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The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-18, Page 7
Thursday, August 18th, .1927 UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN W. � S' ERN ONTARIO ARE YOU A GRADUATE NIIRSE?,, Tie University/ offers four . coursas for nurses One five-year course for o Y • the degree of B.Sc. (in. Nursing), i.e., two ears in Arts and three years in Nursing and public 1•:(ealth. Three one- year courses For graduate nurses lead- . Ing to the certificate in Public Health, (C.P.II.N,); certificate of Instructor i n Nursing (C,1,N.); and certificate in. Hospital Administration (C.H.A.) The Certificate Courses are i•ecognize4 as the best courses of ..FrypN their eine. x r c? eai� s,,.. +..wire..ct.owmx.�w+•.rvr.•amroa�mnumnur u�-.v.,rncn.mauve......-.•..-•„-•�.a.nonwo-^--'-',po•Rs Pot additional in., formation apply to;,,— R, 1'. R. SIEVILLE, Ph,D., 12,egisttar, London, Canada, or£conomical Transportation UTALITY in design. Qualittrin, con- struction. Quality in appearance. Quality in performance. Never before has any low-priced' car possessed thein to such an amazing degree—because no other low-priced car combines the progressiveness of Chevrolet and the diversified experience, the vast resources and the matchless facilities Of General Motors. Study today's Chevrolet. `Mark well the aris- tocratic beauty of its lines—the superbly executed details of its Fisher -built bbdies. Then go . for a ride. Revel in the thrilling spurt when you "step on the gas". • Delight in the smooth operation—the swift sweep of the passing miles.. Marvel at theway the car hugs the road, the ease with which it obeys the steering wheel, the promptness with which it responds to the brakes. Here is quality expressed in terms that mil- lions now can understand and enjoy. Here is quality obtainable at New, Lower Prices, which reflect the savings of tremendous pro- duction and which demonstrate the..willing- ness to share these savings with the public.. . Here is a car of amazing quality .-. . for everybody, everywhere. c.3280 New 6.nd Lower Pries Touring`" . .— $645 Landau Sedan - $915 Roadster - 645 Imperial Sport Roadster - 720 Landau Sedan 955 Coupe - - - 765 1 -Ton Cabriolet - . 875 Truck Chassis - 635 Coach - - - 750 ' Roadster Delivery 645 Sedan - - - 850 Commercial Chassis 485 Prices at Factory, Oshawa, Ontario—Taxes, Extra A. M. Crawford, Wingham, Ont. Dealer in Chevrolet, Oldsmobile `. and McLaughlin PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LJ TED 1,..,..........,—....... Mainly FOP Women (By Dorothy Dix) TESTS FOR HOLIDAY LOVE Many girls ask me hay they can. Many girls ask me how they can The only reliable means of ascertain- ing the state of a man's affections is the wedding ring test. Unless, he of- fers that you may be certain that his attentions are without intentions. Do not conclude that a" man is in ' love With you because he monopolizes your time and drives every other man away. is* He may like you and find you an interesting companion whose comp- any.he can get without having to pay for it, or he May like your' mother's cooking; but that; is no indication that you have even scratched his heart. Don't delude yourself into be- lieving that elieving'that you can guage the state of a man's affections by the expres- sion ,in .his eyes. 'It's the look that lies and lies and lies. .Tliat deep, ten- der, soulful gaze may mean undying devotion, but it is just as likely to be a carefully cultivated trick, * * j God is with thee. Note that Nathan Don't fool yourself into' thinking does not base his answer on God's that some man is cherishring a great Presence with His prophet, but on silent passion for you, and that' the God's presence with the king, made reason he doesnt' speak is because he manifest by . the wonderful success is too bashful and. timid. No man which he hadobtained and by Day - ever hesitates about asking for the id's personal holiness and devoutness. thing he wants. As you go through And it came to pass the same night, life you will meet many men whose that the word of God came