HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-10-06, Page 3GORRIF, Mrs, Fairbairn ofensall spent' H p the past week at the home Of the Misses Murray, The W. A. of St. Stephen's church will hold their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon of this week at the home of Ivirs. John Dinsmore Miss 'Margaret , Newton, nurse -in - training, of Listowel, spent Sunday in the village: Mrs. Charles King is visiting friends in Londonthis w,eek. IVIr. and Mrs, George.'Jeffcrson, of Clinton, spent the week -end at Mr. Gordon Jefferson's,', Miss Pearl Stinson spent Sunday with Miss Mabel. McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs.. Hinmiler, of Nleu- stadt, spent the week end at Mr, Jos- ton Steinmiller"s; :e ani II Mr. and Mrs, R, McMillan and fam- ily, of Listowel, spent Sunday at Mr. R. McGrath's. Mr. and Mrs Wright, of Elora, spent the week -end at Mr. L. F. Ash= ton's. Mrs. W. Hocker:idge and little daughter, of. Guelph, spent the week- end at' Mr. T. J. Nichol's, Miss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener, spent the week -end at her home south of the village. Mr, W. Graham, alsu Mr. and Mrs; Orval Graham, of Stratford, called on friends here Saturday: Mas. Alex, Chalmbers, Mr, and Mrs, George Adair and sons. Ralph and Joe, of Mnnkton,, *ere guests in Fordwich on Sunday with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Thorn, of Fordwich. The modern young iman icf Wearing"Invictus" Shoes feels he is stepping "on top of the worklo"449°4441 4144rPe"' THE BEST GOOD SHOE W. J. GREER, WINGHAM, ONT. ..r iieniiIiiiimintlttitidepuiitesi nuiineltiulllEdiui®ili uitieutt19roulimilulllair gstiscistitsm 1 Great Special Offer E. Extra Pants FREE with Every ii Suit Ordered. ,.2191111 /.119.04•111•0416{6.6411514.11111111.0•Mild•M-0.1111010.110.1141111rOMOPM0412.04010.0,01.04116.01111.1.90041011,0.01.04200{14111II. Monday, October 10th E - WHEN THE HEAD OFFICE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE BERGER TAILORING CO, . LTD, WILL, PERSONALLY - CONDUCT A SPECIAL ADVANCE SHOWING OF BERGER FALL FABRICS, WHICH ARE BRITISH IIMPORTATIONS El OF THE FINEST AND NEWEST WOOLENS AND WOR- reg OR- r STEDS PROCURABLE, AND FINISHED MODELS, ,.OtT ,C9,e400.efYm„0R110S1,1 Ctl®ON11.Y.ptio=Jc ..10 1141741. SPECIAL PRICES ON OVERCOATS ORDERED DURING SPECTAL SALE anseel •e6CzSn69ol,Q'. w c.O®o41t. „91...". ..-04,aV. .,mW.+t,1.39.n.9E 0 0 c,@04QD0Q4n11C6,0SSDna • : 13osr-nan were visitors Sunday at the &Si Gil Thursday, October 6th, 1927 S WROXETER Miss Elizabeth Robinson, of Ham- ilton, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs; Fred Davey, Mr. T. W. Henry purchased a new McLaughlin Buick sedan last week: Arnold Edgar is having the walls of the Robinson block built up and will remove his garage into it this fall. 1-larris, of 'Toronto, Mrs. D. M. McTavish, ands Mr: and Mrs,. Walker,' of Brussels, were in town last Thursday. The Continuation School girls' soft- ball team went, to Brussels Thursday afternoon to play m the field day sports, but, owing to the rain, the games were called off, Rev.` Mr. Weaver-, of Harristun, will have .charg,e of the service in the Anglican ,church next Sunday. Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Davey andher friend, Miss Elizabeth Robinson, at- tended the semi-annual meeting of the Deanery of Huron, held in 13ay- field on Tuesday. Therewasno service in the United church on Sunday, owing to anniver- sary services at Salem. Mr. Will Booth was home from Kitchener Monday to see his mother, who, we are sorry to say; is in poor health. A number from here attended the Salem anniversary Monday night and report a good time. Mr. Matt. Sanderson,. who has been ill for the past few months, is not improving; as fast, as his many friends wish to see. Messrs. Herb, Henning and 'Neil. White returned home on Sunday af- ter k spending the past few weeks in Kent county. Dr. and Mrs. Montgomery, of Long