HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-22, Page 3eleleeSer ." ,^nFrn'sr�r Thur'sd'ay, 'September nand, zeeo Bank by Mail k is convenient and may save you a trip to town. Your bank book, with the deposit entered, will be promptly re- turned to you. •woraeautsnalsenme THE, MID' Established 1871 154 A. M. BISHOP, MGR. - WINGHAM BRANCH For Interior Construction MAKE your rooms fire-resistant and free from, drafts ' and cold by erecting Gyproc ceilings, and' partitions in your home., Gyproc can be put up in half the time required for lath and plaster-- saving laster—savrng time and labor costs. Gyproc takes any decoration. Let us show you a full-sized Gyproc board ready to apply. Write for free booklet -"'My Home." It will tell you how Gyproc, Rocboard Gypsum Insulating Sheathing and Insulex will reduce . your fuel bill from 20 to 40%. THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 151 Fireproof Wallboard RAE & TI-IOMPSON-- - THOMPSON & BUCHANAN R. J. Hueston - - Thos. Stewart - - Wm. Rutherford - Wingham, Ont. - Wingham, Ont. Gorrie, Ont. Bluevale, Ont. Wroxeter, Ont. iGORRIE Miss Janet Murray , is visiting friends in Hensall and Kippen, dr. and Mrs, L, F. Ashton were in n Thomas London and St. 1 h r s as t l t week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera return- ed last week from a visit with friends in Detroit, Misses Emily and Beatrice Potter spent Sunday with Arthur friends, Mr. Arthur Stephens, of Toronto, spent a few days last week with his parents in town.:' Miss Margaret Ashton, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at her Home here. Arthur Stephens, of Toronto; is vis- iting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H, Stephens, of Gorrie, Stanley Edgar, second concession of Howick, left for the west. recently: Thefirst telephone line was instal- led in Howick just 'twenty years ago and had five` subscribers. At first sub- scribers on the Fordwich, Gorrie and: Wroxeter systems had to pay to use each other's lines, Today, Howick has 600 telephones installed, a good record for a 'strictly rural township, The Progressive Circle will meet at the parsonage next•Monday evening. All members, are cordially invited. There was a large congregation for the communion service last Sunday morning in the United church. Rev, F. Craik will conduct anniver- sary services at Newbridge church next Sabbath at 11 awn, and, 7.30 p.m. This is the sixtieth anniversary for the Newbridge congregation. Several from here attended the meeting of Huron Presbytery held in Wroxeter church on. Monday. Services at the United church next Sabbath: II a.m., Rev. E. F. Chand- ler of Fordwich; • 7 pan., Rev. W. J. Maines of Walton. Let every mem- ber be present to hear these visitors, Mr. Janes Eaton has disposed of his butcher business here to Mr. Reg. Newton. Mr. Eaton is running a meat shop in Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright left on Tuesday for their home in Elora after visiting relatives in St, Thomas and London. Gorrie village was well represented at the Howick township school fair, ,held at Fordwich on Saturday after- noon. Weather conditions were ideal and keen interest was shown in the several contests. Rev. W. D. McDonald will preach anniversary sermons in Gorrie United church on Sunday,' October IGth. Special' music, a day of inspiration, harvest thankoffering for local church funds. Miss wo To visit our stores and carefully and leisurely inspect the stock on our Shelves. You will find many tempting lines of merchandise, and the low, prices Sur, rise On.. special Values es for Your Baking Supplies king Pow Eloi ilftelee Brand ig Contains No Moen 16 -oz. tin reg. 25c. Cooks' Friend� SPs+: Csoles9 Friend `hiT lar Fine Pastry IID -oz, tin 'White Satin s �W /5 Maur 244im. bag twaddle l q u » Cocoanut . 