The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-01, Page 47,717,777777,7711r1r7 . . 001101111,111111111111*IIIMI*1131111S111111111111i flilltillill111.111111141111101111111111111011$111111* * • FACTORY " YOU e NIQN) ' SAVING SALEi •,:411 Bale Coinnicnos Titursdayl. iktg. 11 . A few of the Bargains are listed: ,soe jonteel Creams .---- $9c 5on ICIerizo Antiseptic -.--.$9c' aett Narciseus 'Talcum ---. eec 230 Castor Oil -- xpe 79c 7$c Georgia Rose Bath Salt = Petrofol 3,5c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 230 Ise. 117;rioner;, pi sot Milk of Magnesia agc roc Palm Skin Soap* ett- 1,7 ate •-•eie WINGHAM ADVANCE-TINIES THE WINGHAN ADVANCE.TIMES Published at WITIGHAM, ONTARIO Every Thursday Morning W., Logan Craig, Publisher Subscription rates -One year $2.00,, Six months $1,00, in advance, Advertising rates on Application. PREMIER KING , (Continued from Page 1) rr. soc GeoiRose Face * * 50e Cascara. Tablets ege ,1141048.106,4t4m.a•Spow.m,,,pii,4,111ot • : McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE - ..-.... ‘ *- 11 Phone 5 - ta eral candidate, .Archie Hislop, a true 1111111111111111111111011E1111111NtialI11111111titilllitillitIMIllgeliallISII*1111111111111111111111131111111111111 and loyal tighter in the cause of Lib- _ "14 et4anneetiltee lifteetatt:i et 44 the field, and again he was not op- posed. In the general election of 1926, the same point had to be considered, and again the Premier expressed the wieh that Mr. King should have Lib- eral support. In the pneseut by-election, the Gov- ernment had decided to appeal to the. reason, eommon sense and chivalry of the people of the riding by askiung Ingham al them to return as a member the Lib- strengthen us.; to take that broad and chivalreus view and do that which'I feel will be in the best interests of the country as well O., a your ONVII constituency." Mr, King then read from a. mani- festo issued that day by the Progres- sive candidate, Mr. 13ricker, in which he declared his conviction that the ag- ricaltural interests d1 the riding \voted, best be represented by a man fettered by party ties." He took is- sue, he said, not with Mr. Bricker's motives or intentions, but with that expression. Mr. 13ricker himself wee not standing as an independent, but as a member of a pelitical party. Political parties were not ends in themselves, but a means to an end, created by people holding eirailar views in an effort to make their views revail He instanced the significance of 'Mr. Cannon's appearanee on the platform with himself. "We are here together, not because we are 'fettered by party ties, but because we are co-operating. You can't even be a member of the British Empire without co-operaune, for co-operation is the essence of ev- erything, Our whole aim and. puepose at heart has been to get our country united in greater harrnoey with our ideals, aims and needs satisfied end solved in the proper way." Arr. Brick-er's manifesto called also r1111114111011.11911I13111111111Ilill I tsmairounitist ,.atttungainsiustleinuiluttinututintio cent a word per insertion, v.-ith a minimu 4/1/•11.11.00...102..IMMION•iiii.•••, charge of esc. BOARDERS WANTED -Apply to FOR SALE-xso aceett choice land, Mr.e. C. Bowden,. Frances street. t„ lot -,n't con. Hullett; first-class buildinese Delco light; two-thirds. 