HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-11, Page 5Sacrifice dor 10 'rices Days, Beginning Friday Morning• August 1.2t at ISA urn Lear v n S. cry ice rice! Beginning Friday Morning August 12th. at 8.30. 11e our Entire Stocks of Dry Goods,Ladies'Read to�-Wear Clearing • � Rugs and Final +unz S,'Iv►txse Fur- . nishings,Groceries, ;roots and Shoes, Men's and Boys' Clothing,Hats 'Gent's Furnishings. • 1IrIII1111IIi.III11111111111fili 1il®111e!n tiIftOf1aIm!®II16USIIIM 0 M TainolIMEIP LADIES' DRESSES and COATS The Finest Dresses Shown This Season are Included in this Clearance Sale. Printed Crepes, Voiles, Flat Crepes and Fugi Silks and . Satins. DRESSES formerly sold at $2' .00 T 18.75 Q7 reduced to DRESSES formerly sold at $35.0x.... __.._...24.50 reduced to • TRESSES formerly sold at $2o.00 14• o e reduced to , zo DRESSES, assorted models 75 reduced to �o DRESSES foxmerly sold at $16.50 a�' �0 reduced to .... o • 15 DRESSES -a bargain'' your pick :._._ _:..„ ' _ 6.95 12 SUMMER• COATS to clear at from ONE-HALF to ONE-THIRD OFF REGULAR PRICE. GIRLS' TOM BOY SKIRTS and KNICKERS to clear at CREPE KIMONAS on sale at HANDSOME KNITTED 'SUITS -all wool, and choice color combinations. See them at these reduced prices 8•a809 9®959 11 m0-� 6 1116IIIIt6111M111®II ISI I I®!IIlI llMllllrlll®IllilllOMEM®INMlliElllMMEillilBMIIInMlilEiilMlllMlll%v! 11EIgMllll6Allll0M 2.98 2.50 GROCERIES ALUMINUM KETTLE and q 7 bars. SOAP •for S•00 3 pkgs. CORNFLAKES for 13 lbs. SUGAR and z 1b. 75c LOOSE TEA for 1.65 8 cakes TOILET SOAP for 25 c DUTCH CLEANSER 9 �p a C per tin _ SOAP-P.&G., Pearl, Comfort, Gold ... 5 cakes 2 5 LUX 0c per package . Maple Leaf 2c BAKING POWDER; x -1b„ tin SNAP 1 r, HAND .CLEANER .... :_.. JELLY POWDERS 2r IC!47! c 3 pkgs for rGn, TOMATO SOUP C 2 tins fpr Large bottle EXTRACT 2 for .. + MIXED PICKLES bottle CLOTHESPINS 2 dozen for, MATCHES large box snot POLISH, 2 -in-/ 2 tins for Choice RED SALMON per tin 25c 19c 5c 23c 23c 35c ' ®B iIili llll®111H1II1®III®111M111®IIIf6111®iliMlliMiiiiiEIiitIHIIli811!MIllOill®III TABLE LINENS AT A BIG SAVING One piece half bleached, 64, inches wide; sale price __.. BLEACHED LINEN, good pattern; $1.5o value, for »_ FINE IRISH LINEN, s2 yards wide; bargain at STRIPED TURKISH TOWELLING LINEN CRA'SH TOWELLIN, on sale _ CRIB BLANKETS, fancy patterns; sale ...... ___._.._._. CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON, fine quality HEAVY COTTON SHEETING, 2 yards wide; now CURTAIN MATERIAL, in. Lace or Net; sale ..,: 95c 1.20 1.95 15c 15c 79c 35c 49c 39c 20 Pieces PRINT -light and dark; small patterns; Crum's 2 5 e - English Print; regular 3oc to 35c; now 8 Pieces PLAIN BROADCLOTH; best •colors; 33e reduced to • Table of Fancy Pattern BROADCLOTH; °75c values up to $I.25, for ..._ _,._,.,,. VOILES- 49 Clearing Normandy Beaded Voile 'at ' FANCY SPOT and FLORAL VOILE and ORGANDY; 75c 'value; sale 39 C7. SILK RAYONS and PRINTED CREPES; 95c regular price $x.25; now only PONGEE SILK.. fine weave and wide; A clea+ing at .._...... ............... .._.._. ... __ .,::. _...:...._.... 49 c COVERALL APRONS -nicely made; fast colors; 8 reduced to, h IIIPpprim1111Qu1emmIII®IIInillsialll mum mmlllrO11116111®IIlmnl®II!lidlllummlllmlillmlnamm 5 yards ALL LINEN 25 TOWELL�TNG for..__.::.. _.....:.__:. f 5 yards of WHITE FLANNELETTE, yard wide i 5 yards of WIDE 25c GINGHAM for 5 yards of STRIPED+'LANNELETTE, yard wide for __ _ _._w_ _ ......