HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-11, Page 3RR.
Me. .and Mrs, R. S. Morrow and
son Bob,, of Omaha, Nebraska,` who
motoring ng through gh Cana
a, were
recent guests of Mrs, W, R, Hastie, 1
The Misses Ruby and Euphemia
Mathewson returned to their home in
Toronto last week after visiting with
their aunt, Mrs. W. R. Hastie..
Mrs. McLennan, of Toronto; is a
guest at the home of her sister, Mrs,
R. Black.
Mr. West. Palmer started his sea-
son's threshing on Monday.
A car' load of friends from File
Michigan, motored over and, sped
last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fre.d.
Kitchen and other friends tread
,leaving g for
their Home on Sat
urday• morning.
Miss Jeannette Ritchie is atp. res
ent visiting her sister, Mrs,. ; Sandy
Quite a number from here took in.
the old: boys .reunion at Goderich las
week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Martain, of Toronto,
visited at John. Douglas' over Sunday,
Miss Ethel Hepton, who has been
visiting Miss Elnor Douglas, returned
ome .with them.
Mr. R. J. Rann, of the Wroxeter
elephone central office, is taking
ome.well-yearned holidays at Toronto.
nd other places.
The . Wroxeter school is , being
Mrs. E. Bryans, of Brussels, called
on friends in town on Tuesday, prior t
to leaving for Lethbridge, where~.. she s
intends visiting her son, Dr, W. E. a
Bryans, and other friends:
r kiddies ri
no problem
hetiJean eatsaway
front home,' always
Kellogg's Corn Flakes. t
know how easy •to digest
they are --while
m! for
loves the re ideal, L s a ecrunchy,
ellog crisp, so c
les.. $o � 1� r
s dd . usly flavored.. drier o
so det><cto lunch, dt, • ilr
thein f or l Sere with with
br of cream � xtrat good
cream. added'
fruits or honey Kellogg on
CCae by trip. Oven. Andori' Ontario.
L°shisthe'riechcige' D.
fry p tall
reed e► A
odea a genuine! iat.d the
Fu s
wllell IMIIIIIII I®I I I�IIIMI II■hIIMI(161111G9111�111®III®IllfmlLllgl IIB�llllll„l I IIGI I I®I I I
t '
painted outside and re -decorated in- the home of the former's sister, Mrs;
side. The work will be all done this Robert Ai
week. T tehespn. They were aecom-
w 1 , b e done
pam d home o e
by M
time for school opening, rs, Aitcheson
o c
tw h'Id
The regular July meeting • :of the Mr, and Mrs. David Pocock, dau
Wroxeter Women's Institute was ter Alice and
, Mr, Orville Powell,
held at Mr,` J. Lovell's home onnear Goderich, were Sunday visit
Thursday, July 28th, It was decided at ' the .home
that of their daughter,:
$s.00 should be sent to help pay land Mrs. Len. Elliott,
for a doctor • in outlying districts of In last week's paper it said t
Toberrnory and parts of northern On- Miss Lela Leggatt passed h
tarso, Mrs, 5; Hupfer took the topic, !mediate t r Int
p date music exam, with seco
"Canada's debt to the :foreigners, and 1 class pass, .which is not correct,
what is being done to Canadianize 'should have been first .cless,
them." Miss M. Davidson told of 'Mrs. oh
t, J >� Mundell was in $ru
Food value offish, and ways to serve field last week attending the fume
them.' Roll call was a well arranged of her uncle,'
bouquet . It+lany more would ',have Mr.
"• Griffith returned home
been able to be present if there had Montreal last week after spending
been more ways of goin , . p g
g holidays with. his wife and, son he
Mrs, Wilson returned home to:T
ronto on Monday after spending
week . at the home of Mrs; Rog
Mrs, John Hartley, and, daughter `Oke,
Pauline, of Vankleek Hill, are spend- 1. Mr• Russel M'clCinney is spenrlin
ing their holidays with Mrs: William 'his holidays at the home of his u
Weir and other friends. cle, Mr, John A/lesser'
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin and Mrs. Ba- f , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owens a
n -
ker, from. Teeswater, called on' Alr. Mrs. Charlie ''Owens, of Welwyn
and Mrs: Edwin Palmer last Sunday. !Sask., returned home on the 26th a.
