HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-09-01, Page 3:orrie,
Mrs, Albert Hall and children, who
spent the summer at the home of her
father, Mr, J, Harrison, returned to
her home in thee o
wstu Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peacock, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Anderson, and Mrs.
E. Greaves; of Toronto, . attended, the
funeral of their brother,the late Ad-
am Young, which took place on'.Mon-
'' Dr. W. .Ross, of Kitchener,. spent
Sunday with his mother in town,
Mrs. Robert Dane and Stanley are
in Toronto visiting this week.
Mr.. G. W. Walker visited with
friends in' Ingersoll on' Sunday.
Mr, and ,Mrs, Stanley, of 1Dett•oit,
who have spent the past month at
Dr. Whitely's, left for the ; west on
Messrs, Hector Hamilton .and, Mer-
vin Stephens are spending a week in l
Mr, and Mrs. jack Ring and Miss;
Jean, who spent a month with the
'fornier's parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Charles King, returnedto their, horns
in Winnipeg last week.
Thursday, September est, 1927
Mss Scott, of Blyth, visited friends
in town last week.
Miss .klary Flowe is it Toronto
this week. Her three ' little nieces
who have lave :been spending their holi-
days here returned home with her,
Miss 'Bambridge, a former school
teacher here, spent a few days with
Miss Hazlewood and, Mrs. Wilson.
Miss Kate Hazlewood, is spending
hoer holidays with friends in. Toronto,
Bo*manviIle and Smiths Falls.
The sudden death in Clifford of
Mrs, Milligan, 't former resident of
this place and mother .of Mr, •Peter
Milligan, was a shock to her firiends,
here. She died suddenly Saturday
night while at a neighbor's,
I Mr, and Mrs. J.;•W. Henry and
family motored to Flesherton Satur-
The Rev. Robert Perkins,'.of Chat-
ham, ,preached in the Anglican church
here Sunday evening
Miss Margaret Davey is spending;
a veeek with friends !at Alliston,
The Wroxeter continuation and
public school will re -open on Tues-
day, September 6th.
Monday, September 5th is Labor
Day, and being a public holiday, the
store will be closed. •
Mr. Leonard Brown met wjth an
unfortunate accident Thursday morn-
ing, His horse took fright' near the
Greenly garage at some Hien 'carry-
ing l'umbei•. Mr, Brown managed to
get hold of one rein, but the horse
and buggy' swung around, throwing
him to the ground and'dragging him
some distance before letting go. His
face was badly- skinned and his legs'.
bruised wherethe wheel passed over
them, but fortunately no bones were
broken. He was obliged to take a
few days' rest but is able to attend
to'his duties again.
Issuer f.Mr '
u o anage Licenses.
The 'law now requires the licen
-be` taken out three 'days before t
and a n
e d Din
n er Sets;
Fancy China
If you are looking for some-
thing nice in a Dinner' or Tea
'Set, or anything in Fancy China,
we have it.
47 -piece Windsor Dinner Set --
a 'beautiful
:;ta'beautiful pattern _ r _ _ $2&so
97 -piece Fruit . Set at ....... $r7so
I only Tea Set, Iris Lustre $7:50
Another lot of Lustre Egg Cups.
at 5c each.
Mr. John Underwood returned.
home to Saskatoon this week after
spending the past few weeks here,
Mrs, ' Robert Musgrove is 'visiting
friends at Toronto this week.
Mrs,: J. W, Masters and son Robert
are spending a few days at Toronto
this week.
Mr. and -Mrs. Anson Thornton and
family, of Gorrie, spent Sunday atthe
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
i Mi'. and Mrs: Wilbert Mathers, of
Guelph, spent the week -end with the
former's parents here.
s that
" w;
NEW feeling of luxury—of relaxation—of
restful, satisfying comfort—CID/716S over you
when you sink into the seat of a McLaughlin -Buick
for 1928. For thes"e seats are like easy chairs—
made so by tailoring thein to fit you, just as fine
13 furniture is .tailored.
