HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-01, Page 8;J; WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday, September rst, 927 Friday and Saturday, 13eptember 2, 3 MILTON SILLS and VIOLA HANNA — IN -- �� The Silent Lover sy u A First National Picture. i MondaYy, �s TTuesda Wednesday, Sept5, t. 6, 7 FLORENCE VIDOR and RICARDO CORTEZ in m e1111>f111111111m11111 — Il l el i 11111111 1 1■1111111111111 111111 1. I mI l Imll Im111iANlmll I IA1111M111i11111111111111111i11r1 l 111111 The Eagle of the Sea." A Paramount Picture, WESTFIELD Mt John Harrison,arof Goderich, spent over Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Campbell. ent, and other friends, last week, Misses Mona and Lucy Harrison, f Gcider'ich, and Francis Crozier, of Crewe, visited their cousin, Miss Mar- jorie Campbell, last week. Little Eva Vincent, daughter of M. and Mrs. Percy Vincent; had the taxis- ortune of breaking her leg between the kneeand ankle, while sliding out of a hay mow. Mr. Fred. J. Coolc threshed a field of oats last week, having 27 loads off eight acres. The grain in this vitro-. sty is turning out well. Mr. and Mrs. William McDowell and Miss Lenore Million visited on Sunday with the formers' sister, Mrs. J. Killough, of Dungannon, Mr, John Redmond and his daugh- ter Mary and son Joe left for their home in the west on Sunday after spending ' a couple of months with the former's brother, Mr, R. Red- land, and other friends. Miss Annie Wightman has returned. home after spendingabout a year in Freeland, Michigan. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Taylor, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, of Brucefield, visited at IVIr. William McDowell's on Sunday. Miss Mabel Walden is visiting her cousin, Miss Grace Cameron, of Luck - ow. Mr. and. Mrs. Mordith, of Blyth; visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Mel3rien, of Auburn, visited the • latter's sister, Mrs. Gordon Snell, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Cruison and Mr. and, Mrs. McEwen, of Arthur, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and family spent Sunday with Mrs. McDowell's mother, Mrs. Clarke, of St. Helen's. Mr, George Wightman and Mr. Will Smith, of Brussels, left on Mon- day for the west, Mrs. Melvin Taylor was hostess at a presentation on Wednesday, Aug- ust 24th, at her home in honor of Miss Elsie Wightman, of White- church, formerly of the sixth line of of East Wawanosh. About 35 neigh- bors and friends gathered to spend, the afternoon and presented her with a beautiful walnut library table. Miss Wightman was united in marriage to Mr. James Brigham, of Hullett, on Augtist 29th, and left for a honey- moon trip to Toronto and other points. Miss Welwood, returned mission- ary, will issionary,-will give an address in the West- field United church on the evening of. Sunday, September 7, at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKnight, of Auburn, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Tay- lor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Smith, of Brussels. HARRISTON Mr. Arnott Whaley has been en- gaged. as the new junior clerk in the Royal Bank here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLean,, of De- troit, spent the past week with Mrs. McLean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ardson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ballagh and chil- dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex,..San- derson, motored to London and spent the week -end there. Mrs. Heller, of Kitchener, return- ed home after spending a week with her brother, Mr. Kettles:'' Mr. and.,Mrs. T. Aitchison and Mrs,. Ernie spent a few days in,I ,itchener,. Preston and Galt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Welch, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sinclair motored to Kitch- ener and spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McFarlane. Miss Bernice Whitmore is spend- ing pending three weeks in Toronto with .her aunt, Mrs, Pye. Mr, and Mrs:! Percy Dryden