HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-08, Page 6,n WINOHAIMI A AICE-TIE WELLINGTON MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO, Established 14o Head Office, Guelph, Ont, Rusks taken on all classes of inSur atzce at reasonable rates, ABNER COSENS, Agent, Winghatn Thur day,, Septezzaber :8th, x92 By Percival Christopher Wren THE CREATES MYSTERY STORY EVER WRITTEN i your neck and go 'Boo' in the 'dark. No,: don't tiro. , , Premise, God! I'm going blind. , . • John . , • John.. , • Where aiie you? • .. Pro- mise, . Confession.. John Within two tniautes of his seizing J. W. DODD Lejaune's ' foot and saving my. lifer y brother was dead.... My splen- FIRE,LIE ACCIDENT in Chisholm Block FIRST READ THIS io?Vel,IthzntiI xrotsedYofdrd,,noble, greathearted Beate ..ND HEALTH The three Geste brothers, Michael, 1 that I would attend to you, all in I have not the gift of tears, I have --- INSURANCE — a AND REAL ESTATE ni_by and Jelin, who left home fele good time. Now I'm going to do it. not cried, since 1 was a baby,; and the. ?, Q. Box 86o Phone zoo lo�rizag a mysterious theit of a valla- - • . I'm &oin s to shoot you note, relief of tears was denied me now. WINGHAM, ONTARIO able sapphire, own. c by their aunt, tt'here yu stand, Half a daaen llirough No, I could not weep. 13th 7 looked Lady Brandon, Sind themselves later the stcamaeh, slxtill we S .y? I don't at the revolver, still clutched in Le- in the French Foreign Legion. Dig want to hurry you unduly out of this jaune's right hand. ,'t.. It was only• by is sent to a training school while pleasant world. . . Oh, no, don't a momentary temptation;. for; I had It}chal and John go to Zinderneuf, think I `want you any longer. The.something to do for Michael. His a lonely fort in the Sahara, The man Arabs won't attack :again today, anrj, last words had laid a charge on ine, in charge, Lejaune, is brave but very they've settled all my mutineers nice- and I would no more fail. Michael, cruel, and on hearing that Michael has, lY for me. .. • An a relief -column Haan I would have failed him when R.. VANSTONE • a sapphire with him tries to get it. A will arrive at dawn. . , Then y0ti he 1}v ed. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, BTC, mutiny breaks out but Lejaune hears and the rest of these cursed dogs Michael's affairs first—and if the 'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of the attempt to kill him and is about will be given a hole ,in the sand for Touaregs `rushed the place while I Wingharn.. - Ontario to arrest the men with the help of" the lot of you—and I shall get the attended to them, I would just take. Michael and John and a few other Cross of the Legion of Honor, a Cap- Le'jaune's revolver and make a good, J. A. MORTON loyal soldiers, ,when the Arabs attack tain's ctzmmission, and a trip to Par- end. I ought to get five of there, and BARRISTER, ETC. the fort , Many are killed but Lejaune 1 is to receive thanks and decoration. perhaps might' grab one of their Zringham, Ontario fools the Arabs' by propping the- dead • • . And at Paris, my chatty little Many straight swo, rds and show them bodies in the embrasures, During the friend, I shall, dispose of this trifle something. , , ""'•>' ,,.,.);,:r YiB..;,;, attack Michael gives John a letter and that your gang so; kindly brought to I turned to the Letters. One of o ,mall package -^addressed= to his: the' Legion for me!" and he again them was addressed to Lady' Brandon. Graduate Royal College Of Dental taunt, t �., , ri e• <. ', ,noonni+-,r,. testi ug the little packet In his left She should get it, if •I had the ingen- g en wfiltrr eons , :. $ [j�YF - ilfiirS, ''''".`47.1*- i�.c^. 