HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-25, Page 4Slii1liMMiIIiMMililill{dill/11161'1161116111x{II/IIIIMUIIIi/1111IIiMMhI�IIIMIIII/111�111111111A.1111U�tt19M11.1.
�' AClTT �Y' 'i" tJ Obi
Thursday,Aug. 11
Sale Commences
A few of the Bargains are listed:.
- sac Jonteel Creams _._ .. _..._39c 5oc Klenzo Antiseptic -„.,.._, . 3gc
35c Narcissus Talcum ,,._._._, 29c 25c Castor Oil. _ n.__.x9c
$x' Petrofol .., w.___ 79c 75c Georgia Rose Bath ,Salts 59c
soc Cascara Tablets 39c soc Georgia Rose Facer
Powder :_ ._ 39c.
35c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 23e 75c Stationery ....... 49C
1 50c Milk of Magnesia ,_.... 3gc xoc Palm Skin Soap _ 6 for 44c
Phone 53 , ,' r:.w'.'e�'; rvonrrEartr�elsvocz s r".Wingham
Published at
Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan craig, Publisher
Subscription, rates --One. year $0.00,
Six months $.1.,00, in advance.
Advertising rates on Application.
1 Mr. and Mrs, Joe Clark, of Har -
0 riston,"ve"re visitors in town one day
this week.
1/I I Isi i i/1116111.I11i111/Ill/Ill/1116111/111/ql/III/III/1116111/Il l/1116111/1116111/1i16111■III/Ili®ihI
'tem iis11s1Aii111ritIsisl/III/III/III/IIm III IIimlllgllIM1iimuI/1116(11/ns116111/1II/IImni/IIIll
* e
WANT AP'S'E,' e_
WANT ,..0,,i
r•j cent a word per insertion; with a minimum charge of 25c. RI
illi/ill/Ili/III■III/IIIiYIiMIlle t1l®I111111imii ®III/IatII®IiiiimikeI►IIPIIinIa III®llmiiI/mim
WANTED—Two girls, Apply to
Stewart Glove & Leather Works.
TO RENT—House with all conven-
iences, at corner of Catherine and
Victoria streets, Apply to Samuel
Morton, Belgrave, phone 15-624,
FOR SALE — 8 -room house with
front store, on Victoria street,
near Josephine; with conveniences.
Terms easy. Apply to R. Mooney,
plumber, Josephine street, Wing -
FOR SATE—One . pure-bred D. x
Shorthorn bull 2 years old; also one
team of horses 4 years. Apply to
Lewis Brothers, sons of the late
Mr. F. J. Lewis, R.R. i,_Winghani,
IF YOU HAVE old hens for sale,
read our ad. We are loading wear
Aug. 25-26 . United. Farmers' Co-
operetiv'e Company, Wingham; Ont.
FARM FOR SALE -zoo adres in the
tosvneirip'of E, Wawanosh east half i
lot 32; eon, $; stone house, 7 rooms;
barn .}0164 0n l;tpzte foundation,
shed 35x455 attached tobarn; pig
house, hen house, implement house,
and orchard; 77 acres under' &1l,ltF
,ration; 7:} acres bush; farm is all
' under grass, clean, and in the best
of condition for cropping; lots of
good spring water; handy tosta-
tion, school and churches. Andrew
Jamieson, R.R. i, Belgrave, Ont.
FOR SALE—Some empty in -gallon
e lard barrele at $1,50 each. Gibson's
Bakery. '"4,1 VSSe Tniti 'aux
AUCTION SALE of furniture at,
„ Gavin Wilson's, near power house,
' Wingham, on Saturday, Sept. 27th.
• Thomas Fells, Auctioneer.
WANTED—Man •capable of manag-
anaging 5c to. $1.00 chain store in Wing-
ham. This store will be in connec-
t tion with chain stores already . op-,
erating. Must have $3,000.00 and re-
tail experience. •Apply 'Box B, Ad-
Mrs. David Watters, Frances street.
Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell, of Mild-
may, and Miss Ruby Kirkwood, RN.,
Owen Sound, were Sunday visitors at
the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Johri
Gray and Mrs. M. E. Copeland.
school students preferred. Apply
Mrs, J. E. Robinson, Catharine
in Wingham. Applications :received'. s
in writing up to September 1st. Ad
dress Box A, Advance -Times office
the Advance -Times.
HONEY—White, 13c lb.; mixed, 3oc
pail and also $2.5o pail. Apply to
J. H. Casemore.
HONEY FOR SALE—sec ib. at the
apiary of. Milo: Casemore; also at
Adams' . Feed Store, Wingham.
Phone 3-267,
FOR SALE -15o acnes choice land,
lot .2, con. 13, Hullett; first-class
buildings, Delco ,light; two-thirds
purchase price may remain on mort-
gage at 4'1 per cent.; balance cash.
or• first mortgage on other proper-
ty. J. H. Wheatley, R.R. 1, Blyth,
Elmer Wilkinson
lit61116111/11aiim111/I11milim mlliiill/III/1it
Hotg ti . Water and
Hot:.Air Heating
`iii'. J. ROYCE —
i Store Ph. 58. House Ph. 88.
I all111M11119111/111®III/111/IIIIMIII®IllmlII/III®III®
Alfred W. Anderton
Organist' St. James. Church,
Teacher of
FOR. SALE—Three chunks, 90 lbs.= Piano, Organ, Singing, Theory
each, and one sow and, seven pigs_o_
one month old.. Apply to J. C. Pow -
Studio: Mrs. D. Bell, Wingham.
Phone 2(22
ney, Belgrave, phone 11-623.
KENNEDY, late of the Township "?
of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, a
widow, deceased,
pursuant to Section 56, Chapter 121, s
of the Revised Statutes of Ontario,
that all persons having claims against
the Estate of Catherine Kennedy, who
died on or about the first day of July,
A.D, 1027, at the Township of Kin _
loss, are required to send by post, s
prepaid or deliver to J. W. Bushfieid,
Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the
Executor, on or before the ninth day re
of September, A:D, 1927, their names
and addresses with full particulars of
their claims_ in writing and the nature
of the securities (if airy) held by
that after the said ninth slay of Sep-
tember, A.D. 1927, the assets of the
sait:t Estate will be distributed by
Executor among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which he shall then have notice'
and. the Estate will not be liable for
any claims slot filed at the time of
the said distribution. I
Results of pupils •entered for
Toronto Conservatory Examin-
ations, Midsummer 1g27:
A.T.C,M. Miss E. Haftel,
Intermediate—Miss S. Cole,
Miss N. Beattie, Miss J.
Junior --Miss E, Holt.
Primary -Miss E. Becker,
Ixttermediate•-Miss S. Mc-
Lean, Honors; Miss E.
Holt, Honors; Miss H. Bug-
Junior --Miss G. MacDonald,
Honors; Mr. B. Edgar,
Honors; Miss B. Thornton,
Miss Little, Mr. W. Sime
I Primas —Miss E. Haftel, xst
Class Moti.ors; Miss IL
Beattie, I•ionors; Miss 5,
Cele 'Hom ra; Miss •E. Sal'
'dery , y
twenty- ? W o -.. -
DA"i`h.ID .at Wtn�iiain this w Y =
second day of S,epternbcr, x1.,1). 1927
W BI151I 111ll: All pupils entered ttecessful 1
J+ Solicitor feethe y o *tor. node tteei,i, weeteeeteessi,ur.,ir meetetetene”
Miss Hazel Stevenson, of Indian-
apolis, Indiana, is the guest. of Mr.
and Mrs. David Falconer, Minnie
IVliss Olive Hall, of Albany, N.Y.,
visited with Mr, and; Mrs. Will
Brown last week.
