'.
:purhaser will be entitled `to inuned-
iate possession: •
Farther terms and conditions, of
sale 11 be made known •cttt the; day
of same or may be had on application
to the utlaersigned
1', hi v ttnildoi ala „ af' Sep-.
tet/11)er," AIX ••1p,;. - a, ,
Wingharti,• Ontario.
" Vendor's Solicitor,
t+:�;a•m•�yn• r �.:,' �'. i. g , , i • AW sF"a #+u sa : .9 '*; ;.
Rei*• onathan Goforth, veteran
Preabyteriau missionary in China,'
wrote a lenethy letter to his brut tr,
Joseph, in alitehell, which appeared
in the Advocate.. In part, he says:
lhia 'disturbance has eurne mainly
from Russia. Many of the Chinese
leaders now see it and are trying to
get rid of the Belsheviks, The Bol-
sheviks are down on Marshal Feng
because he has turned against them.
They persuaded his son who has been
;going to school in .'Moscow to des
pounce his dad but that young fellow
will be in for a spanking when he re-
turns to China. The Nationalists, be-
cause of their quarrels among them-
selves and bepaus e of the way they
have treated the foreigners and their
own people. too have badly discount-
ed their cause. If they do not soon
mend . their ways they will not win.
alarshal Feng has not been in the
quarrels but being allied to the Na-
tionalists' cause, he is affected and
hindered by then. In spite of all you
hear in the papers, Marshal Feng and
his Christian generals are favoring
Christianity wherever they go. In the
end I am expecting hien to triumph.
This Manchuria region where eve
are is ruled' over by Chang Tso lin.
He is not a Christian but rues well
and is fair to all: This isthe one part
of China where the foreign mission-
aries have been protected and have
gone on with their work without hin-
drance. Our business is to preach the
gospel and not to take sides. To see
the respect and friendliness of the
people here in Manchuria one would
never think that China elsewhere was
in such turmoil. There has not been
single day since we commenced
work without people yielding to the
Lord our Saviour.
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have complied with Section 9 of the
Voters' List Act and that I have post-
ed up at my office in Turnberry on
the 4th day of October, 1927, the list
of all persons entitled to vote in the
said -municipality for Members of Par-
liament and at Municipal lections,
and that such list remains there. for
inspection. And I hereby call upon all.
voters to take -immediate
rocee n
to have anyerrors omissions ori '
ssnons car-
rected according to law, the Iast day
for appeal being the loth day of Oc
tober, 1927.
W. F. Cruickshank, Clerk..
October 4th, 1927.
Of Valuable Farm in the Town-
ship of Wawanosh.
The Admiuistratrix of the Estate of
Edward Haines, deceased, will offer
for sale by public auction on the
premises on Tuesday, the eleventh
day of October, A.D. 1927, at 2
o'clock' in the afternoon, the follow-
ing valuable property, namely: 'The
south half of lot number Twenty-
seven in the Tenth Concession of the
Township of Wawanosh in. the Coun-
ty of Huron, containing one hundred
acres of land more or less.
This property is situate about, four
and one-half miles from the Village
of Whitechurch, one mile from school.
and four utiles from church, on a good
gravel road. There are about eighty
acres cleared; and about ten acres of
good bush, and all the cleared Iand
ie in grass.
There are on the premises a good
eight -roomed frame house and a
frame barn :ax 74 and straw shed
28 x eS with stone foundations under
both barn and shed, a good orehard
and a zood well with windmill and
puisep. attached. The farm is in ex-
cellent condition throughout.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent.
of the purchase money on the day
Hot Air Heating
To the Edit•ur av all Shim W.zngham
Deer Sur:
b? a
Another ting I wus shtudyin out
white the nnissus'wns out to -the uuid
farrun, true whoy some min tw ie:I 00
betther shtart in loife than the ether
feilahs, same' to git aloft so much
betther in the wurruld. I dere ded
that it tvussen't : be rayson 'av' thine
wurrukin harruder, ner because they.