4 + ,. "i .. Graduate Univ-ereit''bi Toronto pN t.t vo oN L4II'I'H THE STORY -•.a ..:.are+�4-::,4u. wlsr 40itta e, and shill to keep.iny- y' "A ri h mail, thanks to"ti— ati 1 'n-' .t•acultp of Dentistry I I turned anit crept back to my du ._ o c self aline long enough. (Me was ad Office over H, E. 'seed's Mora. to this „ . . anti as he said the last • dressed to Claudia, That. too, • ties as cook, placed twigs and wood , beneath the s taupe -kettle, and turned word, he actually kicked ItheheaI's There was one for me, and one for . %,��i��'iNEM.D. up: the wick of the nil -stege;. body! Even as I snatched, at my Digby. And there was another, crush - H. and leapt forward—ed ups an Lejaune's left hand. The Physician and Surgeon i And as 1 watchtd the rice burn up, I in the instant that my dazed and envelope from which he had torn it Medical Representative I). S. C. R. :•imagined Lejaune posing Michael's p Phone s IN -perhaps lung before life was Successor to Dr. W. R. Flauxbly .t out of it, . . The tht,uelit was un - 1 bearable. DR. ROI3T. C. REDMOND } He might be in agony. H. Haight IVI.R•C.S, (Eng.) L.R.C.P. (Land_) I be so wounded that his life could be PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ! saved if he lay flat. N t all the killed Dr. Chisholm's old stand. . had been killed outright—though . many of them had diad: immediately,. J. W. I USHFIELI Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office—Meyer Block, Wingham Successor to Dudley Holmes DR:. i'. 4 .4k055 weary mind took in the incredible lay near, It was addressed to The fact of this brutal kick—it also took Commissioner of Police, Scotland in another fact even more .incredible Yard, London, England. Poor' Mich- -Michael's eyes were open and turn- ael's "confession" of something he cd to nxe• Michael was alive! • . . had never done! I was sorely tempt - I would live, too, if possible. . .: ed to destroy it, but his words were My hand, still grasping my bayonet, still in my ears, urgent and beseech fell to my side. ing. I was to 'see that the "confes- DR. R. L. STEWART has only their heads were exposed and : Good!' said Lejaune. "Armed at- s}an" was publis}a d. tack- Graduate of University of Toronto,, their wounds were in the brain:or k on a superior officer—and in the Nell—let it remain where it" was. Faculty of Medicine; Licentiate of the , throat. There: was really no more face of the etiemy! . Excellent! It would get a wide enough publicity Ontario College of Physicians and reason why MMichael should be s pa, I court-martial you me -self. I find:if it were found in the dead hand of Surgeons p you amity and I sentence you to the murdered Commandant of a be - Office in Chisholm Block ;Haan away of the other; should be— but he was moi,; deo Iy-loved brother, death. . . . I also tarry out the sen- leaguered fort..: , I picked up the Josephine street. Phone sg• , - , and I simple- couch not bear it. I tence myself. • Thus , , ," and the packet that Lejaune had dropped l could not hare his poor wounded revolver travelled slowly from my when I struck him, and put it with Dr. Margaret . C. Calder body flung about' like a sack ,i pots face to the pit of my stomach, the three letters into my pocket. 1 General Practitioner ;'Moes, and stuclt up b the jeerin'a Le "There! .:." then opened the one addressed to Graduate University of Toronto jeune with indignities and insults. As Lejaune had spoken, 32tchael 's It ran as follows: Faculty of Mediae He might not yet be dead, and his right hand, mos -ed. ?,s the last word "\iy. dear John, Office --Josephine St., two doors south of Brunswick Hotel. life might depend 012 what 1 did now! was uttered, the hand seized Le- When you get this, take the letters Telephones: Office 28x,. Residence 'sr •I turned to iun =stairs. Was I then janrae's foot, jerking him from his &that are with it to Erando x Abbas, going to mutiny ante all Was I go- balance, as he pulled the triggerin as soon as you can. Send them if D G. ' OOung to defy m fr store _or •eer and the act of looking down and of stwn ; you can't take them. The one for DENTIST telt hint what he shattnel, and chat he b}ing. 