Miss Hazel Little, of Toronto, is
spending : a couple of weeks with
friends in town and: vicinity.
Miss Elsie Grenashe, of Teeswater,
has returned to her home after spend-
ing two weeks at the home of Mr.
.and Mrs. Will Brown.
Mrs. Boothby, of Detroit, visited
M. E. Copeland, Shuter street, last
week; also Miss "Kirkby, of Owen
Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. Farrell,, of
Mildmay. •
Will all those who are willing to
volunteer cars in the interests
of nty
election on Monday, September 12th,
kindly communicate with me.—George
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Galbraith
were in Toronto last week attending
the funeral of the latter's father,
Charles Wesley Dickinson, who died
on the 17th inst.
Mr. and. Mrs. 5. Button spent the
week -end in St. Thomas the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Button. spent 'a
couple of days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. L. D. Stanley, St. Marys.
The W.M.S. of the United church
are holding their tea at the parson-
age Friday afternoon, August 26th.
Tea served from 3 to 6 o'clock. All
the ladies are cordially invited.
Two rinks of local bowlers attend-
ed the Lucknow tournament on
Thursday last, but were not success
fur in going through. A. M. Craw-
ford and J. Mason got as far as the
semi-finals in the second event.
Mr. C. F. Chapman, for some time'
accountant in the Bank of Commerce
here, has resigned his position and
willenter the bond and stock busi-
ness with headquarters in Goderich.
There will be many who will miss Mr.
and Mrs. Chapman, both of whom
were most energetic and active in
sporting and social affairs, and wish
them the utmost success in the fu-
ture. .a,, ..ar.a, , .,:,•,.'.
A rather interesting event took
place at E. Lloyd & Co's factory at.
the closing hour one day, when the
men gathered around their friend,
HarryrWells, who had recently joie -
ed the ranks of the benedicts, and
showered him, not with confetti, but
with sawdust. When the storm clear-
ed Harry was presented with a hand-
some set of silverware as a token of
a., ti yn e vip:nr� 1 ` �.
esteern. 4 t 2 :L' , .
Dr. G. G, Clegg, Superintendent df
1 Victoria hospital, London, with his
,;PiiINGkAly A:717v 1` ' ,Tx.ltlti s
Ta the 'Editur av all thim Wingham
Deer Stir
T sujapo,se wan av the greatest
comforts a man kin hev in this wur
.cold is a contiiited moi.nd, that:ie to;
a raysonable iz;tiitt, 'Tis bettller not
togo to i` trames wan way arr the
v v1
other, I hev known fellates so ,con -
con -tinted that they wild, sit an slinnoke,
an let their wives shplit the wood
an mow the' lawn. Contintment is
good, as I said befoor, but mebby ye
kin hev too much av .a '.good • ting,
Thin, too, theer are min, yrs an wirn-
min as well, who are nivir satisfoied
no matther how well off they are.
Some fellates' wud grumble if they
had, the jawb av Hinry Ford, arr the
Prince av Wales, arr if they wus, run
nin fer Parlymint in Nort Huron wid
theer parthies payin all the ixpinses.
1 mit a fellah loilee that on the
shtrate wan day lasht wake, I am
almost ashamed to minshun his name,
be raysori av the fact that he wus an
oul•3 nayber av moine befoor we lift
the farrum, an shud hev known bet-
ther than to talk the way .hedid to
a sinsible man loike mesilf.
Fursht we talked av the crops an
he said he had plinty av hay, but a
lot av it got shpoiled wid the rain,,
an he didn't tink the market wud be
armygood fer hay annyway. Whin
I asked himabout his fall whate he
said that the sayson wus so wet
lasht fall that he didn't git much
sown, an what he had wint too much
to shtraw, an, he knew it wudden't
turn out nearly as well as it : shud.
