HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-08, Page 4WiNGHAg ADVANCE -TWEE Thl sdass September $tb, x97 Meletin oion!?I wi tlll 111 11111n intisin*In1111130110011111113011011100110101111k THE W uG M Vr�NCETI the 'deal, :tie is back in power now it _ iI�111d1411lill�W#+"lA wjth a :.o it Pettit... �" ~ • 'Published at :good majority, and � Liberal - 111 Progr essive majority of eleven—ten ten WINGIi1.AM, ONTARIO now, I suppose." Ill ver Thursday Mori Mr, Bricker made only a short tationery Stpil y u y n ng speech, leaving; a clear path for ,Miss W. Logan Craig, Publisher MacPhail, whom Mr, Hislop, 'eharae- Subscription rates --• One year $z,00, terizeri mildly as Mr, Bricker's Sian months $x,00, in advance, "guide, philosopher and friend," He, t suggested that the only reason that Advertising rates on application, , the Liberals hadJ sought a joint Con- vention a vention was because they were hot satisfied with Mr. Hislop as' their' can- didate, " r. Bricker claims to be the log- ical successor., to Mr, Ring," r.•Has- lop went on, "but there is ndthing in common between MX. Bricker's record and John Kint;'s. Mr. I Ing was to all intents• arid purposes a supporter of the Government while a member of Parliament, and the last two•sessions did not cast; a single Vote of import- ance against the Government." Mr.' Bricker would go to Ottawa as the tool,the tied -up slave of.znen like J. J, Morrison and W. A. Antos who in the party have . the right of pro- nouncernent upon his actions, contin- ued Mr. Hislop. "Miss MacPhail has made statements about Forke, Drury and, Crerar deserting the farriers' party. But you must remember that all she says concerning Mr. Forke ap- plies to the late John King. And yet Mr, Bricker pretends to be Mr. Ding's inheritor!. "Miss • MacPhail claims, too, that the King Government has not reduc- ed the national debt, The best proof of the. fact that they have reduced the debt, however, is that the annual interest on the debt has been cut $9,- 000,000. As a matter of fact, the Ring Governthent has, reduced the debt by over $158,000,000 during the'past five years, (Applause). i "We have an honest' and capable Government; with a leader and Cab- inet of national viewpoint. As a stip- porter of that Government 1 appeal to North Huron to return use at the polls on Monday next," (Applause). • Mr. McMillan, at the outset of his remarks, .pointed ant that 'there is a difference bettiveen the U:F.O:; as rep- resented by Mr. Bricker, and the Pro- gressive, as represented by the late Mr. King. "The King Government came into power in 1921 after ten years of Con- servative government, concerning which the :less said. the -better, By foresight and efficient administration the Ring Government in five years has, reduced the<expenditures of the country in= the aggregate by $44S,- 000,000. (App;ause.) why does she not unearth it? "We hear a lot about a million dol - "We heard that the farm women of lars to be spent on Goderich harbor FOR SALE—Young 1N�111611®111111f�nl�111�11183n1111i0111891UlBIll" North Huron are to be swept off their if Mr. Hislop is elected. Well, I would g pigs ready to ® ,� wean; also collie pups. Orval Tay- �-gg = feet-' by this . farm stuff, this poor like to tell you that there' was $150,- 1or,. R.R. 1, L'elgiave �. Plumbing; Steam, m fanners wife stuff, this same old' 000 put in the estimates for Goderich - d twaddle that awe heard when the U. a year ago when there was no by -el- igSpotton ection• on the boards, whereas there F'OR SALE -Heavy wagon, newly ' Water F.O. at its height." Mr. Spo painted Apply to George Orvis, W cl d' f and _ pursued. But. it's too bad, I .think, was only $137;000 put iri"�this year, and Wingham, phone 22-625. II !ii when people have to go around like $22,000 of . that, was a revote. In all d Hot Air a white -robed apostle or like a`boap- 23,000,000 bushels of gran passed WANTED—Position as, saleslady orH���XH = box orator mo stir up trouble between "through