'Aunt Patricia solves the mystery of John Galbraith's Store , nrartctea' Was the fort that he Blinded, coraxdeafened, and dazed, I the *Bine Water,' at any rate to her Office over J o s oim no., do in I going to tell leapt and lunged with all my strength satisfaction, and she can publish the him that lf._cnael was of s'.tperor ray ' and drove my bayonet through Le- ' solution or not, as she thinks fit, fat-' • A. : PARKER € and not to be treated as all the ethers Janne. I stumbled, and it was torn ' er on. ,. .. . After Uncle Hector's OSTEOPATH had been treated? I was. And as 1 from my .hand. When 1 could see death, for example. . Meanwhile; All Diseases Treated ran yup the stairs, another thought again (fer I must have ducked I beg and beseech andinstruct and Office adjoining residence next to struck me. Michael's last request and straight at the resolver as he fired, order you, to see that the letter ad - Anglican. Church on Centre Street, Sundays by. appointment ;instructions! I must get those.: letters it, or else he ne=st have raised it as dressed to the Chief of Police is, not Hours -g a.m. to 8 p,nt. "rand the little packet the had spore a his feet was putted from under him) } burked. It is exactly what we all bolt - Osteopathy Electricity about, 1 roust say t... Lejaune: `III he .i1 -as lying on Ms back, twitching, ed for—this averting suspicion from Telephone ala. fight till I drop,' and III obey you the batxdte of the bayonet protradrno;innocent people (including your Iso- implicitly—but leave my b ;.tiers , from his chest, the blade through his ; bel, don't fi rget, Johnny boy!). We A. R. $z F. E. DUVAL body alone—leave it to a' -e .. i heart. took the blame between us, and the Licensed Drugless Practitioners, After all, things were a little differ- a Lejaune was dead, and 1 was the r first of us to die should shoulder the Chiropractic and Electro Therapy. ent now. Lejaune and I were the • mutineer and murderer alter all! I ;Ion of course, so that the other two Graduates of Canadian Chiropractic only survivors, We hadpassed gt Lejaune the' can go ho=ne again. You or Dig= g Chicago.National Col- i was the "butcher"' and , College, Toronto, and through hell unscathed, and at the r" , lege "pig," wiu.d do this for his brothers, and Office opposite Hamilton's Jewelry last, two against a thousand, had so will I, if I pip first. So ori with Store, Main St. kept the flag flying. Surely he cou;d l 'the.h,n?e letters—home, and see that HOURS: 2—S, 7-8.3o pin, and be decent: now, unbend a little, and CHAPTER EI"i i I the otter one ge s into the papers by appointment. behave as a man and a comrade.... A "Viking's FuneralI' but of town and night calls re- sponded to. All business confidential. As I came out : onto the root, Le- ' "A11 night long, in a dream untr..ub- ;all that. 'fi have written an absolutely Phones: Office 300; Residence 6tax-s3. jaune was bending over Michael. He l led ul hope, identical letter to this for Digby too, had unfastened niy brother's tunic, 1 He brooded, clasping his knees. > so I atn stare that one or both of you torn the lining out of his kepi, remciv-j I stooped over Michael, whose ayes `will see that niy wishes are carried ,.ed the'sash, and opened the fiat pouch i were closed again. Was he dead—his ,; out. No nonsense about 'de mrsrt us til at formed part of the money belt 'last act the saving of my life? I don't nil nisi bonuni,' mind. It is the liv- that Michael wore. Lying beside Le- think I felt very much, at the nzone-king we have to think about, so do jaune were three or four letters, and ent. My mind was 'iamb or blank,'' exactly as I tell you. You'll be