to Na chief diversion is the pursuit, of veo than. The prophet, as was natural, man. It flatters their vanity to , stye thought over that night the import their image mirrored sit a woman's ant matter about which the king had eye. They get fun out of using every been talking to him, and he asked art and subtlety to capture her wild God to direct him concerning it, for little heart. And then when they can he was not satisfied with his own feel it beat intheir hands—poof judgment until it was confirmed by they throw it away. The excitement the All -wise One. is gone and the chase over, and they Go and 'tell David My servant, Thus inove on to a new hunting ground. saith Jehovah. David was still recog- * * nized as the servant of Jehovah, Chief among these hunters of wo- though he was not allowed to serve men is the 'lady-killer.' He would Jehovah in the way he had marked. make love ° to his grandmother if no out for himself. Thou shalt not build other lady was in sight. He has a Me a house to dwell in. If the pro - caressing :way and a soft voice and phet had had a foolish regard for he is strong for the love at first sight consistency and for his reputation as theory. 'It's a ru.iantic cocktail he a prophet, he would have stuck to offers you, but don't take- more than his first opinion and have 'continued to one sip of it. If you clo it will go to urge David to build the temple he de- your head and cause you to do fool- signed, but no personal consideration ish things. The love at first eighthad the slightest weight with him man only asks for your heart—not compared with getting God's will for your hand,: He only wants y )u done in the world, and thus he prov- to love him but has no intentions of ed himself to be a genuine prophet, offering marriage. speaking forth God's words rather * * * than his own: Then there's the hard -luck story For I have not dwelt in a house flirt—the pian who wins a woman's since the day that I brought up Is - heart by appealing `to her tenderness, rael, unto this day. The tabernacle to her maternal instinct. Generally had back of it a sacred and glorious he is a married man and couldn't history. But have gone from tent to marry the girl if he wanted to—and tent, and from one tabernacle to an - he wouldn't marry her if lie ..ould. other. The exigencies of war had It's silly enough to borrow trouble,, caused, its hasty removal from one but only a fool takes it as a gift. place to another, and fj-onl the more* a man is in love with her or not? elaborate tabernacle to common tents. How can she tell when he is flirting. In all places wherein I have walked and wwhen he means business: Only with all Israel. The Lord walks with by what he says. In the end she has a migratory people and abides with a to take his word for it, and his words ,people well established in permanent mean nothing until he urges a speedy- homes. Spake I a word with any of wedding day. the judges of Israel. The nation was FROM. HEAD TO FOOT still so near to the period of the judg- (By Josephine Huddleston) esword to use when speaking of the Don't forget that most feet swell rulers of the people; later, it would in hot weather, so, if' you want to be "kings. Whom I commanded to be/ happy, get your slippers half a be shepherd of My people. David size larger than the size worn in coil was a judge in that one of his lune - weather. Feet squeezed into slipPcrs tions was to see that wrongs were a little too small, lose most of -their righted and wickedness punished trimness of appearance. The '..tra throughout his realm; but he was, by flesh most go somewhere and esually origin tend still in his royal post, the it ' retaliates to such. treatment by shepherd of God's people, whose duty bulging over the sides of the slippers was to lead them to. the green pas in a most discour ging manner Bet- tures of prosperity and by the still ter have the slipl ,,urs a ,little larger waters of peace. Saying, Why have than have unkind observers say, !"foo ye not built Me a 'house of cedar? bad that .girl doesn't know enough Our. religious devoutness and our sae - to get