- _ 5 yards HEAVY FACTORY COTTON ,yard wide for, Broken lines of CORSETS �' to clear at �....:_ LIM Odd lines of SHOES and SLIPPERS Clearing lines of SILK GLOVES fie 1.0& 1.00 1.00 .4 1.00 1000 1.00 ® reduced to1600 now 1 .00 ®_ Bargain in SILK HOSE, E reduced to :. 1000 m/ RAG RUGS regular value 5oc; now... _ ... :_.. MEN'S HEAVY WORK:SHIR'TS R 35c, 3 for 1.00 bargain for _._..... _..... . 1.00 ® MENS WORK SOCKS 4 PAIRS 1.00. m 5 Pieces TWEED COATING 9c a>a IIImaiiII miel116aI! III 11II101111®111 IIO!IIMIII®I116HI11®IIIMIII®III®III®III®I11M111OIIIOIII mI®II U IIIIIIiII14IIIIAIM MMM UMW !IlElll®iIII®IIiMMISilMlllEillsIll 111 llllMlIIEMIIl MEN'S HEAVY POLICE BRACES • now Men's and Boys' SILK TIES your pick 49 c ®n BOYS' TWO-PIECE SUITS, I sizes up to 6 nears 3.90 Men's grey WOOL SOCKS WI BOYS' WASH SUITS; out they go at Men's fine quality MALL WOOL SWEATERS; regular value $2.75'; clearance ® BOYS' SUMMER JERSEYS,. bargain at VIII 111M114IIIMIIIdIM f IMMIMlll I IMIII IIIA MMI l� i 11M111�1MI111111111111IIMIIId�IIIM IIIMIIIRMIII I IMIII (II Ii61f l� 11MIII�IMI11111111111MI MEN'S COTTON SOCKS L regular $z.5o, for _........_._._._......_. 1.00 Fi 8 yards fine FACTORY COTTON, yard wide ,yam = for _.... 1.00 E IIIMIIMHZ111, all�llltl�lil®III®III®1II I1I�III"' III IIIIAIII11III6IIIMIIMlll®!IIMIIISSIIIMII MIHEllI IilESll 11z'maw sslllir'lllplr>l9_ inr�wismaimptu MUM M II�R In6�1I161Illfi MMInEIIIMIIIEIII®Inl 39c Mo ey Sawn Values 5: now 19_. _..... ...„.... _:._....:........_.........___-._..._........: C _ ® • BLACK DUCHESS SILK ,yard wide; ® B6y sale price ...:... .. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS and DRAWERS now on sale at, per suit 1.25_ t_•••... 75c Ea ,t SPORT SATINS ,yard wide; 1.19 pi 1°49 now only Fancy pattern SILK SOCKS, sale price .6Q�, ENDS OF SILK; ..�_ m -: ..:....._.,._ zo BOYS' SUITS, made of Fancy Tweed; latest models,900 .All wool DRESS GOODS; • with long pants and bloomers; values up to $x2; sale price '0 M regular up to $1.5o• now value up to $2.50 -bargains Clearance of BOYS and YOUTHS' SUITS out they go at ..,...., ..._.:....... ,,,,„ 6.95 MEN'S SUITS -Fancy Tweed effects and Worsteds; „...1 3 0 value up to $20.00; on sale' at • BOYS' BLOOMERS 11, reduced to 1..39 z5 pairs Men's strong wearing PANTS; clearing price Men's strong WORK SHIRTS 2.39 98c OVERALLS ,FOR MEN; made of strong cloth; 1.39 2.9 Blue, Black or Striped; now only Men's strong wearing BOOTS; reduced to Every Price Quoted for This Saie Represents A Substantial 'Saving PAIRSs1000 New models in 43 98C WORSTED SUITS; allies $3e; bargain for YOUNG MEN'S ENGLISH qui k sle • 9 MEN'S • FANCY TWEED CAPS, 98c 39BOYS! "FET FOOT" CANVAS SHOES, E ai now tln saLEle at 98c II®IIICIIIImIIIIiill®IIhIIIUllllll lllwliileIl Im11!i11I IHAIiI®mlmml111111111mIIIaIIInIIwo1111mI1111111iRIII IIl1lllll6lil Iilmlll SPORT FLANNELS, 54 inches wide; rro egular rreg.$z.so; for good shades p All Wool DELAINE, � g price $1.25; on sale 'at................._..�....._...... w?9 8c I • 9 1l 20 PER CENT OFF all other lines of SILKS, VELVETS and DRESS GOODS. 7IIIEIIIIIIulllmlmigmgm mlpIIIISm 'IIIuII!mIISdIII IIIQ4!116AI116AIm'A'IIIi IIIt�Ilil�lll $2.19 63 BI8 H. E. LANKETS $2.19 Flannelette Blankets good quality, Large Size, ia1e $2.19. SALE OF RUGS Don't miss these values in Tapestry, Brussels, Velvet and Wilton Rugs. New Designs in Soft Colorings, complete range of sizes, all on sale Less 20 per cent. • vemammizehesialeiriritson Where erre Prce s Are Lower. ,>