Goderich harbor last year. bookkeeper, by experienced Lady, ® Ni_ class and class. Perhaps, when they that brought $1,200,000 of revenue to References. Apply to Box A, Ad-, ss d conic. to lie 'clown, they will find that the C.N.R. I want to add that. T have vance-Times. i"" W. J. ':'s ® �� their, life has not been worth while yet to: see it the House the King ' 4 after all," Government setting aside money any- Store 1'h.' S8. House Ph. 88. -any- BUY your hardware, lime, , plaster, Ri George Spotton, the Conservative where to win an election or ley -exec Gyproc board, prepared roofing, 1111811110111®III811111M11111111111I118811111III111Iit0AI11I1i standard-bearer; declared he was fore- tion. (Applause). slate shingles; galvanized gutter ed to' refute a statement' of Archibald "By the last general election the and ridge roll from Buchanan Hislop,.the Liberal candidate, that he people of Canada settled for all time Hardware. Fresh stock, moderate had , said ..he did not want Roman to come the role that governors -gen- prices. NOTI 1 Catholic votes. "I stand, for . equal eral are to play in Canada, that they CE•TO CREDTTORS rights for all and special— privileges should recognize, respect and obey for none: T unkindone the will' of the 'people as interpreted STRAYED —Froin the'premises o say it is t lea 1 for Prime ., p W. R. Farrier, West Wawanosh, IN THE ESTATE OF MARYProtestant to canvass;against another by the I rime Ministert by'whom the po BRy.. Governor-General is to receive and yearling gHeneford heifer, mostly, ANS, late of the ToWvrishzp of RJ or in that way. I want Roman Catholic red, small hole in ear. Reward far res in`the County of Huron,Sin- votes, butI would sooner go down to accept all his information and advice. information leading to its- where -stet, deceased. p defeat than be a pussyfooter."4llr, Ring and' Mr. Lap cite, by their abouts. Phone 628-21,Wingham. NOTICEHEREBYWhen Mr. Hislop' denied raising masterful work, carried out Canada's ISe . -ter IV :' Positionin this -and ther'. aat --.�p�ursuant to Section 56,Chapter z2z the religious issue, Mr. Spotton men- p o ways the ' p , tioned thenamerecent Imperial; Conference ''' FOR SALE—Second-hand l'ar.3oaa i of the Revised Statutes' of Ontario, of James Felly; o� - range with'warming' closet,enam- that all persons Morris, as the man whom Histo had "Mr. Hislop, the Liberal candidate, g' � P s havkng claims against p gilled reservoir good condition; also, the 'Estate of Mary Brans whodiedhad in conversation in this regard and is -a, farmer :who ' has true interest of several window sash with glass, and i on or y the streets of Wingham as, the lace agriculture at heart," Mr.` McMillan about the tenth of May, A.D. g , p some hardwood flooring: Buchanan 1927,1 at the Township of Morris, are where' the conversation tools place. concluded. "He has as well .the vieWv- ttarctware. required to send to Alexander Fry- Mr. Hislop then sant that Mr.: Kelly point of Canada as a whole, and '1 am ans, 'Be grave;' -Ontario; the • Executor had come to him 'and said that the sure if .you send him to Parliament BOARDERS WANTED—Apply to of the above Estate, or Co the under King Government was riot doing v'elaat that he will be one of` the inost•inter- Mrs. C. Bowden, Frances street. signed, on or beore the twenty- it should for Roman Catholics and ested and best informed representa- fourth day of September, A.D. 1927, Mr. Hislop asked him what more'Mr, tines in the.House. their names and addresses with, full Spotton would do for him,,: "It was U.F.O. and Politics.' particulars of their claims in writing'' unfair to accuse ane when I was driv- Mrs. W. S. Fallis, Teterboro, spoke duly verified by affidavit and the na- en to it in that way," the Liberal on Mr. Snottons behalf. 