HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-08-11, Page 2, • r '••• ` WNQHM ADVANCE-Tims Tburs4ay, August xxtb /927 • 4. 5 111/1111 1111E1111 lIiIIA1111,1111 !cr 11.111111111111111111.1111111111111111SINIMIIINIIMIllanaillilla1111111111111111111111111114111110111K lallnlillelel/M11110/1/1611111111111111111111111111111111i1111110M1,111111111111111401P111111111111111111 Balance of the M't;nth. Sal Ilies Listed Here Will Save Yoti oney for Vacatioil 1j -se 11131111131111/111111/1111411111111111111111111111111E11111113111111111 .t.1 torminesesmeriesearepermensarianoarcersaarrmagereernesevernmeareerreilincemenzerer, Men's and Boys' Money Saving Values Peanut Straw Hats With braid rim 1 OC Each 111555511=511110111,01101INSMItati• Men's Lisle Socks Regular worth soc pair. 2 Pair 39 Black, Navy, or Brown _ for WIVZONSIMUNROVIMIAle Men's Work Socks Made from good quality cotton 19c yarn; per pair Men's Silk Socks Black, Sand, Tan, Grey, Navy. While they last, per pair ...... .49c ... _ • Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers Zimmerknit quality; all'sizes. 49c Each garment Balbriggan Combinations Same quality as the shirts. • "in Worth $x.25; now ..... ... . C Men's Khaki Pants Clearing our entire stock. 1 A Worth up to $2.25; now per pair 1 o`ti7/ Boys' Khaki Longs Sizes 24, 25, 26 only. 696 While they last ...... Boys' Khaki Bloomers Good quality drill. , 4 69c Sizes 24, 25, 26, 27; per pair Boys' Khaki Play Suits Worth $1.25 in any store. Sizes 3 to 7; each 89c Boy's Cotton Jerseys All colors and sizes. 29c Come early for these; each _____ oys' Quality Blouses Clearing Ma,. EACH, or 2 for $1 Price • ra Work Handkerohitts Large size. 2 for 25C Red, Blue, Khaki. Met ••• • • SlauQhter Prices on : "''' • • ! .? lit JP • • • • • r • ••-• • • H • • • •• • •• •- • • • ..% • .*.Priced In Three • -OroupS'' • •'• • $2e95 $4.95 $8.95 • These Price ranges represent the Balance of our Summer Stock ,az of Printed Crepes, Rayon Cloths, Fugi and Voiles, Etc., in every case the Savings are from 40% to 75% and there is No RAerve. COME AND SHARE IN THESE EXTRAORDINARY VALUES • vainneenemeomminmmemann iimumminuminimmusinumisiontimisislimmuminivaiminvimoiumplisiumninolumisiimismalig rt • • • SANNETTE VC • CHILDREN'S HATS LADIES' HATS ,7 . • • 49c, Pic9' 59c EACH 98c1 box along on vacation(x2 in a Every one on sale at this clearing Hats; worth up to $5:95; all priced ...• The ideal Sanitary Pad Take a priVcael.ues up to $2.19 in the lot. The balance of our Summer II Special Sale i . box). it of Mumin- to clear. ri• - el i um Wear, i _ a ,.... FELT HATS PANTIE DRESSES TWEED KNICKERS i fir! i 1 89 PAiR . tO These are about half price;41ines _11 that are worth up to $3.5o. Priced § ...11 sports wear. for a clean. up. — i WI 1.95 EACH 93c EACH Limited quantity at .this price; A clean up of lines that were good colors; very suitable for selling tip to $x.5o. Many colors and cloths. • Children's All Wool • Bathing Suits nil EACH 1 .4 V Lots of bright colors; sizes rn t028. LADIES' ALL WOOL BATHING SUITS 2.59 EACH LADIES' NIGHTIES . ill oor EACH Nainchreck, Mull, Voile, Crepes, 22 Lines worth up to $3.75. Good Etc.; plain and fancy designs. colors and sizes. SILK BLOOMERS, 69c Made from. Rayon Silk; colors: Black, Russet, Champ.,0Green, etc, PEARL BUTTONS Q CARDS 1 n„ ‘4, for t, %." Buy a supply early while they 'last. •••••• KIDDIE SON PRICED LOW 1212c, 19c, 29c IC 39c, 50c, 60c Many colors to choose from. gi JIIMMMMIUMWMUSWIMEMEMOMMMiMMIRMEMSAMIIMUMMWOMMMEMEMOMMMWMAIMMMEMEWWWWWWWW NORTH HURON SITUATION the big min on beth soides, Ay BOTHERS TIMOTHY HAY To the Edit= av all thim Wingham paypers: Deer Sur: Wid Chautauqua over fer this say - son, an the hayin nearly done, an the whate moshtly cut an in the bar - runs, an the big pow -wow at Goder- ich a ting av the pasht, the nixt ting is Toronto Fair an the elikshun in Nort Huron. • Whin I wus over at Goderich wus shpakin wid a lot av the byes, an askin thim if the Tories in that town wus all shtickin, an they