HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-22, Page 4W11110004,M itroVok,NORTIMES hursdafr, Sept miser em), xge tel 11. t ilii nom; 1 Il t i l lII voltam l i 1� Mom8N Ml i 1� I t 1 i_. �>Mf i i it 11 it 11 ! 1 4R � � ll�i1l81 �Il � �i118118! ll L il�itl 8 � yrt 1MI � 11141....... w1f Stationery a One Quire of Catalina -Paper and 25 citta I' Tints, for 250. 35c Writing Pad., Eid Finish, 100 Sheets elopes to match, all for 39c. 1 rtvelopes, i 50 Env. 2.9.• 11G [McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Stores. , ri Phone 53 ingham �e tltlillill11g101111111liIllla11181111111111I11lYlili®IIIi181§1111111181111111I112111a11111I111111111ii1111111111111/i1i 11 11t/1111111Ai11111111118g111i1111111111111M11181.1141111111911111'11111111 1111111118i11111111111111it1111 !_ A111�111�U 11181! liQii l�!111iI11iE11i5l1118�111�1818;i111�'111818111>�i 111111!1@i116iilflQillBi tllEl liR{I Illtlf�l Eil�3i f 111111 en cent a word per insertion, witha minimum charge of 25c, 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 FOR SALE -One cottage and sever- e good houses. Apply Thos. Fells, FOR SALE. -3o cords of soft wood. W. J. Pardon, phone .23 on 614 FOR SALE -Good dry wood. Apply to Will Young, phone ;62o=4.2. FOR SALE—A good coal or wood heater, in first-class condition. Ap- ply firs, R, Beattie, ; AUCTION SALE. Of Valuable Fame in the Town skip -of Wawanosh. The At mienistratrix of the Estate of Edward Haines, deceased, will offer for sale by public auction on the premises on Tuesday, the eleventh WANTED—Girls to clerk in dry 1 day or • October, A.D. 1927, at 2 goods store. Apply to Mr. Burk, o'clock in the afternoon, rite. follow-- altFlroy's old steed, 1'nghanm nag valuable property, namely:— The FOR ;SALE—Franle building 22x.32 -with 14 ft. posts; regular barn frame in excellent condition_ Bargain for quick sale. Apply Advance -Times, acres, of land more or less. FOUND—Two This property is situate about four t? leather purses, a and one-half miles from. the Village child's slipper and a parasol axvait of Whitechurch, one mile from school owners at the Advance -Times of- and font miles from church on a good Tice gravel road. There are about eighty acres cleared and about ten. acres of south half of lot number Twenty- seven in the Tenth Concession of the 'Township. of Wawanosh in the Coun- ty of Huron, containing one hundred AUCTION SALE of farm stock and n implements, east half of Lot at on , o0d bush, and all the cleared lend concession 9,. East Wawanosh on xs xn grass. im Tlt THE WOMAN MANCE-TIM ablished at WINGHAM; ONTARIO Every Thursday A orn?ng W. Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates One year $2.0 Six, months $.00, in advance. Advertising rates on application. TIMOTHY'S CQX MENTS 199,9,1.99919, To the Editlir ay. all than Winphatn paypers Deer Sur: I hev often tould ye be-' foor that thine Grits make- a lot av neishtakes in, playin the pollytickle game, No ntatther how shmart theer layders may be, arr how . good a polishy they may hev, theer always sames to be some fellahs among them to shpill the banes, so to shpake, an let us Torieswin. I cud aisily point out what wus the thrubble wid thim whin lasht Monday wus a wake, but if they heven't siuse enough to see it fer thimsilves, so much the betther fer us. Accordin to the argymints av thim U.F,O.'s, the Nhrt Huron sate in Fer- ree -mint now belongs to the Tories, an Jarge shudden't hev anny opposi- tion nixt toime. I hope they will shtick to the Ioine av talk they used this • tloime, whin the nixt elickshun comes around. 