In every way McLaughlin -Buick for 192$ git*es the
greatest .measure of riding comfort. Hydraulic
shocks absorbers, front and rear made an integral
part of the car by redesigning McLaughlin $nick's
springs and chassis—smooth out the roughest
roads and prevent rebound, adding still: further to
the joy of McLaughlin -Buick travel,
This is another indication of 1VIcLaughlin-Euiek's
greater value --anther reason why you ahould buy
a McLaughlxii-Bnick for 1928. rNOae«
Al. M, Crawford, Wrnghain, Ont.
Dealer in McLaughlin, GicIsni bile and Chevrolet
Wit l utomobilea Are Baine
'+Viii 19ullai
The Rt, Hon, Stanley Baldwin, the British Premier, took a short course in engine driving at
Pickering, Ontario, on the new Canadian National. 'locomotive, number 6120, the largest and most
powerful railway engine in the British. Empire: Mr. Baldwin, when visiting Kingston, Ont, heard
that this titan of the steel rails was an all -Canadian product, designed by Canadian National Railway
engineers and built at the Kingston shops. Early on Saturday morning No. 6120 was attached to the
Royal Train to haul it into Toronto to mark the opening of the new Union Station. Mr; . Baldwin,
although busily engaged in the preparation of his speeches, halted in his work to make an inspec-
tion of the engine, eventually climbing into the cab with the engineer. He showed the keenest in-
terest in the manner in which the big locomotive was handled when travelling at high speed, and
worked the various levers controlling the engine. It is a wonderful piece of machinery and should.
be a source of pride to the Canadian designers and builders," said the Premier on leaving the loco
motive. No, 6120 is one of forty engines of similar type that are being turned' out this season for the
' fast passenger and freight services of the National System. When in regular service they will run 510
miles _without change—the longest locomotive runs in the Dominion,
Mr. Robert Galbraith, of London,
here recent -
called on friends around
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Weir, of Kit-
chener, spent a few days - with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L.
Weir, and other friends, the lust of
the week:
-Eldred Cathers, /little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles "Catheis, who was
recently run over by a wagon loaded
with grain and who has been receiv-
ing treatment in Fergus hospital„has
returned horse and is imp pving day
by day. We hope to see hint fully re-
'ccvered soon again.
Mrs. Albert Gallaher is at present
visiting friends in Toronto.
A number of the young rnen of this
locality left last night for the west
to help with the harvest.
McPherson & Iviakins, law costs,
$71.5o; Sawyer & Massey, 2 scrapers,
$200; paint and painting; bridge,
$56.15; Parolman Frank Biernes,
$68,x9; Patrolman George Kelly,
$113.6o; Patrolman W. Henderson,
$231.75; Patrolman. Charles Work-
man, $26.25; Patrolman G. H. Wheel-
er, $18.75. .
Council adjourned to meet on Sep-
tember'26th at the hall.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Strong and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
'Mrs. Carl Pennington,' of near Tees-
1Vtr. and Mrs. Milian, of Dromore,
and Mr. William Horsburgh and Mrs.
Carter, from. Holstein, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Horsburgh.
Misses Marybelle and Eva Hors -
burgh returned home after spending
a couple of weeks with friends .at
The editor surely has a. poor op-
inion of our M.S. when 16 members
can only put up 52 cents, just . a
slight mistake—it was. $5:25.
Visitors in the burg Saturday in-
cluded Miss, Blanch Irwin, Wing -
ham, with her parents; Miss Beatrice
Gordon and'.mother, of Teeswater, at
William Mundell's.
A number of our young nen left
on Monday to assist with the harvest
in the west.
Gordon Inglis gave a party to his
friends Friday evening, before leav-
ing for the west. vault, $1i.6o; A. E. Toner, drawing
Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Ballagh and brick, $io; •Robert Brown, drawing
family, Mr: and Mrs. Henry Johann gravel, $5; . Garnet Wright, cutting
and family, were guests at the golden weeds, $r,00; William Baylor, widen-
wedding of Aair, and Mrs. Joseph 'Hall, ing road,' lot 21, con. 5, $26.5o;
Teeswater, on Saturday, 1•Thomas Strong, gravel, $2g,io; Wil -
Mr. John Lamonby, of Toronto, re- liana Lambkin, gravel, $31.30; Ross
Hewed' acquaintances ink the 'village Bayliss, gravel, $7,50; Arthur Jacques,
last weep. dragging and gravelling, $135.25; Wil -
Miss Foster, of the general store, liana Doig, • gravel, $42.80; W W.