tould int that some wus shlippin, but that whoile inatthers moight be betther, they =bight be a lot wurse. They tought we shad, be able to hould a considherable majority fer Jargc in shpoite av- iyirything, an if we mid win in Goderich we cud win Nort .Httroti. Av coorse this wutd mane that the Grits an Progressives both kape theer min in. the field, which they say at prisint that they intind to do, but, as I tould ye often befoor, ye kin nivir thrust thim. Thim Grits kin make as manny blunders, an git into as rummy pollytickle scbrapes as the Tories, an mebby wursc wans, but I must give thini credit fer belt* good at gettin out av thim agin, an so we mustn't fale too sure av anity- ling nil afther notninaslum day. Wahlgood ting about this elick- 5'11111 is that we shud hev the chane .v harin lot tiv foine s Inakin coarse •the Tories hev a handicap, be rayson av not Bevin a rale layder at the prisint toime; the timporary wan we hey bein a former Grit, an itlehby wan at heart yit, if the truth was tould. Whin a •man. turns his coat wance ye can't tell whin he may be afther doin it agin, so ye can't. I met me ould frind Sandy Banks in town wan day lasht wake whin it wus too wet fer hint to wurruk at the hay, an had quoite a talk wid him sittin in front av Billy Lepard's san- itorium. Afther discussin the hay crop an the fall whate, an worldlier - in ibthe oats wud escape the rusht An the shmta and fill properly, we got shtarted on pollyticks, Sandy didn't hey very much to say be rayson av the fix the Grits do be in at the pris- int toime, wid • two min in the field, an riavtber wan av thim willin, to pull out. 'Tis a family quarrel so it is, an whit i miirtbers av the same fam- ily fall out among • thiinsilves the foight is ginerally a bitter wan, It looks as ,if both Shelly an Archie wird rather see Jarge elickted than his oth- er opponent. "The long an the short av it is," sez I to Sandy, "that Hislop an "Bricker are up furninslit a big proposishtm wid Shpotton agin thim," I see. (Twits a bit av a oke shprung on him, bavin rifirince to the 801.2e av the diffrunt candydates, but, bein Scotch, he olvir saw it.) "Archie is boond to wiri; set he, "fer even if he distal get a InNoitty tri a my yin av the rn ipittitia lw will lute yin over the whole roidin, an I. cP.ci prove it tae ye," sez he. At that .he pulled a bit av payper out ay,his pocket, an these are his figgers •. (Nene, isn't it! Bricker Hislop Shpotton Ashfield, '4o0 • 350 15o Myth 5o 150 200 Brussels ..._..._.. too • 190 Colborne, .. 250 200 Goderich , 200 • 900 Grey • 450 400 Howick 500 450 • Morris ... 250 • 35o Turnberry 300 25o E Wawanosh 25o •200 • 200 •W. Wawanosh 300 • 25o 200 Wingham . .... roo 300 • • 600 Wroxeter 40 • Go . 70 • Av coorse Sandy's figgers are all wrong, an 1 intind. kaypin thim so I kin hey some fun wid him afther the. elickshun is over. Yours till nixt wake, Timothy Hay. 200, 100 ,1000 250 400 400 200 A, NOTABLE EVENT Use Old. Reaping Hook The centennial anniversary of the cutting and binding of the first sheaf Of wheat grown on the Huron Tract was held at Maple Leaf farm on Thursday. The same reaping hook that john Blake used Jae years ago, Was 'used by his great -great -,grand- child to cut the wheat. Mrs. Blake bound the sheaf too years ago, but on Thursday her great -great -grand,-, augl ter, Annte‘ 13 Ice Oke, did the binding. George Laithwaite, owner of, Maple Leaf farm, acted as chairman of the, program held in connection with the event. Short addresses were given by C. A,. 