1-PONEY--WItitei tide 30-1.6. t porethese price may remain on snort- , mixed honey, ti.2.5o. j. H. t.at.ernort.. , BOAR.DERS W.AN'TED-Scho,...1 pu- tdls preferred. Apply to Advance -;1, Times effice. ' FOR SALE -5,o head Of young- cattle: come and toile them ewer. Apply - to Roy rorte,r, phone O.o.:11-45, ham. , teage at ai per tent.; balance rash or first mertgage on other proper- ty. j. H. Wheatley, RS. Blyth, Ont. VOTERS' LIST-egee tipality of the Towship of East BOARDERS WANTED -- High lierawanoslat County of Huron school stents . pee,itered. Apply - :Mrs. j.' E.' is hereby given that I hay street. tri-is'iatitted kNr delivered to the per - FOR SALE -Two tette Sedans, we, sone inentiened in Sections tt and o leen eedeter Sedans; atse a few good the Ontario Vetere' Lists Act, the towing. ettest eirstectass pipeless fur- :et-zit:ties treat:aired by said Seetiens to he none, arid a Noe t Nelson ranee- -Aen- tee transmitted or delivered, of the P:tat Ett Bettiinteeln Nash Dealer. list made purenatet to said Act 'If ell roR SALE nette, 3 persons appearing by the last revised Isousese :All these properties are of 'to be entitled to vote at electietes for ant -eaten rattle. Apply tee Thomas Members ei the Legislative Assent -- Fella. bler and at Municipal elections, and that the said list was firse posted ap FOR SALE - ft-roteres. hotese with in my offitte in East Wavta.nosh ens the front entree Victeria street, ,e4eb day „te neentett tete- and eat -antes near c'z'rxer-le:'0es. there 'for insect:tient Tema" easy. aeteetet ee. -en teat • Electors are called aspen to examine ni t etthet't S'-esolehirte its't'reere Wiitt-4-' the said list,. and if any errors. or out - ham eneene,, e beetle ttenete., 3, ettegeet asse'ssment resill of the ..Mtutictpality Les'ions are found therein, to take ere - pole sALE___cee vereebztod Et,,_ ceedtots to have the said errors cor- Shorthorn, bun e etegee eel. ;tette, ,,,,,, t tatted acoerding tie law. team of horses' 4 yeat-st 'Apply to r''''atc4 etis z'atIt'attiy'''t4 14""lts'tt 19z:-7. Letwi.e. t.'"treititers,, setae of the tate A. PCIIRT'ERFIELInt Yin F. e. Lewis. R.R. re Nii--J--- teetteete, Cterte East Wawanosh. tt>eitt • FARM Fitn e:tALF-tito aerice tlee eralism all his life. He referred to his record of twelve Years in the Legisla- ture, where be had given honorable and noble service in the interest of his constituents. He eommended his abilities as a public speaker, pointing out that Parliameat is greatly influ- enced by the ability of a member to present hie cage. Re.ferring to the ,c P to get the things you want," be ask- ed. North Huron was a miniature Canada, he continued, becanse it em- bodied both rural and -urban 70m- munities, but the Goeernmeut had a policy in regard to both. 'Don't let us begin working up groups," he standing together? We in Quebec pleaded, "You simply help to ni dee - tand for British institutions, just as mine constituted authority wile% eon wq11 as the people of Ontario. I have de so." never heard it said in my presence The Government could appcal ..,11 that the loyalty of old Quebec could 1 its personnel, as well as on its record be doubted. French-Canadians secur- of legislation, in „connection with ed their charter of liberty in 475 from the British crown. Our religious rights were safeguarded, our lang- uage protected. our civil laws main- tained. The liberty, under which we and our sympathies all rim in the same channels. Canada is a country i which stands for British ideals and for youthful, virile and. strong expan- sion. Why should the pillars of Con- federation stand apart instead of farmers' loans, revaluation of lands of soldier settlers, maritime grievances, lowered taxation, reduced tariff on automobiles and agrioultural 1mi:de- ments, reduction of sales tax, aboli- tion of the receipt taxi, return to pen- ny postage; reduction