doing a torn envelope. In his hands were a and I wasn't certain that the whole the best for me, as a matter of fact, tiny packet, bound up in string and affair was not a nightmare, . las well as for the living, if you car sealing' -wax, "and an opened letter. '1lichael opened his"eyes., "Stout hie out what I ask—so, go to it, pup, I sprang toward him, seeing red, Fellah," he whispered. "Got the let- If I outlive you, I shall do the same D. Mc1NNE5 nay whole soul ablaze with indignant tet by you or Dig, so go to it. CHIROPRACTOR rage that this' foul vulturous thief told hire that he would deliver You spoilt my plans by your balmy , ELECTRICITY should hob the dead, rob a soldier' them iia Adjustments given for diseases of Person, That eve were the quixotic conduct in ; bunking from all kinds; specialize itt dealing with who had :foutIat beside him thus --a sole survivors. That the relief would home—now put them right by doing children. Lady attendant. Night calls braye man who had probably saved come soot and we should be pronzot- exactly as I say. responded to. hie life, before the fight began'. ed and decorated., Good-bye, dear old stoutest of Office on Scott St., Wingham, Ont. "So he 'had no diamond,' had lie? "For stabbing Lejaune?" he mailed. Stunt Fekas. Seeyou ink the .Ha a Phones: Office rob, Resid. 224 Didn't know what I meant, didn't "Listen,; Johnny. , . • I'm for it, all Happy he?" the ruffian jeered, holding lip right. Bled white. , , Listen. , the packet and the letter in his left 1 never stale anything in •ury life, hand. ! . . . Tell Dig I said so, and do get "You damned thief l You foul- par-- the letter- to Aunt Patricia, . , . You iah-dogl" I shouted, and, in a second, mustn't wait for the relief. . Le - his revolver was at nay face. jaunt's body. They'd shoot you, "Stated back, you swine," he growl- • , . Get a camel' and save yourself. ed, "Back further. Blick, I say. .'. In the dark tonight , . • If you movement, overnent, and T should be + cant get sway, say 1 billed iejaunc. dead. And a gond thing, too, but I . I helped to, anyhow , . . had a word or two to say first. As I I do not know what I said. THOMAS FELLS steal ei back, he hovered the rt,voi "Ne. Listen. . . Those letters. -- AUCTIONEER --- ver and smiled horribly."ot1 are to leave ant irx inc. REAL ESTATE SOLI) "1 didn't know that Men cretat . Leave it in xray hand. ,:.. Con- A thorough knowledge of Farm round robbing the dead, after a fight, fessirn, . , 1)o the thing thoroughly. Stock --- I'hryne 23x, Wrngham = Lejaune," I said. 9 thought that was . No need for you. and Dig to carry on with the game now, . You trust get the confession publish- ed or it's all spoilt. ." "You've nothing to confess, Beatt, old •chap," I said: •, "Half a min- ute, I'm going to get some brandy." His fingers closed :weakly on niy sleeve: "Don't be an ass, Johnny," he whispered. "Confession's the whole thing, . Leave it where it'll be found of I'll haunf you, .. Geese J. ALVIN FOX DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER CHIROPRACTIC AND. DRUGLESS' PRACTICE ELECTRO -THERAPY Phone rgr.. ro-xe a.m., 2-5, .7-8 pan, o by appointment. Hours: GEORGE A. SIDDALL -----Broker--- ' Phone 73. Lucknow, Ontario Money to lend on first and second mortgages on farm and other real es- tate properties at a reasotiable rate of interest, also on first Chattel mort- gages on stock and on personal notes. A few farms on hand for sale orto rent on easy terms. 011411111110111Y1111111111111111/1111,111Yr111101,1i11a111Y111.1111Y11111.4 Phones. Office ran, Resid, ee4 A. J. WALKtR. FURNITURE DEALER' W and— FUNERAL DIRECTOR CTOR a Motor Eguiptttent WINGHAM, ONTARIO .tliY,Ytaqultntrmrunlul,ilYtismi nlU"1iYYiiltitt1tioltokiralli left to Arab women—of the vilest Sort. . You dirty, thieving cur —You should be picking over dust- bins in the Paris gutters, not defil- lig an honorable uniform—chiffon- flier" Lejaune bared his teeth and laugh- ed unpleasantly. " A fine funeral ora- tion from a jewel-thiJf!" he snarled, "Any rnore granrl;'sentitnents before I blow out 'what brains you have? ;Len, , . VI, 1+� �.