1r:,, ,iY • lb. hie e,flf �:tS,a I,,.si New Season's OA1 VILLE OEs E,'TULSRT'95 40 -oz. Jar Rascarry. reg. 49c awbs reg. .STee seen: Y 4 Aunt ; anaain Satan tin— KOC iayllExissaeis Large tin ISO 11 alleees'y$r Farendued z,, ')f d)c Choc late 1/4.11b. 2-a2. Elevating ng v n;i d ExtractsLemnc a 10C IIoiineg Sugar 31bs. 25e nik Cocoa 2 $Asst. 35c C.'a ir4eilrr !t�e9 e Marshmallows ^'' logst. Crean of G, a. 11Y XIV 2 31, lm Ithaddie tin OVatg$s 90 1Multets 2 pkat.27c The ek?essidast Cereal .,bJ1,ftee ig RiScuits sow gar tl1► �1t e1 Ile . O O Jelly Prt9wirdor „itis the liquid flavor, sealed in a sugar bud, ,,which improves the flavor, 3 pats. 250 'TASTY" BEAD You ate misting a at treat. if you da not ere Tuts' Dread. It is different, and you Will 6e' s n-pthed with taw delightful flavor. may Loin It's Wrapped c .1 ',"Saye y o oleic atsals plat. Draw r,: alb For. Slow Drain, tin Oh 14y 3 tins flared C2eaetiiee $5c' SoOoS. For Pot,. and Pats -.. p A oaAiiA• pktt. 2JC der 3 iPooWti Jean Earls, .of Toro• nto, spent Sfrnday: at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Henry and family spent the week -end in Orange- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Cobus and daughter, from near Listowel, ;visited at I. S. Durst's on Sunday, Mr. T. G. Hemphill is having some concrete work done 'to strengthen the dant. Harry Granger shippedtwo loads of live stock 'from this station 'Sat- urday. While George Griffiths was driving cattle on the Brusstas road Saturday night, a car, said to be showing no lights, raft in among them and brake one of the beast's legs. Wroxeter school fair, held on Tues- day, the 13th, was a splendid success. The weather, for the time of year, was quite *warm, The pupils' exhib- its were ahead of former years.. Miss Ruth McClelland received the silver oup for, the highest number of points. There is a nice surplus in the treasury this year which no doubt will be used to extend the prize list next year, The District Representative will like- ly publish the list of prize winners. WROXETER "SA" grand Florida Ctiitlned Grape Fruit ey lieortuud sail196434 Tits e urday from visiting her Son at Fer- gus. A little son has conte to brighten the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Me - Neil, Mr, James McNeil and Carl Doug- las took in the London fair last week, GLENANNAN Miss Mary .Gilles, of Kincardine, is visiting with her cousin, Mrs. •Muir. Mr, Percy Copeland, of Wroxeter, his mother,`. Mrs. Copeland, Mr. Kirke, also Mrs. Kerr and son Clif- ford, of Stratford, were renewing old acquaintance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. Miss Edith Metcalfe, of Toronto, is Visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. Among those who attended the London exhibition last week were, Mr. and Mrs. William IVIcGill, Mrs: Reuben Appleby, Miss Ruth Stokes, .Liss Myrtle' Bennett, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Capipb'ell, Mr. Thomas Met- calfe, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes, and Mr; Grant Wilton. Miss Myrtle Stokes spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Maribelle Bolt, on . the sixth line. BLUEVALE Miss Bernice Shaw returned home last week, after spending two months at Muskoka. Mr, and Mrs. John Mundell and daughter Hazel were in Guelph Sat- urday attending the Smeltzer-Meigh ten wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan were visitors one evening last week at the home -of Mr. and Mrs: Milton Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geddes, of Bel - grave, and Mrs. John Mustard, sec- ond line Morris, were visitors on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw. Miss Martha Fraser was a visitor for a few days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Nicholson. A, large number from in and around Bluevale took in London fair last week. 1VIrs, Smeltzer attended the wedding ol'her son. Parker in Guelph on Sat- urday. Mr. Earl Hislop, , of Craighurst, spent a few days Last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw. Mrs. Roger Oke and Miss Edith Moffatt had their tonsils removed in the Wingham hospital Friday morn- ing, and both are doing nicely. The community was shocked on Saturday to hear of the death of Mr. Robert. Black, of near Gorrie. BELMORD Is Timothy a 'Tory; "fuisht, lasht, and all the toime?""•Thos is aro 'Tory that, knows itis Irish like he floes, or will own to being Irish. About thirty .members of the Wo BELGRAVE SCHOOL FAIR Wheat -Elmer Arbuckle, Margaret Irwin. - Wheat, sheaf — Elmer Arbuckle, Leslie Vincent, Margaret Irwin, Reg- inald; Watson. , Oats -George Carter, Howard Ir- win,- Alfred. Mason. Oats, sheaf -George Carter, Alfred Mason, Reginald Rintoul, Howard Ir- win. Barle Robinson. Barley—Ross I Barley, 'sheaf—Ross Robinson. ' Field Corneio ears—Jean Higgins. Field Corn, 3 stalks—Roy Patti- son, Jean Higgins, Nora Wheeler. Sweet. Corn—Frances Edgar„ Hel- en Edgar; John Gear, Henry Patti- son, Bruce Scott, Marion Macaulay. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler—jack' Hig- gins, Robert Scott, Gordon Kerr, Phyllis Watson, Dicky Irwin, .Margar- et Cunnington. Potatoes, Green Mountain -• Roy Pattison, Jack Clegg, Doris Scott, Jean Robertson, Jim McCalluni,_.11,1fi• dred Mason. - Potatoes, Dooley — Eileen McCal- lun1, Marjorie Jamieson, Annie Mc- Dowell, Charles Scott, Winnifrt:d Ed- gar. Marigolds — Graeme Anderson, George Grigg, Robert Yuen, Mildred Mason, Graeme McDonald, Stanley Black. " Turnips — Charlie Higgins, Mary Robertson, ' Claa once Yuill, ktartarct Cools, Bross Anderson, Mae Young. Beets-- Mildred Scobie, -Creighton. Reid, Janet Watson, Donalda Mc- men's Institute enjoyed the, hospital- Lean, Gertrude Arbuckle, Margaret ity of Mrs. William' Irwin, Wednes- Cunnnington: il n, Cor- day afternoon. The business part of Caerau:,—1�1arjori,e ;Hamilton, > " for a bine McLean :Hilda Black; Carson the meeting was in planning tote. , fowl supper, to be held in October, Watson, Kenneth Wheeler, Edna Vin - after which Miss Elden Renick, of cent, McIntosh, gave a paper on the topic, Parsnips—(No' At or 2nd), 7ella "13e a good sport; melee life worth Cook, Albert Cook. while where you are." Miss Blanche Onions—Janet Scobie, Jessie Ar- Irwin gave a solo, Roll call, <'V'Vlrat buckle, Ferrol Higgins, Stanley ID - has hclp,ed me most," was responded win, Myrtle Yuill, Annie Scott. An e'etllent lunch was prepac'Asters-Janet Scobie, 'Edna Vin - Mrs, Trlciiy Mrs. 