Mr, and Mrs, William'A. Cathers ter attending the brother's funeral, I
and family spent last Sunday with the. late Robert Owens
friends south of Gerrie, ,.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Acheson, from.
Toronto spent a few days last week
with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A.1E. Gallaher.
standing of the aspirations and septi-
meat of the West, There is as res-
olute national a at oda temper ern �
er on
the t prai-
as there is elsewhere in the Do-
minion, but it will snot be stirred by
constructive programme that will re -
laissez -faire .'policies. It demands 'a
constructive' program that will' re-
store its natural resources and give
a sympathetic hearing to its other
particular demands. So with the At-
lantic Provinces and with British
Columbia, there are particular meas-
ureS to be considered, The business
of statesmanship is to remove fric-
tion and misunderstandings, and unite
elements for the common gpod. Since
the war there has been too' in-
sistence on the rights of specific class-
es and groups and too little thought
for the rights of Canada.' If. indica-
tions are not, misleading, we are en-
tering upon the long anticipated per-
iod of -prosperity and expansion. That
period should be utilized to the ad-
vantage of Canada at large, and it
can and should do the same. Mayor
Fells is a busy pian, but energetic
and public-spirited, and as the effic-
ient head of the municipality, might
take the initiative .in introducing this
matter •at the next Council meeting.
It is none to early to take initiative
steps for an affair of this magnitude,
Mr, : Albert Manser and Mrs. M.
Elridge, of Buffalo, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Aitchison and Miss Doris
spent Sunday at Mr. Will Abraham's:
Mrs. John Robinson, of Kincardine,
spent the week -end with her mother,
Mrs. T. Abraham.
Mr, Victor Haines and:Miss ,,Flor-
ence Haines were in Guelph last week
attending the' funeral. of their grand-
Mr. and Mrs.' Walmley and daugh-
ter Margaret spent a few days in
Mount Forest
Miss Minnie McIntosh returned to
her home in Kincardine on. Saturday
after spending the past few weeks
with her grandmother, Mrs: T. Ab-
can best be utilized by a national
an '.party concerned not for particular
r, eastern, western, or central develop- rahant, and other friends.
fi- ment but for national growth: �.
IAn old-time subscriber, a resident
of this section for over sixty years,
Rev. Mr. Lott, of ,Brussels occu- - (Wiiiison's Monthly) dropped, into our sanctum on Monday
pied v. pulpit here lasSunday. I The future of the Conservative par- and handed in this timely suggestion;
The farmers in, this section .have'ty does not lie in the West or the "Now that the Goderich cen-
finished 'a bountiful hay crop and East: it lies in the'whole of Canada. tennial is past and gone, how
have the'splendid wheat cropWhat the party requires is a return would it be if somebody would
IF principles.' There has i look up the records to see when
also to fundamental p
Harvested. I n pri
been 'too much effort i recent years ' the Wingham one should be stag -
to win momentary favor by ancon -1 ed. We would suggest that Zet-
land, Wingham- and Bluevale
unite in celebrating the event."
vincing platforms' trimmed with Lib-
eral and Progressive planks: All that
Miss Ruby Scott returned home on . the party leaders have •s,ucceeded in Next year makes tlte'5oth anniver-
(Thursday., after spending soine time doing is to estrange traditional Con- , sary of the incorporation of Wingham
with her sister in: Brantford. `servatives who have a natural regard as a town, the plan being in existence
I! Mr, and Mrs. George .1Vliller and for the Imperial relationship, who be- many years before. Its development
(little daughter and Mr. Wesley Miller , lieve that a tariff for.` protection is from a crossroads trading place to
'and little son Carson, all of Mountthe hub of the north has been steady
the best fisca� policy for the country,
Forest, axed, Mr, and Mrs. William I who recognize the rights of capital, and sure, and, with every prospect of
Miller and family, of Listowel, and industry, and commerce as well as the successful permanence Today Wing
Mr. and Mies. William 1VIiller, of Av- rights of
onlea, Sastre, visited at the Strong
Mr. and Mrs. John Calkins, of
North Tonawanda, N.Y.,is spending
some time with relations here,
Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hackett, of De-
troit, spent last week with friends
Ihere. •
Quite a number .from here spent
last Friday in Goderich.