'Twould be a good argyanint in favor av us Tories, that the parthy that wins a sate wance shud hev it nixt tonne widout havin to foight fer it. Yis, it wud be a good argymint, an a raysonable wan; undher prisint condishuns, but we kin harrudly Letpict thim U.F.O.'s to be consistint enough to shtay wid the shtand they tuk this lasht toime. More loikely they will jine up wid the Grits next tonne an throy to de - fate us Tories. Elickshuns do good, an they do harruni. I mane outsoide av polliticks altogether. Fer inshtance, 1 hev known good Tories to be bad frinds fer months, arr mebby years, befoor an elickshun, but be rayson av t'v>ixr- rukin togither durin the campaign, got to undhershtand aitch other bet- ther an decoided to let the ould thrub- ble dray. Thin, on the other hand, I' hev known Orin' who had been good" (rinds all theer loives befoor,to quar- rel on elickshun day an notshpake to. aitch other agin fer months. 'Tis a quare wurruld, so it is, wid good an bad so mixed up in iviryting an iviry- body that sometoirnes ye kin harrudly tell which is which. Wan good rule is to shtick to. fursht yer fu ra t love, "fer, shure, 'tis ginerally a bad sk-alae in= Thursday, October 6th, 1927. Ir& .� ere are on the premises a good toirely to lave the woife .arr the Robt. Owens, proprietor; Thos.. eight -roomed frame house :and a , church arr the parthyshtarted frame barn 5=1s 4 and straw shed. ye s Carted wid, i+OST-2-year-old heifer, about two both barn and she a ood" r li r tlxrubbles where ye are but me d, g oc ad bb Gundry, auctioneer: i 2g' aS with stone fun AY coorse -u loikely hev er own foundations under , y • eeks ago; :red in color, white and a ;r y good well with �windmill anda tvud• run into 'worse' wens - square or forehead d Pump ns x 'f ye an short p p attach ed. The farm ms an ex- made a change. A new.p air av shoes Horns Punier please ply James hent condition Norman, East 4Taancssl� Krauts,^: 1 throughout is nivir as comfortable tillye �-it i, TERMS OF SALE:- Ten Wingharn,per cent, of the purchase money on the day used to tiaimtm; as the ould wars ye RESIDENCE FOR 4 of sale and. the balance within thirty strew away, although they may look SALE—One of d h _ � g _ y the Incest homes in lLvLiE-Oi• all days thereafter. The purchaser will +betther. I know .a lot a: f� G ; be entitled to immediatepossession.Y tillahs who modern conveniences, hardwood P urther terms and floors. Purchaser will conditions of sale �ry 1 not be Iv- will be made known at Sr i interior to -pend money en repairs sale or may be had on the liratimof decorating, apply on application. the premises to Mrs. A. G. Sinitic, to the nnderrigned: At thesome time and place will he into it back ig fer thini to offered for ,al> following o good ould are now in the U.F.O. parthy, whose new shoes same to be hurtin theer carne, be rayson av thins bein too shillala Me advoice to thim lads is S,•. corner fmag Road and Victoria street, t. the house- T0rj arr Grit boots agar as soon : _ , hold goads and effects, nanamely:as 1 TENDERS will be teteeketi by the ` sideboard, x, dining room table, r sec- poshible if they want to be happy. ~ undersigned up to Thursday, Sept- retary, 1 lounge, I organ, 6 'cane -bot- Did it ivir shtroike ye that the 29th, at 6 o'clock pan:, for the exec- tom chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, a bed- elickshun wus a tarn of a curling rink i.}ti^C5 feet 'room: suites, 2 hedstrads t kitchen quare wan in :nanny frame zonstruction. Plans and spec- table, i cupboard, i kitchen store, > ' ways. Fer inslitance, the mean whose ificattons may be seer. at A, tI, beaters, r oil stove, r feather bed and • t t rGt c tr at m mv. of we d \•x• p .t V' tenderbed :• necessarilyc . ,mrum ,; a quaint- 1 accepted Edward Nash, Secretary. OtY of bedding and table linea, a CARR OF THANKS To the friends and neighbors who number of farm and garden tools, NOTICE TO CREDITORS cutlery-:, ptctimres and other . articles too aziereroue to mention, i robe: a 1 : THE ESTATE OF MARY Bl2'z - grant tv of wood . split ar'•i in