HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-08, Page 8( ct • /1,:1 School 141.1 1. .tft,, A Shops - of Proven Merit 0•004•0510100001000100.110000041101.0•014150004000000010000.0...".......".."........"....."4 We are prepared for SCHOOL OPENING with Quality Shoes that will prove our leadership in Children's Footwear. .0104.00091100001110•011000.1001100001.000003001.1001.0004(81001141000010t7.1051001.110111000001J0.0500It000001[04' . ring the Boys and Girls and and let s tit them correctly with a air of our splendid Seho 1 Shoes. t.au 140111000100462.061014.08100100101•0080000900•00.00004100600000110011.0.1100400040210., The Good Shoe Store. GREER Phone 23 Nakcal*IIMMINININ*Wairintalsillieelk •4t • mitx•Almm•Agynk• • • Istommtwv•42 j2gagarr THE MAITLAND CREAMERY CREAM We can handle your Cream, Grade, Test and Pay for it the same day you bring it in. Do not forget we are working on Co -Operative Marketing of Cream, 'Share the profits every six months. Galt, Toronto Creamery, Guelph, Wingham, in same organization. ....•••=0111.11111110 THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingham, Ontario. 5 •SIe 4 11 user. settees teeteisser 11I111111111111111111.11111,111111111131,1111111111111111111 11111111X111111311141111E11611111111IIIIIMIII*111111111111111111114111151— ATTE1TIO Nor .3.*tmatm.olamtmleatineleisome.rame4:4**.rwoopte; _sL Royal service std.Lion Special attention given to the Lubrication of Cars of all makes. te it FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE st FREE INSPECTION OF YOUR CLUTCH, DIFFERENTIAL, ets se- and TRANSMISSION. - - FREE AIR. rif -11 • ii111111111 11111111i "PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE” is the keynote of this Station. 112111 J. E. HOMUTH BRITISH AMERICAN PRODUCTS Main Street N., 111 I II 111 11111111111111111181141111111IIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR1115111111111112111111111111111 low mmummummemummilmammummanummummommautommEm = LYCEUM THEAT E tIMIllmettnISSIZIONIMIMMIMaraMICIMIIIIHRIMESIMMOilinift=1111.1.1111WAI Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 'Sept. 8, 9, 10. BEBE DANIELS ._—.......IN "Stranded In Paris." mOrrektrookitotwooti1014mozo.u.exettatmtm.n.m.totwookat**emomolloisallonatetwomiskaaosoall IVioriday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 13, 14 iii COLLEEN MOORE "Naughty But Nice?' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 ay Harold 8e11 VVright @ imtiolignimmomintaimiltomm*mmmodi wommolommrnamollamOmOmMmxmot Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 15, 16, 17 RONALD COLEMAN' and VILMA BANKEY ----- "Pie Winning of Barbara Worth" ''''''''' Blei,JEVALE The W.M,S, and Ledies' ,Aid of Knox Presbyterian church met at the home of Mrs, J. W, Leggett on Thursday, Septenster set. The presi- dent, Mrs. C. H. Garniss, presided and read the scripture lesson (Rom- ans 12), after which Mrs. Mowbray led in prayer, Mrs. H. B. Jamieson gave a mos interesting and instrhctive address: "Every Christian a,llissionary." The fact was brought outethat while there must be specially trained and divine- ly called groups to •do special work, there also must be equally devoted groups to give their financial, moral and spriitual support, to which end the W.M.S. is working, thus giving every loyal member of the society the right to be called a missionary, Christ's command was imperative: "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Chrie- tians will really turn the world up- side-down for Christ when they get the missionary vision. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Walter Smillie read an address ex- pressing the regret felt by the soci- eties at the loss of Mrs. Leggett, who has been treasurer of the W.M. S. and who is shortly to leave for her new home in Whitechurch, and Mrs. James, Kerton presented her with a silver bread tray. Mrs. Leg- gett thanked, the societies for their kind remembrance, and the meeting closed by singing hymn No. ses, The LadiesAid decided to held their bazaar October 22nd, • Miss Mary Campbell, of TorontO is spending her vacation at the home of her grandparents, M,r. and Mrs Hutton. Mrs. John Robb and Miss Nina Robb, of Seaforth, and Dr. and Mrs. 'Hughes and Miss Helen, of London, spentcSunday with. Mrs. Alice Alt- ieSacram.ent of the Lord's Supper will be observed in ICnox. Presbyter- ian church Sunday morning, Septem- ber esth. Dr. Perrie, of Wingham, will conduct the service; also prepare- tery service Friday evening. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Abe Vint and family-, of Stratford, spent the holidays with the former's brother and sister, Mr. Gilbert Vint and Mrs. William Bald- win, tenth concession. Mrs. D. Parrish returned to her home in Lucknow after spending three weeks with'her daughter, Mrs. Angus McDermid, near Nile. Mrs. Angus McDermid, of Nile, spent a week in Toronto with her daughter and attended the C.N.E. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. I. Congrana, near Lucknow, has not been well for over two •weeks. We hope she may have a speedy recovery. The Misses Isabel and Marion, and Jim Alton, have returned to their home in Toronto after spending four weeks at the home of their -uncle, Mr. John Mullin; also Mr. and Mrs. Rob. Hoare and daughter, Miss Ail- een, of Guelph, after a weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Mullin. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Moffat and daiighter Margaret and Miss "Emma. Richardson, from Langside, spent ' ney were Goderich visitors on Satur- Monday evening at the home of Mr. Robert Scott, tenth concession. Mr. John O'Reilly and sister Mag- gie, of Boston, Mass., and Mr, Herb. Drennan, near I(intail, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin one day last week. and. Mrs. Robert Vint and Are nold spent last Sunday with relatives near Belfast. Mrs, Mike O'Reilly has gone on a visit to her son's in Detroit. Miss Lena Hackett, near Belfast, tommenced her duties as teacher in twelfth concession school, West Wa- wanosh. • Miss Pearl Congram, from near Kinloagh, has been engaged as teach- er in Belfast school, whieh re -opened. on Thursday, the end inst. Mt. Jim Culbert and daughter Bea- trice took in' the Toronto fair last week. Findlay Shackleton, ninth con- cession, near Mafeking, left for his school near Gravenhurst last Tues- day morning Miss Allen, of Wingham, spent a few days with Mrs. Norman Shackle- ton, ninth cohcession. Mr. McLean and family returned to their home itt • after spehding their vacation at the former's home, twelfth concession, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tigert and two children spent Sunday with rela- tives in Dungannon. Born to Mr, and MrsJame on Sunday, August 2ist, a daughter. Mr, John Bennett, Port Albert, had as visitor last Monday from. St. Itches, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Ruther- ford, Mrs. Mesh Rutherford, Mrs, W. J. Miller and Miss W. D. Rutherford. Mesere. Jim and Charlie Sherwood, of Detroit, spent, the week -end with to, ViSited at the home of his sister, WIN9H,AVI ADVANCE -TIMES SherWo6d, tenth concession, Mr. and; Mrs, Chester Ritehie, of Detroit, Motored over and spent the wetlk-end with relativeS here. Mr. and Mrs, \Vat. Alton spent Sunday u Seaforth, T. HELENS Messrs, D. 13, and Cliffe Murray, George Stuart and John Cameron were at Lucan on Tuesday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. R, Mur- ray, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, of Freel- ten, were guests recently with their aunt, Mrs, James Barbour. October 16th is the date set for the United church anniversary, when Riv. Mr, Alp, of Auburn, will preach. Ar- rangements are being made for a fowl supper to be held the Tuesday even- ing following, Miss Beatrice McQuillin is a visit- or with friends around Holyrood. School re -opened on Thursday with Mr. Culbert, of Rip*,, as principal, and Miss Vera Todd_ in the junior room of St Helens school, Mr. Ar- chie McKinney; teaches at No. 3, lUiss Grace Lockhart at Fordyce, and Miss Congram at Belfast. The following were among those who attended the Toronto exhibition: Atessrs. W. I, Miller, Tom Todd, Ha- mish McFarlene, Cecil Hyde, Coral McDonald, Rege Levis, Mrs. George Stuart, and Gordon and Dorothy Mil- ler. Me. W. • L ktiller was succesful in carrying off second prize for his pen of Barred Rocks, also two \ fourths and one fifth at the C.N.E. Rev. H. ' G. and Mrs. Whitfield, started on Monday for a weeks motor and camping trip. I, Miss Margaret Thom has returned from a two months visit with - Detroit friends. Mr. Torrance Anderson was home from Defr9it over the holiday. The following teachers' have return- ed to duty after the vacation: Misses W. D. Rutherford, to Thnmins; Glad- ys Webb, to Fort Williain; Caroline