HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-22, Page 5Thursday, September 2znd, r927 II 1 1 III 1 1111 1 I ! I III 1 111 I1lII1 1111111N(IINII111111111111NIIINIIIN11111111 First, you may take the five rulers • :�IIINu�MIIIN IM LNIIIN NII 411....1 M I � I INl ll 1 . M 1 • R_ r � ra— Fall Lines on Display at the 1SARD STORES The Season's Smartest Models in Dresses, Coats, Suits Sweaters •_ and `lir Coats and so on alternating. As this is ,to. � ® be a "fifty-fifty" review, get all the f>g of the quarter: Samuel, Saul, David, Solomon and Rehoboam, and assign them in advance to five pupils, asking each to speak in the class about the civic and national lessons to be drawn from the career of the. character as- signed him. Second, you may divide the following questions among the re- maining members of the elass: What have these lessons taught us about the choice of rulers? What have we learned this quarter concerning defence against nattoaal foes? What 'are the teachings of these lessons about taxation? What should • be the relation be- tween the church and the state? Il- lustrate from the quarter's lessons. Who in our modern nations an- swer to the prophets of old? How can a people guard against immorality in their rulers? What Flo our quarter's lessons show about Gcd's providence in national af- fairs.? 71,1 II GHAM• p. ';eg0Z- 'IMtS, 7` 'n.. e penent of all the others. The Drives r ki P 4 d, Stoxxll�ech Cas � 'teacher will meet with each side to matte sure that all the questions are clear and fair. In therecitation the 'leader of one side will propound a question to the other side, whose members will consult and decide on the answer, which will be given by the leader of that side. If the answer is correct, the teacher will score one for the answering si'd,e,, If it is not the right answer, or if the side fails entirely to answer, the .side asking the question will score one, Then the second side will propose a question to the first side, and so on alternately.. The side with the largest score is Man From Bed o i "I had gas so bad I bad to get up nights an account of the pressure on my heart. 1 used ldlerika and have been entirely relieved."—R. F. K•rue- ger, • • Even the FIRST. spoonful, .0f Ad lerika relieves gas and often removes astonishing amount of old waste mat- ter from the system, Makes you en- joy your meal's and'sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. McKibbon's Drug Store,. victorious. • 5—A Symbol Review. A week in advance the teacher will ask the pupils to go over all the les- sons and select some symbol for each of them. Give the class a specimen of what is desired„ such as a cinder. Man of Sixty Finds the Remedy "Fruit-a-tives" Corrected Bladder and Bowel Double for the, lesson on Elijah's sacrifice on Mt. Carmel, or a copy of the Bible for Solomon's choice, of wisdom; but What is the relation between rich -' ask the class to try ;to find different es and, national greatness? symbols for these lessons, Each is When will a` ruler show his wis- to• work independently. The lessons done? will be taken up id order in the class,. tow will a ruler show his wisdom? the symbols for each` lesson will be How ,may national divisions be taken up and explained, and the class avoided? will vote an which is the most. suit - 3—A Fifty -Fifty Review. able symbol for each lesson. Ask each member of the class to write fifty words on each lesson of the quarter, summing up its events and its 'chief teaching. Have these read in the class for each lesson, voting on which is the best of each set. If there is not time for all to be read ,have` half the class read their "fifties" on one lesson and the other half read theirs on the next lesson, ■ - members to select quotations of fifty DRESSES OF THE ETTER KIND , Featuring Satin, Silk Crepes, Georgette, Charm- euse and Wool Jersey Dresses. BARGAIN SPECIALS Women's and Misses knitted All Wool Suits, leading colors See them a, • $9.50 leafterniassmobramseatreas FALL AND WINTER COATS Coats that,are Individual in Style and , Except- ional Values all the new popular materials and shad= es for Women, Misses and Children in Suedes, Boliv- ias, Suedenes, Needlepoint, Plain and Fancy Flushes See our Specials $19.75, $22.50, and $25.00 We invite you to see the Range and be convinc- ed that we are offering Unbeatable Values this sea- son. ,..o011...0.., .. oma Dress and Coat Display ®" Fs Mr. Hallingsworth, representing "Dorothy Dare