of the starnp tax, old age pensions, and other im- portant pieces of legislation. While making reduction's in taxation, the Government had also been cutting down the public debt, and, above all, had been striving to promote and maintain unity and good will between the people. of every part of the Do - Hon. j. C. Elliott, in a brief ad- dress, said :that not long ago it was possible to get up quite an argument on whether or not Mr. King was the best man to be placed at the head of the affairs of the Dominion. "But you can't get. any argument on that speech made by the candidate at the w tor the election or a member "tree question today," he declared, "tor the majority of the people of Canada feel commencement of the meeting, he Ito vote on any issue on its merits said; "I think you will agree that Las it arisen' "Are not present them- that Mackenzie King is the best rnan that kind of language doesn't come [leers free to vote on any issue on its in the whole British Empire to be ada today.' intr. Melo') support an issue which he Hearty applause greeted his refer- ence to Premier Baldwin's remark that no two statesmen ever worked "How has the Liberal party dealt , with us in the past few years?" "I iissue "as it arises," what the speaker together better for the good of the British Empire than had Mr. King" ask axle- man to find a single utterance wanted was men who will help to of mine at any time in which 1 ques- settle a question ' before it is even and himself. He quoted figures show- ing that the Government, while car - timed the ntotiyes of the Progres- brought into the House of Commons. He then reviewed the iunctions tei rying on all necessary services, had stye or 1....R.O. parties," he said. "II the wieed ofi over Stest000,eoo of the have sought alwae-s to bring together the party caucus, showing how pub - as one party those who have similar views of all Parts of the COUntry on lie debt last year. ideals as to the progress of our coon- any particular issue were obtained Loyal to Britain. ry, those who are Liberal in the true and carefully sifted before a bill was The address of Hon. Lucien Can- -,sense of the word, I've sought to "rdued ill the House. "in the in- non was an eloeuerst expression Of eweend presiding over the destinies of Can - from a man who hasn't a very true Imerits." asked the speaker. heart." The question for, the voters o North Huron to ask themselves was, 'eh was contrary to the interest' ot agriculture; merely beceuse bis party wanted him to?" As for voting on an Thursday, Septerober xst, 1927 live, was obtained from the British tbrone, and Freucb Canada today stands for that charter of liberty, vvhich can only be maintained so long as British connection reelable on this continent. Yoe need not ftar theie- fluence of Qua ec It ,wialwaysll make for unity in Canada!' In addition to the speaker's, there were present on the platform a num- ber of Libeeal members of the House of Commons from Western Ontario, including Hon, James Malcolm, Mit- chell Hepburn, F. G. Sanderson, W. T. Goodison, Thorrfas McMillan, F. Wellington Hay and, W. H, Taylor. (continued on page 5) have them come together, for in un- wrests' ot agile-0111re and of the whole the sentiments of the people of Que- t is stretettla,'" country, give us someone who can bec towazds their fellow -Canadians 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111*IIM111111111111111111111111111 -11 • lit . 11. • iii: ri id ill, .