The oats, he said, were rustin badly,
and the roots an carp wus perishin
fer want av rain, an the apple crop
wud be a foilure, an the pashters wus
droyin up,. .:and ' the cattle nearly
shtarvin. The farrumers had the tear
rudest loife av anpybody, he said, wid
the layst'to show ,fer it, an a lot more.
talk av that koind till- T tought I wud
change the subjickt.
I asked how the •elickshun contist
wus goin down in the ould• nayber-
hood, an if he intinded to cone to
Wingham' on the 25th to hear Prem-
ier King shpake. He said he didn't
care a cint fer the elickshun, an that
he tought he wud be trashin on the
25th an he wuddn't go across the road
to hear all the pollytishuns in the
counthry, As fer. the prisint candy
dates he said he didn't intind to vote
fer anny wan ave thim, fer a wurse
bunch av upshtarts an also rens an
has beens.an double crossers, an four
fiushers and contnsli.un..packers an'
elickshun losers' ad badk binch timber
nivir ran befoor in anny elickshun in
Canada since the Dominion wus
fursht shtarted.
tould hint purty straight what I
tought av talk av that koind, an that
he had no business to be shpalan
that way about min who wus for
rulcin day and noight and burnin up
gasoline be the barrel.throyin to win
the honor av ripresintin Nort Huron
at Ottawa. C i :.A
This man, I am sorry to say, is a
Tory in the bottom av his heart ,an
if he votes at all he will be wid us,
so I shpint 'some toime wid hint, an
invisted tin cints itt oice creme cones
at Billy Lepard's •a•efrishrnint shtand
to hilp wid me argymints. I tink from
the way he shmacked his lips over
that oice creme, barrin what got into
his whiskers, that' I gained wkan vote
fer Shpotton that day. 'Tis the only
way to do,so it ,is, fer if we want
to elicict our man, iviry Tory musht
be at worruk Pickin up a vote Isere
an there wheerivir he can, an thin,
aven if we shud be deleted, we can't
blame oursilves.
1 undershtand that some av thim
Tories in Goderich an Dungannon
hev been arround( diggin up the tom
myhawk agin, an are afther Jarge's
shcalp. What cud .ye do wid a lot av
shpalpanes loike thim?
Yours till, nixt wake,
Timothy Hay.
!wife, `children, and Mrs. McLean ,of
I London East, spent Sunday with hir.
I and, Mrs. George Mason. The doctor
visited the hospital here anda spoke
in high terms of Miss. Adams' man-
agement and the splendid well -kept
appearance of the institution.
Charlie Pattison, who has been with
R. A. Currie for three years, is leav-
ing town next week for Sarnia, wt
i he has a position. "Pat" will be sore -
missed in all young people's activi-
ties in town, and particularly on the
hockey line-up next winter. •
Winnipeg, August r6.—Chief Jus-
ticc.rblathers, of Manitoba, who died
today at Rochester, Minnesota, fol-
lowing an operation, is survived by
his widow, formerly Miss Jessie
Waugh, who was beside him when
the end carne; his son, Frank G., and
his daughter, Marguerite, at present
at Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Hon. Thomas Graham Mathers had
exercised his judicial functions for
over '22'years. He was born at Luck-
ucknow, Ontario, en April 16, 1859, be-
ing 68 years: of age at the time of.
his death. His early education was
acquired, at the schools in Lucknow'
and Kincardine, but in the very early
'8o's he came west and assumed the
duties of editor 6f the Manitoba Lib-
eral, published at Portage La Prairie,
The distinguished carer at the bar
and the bench, where he had Made' a
name as an able and unpartial jurist,
fitted 'trim for duties on public com-
missions and from 1910 onward rec-
ognition of his abilities in this dir ec-
tion were given by both federal and
provincial governments,
Mr. and Mrs, Chester MaLenethan
and 'd,aughtddrs, of Moline, Michigan,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Collins, of
Grand Rapids, Michigan, were in
town on Monday, having •come over
en a motor trip as far as the Falls.