Dresses" will be here on Friday, 'Sept. 23rd.. Ili fei with a display of these popular garments: An In- ` • vitatation is extended to all. COME EARLY. g El i ii — 1 S i _ i lil®111EnIM1113i11 EM Ii.: IIIr11I11AHEM 11,1< 11 NIII11I111111111n111111 MEM <:°MOM ®111E113BIII a words - or less on each lesson of the quarter, andhave these also read. If this would more than fill the time, divide the lessons among 'the mem- bers of the class and have each se- lect one quotation for the lesson or lessons assigned him. 4—A Question Tournament. One of the liveliest and most prof- itable forms of review is a question tournament. For this review divide the class intotwo sides a week in advance, appointing two well -matched leaders and having thein choose the pupils, turn about. Each side will. meet by itself during the week and get up a set of questions on the les- sons of the quarter, each question be - Miss Marjorie Gibson left on Tues- day to attend Stratford Normal. Here anti There Philadelphia -The silver ' cup for the best display of poultry at the Sesquicentennial Poultry Show wag Avon by the Ilon. John S. Martin, Ontario Minister of Agriculture. A; newly ':constructed line of the Canadian Pacific Railway between Jnwin and Lloydminister in the Province of Saskatchewan is now in operation. This line 30.6 miles in length will greatly assist the farm era of the district in marketing their grain." Ripe plums are nosh!" being sent to England, arriving there in primo 1 condition. The Ontario Department ' of Agriculture reports having made a trial shipment with excellent re.. sults, as attested by word from the other side. The plurals were picked ripe and fully colored, mcamixionisiverings NausisoanammEamasmaaaarar MR. THOS. GRAHAM Mr. Thomas Graham of Oshawa,. Ont.. has found the key to health. Writing about it he says: "Just a line totell you what good `Fruit-a-tives' has done me: I :ani • 60 years old and tried all kinds of medicines for bladder and bowel trouble which used to keep me from work a month at a time, until I started taking `Fruit -a -dyes', ,Thanks' to `Fruit -a: tives' I have worked steadily for four years without a sick day. I have never felt better than I do now." "Fruit-a-tives" substitutes radiant health for sickliness. It effectively overcomes constipation, bladder and kidney t oubies because itis the kind of remedy that nature. meant us to use—the juices of fresh, ripe fruits, intensified and combined with strengthening tonics. You have a right to that "Glad -to -be alive" feeling. Give "Fruit -a -tines" a chance to restore your health. 1f you are constipated or worried with bladder trouble begin taking "Fruit-a-tives" to - da 25c and 50c eve where y ry , -- -- 40_19ZIen .A • 111,®®1111eM® t x -.µ.i . �u.j Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies hops, Toasters, Lamps and FiaEtures. We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. G�9 ▪ Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Psi:Iishers p , F' i r ,,; e ;1. Wi gham tilities Cratwr ford mock. 111111 ISEIMt�' SUNDAY AFTERNOON September 25th Review: The Early rings of Israel Golden Text:: Jehovah hath establish- ed .His throne in the heavens; and His kingdom ruleth over 1o3:0. . x—A 'Square. Review. Give the pupils, a week in advance, squares of paper, one apiece. Write on one side of the square "Samuel," on another"Saul," on the third "Da - Vita," 'atld on the fourth "Solomon." Asir the pupils to go over the guar- ter's lessons at home and write under Cornmissicn F' One 156. [!ii {i"- : it '"iii each name, in brief forth, what he r"e- gards,,as the chief lessons to be learn- ed from his life. In the recitation place before the class a large srlt9are drawn on the blackboard or a big Sheet of paper', and form a model list by combining the lists of the pupils, discussing the points as you proceed. If you have a separate classroom, ar- range the seats in ahollow 'Square. 