HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-18, Page 8a ■ WINCINAIVX 'ADVANCE -TIMES lailli 9qq■dl■I■N■llglg1IIgqgq®lMMgriggqrrqll■Irl■s IN ■ if ■ ■ ■ 1 m ■ ■ 1 a 1! a 44, UBLIC. TINCTS ckenzie Kin; '1! 1 a 1 ■ 1 1m 1 ■ i ■ ■ ■ 111 1 1 1 1 • 4111a 1 o e tat ■ ®, 1 1 111 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1• ■ 1 t�llq�1lq®q■®�®Its®iM®q®®®®®ill®® t. PRIME MINIS ER OF CANADA will be held on Thur�ay, in. the 5,1921 Ska'tihg Arena Win in the afternoon at Two o'clock AND IN THE ham Skatingl i Goderic in the evening at 8 o'clock. 111/11111®I1111111®1116111116111 USI111®II119N112111 ; III®Illglll®illi;alllmIIIismi IIDIII®III®1110111®I11OI11emslit®IIIsIII®Ill■III■IIIBIIIImII ume SPEAKERS AT WIj\ GRAM: Rt. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minister. Hon. Lucien Cannon, Solicit.. r General Hon. J. C. Elliott, Minister of Public' Works Mr. Archie Hislop, Liberal Candidate 'j SPEAKERS AT G ODERIICH Rt. Hon. W. Lm Mackenzie King, Prime Minister Hon. Lucien Cannon, Solicitor General Hon. James Malcolm, Minister of Tradelland Commerce Mr. Archie Hislop , Liberal Candidate IliElll■11118111■11181illtelllEill■IIIUI111111■III■I1 EMIfMI lid@IMEMISII1g111®M dMIK .y 111EIMEIMAIIII®1111411111111IMMUlll■IIII® EIll GORDON YOUNG ALEX. PORTERFIELD, President North Huron Liberal Ass'n. Sec'y North Huron Liberal Ass n. GOD SAVE THE KING. 1■ 111 m ■ 1 1 ■ 1 1 IVEMSIMEMNIMMMOMICIMEMMOIMMMEMEMECONMEMONMEMEMMMEMEMEM !•I LY THEATRE • • • ii CI Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 18, 19, 20 i RICHARD 1MX and E STIIER RALSTON --IN-- i� IIf. "•The Quarterback" iii, A Footbal Film. 1 si iii• arena • so i Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 23, 24 FRED TI OMPSON and SILVER KING i IN eider cau►t A Boy Stout Stool, W iii IIlR111I11011111111M1111itni111.1 71011U10111o111 IIllllilll tnicIIe11101U111111111110t11I II*IIBlllliwi1111a Miss WOXT1R tn.tna Mulvey, of Stratford, vias the 'guest' of Miss May Davidsor: on Sunday. Shcibii,rne frion';is arcat present vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Morrison are spending a few days with Mrs. Ivtor- rison, sr. Mr. Thomas Gibson and fainly spent Sunday with friends in Guelph. Mr. Kenneth Gibson motored from Kitchener on Saturday, returning on Sunday. Mrs, McIntosh, of Stratford, is at present visiting her father,; Mr. John Davidson. Born -In Wroxeter, on August 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffatt, a daughter. Miss Mary Renwick, of Palmerston, is at present visiting with Mr, and Mrs. William Kaake, Mr, Whitstone and sbn, of Harris- ton, were guests of Mr; and Mrs. Robert Black recently. Clarence Neil, of Harristou, was eft town Wednesday. W,ROXET.1fR C. C. MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT Eva T3rown-13, :ltlsit, L , m*g,arct Davey—Cotnp. C,' Lit. C, Alg.'IIT, F ..Attth, III, 1r°. comb. 'C. Dorothy Doig—Chinn, III, Lit,. II, A. Hist, I, A1S.. II,Geom. I, Phys. I, Claem. II. Margaret : Doig—Comp. C, A. Hist, II, Alg. I, Geom.. II, Phys. 1, Chem II, Archie Edgar Geom II Kenneth Edgar—Comp. III. Marguerite Foster — Comp, C, B. Hist. III, A. Hist, C, Alg, 11, Phys, C, Chem. C. Alex. Hastie—Lit. C,P. Hist, II, Cheri, C. Olive Lawrence—Comp. C, Lit. C, 13. Hist. II, A. Hist. III. George Paulin—Comp, III, Alg. I. Geom, C.