spent Sunday in Toronto, • Strong, dragging road, $9; James
Visitors returning home Mrs, Eck- Waliconi, cementin1, public shed 'in
'For t tci
Victoria, 'cit t 1G~. .
ett arta Miss Ella to tc , l3.C., $ o zo, John Hyitdtliatt,
Mrs. Ctrl and: children to 't'bronto; cement for office, $37.15; C. Killen -
Mr. and Airs, Carter McKee and babe ger, compensation for wire fence, .$16;
to Galt. . James Downey,' gravel, $17.25; Burns
We are sorry to .report Mrs. Mul- Stewart, gravel, $37,65; bred, A. Ed-
vey's mother at Lecanis quite low. gar, certificates ' Litt drain, $2o.5o;.
1301111 Ring, euttiro, weeds, con. 6 and
MORRIS COUNCIL . ! S, $Y5; George Mosure, -cutting weeds
in Fordwich,' $16,.10; L. Gibson, sheep
Council tact in tlo.. township hall killed 'by dogs, $:ro; Joc Bennett,
on i�Ionday, August• 15th, all mem- sheep killed by dogs, v$25; Garnet
bets present, Minutes read and con- King, sheep killed, by dogs, $t5; A.
firmed. 1 Pike, sheep killed, by dogs, $8S', O•
The contractor on the Ellison drain Shoemaker, sheep .killed by dogs, $44;•
was paid $1,780 00 the work clone, J, Beswlthcrick, rent of roosts, $1,50.
Mr, McGill was appointed to let the. It was moved by Taylor and Hub -
work of repairing, the Bone drain. bard that council do now adjourn to
The contract on the covered, portion ineet againin the township hall on
of the Peacock drain was given to the ,third Wednesday in September,
James Peacock at the .engineer's esti when collectors will be appointed.
mate. G. W. 4Valkei, •Clerk,
The township rate for •the present
year was fixed at 6 mills on the dol SLUEVALE •
tar. ;
The report an the Wells drain was Mt, and Mrs. 'Wilbur and fannly,,�
read and provisionally adopted. of Guelph, were visitors over the: ,
The following .accounts were paid. vee1r-end at the home of Mr, and
Charles I(istner, Ellison drain, $W801 'Mrs. George Mathers,
Dromore and' ,Holstein
Council met at Forw.ich on August
17th, in Beswitherick's rooms, pur-
suant to adjournment All 'members
present, the reeve in the chair. The
minutes of last meeting were read
sand, on motion of Taylor and Hub-
bard, were adopted.
It was•moved, by.Leonard and Gam-
ble that the following accounts be
paid: Ralph. Thompson, brick for
Mr. George Fells, of Atwood, spent
the week-end.under the parental roof.
Mr. and Mrs. David Pocock, . of
Goclerich, were visitors over the
week -end at the home of their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Leonard Elliott. They were
'accompanied home by their grandson,
Stewart Elliott.
Mr.' Thomas Mathers, who was un -
'der the doctor's care last week, is
able to be out again.
Mrs. Mosgrave is in Toronto this
week attending the Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs.. Hayes returned home
to Pittsburg on Monday .after spend-
ing theirvacation at the honk of the
latter's sisters, Miss Paul and Mrs,.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Duff, of Wel-
land, are visiting at the home of Miss
Polly Duff.
