HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-22, Page 6EL LI3 L UAL FI ca. Eststblished s o Head Chic. el 2t � Ont. Risks taken on all classes of *Ms Aztec at ;reasonable rates, ABNER COSENS, Agent,, Wingha J. W. DOD ` An Block' h 'Gbislxolm Bloc FIRE, LIVE, ACCIDENT He dace $ouae orders, and re-entered voice with its Michael is • dead AND ' HEALTH the fort with his second-in-commaud, . Michael is dead Lsiten and Ii SURAL: CZ No one elee went M. A few minutes heed -a Michael is dead... . AND REAL ESTATE lata r the otzacer's tour anion re -a P. O. Bex. a Phone ago !P P- In spite of the terrific heat :and my WINGRAM, .. ONTARIO geared, called up a sergeant and gave unutterable misery and wretchedness; orders, ee idently for camping in the I fell asleep, and slept soundly until oath.towards evening. When I awoke, I It occurred to me that my situation realised that I had been lucky. The was abo;at tai 'become an unwholesome nearest vedette was quite a thousand one, as, before long, there would be yards to my right, and so placed that vedettes posted, on all four sides of there was no fear of my being seen, -tae fort in a big, circle, to say nothing 'so long as I' exercised reasonable pre- * patrols. I must be going, if I wish- caution. The sun was setting, the ap- ed to go' at all, before I was within palling heat of the day was waning in Money to Loan at Lowest Rates a r ng o£ sentries. , After a good fierceness, and the fort and oasis pre inlingharn. - Oatario (look, around 1 crawled painfully and seined a scene of normal military ac- slow13 to the neat sand -hill, trusting tivity—or rather inactivity for noth that the two in the fort would find ing whatever moved in or around the ttao much of interest within its walls ! fort, and there was bust, little coming to have time to look over then] and 1 and going about the oasis. Here and. see me on any brief journey from con -'there a sentry's bayonet gleamed, a er to cover. Apparently this was the man led a mule or camel; a little col case, for when I reached the next unzn of smoke rose from among, the sand -hill and looked back from behind palms, as a cooking -fire was lighted or replenished. AU GES By Percival Christopher Wren T ATEST MYSTERY :STORY EVER WRITTEN. WINGHAM ADV',¢.NCE-TIMES' J. BUSHFIELD Barrister; Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan, Office—Meyer Bloc*, W'izagbarn Successor to Dudley Holmes VANSTONE. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. E J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, ETC. Winghata, - Ontario DR. G. H. ROSS Graduate. Royal College of Dental. Surgeons its crest, there was no sign that I Graduate University of Toronto had been seen: Faculty of Dentistry . C Office over H. E., Isard's 'Store. I rested, regained my breath, and then made another bolt to the said- . W. COI AORNE, Ka, hill behind ane, keeping the fort be- tween the oasis and my line of re - Physician and Surgeon wetted Representative' D. S. C R. treat, and a good look -out for the 'phone 54 venaghaan vedette which sooner or later was cer- Successor to Dr.. W. R Eambly tain to come more or less in this dir- ection. My best plan would be to DR. ROST. C. REDMOND creep from cover to cover between M.R.C.S.. (Eng.) . L.R.C.p, (Loud.) the sand -hills as I was doing, until. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I beyond the vedette-circie, and then Dr. Chisbolzsx's: cid stand. I hide and rest till night fell. Agood night's forced marching and I' should D.R. R. L. STE RT j be thirty miles gained foil strength, on the morrow. away before the sun Graduate of University of Toronto, # As though for a prize—and, of Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the Ontario College of Fitys;dans and course, my life was the prize—I car - Surgeons. fried out this careful scouting retire- from the oasis and entered the fort. noticed that' he was wearing a arum- Office in Chisholm Block ;meat until I was half a mile from the I expected to see them remove the pet, slung behind him. As I came Josephine Street. Phone' zg.: fort and among the big stones that dead from the embrasures, but they closer to the man, I was conscious of crowned a little hill of rock and sand did not do so. From where T was, 1 that strange contraction of the scalp Dr. Margaret C. Calder ;Here I was safe enough for the pres- could not see ori to the roof, but I' muscles which has given rise to the General Practitioner Fent_ I Could lie hidden and see where should have seen them at work, 'had: expression "his hair stood ,on end Graduate University of Toronto the vedettes were posted; sleep in they come to the wall and begun with fright." Faculty of Medicine i what shade there was; eat, drink, rest, their labors as a burial fatigue party. I was not frightened and my hair Office—Josephine St., two doors south . and gather strength; and set forth, Before long, the party returned to did not stand on end but T of Brunswick Hotel. # , grew 'cold