Webb, to Part Credit; Dorothy Web- ster, to Uno Park; Mabel Wood, to Nile; Mary Durnin, to Dungannon; Colina Clark, to Milverton; • Clara Woods, to •Guelph; Irene Woods, to Golden Valley. Mrs. Jos. Gaunt has been a visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Johnston, in Ashfield,• Iris. John killer and Miss 'Wallace are spending the week at Mr. Elliott Miller's, Lucknow. • WESTFIELD Mrs. Maitland Henry attended To- ronto fair a couple of dayi lest week. Mr. and Mrs, Will Carter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong, of Londesbord, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Carter, of near Brussels, visited at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. W. F. Campbell on Friday. Mr. and MN. Henry Hoover, of Blyth, and Mr. Everett Hoover, • of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor. Miss Bertha 'Ellis left on Monday for her new school at Stayner. Mn and Mrs., Walter Cook and family and Mr, and Mrs. James Tun - day, Miss Ella Sowerby, of Goderich township, commenced, her duties as teacher in S.S. No. 6 on Tuesday ,for another year. Mrs, A, Challenger, of Goderich, visited aver Labour Day with her sister, Mrs. 3...L. Stonehouse. Mrs.. Belli a Londesboro, visited a. few days with Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Mrs, Ellis and Mrs. Bell spent over the week -end with Miss Rose Cov- entry, of Wingham, Mrs. Gordon Cook, of Cochrane, is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Rodger, and other friends. • Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardiner, of Luck - now, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell. Mrs. LaBurr and daughter Dorothy retuttied to their home at Toronto on Monday after spending couple of months with Mrs. Fred J. Cook A. numbet from this vicinity attend- ed the bali game at Goderich on Mon- day. , Mr.. and Mrs, Bert Taylor were Wingham visitors on Monday. Mr. Warren Banford has returned to Wingham High school to resume his studies1 there, Miss Elaine Bam- ford, who was successful in passing her recent exams, is studying this year at Wingham High school. Mrs. J. L. Stonehouse is visiting her sister, Mre. Challeeger, of God- eriA. Miss Corinne Scandrett, of Toron- to, visited iti Wingharrt over the hol- iday. •Miss Mary Thornton, of Toronto, visited at the home of Mr, 0. V. Hay- den. Mr. Alban (Bun) Clark, of Toron. their parents, MI% and Mrs. Storatei m vs, 0, iia don Victoria street, VVHITECIIURCH Mrs, Robert Gibson of Galt, is visiting her sister, Mis, 'William Rob- insoll Miss Kathleen TerritT spent last week with her nitnt, Mrs, Henderson, of Paramount. Mrs. Lee and sun Stewart, and Miss Stewart, of Lanark, and Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGee and Gordon, spent Sun- layodnaotn,the hm oe of Mrs. Simpson, of L Messrs. Milton Bruce and Aldin Purdon, of Leamington, and Elmer Purdon, of DetOit, spent the holiday at their respective homes here, • The •young people •of the United church, Belgrave, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Carripbell, of Marnoch, and presented their grand- danghler, Miss, Irene McDowell, with 'a miscellaneous shower, prior to her mgrriage on Monday to Mr."'Orval Graham, of Stratford. She was also presented with a china slit:iver one afternoon last week by girl friends of Wingham, and her relatives also presented her with a miscellaneous shower at the Emile of her uncle, Mr. Herbert Campbell, of Wingham, the previous week. • • Married, on Monday, at the home of thebriele's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Campbell, of Marnoch, Miss leene McDowell, to Mr. Orval C, Graham, of Stratford. Rev, J. Sco- bie officiated. • The "happy couple left immediately after the wedding dinner for a motor trip to Toronto and oth- er eastern points. The best wishes of a host • of friends accompany the young couple. Mr, and Mr. John Campbell and children, of Aylmer, attended the Graham-Mceowell wedding on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. George Cottle spent the week -end with their daughter, Mrs. Ed, Browning, of Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore spent Sunday with relatives in Dungannon. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Parsons, Miss Addie and Malcolm Ross, of Toron- to, spent the week -end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laidlaw and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holmes spent San - day with Mr. and Mes. Herb. Laid- • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and, family spent Sunday with Mr. Thorrr- as Mathers, of Bluevale• . Rev. Henry Martini and his wife and. family, of Northeitt Ontario, are yisiting with the former's • mother, Mrs. W. M. Martin. Miss Mary Martin left on Tuesday to take a position in Londoe. • Rev. J. Ure and. Mr. Stewart and Marjorie, Kenneth 'and Muriel, of Guelph, visited with Mrs. Mac. Ross and other friends here last week. On Tuesday evening, August 30112, a number of the friends of Mr, • An- gus Mackey gathered at the home of his. parents and after spending a very pleasant social hour, presented hin\t with a .purse. The presentation was made by Mr. Elliott Pelle and the fofrowing address was read by Mrs. Cecil Falconer: • Dear Angus: We are taking this opportunity of saying "good-bye" to you and wish- ing You, "God speed" on your jour- ney. • We felt that we would like to press to you our good will and the high" esteem in which we hold you. This gift from \some of your play- mates, both of yesterday and today, is given to show the 'ilcindly feeling we have for you, and we trust it may bring you some personal comforts and many pleasant reminders of us while on your journey to India. • Mr. and Mrs, A C Fowler and daughter Margaret have returned to IVIilverton where Mr. Fowler has been engaged as principal of the Continua- tion school. They spent .an enjoyable vacation at the home of the former'ss parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Fowler. Mr. and 'Mts. A. C. Fowler, Mrs, John Fowler and Margaret Piowler motored to' Toronto last wait: and attended the Canadian National. Ex- hibition. Saturday morning Mr. 'W, Thone of Auburn; IvEr, J. 14, Thom, C.P.R., Fordwich; Mr. D. Johnston, of James - ton; Mr. Tabltson, of Morris, motored down to- Newmarket, Lake Simcoc, I-lamilton, and vill take in the exhi- bition at Toronto for a few days, They went down in Mr. Thorn's dan- dy Chrysler car. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cruickeleank and family, of Ilateilton, also Mrs. E, Remp, of London, visited over the week -end„ with Mr, Critiekshank's- sis- ter, Miss Nellie, and brothers John and, Andrew, of Soctt street, Wing - ham, mid with their brother George, lower, town. 'They also visited his sisters, Mrs, /allies Moorhead, of Lis- tiwel. and Mrs. Allan Vanalstyne, of !.1 • I • • Hosiery * tomootrownswatmo.u.mostmessOmmo*Iwitoim0.011KNIMIHNIMINItIMWDSMIIIKI.•11UtUMBIN).0004•1604! • • • • KING BROS. 171S • Thusly, September 4tlx, x927 • •41)•••Ii.' ,PAPA4V/.4,•4•Pak1404. 524• •4110.4•VAIK•V• MIIKAMIAtt1/4•••)40M •J k•• Af2110tificing our Opening and Display of Fall Wearables`' Coats, Dresses Wraps Guaranteed Fur Coats • Fur Scarfs ChokeeS ox**01..14.11.411.00morommt.oanowseet.o.mwmmenow Silk Velvets Velveteens Dress Goods Knitted Wear - Gloves Visit our Women's Department and see the new styles _ man a .: saaaannamimagetaammummummon% a 1 THF i t HYDRO SHOP. 11 in re a ctszszo. N IN al IN al Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies NI Irons, Toasters, Lamps and. Fixture's. We'Reitair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. se Ircomsemoeittmett*Mitinelmmbelmotivio.**0•131100.11man*.twatobetaxwmtomegtatmeimmoolisiboace.o.**.attottast. Vacuum Cleaners and Floor For Rent. olishers' MI Wingham Utilities Conimission Crawford Block. Phone, 156. 11 LIM 11.4. aannaaawassa anannonanam amass 111111 Mrand i'Virs. W. 14, `Davidson and Master Gordon Davidson spent the week-eed in Toronto with their daughter, Mrs. H. 0, Stevens. Mr, Harold Cowdnc spent the week -end with friends in Wingham, Mr. John Johnson spent part of last woek in Toronto on business and tak- ing itt the exhibition. Mr. Bruce Edga:r, of Toronto, was tome over the holiday. Miss Vehna Johnston, of London, spent the holiday at the home of her 0.-40000.trottNowttommtor.0.0;1*0;10.0.terammortent WII.SONS Will kill many times rktore files for the meiteY than any other ftykiller. Vaal tad will kill flies first lite Morris; and MrS. Creitle, parents Mr..atel Mrs. Fred, Johnston. all day, .every day, for three ,hank's sill Phil. D6NIsori, o Mt IDottIas motored fromtVgititett$ t•. nd A ot eanielt.altrlo.seteOrtess, the Alps, and' brother Will, BM. ellmore ontreal to 8petut, the holiday il itit 2.511eLpter kag, 13rickyard.•,