her shoes big enough." rifices in God's service are to be un - A teaspoonful of powdered altutt forced: and instinctive, but the in - added to one ,gallon of cold water and stinct is implanted in our hearts by used to soak the feet for half an hour the Holy Spirit. before going to adance ,will insure God's Promises to David. foot comfort all evening. By adding Now therefore thus shalt thou say a teaspoonful of powdered alum to unto xny servant' David. "My serv- one-half pound of powdered boric ant David" is graciously and lovingly acid a'.delightful foot powder can be repeated, as for the consolation of the had, which is both bene:tcirtl and i.i- king, as if God would assure him that expensive. he was no less God's servant for be- The hair should be given special big, prevented from carrying out this :attention during hot weather. If You special plan of service. Thus saith are out in the sun a great amount Jehovah of hosts. "The Lord of Sab- withotit a hat, don't forget that this baoth," one of the ,most :majestic ti - Stuff cotton ill your ears when a mar- ties of Jehovah, picturing hits as lead- ried pian begins to bell you how lone- cr of the serried. ranks of celestial ly he is and that: :his wife time not warriors, as well as the Commander appreciate hien. of the vast army of the faithful on earth. I took thee from the sheepcote, How, then, can a gin1 tell whodier from follovviiig the sheep, that thou eteogo oil; mnza;unoe pane .dup.rp'sl shouldst be prince over My people Is- bymassaging a little olive all into 1a the scall) half an hour before sharia- I have been with thee whith- pooing the hair, Also let the hair ver thou hast gone . Even when fly ao the breezes for half an hour uNoel had to take refuge atom; the each day to thoroughly dry . `and national foes, the Philistines, : God swnetcn it, This is essential for the went with him . And have cut off all 'i,;.onten who cling to long hair, for thine enemies from before thee, 1)a - perspiration sa . very alit to sour in : vid had hart many foes,v within the the hair if it isn't thoroughly dried sli day. MIN Is it fair to your neighbor if your weed- infested fields, fence rows and idle places' are scattering weed seeds over his land? Is it fair to yourself if your own weeds are scattering their seeds all over your land? The weed scourge is costing Ontario $5,000,000 a year. A share of this money should be iny, ourpocket ! Instead, this money is wasted.' And the waste is increasing!, The time has come for united action! The weed scourge should not be merely `fought" -ii should be exterminated! Weeds can be exterminated, but only by determined and united action ! The help of every ; man, woman, boy and girl is needed WARNING '° Under the provisions of The Weed,Control Act 1927, now in force, the destruction of noxious weeds is no longer optional. The des- truction of noxious weeds is now compulsory. Every occupant of land and every owner of unoccupied land is required to destroy all noxious weeds before their seeds ripen. Mun- icipal councils are required to destroy all nox- ious weeds growing upon the highways. Let everyone co-operate to end the weed nuis- ance. The Department of Agriculture Province a Ontario Parliament Buildings, Toronto RON. JOHN 8. MARTIN W. 1B. ROADHOUSE Minister Deputy Minister~ 76 . «.�. Now Enjoys Eating; Tharxks leas Wife "For years I suffered cd wila stomachmaci trouble, Then, my wife got inc to 'take Adlerika; Today I feel hue and eat what I like." --'Wim Opp. , you! ticl .ibbbn's Drug Store, tytlt once WINGNAM ADVANCE—TIMES SUNDAY AFTERNOON August z GOD'S PROMISE TO DAVID— I Chlronicles re, Golden Te:ct--•Thy throne, 0 Gid, is forever and ever;. And the sceptre pf uprightness is the sceptre of Thy king'ipna.