Mrs. David Hackett and family
spent Sunday with friends at Kin
Miss Lizzie Alten
returned home
after spending afe`v weeks
with her
ii brother, Elmer Alton.
Mr, and Mrs. George Lane and
'family spent Thursday in. Goderich.
Cutting wheat around this vicinity
is the order of the day.
Miss Elsie Vint has had an attack
of appendicitis'. We hope for a
'speedy recovery,
NOTICE is hereby given .that I
have complied with Section 9 of the
Voters' List Act and that I have post-
ed up at my office at Wroxeter on the.
9th day of August, 1927, the list of all
persons entitled to vote in the said,,
municipality for 1Vlembers of Para-
ment and at Municipal elections, and
that such list remains there for in
: spection. And I hereby •call upon all,
IIA0111�111�1111®1116 voters to take inunediate: proceeding
to have any errors or omissions cor-
' rected according to law, the: last day
i for appeal being the doth day of Aug-
_� , ust, 5927,
171. Fred Davey,
A Complete Stock of Soft;,, Drinls Always on
Hated at our Wingham Branch.
Just the Thing for the Pic-Nic or Camping.
'Call 166 and we Ivill' Deliver to
any pat't of the town.
Bring us your Eggs and Cream.
Highest market prices -paid.`'
Wingham, Ont;
W. B. THOIVXPSON, Branch Manager.
riiONE 166.
Clerk of the Village of
1lL: Wroxeter.
Aug. gth, 1927.
and Mrs. Howard .Lowforcl and
e` baby, Mr: Thomas and 'tllrs. Thomas
Pocock and two children, all of Tor-
` onto, motored up Saturday ,to the
home of the latter's niece, Mrs, Leon-
ard Elliott. The men returned' horde
1-7 Sunday afternoon.
11.12 Ivirs, James ...McIntyre,'ofSaslca
. � toon, Mr, Lyle Leggatt •and Miss
1:. Marne ,spent Sunday; at the home of
i Mr. and Mes, 3, W' Leggett.
Mr. Albert Manser and' Mrs. El-
i drige, .'of Buffalo, spent last week at
Village Clerk •
Issuer of Mrariage Lieenses,.
Eli The law now requires the license
be takenout three days' before the
•' I
labor, and who, believe that ham occupies an enviable position to
national development will be stimu- most towns of its size in Ontario, and
lated if taxation of income and caps- vastly better than many. Its varied
tal is reduced to a level comparable manufacturing concerns give employ -
with that in the United; States. They ment to 'many men, a boon particu-
believe further that there is a natur- larly fortunate for a place of this size;
al economic relationship between' agri-. nor has it suffered to the same extent
culture andindustry and that fiscal in the financial depression resulting
policies should be concerned to stim-frond post-war effects. Then its rich
ulate the utilization of Canadian raw , agricultural district is a splendid as -
materials and natural resources, pre- set. No wonder that-Wingharn's mer -
serve the home market for Canadian • chants are able to retain their just
farm' and factory workers, and en- share of the local trade and +draw.
.courage primary and secondary pro, from a greater distance than is cus-
cesses of manufacture within the Do- tomary. Their stocks, courtesy to
In short, their policy is the tradi-
tional policy of Sir John Macdonald.