'thotigh a ture of the securities (if any) held by candidate said. farmer's'wife, she said she had always TENDERS will be received by the them - Mr. Hislop Rebukes Creed Cry. believed ; that f armer e should not be undersigned up to Tuesday, Sep AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE Mr. Hislop told Mr, ,Spotton "that in politics . as a class.' ,Tt is all right tember 20th 1927,at 6 'stock ,tat, that after the said twenty-fourth' dayhe enakes a great deal of noise over for them .to organize commercially;' "p.m., Seery little sometimes," she said, but not to participate in pol for the farm of the late Robert September, A.D.A,D, 1927, the assets Owens, being the, east half of lot of the' said Estate will be distributed It was :not Hon. Mr. Cannon who itics as a group or class. She resentc'J said he would 41, concession 9, East Wawanosh. by the said Executor among the.par_ "shoot holes in the all the talk of the poor, down -trodden. On the premises are a brick house, ties entitled thereto, having' regard British flag," as Mr...Spotton tried to farrier and his. poor " wife. Farmers frame barn, good. fences, implement, only to claims of which he shall then say, MIr. Hislop pointed out, but ra- and ruban people are interdependent,: shed, drilled well with windmill,' have notice and the Estate will not ther was it Hon. E. L. Patennude, Mrs, Fallis averred, and should Work' and it is in excellent condition. It be liable for any. ciahns not filed at . ibleighen cabinet minister. (Applause). together" and think in terms of :Gan has natural drainage, and is serval •the time of the said distribution, And further, Mr. Spotton's charges ada as a whole. ` byrural mail and telephone. No DATED at Win:ghani this sixth day that there 'are 29 Roman Catholic• Mr. Spotton said Mfr. Hislop was the onlybona fide farmer of the three tender necessarily accepted. John of Septenther, A.D. 1927. , priests employed at fancy salaries by Wightnian, Executor, Beigrave. 7. W. T3TJSFI>~IELD, the Govern ent to promote immigra candidates, If a farmer goes to Par . Wingham; Ont. tion of people of their religion is tin-+ liaanent for anyone else, Mr. Spotton I Solicitor fo•r the Executor. true, The #act is that there are 11 remarked, then it iso per cent. NOTICE T(1 CREDITORS French-Canadian priests who are giv- wrong., " en goverurnent support in the efforts, M Spotton declared that he stand ' IN THT? ESTATE OF CATHERINE VALUABLE FARM IN ,they are making to have French -Carr- fox Equal rights for ll and s¢ecial KENNEDY, late of the Township THE TOWNSHIP OF adians who have gone to the United privileges to'none If sent to.Otta-: of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, MORRIS FOR SALE \ States to return •to the Dominion, wa he promised: to be,"the hired man" widow, deceased, • (,Applause). of the riding and not a "heap -year NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ��ezzders will b i • "Miss MacPhail tells you iltat goy mnembei, and to hold meetings after pursuant to Section 6 Chapter 121, c zece vee by J. A. 5 p Brandon, l�, l =rave Ontario or byea niaients are working only for them every session of Parliament to explain ofthe Revised Statutes of Ontario, the undersigned u > to. September selves, and not for you," Mr. Hislop II the legislation passed and how he had that all persons having claims against 27th, A.D. 1927 at 210'cl o'clock I.1VI,; for went on. "But I -would like to ask lier + voted on it, the Estate of Catherine Kennedy, who the purchase of the South half. of Lot if that is not a refection an herself? died on or about the first day of July, number Two in the Fourth Conces- Is she working for herself? She is A.D. 1927, at the Township oft Rin 000 per annum -as a Mr. and Mrs. W. J. G�illaher, Mr. sign of the Township of Morris in 'being paid $4, loss, are required to send by post, the County of Huron containing too member of Parliament. Is she earn- and, Mrs, J. T. Lennox and Velma prepaid or deliver to J. W. Bttshfsetd, WinghamOntario Solicrtor' for the acres more or less, except such ;part ng drat? The first year she went are taking in the Toronto;'exhibition. Conveyed to' the Canadian National 'down as a member, slie