+ Winnifred. Rae - L. Auth. II,; L. Comp. I, Fr. Auth, I, Fr. Comp. TI.. Jim Sanderson -Comp. C, Alg. C. Jean Sperling -13. Hist. C, AIp,.11, Phys. C, L. Comp. C. Mervin Stephens—Comp. C, B. Hist, C; Alg. II, Geom. II, Phys. C. Bessie Wylie—Comp. C, Lit. C, B. Hist. I, A. Hist. III, Alg. C, Phys. C, Chem. C. iLUEVALE The Bluevale branch of the Wom- en's Institute held a very interesting meeting on Thursday, August rzth, at the home. of Mrs. Alice Aitken. The meeting was held on the lawn, the main feature being an address by Leslie Hetherington on "Manual Training" and an exhibit of the work done by the •pupils,Mrs. J. W. Leg- gatt gave a splendid paper entitled, "Living a life more worth than earn- ing a living." The Women's Institute aim at arousing a community spirit and with that in view, intend having a Weiner Roast on the school grounds on Wed- nesday evening, August 24th . The hostess served a dainty lunch; using the Vile willow china. The .ta- ble covers were white and blue linen and the decorations were yellow marks golds in blue vases., _�,mrc a r• Miss Kellar, of (Kitchener, who has been a guestat the home of Mrs. Coombs, has returned to her home. Miss Margaret Garniss is spending a week with some girl friends in Kin- cardine. Mr. and Mrs. Wadell and Miss Ag- nes, of Stratford, were visitors with H. B. Jamieson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E1drid Nichol. Miss Margaret McVittie is spending a few days wlith her aunt, Mrs. Wal- ter Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nichol, of Toronto, are;visiting at the home of their parents, James and Mrs.. Nichol. Mrs. Helen Thynne, of Toledo, Ohio, is a visitor with her brother, F. B. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gilmour spent Sunday at John Mundell's. BLUEVALE Mrs. Lloyd and family, of Wing - ham, spent Wednesday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bosman, here. F. 'Black received two carloads ' of western cattle last week. Misses Jean and Doris Elliott, of Who is away Keep the family united. If some are away from home, the easiest and quickest way is of course by a Long Dis- tance call. The young people nowadays put up a very brave front of wish- ing to appear independent and self-reliant, but their hearts still thump faster when they hear Dad's or Mother's' voice over the wire. Even when they go into business, per - 4 ti haps in distant cities, their nature' does not change with their habita- tion. The tie still holds. The dear familiar voices are just as potent. Have a regular time to call up the absent ones by Long Dist- ance. The service was never so rapid. The cost of Interurban Service to nearby towns—within a radius of say 25 miles—is very Tow. 1 Thursday, August i8th, 1927 IMN��ll.lq®ggkqqltiqlqqq®q�®I 1 tllgl ®qq l®9097®I aAglq q■'a*q®e11■■q giuw a:N�wfor are:inure1 ■ stx Ii affinuulllilii=ffini11•giIIIICIIItIIIisllllP�flsiiisllll®III!•I191111■III®I111Alll�lll@MiltIinsiliI®IIIAIIIsIII�III®Illi'19111� ilimIIlaillllll■III�IIIIIMIII■ a 1 Fine Linen from John S. Brown and old Bleach, Belfast,' Ireland y at�gd�%R`•�glr'f ®..s -� n ens. NI III 1 Chritie's Linen Bath Towels, jacquard Border Terry Bath Towels, Colored Bor- mm11 e 1 111 C 1 1 1 ® ' Double' Damask Table Linen Sets �. Double . Damask Separate ,Cloths Double Damask Separate Napkins Ayster Bleach Linens, Embroid- ery Linens, Lovely Madeira Lin - der Damask Towels, Brown's Supertex Glass Towelling, Linen Pillow Cases, Hemmed Linen Serviettes. WE SHOW A LARGE VARIETY OF THESE LINEN GOODS sIliall allllammilism1nmeIII®Imin 111■ nsi nlsllll nsi Good Cottons for Your Needs! 