'Robertson, M,L.A.,, North Huron, and H. M. Kerra,cher, a mem- beir of the Bruce County Council. During the centennial the Laithwaite San m has been open to the public to view the historical display which has attracted considerable interest. Mr. Laithwaite has one of the most beau- tiful farms in the province and God- erich is proud to have such. a. place. adjoining the town. • OIL FIRM SAYS RE,CKLESS DRIVING MUST STOP • No inore timely effort has conic the notice of this department in re- cent years than the advertising cam- paign about to be launched, by the British American Oil Co., Limited, of Toronto. This company has prepared a series of advertisements to be run in fhb Canadian press inviting the attention of drivers of cars and pedestria,ns alike to the rapidly mounting number of so-called motor accidents 0,11 the streets and highways of Canada, most :of wbich it is claimed cothd, be, ob !viated by the mere observance of common sense rules. Conditions today are such that 'much of the real pleasure of motoring is lost, A man driving is in more or Iless cons ant fear of the other fellow land when the car is entrusted to any • . . , These Values Are Money Savers Lamode Single Hair Net 2 for 5e Countess Safety Pin (6 doz pins) . .... ..... 3 cards for 10c Baby Rubber Pants. (fresh stock) ............... pair 19c Lazell Talcum Powder, large tin ..... ..... . ..... each 19c Taylor's Guest Soap (in box) . .. .. ... .... 12 cakes for 25c Perfume', fine quality, large bottle each 25C Narrow Patent Belts, in colors, ................ each 15c i inch Elastic (guaranteed fresh) ' 3 yds for 10c Pearl Necklet, fine appearance ..... . ... .... .... :each 39c Children's Colored, Beach Caps ...?............. each 25c JubileeStan Visors ... . . .. .. . , .... . . . .......... each 15e Fancy Sunshade Parsols ......... . . ... .... 29e, 49c, 98c Auto License Permit Casses .................. each 15c cuckoo Clocks (That 'Go) .......... . .. .. .. ..... each 69e Rattles for the Baby ......... ..... ... ..... at 15c SE 25c Rubber Balls, colored ... ... . . .. . . ............ each 15c ' other member of the family the.need for worry is still greater. Something •had to be done tb im- prove driving conditions., Apparently it remained for this public spirited orghnization to make the start. • • BLUEVALE. The Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian church, Bluevd:e, held their regular monthly meeting August 4th in the schoolroom of the church. The president of the W.M.S., IVIrs. C. H. Garniss, presided. 'rile meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. James Elliott' followed by the scripture, Gat/6, byMiss Olive Gar•-•, niss. Mrs, Coornbs gave a very in- teresting talk on the different mission fields of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Jamieson ; closed the meeting 'with prayer. The hostesses were Mrs. C. Garniss and Mrs. R. Elliott. Mrs. Ryrnond• Elliott' and daugh- ter Lois are visiting friends in Strat- ford this week. • Mr. Russell McKinney, of Toronto, is visiting his aunt, Mrs, John Mes4" 'ser,'Ancl other friends on the Blueyale Boundary. Stomach Gas Drives • Frorn Bed $tI had gas so bad I had to get up nights ort account of the pressure on thy heart. 1 used il.dlerika and have been entirely relieved," -,-R. F. Krile- Even. the' FIRST sPoOnftil of Ad - eh ves as and often •IMIake Old Rooms New MAKE your attic into' extra "4- sleeping quarters or a chil- dren's play -room. • Gyproc will give you bright, ccoosmt.fortabl! extra rooms at small • Right over damaged walls and torn, faded wallpaper apply Gyproc Fireproof.Wal1board. Gyproc walls and ceilings will make every room bright and fresh Takes any decoration. ' Fireproof, cold proof and heat proof. The strongest and lightest insulating wallboard known. Write for free booklek--"My Home." It will tell you how 8yproc, Rocboard 2Goyptosuro sr rsuclaetnitng Slleathing and Insulez will reduce your fuel bill from) • THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA 155 Fireproof Wallboard Per Sale By RAE & THOMPSON Wi71gham, Ont. THOMPSON & BUCHANAN, Wingham, Ont. R. Huestan, Gorrie, Ont. Thos. Stewart - Bluevale, Ont. Wm. Rutherford - Wroxeter, Ont, eriIa , , • • • • • • '• • • • • • • It -latter 'what yon have tried for your I 7.,'1•41teu 44•1•75.• astOrlishingarnourit of ,litekibbott's Drug Store. 'from the systern, 'Makes you • ' joy your Ineals,and sleet). 1,),attur. 1\ro. •StOinach and botviels Adlerika will j 0. ivLai,111' last wett; . . , ,Jet.