HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-29, Page 8Is. Patent Leather preme .ORE than ever, Fashion, has a decided flair. for Patent Leather. Shoes,' pumps, stiap effects or tied, They fit every occasion and every costume -when "fittingly" fa- shioned expressly for .Greer's Shoe Store. But ,too, one mustn't forget the popularity of kid and calf leathers in the rich autumn shades of brown. Truly a great selection here—and at moderate prices. $3.95 t° 8 I THE GOOD SHOE STORE :4► •A /P.l 4' ,,,AL • • • ,,,..„...„.„„x„..,,„,,,„.,,•,.,,,,,,,,•,,,,,,,,,,.„.„.,,,„..,• 11; • • • v' •'U., I ;: •,1 i THE MAITLAND CRE, ,:. '!E Y 3 I Buyers of ,Cr eamp Eggs and ie . Poultry. Get Our Prices. I 0 T E UNITE Ihi FARME f4 Si' C. -OPE' A'li'1lVE' C 'WI ANY, LIMITED. ITED. ._.PHONE 271,.._ _ WIrghafn, .. .. - Ontario. a a\ rriailaa` aaa maaarasasianii raisvr`airtrataaxr`•l'A'Til awirstaaratasNraafranaraatratitr egarar rnc,I TUI®UI 1111111191lIIl®Ill�lll®IIII�IiIIDIlIE4illll�Ill!'111E11E11111III., 111%1111211111111115111119111®111®II `IIIIE TTl aiION! ari fig- Royal Service Station "i s W M •Jas-- .E.OTx lb - BRITISH AMERICAN PRODUCT$ 4 • :7.14, l l'as, , Main Street N. 1 al1111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111,111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .cl Special attention p gives: •to the Lubrication. of Cars of all melees. FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE i FREE INSPECTION OF YOUR CLUTCH, DIFFERENTIAL, and TRANSMISSION. - FREE AIR. "PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE" is the keynote of this Station. It111111,111111111111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111111mummininammistimallilin1111111110.113 LYCEUM EA R.E Thurs, Friday, Sat., riept. 29, 30, October lst. Johnny Hines IN White Pants Willie Crnied.y t GRANDPA'S BOY Monday TuesdayWedrnesday, Oct. 3 George w Sidney Louise ".... i lilt 1. AIA Medboasaltratilmoal 4, 5th - N • 11 111M1111I11P11101giMilllailt'aI111u latliMMiiatiali( ]Halms .111ii1111GI11�1N1I�IlfIMI�IIIiI�Q1�I1113N1di III, I� I 1116111�i1d The Comedy of a Newly Ride Jew WINGI- AM ADVANCE -TIMES 'SPEAK 'GENTLY, IT IS BETTER FAR Speak gently, it is better far To rule by love than fear, Speak gently, let no harsh word rn.ar The good we may do here. Speak gently to the erring, Know they must have toiled in vain. Perchance unkindness made them so, Oh, win them back again. Speak gently, 'tis a little thing Dropptal in the heart's deep well. The good, the joy that it niay bring Eternity shall tell. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wellwood and son Richard, Mrs. Richard Wellwood and Misses Nora Falconer and El- lena Shears, from Orangeville, spent the week -end at the home of the former's parent,,, Mr, and Mrs. John Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Falconer, of Blue- vale, and Mr. and Mrs, Lester Fal- Goner, of Culross, spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer's. • WESTFIELD Mr. and: Mrs. Charles Paddock, of New York, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Miss C. Weliwoal, returhed mis- sionary front. China, gave a veryin- teresting talk to a large congregation on Sunday, September 25th, which was much appreciated. Miss Annie Clark and her mother, of St. Helens, visited a few days with t`fie "latter's •daughter, Mrs. Marvin Mc Dowell Mrs. J. N, Campbell is visiting her daughter,. Mrs. R. Stoneliouse,' of Goderich, Miss C. Wellwood and Mr. and Mrs,. Howson, of Wingham, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell. MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, of Auburn, visited on Sunday with their daugh- ter, Mrs. Russell Carter. Mr. John Robinson, of Kincardine, spent the week -end with Mrs. T. Ab- raham and other friends. Mr."and Mrs. Duncan Campbell spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Wallace, of Seaforth. olllrs Peter McIntosh, of Kincard- ine,' is 'visiting her mother; Mrs. T. Abraham. Mr. Robert Casemooe, who has spent the post three weeks with his brothers and sisters here, retort ed, to his home in Wiarton on Sunday, Mrs. 