had larger families arr shmalier wans,
tier because they subschribed for
more sarrum paypers than theer nay-
bers. Thine tines are all good in theer
place, but it is 'the lack av sishtim
that kapes'a lot av niin from prosh-
perin, I inane furrunier min, because
thine are the byes I know mosht
about, an, allure, it takes a shmart
wan to run a farrum avid a rayson-
able profit these days, What wid the
sow thistle an the woild carrot an
all thim ould-iashioned wades loike
Canadian thistles, an woild oats, an
mushtard, an oxoye daisy, a fellah
has to, foight fer a livin on the far -
rum at the prisint toime, so he has,
unless he wurruks be a sishtim, but
if he does, shure, he hits no thrubble
at all, at all, aven wad • the young.
payple wantin to run to dances mosht
iviry noight; an gasoline pumps at iv-
iry corner.
Yis,.'tis 'sishtiln a farrumer nades.
He shud know two arr tree years
ahead what he intinds to grow in iv-
iry field on the .place. •I belave they
call it.rotashun av crops at the Guelph
Agricultooral College but I call -it
sishtim. Thin befoor. the ' shpring"
wurruk shtarts the harses shurj be
hardened up a .bit wid some Ioight
wurruk, an the harness shud be all
oiled an minded, and the machines
all put in ordher, and the sale grain
clamed' up, ati iviryting ready so that
whin the land is fit to wurruk on theer
will be no delay. Av coorse a lot av
United parspnage, _Ripley, on Tues-
day, September y, pte nber 27#h, 1927, by the Rev.
MacKenzie, • Wilfred' Arthur"to Mary
Hingston, laoti of Winglea`tn.
the Rectory, Wingham, by Rev. W.
F .S h
affter,on :O to
ber rsttailister
to Miss Esther
gidau daughter ter of
ard, all of WIgham.
STACEY -In Turnberry, on Octo-
ber'•a4th, Thomas .Stacey, in Isis 77th
year.. Funeral today (Thursday) at
2.30 p.m. to Bluevale. cemetery.
ANGUS—Its loving memory of Ma -
bei and Cecil Angus.
October brings back sad memories
Of loved ones laid to rest,.
And those who think of them today
Arethose who loved them best.
—Mother, Father and Family.
We wishhereby to express our
sincere thanks to our neighbors and
fiends fie the sympathy and kindness
extended t+ us during our recent sad
—Mr. and Mrs. John Hockridge
The Municipal Council of the
Township of Morris are asking for
tenders for the construction of the
Wells, the Turrey, and the open part
of the Peacock Drains.
Plans, estimates, specifications, at
the Clerk's office.
The tenders will be Opened at the
Township Hall on Monday, October 1
17th, at 3 p.rn.'
A. MacEwen,
Clerk, Morris.
I have made up ]1st of lands for
sale for arrears of taxes, and have ad-
vertised the same in the Ontario Ga-
ette, The advertnsetuent will appear
four wveeks in, succession.
W. Lane,, w .
Treasurer, Huron County.
Bated at Gode'ricia,
September 3o, 1927.
Tenders for Property in
Kinloss Township
willreceived be ceited byh
undersigned up to October 74th at
3 o'clock p.m. for,,the purchase of
the south half of the south half of
Lot No. 24 in the First Concession
of the township of Kinloss in the
county of Bruce, containing 25
acres more or less. There are ap-
proximately to acres cleared on
said premises and the balance is
swamp and timber. Also four acres
of the earth end of Lot No. 17 in
the First Concession of the towtt-
ship of Kinloss in the said county
of Brace.. On the said premises are
situate tin -shingled if,. storey iratne
house 24x18 and kitchen 14.18;
frame barn 32x3o with cement foun-
dation and stable, alsoaone well and
one acre good otchaid.. .The: pur-
chaser will be permitted to go on
property when notice given and de-
posit paid. "Terms, ao per cent. of ,
price on rtotioe, of ataeptareae of
tender and balance on completion of
Dated at Ws''ilghatiethrs 27th day of
September, A.1.. top
r l Soli ;tO , Wingham, Ont.
farrumers know as much about the
business as I cud tell thin:, but theer
are a few f,elIahs whose hips nivir
shtart layin till June, an whose oulil
cows hev to lane up ag1n, the barren
to bawl in the shpring toime, an who
bev;to toi knots on the tails av theer
pigs to keep thin from: crawIii at
troo the holes in the pins.' Thi:....,.
the byes who always her balky
es an braichey cotes; an grana; ::.�t
fer the winut:into bake sour bread
avid. Ye kin see that the lack av sash
tine is the cause av all theer thrubbies,
arr the mosht av thine ,webby I shnd.