and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Aitchison spent. Sunday in Elora. Mrs. -Milton Kettles and baby Bet- ty returned home after spending a week in Port Elgin. . Mr. Percy Ding, C.P.R. agent, left for a trip through the west. He was accompanied by his son Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Brooks, Mrs. Gordon, and Miss Graham spent Sun- day in. Elora, Mr. Lorne Newman, who was re- cently married, was pleasantly sur- prised on Monday evening when the members of the, Wellington Produce presented him with a pair of beauti- ful chairs. The presentation was tnade by Mr. Whitmore, and Mr. Newman made a suitable reply. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Aitchison, who have spent the past two Weeks with their son, E. G. Aitchison,' Webb street, have returned to their hotne in Lucknow. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Eddy and daughter Geraldine left for a week in Toronto. The Wchrley Cup changed hands. again on Tuesday nig of last week when a rink captained by Mrs. L.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. Cook are the proud parents of .a fine baby girl, born on Tuesday, August 22nd, Master Leslid Vincent, of Belgrave visited his tonsil's, Master Ray Vin - Aitchison defeated Mrs, H, Burrows'. Link 18 to 13, the following ,players taking part: Mrs. B, Whittnbre, Mrs, A. Sanderson, Mrs. C, L. Eddy, !Virs. Ernie Aitchison 08); Mrs. C. Ber- nath, Mrs. Downer, \ Ir , 'dir,' Welch,. Mrs. Burrows... (x3). BLYTB Mr. Bailey and daughter, of God- erich, wore visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bender on Sunday. On Sunday, September 4t1, Rev. Mr. Telford will say farewell to Si. Andrews United congregation. As pastor of this congregation for over ten years, the best wishes and kindly interest of the community in general will follow Mr. and Mrs. Telford and their little daughter Jeanie always, Mr. Telford will take up his work in his new field of labor, St. Pauls Uni- ted church, Frederickton, N.B. The local branch of the Women's Institute will entertain the members of Londesboro branch in Memorial Hall, Thursday afternoon. The visit- ors will provide the program. Born in Blyth on August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hilborn, .a son. Died in Blyth on Thursday, Aug- ust 25th, Catherine Campbell, widow of the late Mr, Richard Somers, aged 81 years. , After an illness extending over sev- eral months, Mrs. Sarah Cook passed peacefully to rest on Sttnday, : August 2Sth The funeral will take place from her home Tuesday afternoon. Rev. George Telford will conduct the services. Interment in Clinton cern- etery. ST. HELENS Mr. Frank Todd went to Toronto on Monday, where he is exhibiting; cattle at the 'exhibition. Mr. W. I. Miller is exhibiting his Barred Rock poultry. Mrs. Stuart returned to . Toronto on Saturday after spending the sum- mer with Mr. and Mrs, George Stu- art. Mr. George ' IcQuillin and Mr. John McPherson and Mr. Gordon McPherson left for the west on Mon- day, George going to Qu' Appelle and the others to Moosejaw. Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, Stanley and Neel motored to Galt one day re- cently to visit Mrs. Caslick, who has been quite ill, Miss Mary Murray is at Lucan where her aunt, Mrs. Robert Murray, died on Sunday after an illness of nearly two years. Mrs. Murray was formerly Miss Helen Radcliffe. Services in the United church next Sunday will be withdrawn on account of the anniversary services at the Brick United church. Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Egmondville, will be, the preacher. Rev. Mr. Poulter, of Benmiller, oc- cupied the pulpit in Calvin church last Sunday.. Miss Celina Clark is a visitor with friends at Watford and other points. Miss Margaret • Miller, who has been visiting friends around, Peter- boro, left for Rosebud, Sask., this week. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Rutherford, Mrs. H. Rutherford, Mrs. W. I. Miller, and Miss W. D. Rutherford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Port Albert, on 'Monday. Mr, . Campbell, gf Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Fitzierald, of Torotito,. are visitors with Mr. Harper,' WROXETER WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ ■OM101 d.ilii■IUNINI■M EMPli■/g■rsu■u�hrrr■■■ ■r/ � IMMI 1 ■ •■ ■ tIIIN111I iliollimillelilrIIIOIIonoll■IIIYIII IIINIgrUI■III(rlll9lIII■III®llomnll■IIIomIIdllll llnllsll tiniIIIplII iU■IIIYIIsin in ▪ Parents I Have you made note of the garments Mal will be needed to to start the Girls and Boys to either Public or High School'? For they y �9 u Boys, --a New Sult, Separate Trousers, Sturdy Stockings, Blouses, ® Shirts, Suspenders, Belts, E*c., will be necessary. The Girls, too, ■ m must have a New Dress, Serge Skirt, Middy, Lisle or Silk Rose, m Underwear, Bloomers, Etc. From our Extensive Stock you will be is able to make s,eleePons to the, very best advantage. ()lidays Over, Now for School! ZIEWHEIIIIME11®®112®®1i 2®®O®O1IN®i The August meeting of the Wrox- eter Women's Institute was held at Mrs. S. Brown's on Wednesday, Aug- ust 24th. Mrs. Dickson asked to be relieved of the presidency, so. Mrs. S. McNaughton was „ unanimously voted to tape her place for the bal- ance .of the year. Miss Kathleen. Armstrong gave an interesting and instructive talk on the work in the Munsey Institute, There was also an interesting exhibit of views of our village. The usual reek -end record of fatal smashes, in addition to the scattered ones through the week, are painful reminders that Ontario requires some drastic regulations - regarding speed and 'driving. , On the whole, motor car drivers are careful and considerate, and to the seatter-brained youth who must burn up all the road in one trip is due a very great portion of the present trouble, Hon, G. S. Henry, Minister of Highways, is try- ing otit a campaign of education pub- licity to eliminate the tragic losses. Very gond, and quite proper. But the offenders in this respect are dense 'to education, and only a prolonged term of walking, instead of handling a wheel, will have the desired eftect. • • •■ • • ■ ■ • ■ • • l■. ■ • •■ e ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • Q ■ ■ ■ • Mr. Everett Henderson, of Detroit, is visiting his parents in town. • Quality Goods. Best Styles. Moderate Prices. III®III't Hial 111111'.'III■IIII IIIJ1111F1II1m111111111uIII®IIIIliIIIE91iIR111I I1I®II1t!:®IIIS6111■Ill■III■Illmlll■III®Ill®Ilirlll■III■III■111■illalll■III■1110111 1 ■ 5 ■ ■ ■ $ ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ ■ 11■1111SIIII@I I IMIIIIIAII■I1161111e11411111111■111!111■1II Boys' Navy Blue Suits./ 9.75 Two -Bloomer styles, made from real. Irish Serge with TwillItal- ianlinings, strong pockets, and Governor fasteners. At} outstand- ing Suit.' Each $9.75, Young Men's Suits 19.00, 22.00 26.50 New goods, cut in the lastest styles. Smart Suits for High School students. I lml l I■III®I Iimlllel1111111■III®.111■III■III®III■III®111#1111■III■Illeili■11111111e111�di I IAlll® Boys' Separate Bloomers 1.95 AND 1.59 Really serviceable Tweeds, well lined, and with plenty of packets. Boys' Caps Reduced 69c Our regular $x.00 fine Tweed -Caps, reduced for school opening. Each 6gc. Wool Jerseys and Sweaters 1.98 AND 1.49 All wool yarns, in good colors and styles. Just •the thing for school wear. Little Boy's Suits 2.98 Fine Tweeds and Navy Cord Velvet; are made in smartstyles for little boys 3 to 5 years. Unusual values. Each $2.g8. in■m■umm■III■In i mummummom mum■nlmmmm■m■ mmuulus■uieinmaim■mmmoul■m■memammaimuni■mu Bovis' Combinations 95c. Blouses 69c. Wool Golf Hose 79c ■III■III■ I I lel I I ®III ■III 1 I■111 ■III■I I Iii i IUI I I■I II I I®III■III■III■III■I i I■I l lull l®I l tNI II■III■Ill■III■!! imi del ii■Ill■1Il■1II■111■I II■11II1I I■I llm L!J Girl's Dresses. 