—Hieb: x;8. David's Desire Denied. And it came to pass, when David dwelt in his house, that David said to Nathan the prophet, This Nathan was one of the most eminent inen in the Bible, but we hays only occa- sional glimpses of,. his personality. Lo, Z' dwell in a house of cedar. Too few '.men recognize their blessings. Many of us are living in houses of cedar, but are depressed and. guru - lops as,if we were living in fund dtig- outs or in dripping caves. But the ark of the covenant of Jehovah . The ark was called "the ark of the covenant" because its chief contents were the two stone tablets on which "the coy - mann", that is, the Text Command- ments, were inscribed. Dwelleth un- der curtains. And Nathan said unto David, Do all that is in thy heart. The heart, according to Hebrew thought, is the seat of intention and purpose. For Adlerika relieves stomach gas and sburnessi in TEN minutes. Acting on BOTH upper and lower bowel, it re- rnoves old. waste matter you never thought was in your system, Let Ad- lerika give your stofrrac1 1 and bowels 'see how much a i2.EA•L cleansing ands better you will feel. • It will: surprise and ser them all in their graVts . And. I will mane thee a name, "A gs'eat name." David was properly arnbi nous. He could not do the 'works God had set him to do without gaining great fame, Like unto the name of the great ores that are in the earth. And 1 will appoint a place for ,1 people Israel, In ,a sense, they hard e place •already, Canaan or Palestine; but until this time their tenure of the land was .uncertain and the, tribal boundaries were fluctuating, the fate of the entire nation being rendered precarious by constant attacks from without, And will plant them, that they may dwell in their own place. The one thing most desired by the Israelites at this time was a home, a fixed and settled abode, their own immutable land. And be moved no more. The Jews of the present time, scattered for many centuries over the face of the' earth, are turning with great longing to their homeland, and the mighty Zionist movement is car- rying many thousands of them back to Palestine now that the capture of the country by the English in' the World War has opened the way, Neither : shall the children of wicked= mess waste them any more, as at the first. As they were oppressed and af- flicted in their Egyptian bondage; in the beginning of their national: his- tory. And as from the day that I com- manded, judges to be over My people. Israel. During all the long period of the judges and through the reign of Saul the Israelites were constantly attacked by the heathen tribes 'that came in upon them from the east and the west andthe south, and their land was laid waste over and over. From David's reign such inroads ceased. And I will sul;due all thine enemies. David had brought all his enemies under subjection, but they were still his enemies, and might be expected to break out into hostilities at any time. Moreover I tell thee that Jehovah will build thee a house. Not a house of cedar, like the rich pal- ace which David had, built for himself, but the thing for which such a house stands, family, a noble and honored posterity. And it shall come to pass, when thy days are fulfilled that thou must go to be with thy fathers. God's greatest and most inclusive promises of good fortune to His children do not include the escape of death. That I will set up thy seed after thee, who shall be of thy sons. David had mane sons, but by a providential course of events the Lord turned the succes- sion away from those who would have abused the great opportunity and to- ward the wise Solomon, and the lone succession of his descendants who sat on the throne of David, many of them being well worthy of their glorious ancestry. And I will establish his kingdorh. It is difficult not to see in this entire message of Nathan's to David a rich Messianic prophecy; for, except in Christ and through the kingdom of heaven which he estab- lished on earth, these words at last' fell to the ground. He shall build me a house, and I will establish his throne for ever. It was •a great joy to David to know that his son would be honored in building God's house as in receiving that honor himself, Every true father rejoices in his son's triumphs and happiness as in his own. Thus God was answering very directly David's desire tobuild the temple. hasards of the season. An employee the op of aplant in Eastern Ontario fell from the dock