� 1.:u;Gi,i 9 1;:a Hunting Grounds. Beau. P.S.—Don't come . near me there, though, if you destroy that confes- sion.' I put the letter down and= looked at his face. Peaceful, strung, digni- fied, and -etherealised beyond its us - vial fineness and beauty.... I closed his eyes'.. and folded his hands Moon his chest, • .. How could I let this thing happen—let the world have con- firmation of the suspicion that Mich- ael was a despicable mean thief? Or rather, how could I publish to a world that knew little or nothing about the affair, that Michael had done s�uch;.`a miserable deed? . I looked at his face again. How could I, disobey his last instructions, refuse his last request? Nor was it a request made impulsively, on the'. spur of the moment. He had thought it alt out, and written it down long ago, in case of just such an event as had happened --his prledeeeasing tie. (Continued nen week) • Attend Fall Fairs you v Sam before •• ".:.' ,"ii �h, gni �t���I .......d-1-. „u w a ... i, il111411+ 1, Ti,l I ai1111i:.. t•((4Q nlfh• teen, '• ,. •t EA. ,^:•,7 ' e.. J . ip^+' (� lith: Jr',']f iti ,1111 rY'4��',� I AP • eforli Go about and see how, people in other Counties manage their r affairs 4c ,a, ay '' n5 iS ,Jw.i.'�yt Ly,f.; ,. v. , \ ., Use the good roads to see communities outside your own :iminedidte neighborhood. ,Fret acquainted' �•1 irk ..++r ,np ,, "r r= 1 v,..:...., Take in, -- Fall Pairs you never saw before. Inspect the best that different localities produce. Or attend a district ploughing match. Ontario has plenty of interesting events every autumtx.t Improved highways take you almost everywhere you want to go. You are,contributing towards the cost and upkeep. Use them— but use them in a common sense .manner. The Department asks the to -operation of every motor car driver in keeping the highways safe. Avoid excessive speed. Even when within the present speed limit, slow down at curves and intersections with railways or ofiler high- ways, near schools and at all points of possible danger. Watch your brakes. Your life or the lives of others e s may depend. upon the efficiency of your brakes. See that your headlights do not glare. Glaring headlights are illegal;,,, They are a positive menace. Have your headlights tested or ligxkd for simple instructions which the Department supplies free. BE COURTEOUS to others on the road. Though you ma r be within your legal rights, do not insist if others are inconve12jej t~ed or endangered. Be sure you always have your Motor Vehicle Operator's License wit you.; iz If you drive moderately, and well within the law, your auturnri trips through Ontario will be nver-forgotten enjoyments, OntarioDepartment of . - .,s The Hon., GEO. S. HENRY Minister £sada the World tokrotor+CarVase P8 Daily gaining trenriendous mo- mentum, the sales of the new Nash models at new LOWE prices are eclipsing all past rec- ords„sin. Nash history. August sales drove far above the biggest previous single month of business the Company has ever known. September is racing to- ward another new high record. It is a success that is a national sensation, These new Nash models have phenomenal SPEED and POWER. They have the super - smoothness ess of the 7 -bearing type -of motor. They are the E'ASIES'T riding cars you ever rode in because of their ritew springs built by a secret new alloy steel. process. Br J Beringer Just DRIVE one! There are 21 new Nash models. They are all SIXES—with, 7W bearing motors. And at their new lower prices they're the market's greatest values. Dealer, l in ham,Ont,