'Alex.. Cameron and children, of Turnberry, are visiting her moth- er, Mrs. E. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Milo . Casemore spent Sunday at Mr. E. Baird's, ' of Glen- annon, MORRIS COUNCIL Council niet in the township hall on Monday, September 26th, all members present, the reeve presiding. Minutes read and approved. The contractor on the Ellison drain having completed the work, was ,paid balance contract and $132 extra allowed by the engineer. The reports on the Tipling drain and the Turney drain were read and provisionally ad- opted. Also the by-laws on the Bowes drain, the peacock drain, and the Wells, drain were finally passed. The contractor on the closed portion of the Peacock drain was, paid $T25. The following accounts were paid: Cherie§ .Kelitsaeu, Ellison drain, bal- ance contract, $T,00s, extra allowed,. $132, John Mason, stationery, $1:85 James Shedden, patrol, $26.65; Wil- liam Brown, patrol, $32; Rus;` Sander - cock, patrol, McKillop and Morris $x5.75, Huilett and Morris $;11.25, Morris only $4.50; Charles Workman, patrol, $9.95; William Craig, patrol, $112.60; Jaynes Anderson, patrol, $9; Stewart Procter, patrol, $2o; George Kelly, patrol, $3.56; John Craig, pat- rol, $14.5o; Harry Bosman, tile, $31.95; John McGill, repairs Rintoul drain, $93.25; Alex. McNeil, sheep killed, $z5; A. MacEwen, by-laws and clerk fees, Peacock drain $5s, Bowes drain $48,, Wells drain $5o. Council will meet at the hall ou October 17th, 1927, A. MacEwen, 'Clerk, A NEW FIRM • Vinglr.m's business places adds a new name this week, that of Mr. Burk, who opens a general dry goods, clothing, and boot and shoe store in the building lately occupied by Mr. McElroy. He, is circulating in the district this week an announcement of bis opening sale, which takes place on Saturday, October 1st. Mr. Emmerson Bennett; left'" cin Monday to attend the Oatniart Funer- al T otne, where he will study to be- cattle a mortician. Miss Mattie Maxwell, of 'Winnipeg, is visiting at the horse of Mr. and, Mrs, T, C. Mcllray. o. BLU -VALE A1r, and Mrs, Frank Ar xistrong, of. Detroit, were visitors last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Elliott. Mr, Alex. Cooper and daughter Helen, of I eti olio;' were visitors for a couple of days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Whit, Stew- art. Mrs. Curwain is under the d`octor's care with an attack of torrsilitis., The community was shocked to learn of the death of.Mrs. Hockridge, sr., on Saturday morning,.who drop- ped dead at her home .Friday, night, Mr. Jamieson left on IVlondaymorn- ing: for Knox College, Toronto, after spending the summer here, , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Masters ,,and family, of Toronto,are spending their holidays a1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Masters, •Mr. and Mrs. Peter King spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Mundell, Miss Bernice Shaw spent a couple of days this week with friends in Clin- ton. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Farrow, of London, Mrs. John McIntosh, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy McIntosh, 'of De- troit, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Mus- grove last week. Mr. Charles Messer has gone to. Guelph/ 0. A. C. where he is tak- ing a course. His many friends wish' him success. Mr. ,and Mrs.. Robert Masters, of Toronto, are 'spending their vacation with relatives around here. Mr. and Mrs.: James Kerney are at Brussels with their daughter, Mrs.. Joseph Srnith, who is on the sick list. Mr W.%J. Masters is on holidays and is being relieved by Mr Robert Henderson, of Kincardine. Ohe of the old residents of this district passed away on Thursday ev- ening in the person of Mrs. R. Hock - ridge,. at the age of 76. She 'retired in usual good health in. the evening and was found dead next, meirnitg, She is survived by two daughters and, four sons. Her husband died about eleven years ago. Owing to some of the family corning from a distance, the funeral is being held on Tuesday, Rev. IVIr. Guest, of Ethel, preached in the United church here Sunday ev- ening and gave a fine sernion. Rev. Mr. Walden was at Roes church' preaching anniversary services. The United church here will hold their anniversary services next 'Sun- day, October 2r.d. •Rev. Mr. Taylor, of Behnor•e, will preach at x1 aan, and at 7.3o p.m. Slilecial thank offering will be taken. BLYTH A large numberof our citizens at- tended the Orange decoration service at Belgrave Sunday afternoon, Miss Alberta Richmond and, Miss Harriett Taylor are attending Goder- Hch High school. Miss Melba McElroy is attending Toronto University. Mr: Boyd Taylor left on Monday to resume his work at Kingston.'