the SNS, late of the Township of Mor- split in nee County of Huron,; Spin- ;: TERMS OF SALE OF 'CHAT - stet. deceased,^ELS' hums of Ten dollars and un - on KE n5 HEREI3I on tee ' der, cash; and for ;urn: over that pursuant to Section 56, Chapter tea 'amount, approved joint notes at six of the Revised ed : tatutes of Outarm mnntlms �i tIl be accepted that all persons l at in , Ci ImmmS against ' ,DATED this twentieth day tf Sep - the Estate ,•,f Mary Ery�am:s who died itrtmb�r, AIO, iq-f cin or about the tenth of May, A.D: 7927, at the Township of Morris, are required to seed to Alexander Ber- ens, Belgrave, Ontario, the Executor of the above Estate, or to the under- VALUABLE FARM Ill signed, or, or before the t•Ret•ty- TI.3E 'TOWNSHIP OF f i• nit tea- of 'September, A.D. x9sE, their trainee and addresses with tall; MORRIS FOR SALE articular: of their claims in writing' +defy t.eneed fry attndartt and the na- Tenders wall be received by T. A. ire the securities Of any) held. by Brandon, Belgrave, Ontario,by t teaxm, the undersigned u toSeptember i- p P.M., .., AND FURTHER RTHER T A .E NOTICE 27th, A.D. 1927 ata o'clock that after the purl, twenty-fourth day the purchase of the South if `f for cs Sapternber, Ai?. atly�"7, the assets number Tu u hal; of Lot the'said Estate will be distributed TWO in the Fourth in Mon of the Township of Morris in by the said Executor among the par- the County of Huron con.aining too tife .titled thereto, having regard acres more or less, "except such pan 0QT:a to claims of which he shall then conveyed to the Canadian Natioona have notice and. the Estate will not Railway. On the erenYissit- be-- 'liabde for .alas claims not filed at nate a two story ten roomed [d whitedie e� tl=c time rte the said distribution. brick house 20 by 3o feet, one story I)ATEI) at Wrnghatn this sixth day brick 9kitchen 18 b ' 2, feet,frame of September, A.D. 1927: woodshed and drive shed tby yrs. J W. Bt.'SHFIELD, feet, Barn 5o by56 feet withstone \Viirigharn, Ont. foundation, �an:d: a gond well.. This Solicitor for the Fenn" or. property which has about . o acres of stt itll 1111lillg1l1N1fitl1iit4 itllMla. iiiil#1' sillutes, bush is situated about one-quarter e with Municipal Ditch and a s :tin • ►tearti cruet, p The purchaser will be permitted to on the property kr Fail. work full possession cannot be given until Mareh tst,x928, The highest or * Oily tender tot necessarily aceeptecl. Te ett per cent of price on ttoti- 1 fication of acceptance of tender and 6alarmce on conpietiart of trattsfer. Dalai. at Wingbarn this sixth day of September, A.D. 11927, ,I', NV. l3USZ1P1ELD. Solicitor, ik141811�1 Wirigbar ar, O t, name wushead a �, atthe av h ballot the lz�. t came out at the foot av the poll, an the man at the bottom came Out on top That's wan ;ting, an another wan 'is that thim byes in Goderioh who buried the hatchet xamusht hev dug it up agin, jilt as I a ,;picted, but it doesn't make anny differ ,fer, shure, we won the elicks tun annyway, tanks to Miss McPhail. Hopin that Froiday will be 'a foine day fer the Wingham Fall Fair, 1 remain, Yours till nbtt wake, Timothy Hay. LOtT: A FINGER Thomas Hackett, second eldest son of Mr. Alexander Hackett, reeve of Ashfield, met with a painful and un- fortunate accident recently, while as- sisting in drawing in alfalfa hay at his home. The hay was being un- loaded with the hay fork, when by some means, the fingers of<his left hand' were caught in the pulley. The second finger was completely severed, while' the other fingers were very badly crushed. It will be a long time before be will be able to use his hand, ANOTHER GAOL DELIVERY IN LONDON For the second time within a com- paratively short pericd, London coun- ty gaol has been the scene of a de- liberate and successful "gaol delivery. On Sunday evening, five