1.00 In sizes g to 14 years; made of fine Zephyrs in checks and plaids, neatly trimmed with contrasting bias .tape, Ideal school Dresses. Each $x.00. Lill Hampton's Middies Said to be the best -fitting Middies produced. Extra fine White Jean, with separate collar and cuffs of Navy flannel. Sizes '6 to'22. a • ■ 5 ■ • ■ ■ ■ m$ /5 ■ • MI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■' ■ ■ ■ ■ 1■111m111■ill■III■11■Ilieill■III■NI■111mI11m11111311111111e11111111®III■111111.11■III■11M11lllllmiilm11111111■III■III■III■III■III■Illmlll■Ill■III■III■ ■ Serviceable Lisle Hose. Vests and Drawers. • ■ .. i ■ •■ ■ In good Sand shade, these fine rib Lisle Stock-• 'Of fine ribbed cotton, the Vests being sleeveless, ings are the best for school use; a regular 6oc line. and the Drawers are lace trimmed. Sizes 2 to 14 ■ For school opening, 44c. 44c 23c years, Each 23e. ■ ■ ■ , lllmlllelllrlllmmomm111■IllmIllmlll■IIIrIIimfilmllldmommliimlllelllSlllmllml!!smithol!!■Ilmhlmlti■IIIIIIb!!!■111IIIImmimuiI■III■ ■ , Serge Skirts' rts' 1.85, Silk Hose 140 Black Sateen Bloomers 60c .. • ,Illmillm11111111■11411miU■1111111111111■111111111■111m111■III/IIImIl1Y111■111111111011illm1111111111>fllleIII■11111111r11111111rllimlll lllm111illimlll■111 ■, $ o with us now for School Wearablels. ■ School Opens Sepia 6th. h p , ■ fflammovimimmimmummusmofflimilmomimimumiimmimamomommmimumwmuniMamomiummommmic ■ • ■ ■ 5 Women's and Misses' New Fall Coats and Dresses are here for y'oi i r ' inspection. m I1mmm111111umil111MIAIummimmImmul■11111■iommiNomislml■IM■/IM1■1u111■11 KING■ • ■ 2000®0■aweaMOMMWOOMMISMOMaM I F oes Merit ....... ....o•Wp•wa..rt tor. SCHOOL OPENING that will prove our Footwear. and Girls and them correctly , : it our splendid Phone 23 r � r �t a, 1�4,1'� sou s i, •� :'1 L'. ,.... \ � MAK -* a ......os,w...aw.N,a...w.sow.was..w..ro We are prepared with Quality Shoes leadership in Children's Bring the Boys and. Id us tit with a Pair Scho i 1 Sh{'!'es. The Good Shoe Store. W" kiat:ITALV.I6V.diwriveAU.•1.1mugbwowr,• • • •ommv,vgima...str •Jrwr t. ,, ,; 1 CI CI .o I. •40.4. it t Ki g 4 g Vii; -e °mtk•vel+J9.l.ser, yL• THE MAITLAND We can handle for it Do not forget Share the profits Creamery, Guelph, CREAMERY IE CREAM your Cream, Grade, Test and Pay the'same day you bring it in. we are working on Co -Operative Marketing of Cream. every six months. Galt, Toronto Wingham, in same organization. THE UNITED Wingham, FARMERS' COMPANY, PHONE CO-OPERATIVE1. LIMITED. 27I_ Ontario. mu Im11 u liri!l■II u l■III■IIIlmilIlelIIelIImiI TTENTION! >i 1. oService _ l�oy 1t ii ,,j Special attention fii a FREE FREE INSPECTION — • and TRANSMISSION. -1i 0 11 "PROMPT ii il Ij BRITISH if immimmlll■Immiumlil■Illirilltam I■illi IImI110i1 m l■mo mI mIII■1Iimlllell e 1 - S • ation --== given to the Lubrication of Cars -of all makes. CRANK CASE SERVICE OF YOUR CLUTCH, DIFFERENTIAL, a - - - FREE AIR. II- AND COURTEOUS SERVICE" i is• the keynote of this' Station. m J. E. HOMUTH AMERICAN PRODUCTS it Main Street N. llulllelllmmo llellimll iumlll■IIImIllumi III■III®III■11 ie nJ,milllilll■Illmlll■IIIiAIIi■Illmlll■AlumsIII®III■Il m l!nillimlil■mi ll■mu lllglll®III®lilmll m Ila • LYCEUM THEATRE Friday and Saturday, 13eptember 2, 3 MILTON SILLS and VIOLA HANNA — IN -- �� The Silent Lover sy u A First National Picture. i MondaYy, �s TTuesda Wednesday, Sept5, t. 6, 7 FLORENCE VIDOR and RICARDO CORTEZ in m e1111>f111111111m11111 — Il l el i 11111111 1 1■1111111111111 111111 1. I mI l Imll Im111iANlmll I IA1111M111i11111111111111111i11r1 l 111111 The Eagle of the Sea." A Paramount Picture, WESTFIELD Mt John Harrison,arof Goderich, spent over Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. H. Campbell. ent, and other friends, last week, Misses Mona and Lucy Harrison, f Gcider'ich, and Francis Crozier, of Crewe, visited their cousin, Miss Mar- jorie Campbell, last week. Little Eva Vincent, daughter of M. and Mrs. Percy Vincent; had the taxis- ortune of breaking her leg between the kneeand ankle, while sliding out of a hay mow. Mr. Fred. J. Coolc threshed a field of oats last week, having 27 loads off eight acres. The grain in this vitro-. sty is turning out well. Mr. and Mrs. William McDowell and Miss Lenore Million visited on Sunday with the formers' sister, Mrs. J. Killough, of Dungannon, Mr, John Redmond and his daugh- ter Mary and son Joe left for their home in the west on Sunday after spending ' a couple of months with the former's brother, Mr, R. Red- land, and other friends. Miss Annie Wightman has returned. home after spendingabout a year in Freeland, Michigan. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Taylor, of Guelph, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Stackhouse, of Brucefield, visited at IVIr. William McDowell's on Sunday. Miss Mabel Walden is visiting her cousin, Miss Grace Cameron, of Luck - ow. Mr. and. Mrs. Mordith, of Blyth; visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Mel3rien, of Auburn, visited the • latter's sister, Mrs. Gordon Snell, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Cruison and Mr. and, Mrs. McEwen, of Arthur, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McDowell and family spent Sunday with Mrs. McDowell's mother, Mrs. Clarke, of St. Helen's. Mr, George Wightman and Mr. Will Smith, of Brussels, left on Mon- day for the west, Mrs. Melvin Taylor was hostess at a presentation on Wednesday, Aug- ust 24th, at her home in honor of Miss Elsie Wightman, of White- church, formerly of the sixth line of of East Wawanosh. About 35 neigh- bors and friends gathered to spend, the afternoon and presented her with a beautiful walnut library table. Miss Wightman was united in marriage to Mr. James Brigham, of Hullett, on Augtist 29th, and left for a honey- moon trip to Toronto and other points. Miss Welwood, returned mission- ary, will issionary,-will give an address in the West- field United church on the evening of. Sunday, September 7, at 7 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKnight, of Auburn, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Taylor and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Tay- lor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Smith, of Brussels. HARRISTON Mr. Arnott Whaley has been en- gaged. as the new junior clerk in the Royal Bank here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLean,, of De- troit, spent the past week with Mrs. McLean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ardson. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ballagh and chil- dren, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex,..San- derson, motored to London and spent the week -end there. Mrs. Heller, of Kitchener, return- ed home after spending a week with her brother, Mr. Kettles:'' Mr. and.,Mrs. T. Aitchison and Mrs,. Ernie spent a few days in,I ,itchener,. Preston and Galt last week. Mr. and Mrs. Welch, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sinclair motored to Kitch- ener and spent Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. D. P. McFarlane. Miss Bernice Whitmore is spend- ing pending three weeks in Toronto with .her aunt, Mrs, Pye. Mr, and Mrs:! Percy Dryden and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Aitchison spent. Sunday in Elora. Mrs. -Milton Kettles and baby Bet- ty returned home after spending a week in Port Elgin. . Mr. Percy Ding, C.P.R. agent, left for a trip through the west. He was accompanied by his son Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Brooks, Mrs. Gordon, and Miss Graham spent Sun- day in. Elora, Mr. Lorne Newman, who was re- cently married, was pleasantly sur- prised on Monday evening when the members of the, Wellington Produce presented him with a pair of beauti- ful chairs. The presentation was tnade by Mr. Whitmore, and Mr. Newman made a suitable reply. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Aitchison, who have spent the past two Weeks with their son, E. G. Aitchison,' Webb street, have returned to their hotne in Lucknow. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Eddy and daughter Geraldine left for a week in Toronto. The Wchrley Cup changed hands. again on Tuesday nig of last week when a rink captained by Mrs. L.