1 111 ® • ' Wabasso Sheeting,s and Pillow Cottons, Horrockses11 Nursery Flannelette Duro Pa °aina cloths, Fine English Nai'nsooks, Lily White 2. • Steam..Looms, Fine Turkish Tow ■ ellings, Underwear Crepes, Colored - Nainchecks, English. Broadcloths. 1 ■ COME AND LETEjUS SHOW YOU THE GOOD 1 QUALITIES WE OFFER 1 ■ II®1111011111111®III®lid®111®III®11118111®III®III�IIIsllllsilllEslll®1111®III®IIIlI�Ill;it iimizifi 1isinsu III®III■IIIm11■ ussiI■ilmisiunimins *' ■ KING RAM. m. Wroxeter, are spending a few days with Mrs. James Masters. Mrs. William Nicholson gave a very pleasant afternoon to a large num- ber of folks on the river fiats on Wed- nesday in the .form of a picnic and lunch. All present had a good time. Farmers have commenced to cut their oats.They are a very heavy crop Jack Hodge, of Toronto, spent a few days .with old friends around here after an absence of 15 years. Mrs. Donaldson, Mrs. Hutchison, Miss B. Sanderson and Miss S. Orr have returned to Toronto after a few weeks' vacation at their summer home here, R. Johnston shipped two cars of cattle and hogs to Toronto Saturday. A very pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Casemore, loth concession, Turnberry, when members of S. S. No. 6 met in honor of Mrs. William McKinney, former, teacher, and pre- sented her with a kitchen shower. The bride was the recipient of many use- fu1 gifts, showing the high esteem in which she was held. '.lihe, afternoon was spent in games, after which lunch was served. Reuben Garniss is busy fitting up his threshing outfit, getting ready for a heavy season's work. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy and son, `Mr. Howard Lowf ord, of Toronto, motored up and spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Elliott, Mrs. Lowford; and little daughter returned home with them. Mrs. (Rev.) Dr, Cook, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pocock 'and brother Norval, of Ploltnesville, were visitors on Sunday at the home of their sister, Mr.» and Mrs. Len. El- liott, We are sorry to .report Mr. 'Rob- ert Hamilton is still seriously ill. John Bosman is spending a tory days at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs, William, Spelt. spent Sunday at, the h01116 of Mr. James Kerney. Mr. and Mrs. James Masters spent Sunday with relatives, at Auburn.' Mr. Earl ! Anderson, of B"elgrave, preached in the 'United church Sun. MEN At Last we have the Shoes you have been looking for! W1LKI'E'Sckvei2hiG SHOES The smartest line of men's shoes it has ever been our pleasure to offer. These shoes have a special sprung insole feature that rests the feet, puts a spring into your step and conserves your energy. Wilkie Glove-Phits are to 'be had in a number of fhe latest leathers and lasts. Come in and see them—there's a pairjust made for you. The Good /I r Shoe Store. PMJ0 R ER phone • 23 day morning and gave a fine talk on his a zperieitees as a home missionary in the Canadian west. Mr, A, Lewis, of London, spent the Week -end at the home of Joseph Un- derwood, Mr; Toward Stewart is painting the school hottse this''wcek. Mr, R. Shaw took charge of the services at '13elrnore and McIntosh churches on Sunday. • Mr, and Mrs. Sam, Shaw, of New York, and Mrs. Wardell, of Wood- stock, are at present visiting with Messrs, Robert and, Arthur Shaw. Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Stewart and Mr. Howard Stewart spent Sunday with Mr, W. H, Stewart at Bowling Green.. Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Coombs y b5 spent Sunday at rortriosa, ul