Mr. and. Mrs. James, and Mr. and
Mrs. Whitfield; of Gorrie, were Sun-
day visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed., Johnston. •
Mr. A. F. Pocock, of Toronto, 'mo -
toned up and spent the week -end at
me coat . I toeght mebby it would i git wurruked up, so to slipalce, T
do me no harrum to wear it, soein as' changedi, the subjickt, but ye see how
it didn't`cosht annyting. Whin Sandy slitubborn a Grit kin be, >:Whio. we
saw it he was crazy to git wan loike wus afther slipakin av a shtrot g goo-
it, but wus tould that the shtock.had ernmint av coarse toe mint a Tory
r out, so, se4in 'MIS an mild warfer,
, , •�
o sinsblc titan wed,
frind, I tould him he cud hev Moine r;pickt such a ting from the Grits
fer a quarther, but whin I saw how arr the U.F,O,'s air both put to,ither.
quickly he tuk me at me :offer I wus Yours till nixt wake,
sorry I hadn't asked fifty cints fer it, Timothy Hay.
Sandy wus as proud as a paycock to * • n
hev it shtuck on his coat, an called HURON COUNTY SCHOOL
it a bonnie wee button an said he wud : FAIR DATES
wear it to the kirk nixt Sunday.
I naydn't say annyting about the Eensall ..: .. Sept, .8
maytin, fer mosht ivirybody wusuricla „.. _ .,: Sept, 9,
theer, an thim that wussen't cud rade WroxeterSept. z3
about it in the paypers, but mebby Ethel Sept. 34
ye wud loike to hear av some talk Walton . „ Sept. 15
Sandy an mesilf had aftherwards, I Belgrave „„ :.:•, Septa 16
"'Twas ' a braw meetin, Tim,” sez Fordwich , Sept. 17
he, "an shows ye what the Grits can Varna :__ :,. Sept, 19
dae when they set oot tae dae it Goderich Township . Sept; 20
"Grits indadel" sez I. "Shure 'twas Colborne Township _.... Sept, a1,..,..
the Tories an the U,F,O.'s that wus Ashfield Township ,,..: Sept. 22
afther helpin to make the maytin a St, Helens Sept, 24
success. The besht av the furniture Winchelsea „:. Sept, 26
wus from Jawn Hanna's club room, Blyth Sept. �0,:
an the foine rug from the same 'place, . Crediton Sept, 29,
an Jawn is wan av the. besht Tories Grand Bend ._.„ ,.W. _. ,. Sept, 30
we hev in town, an his father be- Dashwood Oct; 3
foor him," sez I. "Some av the floral Clinton Town ....„.__.._...:..„„_.... Oct
d ckor
ashy n
u s wus Tory, an even the
C nton (rural)
_. Oct.
egg -boxes fer the sates wussen't Grit Note thati
the dates:of I'ordwi:ch
at all, at all, but wus furnished be the and St. Helens fairs have been chars
fellahs. What hev g'
ye to say ed 'those dates supplied by the
to that Sandy, me man?”' sez I, original lig,
Sandy had to shtudy a whoile be-
foor he cud tink up an answer, an I
thin he snide shtepped. MRS. WILLIAM BROOMER
"Dae ye no ken," sez he, "that it
was the richt thing tae dae for the The many friends in this'vicinity,
11.F,0.'s tae furnish seats for the of Mrs. William l3roomer (nee Elsie
Grts? According tae the arguments Dow) were shocked to hear of her
av Mr, 13ricker and Miss McPhail the death in Toront ogeneral hospital on
auld parties have been sitting on the August f8th, following an operation
puir doontrodelen U.F,O.'s for many for goitre. Deceased was born in the
a lang year, eo are they nae used tae township of East Wawanosh ,forty-
bein sat on? 'Tis wonderful what two years ago. Of a quiet, kindly dis-
heidsa` the Grits hae for doing things ,position, she will be very much miss
in the richt way." ed by her two young daughters, Vela
"Shure Sandy," sez I, "ye are a ma and Eileen Broomer, Her remains
broth av a bye fer argyle, so ye are, were laid to rest in Park Lawn cern-
but whoy diden't ye throy yer hand eters, Toronto, beside those of her
on Mishter Bricker to git him to husband, who predeceased her five:
dhrop out av the race? 'Tis what years ago.