Beach, California, called on friends in town last week. BLUEVALE Master Stewart Elliott returned home Sunday after spending :five weeks at the home of his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Pocock, near Goderich. • Mr: and Mrs. J. W. Leggatt are busy moving to their new home at Wltitechurch this week. v1r, Robert Shaw has purchased a Pontiac, -sedan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Musgrove 'spent Saturday, at the_lionle of Mrs. Bray at Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. George Townsend, all of .Gerrie, -arils Mr. and Mrs. Charlie r� W h �U4. rs,ca - Mums• ' •' ` orae of1 l�T r. andAirs. George Thorn- ton, Ilini rinI IKnii1L1iiif 11tio hill 111 init iumilsorimiiinilnlini o III lI11olI1fi1111i'? e.Jl tai nuevennwrsauwartenam .v 1A°�Witi7 vtt:t :,"s S wi tysdt:L° gig' volae q1 'D '•.Sj'w;.v 0 Ll' rmslimIl+ticefOGofmo 4 ;rift .m* to ;/ mob ?: wY. 4'Y1�^�ls7hr'",y",.ujG� izo 1i'a:su'r!�llid1e� 1 dint • 1806114M53 Wt S"Altt�.':i 1ml glIftegIfl/1ai ll`tr iu4aeti y+190 (s + � Ela .1Foa. itirA.. iitaLl' '' :.. . Wow IfIlheritert6ilrtagl k. Vrti'fD.' 'ag4ilae a4; 341b. Thal r4 :3: tir 114 �10h Amen }a'l't melees Persasetfl Back Ilio. 01aCOdi nuint Commeation Now egitateatt Loma anogortnal Cremin ,===ttroememe== cheese °' 'nerds pkt. 1'n4O.11.. an etimiisea 3,1Attte.: Cnf"'M2 `s : Fl t�es 25'Q Ertoefl9ennee ester 11,. Pk@. alanimors....pia*manarooranotano.neserinammumnoun NO" s CanaanstalttnPa—i t Et tra S•'f�'atro 14 'tti.; prat. Heinz Tomato small 1/e to;' Mediumg t1" The Childrai4'e Favorite Settled isi a "A, ascees W rag r e A Prated _ f Uoreterod$ish bat. nee Shifted oiled. Oats MC , ..ire Massages Imported ted ..�. � ..� Licorice MAde s' Ab. ShiirrleVe Pure Orange Maras add. ramify. 8fllze Jar Fz°eAt1*, c rieg Molasses Snaps lbs. 1! .Mr. and Mrs. 1'Villiam. Holrnes spent. Sunday at the liouve of. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw, ; Mr; and.Mrs, Will McKinney :;pent Sonalay with friends in IU:arristun, ltr. Eldon llc1' innev, ..f London, spent runday at his, home here. i\1r. 'Hartley Patterson, Bari.ilima. Spain, is renewing r:;lcl at..luaintane, - ril + n ,nd l 1L_v:Lit this o. n l:. The regular nrcrnthly tales tin of ;the Women's institute will he held ;at the Koine of Ali:4- Beatrice Thorn- , horn- !ton tin Thursday . ternoc,n, October : 1,311. at ,3o o'clock, '1.'wo papers Atli 1:',• Liven, ,me „ r "Conservation i s n r <t t fruitturdow tables" by Miss Mary Collie. and ".1, Salk thr•>n,ih 1110 04011 - Ir' in t . 1;iit" b} idrs :\. A1'1\vilra).' ,•t, •. call: t.: , at sing or pay, .- l .i•:illi tid.wut.:lo11, 1i11_]iill IllEu'lil.r lliElliiplI1t13iii tli Ea9' 1&i Darer Weather. i5• WESTFIELD I)r. and Mrs. rs. Potter,. of Iowa, and Mrs, Thomas Potter, . of Sault Ste. Marie,/ visited the latter's brothers, Messrs. John and Robert McDowell, and other friends last week. Rev. J. Scobie, , of Belgrave, had charge of the services in the Westfield United church' on Sunday, as the pas- tor, Rev. W. R. Alp, had the anni- versary services at Belrave. The farmers in this vicinity are busy digging, p atatoies. The potato yield is not as ;good as some years. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Walsh and Mr. Elwin Taylor were London visitors on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. John Snell were in Detroit last week. A number from this vicinity attend - el anniversary services at, Blyth and L•' elgrave on Sunday. Ma. and Mrs, William McDowell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bert. Vincent, of Eelgrave, on ' Sun- day. Mr. J. L. Stonehouse and Miss El- sie were Goderich visitors on Sun- day. BELMORE Rev. Walen gave "a fine discourse in the Union ,church Sunday afternoon,. The September meeting of the W. M.S. met Wednesday, afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Douglas, Seven- teen members were present. The top- ic "India" was taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Taylor, reading