desperate characters made a successful getaway after beating a guard into insensibil- ity, overpowering another and taking the keys which opened up a clear.. exit. The escaped,;prisoners are Frank -Moreton, a Kentuckian, ask- nowledged leveler in the getaway, and wanted on an assault charge; Edward Hariton, held on a mu;der charge; Roy Agnew, ,pf London, and known locally; Ross \icLeed, of Thames - ford, and Ernest Brown, of'' Thorn - dale. The latter three were held on charges of having robbed garages and stores in Oxford county. The latter three were recaptured Monday at Crumlin. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for. sale by Public Auction on SATURDAY, the `FIRST day of OCTOBER, 1927, at the hour of two o'clock pan. at the. Brunswins Hotel, Wingham, by Thomas E. Fells, Auctioneer, the fol- lowing property, namely: All and singular that certain parcel or,tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the Town of Wing - ham in the County of Huron and be-. ing composed of part of Lot Number eight in the east side of Josephine Street, Government additional survey described as follows:—Commencing at the'south west corner'of said Lot and running northerly along Joseph- ine Street twenty-six feet; thence Easterly parallel with Victoria Street, one hundred and forty-six feet;; thence southerly : parallel with Josephine Street, twenty-six feet; thence -west- erly parallel with Victoria Street, one hundred' and forty-six feet to the place of beginning. Terris: Twenty-five per cent. of the purchase money to' be paid down at the time of sale, balance to be paid within fifteen days thereafter. For further particulars and condi- tions of sale apply to -McKay R Fer- gusson, Woodstock, Ontario, Solict- ora for the Mortgagee. DATED \ odst k Ontario, at Vo oc ,,Ota o, this Sixth day of September, 1927 R. VANSTCNE, Wingham. Ontario, Vendor,: Soi'icitor. mile from Belgrave and is well drain- d i Plum., Hot Hot Air H rid. I:Nltll ifi1 111111III II C8981M I were so kind and sympathetic to me during my recent bereavement, I ex- !tend x-itend sty sincere thanks. —Mrs. Jas. Roulston. MORTGAGE SALE.' front the home of her son, Mr. Eu- , cn,: ;McDonald, to ,Vinghatn ceme- tery. f WOOD—In Turnberry, on Sat ur- f day, Septenmber 17th, William Wood, y aged 75 years. public auction an Saturday, the t th day of October, A.D. tez,7, at the hour of two o'clock. in the afternoon, at of the bride's brother, Mr. L. F. Ash- ton, Gorrie, by Rev, F. W. Craik, on Wednesday, September 74, Jessie ?�1., daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, William Ashton, to Albert W. Wright, of Elora. DIED ROSS — In Clinton, on Monday, Septette -her 19th, 19.7, Jane Ross, wid- ow of the late John McDonald, aged So years. • The funeral took place yesterday Of Valuable Farm Lands in the Township of Turnberry. Under and by virtue of a power o sale contained in a certain mortgagewhich will be produced at the time o sale, there will be offered for sale b the Brunswick Hotel in the Town or Winghanm, the following valuable pro- perty, namely. The east half of lot number One n in the TRvelfth Concis— cion of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, containing fifty acres of land more or less. This property is well situate ear a good greavel road two and one-half miles from Glenannan station, and about nine miles from the Village of Teeswater and the Town of i'4ing- han1, and within about one-half a mile from school and church. The land is a flood clay loam and. ft is all under cultivation: There are on the premises a'irame house 14 x 2q, a frame barn .36 x 60 with a good stone stable underneath MARRIED WR I GHT-AS HTON— At the home BIRTHS PORTER—In Turnberry, on Sep- teniber tst, to Mr, and Mrs. Roy For ter, a son. FITZPATRICK In Cuirass, of Septeinber