The ladies are, daughters of the late
Mr. Calder who in the early ;days of
Wingham was inthe milling business.
While on a short visit they saw many
old friends and spent an hoer or• two
at T. J. McLean's.
A softball tournament, to setti.e the
Huron Presbytery championship• is
scheduled for Victoria Park, Goder-
ich, on Wednesday of next week, the
315t inst. Two diamonds will be in
operation,�pne for boys and one for
girls, the first game starting at 2
Van, Another game starts at 3
o'clock, and, the finals at 5,3o. Dr.
McInnes, of Wingham, is one of the
umpires, and this section is entitled
to another.
Mis, D; Zitrbrigg is spending a few
days this week visiting her parents,
Mt.' and 'Mrs. T. %iit'gr` Ayton, Ons
Mr, and Mrs. Taylor, of Guelph,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wilts, of Wrox-
eter, spent Thursday with Miss
Mi and Mrs. John Morrison and
John,;, Angus and Cassie, of Torr.
berry, ,visited on Sunday with. .
and Mrs. James Cornelius,
Hon. C. M. Hamilton, Minister o.
Agriculture of Saskatchewan, and his
daughter visited last ween with Mr.
and Mrs. John Gillespie.
The W.M,S. of the United church
held their regular monthly meeting
last week at the home of .Mrs.. Rob-
ert Laidlaw,
Mrs. Charles Mackay and children,
of Dunnville, are visiting with kir.
and Mrs. Hector Mackay and •other
relatives ..here.
IVir. and Mrs, Oliver McBrien, of
Auburn, spent Sunday with the for
tier's mother;.'Mrs.MeBrien.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dow and Mrs.
John. Martin left on Thursday, to 'at-
tend the funeral of their sister, Mrs.
Browner. (formerly Elsie Dow), who'
passed away in Toronto after a few
months . illness from,. goitre. The
friends of the bereaved family extend
sympathy to the two daughter's who
are left. Their father was killed in
the railroad yards in Toronto about
two years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Watt and babe,
of Albion, N.Y:, are visiting Mrs.
Wat't's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
IVtr. 'and Mrs Arthur Moore and
family spent. Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Moore, of Palmerston.
Mrs. Moore and children, who have
been visiting with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Tohnstorr, returned to
Toros.to with her husband on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John 'Little and chil-
dren, of Ashfield, spent Sunday last
with Mr. George and Miss lda Mc-
Quoid. '
Mr. and Mrs. Will Innes and family,
of Paris, spent the week -end with
1VIrs. Murray.
Miss Evelyn Gaunt, of Wiarton,
spent the week -end with her parents
Miss Mary Innis spent Wednesday
wiht her cousin, Mrs. Murray, prior
to leaving for her home in Montana.
A car driven by Mr. Stephenson,
jr., of Wingham, .turned turtle itt the
ditch east of Whitechurch on Monday
morning when he was returning from
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon and
family spent Sunday at St. Helens.
IYIr, and Mrs. John Purdon .and
family spent Sunday letith Mr. and
Mrs. Bolt,
Mrs. Joe. Clark and. Mrs. Tom. Mc
freight visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Eli Jacques one day last
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, of
Windsor, and their slaughter, Eliza-
beth, Goldwin Hamilton's wife, mo-
tored from Bruce Beach to see' their
aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gaston, of Leam-
ington, and four others, motored to
Whitechurch for the week -end to the
former's father's, Mr. George Gar -
Rev,, and illrs. Fitch and baby Er-
nest, also Mrs. John Tervit and Mrs.
W. Adams, Mrs. Andrew Currie and
Mrs. Will Currie, of town, motored
to Whitechurch to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Jacques.
"Wedding bells are ringing in White-
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Garniss attd
family motored to West Lorne for a
few days.