-2.. M. = - 1: al N. - ii I. I.. t . _ . ii i: VI - k fr. ii a ill t - i • = fit i il 1 2 fi -* 5- of011ic ft i ft▪ , ^ til I Ipl I IuI 11131111911 there nether point which the electors work with us and who can help us and toward the British crown. "The it - provinces of Ontario and of Quebec 1 the constituencet ought to consid- i are the pioneers of our country,- he ll = " he continued, is, "What is the position ot the etenservatnee party tie ''' , a i e n , eit the past when teem Sons worked exile = p the peesent menteitt?" Is there any , il lc ce in i by S,.tle. Let us continue that work. special meson at this lime in a by- 'Why should there be any division? Our ideals, our ambitions, our alma, said. "They have done great none in - lectiou why yon shottki cheese some oppose the G'overnment \Viso . s 'et' Conservatives that Ptiblin. MeetilegS inter -1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS suoorting..Not Mr. Ferguson, be- ests of ARCHIE HISLO P. - "el'OTI,CE is hereby izieen, pursuant t la '/'e' l'' ' deQlared bitiseli out ei Liberal, Candidate in North to cection 56t, Chan. 12T, of the Revis- i '- the race for the leadership of the par- , ... -. le it Mr. Guthrie? it ee,. en whet ',, Huron will be held as follov,, s . , . • so ...„ ,..,., ,...6 - g...aestate you 7 ed Statutes of Ointat--iot that all per- ..., 13.1, haunt,- atme 2 trast the et:tate , grounds? -ere you sure th-at lte vaill ' et Rohl= Macdonald, who died on (I - be the leader chosen? Ott is it Mr. 2n. or about the thirtieth day of March, __e= MAY SEPT d , 'eget in the Town of WInehane lit AT DUNGANNON, to be ad- the County of Harem, are required * is Bennett: Witat are the whines the eartvr ' dressed by Hon. J. 0. Elliott and to eend by post prepaid or deliver tot' it -- The situation was on demanding F. Hepburn, NI -R. J. je. W. tee/peon, 4op Tem_ ,e Butld- . - AT LOCHALSE„ to he address- -atnnen or beeeee the 36th day. off epteznieert teen names 2.2 a -; he fee, were not so hideheterei PeNte ' Thos- MobilThant M-13- dresses, with ern nanticillare so wren Beane- as not to be able to, tree their 'inn of their claims and the nature of 'dale verified 'by a statutorr deciara-i = kart Toronto, executor of the de - the etnereise a intelligence on the part Of the people the whet ed by Hee_ James beettnebni emu s - d d ' • - ilteveri reasentiree ' powers it deitidine :moNDAy sEpT s• . - - . , • " • • • . ... -. . it ,. • . - umttetip QII•33, X\ atereneste !teen tent ee pl .. . ' . C ,,, - • ' —F, 1 ki,r,:-,a,,,-„,tstala4ws„. • .14. was. att. c• litt7ezisaa...,!: ., li'L, 1 • . - • • ., . • wzat watt nest -to be teoste •tineer itee the sec -antes 22,y, held by them, Back to School and Everybody Happy We Desire to Direct Special Attention to Our Line of-- Sciaool Shoes for Boys Gi in Many Different Lines. WE HAVE THEM REAL CHEAP if you prefer, but the better quenities for Fail and Winter wear are the best buying for bath buyer and seller. HIGH BOOTS (that is, laced me) will again hold tlt.e prefer- ence, a/though Oxfords are being shown to a certain extent. Thee KIND WE RECOMMEND ARE THosE WE HAVE 1Lai.DE ESPECIALLY FOR OUR TRADE WITH "DOUBLE 'TOES", "SOLID COUNTERS", EXCELLENT 'LEATHER IN- SOLES AND OUTSOLES", AND DOUBLE TOES (not cut off). We have these for the girl or boy of 5 years of age and 112 - wards, and our PRICES ARE "ALWAYS MODERATE." IN BLAKE'S HALL, ASH- , tino- - ana R , pmegen, tobe addressead•by Hoot ,• . AND•TAKE NOTICE fuithe.e that irt tot tett 'te treteet te zee:east e " t'fze Ceeserratire ratty •• !Lames beateedte and erbeet eat_ eiteter tire -eaid idae- of Septembe.r. - Miilau.bL.Pe . • . W L I S teen the said Executer will preened . FORESTERS' HALL, BELe 'among the parries