HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-11, Page 4It� >�Ill�i'II�IIllil�rNli�l►I►M111 ►'i► ► I ' i11M11'Iwl I in p i ` ;` a. I ,� ,,; . •, M � I � . 1 N 0l � IIrI>N f �lll 1(h�fh IN�I I,IMI i 1011.f�! I I�Igit�i'l l0 Thursday, August sth, xgp:7 NC ADVANCE,TIMES Published at VVING4814, ONTARIO. xery Thursday Mornipg W Logan C'�ai"g, Publisher +b0ril 04 rat a- Ode year $200:' ntl}lts'$r.00; in advance, Ftitsing rales on App!}cation. 1 1.1l01tI1111C , . :.,: �f110111i�11i,�I11����i�l;�ilq�iu�111Nf1►il0fi1011f11(fuUllplll11110Ii11110111111t101411i10111• W • !r. You at e invited to visit our store during the' ' Factory -to -You Sale. See these rare values of sea a sortable quality merchandise. Every, item is of the same grade and standard as is sold every" day in our. sto;e at regular prices. Now, is the tune:•. to obtain many products used every day: in the home, ■`- Ii1111 Sale Commences Thursday, Aug. 11 o,1M+o4Mo1•111o.1..o0 ■ A few of the Bargainsare listed: scc Jonteel Creams .-....:_ 35c Narcissus Talcum $i Petrofol ..... ..:...._ soc Cascara Tablets ..._ 35c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo soc Milk of Magnesia u 39c soc Klenzo Antiseptic 39c 29c 25c Qastgr Oil r9c = ..79c 75c Georgia Rosa Bath, Salts 59c s 39c soc Georgia Rose Face 1 Powder 39c 23C 75c Stationery 49c F -7- 39c roc Palm Skin Soap ...... 6 for 44c 1 McKIBBON'S DRUG STORE r J. •c.s 5 F,S7ores • Phone ' k?hu "ate tAa r: ,I ingham ■. 53 �sdaDnttrrtari�apiii�isxoti — iil®1113111131111211I1111110111011•1111111111111011111111■1110111111II■111011.1111111111I11Illllt11111I IIi811■11 ` ■IIIm1.11®il!®�11161111AlIICEll1®III®!II®11!11l111lIII■!II.III®(ll■III■III■!Iliill(,f8!I��IIII®!IIBIII�III�III®fII!!I • f1 ' O i? cent a word per insertion, with a. rninirnuzn charge' of 25c. 0 • 16 !limn!!tillmisinvinsIIRl11111111111111111101fIum III■111111antpIU11111tinsi1111111111111111!■IInin TO RENT—House with all conven- iences, at corrier of Catherine and Victoria streets. Apply to .Samuel Morton, Belgrave, phone 15-624, garage. TENDERS—The United church of Wingham will receive tenders up to .August 113th for twenty-five 'tons of egg coal delivered at the church. Address all tenders to S. Bennett, Chairman of Property Committee. "OR SALE --- 8 -room house with front store, on Victoria street, near Josephine; with conveniences. Terms easy. Apply to R. Mooney, plumber, Josephine street, Wing - ham. SEWING—I am prepared to do all 'kinds of sewing. Apply to Mrs. Win. Reid, Minnie street. 'FOR SALE—About two acres stand- ing oats. Apply to Clarence Shiell, B line. FOR -SALE Cream separator, in good condition . For particulars tel- ') ephon.e 37. ROOMERS WANTED — Apply to. Mrs. David Watters, Frances street. FOR SALE—Gray Dort touring car, in good condition. Apply to John •Smith, Pleasant Valley, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of the Trustee Act, that all persons having any claim or. demand against Reuben Sanburn, late of Wroxeter Village in Huron Coun- ty and Province of Ontario, Laborer, who died on or about the 15th day of May A.D. 1927, are required to send by, post prepaid or deliver to Charles Warren Sanburn at R,R. 3 Wingham, Ontario, the Administrator of the es- tate of the said deceased, on or be- fore the 17th day of August, 1927, their navies and addresses with full particulars in. writing of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them, and verified by statutory declaration, and take notica that after the said last mentioned day the said Administrator will dis'tribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received notice. DATED at Wingham, Ont, this .25th day of .July, 1927. J, A. MORTON, Solicitor for the Administrator. IN THE ESTATE OF REUBEN SANBURN. NOTICE is hereby given that all debts due to the late Reuben Sara burn of Wroxeter, 'Ont:, are required to be paid' forthwith to C. Meldrurn .'Sanborn;. R.R. r 131uevale, Ont.,, agent kr the. Administrator of the estate;!. J. A. MORTON, I Solicitor kr the; ;state, 111111®111111.11®IIIp9111®IJ1111110111®IlIpl11■1111111111111• ` Plumbing; Steam, • Hot Watery and . Hot Air. Heating I! r W. J.