HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-01, Page 5Y ~cst, 1927 V'UlYaif3I�lAM A»VAN.CE*TI'M7 S Thursday, September WHITECHURCH Mr, and Mrs, Ben. Naylor left oe Sunday to visit relatives in • Hamil- ton and attend the Toronto Exhibi- tion, Miss Datenran, Miss Stewart and Mrs. Lee and son Stewart' of Lanark visited last Saturday with atura,y w th Mr. and Mrs, Harry McGee. Mr. and Mrs, Jesse Gray, of God: erich, and; Mr, and Mrs. Matt. Shack- leton and son Benson, of Crewe, spent Sunday with the forrner's sis- ter, Mrs, James Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs: Robert Agar, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, and Mrs, F. Creighton and children, of Seaforth, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. D, Beecroft. Mrs. Hugh Anderson and Cahar- ine Buffalo spent last weeks with her mother, Mrs. MacGregor. Mrs,Morrison, of Belgrave, spent last week with Mrs, Andrew Fox, Mr. George Wightman left on Mon- Ammilmasimumiimmummsmimillimumillallamills ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ el M ® it ,.1: + �: S, al III ® I .a J ' i ��f fir _ •■ '� ! a d � I1•� • ■ ■i �: m f' imm um ■ am■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ am ■ ■ ■ ,■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ • ■- ■ ■ ■NEW FALL GOODS ■ ■ Several Shipments of New Fall Goods have passed into stock, comprising Women's and 'Misses' Smart Models in COATS, DRESSES and SUITS. Wonunn's and Misses' .Richly Furred Coats in all the New Shadings, Moderately Priced. You are invited to visit our Ready -to -Wear Depart- ment where a Large -Collection of Models for Fall and Winter Wcar are displayed. NEW SILKS and CREPES, NEW DRESS GOODS PLAIN and FANCY VELVETS, HOSIERY, GLOVES and CORSETS, UNDERWEAR, SWEATERS and SLICKERS, IM ART SATEENS, LINENS, FLANNELS; RUGS, LINO- LEUMS, and DRAPERY GOODS. NEW FASHION BOOK. Fall and Winter Issue Now on Sale. 15c Pattern Coupon Free With Every Book. 1 ■ Ladies' Horne Journal Patterns Always in Stock. ■ ■ aff rim■ 111 ■ H. E ISA D CO.■ ■ =MEE EN EMMEEEME NEE 311IISIIII1111141IIlA1111111111■1111111111IIINIIIII1111111111111111111111II101111P1111/111111111111111IrIIhII1 •III MOWN Poultry, Cream, Eggs. Phone and get our prices. Highest market prices paid for live hens and broilers. Your Cream and Eggs graded the H same day as delivered. 111- Wellington Produce Co, ltd � w Wingham, Ont. . W. ;. THOMPSON, Branch Manager. PHON1 165. �I111�III�tli�ihi111i�liil�itl�lii��111111�fl11�11IMI11�If1�itl�Mfll�lill�lll�lll�Nll�Iil�lil�ilNlNill�flil�IIII, day for a few months visit to the west. Mrs, (Dr.) Jamieson, of Barrie, and Miss Mary Sharpe, of°Teeswater, are visiting with Mrs. Thomas Hender- son. The .young .people of the United church m„et at the home of ars. `Gib- son Gillespie on Friday evening; and presented Miss Elsie Wightnian with a miscellaneous shower, prior to her marriage on Monday. Rev. Mr, , Poulter, of Bentniller, took the service in the United church an Sunday. There will be. no service here next Sunday on account ofthe anniversary services in Brick United church. Mr. and Mrs. W, Simpson and fam- ily of Culrose, visited with her sister, Mrs. James Wilson, on Sunday. Mrs. MacGregor. and Roy left on Monday to visit her daughter in To- ronto and Buffalo and attend Toron- to oron-to Exhibition. The ladies of Westfield church niet one "day Last week and presented Miss Elsie Wightman with: a parlor table prior to her marriage on Mon- day. . Married, on Monday, ,August 29th, at St. Helens United church manse, by Rev. Mr. Whitfield, Elsie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wightman, . to Mr. R. Brigham, of Blyth. After the wedding dinner at the home of the bride' sparents, the happy couple left by motor for To- ronto and other eastern points. The best wishes of the community accom- pany them for a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. Mr. Lew. Weatherhead, of St. Hel- ens, lost his barn together with con- tents at noon on Tuesday, when threshing. The fire was . first noticed coming up through the floor and spread with lightning rapidity, so that it was impossible to save the separator, 'which 'belonged to Mr. Durnin. Rev. J. R, Peters, of St. John, vis- ited at Mr, and, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft's on Monday. MORRIS Mr. Eli Casemore spent a few days with friends in Kincardine and Wiar- ton. Mr: Charlie Walnisley left for the west on Saturday. .Mr. and Mrs, Robert Golley, and family; also Mrs. T. ,Abraham, spent Sunday at Mr. Jerry Caseriore's. Mr. and Mrs, John Hunter, also Mr. and Mrs. John Casemore, spent Sunday at Mr. William Orr's. Mr. J. Rae, of Harriston, spent a few days at Mr. John Walmsley's. Miss Laura Clark, of Wingham, visited Mrs. Durid n Campbell for a few days, In some countries the observance of red tape is carried toan absurd length . but in France they seers to have struck the limit where a girl at Epinal has .been unable to get mar', tied because her parents failed to have her birth registered and she can- not obtain a birth certificate as re- quired by law. Officials not having been able to find any trace of her advent into the world have informeel. her that she is ,hot alive and the wedding has had to be postponed., The successful local newspaper is the ideal medium. for the delivery of mercantile messages. It is the source to which the community look for news—and advertising is nothing but business news, There is nothing nade and sold which cannot be sold quicker, easier and in greater volume by newspaper advertising. There is lo vehicle which does or can get so 'close to the hearts or the buying pub- lic. Ga The Department of. Highways of the province of Quebec is determined to preserve the condition of its roads and make an effort to save ]nonan life and limb by curbingg': speeding. During the past four weeks nearly 200 . motorists have been deprived, for the remainder of the season, of 'their licenses. The efforts being made by the department tobring about ,bet- ter conditions on the roads are com- mendable and will receive the en- dorsement of all sane motorists and pedestrians. MARRIED CAMPBELL-MORDEN --::At the United church parsonage, on August: 24th, by Rev, Sydney Davidson, Mr,. John Campbell: to Pearl; daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Telmer Morden, both of Wingliarn. BORN SAINT—To Mr, and Mrs, 5, H Saint, Williamsville, New York, a son, Joseph Henry • MUSGROVE�--In Wingham, Aug ust 25th, to 1ttr1. and Mrs, James Mus gave, a son, 'MeDOT7GALL--In Winghani, Sun day, August 28th, • to Mr. and Mrs Leslie McDougall, a son. • PREMIER KING (Continued front Page 4) rnented Mayor Fells on the courteous wording of the address of welcome presented to him. Mr. King launched straight into a frank discussion of the situation -which had arisen in the rid- ing of North Huron, due to the pass- ing of the late member, Mr, John W. King, a man whom he .esteemed very much. A former,Liberal, he (the late member) had linked himself with the Progressive party because he felt at the time that true Liberalism, wasn't getting the full l force and effect it Should have in the affairs of the Do- minion, but he hard never hesitated to make quite clear that his sympa- thies were with the Government of the day, because he believed it was serving well and truly the best inter- ests of the people. The Government had had no more sincere supporter than Mr. King,, he said, and hence, when the general el- ection of X925 came on, he felt that the Liberal party owed it to Mr. King to see that no Liberal candidate was placed in the field against him. "We were anxious to avoid as mucin as possible three -cornered contests; re- sulting in the return of members by a minority vote of the electors of the ridings,” All through the trying per-. ied following the election of rear, when 3;x out of the 5o Conservative candidates eleete 'were returned by minority votes, due to three -cornered contests, the late Mr. King was most sympathetic with the Government, and voted with them at every turn, ' Con- sequently, it was felt that it would be unfair to place a Liberal candidate in REPORT OF HOG SHIPMENTS FOR WEEK ENDING AUG: 25TH. a t �ry Total hogs ..._._ 40 zo Select bacon .- ri x Thick smooth 20 . 6 Heavies 7 Extra heavies x Shop hogs .:z. Lights, feeders .._ 2 x Oti 44 887 22 298 16 468 34 4 47 4 '3 jiminimmenstinnums i. TELE HYDRO SHOP. ■ ■ ■ Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Polishers For Rent. N ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ is ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ i ■ ■ • ■ ■ Wingham Utilities Commission Crawford Block. Phone 156. a ■ sou ni mm®mgtnumn "nnemm muff MT ■ ■ ■ ■ PM Afternoon Meetings for Women. Im r, ■ M WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER. 71h, — Mil ■ ■ At home of Mrs. Ed. Lawson, Dunlop. ■ ■mi m 53 ■ Public Meetings in the interests of SHELDON BRICKER United Farmers' Candidate in North Huron will be held as follows: MONDAY, SEPTEM ; ER 5th— Mihail, Zion, St. Augustine TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th— Wroxeter, Johnston's School, S. S 3, Novick; Lane's School, Union 13 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th,— Bluevale, Engel, Port 'Albert, Carlow® THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER StIi,es — • ■ ■ as■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Township Hall, Morris; ; MontcriefJe, ■ ■ ■ Walton. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9th,— Goderikh, Dungannon. SATU "DAY, SJPTEM°::ER 10th,— , Wingham, russels. All General Meetings will commence at 8.30 p. an. sharp and will be addressed by W. A. Amos, President U. F. O. J. J. Morrison, Secretary U. F. O. B, W. Sansher, M. P. Miss Agnes MacPhail, M, P. F.. R. Oliver, M. P. P. ■ ■ ■ ■ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 911i,— ■ Westfield Hall. 1 Women's Meetings will Commence at 2.30 p. m. NI 0 0 O I and will be addressed byMiss Agnes MacPhail si and other prominent' women, as follows : in 11111 1 GOD SAVE Thi RING• • 11 0000001imommomommosisimms mu sill ' LONDON - CANADA September 10 to 17 1927 DIAMOND JUBILEE EXHIBITION Entries in early. This isgoing to be the biggest year yet. Write at onee for . full information and Prize Li; and get your $35,00o IN PRIZES AlW ATTRACTIONS Send for .Prize List and further information to J. H, SAUNDERS,,President. W. D. JACKSON,, Secretary. 2' . London, Ontario. It is the selection of rich, western wheats — the tnest grown on the prairies — that gives extra flavour to bread and buns, and extra richness to cakes and pies, made from PU Send 30c tri stamps for our 700-reraipo Parity Flour Cook Book. 2841 Wartern Canada Flour Mills Co. Liffiited. Toronto, Montreal. Ottawa. Saint/Wm. 5 sire 4S llttetteer eeve teeteuesesms.,1'. - ,..:,.f •.S\eentsesf'JAelkeAreesee eeeise Amore School Supplies® We are ready for School Opening with a Complete Stack of Supplies, including: --PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS —CRAYONS —DRAWING BOOKS —ERASERS . -EXERCISE BOOKS —FOOLSCAP --FOUNTAIN PENS —INKS —LOOSE LEAF BOOKS -NOTE BOOKS —LEAD PENCILS -PENCIL BOXES —PEN HOLDERS. -PEN NIBS -RULERS —SCHOOL BAGS —SCRIBBLERS -SLATES -WATER COLORS 11. B. ELLIOTT Town Agency Canadian National Railways Exooptional Values in Usd Cars Frank McLachiin's, London Cars Sold Under The Pledge to. the Public Plan. x. Every used car is conspicuously marked with its price in plain figures, and that price, just as the price of our new cars, is rag- idly maintained. a. All Studebaker automobiles which are sold as CERTIFIED CARS have been properly reconditioned and carry a 3o -day guar- antee for replacement of defective parts and free service on ad- justments. 3. Every purchaser of a used car may drive it for five days, and then, if not satisfied for any reason,turn it back and apply the money paid as a credit on the purchase of any other car in stock —new or used. (It is assumed that the car has not been dam- aged in the meantime). To the Public:—We pledge adherence to the above policy in selling cars. 4o,00-BRTSCOE TOURING, good running condition. 75,00 --FORD ROADSTER. 3g5.o0-STUDEEAKER LIGHT SIX TOURING. 450.00---STUDEBAIER SPECIAL SIX TOURING. 495•oo—STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX COUPE. 495.00HUDSON, xg23 COACH. 5z5.00—FORT, xga6 TWO DOOR. 5g5.00 --ESSEX COACH, 1925 Model, 645,00 JEWETT SEDAN, Five Passenger. 650.00—STAR COACH, 1925 Moder. 675.00—HUDSON' COACH, 1924 Model. 695.00—STUDEBAKER SPECIAL SIX SEDAN. 975.o0-•-OLDSMOBILE SPORT COUPE, 1957 Model. 985.00—STANDARD SIX STUDEBAKER SEDAN. xt.o.00—STANDARD SIX. COACH, ige6 Model. x375.04• --HUDSON BROUGHAM, 107 Model. x55o.00-PACKARn SEDAN LIMOUSINE. Time Payments One -Third Cash, Balance Monthly. FRANK MeLACHLIN 86 - 90 King Street, London. tRSS CUD Ait15il aril RA CKARD CARS