became lib- • Miss Shirleyonaldson 'who has Executf, on or before the t ninth day Railway. On ,the premises are` sit- eral-minded and paid bae+ir half of her Y of - �epteniber, .A:U. 1927, their names l�. been visiting Mrs. ' William Stewart, - t llparticulars- of. rate : -a two story ten roomed, white indemnity, but I ,lo» t think she's and addresses with f z brick house 20 0 -feet, clone it since. (T attghter bled ap has returned to her home in Ottawa, their claims in writing and the nature by 3 one story . brick kitchen, 1.8 by 22 feet; ;frame planse). Miss RIacC'ha 1, who is so Mr, and Mrs. Fred ldorr s and cif. 'the securities (if any) held by woodshed and drive shed 18 by so ready to: ridicule and censure, nittst them. T r feet, Barn 5o by 56 feet with stone know that she, herself cannot escape daughter Dorothy are visiting at the' AND he TAKE NOTICEe- foundation and a good" home of Mrs, T. L. jobb, Diagonal' that after the said ninth day of Sep well. This censure." F the pro erty which, has about 20 acres of i MISS MacPhail Attacks. ' road.' tember, A.D. 1927, the, assets a pp, ss i�SacPhail corrected her asses- busts is situated about one-quarter : Miss said Estate wilt be drstrtbuted by tkiean psi on l3rictrei's belaaif Mr, Mark Cassels spent a few days Executor i ori � the partiesentitled mile from I3eigrave and is well :drain.: , Tion at e, ngs among Ir ed with Municipal Ditch andate that "not a dollar" of Canada's debt ' at the,: Toronto Exhibition.. thereto, having ati gage rsnty to notice p 1a. spring i id of b title Kiri Gov- Miss Kathleen Terriff, .of Toronto of which he shall' 'then have creek, has been pa y and the Estate will not be liable for The purchaser will be permitted to 1 ernmetit. 1 visited in towel last week. any claims not filed at the time of go on the property for Fall work Condemning Fton. T. A. Crerar, hill possession 'cannot be given .Ilan. Rollers Parke, fan, E, C. Mr:,arid Mrs. E. Zurbrigg and fain but the said distribution, unt'i'l March .rst,.1928. ''.t"he highest or. Drury; J. Fred'Johnston. and others ily visited Mr, and Mrs. 14.1. E. jury. DATED at Wstiglaant this twenty, any tender riot necessarily accepted. who had' been leaders of ..the farmers second day : of September, •AA), 1927. 20l,Trigg, of Hamilton, over the week» l) Terrns per cent of price on nota- movement in' Parliament as traitors, end and also took a trip to. Niagara 5. W. eitor for the Acation of acceptance of tender 'and Miss MacBhail rejieated that x'S farm - Solicitor for the Executor. , .' balance on completion of tratisfer. er members now in the 'House still Falls while there. group. t 0 din o tw ". ta R'fr. .T i �stl d stood as n ha n this si a stoog Mrs.. Ii9°alley, of Tarristozr, spent Datedbc1r+tri g yS �uzrday at the Morns; of Mfrs, Hr An- 'a£ S,epteiritaer, A.D', l' .2y from us in x925, -callers tie had no ina- .J. W., BUST FIELI,'Solicitor y," " won't •_. � ,,, , , , loris Reiss 1�IacI'ha']1 said, I , tts. Wrafghattt, O.n>:,. • say hoW he got there—I wash t in on rm McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE Phone 53�fze gam' in ham r5H Jj e r eft • .•.lair,a bet . &vi `' - s g r1g91l111011111111111nEfilsi1n11 MNIIIIIIIIIM IIIEMEIlIMItIM 1 1IIE111111M1Hit11111 M 110111911XIliMII w +aupwor.UWwa+amaa o+pwPns.w 11110. Q e Quire of Catalina Paper and 25 Envelopes, ll White or Tints, for 25c, i LIVELY NORTH HURON E MEETING I Hislop, Bricker; Spotton in Field for Nomination 35c Writing Pad, Kid Finish, 100 Sheets, 50 Env- "I I ▪ The three official candidates in• the elopes to match, all for 39c. = riding are George Spotton, C ozasery ative, business college proprietor and 101 teacher, of Wingham; Archibald His- lop, Liberal, farmer, of Brussels; and Sheldon. Bricker, Progressive, farmer, of Fordwich. The agents for the three candidates are Thomas J. Mc- Lean, contractor, Wingham; l'tichard Vanstone, Wingham; and .Benson Cruickshanks, fanner, Winghain, re- spectively. All those', who signed