That policy was never limited to any
element or section' of the Dominion, btiee in 1925? The town deserves this
He believed that "a junction of men' distinction, and we are thoroughly
who' have ,the same opinions with re- . convinced there are sufficient public-
gard to governing the country, who spirited ni,en, possessed of the self -
think alike. on public matters, form- sacrifice necessary, to make this cel- .
ing a party in the large and proper ebration as great a st.ccess as the one
sense, is necessary for the proper ad- held nine years ago.. Other towns all
ministration of affairs.. . We say around—Goderich, Brussels, Mount
.no matter what your antecedents are„ Forest, Auburn, and Ramsay's school
whether you are an old Tory, a Bald- in Morris township—have all brought
win Reformer, or whatever you were back a lot of the boys and girls of
in the past,'if you honestly and con-lyears ago, with distinct pleasure, sat-
scientiously agree with us and our isfaction and profit to all. Wingham
policy for the country in the future, I
we stretch out to you the right hand
customers, and trade inducements and
wide publicity tell the story.
But to the main point. What about
a fitting celebration of our golden ju-
ofi fellowship and great you as a Lib-
eral -Conservative of a Conservative-
Libteral.” He did trot look to some
particular section, he looked to Can-
ada for support. It is in the same I
temper that the Conservative Con-
vention must look to the Dominion
at large. The future of Conservatism(
lies no more in the West than in
central Canada, or in the Atlantic
Provinces.- Its strength is to be found
in a platform wide enough to embrace
national policies and not in some op-
portunist structure of sectional planks.
It needs, too, more of the, concilia-
tory Temper of Sir John Macdonald,
to compose its differences. No good
can come of such extreme statements
as that attributed to Mr. David
Spence, M.P. for the Conservative
riding of Jarkdale, Toronto, in a re-
cent savage attack on Quebec. The
present is a time for statesmanship,
not for estranging extremes. The dif-
ferences between Ontario and Quebec
not to suggest that special privileges
well as the party interest, This is
should be healed he the national as
should be extended to any race or -
creed. It is merely to contend that
the rights of majorities as of minor-
ities shotild be observed as they are.
determined by the British North Am-
erica Act, and that there should be
neither curtailment on the one hand
nor infringement on the other.
Asa Conservative platform should
give adequate consideration to the
problems of central Canada, so it
should reveal a sympathetic nyder:
Tea andDinner Sets
Fancy China
If you are looking for some-
thing nice in. a Dinner or Tea
Set, or anything in Fancy China,
we have it.
97-pieoe Windsor. Dinner Set—
a beautiful pattern _ $28.60
97 -piece Fruit Set at '., - $17.5o.
I only Tea Set, Iris Lustre $7.50
Another lot of Lustre Egg Cups
at Sc, each.
At --
r:•r•a" M g „x, i
.."4,1c1,,.4.44:11 ;Iv le l' •
ELDOM do the lines and color har-
o monies of the costliest cars attain
such exquisite artistry as those of the
Jubilee Series Oldsmobile Six. Seldom
do the finest of custom-built creations
present more evidences of smartness and
refinement than the luxurious interior of
this latest Oldsmobile, with its rich rno-
hair upholstery, its walnut -finish panels
and trim, its deeply cushioned seats, its
silver -finish hardware, its dome lighting.
And, in addition, Oldsmobile gives you a
precision -built, six -cylinder engine of superb
smoothness,` power and flexibility—plus posi-
tive four-wheel brakes and every modern
motor car feature.
Special 2 -Door Sedan - - - - $1,115
Special 4 -Door Sedan - 1,220
Special De Luxe Landau Sedan, with trunk 1,345
Special Commercial Coupe - - - 1,095
Special De Luxe Sport Coupe, with dickey seat 1,205
Prices at Factory, Oshawa, Ontario—Government Taxes Extra
A. M. CRAWFORD,Wingham, Ont.
Dealer in Oldsmobile, Chevrolet, and McLaughlin
A new lease of youth—"Bind
up the ravelled sleeve of
care" means to make certain
of sound sleep. StaYoung
springs hold the body as it
should be held, causing per-
fect circulation and enhances
rest. Ask your dealer to show
you why StaYoung springs
are swayless. Adds 6
of extra sleeping surface
and is absolutely noise-
L A Vouttg InILldmltustrles of Canada
Windsor, Orpi aria
1. Cress Tension
'. Extra Strength
8. Perfected Base
4. The Stabilizer