by Mrs. George Lane. Roll call,' averse of Scripture contain- ing the word. "love," Collection $5,7o. Mr. and Mrs, James Nichol and son Lawson, of Hamilton, also Mrs. Herd, sr., motored up Saturday evening. Mrs. Brewster and daughter, of Clifford visited Ellen and James Fleming last week. George Herd and R. J. Douglas have gone into, partnership in the buy- ing of stock. Visitors out of the village on Sun- day were: George Herd and family, Sterling Haskins and family in the village, G. Rutherford. Dick Culliton has purchasedanup- to-date coach. WHITECHURCH Mrs. William l'urdon, alsu Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cameron and Jean, of Ashfield, left on Monday last to vis- it with Mrs.. Cameron's brother in Lanark, who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rivett and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rivett and babe, of Dungannon, also AIr, and Mrs. Fred Love and three children, of Coderich; spent 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. lances Cornelius. Born in Culross, on Monday, So ,. t - ..t teutber 26th, to lir. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer, a s)11. M,•. and Ails, ( units glit:r.tn and Miss Mae :let :Sunday t,ttl.i Slr. and Mr Brigham, of Myth. Mrs. H.�d,, kinst,tr, ,:f 'Kinn u::'tt, is Ler biotin t•, Mr. Ilk ib'.:rt 1. o- ' taptece, ' .dr L't',.:i v ,°.e,i, ;i t.)ran , ,rilft, is visiting her daughter, lls ». ►” 11 i ti T, Our Rall and Winter OVER- lel. COATS are now in, These Ed Coats are made up in the lat- est popular styles and colors; all hand tailored, and finished with the best of material, and _[ t w ; are priced to compete with any. = Is We have our Fall samples for MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS IF -e. and- OVERCOATS. We can — take your order, make delivery ten days, and guarantee .a • fit, Ed = - Overalls, .Smocks; Work Shirts, RI • Pants and Vests—you will find • what you want here—�Peabody's, =t, Kitchen or Haugh's are the po.p- • trl.ar brands. 1 BOOTS and , SHOES—With M leather prices advancing, Shoes WI I IA will be much higher in price. ' We have 'theta still at the low 1 China and Crockery -`Dinner YI ® Se'te, Tea Seta or Clover Leaf in it . or plaid white, in open stock. We" pay the highest prices for C E . produce, • Yon save money both .111. and Mrs. Per \''r e at and dao,.:11tc:r. 1Vestfit id,' spent Sunday 4.1tlt her mother, Airs: Mc Brien. Rally Day service t• ..r rtl'cl i r the t r 11.41 c[ t.' -'ii , a `,tuidi4 , 93,::, 1'liicleell, returned r, issionary, will be present to speak on missionary Svc.rk next Sunday, • Ali. and Mrs. Johnston Conn spt:rlt Sunday with the iaaiter's aunt., Mrs.. Vvnbb of Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aitches„11 and family, of St. 'Helen's skint Snitday with 111, and Mrs. C ttil.'F'aic<,ntr•. iVlrg and Mfrs. Bolt, ;orf r\larnor1, visited tvith Mr, and Airs, ,john Pur - don on Sunday:, Mr, and.Mrs, Robert 1'urdon and family spent Sunday with 1:Ir, and Mts. Archie Anderson, of St. Helens. 'Misses Latira and Annie Rubinson. Visited fur a few days last week with Dy. Harold Robinson, of Walkerton, Born, on "Wednesday, September September 2Sth, in Mitchell, to lir, and l'fr;s, Jou Thomps4.ni, ai son. TENTH LINE' HOWICK Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeZurbrigg and Gordou spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sebastion Lurbrigg, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Zeigler, of Clif- ford, spent Sunday with their daugh- ter, and husband, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh McLeod, Mrs. Minns and Mrs, E. Davis, of New York,. are 'spending solve time n th,e burg. They were accompanied by their husbands, who returned to the city after a couple of'days' ,visit. Mr. and"Mrs. John Fleet and fam- ily and Mr: William :Peet were; Suit - day visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Wilms. liam