Bricker's papers were farmers while the Nominees of the other candidates were 'from both town and farm. Mr. Spotton turned his oratorical Mins on Miss Agnes MacPhail, M.P., Southeast Grey, Canada's lone woman member of Parliament, who was pres- ent on Mr. Bricker's behalf. Styling Miss MacPhail as "a white -robed ap- ostle and a soapbox orator," •.Mr. Spotton admonished her to "get away frcim the holier than thou spirit," evi- denced iii all her speeches. "I would ask Miss MacPhail to be a little more charitable," Mr. Spotton observed„ "She insinuates that ;Eton. W. D. Ross, lieutenant -governor, got. that position because he planked down,campaign funds. The insinua- III®III611111 lllel11ou113111169111 ninil011 tion, T would remind Miss MacPhail, is worse than the crear +stateanent. It was unkind. We must get away from that holier than thou spirit. I don't like it. "Miss MacPhail talks so' much about party . candidates being' owned body and soul by some big machine," Mr. Spotton continued,. "I would like totell her that I have not, nor will I receive one dollar of election funds for this campaign, from outside. "I would say to the member for Southeast Grey, that if she knows as much about, slush money 'and•election. funds as she pretends to know, then 419RI11it1111111I11911101111®1119111II11iUIBIII 1.11E11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ' 1 cent 11118111111111111111111 a word per insertion, with a minimum charge 111911111$1hd111U1111111111®i11 WANTED To rent, a house with conveniences, by Oct. 1. Phone 257, A. Peebles. FOR SALE=roo Rock pullets. Ap- ply Dan MacLenaghan, White- church. s WANTED --A good girl for general housework. Apply to. Mrs. Richard Vanstone, TO RENT—Furnished house, . with conveniences. Apply to Charles Cooke, Victoria street. FOUND—License N©. C37 -2o3 and tail 'light. Finder may have same by paying for this notice: Advance - Times. FOR SALE--x5o acnes choice land, lot 2, con. 13, Hallett; first-class buildings, Delco light; :two-thirds. purchase price may remain on mort- gage' at' 4i per cent.; balancecash or first mortgage on other proper- ty. J. H. Wheatley, R.R. s, Blyth, Ont. FOR SALE -5o head of young cattle; come and look them over, Apply to Ray Porter, phone 6o243, Wing - ham, " Mr, Neileit MIcl,ean has returned home after spending a few days at the Toronto ethibition. 1' Public Meetings Public Meetings i i be inter- ests .of ARCHIE HISLOP, Liberal Candidate in )N,rrth Huron will be held as THURSDAY, SEPT. 8 I b AT Hon. to be addteSsed y J. C. Elliott and Hon, W. D. Euler, ` • AT GORRIB, to be addressed by Hon, James Malcolm and F. M. Hay, 1Vf.P. AT GLENANNAN, to be ad- dressed by Hon. E. C. Drury and others. FRIDAY. SEPT, 9 TOWN HALL, WINGHAM, to be addressed by Hon. James Mal- cOim and Hon.' W. D. Euler,' • Meetings at S o'clock Further meetings will be advertised by posters. ' '- GOD SAVE THE RING PLEASANTLY REMEMBERED Mr, and Mrs. Harry Wells were pleasantly surprised the other even- ing by the presentation of the follow- ing address, accoi panied by two handsome . chairs upholstered in a rich brown tapestry: "To Harry and Mfrs. Wells: We offer our hearty congratulations and good wishes and Hope that hap- .piness may be yours in good na,eas-, tire. Yours sincerely, C. Lloyd & Son, Limited. BORN .PROCTOR -In Morris township, on August 28th, to Mr, and Mr—Ss Stewart Proctor, a son (Ross Stew- art). ` MARRIED SHIELL-McBURNEY—At St. An- drew's manse, Wingham, on Tuesday, September 6th, by, the Rev. Dr. Per--'� tie, Miss . Violet A. McBurney, of East aWwanosh, to: Mr. Alexander R. Shiell, of Windsor. DIED" ' PATTERSON—At Clifton, Kansas, on. September xst, Francis Susan Roe, wife of Mr. John Patterson, aged 68 years. She was a sister of Mrs. Thom- as Scott, of Wingham. FYFE—In Wingham, on Wednes- day, August..3rst, Agnes Kelly, be- loved widow of the late Lawrence Fyfe, in her 86th year. MARTIN—In East Wawanosh, on September 1st, John Martin, formerly of Wingham, aged 57 years