2--,A patriotic Review. The quarter's lessons have brought up so many points bearing on patriot- ism that a revie*tr may be arranged with the sole purpose of grouping', these teachings. You may handle the review by characters and by topics. fey brill t nd C b tweed. y Improved highways ,nalce for . a better understanding on both sides Hard , smooth roads, stretching in all the new speed laws, drivers must exercise directions over Ontario, have helped rural every precaution. Watch the road and town people to appreciate one an- warnings. Take no chances at intersec- tions, problems.. Mutual understanding tons, railway crossings and curves, near is taking the place of misunderstanding. schools, or when passing pedestrians. Easy communication has brought con- See to your brakes. Your life or the livrs munities closer together. It has widened of others may depend upon your control personal 'and business acquaintance. It of your car. has opened up new markets, has saved time and effort. Rural Ontario does not Watch your .headlights. They must not need to be isolated. glare. A glaring headlight is a positive No one wants to return to the old days menace on :the highways. Simple in- when it was impossible to drive to town structons, sent free by this Department, because of bad roads, or when town show how headlightsshould beadjusted. people could not visit the country, 'Obey the rules of the road. Be patient. Use the highways. Hat use them sanely;. • BE COURTEOUS. Do not enforce Avoid excessive speeds and careless driv- your righta"in traffic if . others are neon- ing. With the faster movingtraffic under venienced or placed in danger. Always have your Motor Vehicle Operator's License with you A common courtesy on Ontario's highways will help to bring country and town stilt closer together for the well-being and prosperity of both. Ontario Department of Highways The }tart:. GEO. S. HENRY, Ministet 111iiwll( 1111111! II( IIINI at mMI1l tilmti i II( I I 1111111MIg111111�11111nINlIINi11111I111111�1t11 N N N ( � �11 1wlwu �_ , P ■ • ecia!s for rid and a � Saturday Imo• M•' R i iMoiSm11i,i115meAuesui®ni C0 in1� ANTON CREPES ......� .ws 36 in, Heavy Black 2 95. DUCHESS SATIN All Linen CHECKED TOW- ELLINGS—Blue, Rose, 29 c Gold; per yd a COTTONS — fine quality Fac- tory and Bleached; 2 c ,36 in. wide FLANNELETTES —.Pink and Blue stripes; heavy r a) r+ c 'quality, yd. wide - CHOSE -- Silk and fiW shades and sizes; reg, $1.25; special .. ";..,._..- All Wool BOTANY 56 in. wide, Navy and Black; per yd. FLANNELS — 58 in. English Checks 54 in. All Wool FLANNELS 4o in. Heavy FLAT CREPES •_..... ._ ool, ,all 95c SERGE,` 2.19. 2.75 1.39 2.95 MEN'S WEAK MEN'S SUITS. 1 9 50 Single and Double: Breasted models; regular values` a,!• to $27,00; sizes. 36 to 42; in Tweeds and Worsteds. Special at $xg.5o. 29' ®,i� Men's Worsted and Tweed Suits in Greys and Fawns, e7 ® also Navy Blue Serges; all sizes; regular' $35.00 val- ues for $2g.00. OVERCOATS 29' �� Men's Navy"Blue Chinchillas and Heavy Tweed �m ® Overcoats; new winter models; all sizes; regular $35 values special $2g.00. 2 ® Young Men's and Men's English Tweed Overcoats in • the newest styles for winter; regular $27,00. and `$2g.00. Special $245o. FREE -- A Cap free with every Suit or Overcoat bought on Friday or Saturday. VE• 61. J. A. MILLS ntg11IIausi11simm IIIiins iNI111111111(Ilfliinamin IIIx inte1il®IIItg1na lim I®111111Iint 1tim si II 1111311111111®1 M111®IIIg1111®IIIiIME111111III1111111111®A1111-d11111111111111111Prilll®III®III11111mIliNlile Concert t FairNight n Wingham Town Hall on the evening of Friday, September 23 Qldi Tye Fiddlers' ss ' Contest Prizes given as follows: Olde Olde Olde Step xst Tyme Fiddlers over 5o years _-_- 3.00 Tyme Fiddlers under 5o years _ --- 3.00 Tyme Lady Fiddlers _..-...- --m-- .... - -m-- 3.00', Dancers 3,,Q0 Contestants to choose- their own numbers. Make this Concert the Biggest and Best. and 2.40 2.00 2.00 zoo. FIRST-CLASS PROGRAMME UNDER THE DIRECTION OR HUGH McDOUGALL Songs in both English and Gaelic Highland Dancing Orchestra Music N Pipe Music Readings SCOTTIE HUSTON, Comic Dancer Come and enjoy a real Olde Tyme Concert id All proceeds for the Agricultural Society fit Reserved seats now 'en sale at McKibbon's Drug Store it DANCING + •. i after the Concert and on the first night of the Fair. lii —11101INIIINMI1 INII1111113111IIN tiAliIINIlllBtliiUlilOVII4 niNI1► htNill1 PTV trig - 59 Y'g In➢illl l�in1111,1�4inl�n lW1�11131t IIIIDIII wlll391•II>6illl®II1L8II Ifl' IIII iII 1111uniiRllllliil1mg111111111WI111;311Im111af11d5111UMitlllluimm tf el ()Wry, Cream, Eggs. a Phone and 'get our prices. Highest market prices paid for live hens and broilers, ; 1 Your Cream and Eggs graded the same day as delivered. We1ington ProduceCo. Ltd. X11 ' r� ,•� Q 9' m gl•��.•y a , On�%�+ , Ipl W. B. THOMPSON, Branch Manage �x PHONE 166. NII111.111R1.11�11111111111N111N 11IINill NI111M111 111111IIINi111 11111011(31111111111l111111110111II1MNIIIN IINl11MMINIIi. 3�,