r6th, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed ward Fitzpatrick, a son (Harold Lyn and there is an abundance of good ett). water. TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. on the day of sale and the balance within meaty days thereafter. The purchaser will be entitled to immed- iate ,possession. Further terms and cotitiitiot;s of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. DATED this twentieth day of Sep- t epto nberl, A.D. 1:. VANSTONE, Winghatn, Ontarits. Vendor's :Solicitor: LLOYD In Winghatti General Hospital, on Septetnber loth, to ?Cir. hand hits. Richard Lloyd, a son. JENKINS—In Turnberry, on Sep- fexnber i&ith, to Mr, and Mrs. Clifford kins, a daughter. iT Septet.- rnest, r 2n 1 Skt'fEL"1_;EIR-T-IVTIGHTON Dublin Street United church, Guelph, Ontario, prettily decorated with asters, gladioli and ferns, was the scene of an interesting wed.iine on Saturday, September t7th, tvh.en, Lylia Viola, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C, N. Mighton, became the is .rid;: of Mr, Parker Snieltzer, only sc.;i 1 Mrs. and the late Mr. ler. Smeit_,., Bduevale. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev, Mr. Frid, pastor of the church. The winsome bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white crepe romaine with lace; and. crystals. Her veil was arranged in cap -style and was held with a wreath of orange blossoms and pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of Ophelia roses, gypsophila and fern; Mrs, W. M. Wilkie, is matron of li °onor, was prettily gowned in pink georgette with picture hat to match, Her bouquet was of ,Ophelia roses, baby's breath and fern, Miss Hazel Johnson, in mauve chiffon and carry- ing shell pink asters, and Miss. Mil- dred Anderson, Elora, in maize georg- ette and carrying mauve asters, were charming bridesmaids. They also wore large black velvet hats. Mr. Earl Mighton supported the groom, Mr. W. Richardson, Jordan, Ontario, and Mr. W. M. Wilkie were ushers. Mr. Hockin played' the wedding march ,'and aiso'piayed softly during the cer em"ony, Miss N. Little sang sweetly. while the register was being signed. Afterwatds a reception was held when luncheon was served to about, thirty-five guests. Mrsc Mighton was gowned in blue and gray georgette with hat to match. The groom's mo- ther wore a dress of black satin, --a black hat and a corsage bouquet of mauve sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. Saneltzer left later in the afternoon for points east, the lat- ter wearing a dress of flame georg- ette, navy coat and blue and grey hat She also wore the groom's gift, a platinum fox fur. The happy couple will reside in Guelph. • mil0 � l L .a i�111t�1811111141IllAlAM1111iR1lMfU1MIIIMIIIIIMIUslllplli>1M111Mf llllllNlll lel li . i(1�11f1� ltltroo11e BI G WIN" TWO NEW JUDGES Hon.'W. E. Raney has been remov- ed from the troubled sphere of trou- bled politics by going to the supreme court. During his term as attorney -general in the Drury government, and later as leader of the Progressives in the. Ontario Legislature, Mr. Raney has been much in the ; public eye. As an examining or prosecuting lawyer Mr. Raney was a greater suc- cess than as a politician: If he pos- sessed them, he faired at times to exhibit those "human qualities" that take men a long way on the road to political success. The other legal mind going to the bench is J. M. McEvoy,' K.C.; of London, one of the outstanding crim- inal lawyers in the country. Mr. Mc- Evoy possesses many of those traits that mark the genius. When he took a case it was no, half-hearted effort he gate his client; he put in all he possessed of legal knowledge, hard work, persuasion and attack. He should make a very excellent judge, Who o is viay from home? Keep the tautly united. If some are T away from home, the