°BOYCE 11 Store Ph. 58., House Ph. 88. II!111111�111111111111(1®IIIG111111111■I11111111111Il111111110 vlowawoo•••••ammarermorf.rwoo.o.str...ammirms•oi PAINTING DECORP,TING WALL PAPER Elmer Wilkinson Decorator ,� SF TURpAY NIGHT IN TOWN Folks from bigger places Sometimes wants to know If in 2 town like ours Things ain't awfully slow, An' if that's tlieir notion We'd like to set 'em right By havin' them to see us On some Saturday night. Supper hardly over When the furl commences, Everybody rushin' Like they'd lost; their senses. Pamustshave real "quick And mother's got the glass, Sister flies around Putting on high class. ; Can't be bothered now Got. to hurry down, Lots of things to see Saturday night in town. , All along the streets ' Flivvers packed in tight, People from the country Stayin' late tonight. Minglin' on the corners Men a'swappin' views Voices everywhere Woingn passe' news, Girls dressed in their best Keep, a-str.ollin' by, • Boys in groups a-watchin' Tryin' to catch the`i'r eye. Barber shop is crowded,' Can't get in the stores, Ice cream „parlors fnllw, Clear up' to the 'doors, `Round, and 'rotibci the streets Feet a-paddin' dr5wtt.'' Lots of fun to see Saturday night irt;Ipwn,.;. t SEI ICLES M0•§'p,$E: LIGHTED ' ave Eac X or ,.S 1�2unicipal cduncil•shaye'.t sirh„nytskn --tie lighting of :ala vehicles, has, bed{i. made obligatory on the tiigliways"anrl roads between dusk and dawn. Light- ed lamps showing: white to the front. and red to the rear 'on all horse- drawn vehicles will ,be required after October rst. This action' was neces- sary to protect the motoring public as well as those who: `travel on. bi cycles on the roads and highways. The obligation wag once made op- tional „ with municipal councils, but the result was lack of uniformity and the cry was made that it was the duty of parliament to pass a general law for the whole province. Now that it has been done and when it has been in general operation for some time, it is a safe venture that the people who travel on the road would not go back to the risks of the old way for any amount of money. Air mail service between, Winnipeg and Fargo, North Dakota, has been inaugurated, and the first mail for Winnipeg from the United States ar- rived recently. The Shorthorn bull, King of the Fairies, recently sold from the Can- adian ranch of H. R. H. the Prince of Wales to a 'United States breeder, again won the premier prize at the Calgary Exhibition, Evidences of the renewal ofinter- est of. Old Country investors in West. ern Canada are seen in a number of recent transactions recorded at Winnipeg, including, the proposed erection of • three motion picture houses by means of English capital. Mederic Beauperant, when clear- ing his farm south of Verner on the Canadian Pacific lines, found a 300 - lb. boulder which was half native silver.and worth about $1,200. The discovery has aroused considerable interest among mining men in Cobalt and elsewhere who are arriving in numbers. London, Ontario, now has an air harbor. Through efforts on the part of the Chamber of Commerce an ideal air -field site has been taken over and, within a month's time, Rill be completely equipped and marked so as, to provide an air depot avail- able to all planes that seek London as a stopping place. According to a financial statement Issued from the headquarters of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, , the gross earnings of the Company tor the first six months of the year ended showed an increase of $3,614,- 778.06. The net profits,however, decreased about $900,000 due to a four million dollar increase in the 'working expenses for that period. Quebec City lived up to its tradi- tions as the historic gateway and welcomed their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, Prince George and Premier and Mrs. Baldwin with a tremendous burst of enthusiasm and a blaze of color. Vast crowds thronged the docks and waterfront as the Canadian Pacific S.S. Empress of Australia. bearing the., distinguish- ed visitors to Canada, steamed into sight. Cy Experiments in rust prevention by means of spraying chemical over wheat fields from airplanes is about. to be tried out in Manitoba, under the direction of the Dominion Gov- ernment Department of Agriculture. The chemical used is merely sulphur in a collodial state, technically known as "Cola." It is said that one 'plane can treat 6,000 acres a day, flying at a height of 50 feet. The machine will carry 700 lbs.'of chemical in the mechanical spraying apparatus. • "Austrian bakers have discovered that with the use of Canadian flour they can make more and better bread. The prohibition of night baking also favors the employment of fast -baking flour," says the Com tuercial Intelligence Journal, Ottawa, Frederick Franke, Austrian Consul, rays his country is anticipating with gratification 'a trade treaty with k'anada; for; while the war reduced ustria's population from 54,000,000 6,000,000 the city of Vienna has till 2,000,000 to feed. DIED HELPS — In Loudon, on Auguste 6th, William Helps, of Wingham, in his both year. BORN' I .LUG—Ort' July, 2lt.h, to r Mr, and Mrs. ,A. H. Xing, Portland, Oregon, a daughte4,-4I2atricia Anne, SPOTTON—In Toronto, on Aug- ust 8th, to Mr. and. Mr's, 'ArthurC. Spotton, a sots, John Arthur.:' CARD OF THANKS lvlrs.