` Anniversary services of Queen Street United church' will be held on Sunday, October 2nd. Rev. A. Mur- ray Stewart, of 'Mitchell, will be the preacher. Mr. A. Hislop was in town on Fri- day. OBITUARY The following is copied from the St. Catharines Standard and refers to a nephew of Mrs. Margaret McLean, of Wingham, also a nephew of Miss Alice Gillespie, of °Blyth: Scores of friends, his associates in church work, and 'many reptesenta- tives from the business life of the corn nunity gathered' at the horse of John Percy Mcrae* on Wednesday,' Septeinber x4th, go ...pay their last re- spects as his body was borne to the grave. The funeral was held, under 'auspices of Union lodge, dNo. i6, which conducted the sea -vice at the graveside, where Arnold Wood acted as Noble Grand and P.G. Harry Stull acted as chaplain. Rev. J. A. 'Pugh Gilchrist, pastor of First . United church, took the service at the home and graveside. He was assisted 'at, the house by Rev. If. L. Smith. The fun- eral was held from the family regi- deuce, 16 York 'street, to Victoria Lawn cemetery, where interment took place. ,Beautiful floral tributes show- ing the high esteem hi which he was held, were so nurnetous that a special car was necessary to convey thenx:to the graveside. Mr. MetLean was, a highly respected, and dearly beloved. member of First United church, where he had served for three years on the board of management, and will be sincerely xnotu•nied by a large cir- cle of friends to 'whom his sterling qualities, getxial disposition .anal sin- cere spirit of service hadgt'eatly ens neared him. The following g,entiemen acted as pall -bearers. A. Maclachlan, George Secord, Roy Baker, Ed, Mc- Lean, Dr. Sommerville and William Nicholsof. 14vn "'p:eMl BELGRAVE Y The September r me ,t roftheEel- grave cit l 1 e 6 13 grave Women's Institute was held re- cently at the home of Mrs, George Procter, fifth line Morris. There was a good attendance of members,' and theme•' conducted the t- � e ling was co dt clod in us- ual' ual manner by ' the president, Mrs. Finley McCallum, The monthly correspondence in- cl'udea betters of thanks received from friends for flowers and fruit sent. thein during times of illness, showing that -the work along this line is being kept up continuously by the Institute.. The rolKeall was, well responded to by givingthe name of a favorite per- ennial flower. A splendid paper was given by Mrs. Norman 'Walsh on Perennial .Flower Borders, which preyed very ^ interesting and instruct- ive.. The study of the book, Laws ofa Ontario, was continued, Mrs. Josleph Clegg leading in the discussion. The business part of the meeting over, a solo was given by Miss Cela Coultes, entitled "The Lilac Tree.", Mrs. J. M. Coultes playing the "ac- companiment. The meeting closed with the nation- al anthem, afterwhich lunch „was served by the hostess, assisted by. Mrs. John Bell. The next meeting willbe held at the home of Mrs. Dan: Geddes, and is in charge of the girl' members, with Miss Nora- Van Camp as convener. A. large : number -of . Orangemen from Blyth, Wingham, Bluevale and Dungannon joined with members of L.O.L. 462 here on Sunday last in. decorating', the graves of deceased brethren. The`members were first ad- dressed at the hall by Rev. E. IV1,. Hawkins, ' of Blyth, and then, mar- shalled by Bro. W. Lowe, 'of Marn- och, marched to four cemeteries. At IVicCreas, 28 graves were decorated; in Brandon cemetery, 28; at Deac- on's there were 14, and in Wingham cemetery, 1o. Allen Pattison, was in charge. a. , WHITECHURCI-I Miss Myrtle U'eans, of Winglai, spent the week -end with Mrs. Roy McGee. Quite a nfiiiiber from Here attended Wingham Fair on Friday, and St. Helen's school fair on Saturday. Mr.. H. Y. Cho, I3.A., of Toronto, gave demonstrations of his aluminum ware at the homes of Messrs._ 3. D. Beecroft • and Ben, 'McGlenaghan last week, and Tuesday of this week at the home of Mr. Adani Robertson. Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and family spent Sunday with friends at Pine River. Mr. James Laidlew, sr.a was not so well as usual last week. Mrs. Dan. Martin and "family, spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. Martin, of Huron township. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt and' family, of Bluevale, are moving this week ;into Mrs. Andrew Fox's home, and. Mrs. Fox and family are moving into the Johnston house in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Reid, of Ashfield.. Mr. Cleo. Beninger and .family, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Kennedy, Culross.. Dr. and Mrs. Hessian and fancily motored from Toronto and spent the weak -end with the doctor's "sister, Mrs. J. D. Morrison. 1,Miss Sarah Sharpe, of Teeswater, spent last week with Miss Catharine Ross. Mr. and Mrs. James Howatt and daughter, of Seaforth, and Mr. Brock- en, of the Bank of. Montreal, Toron- to, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wightman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross, of Bei more, spent Sunday with the forner's sister, Miss Catharine Ross. , Mrs. Elgin' Wellwood spent the week -end with ,her parents, Mr.. ande Mrs. Jolfn Falconer. Teeswater Fair. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Oct. 4th. and 5th. LIBERAL PRIZES OFFERED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Goon PROGRAM OF RACING EVENTS ARRANGED 'PLAY AND 'DANCE ON E'V'EN- ING OF ,OCT, 5TT-f LET' W. G. Moffat, Kenneth McKenzie, Pres, Sec'y, • ■ ■ O ■ ▪ : ■ ■ ■ ■. Thursday, September 2'9th, x827 agnitice�nt ..boats f3� Every `Wornan Admires Beautiful Furs Fur Coats Particularly The ▪ Rich Appearance, Comfort and f ,General Satsf action to be had in the Coats` We offer, has gained for • us the Confidence of a great many �fl • Patrons, ,so that in opC'ning the present Fur Season it is with plea- sure: we : announce .the unusual assemblage of. uara.nteed Coats New Models made from the. Choicest, Soft and Glossy, well Leathered Skins. Persian Lamb Coats Hudson Seal Coats, Silver Rat Coats French Seal Coais Canadian Natural Muskrat' Coat Fox Scarfs Chockers Present market values are -much higher than when we bought our stock and as the best skins are to be had in the early season, we believe, that now is the most opportune• time to purchase to the best advantage. to immommommmimmummommummemmmmimmmmummar KING BROS ■ ■lin■■�■■u■■� . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ili WANTED ■ IN ■ A reliable, ener •etic rn ■ ■ e, g an, to handle Watkins ■ ■ Products inpart of Huron County.''r - 1 ■ ty Over 15Q pro ■ r ducts in the line, consisting ` of Extracts, Spices, 1 Medicines, Soap and Soap Products. All yeardi 1 round proposition, Chance to build up lasting per- • ■ ■ ■ imanent business. Protected territories. Write at 41 once, giving age, to J. R. Watkins Company, 2 John 111 m a St. South, Hamilton, Ontario.• ■ am /40 IMMIIMMININMNIMEMMINIMMEMIIIISIMME SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Henry Merkley spent a few days recently with' friends at Hamilton,' Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hynalman, from near 'Gorrie, spent one day recently with Mr, and Mrs. John Gowdy. , Miss Minnie Weir has gone to ,.To- ronto to attend Normal school there. Ii?rs, William Mitchell spent a, week with her daughter, Mrs, Plants„ of Stratford• Mr. Clifford Willits has purchased a new Ford sedan. Mr. and, Mrs, John Weir and young - son have returned to Toronto after spending their vacation with friends aroundhere. Do not forget the anniversary ser- vices here next Sunday morning and everting, also the fowl supper the fol- lowing Monday night, Monday, November 7th, has been declared Thattksgiving bay and Arrow istice ]day,