'Mulvey and Mrs, cent Leslie 14I sour s h et Peas—Mildred a Irwin, A vote of thanks to the host- Swer ess brought: the meeting to a close, Vincent. ,Mrs. John Peterman returned Sat- Phlox. ---Margaret• Cook; Hazel Mc -'I ble, 'Rellison Bone, Roy Pattison, • Nethery. Gregor; Gertrude Arbuckle, Creighton Reid, Marjory .Hai'uilton. Zinnia—Corinne McLean, Florence Blair. African Marigolds—Nora -Wheeler, Stanley Black, Alfred "'Mason, Graerne McDowell. Gaillardia••—Mary Robertson. Calendula—Eileen McCallum, Jes- sie Arbuckle, Lloyd Mason, Wellington Marks, John Leitch. Field flowers—Robert Yuill, Mur- ray Logan, Reginald Wilton; Marjor- ie Hamilton, May Coulter. Native ' leaves - Rellison Bone, Lloyd. Workman, Annie Scott, Lev- ina McBurney, Creighton Reid, Car- son Watson, Native woods --Robert Scott, R.oy Pattison, Bruce Scott, Robert Yuill, French Marigolds — Iyan Irwin, Jun McCallum, George Noble, Kenneth Mason, Harvey McDowell, Map. of Huron--IKenneth Leitch, Leslie Vincent, Dwight Reid, Lloyd Workman, Garner Nicholson, Lloyd McCauley. Map of Canada --Ruth Noble, .Ma- Cockerel — Mary Robertson, Don- son Robinson, Mildred Mason, Jean alda,IV.fcLean, Margaret Cunnington, Higgins, Corinne McLean, Janet Wat- Bruce; Scott, Corinne McLean, son, Graeme Anderson. Map of North America — Velma Pullet -Mary Robertson, Donelda !Wheeler, Ross Robinson, Dorothy McLean, May Frisby, Graeme. Ander Vincent, Graham McDowell, Marjor- son, Corinne McLean. ie, Jamieson, Mildred Scobie: Pen of three`—Mildred Mason, Mary Writing, "A Secret" Margaret Robertson,, Corinne McLean, Donelda Coulter, Freda Jordan, Mae Young, McLean, Robert Yuill, Ross Ander- King Hastings, Margaret Higgins, son. 'Harvey Edgar: Pen of two—George Michie, Mary l Writing, "Water" — Helen Edgar, Robertson, Ivan Irwin, Stanley Black,: Lovetta Nichol, Ferrol Higgins, Graeme Anderson, Ross Anderson. 1 Dwight Reid, Creighton Reid, Lena White Leghoi•ns-Doris Scott, May Marks. Frisby; Anna McDowell, Charlie' Writing, "Daffodils" - Margaret Lloyd Workman. Scott 1, tjorie Jamieson, Ross 1 Cunningon Mar� 7 White Wyandottes—Clarence Yuill, Robinson, Jean Leitch, Harvey Mc- Myrtle Yuill, I Dowell, Velma Wheeler. R. I. Reds -- May Frisby, Bruce.; Writing, "Leisure"—Mary Robert - Scott, son, Corinne McLean, Jim McCal- Black Minorcas George Gregg; lune, Norman Coulter, Jean Robert- Velma Wheeler, Kenneth Wheeler, ,son, Dorothy Higgins. Brown Leghorns—Kenneth Leitch, . Class 83A -Robert Scott, Roy Pat - Eileen McCallum, John Leitch,' Rob- tison, Mary Robertson, Margaret Ir- ert Yuill Myrtle Yuill. win, Wesley Cook, Ruth Noble, Duck's—Ivan Irwin, Ross Ander Sunset scene Villeta Chamney, son; Kenneth Mason, Stanley Black, George Noble, George Michie, Rob- Mason Robinson, Merle Anderson, ert Yuill, Florence Blair, Reg, Wet - Heaviest pair Barred Rocks, one son. prize—George Michie. Drawing of tulip—Mabel McCallum, Heaviest pair White Leghorns, one Lloyd Workrnan, Lena Marks, Levitta prize—Doris' Scott, Nichol. Creighton Reid, Dwight Reid. White eggs—Gordon Nethery, Dor- Illustration of nursery rhyme— is Scott, Robert Yuill, George Gregg, Ferne McCallum, Anna McDowell, Myrtle Yuill, Hazel McGregor. Edna Vincent, Lorne McCauley. Brown eggs' — Eileen IvicCalluni, Drawing of duck—Henry Pattison, Charlie Higgins, Marjorie Hamilton, Jim Coultes, Stewart Clokey, Archie Leslie Vincent, Ruth Wheeler, Hazel Young, Bobby Henry. McGregor.. Plan of farm kitchen -Florence White eggs, special, one prize— Blair,. Laurette Nichol, Myrtle Yuill, Doris Scott. Lena Marks, Marion McCauley, Jan- Brown eggs, special, one prize— et Watson. Leslie Vincent 1 Plan of barn basement—Robert Dahlias—Ferrol Higgins, Norman Scott, Roy Pattison, Harvey 11cDow- I No. 3, No. z3, No. 7 E.W., No. 7 M.; Coulter, Mary Robertson, Mae Coul- ell, Mervyn McCauley, Wellington No, 17, No. 9. ter, George Grigg paries, Robert Yuill. Marching -No. 17, No. ex, No Dwight Reid. Verbena -Clarence Yuill, Cosmos—Jack Clegg, Lavine Mc Burney, John A. Gear. Quilt patch—Corinne McLean, Zel la Cook, Donelda 1vicLean, Mn. thas- by, 21fac