• P. Helps desires to 'eitpress. her appreciation to b,i.ny friends for their ,helpful sympathy and acts of kindness in the great sorrow that re- cently;'came to .her hone. you do thl the savings from your productive years will' later on provide you with an ` income, We will add interest. for you and compound it half yearly; ift ,,all oddi the nicest AP .;appearance '' c, ,,i. cc'7ar lbir e L 'with 'best values ..we have , ■ d'i '' to • shown t� c :atetF. The' illustration shown herewith, is a splendid representation of " one of the newest."' THE DOMINION BANK Established 1871 132 A. M. BISHOP, Mgr. Wingham, Ont. 111111111111011111111■1111111111111.1111111■IIIA II®III11111111110111■111■1110111®III■III■III111III■III■11111111■ a a ATTENTIONI "_ e Roa1Service Station Special attention given to the Lubrication of Cars .of all makes, FREE 'CRANK CASE SERVICE a FREE INSPECTION OF YOUR CLUTCH, DIFFERENTIAL, 1 and TRANSMISSION. - FREE AIR. "PROMPT AND < COURTEOUS SERVICE" is the keynote of this Station. _ J. -'E. ' HOMUTH BRITISH AMERICAN PRODUCTS Main Street N.111 iIII■11111i11111II■IIIIIIIPIlion!11111■11111111 IMNI11111111111111IIIvi!11111I■111■lllEMN II■II E NW I■II ESTERN FAIR LONDON - CANADA September 10 to 17, 1927 DIAMOND JUBILEE EXHIBITION Write at oxide fot full information and Prize List, and get your Entries in. early . This is going to be the biggest year yet. $35;000 IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS Send for Prize List and fur'rher information to J. H. SAUNDERS, President. W. D. JACKSON, Secretary. LONDON, ONTARIO. 411111111•111.11111013311111•216(‘ iC36011, 'Introducing Interior Color Ilartrio4ies that match the lovely' effect of the ;rawLag Room cLA.UGHLIN-DUICK for 1928 `sets a new vogue in • motor car design.— Rich fabrics, covering walls and ceilings, blend pleasantly with ex- terior finishes, forming a neutral background for matching or con- trasting 'interior on-trasting'interior effects. Form -fitting tailored seats are up- holstered in attractive materials of the finest quality. Carpets of pleas- ing pattern add a touch of lively color. Even the interiorware is care- fully selected for' its decorative effect, that the, complete ensemble' may be in, perfect taste. '101rtf "U. VICK M -$28c. 'fir' 1928 .A+ M. Crawford, Wlingharn, Ont. Dealer rn.•M. Latighliti, OTtistnobile, anct Chevrolet W1>oft Better Arttcsttio'biles Are Built•-M'cLattghkin.$►rickc Will mild Them a a Made op a sensible broad toe,e the new shape) p) and of splendid quality materials, and at a,most reasonable' price namely It 5•50per pair This shoe is known'as "THE BIG WIN and ■ we inivte every Y mann who likes nice ce sh oes atIxloder-, 0 ate prices to call in and have a look. Many other lines of Men's Oxfords at from a` 2.9.5 per pair up -in fact our buying facilities enable ▪ us to sell at'prices equally as low as' big city stores. ■ hi W.. H. WILLIS ■ THE SHOE STARE ' Phone 129, WINGHANI FE ®III■11111111■III®1110111■III■III ■ 1111111111■11111111111111111111II■II11111111 ISIMIIIr1IMII11111111XI ■ a ■11111111®11 inti111v11111I gun®III®IIIf0111nnit1111111■IIIODIli9IIIansi111111111iwun111111i1111tant ■ r August Clearance Sale! c ■ ENGLISH �J BROADCLOTHS .._ / 9c IN CHECKED 79c 'RAYONS ■ HEAVY ' 79c fFUGi;. SILKS ® STRIPED RAYONS :....._....... 49c it ALL LINEN TOW - a ELLIN,G, extra wide " .. 29 c 32 -inch ENGLISH GINGHAM -. MOTOR NETS SILK HOSE ' 95c' 125, a BROADCLOTH SLIPS BROADCLOTH ▪ BLOOMERS PI BLEACHED• COTTON • 25c 25c 2®19 1.39 95c 19c, 23c, 29c a FACTORY COTTONS 1c, 19c`, '23c ▪ HEAVY 33c SHIRTING m .a GALATEA STRIPED ....:.._...._..__ 29 c' 36 -inch FANCY PRINTS -. - 2 ✓ C _= 9 c CHECKED LINEN TOW- ELLING—Blue, Gold, 2 Rose _ G a7 it ■ STAMPED TEA 3 Ca� c TOWELS 19c, 39c 2 '25c 89c LADIES' VESTS CHILDREN'S VESTS SILK VESTS SILK BLOOMERS BLUE OVERALLS • KHAKI I PANTS I 1.39 3 1.95 : rEic;I's 1.49 CAPS 05c and 1.39 STRAW and v20, FINE SHIRTS nitOtammi T.Hi HYDRO SHOP. n. mi • • 111 Voeuwin Cleaners and Floor Polishers For Rent. Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies Irons, Toasters, Lamps'and Fixtures. We'Repair All Kinds of Electrical Apparatus. ..Winghain Utilities Commission • cravvioro Block* Phone 1564. oposaiiiiiiimmialiassommanommiimmoioniam