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. J. Cook are the proud parents of .a fine baby girl, born on Tuesday, August 22nd, Master Leslid Vincent, of Belgrave visited his tonsil's, Master Ray Vin - Aitchison defeated Mrs, H, Burrows'. Link 18 to 13, the following ,players taking part: Mrs. B, Whittnbre, Mrs, A. Sanderson, Mrs. C, L. Eddy, !Virs. Ernie Aitchison 08); Mrs. C. Ber- nath, Mrs. Downer, \ Ir , 'dir,' Welch,. Mrs. Burrows... (x3). BLYTB Mr. Bailey and daughter, of God- erich, wore visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Bender on Sunday. On Sunday, September 4t1, Rev. Mr. Telford will say farewell to Si. Andrews United congregation. As pastor of this congregation for over ten years, the best wishes and kindly interest of the community in general will follow Mr. and Mrs. Telford and their little daughter Jeanie always, Mr. Telford will take up his work in his new field of labor, St. Pauls Uni- ted church, Frederickton, N.B. The local branch of the Women's Institute will entertain the members of Londesboro branch in Memorial Hall, Thursday afternoon. The visit- ors will provide the program. Born in Blyth on August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hilborn, .a son. Died in Blyth on Thursday, Aug- ust 25th, Catherine Campbell, widow of the late Mr, Richard Somers, aged 81 years. , After an illness extending over sev- eral months, Mrs. Sarah Cook passed peacefully to rest on Sttnday, : August 2Sth The funeral will take place from her home Tuesday afternoon. Rev. George Telford will conduct the services. Interment in Clinton cern- etery. ST. HELENS Mr. Frank Todd went to Toronto on Monday, where he is exhibiting; cattle at the 'exhibition. Mr. W. I. Miller is exhibiting his Barred Rock poultry. Mrs. Stuart returned to . Toronto on Saturday after spending the sum- mer with Mr. and Mrs, George Stu- art. Mr. George ' IcQuillin and Mr. John McPherson and Mr. Gordon McPherson left for the west on Mon- day, George going to Qu' Appelle and the others to Moosejaw. Mr. and Mrs. D. Todd, Stanley and Neel motored to Galt one day re- cently to visit Mrs. Caslick, who has been quite ill, Miss Mary Murray is at Lucan where her aunt, Mrs. Robert Murray, died on Sunday after an illness of nearly two years. Mrs. Murray was formerly Miss Helen Radcliffe. Services in the United church next Sunday will be withdrawn on account of the anniversary services at the Brick United church. Rev. W. D. McDonald, of Egmondville, will be, the preacher. Rev. Mr. Poulter, of Benmiller, oc- cupied the pulpit in Calvin church last Sunday.. Miss Celina Clark is a visitor with friends at Watford and other points. Miss Margaret • Miller, who has been visiting friends around, Peter- boro, left for Rosebud, Sask., this week. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Rutherford, Mrs. H. Rutherford, Mrs. W. I. Miller, and Miss W. D. Rutherford were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett, Port Albert, on 'Monday. Mr, . Campbell, gf Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Fitzierald, of Torotito,. are visitors with Mr. Harper,' WROXETER WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ■ ■■■■ ■■■■■ ■OM101 d.ilii■IUNINI■M EMPli■/g■rsu■u�hrrr■■■ ■r/ � IMMI 1 ■ •■ ■ tIIIN111I iliollimillelilrIIIOIIonoll■IIIYIII IIINIgrUI■III(rlll9lIII■III®llomnll■IIIomIIdllll llnllsll tiniIIIplII iU■IIIYIIsin in ▪ Parents I Have you made note of the garments Mal will be needed to to start the Girls and Boys to either Public or High School'? For they y �9 u Boys, --a New Sult, Separate Trousers, Sturdy Stockings, Blouses, ® Shirts, Suspenders, Belts, E*c., will be necessary. The Girls, too, ■ m must have a New Dress, Serge Skirt, Middy, Lisle or Silk Rose, m Underwear, Bloomers, Etc. From our Extensive Stock you will be is able to make s,eleePons to the, very best advantage. ()lidays Over, Now for School! ZIEWHEIIIIME11®®112®®1i 2®®O®O1IN®i The August meeting of the Wrox- eter Women's Institute was held at Mrs. S. Brown's on Wednesday, Aug- ust 24th. Mrs. Dickson asked to be relieved of the presidency, so. Mrs. S. McNaughton was „ unanimously voted to tape her place for the bal- ance .of the year. Miss Kathleen. Armstrong gave an interesting and instructive talk on the work in the Munsey Institute, There was also an interesting exhibit of views