easiest and quickest way Ts of course by a Long Dis- tance call. Viz! young .people nowadays r-,xt up a `very brave front of wish - rag to appear independent and self-reliant, but their hearts still thump faster when they he'ar Dad's or Mother's voice over the wire.. Even when ry; . into go into business, per- sd haps in distant cities, their nature does not changewith their" habita- tion,. .The tie still holds. The dear familiar voices are rust as potent. Have a regular titre to call up the absent sent ones byLo- Dn ist- Once. The service was never so rapid. The cost of Irate 'ban Service to nearby towns ---within a radius of say 2.5 miles—is vim low. 1 IMII=1•1IIIIIIlii IIIA I I/3111111IMR=1111l911111E 1M11101111 High -Grade Oxfords for Men at Very Reasonable Prices 1 IIIillHlll1111l11114111411.11 11111111181111881 "Big Win" is the name of this very excellent make of Ken's Shoes. the qualityof which we feel � confident in saying that for quality and price are un-' !" excelled. _ Note the prices - $5.50, $6.50 and $5.95 for real high-grade shoes. No need to pay the very fancy prices some shoe stores ask. Sample pairs are now being shown in the south' window. H. WILLIS THE SHOE STORE Phone 129, WINGHAM ®, 1III13III111il11f111111111ii1185111®IINIII1141111 1111/1 I �' 11JY II®lnvuloul5111t5iili�llllRlHllllfell!■,l[l�tt► RADIO STATION o B.P. WINGH , Will broadcast a�nold ;time programme on Tlxtirsday nig S to 9• n. BETTY WHO OLIVES . ON OUR STREET dance from There's a little girl earned "Betty" Who lives on our street, Always .blithesome, always pretty, Always smiling when you meet. She is only three years ears old , But she's worth her weight in. gold, And a picture to behold When you see her on the street.- There are other little kiddies Who live on our street, Dressed in gingham gownsand mid- dies, And everything complete. But embroidery and, lace Have to take the second place With the stunshine in the face Of this kadd!e on our street. There is not a bush or bower In a garden on the street, With its most exquisite flower Could in anywise compete With this little climbing rose, Sweetest little bud that blows, And the fairest flower that 'grows By a cottage 00our street. When the slimmer day is closing, Casting shadows at our feet, And all nature is reposing From the sunshine and the ]meat, Sheltered 'neath the quiet dome Of °a happy little home Is this pretty little Betty Who lives on our street, —T. A, Calhoun, London. !Clean to handle. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and 1 General SS Stores FRED DAVEY Village Clerk Issuer of Mrariage Licenses. The Iaw now requires the license be taken out three days before the ceremony. WINGHAM EDITOR LEAVING It is with much regret the .citizens: of Wingham learn that Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith and family will be leav- ing town . in the near future. For a number of years lir. Smith has been:• editor of the Advance -Times, there,. and has always been a great booster through its columns for his town: He disposed of his business this summer to W. Logan Craig, of Grand Valleyy, Mr. Smith will be managing editor, of the Orange Sentinel, published in To- ronto, The good wishes of a host of friends are extended to Mr.5mith and his ;esteemed wife and family, who have been valued citizens of Wingham.—Mitchell Advocate. School We are ready for Stock --PUBLIC SCHOOL ROOKS —CRAYONS. --DRAWING BOOL -ERASERS -EXERCISE BOOKS —FOOLSCAP —FOUNTAIN PENS INKS --LOOSE LEAP BOO. pplies. School Opening with a Complete of Supplies, IncluCiing. TEXT —NOTE BOOKS --LEAD :PENCILS PENCIL BOXES -PEN HOLDERS --PEN NIBS ---,RULERS —SCHOOL BAGS --,SCRIBBLERS LA TES S --WATER COLORS • X16 n Agency Canadian IOTT ational Railways. 41.141119i1ti •ilt.ti$rridi1 \,ie1rtt"nia\, et46161'.,11. 7.1,4Yriii. ivr�i