and 11 months. READ WHAT THIS .IS. Your money back or good results, by using Mrs. Sybilia ` Spahrs Tonsilitis, for. Sore throats, Cottgh, . Bronchitis, Whooping - Cough, Catarrh, Head colds•; and Tonsil Diseases. C. H. Mc- Avoy, Wingham; J. R. Allan, Wrox- eter. ke y ur store There are a lot of tl women in small towns surrounding your store who can be per suaded to look on your stone as their owns 4 Calling these by Long la Distance at the very low rates for Interur- ban Ser 'ices to offer them some special bargain or to invite them t� a sale will help them form the habit of corning to you for :y- thing, It doesn't require a large stock. Whole- saler's and imtnufac Curers' warehouses are 'at your elbow. By Long Distance you can order and promptly receive any- thing your customers may have seen advertised in n agazines or newspapers. 'This trade can be yours, if you will go after it. IN MEMORIAM LEPARD;--In loving memory " of Charles E. Lepard, wkzo died Septem- ber 6th, 192,4, Two years ago today ''As I stood beside your bed; It was there my heart was .broken, 'When I saw that you were dead. You were always .true and patient Through the -years yott struggled. on, And those hands that rest forever. Made the home that now is gone. I mourn for 'you in silence, No .eye -calf see me weep, (, But a silent tear is shed, ,. While others are asleep. —Sadly missed by his Wife. Mr. James Allen of the New York Seminary is visiting at his home. IVtlss Alberta McLean has returner after a£evweeks visit with her cous- in, - in, Miss Muriel Ross, Detroit, Welt- i�'an, • !Miss Alba. Galbraith, of Toronto,, is spending her holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith. Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Gi'avistin and. family, of Tevistocic, spent Sunday' at. Mr, and Mrs, T. 3. Bakers', Boundary, Mr. and Mrs, John Youngblut and family, of Auburn, spent Sunday with, the latter's cousin, Mrs. T, J. Baker,.. Ivfiss Agnes .McCoy,. of Wingham„ spent a few days• with 'her cousin;. Margaret Baker, on the Boundary. Back to .School and Everybody Happy We Desire to Direct Special Attention to Our Line of '. Ir • School Shoes for Boys in Many Different Lines. Girls E � ',, I WE HAVE THEM REAL "CHEAP if: you prefer, but the a. I betterualities for Fall.and Winter wear are the best buying for 4ya g ,; both buyer and seller. s ® _ . HIGH BOOTS (that is; laced up) will again hold the prefer- 11 7. • ence, although Oxfords are being shown to a certain extent. ▪ THE KIND WE RECOMMEND'ARE THOSE WE HAVE v MADE ESPECIALLY FOR OURTRADE " r El R E WITH "DOUBLE ri TOES", "SOLID COUNTERS", EXCELLENT "LEATHER INii - P SOLE'S AND OUTSOLES", AND DOUBLE TOES (not cut off). We have these for"the irl or boy of years of ageand g Y 5 Y up- _ ii' .. _ wards, and our PRICES ARE "ALWAYS MODERATE." 11 a.� THE SHOE STORE WILLIS • Phone 129, WINGHAM iIIIR9iIxUi1111®III®111981118lIII®Illsr^111911111011191111119111011111011U®Inlfll!>1d1110111n11110111>i9111MIIniUEt® - I m � IIiMI1tiMlti�lil�Ill�lilelli(14111 a•® !71 AAIII13III11I II®I 111111INIIIMIN11311110111NU ens' an Mens Solus Tweeds and Worsteds in plain and fancy weayes, double and single breasted models for men, and young men. Special 1 and 2s�y Prices li1� amp3s 50 Ya `,ng Men's Snits Splendid values for young men, in single and double breasted styles— Greys, Browns 'and Fawns—sizes 33 to 37. y1,Qp� rp I'rices1 is S 0 4 and d a Bos' Sits Boys Suits in large sizes of 34 to 36, one and two Bloomers with each suit—Greys, Fawns and .Heathers— ideal for the boy's school suit. Special1 i and 1 420 P11 �"° Prices 0.1 4? YOBnt ns' SIMS For the smaller boys we ate show- ing a splendid range of Suits with one and ,two Bloomers; extra 'values, for school Wear. 6.95 to 12 00 OVERCOATS 91 MII N ." New. Fall and Winter Overcoats for mien an boys in all. the = Ili newest cloths....COME IN AND „SEE THEM, V--TrEMitLS WitfillillIKIMIUMIMAINICHnli111111 n1M11IIS fltllIM III IIINIiIMII*1111111111111M81101 IMM)11111