Self, of l:Tttrriston, j11 ways by dealing -here. DAVEYIS ST012 I IIVROXIC.TIEZ 111�t1ii�'IIIMiIi�lil�iil�ill�illllM�II1I�II�IliN11l�IIl�liiM�, t' SALEM Mr, and 'Mrs. Alvin Wray and Miss Joy Wray, of Toronto, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John' 1, Wray. The anniversary services last Sun- day were both well attended and a liberal 'offering was receisied at each service. Two very fine sermons were delivered, by the pastor and the choir gave of their talent at each service. The fowl supper 011 Monday evening 'VMS a success 'in,t„every way, the la- dies doing justice by providing a sumptuous meal in their usual way, which was enjoyed by all :present: The talent from Wingham gave a few line 'selections, also the different pastors who gave addresses, and Mr. Johnston, of Fordwich, who favored with a couple of: good. recitations. All present seemed to enjoy themselves, although the church was crowded. The proceeds for the evening were $r80. Mr. Sandy Fraser and his son, Mr, Stanley Fraser, of Kent, called .on Mr. and Mrs, Eli Bolt last Sunday. Mr, Leslie Willits and Mr, Thomas Martin, who have spent the summer in Rent, are home. again. William Irvin, of 13eirnone, bought • the property on Josephine street next to Merlcley's garage, at the sale ea Saturday last ,for $37o,00. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J'. Baker„. I3olindery, call edat Mr. and Mrs. Dave Farrier's Su1!.lay, at White- church. BLYTH FAIR HAS UNIQUE EVENTS t School Fair Combined with District Fair Makes Big Attraction There was a ' good attendance of school children and adults at the com- bined school and distsrict fair held at Blyth on Wednesday. The weather remained fair until late in the after- noon, when it commenced to ram, but bythis time the main attractions. were over. The. result was a'very pleasant day for those who attended this annual event. The afternoon's program conimenc- ed at 1.3o o'clock with a parade of school children. The Goderich band led the procession from the public school to the fair grounds. Each school in the parade had something distinctive and, original in the way of costumes and banners and altogether they made a very interesting appear- ance. On arrival at the grounds the pupils went through various exercises and stunts. Following the exercises Ag- ricultural Representative Paterson an- nounced the winners in the parade as follows: First, S.S. Nu. 11, East Wa- wanosh and Hallett; second, S.S. No. 16, East Wawanosh; third, -room 3, Blyth; fourth, S.S. No. 8, Hellen ; fifth, room 2, Blyth; sixth, S.S. N,.,, East Wawanosh and Morris; seventh, room 1, Blyth; eighth, S.S. No, to, , East Wawanosh. 'latechitdien'public speaking con- test test 1Gas an rntt resting a itmAut'e ar1.:1 there was a large list of .::utrie5, This competition S'vas divided into two st'e- tions. The first was open to first and second-class pupils and the p, t: A-irn- nerS W Cr C:: 1. 1e'3+•ttiaat, , 54't 1•,1. ,iaOL ..,:ur..ti. t.od,• Hoar,,, in the '.. -}_ 404 105 •»3,1.:0 t, pr., Its, •t i:1i4•ii :t?tl I'.1N':1 Ilti. tt'ittitt:4 5 ,0t:, t-lirs:. Christina a laird; .ti:+in.l, Dross; t11ii•il, .1, ' rdt,n1' 3 . , S S. NO. at, TURN) R.R"it• Sena a 1=, tirlir — Eva 1)itl s 'ii, cl- ma, Orvis, Laura McCoy. Junior Fourth — Gertrude 1)eyeld, Mac (puree \-i,:,1rL 1 Ir.p11, rt,, Mildred Phippen, Thelma Phippen. Senior 'Third ---:Mart: t.1' tib.., .1\:larii>:r Robertson, 1 i.yd. Fl ittr;.in rit4tS' r Baku'; Willrc Mi.Ca y non. ;Maud Ncti •` equal; Arline Ikiker, '1311 '1ittilr,ps.,i1. Beth Holloway, Fred h,.nit•y junior 'Third—.\ant.: �:,'Gvt'!l, Etta,:. art Ritchie, Lillian Baker. _Amite 1140,. "nis, Alvin Hart, Fred Horne. Senior Second — Gertrude Kick. Marguerite,, Phippen, Ted H,1li, ,A;t;: , 'Pearl Fentey, Nora New: 11, Austin Thoutson. Junior Seccitttl.