of our village. The usual reek -end record of fatal smashes, in addition to the scattered ones through the week, are painful reminders that Ontario requires some drastic regulations - regarding speed and 'driving. , On the whole, motor car drivers are careful and considerate, and to the seatter-brained youth who must burn up all the road in one trip is due a very great portion of the present trouble, Hon, G. S. Henry, Minister of Highways, is try- ing otit a campaign of education pub- licity to eliminate the tragic losses. Very gond, and quite proper. But the offenders in this respect are dense 'to education, and only a prolonged term of walking, instead of handling a wheel, will have the desired eftect. • • •■ • • ■ ■ • ■ • • l■. ■ • •■ e ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • • ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • Q ■ ■ ■ • Mr. Everett Henderson, of Detroit, is visiting his parents in town. • Quality Goods. Best Styles. Moderate Prices. III®III't Hial 111111'.'III■IIII IIIJ1111F1II1m111111111uIII®IIIIliIIIE91iIR111I I1I®II1t!:®IIIS6111■Ill■III■Illmlll■III®Ill®Ilirlll■III■III■111■illalll■III■1110111 1 ■ 5 ■ ■ ■ $ ■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ 11 ■ ■ ■ 11■1111SIIII@I I IMIIIIIAII■I1161111e11411111111■111!111■1II Boys' Navy Blue Suits./ 9.75 Two -Bloomer styles, made from real. Irish Serge with TwillItal- ianlinings, strong pockets, and Governor fasteners. At} outstand- ing Suit.' Each $9.75, Young Men's Suits 19.00, 22.00 26.50 New goods, cut in the lastest styles. Smart Suits for High School students. I lml l I■III®I Iimlllel1111111■III®.111■III■III®III■III®111#1111■III■Illeili■11111111e111�di I IAlll® Boys' Separate Bloomers 1.95 AND 1.59 Really serviceable Tweeds, well lined, and with plenty of packets. Boys' Caps Reduced 69c Our regular $x.00 fine Tweed -Caps, reduced for school opening. Each 6gc. Wool Jerseys and Sweaters 1.98 AND 1.49 All wool yarns, in good colors and styles. Just •the thing for school wear. Little Boy's Suits 2.98 Fine Tweeds and Navy Cord Velvet; are made in smartstyles for little boys 3 to 5 years. Unusual values. Each $2.g8. in■m■umm■III■In i mummummom mum■nlmmmm■m■ mmuulus■uieinmaim■mmmoul■m■memammaimuni■mu Bovis' Combinations 95c. Blouses 69c. Wool Golf Hose 79c ■III■III■ I I lel I I ®III ■III 1 I■111 ■III■I I Iii i IUI I I■I II I I®III■III■III■III■I i I■I l lull l®I l tNI II■III■Ill■III■!! imi del ii■Ill■1Il■1II■111■I II■11II1I I■I llm L!J Girl's Dresses. 1.00 In sizes g to 14 years; made of fine Zephyrs in checks and plaids, neatly trimmed with contrasting bias .tape, Ideal school Dresses. Each $x.00. Lill Hampton's Middies Said to be the best -fitting Middies produced. Extra fine White Jean, with separate collar and cuffs of Navy flannel. Sizes '6 to'22. a • ■ 5 ■ • ■ ■ ■ m$ /5 ■ • MI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■' ■ ■ ■ ■ 1■111m111■ill■III■11■Ilieill■III■NI■111mI11m11111311111111e11111111®III■111111.11■III■11M11lllllmiilm11111111■III■III■III■III■III■Illmlll■Ill■III■III■ ■ Serviceable Lisle Hose. Vests and Drawers. • ■ .. i ■ •■ ■ In good Sand shade, these fine rib Lisle Stock-• 'Of fine ribbed cotton, the Vests being sleeveless, ings are the best for school use; a regular 6oc line. and the Drawers are lace trimmed. Sizes 2 to 14 ■ For school opening, 44c. 44c 23c years, Each 23e. ■ ■ ■ , lllmlllelllrlllmmomm111■IllmIllmlll■IIIrIIimfilmllldmommliimlllelllSlllmllml!!smithol!!■Ilmhlmlti■IIIIIIb!!!■111IIIImmimuiI■III■ ■ , Serge Skirts' rts' 1.85, Silk Hose 140 Black Sateen Bloomers 60c .. • ,Illmillm11111111■11411miU■1111111111111■111111111■111m111■III/IIImIl1Y111■111111111011illm1111111111>fllleIII■11111111r11111111rllimlll lllm111illimlll■111 ■, $ o with us now for School Wearablels. ■ School Opens Sepia 6th. h p , ■ fflammovimimmimmummusmofflimilmomimimumiimmimamomommmimumwmuniMamomiummommmic ■ • ■ ■ 5 Women's and Misses' New Fall Coats and Dresses are here for y'oi i r ' inspection. m I1mmm111111umil111MIAIummimmImmul■11111■iommiNomislml■IM■/IM1■1u111■11 KING■ • ■ 2000®0■aweaMOMMWOOMMISMOMaM I