'say. Thin they blame the Governmint,
no matther which earthy is in power.
Whin the cottnthry is droi they want
it wet, an whin. it is vet they want
it droi. 'Whin they hev 2 per .cant
beer they want it shtronger, an whin
they get a be 4 they. want sometime
ilse. They were no more contint,ed
undher Mishter Drury than undher
Mishter 1leighen arr Mr. Ferguson,
an, shure, they are not continted'un-
dher iliishter Mackenzie King. 1
can't blame this -so much fer theer
'prisint discontint, but I always loike
to be fair wid iviryboily, an oven a
Grit Governmint, bad as ; it is, :nay
be, can't, shtop the hips from layin
in the windier toinn'ie if they git prop-
er care, ner prevint shtarvin cattle
from becomin braichey onaa farrum
avid poor finces.
Shure, 'tis the same in poliyticks;
'tis sishtim that wins elickshuns, an.
the want av it that loses thiin, no
matther how harrud the byes may
wurruk. Av coorse sishtims . change
wid the toimes, an us Tories can't
use the same plans we, used to hev
whin the counthry wus new. I hev
heard the ould toimers tell av how
the Tories used to git to the polls
fursht ting on elickshun marnin an
thin kape the. Grits back-wid shticks
till nearly closin toime, an thin only
let a few av thine vote fist fer ap-
pearance sake, so to shpake. They.
cud tink thimsilves lucky if the ni ct
day they Wussen't arrested fer dish-
turbin the paice.'Twas a good sish-
tim fer thim. days, but it wud harrud-
lywurruk n
ow. Ye mush h i
t hey s use
wid sishtim to make tings go. Sinse
an sishtim is tha, wurrud. •
Yours "till nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
Village ag Clerk
Issuer of Mrariage Licenses.
The law note requires the license
be taken out three days before the
Thursday, October 6th, 1927
,_ i
11M�.nl�,lil IIIEiI11E111[IIIII�IIIIRIIII�IIl�il111lNI[trllllallll�ll11161111�11191111�1111illlll�i wl 1117111 I0111111111if11iit
Ell 111111113111 1113111 111E111E111 ,
Is ,
▪ some of which are now shown in our south window.
The above is the name of a new line of
Men's Oxfords and Boos
Which for actual value we feel confident in saying
are unexcelled.
A n
They ' are a high grade shoe at most moderate
prices viz. $5x50, $5.95. and $6.50
The leathers are Side Calf, Velour Calf and
Fine Dongoia with Oak Tan Soles.
;There areseveral styles of BIG WIN Shoes
W. H.
_Iosunnias1!tl]ll7111!!lmissillllllllllit111lnstli!•Um11R1111111ssia♦1!! essussarso
It is the selection of rich, western wheats — the finest
grown on the prairie) -- that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns,and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from • tl
lead 3Ocrar.ttts*C for our 70a4yrito Ps4ty Flour Cook Book. pal
Voles dousd* Plwt Mittor co: L1ai[t.e. Twosto. Moub sz, ouswa. Brise 3.b...'
erver efore
,: . io ar
TN the purchase of the corn -
mon commodities of life,
the Canadian dollar has de-
creased in value during the
past decade.
But, in the purchase of an
automo�ilt: l
b , the dollar is
now worth one hundred to
two hundred per cent more
' than it Was seven to ten
years ago—is worth more,
in fact, than ever before in
While eonstantl raising the
quality standard of its : - roducta
General Motors of Canada has
eLAUD aLtNtI BLit :LA . SAu1.E
increased the purchasing power
of the Canadian car -buyer's
dollar: . .
.. . bythe economies of volume
purchasing and production,
by the close co-ordinationof resources and facilities,
• by unproved labor- and
time -saving methods of manu-
. by sharingCanada with thb
savings effected by increased
*In quality and in value, the Cana-
dian dollar now goes farther than
ever before in the purchase of a
General Motors carr