entitled thereto, ; Ilt,,..tt.t$%6*., '4'142 itentheatent treette, 1,1,0E ater and ,to distribeste the ass.ets of the esate barn ertiettg ter etteret itentedoetiere. tha ztt.74,,,,a to barn; pee NIT 11.17E C. Elliott, R Hepburn. te-titich ereall then nave had neeacet etatieetet ett. tarree mete:, ream is L'e e " _ o neer yon ,z,z4 the a;..,Tualta, and tentharde ee areas ander eared - -, tor the present eitnatietn that par- ' _ ear theme. was. no, eine to toritictee , and v6:,71,6.'rrz t0,1 GRAVEit to be addressed by Flom having regard GlarT to tete clauses =. - ruder entee. etean, eietei at the beet - X '''""•"""'"""""""'"`-"""*""'"''''".""' ,„-Ek trz attmn t-e-eatte n Turn ithent ,i7,614t1 4 " = wHji enee we now one FoREsTERst Blum , tea, THE SHOE STORE - bL isa Phone 129, W1NGHAM = NE tau, piav-ti'w only thing worth 4 a an Tay -or, MP e. and the said executor wit! not be 12 - UESDAY S T 6 thereeff toi 2127 person eef witos,e there ' 111111111Etilliettlillellilanalliinallaillattlirellillt*IX111111111)1111111111i111M111111111111flitat titet.. et • end etterenite„ tattette. tate teeny. 1 -are astZe ozt • EP able foe the said assets or any parte, - • SV-41;':::::.1•:-zt1,, te• ntaratint, Vet,. SS. • and enn not tnert have eezeived isa ...hall • - eteentlitegillICSIttiteriltinttrallEINVNili untitersiented ten to Tetestet -tee tenther -teeth,. LO.o . ter the tenet trker,?.. th st 1^,n4,0tit 1;41` neratteset • the nco tettiete tetnette, Creme borne:tee-eta fitretee, imetiernette e'en!. et:titre-tit ve.e.t 1,,Vira=1:11, Wad: it ;Itt tiettettettert. tt has nature:: iirainattee eralisseraete bet rare ?nett and teletette tettelteet neinteisartete etetteete,d, NViatientear. liffeeinettent. la - s 4n2 le DATED at Terannei -resetve Erierds tee idle she stente VALE, to be addressed by en. , r ttet The eresem GQ,V•I'mtaz.e..2.t hos anangoosAnnemietle..... e ,-!.."Pr:zanFis7 T1 1'; CREDTTORS Riese: 'Tettiff IF :CATE-VI:MN _ "nee eff "*". tereetteeti :es, in the Ceeiney of Smeen - vie:etre:et., eteentes NetnICEE, iS pnestatteet et. teeteett 5e, Chetette: 1/414 ttra.T eft. erten- 'ther 1 rn: eraet netting eittietts teenier:et . the etZtereeteti of ct'nettietette, genneerty, alt„,01.11 .211.61,1% tat tike redtiViti•Nt," ,e1 t+.1, need heTeat, eiteretti.d. ete deieteee tte jL Ettestetteltit • erz, tatt.th tta.7:r ..;'tlt:11 «4141:Qs-5its ,Ar4;;t▪ h teen eantikettletre teiteie eitititteisteeiettite andthe nairelnit the siontrities acne held - titeettee AND' "Ett RTHIER TARE NkCillfft"E t affeee nee SaSit .6,TUCIPA Itikkz kettle -It teeterte 'eget:. the neeets -ei the - Segall Talitatc, 1111$ V4IitrOlgad, Nt. Eat,r;7474,2tisi tifikZ% tntitkd eteta.lealeing eitgattel entet bJitheneteeetet net:lee; nd t,:t4e••litt,E,..t-at‘e,I,i,ittil net isetiehtes otaittn, rt t "that, lime ieff' th Sahel' distritbeette ' VT:ge17) okff,:liVhtti;:7jr.ttn. tbistw' do, pr. 1„.101t, irOrtttio• t tou eareas Catteeht etteteln Teacher of am et g, Ther.ry tree aWingisauzs pa...v..-tt 12= 111 petits a:item-41 fee Tzteentee Cceesereattety Examine aliens Mider=„nter tzetet: PLANOr tetera.Cdel. Vass Menem Inteemediate-Mti. Mese N. Beattie. Rean. treraitan---Mties Hink. Printary-Hie E. Beaten C GreliGit rmadiaee---Ilies 8. Mee Lean. Hoitorst Hcrisliczorst less 12. Bng- ter. ior-,-Vlisrs llirlaitrOor.a..• Tritoz.'..ors; Mr. B. Edgar. Eicrxrrsg, /Liss i Tbartreozz, Itarrss Lade,. 