•iviry Grit in Nort Huron has been
wishin fer ivir since he 'vus nominal BROKE THREE RIBS IN FALL
ated. I 'believe if ye had pulled 'aff
that shtunt ye cud av had almosht On Friday last, William Salter, .a.
annyting ye loiked to ask from the farmer near -by, went to the barn to
Grit parthy, avers to the posht awficc feed his horses and while putting
in Auburn." down some hay, slipped through the
"Well," said, Sandy, soide shteppin hole and landed on a manger in the
agin, "what I no understand is hoo stable below. There he lay ancon
ye Tories can be pullin an haulin to scions for an hour or more "till dis-
throy to beat the Leeberal candidate, covered by the hired'man, who assist
when the hale bilin of ye said durin ed him to the house. A doctor found
the last election that ye didna care three ribs broken, and many painful:
which pairty wud win so long as we bruises and a general shaking up .Mr..
got a strong government, an Hoo ye Salter's condition is improving now..
want tae mak the government weak- i
the home of his cousin, Mrs, .Leonard er by electin a Tory. There's nae I Miss Lilian Longman, of Windsor,
Elliott. His mother and father and sic a thing as consistency in a Tory.' visited at the home of Mr. John Wal -
two children accompanied pin home. Seein• that Sandy wus beginnin to ters.
Mr. Sandy Mustard had the itis- —a --
fortune to rota into the village bridge
and smash his car on Saturday night.
Mr. Wasman, of Clinton, spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs..
L. H. Bosman,
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Robb and fam-
ily, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the
home of the Iatter's. sister, Mrs., Mor-
ris Bosnian.
Mrs. Roger .Oke spent a day in To-
ronto Last week.
Miss "Teddy" Smith, of Toronto,
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Elliott.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Woreen's Institute will wili be held at
ti.e hemi; of Mrs, 3, W. Leggatt on
Th nsda aft�rnaon e��.ni �� ,,th
t Y S � b� ,
at 24;0 n'ci0cic. A paper, "Agriculture
-foe Women," will be given by Mrs,
L. Matt. :r: c,t.
t. A flower contest, mixed
bouquet from home ga den. Roll call
to be answered by a verse about a
To the Editur av all thi::i Winghani
Der Sur:
I suppose ye wus at the big Grit.
palaver Tursday av iasht wake ati
heard all thitn spaiehcs. ':1 wile a little
late gittin-tliecr mesilf be rayson
waitin fer tine Quid (rind, Sandy
Panics, to come in frum the counthry,
He phoned me that he wits corein
an wanted to put itis parse up in Hie
shtable and thin we cud go down to
the maytih togither.- Sandy bein
Scotch', is, av coorsc, trot the fashtest,
mars in the wurruld,but I waited pay-
shuntly till he came, tinkin mebby
that if the Arena shed be crowded I
wud be surer av gittin a good sate
if 1 wus wid a Grit. I wits at the
shtashun whin the thrain carne in, an
a fellah shtuck watt av thiin buttons
wide the premier's pitcher on it, on
In Case of
Acci ', nt
OD. the Highway
If you cannot produce your Motor Vehicle Operator's
License when called upon, you are presttnied
to be an. incompetent Driver
Always carry your Motor Vehicle Operator's License
when driving a car. Your license is your authority to
drive, It is illegal to be in charge of a car without it.
In case of accident or infraction of The Highway Traffic
Act, your Motor Vehicle Operator's License will be called
for at once by the traffic patrol or policeman. At any
time, on the highways or on.town or city streets, officers
of the law may ask you to produce it. If you are unable
to do so, you are subject to a fine.
If you have not yet applied for your Motor Vehicle
Operator's License, secure it at once. Application forms
can be had at any garage. Anymne who has driven S00
y1d for 6 months continuously, and who has no
physical disability which may interfere with the opera-
tion of a car may be granted a License. Examinations
will be given to all other applicants.
The Motor Vehicle Operator's Licenses ceases axe a measure of
protection of yourself and all others on the road. Identi-
fication of drivers will lead to the weeding out of the
incompetent and reckless,
"The Goversinnent is determined, through the
highways Department, to put a stopto reck-
less driving and to secure for the average
citizen the inatimum of safety when trave '
on the roads" --The Hon. G. Howard Tergusoi
Prime Minister, in the Toronto Globe, August
19, 192.
tario :Department arts ent of Highways
The Han. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister