The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-18, Page 5Thursday, Augustz8th, 1927 WTRhGI•iAM ADVANNPE-TIMES ■IN■ wi■ M NIAArMINM _ MINNrMI■N w MINIMINNOM■OrSiniii0 w111111wM 1w111 10111111011101 NMOIIIIIIMIIMUISON 110111111011 1 !I .' i 1 �(I Ill 111#111116111#IIINIi11�. I M li Ill INIII iII Ili MOM #il #100 J .,,1 # O I I I I IBIiI�I ISI i lel 1111#Illrlll#1111MI111611lI#Ilh J11A111111M1#II#ifl#Ill#111# I16r8 �1 IM � # � � ■ I ■III#III#III#III#IMIIIIIIIIIIIII$IIIi1111661MIM1111�1111�1,11MIMIMI#III#Illltllh#III#11111(IIIMIIl11:IiI#III#glaU#Ill#III#III#III�III#II #Illi) 11#II #III# I I � MIi i �iII#Ill�llirlll#1111(Mlil#1111111iIIIIIIII!MIII#IIIM ii ■ n al ■ = ,,,, 1 • •• it 7" -e / \ it ,' a (i' i 1 i ,y r ii a ■7;:it I G ft . i _ . ii ,k _ w - ,,,,7,.,..(,,,,:,..,i,...., ..i. , op . �_» ,.,( ,� � IN a em. 4 •(1 ,,,„,, d y i' Td-rIt ® , ., �, ,�:1.1 i Values _ �; ;� ,qtr IIIA ■ � � ^'1' . 111 �• �'°°'•, Y�,� mi — It �, , , ��� ,� II NI p o rf��- ISARD Clearance Sale r► �S ; :.y 0 -w r __ �-% ;r° + .�for — ■ _ � � >L. _ � ,., 't / � �,,� - .This is a great Mid -Summer opportunity = '�_ �. r✓rch n l.s ' �� save in all �-E�� �e a d �, e ' �r � ' : � , : � :` -- �,s` � �,-. • 4 � . � ,, .� 4 Money^ ,� M � � I ■ __ l cfirl yards ALL LINEN xsc TOWELLING it 1 �I U �j �. til r f x .. **II G r �jj 1,, ■= _ itix y y 5 yards of WHITE FLANNELETTE, yard wii# t lil j� ,, ': M Tklese Sale Values afe Eztraordnar , onl room■ ®e;,':,r..p'� ,,�,= 1.600000 I 111 IIIIall” 1%s here. Hundreds more Big Values r • � '-::� ' �. ands of WIDE ,a5c GINGHAM fOraSm rpt ■ _11 N � ,', ,..� ,"'� i �' \ � �t....,a ;..,�, .�?<ti;t,�sf:•_ ® for '� .. \. \ ; , } !w ,, � ,,F,,. throughout the TwQ Stores. Take a look, Compare . of ^.r w ■ ;, �, 1 ,� W',...\„ '\�'� +�',�;,,•. ; �\ \\ }4,- � 5 y , yard wide # ■ ■I �\ � + a�,_ yards of STRIPED FLANNELETTE ar /.:.°0°03(1 • ® PATTERNS ■ for ® PLAIN BROADCLOTH, best colors, BEADED VOILE DRESS P RNS ®5� on sale 'COTTON. VESTS ?5c forards HEAVY FACTORY COTTON ,yard wide _ 113 ®,�` now 33c reduced to �e = lines of CORSETS _�,■ F CY PATTERN BROADCLOTH PRINTED VOILES and ORGANDIES SUPERSILK SILK HOSE, "guaranteed"' 15 ® ®Broken at _ 11#,v� - to clear a..- ■ AN 6+ sale price now ... .::.._. ._. 1� reduced to •..,, .......»_ _.»_ . _.._,....._. _.:.» ■ """""`'•" GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES, RAG ,RUGS, 18x36; �p ® Odd lines of SHOES and SLIPPERS a� ® ® PURE LINEN TOWELLING, 3�C _ �t reduced to on sale.:. �__:. special. to . clear' ' - ® ®" bargain at LARGE COVERALL APRONS'CORSETS ® �_ Clearing linesGLOVES- ® PLAID VOILES;, qo incheswide;' C'of SILK 1.00 _ ■ 1- • 15c to go at �� CHLDclearinREN'SFANCY SOCKS : I-1 Bargain in SILK HOSE;'y; o �I _ now sale price g000000 - ' ' FANCY DRESS BUTTONS, ap - �, COTTON, yard wide;®� 29cy - / - 1 1.2 c. to clear, per' dozen on sale at I® reduced to , FACTORY- - 1 w®@9' _ LADIES' SILK VESTS,�� ®RUGS-regulara, ® s sale onceSATINS, yard wide;3�, for®�® ', ca! ® ® SPORT a to clear at ....,_ - - RAG value .so in # HEAVY FACTORY SHEETING, C now only i Stripes; y y LARGE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS® MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHIRTS■ at 2 yards wide, sale price •n p 511 el ibarga4'40 C in TABLE LINEN; half breached;. 9 �.it 1 �� WIDE FLANNELETTES,/ s� reduced to .-::...-. ........: ...-_ .,:.._,. _.»............. sale price »-._..._» ......................... 9o 19 # bargain for . I _ bar ain at+ n + = WORK SOCKS PA RS o now sale at ..._ =® , regular $ ALL WOOL GOODS;Table ® Pieces' ■ i- soB w • ' 9Sc sale bl of SILK and LISLE HOSE ALL r1 sale DELAINES - - MEN'S - ® _ $rso; sale price. PONGEE SILK, �j LIGHT GREY SUITINGTWEED( 5 TWEED COATING 1 SAA ®! yard rig Yards BLACK DUCHESS SILK, 1 aD `� $1. o value for .:....._ 1ao0 regular $L5o,for - wide; now Ii ®tea fine quality, and wide . s _.......-O 5 1 ----•---•• CLEARING OUT All LINES OF SILK- = 8 yards fine FACTORY COTTON, yard wide m®. EVERAL END'S COLORED SILK, ,�gg CTCULAR. PILLOW COTTON, oaf _.. _. _ - � s `-k9 tine 'weave ;..:...._ LESS 20 PER CENT. ® m for 1 ° 0 � ■ = reg. value $z.so; now _.._•..._..._. ._....... __ - _ al _� Ills mem mum MEM oIIIts111`.';! Iilmlll+:rlllf✓ m"!ImmE61111�111®111691A®IflEM1a1I M Mldill Em :+ll!8@!II®!i1111111M I mem mEm ■ 1�111ialIIGIlli6illl�illl!el!!®f!1!e!1!eIli®!11umeIII®III®!11184!ll�Jlllsr,lllEHIM11!EMI Ill• mg Il,lill11�161i�1111�1[I, Ili®I'(I®IiIi�II!!✓SII! llnilla�laIII®IIIE�III®IIIH3111®III®III,-111falll®III®III®111 1111' IIIE IIIRllllglllll�Ill®III®IiI®IIIHiI s,m-»,,..,n.nn,,...,,. 111 illaieliatm74.1===na=1=errzzernasaaaMnnuladal==n 1 1 1 1 1 ■ 1 1 1 ■ GROCERIES ALUMINUM KETTLE and 100 7 bars SOAP for 3 pkgs. CORNFLAKES 6A �° forC ..._ �+a� 13 lbs. SUGAR and x lb. 75c LOOSE EA for ._1 e65 25c 8 cakes TOILET SOAP for . DUTCH CLEANSER 10 c 13,er tin . SOAP-P.&G., Pearl, Comfort, Gold 5 cakes 2516'" LUX per package Maple Leaf 20c BAKING POWDER; r -lb.. tin JELLY POWDERS 3 pkgs for ... __.____.. TOMATO SOUP 2 tins for;. Large bottle EXTRACT 2 for »_._.._... _..._..__.. MIXED PICKLES bottle CLOTHESPINS, 5c MATCHES 2 c large box :___...__._._........� SHOE POLISH, 2 -in -I 2 tins for .W.:._... Choice RED SALMON per tin 1 O 25c 25c 25c 19c 11E1111111111114111111111111111E111111111111111311111111 I! 110111®III®I iIHII1 11!1011 !III'III Ilii1011l IIIc!IIeM11696I1m111e1i1#III6' Ill#III >?III®III®Ill Ill wIIIoaIII911I i'lll®III®11116111 MEN'S HEAVY POLICE BRACES now MEN'S COTTON SOCKS, oi®m51m®ui®iuEu Men's and Boys' SILK TIES, your pick .._ ..... ,... BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS, sizes up to 6 years _.- _ BOYS' WASH SUITS, • 98c out they go at ..... Men's fine quality ALL WOOL SWEATERS; 109 regular value $2.75; clearance oUllv BOYS' SUMMER JERSEYS, . • 39 c 49c 3.90 OW i ll!1i muIII®11116!1166111®111601II'N'Ii1®III®Ili kll1618111O111®III#!II®I11611111E111®11160111MEM 1 '16&0.��s all ���e� o ..k4 26% oft. ■ 1 1 out they g d4S'A ig tock of INNENIN®®,FiMINN »® ld ,;��_®1111®®®®® TIMOTHY- IN DOUBT ABOUT ELECTION To the Editor av all thim Wingham paypers: Deer Sur: I am not altogether plaz- ed wid how the elickshuri campaign is goin in Hort Huron. The farrum- +ers do be tog busy wid the harvest to take much shtock in it, an too un- sittled in theer• moinds to care which way they vote. . The Tories are foindin large a heavy load, 'to ;tarry,. an the Grits do be cornplainin that Archie is . a wake candydate, wlloile Shelly, wid all his harrud w•ur,'ik, is not able to shtir up anny enthusiasm at all, at all, among the U.F.O. fel lahs, 'Tis what me dawrer-in-law, W110 was a school taicher bef•)or she had the good luck to marry into the Hay family, used to call an equilath- eral troiangle, wid all the sc:ides an; angles aiqual Ye kin mate min vho tink nobody has anny show bat Jarge, an others who tink that Archie, be rayson av havin the Goveruniint at his back, will be elickied shure, an still others who have picket Shelly fer a winner. So there ye are! I undershtand that the Grits intitd bringin theer heavy artillery into the foight to thry to shmash the 'Tory trinch,es and., droive us out into the open, so to shpake.. Let trim come if they loike, fer, shure, they will kind. we hey some big guns; too, so we, hev. The only ting that cud dcfate las wucl now In11eIsIIifl11m1i11lllnn:m_ ■ 39 The Finest Dresses Shown I. 19c This Se son are Included in m 'Tint e... Crepes MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS and DRAWERS, ! 5 c now on sale at, per suit _ -1-• Fancy pattern SILK. SOCKS, 69c sale price . = to BOYS' SUITS, made of Fancy Tweed; latestmodels, with long pants and bloomers; values up to $12; sale price Clearance . of BOYS and YOUTHS' SUITS; out they go at MEN'S SUITS -Fancy Tweed effects and Worsteds; ..•••.1 value up to $2o.do; on sale at BOYS' BLOOMERS reduced to xs pairs Men's strong wearing PANTS; clearing pride Men's strong WORK SHIRTS 9x00 rig 6.95• 3.9® L39 2 39 on saleat11 OVERALLS FOR MEN; made of strong cloth; 1 39 ill Blue, Black or Striped; now only _��... -._.- --• --- .': Men's strong wearing BOOTS, reduced to 4 PAIRS 1 e nal a i Men's grey WOOL SOCKS 2.98 New models in MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS; values to $3o; bargain for quick sale 22.95 MEN'S FANCY TWEED CAPS, to clear . BOYS' "FLEET FOOT" CANVAS SHO =S, mon 1(6MOM +; Illllaa1116111!®III®III®li1®IIIfU®III®U 98c 98c f® III®III®I I l thIl I'* 11119111 III .ri 111g1111 III 11 is MON IN N be fier a lot av our nim to turn tnrait- ors an join up wid the iniiny, an I belave the Grits an U.F.O.'s do be countin on that i appinin. I hear. that a few of our fellahs are shlippin rn Goderich and Dungannun an some av the other outlyin villages, but, on the. other hand, we are gittin a lot av the Grits to. vote wid us, and the Tory U.F.O.'s . are nearly all back in the good ould parthy wheer they belong, so our man shtd win, in shpunt Lf iviryting. 'Tis a quare elickshun intoirely, so it is, fer Jarge is' rennin on the strinth av :his pasht wurruk fer the parthy an tree defates, Archie on tree defates an the rickord av that combinashun av parthics called the i�`IS 46Yq NII II'1 {�'�. i r4 itlyin�:� •i,,. n`..i� To GOINGt E1"URNi 10, WINNIPEG ti FromWINNIPEG IIP G� mile to, points beyond, but not west y16„"' "' Pius 3' cent per mile, starting Pius 34 cent per of 7 dmontou, MacLeod and Calgary rout to Winnipeg From stationsita Ontario Smith's Fulls to and including Toronto ct en 9nclusOntario ivc• Burk ton Ad'a n 0” t h Line and i-lavelock-Peterboro Line; Kingston to Renfrew Juts i 1. { to Bobcnygeon, inclusive; tranoal to Port McNieoll; Toronto -Sudbury direct Line. From all Stations in Ontario, South and West' 4f Toronto to Hamilton, Welland, LNagar a Falls and Windsor; on Owen Sound, Walkerton, Orangeville, Teeewn Gederich, St. 114arys, Port Burwell,, and St. Thomaa ranches'; Toronto' and North to Bolton. From .all Stations in Ontario en 'the Michigan Central ; Pere Mar, iuettc, Windsor, Essex & Lake Shore; Grand River ; Lake Eric & Northern ; and .Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railways. Colonist Cars operated front" principal points. SPECIAL TRAM SERVICE FROM TORONTO Through CoIoxt t their escorts. Ludios and Children -Special Cara Will be rescrvcc. for the exclusive use of:lu[iics, children and Hill information troth' G, Ll BAKER, Agent, Wingliam, Ont. AINNINNM MM 4"I® EMS NU this Clearance Sale. Crepes, Voiles, Flat nd Fugi Silks and DRESSES formerly sold at $25.00 reduced to DRESSES formerly sold at $35.00 .... reduced to _ _. ---- DRESSES formerly sold at'$2o.00 sw 1 Satins. it sgi 18.7.5„4/ • _�-24.50 ®I reduced to 14 75 • ro DRESSES, assorted models` 8.75 reduced to ■' 12 DRESSES foimerly sold at $i6.5o 1111 ®50 6®35 ■ ■i r5 DRESSES -a bargain your pick 12 SUMMER COATS to clear at from ONE-HALF to ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICE., GIRLS' TOM BOY SKIRTS and KNICKERS to clear at ._ . _ _ .2 ®9 ur CREPE KIMONAS 2.50 a50 onsale at ._ ... _ M_ ..._..... ............. HANDSOME KNITTED SUITS -all wool, and choice color combinations. See them at 50 .95, 1,1..50 these reduced prices ® � Where Pric Are ero M L4mt un i>x {`W9 : ®SSS [sa{ .o- r ;W� yet .i�' ";,. ,;"i, 11 . e: ,1i,t `ul�' 111 ' water, visited Mrs. Pennington's par- 1 ronto, visited last week atmthe home' ents; Mr. and Mrs. J. Strong. l of the ,former's mother, Mrs. John. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Wylie, of. To- Wylie. i hi King Governmint, an S ell on ty •e platfoorm av the farrum.ers, when he isn't wan himsilf. Cud ye bate it? as Mr. and Mrs. Walter Starlord, of me •bye learned to say whin 1.'• wus Toronto, are visiting at the home of oversays . If I hadn't been a Tory all the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. me loife I wuddn't-"Hould on rite," Benjamin Stafford. Mr. Stafford is sez 1 to mesilf. "Ye mustn't aver principal of one of the Shaw schools tink thim,tings, let alone shpake thim in Toronto. ' arr wroite thim, fer, shure, ye 'musht Miss Lyla Guerin is atpresent vis - vote as ye hev always done, an not iting with her mother in Gerrie...Miss bring a disgrace on the Hay familyueriii intends taking a course in the be dein annyting ilse. Aven to slttay Technical school at London. at hone an not vote at all, at all, wud Mrs. George Underwood, of Wing be a wrong ting to do, unless ye sl=ud i hair, visited with her daughter,. Mrs. hev a latae back loike •ye had whin George Foster, of Gorrie. the lasht timperince i'iffirinduin wus . Mrs. M. White, of Gorrie, is visit- , hild."