Mrs. Reid, of Brooklyn, N.Y., (for-
merly Bertha Farrow) has been vis-
iting friends in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. William Cleghorn and
daughter, of Hamilton, spent the
week -end with Mrs.: Roger pke.
Mrs, Stewart; Young and family,
Dr. and Mrs. Ed. Coultes, Dr.' John
Coultes and son, and Miss Mabel
Coultes have returned to their respec-
tive homes in Toronto and Philadel-
Leslie Greenaway, who tried the
Entrance examination this year, has
been 'notified that he passed on ap-
peal. There has not been a failure
among Entrance pupils from Blue -
vale school during the last five years.
Nineteen pupils have written and all
have passed.
Rev. A. V. Walden. and family have,
returned from spending their vacation
at Point Clarke.
Mr.and Mrs. R. C. Douglas and
Miss Olive have returned to their
honne in Tstionto.
Mr, Silas Johnston and 'family vis•
itcd at ,1r. lid. Johnston's,
Brick church anniversary will be
held on Sunday, September 4th. Rev:
W. D. MacDonald, of. Egmondville,
Will conduct the servic,eS, at 1i a.m.
and 7 p.nn.
T111t'sday: Apgust .25 I,
min,s IIIM ilio i'
Ili I Is1i16111/IFIIIIIII/1111 111 1116111 N, JIINIIIMIHIrllll/IIIMgl6 _ i MM iMr l Y IIM,
_61 _
l r.
xcollont Boots
Moderate Prices
This Illustration represents
of Our Values Splendid1 es in `Men's
Work Boots.
0 Made of good quality black grain leather, with or without
— andit''•Panco
Y Toe -Cap, w h295
In all sizes for men, per pair .... ..,., '
- Light weight. Tan Boot, soft and pliable; not the usue1 heavy
®soft'' boot with Paneo Soles,'that will Ell
_ and hard boot, but a nice ,
▪ i ve comfort and absolute satisfaction. In all sizes for
- g v 2.95
similar' Boot,_but in better quality,in all sizes i
And 3.65 —
N for men; per pair-
men; per pair
/II- I/III/I1i6111/1116111/IIIM1111101116111/III/1116111/III/III■III/III/It■116111muinsio MI 1111th n
Phone 129, WINGHAM
/III/111/11.1111III■11161►IsI11s111611161111111110111/11161116111611111111®III/III®III/IIM11I/IiI/11111 tl
Mens'and Boy's WWear ".1
Men's Sults •
Tweeds and Worsteds in plain and f
'fancy weaves, ' double and single =
breasted models for men and young 1
Special18 50 and 23.50 i
Prices ! e.7 �r
Young 'Men's Suits
Splendid values for young men, in
single and double breasted styles- �
Greys, Browns and Fawns—sizes 33
S 37. III
Prices I: 4'.50 17.50 .50
Boys' Suitsat
Boys' Suits in large sizes . of 34 to •
36, one and two Bloomers with each ` t
suit—Greys, Fawns and Heathers—' =—
ideal for he boy's school suit. i
Special r and
150 13•
Prices 9
Youths' Suits
For the smaller boys we are ,show-
ing ' a splendid range of Suita with
one and two Bloomers; extra values
for school wear.
6.95 to 12.00
New Fall and Winter Overcoats for men and boys, in
newest cloths. -COME IN AND SEE THEM.
all the
J. Lis _
Ill/i l I/I1111I I1MI1113111/I I1111l111,1l IM1116111/11111111/
n1�lli IM1111/II IMIII IsII TIMI 116111/III/il1i11116111�11 l
■ ■
■ ■
■ ? ■
■ Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies ■
16 ■
■ 'irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. ■
■to We Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus.'
■ .....o,.. •
■ ' ■'
■ .
■ 'Va.cxlulln Cleaners and Floor'�lfltec 1
■ For Rent. a
■ ■
■ , 1
Win hat Utilities' commission■
■ �ro�tord Block. l.
MOM 156.