Telephones: Office Brunswick .Residence as 'when the moon rose, on my fairly the oasis, the:officer remaining in the with a kind of horrified wonder as I hopeless .journey- . . Fairly hope- fort. I wondered, what they made of saw what I took to be the ghost or less? . . Absolutely hopeless -un- the adjudant evith a French bayonet astral form of .my brother there be - DR. G. W. HOWSON less I could secure a camel.... And in him, of the dead legionnaire with fore me, looking perfectly normal, DENTIST then and there I firmly rejected the his eyes closed and his hands crossed alive, and natural. It was niy brother a vedette to get his beast. That 1'their feet, of the complete absence Office over John Czalbraith's Store idea that entered my mind—of 'killing • upon his breast, of the men dead upon —my brother Digby—Michael's twin. : "Hullo, John," said Digby, as' I F. A. PARKER could regard as nothing better than . of life in the uncaptured fort from stared open-mouthed and incredulous OSTEOPATH cold-blooded murder. All Diseases Treated So far as I could see, the fort had not been taken over by new garri- son, nor, to niy' surprise, had the dead been removed from the walls.. Those motionless figures could not be living soldiers, :for: no Commandant; would have kept his whole force on duty like that -particularly after a day -and -night march such as this one had just made. I, should have expect- ed to see that the dead had been buried, the fort . occupied, the 'Iook out platform manned, and the sentry posts occupied. However, , it didn't matter tb me what they did, so long as they left their camels in the oasis. As I watched, a small party, preced- ed by an officer on a mule, crossed of oil or some other almost explos- ive combustible. , , :And what xnight this mean? Surely it was. not "by order"? Not the result of official de- cision? Of course not. . , Could, it be the work of some • superstitious legionary left alone in the place watchman? No. If there was body at all on duty there, he w have been up on the look -out form, the emptiness of .which Puzzled rue. , How was this going to affect chance of escape? Ought I'ta a dash for the oasis while all h were engaged in an attempt to put fire out? And, as I stared, in d and wonder, I was aware of a.na ment on the roof of the fort! fully keeping the gate -tower bet himself and the paraded troop man was doing precisely what 1 self had done! I saw' his cap as crept crouching along below the, apet, I saw his arm and rifle c through an embrasure, I saw the fall, and • a minute' or so later, a column of smoke shot up, I- saw crawl through : the embrasure drop to the ground. ' By good 1 or by skill he- had chosen. a spot which he was hidden. from the ved that had been a ;thousand: yards any'' right. . And who `could be, this legionary who had set to the fort of Zinderneuf? He c tainly had my sympathy and sho have my assistance. I must see t he did not crawl in the direction the vedette. He might not' know t he was there. I began creeping in direction that would bring me on 1i line of retreat in time to warn h A few minutes later he saw rise, a hitched his rifle forward. Eviden he did not intend to be taken ali Very naturally, after setting -fire one of Madame la l.epublique's pe fectly good forts. . I drew o what had been a handkerchief, an from the safe' obscurity of a san valley, waved • it. I then laid dow my rifle and crawled towards him. as 'a, any- plat - had the make ands the oubt oye- C ware- een s my- he par - ()Me rifle s 'a him and sack at ette' to he fire er- ul d hat of hat a lis ng. nd tly ve to r- ut d d n I which two warning shots had come. "I thought you'd be knocking about A more acceptable notion was that ' • • Some of the superstitious old somewhere round here. Let's get off Office adjoining residence next to of trying to creep into the oasis, dur- legionawries would have wonderful to a healthier spot, shall us?" ;Anglican. Church on Centre Street ing the night, and stealing a camel ideas and theories about it all! For all his casual manner and de - Sundays by appointment!The eveningwore on, the sun Hours --g p from there. It would be an extreme- set, bonair bearing, he looked, white and 1y difficult thing to do successfully, and the' great moon rose. In the drawn, 'sick to death, his hands shale: there would` be brilliant moon- I brief dusk, I crept nearer to the fort ing his face a ghastly mask of pain. light, a very sharp look -gut for gabs, and oasis, crouching and crawling "Wounder,[?" I asked, seeing the R. & F. and a horrible row from the camel Iron sand -hill to sand -hill. I would state he Was in. A. R. P• ..- E. DUVAL wait until eV bo it Licensed Drugless practitioners, when ane disturbed it.... des, very dY who was not on Er not physically. 