'Mr. W.. Si7m. =tunes, .1,SORIto marz,r- aia eretty hard linen Won't yen a tette chance ree see what can ,d enter with strong sneiteert? -le the yeaee fellerwing et.e.tel atette ab,ithiftritc and hard : t"tie abirs iti the ceeettee- en et tirm hae-iat Then., tho.Togla a *tided tr-tt 't21 the pose:Fen being a minerity party, and ttwiere 1.1 " et t et:stare et-eetettei, • streineleit which ere nett in the int.1$11',.; oi a oettaarry, Lc pule - tit eheettd have freed.tet LT pinv as trzz- leader off eteentatteetc eettch thee teetetete Le carrying en taw the ineenteet, 'after the " weit have., come theettere. Q' the gtart cheratty and - itteee aftee this ' etteeti, with era- arm a TaUttit'h t:22et, net a arta weeketeeder W. -ern te, . .. S James Maleeka and FeGander- ...he: ewe /lee. 11331131aillEUWIIIIMilliallitillE11181111111611111111111MININIE11111111111111111113111131131111M jtetretteentete.,ts in the': Littera( sets, itiLPt J. ., W. flalliFSON, - • '4rte Teepee 321ritting, Al LAta-RT.."17',„ to. bie addreessed : by Here W. a Enter arad F. Nu -til.. ; ,Executtee- it .1BinitifiFlititiat.3111111.11X.1111121.111111511111igil • iji ,...... Toronto, nt. Hay, .IttP. I Mens' and B-oy's Wear AT AUBURN, to be addeessed Ready For eaR, bee Hone c. Watt: -11`="7.'" H Weather E. - Colder Et C. 'WEDNESD'AY,, SEPT., 7 11.1 BLY-15 MEMORIAL HALL Fail and. Wter OVER - to be atidnessed by Here Jazzes II COATS, are now in. These Itallettim and IL F. Hegetnen, cetette are, enatee eta tem the pee_ T*. est popular 'iteies Feed coterso tgi tatIlore4. and finished -# AT WROXETE-ie. ter tee reenteeette- t-Tre watt the Q,E matterv,-.4 enee Ea a Itcal" "Flt;thl''t a`-'6 76" wiced oartznet vtiTh any. = = W. riay„ !I it- , AT FORDWICH. t- be -e 11 - we 'v.' - -14ADt..-4,0-11EASUR.a. SurEs rtaaHnn 167- a Et."-randana OVERCOATS. Nee cart elliz mke ;For= ariez,. make deliverer fe- im ten days, arid gurzrzt.ee a ift ItURSDAY; SEPT. 8 Z '--: - Overalls.' Smotileen, Work skirt% AT BRUSSELS, to ba adderteed paztts V'ests.,_ycza ,;„,:a by Hen. ami , ;tee D. Enter, lit what pan want ttereateeamvir Sn -=,1 W. Kitchen or Haioges are lext -gap- = Lead keen rimmed to seatsGoparig, tte eddeeed, neat- hewed's.: Liiker2: rzefatt Hay, ig-Pe BOOTS end SalaBS-Witth j -txcEi..!'• were iteraterly Censettraideet Hon., James Malcolm, and F. vZictorisi-cartron„ a. Meerut AT GLENANNAN„ be mach higher price. = , lenther gritees aderentring. Sheets sit ro fae al, - n -tta ivz.z,t,a1=4:6th,e dtessza kr Bon. B., C. tory, and isirc *e'15' 65 nt t'k."1- *tom' g the panic' others- prize. - that itia. a e eras net gette.ral t- e TChinn and Cm:Ailey --- Dinner ea eSts, ce Cavan Leaf the Gesterninnent was ,FitIDATI, SZKW* Ttt or pea= arkee ne open 01 tr.e7, t ise 51 msfatg, Ens. they ' vriam Alit to .! -urea; ti pendent. iatiy g . be'eon sear, renney bath N ta bera "glr."6.4 rzstrai,.ete y, egene jetten eg. 4: Wie pay th.et highest tprizes ior a -et.= =4 'Stu. Vir.,• ri • dezartz Ibette„, ; entente et iniee 1.41tt 11' 'la- IDAIOE,VS STOIIE 4/a w VVROXEriEtt*, SM 1t4E c • ! 11111111$11110010111 6 Dtevir Pan virest MeAgs Suits Tweeds and Worsteds in plain, and - Fa fancy weaves; double" eatd single brea 'seed naodele for men =a young S.P:!d2118 50 and 23 50 Prices ' * Young Men's Suits Splendid values for young meat in, single and double breasted styles-- Greys1. Browns and Pawns -sizes ,33 tO 37. VIde as 1 14.50 ansi 17 50 Boys?" Sults Buys' Suits in large sizes of 34 to 36,, one and two Bloomers with each sual-Greys, Fawns and Heathers - for the hotr's school suit. IA 8Plittitices4 1 11 750 and 13 75 Youths? Suits For the smaller boys we are show- ing a, splendid range of Sults with one and two Bloomers; extra values for school wear, 6.95' 12.00 OVERCOATS er Overcoats for men and bo $1, D SEE, TIMI. tginsia I