to the water and was drowned,. A traveller, while driving in Weetern Ontario, turned out to al- low another ear to pass; his wheels struck soft dirt and the car was over- turned, pinning him underneath arid killing him. Another accident, men- tioned because of its severity, hap- pened in a metal working lllant when ator lost is right hand 'due to the helper lettivg the hammer +lawn while a plate was being iu crt, ed in the machine, It It is hoped that th panther Gf ax:- eidents '" reported to the 't orlcttcrt'S Cd:nzisensetion Board in Aggust' ,will' be i•ed%ced thretigh the c?,erci•ee t,f a little more care'and caution on the cale � part of all concerned., •i ..i,,MI_.•_ kingdom and encircling itwith a ring Gains 8 pounds Since Taking Vinol "I felt sluggish, drowsy and weak. A friend suggested Vinol. Now I feel fine and have gained. 8 pounds."—R. H. Bailey. The very FIRST week you take Vinol, you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. For over 25 years, this simple, strengthen- ing iron and cod liver compound has been helping nervous, run-down wo- men, tired men, and pale, sickly chil- dren, J. Walton McKibbon, Druggist. ACCIDENTS AND COMPENSA- TION In July the Workmen's Conipensa- tion Board received reports covering 6,2is accidents, this 'being a decrease on the month of June when there were 6,44(1 accidents;; but the figure for Jelly of this year is higher than July, 1926. The fatal cases last Month numbered thirty -live,, which is -a de- crease front June, the nunnbtr in that month 1)cini^tarty-semen: The total benefits awarded by the Workmen's Coinpensatidn Tailed in July were $5S6,513.64, of which $40, - was for compensation fur in-• jured workers and $81,482:o7 for med- ical aid, -Che total benefits ivt Helsel. in tient:. teee, amounted to $$18,- 583.4.1 and for' July of le: • year $358,- 685.0o, ' Speaking of these ii urc , :11r, R. I1. Horley, eeneval manager, of tick: ltaclui+trideet, PreventionentioPreventionAsete rial � 'i c ,1 hostile spears.; Ile could look back cietio:ns, called attention.to • certain JY,NYY' ...w.e You will find at Dominion Stores a complete line of all. Nationally Advertised Goods. Due to our enormous sales and quick turnoveil: you can always depend on the freshness of these Quality Products when purchased at our stores. Clark's duets s Boiled Dinner 28c tin Oi Tongue .._39c tin Potted Meats _.3 for 25c Chicken Soup __..,_16c tin Beans with Pork 12c tin 2's squat Chats Bittlase $•oz, Queen „ 12.oz. Queen -•• 5•oz. Pimento S -oz. Pimento 20 -oz. Pimento 'dive 24c jar ..,29c jar 19c jar .:35c jar. 55c jar Tiger Il°fid reel/dust Cereals Kellogg's Bran 20c pkg. Kellogg's Bran Flakes, .2 for 25c Grape Nuts 17c pkg. Post Toasties-,.._2. for 21c Post's Bran ...:_•-.2 for 25c Pints is I2 u•ottle $s?g airtss b GC beetle' . Sfaecilai Sale Brand Eagle Pure arta Wiaolesosaae 3 tins SOC "TASTY" BREAD Wax wrapped for your Ica& protection Have you tried our Fraaat Bread 140 Roaf 1 star 2.oz. _._ 13c tin 4 -oz. 25c tin 8•oz....... tin The ltilusterel that Puts the Taste in Food • rese Reel X.i tsir`.,:s„ Crown Presery YYg, Jars Small ..._..,$1.i5 Medium 41.29 Large Rubber Jar Rings. 3 for. 25c Certo Surejell, bottle ...32c Parowa:c. 2-pkts. •......25c Zinc Jar Rings ..20c doz. 1Libby's Meats rich elle tin Glory oC Norway &Sir lines )I50 tin Victory Pickles Sweet :faxed 50 07...Sar: $0e Special Sale r9s i/2'Ui. tam 24C Rich and invigorating Dominion Stores Famous Quality s T De sestaes i� Blend D.sk:. Sunt 540 lb. /Ito PO 238 bottle ,Tlie Sauce tier the Particular' People ii Janet'S jtlst 0flife! dSh S bowl of, Kellogg'sCora Fla anal o thevery aCLY she for IODeS it! And its fine hey! �. It's g��� ta�a�es kiddies love Kellog chess flavor! Kllsggs e ;oc8ays easy t r Cf.4;�,� digests ith 1' h honey. F ,x, , , �:�' l aaa , s o h� sapper. arid.old fret clsoTsP. Order break/ att,hctels, ca & at ©'CC1' S fid all grocers. r l�o �©s�, Sold. by 1 'sil°gg ,i'�the inner - 1 y -f reSh in package. MadeOVs1q vec1 p ogles Ontario. ,ona-g such e'. (? at reel rat sgtb genuine!, seo . opus can >?t� the Imitations p�llno (l�r,�ft