HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-22, Page 2, WitIONAM MOVANCE-TIMVS 1 A Few of The Special Bargains we are offering tor Fair lays. Saturday 01=tvizturzazikagagmatIMMISIOUSSIMMINVIS 1045 All -Wool FLANNEL yd. 1019 1.35ALL WOOL SERGE yd. 9Z C 1.45 A11 Wool SANTOY yd. 1 019 3.19 Silk Canton CREPE yd. 2.49 1.25 COLORED PONGEE yd, 89c 1095BLACK DUCHESS yd. 1.59 2.2541-10T TAFFETTA yd., L89 75c ALL WOOL SERGE yd. 59C 75c ALL WOOL TWEED yd.59C 1000ALL WOOL TWEED yd.89C 25c NURSE CLOTH yd. 19c 35c GALATEA yd. 29C 60c ART SATEEN yd. 39C 25c FACTORY COTTON yd. 15c 30C LINEN TOWELLING yd.]. 9 C 22C GINGHAM yd. 15 39C LINEN TOWELS each 29c 1.50FANCY TOWELS each 89C 5025LUNCHEON SETS each3069 2045BED SPREADS ... each 1.89 50c SILK HOSE pair 29c 50c WORSTED HOSE pair 39c 1.00SILlt-WOOL HOSE pr. 69c 75.c. SILK -STRIP VEST each 59C 90C Silk -Strip BLOOMERS 75C 950Union, Vests, seconds, ea. 89C 15C HANDKERCHIEFS each a 9c 60c RUBBER APRONS each 39C 25C RUBBER PANTS each 15C 1025ALLIMINU1VI KETTLES 89c 1.00cups and SAUCERS ea, 69C 25c Talctz Powder 2 for 29c 10 C HAIR NETS DOZ.29 C 1025 UMBRELLAS each 99c 1.79FLETT PYJAMAS eac121019 1.25FLETT GOWN each 89c 50c LISLE SOCKS pair 19c 15c Colored Border inrs ea 9C 30c LINEN HXFS. each19c L25 SILK TIES each 89C 50c SOFT COLLARS each 19C 59 Co, CUSHIONS each 43c 1.59 PICTURES each 98c 121t, FELT MATS each 10 C 1.00rLoon WAX ....tn 75c 10C CURTAIN' RODS coch 5C I 1.0,7514,00'SZ DRESSM ea. 98c 50c xnnint nRESS:St ..ea. 39c 2.95R'AIN CAPE'S each L29 3.95 RMI COATS out 2998 5.95RA1N SLICKERS each 3.49 1.25.0,Aum CLOCKS eaeb. 89c .00cticgoocLocs 69c 1.004LAssWAT T ea, 69 1.25MIXINO Bova, SPIT ea. 89 C 19c suN vuoRs .„_„.. .ch 15c Every Special •A Real130trgaiti Many Other Attractive Specials oh oismay on e,t, Gomel ome Again WINGIIA1VI FALL FAIR SEPT • 22, 23 Thurs4ay,,September ooml, X92 watioamtatotworatituaRsitpust,a‘toplatomitionili The THE WALKER STORE Low Prices Every Day 0 RAN:D FALL SHOWING cress, • New Cloths. at, THE S Yid ',IP'00,M0,4.4VM4Veri, A ow Styles. LAY F Dresses. In very chick styles for old or young. Styles that help you keep the youthful figure. They come in Satin, Geor- gette, Flat Crepe, Faille, Wool Crepe, Flannel, Poiret' Ottoman Cord, Etc., •and the •Colors • are most pleasi lg in the New Autumn Shades. All are priced to meet the most careful buyer. GLOVES. Never has a finer show- ing of Gloves been offer- ed in a town •twice the size of Winghatn. We have Gloves to meet every purse. See our special circular for a few numbers. Coats, Lines That Are Different. Our late buying enables us to show you The Last Word Out. You will. be amazed at the high quality of our Garments; at the low prices we ask. Blacks, Blues, Brown and Wines pre- dominate. but there is a good showing of all the Fawn and Sand Shades as well, Our range con- tains sizes up to size 48. We invite your cordial inspection. MILLINERY FOR MOTHER, SISTER OR BABY Dozens and Dozens of New Hats will be on display. No word is necessary regarding styles and price. both. Buy Your fiat Here. Silts Dress Goods and We have bought and arranged a umber of Real Price Lines in both Silks and Wool Goods, Absolutely the best altering we have ever wade for you which Is saying a lot, A few num- bers you will find listed ,on special circular sent you, but there are many more values just as good to be found on our display counters, If it be for ;street or evening wear you will find a choice selec- of 'Pleasing Cloths to choose front WE INVITE INSPECTION AT ALL TI1VIES. You are assured a a square deal in Se� Our Dispiay attheFall Fat DRESSE COATS MILLINERY New Colorings. T E • SEASON Silk Underwear. If it be VESTS, KNICKERS, SLIPS, GOWNS PYJAMAS, COMBS, ETC., you will find it to your advantage to make a selection here. We carry the best makes only. Gordon, Woods- • Lavender, Moodies — none better any- where,. They come in White, Peach, Pink, Rose, Mauve, Green, Sand, Black, Etc, The Best Values Always. We are Showing a Real Line -Up of Specials For Fair Days. Be Sure To Get Your Share. For DRESS FLOWERS DRESS BUCKLES FANCY COLLARS SILK UNDERWEAR IIANDKERCBIEFS • 'UMBRELLAS JAZZ GARTERS NOVELTIES, ETC. eUs our Windows. WASII ROOM • TOILETS • For•our convenience on 2nd Floor the:jiiiide.::01!...*j -Store.