Coulter, Levitta :.Nichol. Doll's apron -Gertrude Arbuckle, Mai Coulter, Lovina Mc13ur•ney, Myr- tle Yuill, Levetta Nichol, Margaret Coulter. Pillow case—Zella Cool., Gertrude Arbuckle, Corinne IVIcLean, Hilda Black, Dressed doll—Mae Frisby, Margar- et Higgins, Mae Coulter, Margaret, Coulter, Handkerchief lace—Marjorie Jam- teson, Marion McCauley, Mildred Scobie. Matched patch on gingham—Mar- ion McCauley, Marjorie .Hamilton, Jessie Arbuckle, Marjorie Jamieson, Velma 'Wheeler, Hazel McGregor, Buttonholes -Hazel McGregor, Margaret Cook, Marjorie Jamieson; Velma Wheeler, Marion McCauley, Florence Blair, Tatted insertion — Margaret Cook, Florence Blair, Crocheted insertion -- Margaret Cook, Marjorie Hamilton, Linen towel Hazel McGregor, Marion McCauley, Mildred Scobie, Margaret Cook, Marjorie Hamilton, Florence Blair. Knitted scarf — Mildred Mason, Marion -McCauley,' Fall apples — Lavina McBurney; George Carter, Mason Robinson, Bob- by Henry, Hazel McGregor, Dwight Reid.' Winter apples—Lavina IVIcBurncy, Stanley Irwin, Marjorie Hamilton, Corinne McLean, Bobby Henry, Les - he 'Vincent. Essay, "My Garden Plot"-Levetta Nichol. Essay, "Improvements- Jessie Arbuckle, Phyllis Watson, Janet Wat- son Wellington Marks,, John Leitch. - Essay, "Native Birds" — Robert' Yuill, Marion McCauley, Florence Blair. ' Judging live stock— Robert Yuill, Jerrie Brydges, Reg. Watson, Ross Robinson,' Mason Robinson. Judging poultry—Mason 'Robinson. T. Eaton special—Mary Robertson. Manner displaying identity (school section)—No, 13, No. 8,' No. 711,, No. 7 E. W., No. rz, No. 5, Physical culture (school section) Gladioli -Mae --Young, Jack Clegg, I Model in Plasticine—Stewart Cloak -1 No. 7 L.W., No: 8, No. 3. 13, Ruth Wheeler Velma Wheeler, - Hil- ey, Henry Pattison, Ross Anderson, Deportment -No. 8, No. 7 E.W., a Black, aures ou e , .r.... -- , t Bouquet from home garden—Bobby' Clegg, 1h t ,.,,. ifi:t�t ---.. 1 d Bl k J C Its Ruth Wheeler Archie Young, Jack No. 57, No. 9 E.W., No. 13, No. I.I. Henry, Mae Young, Corinne McLean, Mary Robertson, Rellison Bone, John Gear. -• Milking stool—Bruce Scott, Clar- ence Yuill, Leslie Vinent, J. Leitch. Nail box—Harvey IVIkDoweil, Les- Asters—Bobby Henry, Eileen Me- lie Vincent, Robert 'Yuji], Lloyd Callum, Rellison Bone, Anna McDow- Workman. ell, George Carter, Florence Nethery. Patch on overalls --Mervyn McCaul- Bumpkin—Alice Cools, Jack Hig- ey, Lloyd McCauley, George 1Vliclue, gins, Ross Taylor. Mason Robinson, Stanley Black. Tomatoes — Ross 'Taylor, Alice ` Paper model—Edna Vincent, Janet Cook, Velma Cook, Dicky Irwin, Roy Scobie, Kenneth Wheeler, Mae Robinson, Wilma` Grigg. Young, Henry Pattison. Alice Cook, Gordon Nethery, Wilma Woodwork model - Graeme Mc- Citron—Floy Mason, Alfred Mason, Dowell, Harvey McDowell, Murray Grigg. ; Logan, Robert Yuill„ Rellison ,Bone. Sunflower — Merle Anderson, Jim! . Bran gens—Alice Cook, Margaret Coultes, Ferne McCallum, Gordon Coulter, Ruth Wheeler, Donelda. Mc - Nethery, Wilma Grigg.Lean, Myrtle Anderson, Wilma Grigg . Dairy calf—Ross Anderson, Bobby Dark cake—Ferrol Higgins, Zella Henry, Albert Cook, Ross Robinson.1 Cook, 'Corinne McLean, Florence Beef calf — Stanley Black, Bruce 1 Blair, Myrtle Yuiil, Mabel McCallum. Scott, Mason Robinson. • • Apple pie—Mabel McCallum, Hil- Agricultural colt -Marjorie Hamil- da Black, Dorothy Golly, Mae Cool - ton, ..Gordon Kerr, Jerry Budges. -' ter, Florende Netherby, Corinne Mc - Pair lambs, short wool Bobby: Lean. - Home-made candy—Wilma Breen, Ruth Noble, Mildred Mason, , Mac Frisby, Ferrol Higgins, Mae Coulter. Cabbage salad—Florence Nethery, Anna McDowell, Hilda Black, Helen Edgar, Florence Blair, Mae Coulter. 