• lug; with her son Milton White, of Iietwane oursilves, • Mishter Editu�r, Chatham, I don't belave it malas much -lifter s William Murray, of Listowel, is to the counthry what governin'int is Critically ill at present, with slight in power, an fer that niatther, it .rt.d hopes of : recovery. Mr. Murray's be as well to Rape the Tories in aw- GORRIE three sisters live in Gorrie. fice all the toime if thim Grits an Mr. and, Mrs. E. Seip, of Kitchener, U.F.O.'s only had sinse enott>;'l ; to visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stein- see it. miller, of Gorrie, on Tuesday after - 'Tis the crops that'makc a counthry noon. prosperous, an, faith, we hev good wans this year. O.uld Ontario nivir made a betther showin since the, fursht sittiers came into:, the bush. T belave the Grits intind boulxiin a big pow -wow in the Arena on the afthcrnoon av the 25th, wid Premier Xing � and Hon, Mishter Elliott an Hon. James Malcolm an Hot, Lucien Cannon an a lot an other big ;;nits prisift, an maybe veil Archie hitn- silf, if he lias his oats in the barrun be that toiine. 1, intend to be thee„, if ine ould thrubble , doesn't shtroike tete back abotiit. tbaf :tonne, fer shure it won't do me anny'harrum to hear what the gintlemin bey to say, so it won't, n Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. ■ Mrs. Stanley, of Detroit, is visiting with her :sister, Mrs. Whitely, at pres- ent. Mr.' William Spotton, jr., of Toron- to; is holidaying at his home at Or- ange Hill Kr: and 1.trs. T.' Bradnock, of Got- tie, are away at Bruce Beach at ptties- ent. Palinerston defeated Drew in the first of the final play-offs in the: Can, tral league. GeorgeGallaway won the prize, a pair of shoes donated by Stephens & Ashton, for the player scoring the Most runs . George had seventeen rites to his credit in the nine ganies. played,• •Mr. and ifrs. Pennington of Tees - Its superior strength makes Purityy go farther' than ordinaryflours. It 1s perfect for' all your baking—cakes, pies„: buns ad bread — so the one flousack only, is necessary. TryPurity Flour to -day -- it is certain to please you. Send 30c in stamps for oar 700 -rectae Purity Flour Cook Book, $ eaa. Western Cauads Flour Mills Co. Limited. Toronto,'Montreal, Ottawa, Stunt Joilt. . t..y eJ)!An.V(ttlll)eli0.! e/1,• ' :,• I,,LlA, DAT useti!5D.eN etscci. l\elala/lCl�n�9mg.m/!t.m,we THE M_. ,, ?TLAND CREAMERY . ...as,,...nni.,,.. WW,11,..110n ,.,iiia., P LTi •,Y We are loading a car of, Poultry (prefer hens) at the Cana, dian National Depot on ' AUGUST 25 - 26 1� If you would like your hens culled, phone us and we will arrange for a Government culler. CO-OPERATIVE SHIPMENT THE U14iITEf'D FARMERS' C t' a :r. ERATIVE COMPANY LIMITED. ..PHONE zryz_ Winghani, b w Old lriob ♦dt7074 sidRc17S-14C Ye'\-e41SMOtreNtr if/s iiiiN1t 1 Ore 'liar , ARrw.V.7s5'I' %elk FAvtrbi X4011