---A..:.:41c.C.i,y, i)„r- othy Phippen, Kenneth Itintual, Juni Groves, Hazel Orvis, Ralph Baird, Gordon Thomson, Lloyd C'isettture, Mary Cruickshank, St.oar 1 it'ltill,way, Harry Iailley, First (`lass — Llsi� Kicks, iLetta Dennis, Wallace Griffin, Velma Kerr, Adeline 'Baker.. Primer—•Melvin Phippen, Jim New - e11, Verona Case iore, Herman Case - inane, Jacl. Brooks, Rets, Stapleton, Kathaleen Horne, Sam Thi:)11isort, Margaret Cruickshank., Number on roll' -55, Uldene McLean, ;.reacher.. Mr. Jack Field, son of Mr. and Mrs.' 'Will Field, entered the ' freshman class of the 'Chicago Co115gc. of Os- teopathy bast week. He was accom- panied to. Chicago by ` ltr, Fraser Strachan, of Brussels, Who enters up- on his second year's study at that col- lege, e ;- ., ittin. Money We: sell drafts, money orders and cable remittances on all parts of the world -at 'Iow- est rates. Established 187I 138 A. M. BISHOP, Manager Wingharn Branch FREE TRIP to the Royal l . Inter Fair TORONTO, NOVEMBER 15th to 19th (inclusive) Exceptional Opportunity offered by the Ontario ll apartment of Agriculture to the Young Farmers of Ontario rHE Ontario Department of Agriculture wishes to entertain 1 about 500 representative youngOntario Farmers at the P Royal Winter Fair,' Toronto, November 15th to 19th (inclusive), 1927, The object is toenable them to see the Royal Winter Fair and the other places of interest in the belief that this educational experience will benefit both them and their communities by the information and enthusiasm they will gather. All expenses for travelling, lodging and transportation will be paid by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, with whom a number of Commercial Organizations will co-operate. Contestants snail judge five rings of live stock and five classes of crop products, such as grain, small seeds, potatoes, roots, fruit and vegetables. Special crops may be included where production is general over the county, The competition shall be open to all farmers and farmers' sons, living, on the farm, between the aces of 16 and 23 on o t ber 1, 1021 {must not have reached 2,3rd birthday) and who have not i . i on ry repreoented the county as a me2113cr of a Stock Judging Team at the. Royal Winter Yak Or are zot aduates of an Agricultural Cee .,;n or Agriculturai School, • •Prizes r....c-r ed o•+ agasvgate scoree oriy, ett i fot alaci at' ar 1 61'71: : _ad rt1.J"9 on 'each cia ,4 h,14 c .'1114:;; aggrettrdt, 1:ria product= t 4 t. ,The will be Live 'Stecit, .', e aaurrct , 251. .,ROYAL JUNIOR FARMER JUDGING- COMPETITION This free :trip will be available to ten winning boys in special "Royal" Junior Farmer Judging Competition to he held: in each county of Old Ontario and to the five winning in a similar competition in each New Ontario District where an Agricultural Representative is located. Make this your opportunity to take a holiday, visiting the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. It will not cost you a cent: for living and traveiling expanses and will prove an interesting experience of inestunable value to you in your future: protcr>ic n. Read t15' +0Sr.I'Vr.11a1'4a tl!ta'i . i the Re2resez,taiitre d sti-k cos-co:min dda2e' at1e..1 cif c„4«.pseieion, etc.. l7,,c`r OF 114w' T »Tr« 4 `riN r s R S 131.1' ^.r_ct.r, ,isriasi0':•w! i ,,Z4,',.414.';'. For Further Jaior .n,iiii ....2 i jv • gf v tr 1 ;r Four Attie into a comfortable den, radio room, .`play- room or extra sleeping quarters byerect- ing ceilings and partitions of Gyproc. Cyproc will make your attic fire-resistant, warns in winter and cool in summer. 'Write for free booklet-'-•"'sfyHome." '1tWilltell. you how Gyproo, itocboard Gypsum insulating Sheathing and )(metric will reduce your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. . 163 THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA Fireproof' wallboard Farr Sale By RAE &THOMPSON . �"'y _ ., . �7C1iR�,`l1IA,Y'A'1t, Ont.... THOrIM PSON & BUCHANAN -. Wrni arn, 'GOnt. , Hueston as im .w W 'Gordo, OnI. "Axes. Stewart �. .� 3lzaevale, Olnte WM Rutherford. `i'oxeter, Ont.