'Light' cake—Dorothy Higgins, ,Vil- ma Wheeler, Margaret Cunningham, Eileen McCallum, Marjol•ie•Janrieson, Margaret Cook. 1, Buns — Dorothy Higgins, Marion McCauley, Margaret Cook, Marjorie. Hamilton. • Raisin pie—Hazel McGregor, Mar- garet Cook, Marjorie Jamieson, Ber- nice Breen, Aileen McCallum, Mary - Robertson. Biscuits -Marjorie Hamilton, Mary McCauley, Hazel McGregor, 13ernice Breen, Aileen McCallmrn. • Drop fruit cookies—Mary Robert- son, Hazel McGregor, Marjorie 'Ham- ilton„ Marion McCauley, Margaret Cools, Velma Wheeler, School lunch—Mildred .Scobie, Ha- zel McGregor, Aileen McCalluns, 1.r u- ise Breen, Mary Robertson, Marion McCauley. 13.utter-b:Cargaret Cook, Bary Rob- ertson, Hest 5 lbs. butter—Margaret Cook, Mary Robertson, Raert Yuill. Henry, Ronald Coultes,. Aileen Me - Callum. Pair lambs, long wool—Leslie Vi:n-- cent. Bacon hogs—Ronald Coultes, Les- lie Vincent, Jinn Coulter. Baby beef—Bruce Scott. Best heavy colt --Marjorie Hamil- ton. ' Pair market lambs—Robert Henry,. Ronald Caultes, Leslie Vincent, Ail- een McCallum. - Beef calf -Stanley Black. Rabbits — Ferre McCallum, -Edna Vincent, Leslie Vincent: Dog—Ivan Irwin, Jack Clegg, 13oh- hie Henry, Lloyd Cook, Lloyd Rola ei•tsor, Cameron Rintoul. Cat—Jack Higgins, Ring Hastings, Harry l'attison, Donelda McLean, Wilma. Grigg, Graente Anderson. l'air pigeons ---Clarence Ytuill, Wel- lington Marks, Mabel McCallum, Rel- lison Bone, May Coulter, Leslie Vin- cent. 1 Canary—Rellison Bone, Eileen Mc- Callum, Jim McCallum, Mildred Ma- son, Stanley Meek. Other pet --Bobby Henry, Kenneth Mason, Kenneth Leitch, Logan, welds ls — Murray Ross Robinson, Dorothy Vincent, Robert Yuill, Reginald 'Watson,' Best dark cake—Aileen .1vlcCallunr, George M r c I Marjorie Hamilton, 1)011e1 a lI Leal , Stomach Gas Drives Man From Bed "I had gas so bad I had to get ,up nights on account of the pressure on. my heart. 1 used Adlerika and have been entirely relieved,"—R F. Krue- ger. Even the FIRST spoonful of Ad- lerika relieves gas andoften removes astonishing amount of old waste mat- ter . from the system. Makes you en- joy your meals and sleep better. No . matter what you have tried for your. stomach and bowels, Adlerika will 1 surprise you. McKibbon's Drug Store. 1. 1 Get your Radia pepped ped up for the Dempsey-Tunney fight this Thursday night at so p.ril. Call the Radio Shop, !phone 10 Or 234, 1..iou401. g;,:�.:,�r„�.:. II rnr 111E111,21111E1I1211151111 I l i I!> 11111111.111111 bili' a-- eady For Colder ' eather Our Pall and Winter OVER -;PI' „ COATS are now in. These fi- lo Coats are made up in the lat- = I est popular styles and colors; all hand tailored, and :finished 1 I with the best of material, andpri are priced to compete with any. •= 11x1 We have our Fall samples for pl MADE-TO-1VIEASURE SUITS n and OVERCOATS. We ' can it • take your order, make delivery Fa in ten days, and guarantee a fit. — Oveialls, Smocks, Work Pants' and Vests—you willShirts; find ! whatyou want here-,-Peabody's, • Kitchen or Haugh's are the pop- ular brands. r 'BOOTS and SHOES—With ft' ▪ leather prices advancing, Shoes pp1; will he much higher in price. We h,ave them` still at the law price „ China and Crockery --Dinner SII Sets, Tea Sets, or Clover Leaf: mg or plain white in open stock: rig —0— ▪ We pay the highest prices for ▪ produce. You save money both i- ll ' ways by dealing here.EE - DAV Y'S STORE 'Weed seeds—Bruce Scott, Rtith No- 11'1:yrtic Yuill, Mae Coulter, Florence isWROXETETto 1111011111111r21,Il lloust lisnoiI1MagoIlMI1111 11111