1 have. Chiropractic and Electro Therapy.difficult and dangerous, but just pas- duty would be asleep; and then work just been giving Michaela `Vii ing's Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic sible, inasmuch as I was in'uniform around and 'enter the oasis, walking FuneraI'," he replied, biting his lip. College, Toronto, and National Col- and might be believed if, challenged up boldly as though sent from the Poor, poor Digby! He loved Mich - lege Chicago. by the camel -guard; I pretended I was fort with a message. If challenged, gel as much as I did . (he could not Office opposite Hamilton's ]ewelxy I would act precisely as I should have love him more and he was further Store, Manu St, an orderly in search of his camel, for ), HOURS: z—S; 7--S.3o' p.m., and duty. Or if I walked up boldly and done if dispatched by an officer to.get bound to him by those strange ties by appointment. announced' that I had been ordered my camel and hasten back to Toko- that unite twins—psychic spiritual Out of town and night calls re- to take a camel and ride back to To- tu. . . I imagined myself saying bonds, that make them more like one sponged to. A11 business confidential.kotu with a dispatch. ..: Distinctly to a sentry who was disposed to soul in two bodies than separate in - Phones: Office 300; Residence boz-x3, passible, i considered With really 'doubt rte, "All right, you fool, you dividuals. Poor, poor' Digby! I put hinder me —go c a really goo u , at my arm across his shoulders as we lay on the sand between two hillocks. "Poor old John!" he said at length, mastering his grief. "It was you who laid him out, of course. You who' saw hire die. • . Poor Johnny boyl . ," "He died trying .to save my life," I said. "He died quite happily and in no pain. . . lie'' left a job for us to do... I've got a letter for. you. Here it is.". . Let's' get well off to CHIROPRACTOR TRACTOR other hand, there were a chance' of ed towards the fort, halted, faced into the flank of that vedette and lie low ELECTRICITY simply stealing the carnet unseen -1 line with their backs towards me and till there's a chance to' pinch a camel Adjustments given for diseases of might get away with it. But there stood easy.I concluded- ande the Hour a.m. to 8 pan. Osteopathy , Electricity Telephone ala. cod luck and ti d bluff, ' --go on. Don't blame J. ALVIN FOXmight be done. The good luck would me, though' tirhen I say what delayed DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER lie in the camel -guard being unaware 'rel , "and generally showing a CHIROPRACTIC AND ' that I w; asra't a member of the meat- Perfect willingness to be hindered, DRUGLESS PRACTICE 1bei of the relief -force at all. provided I was not the: one to get ELECTRO -THERAPY the blame. Phone zgr. If I were not recognized, if soy Brom the crest of the next sands Hours: ea-xs a.m., 2-5, 7-8 p.tn.,' or bluff were convincing, if 1 were nol hill, I saw, that the seen . of the re - by appointment. caught in the act by the very officer lieving-column were parading outaide whom I should be pretending to have the oasis, and I wondered' what this 1). H. McINNES sent me for a camel; or if, on the portended. As I watched, they march - "off" all kinds; specialize to dealing with that their of and clear out I led t children. Lady attendant. Night calls seemed to be a good. many ifs... }weer had given them an off' day af- way in a direction to bring us clear responded to. However, after thinking the matter ter their long march, and was now of the vedettes and nearer .:to the Office on Scott St., Wingharn, Out. aver from all points of view, and going to work then] all night at dear- oasis, A couple ofi Phones: Office 106, Resid. 224 weighing the chances inapartiall 1 P minutes after our m Y, ins; up,the fort, burying; the dead, and meeting' we were snugly ensconced cant to the conclusion that there was generally re-establishing Zinderxueuf behind the crestf a sou GEORGE , . SI. GALE mare likelihood of :Michael's' letter as • rong the mils- looking the parade of `ourr comrades , a osis concen amo sand -hill,. over- . g ges,. Broker---.- reaching Aunt Patricia if I had a shot. tary outposts of Empire-aceordin -to- the at getting' a camel than if I did not, a oasis,' and the burning foot. r Phone 73, I.ucknovr, Orttarzo � M a�ltepubiic. higher hillock behind Money to lend oa first and second A thousand -mile stroll across the Sou- g ce. b'05 , the to out 'Phis 'might be '.very favorable to right,.' screened as from the near mortgagee on .faun and other real ea- danese Sahara did not'. strike sue as est tate properties at a reasonable rate of my plans. If I marched boldly up to vedette. interest, also on first Chattel mart-, one that would lead rn,c home, in view the oasis, as though corning from the "And," said d Di, "they're in anot'voice that gages on stack and osa personal notes, of the fact that it takes a good roan fort; when everybody was very busy, trembled sTf Y. 1 Ai few farms on hand for sale or to W do it ,under the somewhat more " c t y,fngi not going, and demanded acamel, I should prob- to spoil Michael's funeral, Nor are tent on easy terms favorable conditions of preparation, ablyof • get case. • The Commandant they going secure guy evidence of . _ a organization, and the protection of rode out from the oasis on a mule, your neat job on the foul Lcjaune. numhers and of the law (such as it and the anen were called to attention. . . They're going 1 I decided to wait until night, see . g &to c ai rifle, 'ifl , t� 1-1,e was evidently' going to address by Arabs . , ." and he raised his rifle, what happened, and reconnoitre the them—probably to congratulate 'them "Don't shoot anybody; Dig," I said. ! oasis with a view to deciding whether g' A thorough Jtnovriedge af' larri >; un the, excellence of their forced It seemed to me there had been en- o�n theft, bluff, or a combination of the march. -and refer to this marvellous ongh bloodshed -and if these ting, offered the greater possibilities defence" eee people put up by the garrison of were. stow technically aur enemies and of success in securing a mount, the fort, who had died to a man in might soon be our executioners, they And the more 1 could concentrate defence > r of the flag of thee`; adopted were still .our comrades, and timo- thy thoughts upon problems and con- country: cent of offence; I sideratians of this sort, the longer Suddenly, the man standing beside ;Not going tounless it's myself," A. J. ' A•L E ' could ,I postpone and evade the on- him cried oat and pointed to the fort. replied Digby, "Come oe, play Arabs I#IjR I'f R DEALER B g rushing realization of my loss Instinctively I looked in the direction with ane . . ." and h'e fired his rifle, E and ° the longer could 1 keep myself numb of his pointing finger—and verynear- aiming high, I followed his example, l; & (5 AL DIREC'T'OR 1 and insensate beneath the hammer- ly sprang to my feet at what 1 saw, shooting above the head of the offs- +solar Equipment !slows of the; terrible fact that 'lurked The fort was on fire! it was very oer as l had clone:orice before that IHA " e ONTARIO = and :struck, lurked and struck; the anueh on fire, too, obviously set alight day. Again and again we ,fired, ved- RM ttrr"4MpMMtM,t"qt,"MMC6""MMttrrMrrt"rMMrMM„nrgrrnrlurrraMMru” logger deafen myself to the waxing in several places and with the help cttee to left and right of ass joining THOMAS FELLS — AUCTIONEER — VEAL ESTATE SOLD Phone ger, Wingham e. limittrr,rllewrrtrfl,MMM triIM,MM nil„M„”„ M,MMMr,e""4Mdr't I]'hones: Office xn6, Regd. xzri. Thursday, Sep texuber 22nd, tea)" ,y> tackingArabs, later on,... , If we• swagger u to t the sentry on I the cam- els and pitch a bold yarn, it ought to be all ,right, • .." ' , "Yes—better if olse of us goes," saki I. "Then, if he doesn't return, the other can clear tiff ou foot, or try some other dodge•'" (Continued next week) in, and showing their zeal and watch- fulness, by firing briskly at nothing at all—unless it was at each other. It was a sight worth seeing, the re- treat of that company of legionaries, At a cool order from the officer, they faced about, opened out, doubled to the oasis, and went to ground, turn- ing to the enemy and taking co , er that within a couple of animates of tour first shots, there was nothing to be seen but a dark and menacing oasis, to approach which was death;' "Good, --work!” said Digby, ''And they can jolly well stop there until the fort is burnt out, . . -We'll go in and get cancels, as vedettes whose camels have been shot by these atir - No. X-637 The new Blucher oxford. All the vogue. Just the shoe for the bright young business executive. Invictus Shoes put the finishing touch to appearance and make the modern ours man feel that he `is stepping young pp rig ori top of the world." Distinctive and smart, the newest of 'the new'stY les, Invictus Shoes give the loyal, comforting service that comes with genuine leather and fine shoe- making. Leads the World in Motor Car Value r The great POWER of these new Nash models will be a revelation to you. They "pun" the steepest grades or the heaviest going with absolutely amazing ease and smoothness. For there's EXTRA power efl�"',xa ;leered into every Nash inotbr., They have the extra efficiency of the STRAIGHT LINE drive so that Nash power flovvs directly from the engine to the rear axle in a straight lite>. They take hills without a note of strain --without the least of It boritxg. Come DRIVE a new Nash. Test out the QUANTITY of its power as well as the QUALITY, ever The newly -refined a�Jbearxngnzotors, give Nash . the world's smoothest power -flow throughout the whole. range of use. All crankshafts are balanced integ- rally with clutch and flywheel to make the new Nash the smoothest% "sweetest" car you ever drover' And they're the EASIEST riding,, easiest steering cars you ever ham died with their new secret process alloy -steel springs and txewly-iiia.- proved steering mechanism.. , COME in today and select the mod., el you wartt to drive. New. LOWER prices make these new models the greatest values on the market. Be Jd ening er Dealer Wingham Ont. „ ..t.,,. (6108)A