HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-28, Page 5Thursday, July 2804' x927 T (■■Nr�■rlh®■rr®■/��q■��■���/��M�N/�rN��f�I���IN�I%Ii���/■lN��r�M��1 ■ ■ s ■ • • ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • •■ •■ ■ .■ �bX11 ■ Smile Bargains ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 • SILK—One yard wide Black Duchess ■ Silk; cut price ■ ▪ .� • GINGHAM—Io pieces wide Gingham and 29c Chambray; 35c value for .... ■ ▪ HOSE—Clearing Lisle Hose; values up 49c • to 75c; now only Dere r riaay and 39 ■ SHOES—Women's Strap Slippers, Patent '2 69 • ■ • and Kid lines; bargain :.._..... ................ ......_..... _.._-..._. • ■ COTTON—Factory Cotton, good width; 1 +®® 1118 yards, for _. -. 1 ■ ■ VOILE—Table of Normandy Voiles; best A 9 c ■ ,colors; 75c quality for .... `t e • • RUGS—One hundred Rag Rugs; size x8x36; • for quick 35c or 3 for 1.00 a sale _.__...._ a� . 1111 ▪ TABLE LINEN—Pure Linen Damask 95c ■ "half bleach"; good patterns; a bargain .._..•� ■ ® . TOWELLING—Pure Linen Towelling ■ special at ■ — .1 CORSETS -Clearing lines; • ■ see them at • ■ E TOWELS—Large Turkish 35c a ■,. Towels with fancy borders 1©c 1•0V d 50c SHOES—Clearing broken lines in Worn- 1®®® en's Slippers and Oxfords, at only ...r VOILES—Table of Voiles, Organdies and ��� Ratines; value up to• $x; on sale _ RUGS—Tapestry, Wilton and Brussels 2® Rugs; on sake LESS P.C. DRESS GOODS -Crepes and Rayon Dress Goods; new shadings and patterns; values' up to 1.00 $x.5o yard; reduced to FLANNELETTE-- Special in striped cloth and wide; now only __..... _ __..: ._._........1 C CURTAIN NET—In plain or neat patterns; cut ..19c, 25c, 35c, 49c prices .:._ . _. _ HOSE—Black or Sand Ribbed Hose; "Wearwell' Brand .- 25c APRONS—Large Coverall Gingham Ap- 89 C rons; value $1.25; now ... _. �_._..�..__._-...._... SILK HOSE—Best quality Supersilk 1.39 hose; all colors; bargain RIBBONS—Wide Ribbons, plain colors; 10c now only Ladies' Readyato- Wear Clean up on all Summer :dresses and Coals. Buy your Summer Frock or Coat now, at a saving of 20 per cent. Dozens of charming models made of Flat Crepes, Georgettes; Tub Silk, 'Printed Crepes and Rayons.' See Them—at such low prices they will move out quick. HOUSE DRESSES -5 dozen quality Ging- 9�C TIES—Fancy. Silk Ties; hams; all sizes; sale price yourpick pick yipleMit WINIGI AM ADVANCE -TIMES ASHFIELD • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Saint and fam- ily, of Wingitarn, spent a day recently at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Wiggins, near Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Shackleton and child, of Detroit, are visiting with'the former:'s mother, Mrs, William Shack Mrs. George Phillips and family and Mr. Lloyd Phillips, from near Fordyce, spent Sunday afternoon at. the home of Mr. John Campbell, Mrs. Parrish, of Lucknow, spent a' few days early in the week with her daughter, Mrs. R, A, Grant, Hemlock City. Miss Annie Farrish, from New York, and Mrs• Farrish and daughter Sadie, of Goderich, visited with Mr. Kenneth . Farrish; ` 12t11 concession, last week. Miss Eva Gardiner, of near Zion, is assisting Mrs. William. Baldwin for a few weeks. Mr. Eldon H. Twamley, son of Mr. and IV[rs. George Twamley, 9th con- cession, was married to Miss Laur- ette Nelda Edwards, 'of Chatham, on July 7th, by Rev. R. H. 'Robinson. Miss Jessie Mary Buckingham, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. William Buckingham, 12th - concession, was united in marriage to Mr. Mervin Walter .Carter, of near Clandeboye, on July 5th, by Rev. Mr. C. Cum- u'iin, St. Helens. Misses Jean and Margaret McKin- non, Detroit, daughter of Dr. McKin- non, are spending a few weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Robert Andrew, 12th concession. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Webster and son Melvin, from Varna, spent the week -end near Lucknow. Mrs. Clifford Webb, of Goderich, and Miss Fanny Gray, from Calgary, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Matt. Shackleton, near Crewe. Miss Ellida Irwin, of Toronto, is spending a few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irwin, near Luck'now. Mr. and Mrs.- Kenneth Campbell and child, from Detroit, spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rory Campbell, 12th con- cession Lothain. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketchabaw and Annie, of Galt, spent a few days with the fornier's mother, Mrs. Abe Ketch- abaw, Paramount. Mrs. McGriffin and children, of To- ronto, visited with her sister, Mrs. Roy Irwin, 6th concession, near Crewe. Mr. and Mss. Eugene Hanson, mo- tored from East Tawas to visit their brothers, Rev. I. W. and Mr. Sam. Kilpatrick. They returned home ac- companied by Mrs. Agnes McCor- mick, who had been visiting here for over two months. Mrs. D. K. Alton spent the week- end with her daughter, Mrs. Percy Graham, near Sheppardton. WHITECHI.IRCFI Mr. and Mrs, Cavan Dunn, of Tor- onto, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Gillespie on Wednesday last. .:�;•:� Mrs, (Rev.). Mundell and two chil- dren; of hit-dren,'of Detroit, are holidaying at the home of her brother, Mr,: F. Mc1(. Paterson, ' Mr. and Mrs. 'T, H. Moore mot- ored to Dn i annon: otl Sunday to vis- it isit their cousin; Miss. Mattie I'ontland, 'who is seriously ill there. Mr, and Mrs Lamb of Colborne township spent Friday with her par- ents, Nir. and Mrs, John Kennedy, of Kinloss,Miss Daisy Kennedy return- cd. home with them, Mrs. Alex. Emmeron was called on Friday to Blyth on a}ount of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Haggitt. Mrs. Robert Treleaven and IVIr. and Mrs. Bert, Treleaven, of Crewe, spent Sunday, with Mr. George and Miss Ida McQuoid. Mr, Malcolm Ross and Mr, Roy MacGregor left on Monday to visit relatives in Toronto. Mrs. George Tiffin and Olive and Vivian, of Winghanr, are visiting, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin. i Her sister, Mrs. Wesley Johnston, of Markdale, formerly Miss Susan Sher- riff, died two weeks ago, leaving her ri husband and, three small children. Mrs. Arthur Fox, of Russel, Mani- toba, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John Purdon. Miss Jean McKenzie, of Langside, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A;. E. Purdon. The W.M.S. of the United church met last week at the home of Mrs. 49c e Cut Price Sale " in The Men's Store STRAW HATS Your pick for 98c SILK SOX 'Fancy colors 69c WORK SOX 35c, 3 PRS. 1 1l •00 All wool ��IIYY UNDERWEAR 49c Men's Shirts and Drawers WORK SHIRTS Real bargains at ■ OVERALLS—Heavy, weight; 1®95 ■ . cut price and 3. 39 • ■ 1 Nt MEN'S SUITS -An excellent range at BIG 'SAV- INC — FANCY TWEEDS and FINE ENGLISH WORSTEDS, now on sale at ®MEM®®Y®i 14•95, 17.50/ 22.50, 24.50 ■ of MEN'S WORK BOOTS—in Gaiter or Laced, good quality and solid; now only 2.98 BOYS' SUITS—At REDUCED PRICES—Fancy Tweed, well tlailored, some with z pairs pants; see the bar- •90, 6.75, 7®509 .9 .50 gains at F, r+i ESIE f ® 11 MADE LONG JOl'.TRNEY ALONE found it a very pleasant mode of tra- WROXETER ®!ani $it1 til a Mr; and Mrs. John L. McKenzie �i11I IN and Miss Marjorie,' Tiverton, spent the week -end, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, George Cunningham.Cunningham.Owing to Rev. =Dr. i'errie taking his vacation, the services in the Pres- byterian church for the next month. will be taken by or.�tside ministers. Next Sabbath, Rev, Mr. Stuart, of Barrie, an outstanding -Minister of tln church, will have charge of the ser- vices: BLYTH Dr. Roy Stackhouse is visiting his mother and sister. - Mr. Gordon Manson, principal of the public school, had ioo per cent. of his entrance pupils successful, three of them taking honors—Miss Annie Barr, Miss Audrey Hawkins and. Miss Pauline Robinson. At the c,entennial week in Goder- ich, commencing July 31st, some of our citizens are taking part in the program. Miss Clete Watson has been selected as Miss Blyth. Miss Annie Mains, who is a work- er ork er in the 'social service of Toronto, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mains. Mr, and Mrs. Froward, of Exeter, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manson during the week, Miss McGlaughlan has a large class taking the millinery course of instruction in memorial hall, daily for two•weeks. Farmers in this vicinity are busy harvesting their bumper crop of hay. Rev. Dr. Mclntosh, of London, had charge of the jubilee services in St. Andrew's church on Sunday.Large congregations attended each service. BELGRAVE vel., lie visited for several weeks A large number from here attend, Mr, J. Curtis Stevenson, a former with a nephew at Jersey City and al- .xI .the reunion at Brussels Sunday citizen anii , d business man of Clinton so stopped in Toronto for a week or and i1Aronday. who has spent the past twenty-one' so, his sister, Miss Eva Stevenson, Mrs. MeLennen ,of Toronto, is at years in California, arrived last week 'accompanying him from there. present visiting her sister, 'Mrs, Rob- ot, a visit to the home of ,his sister, Mr, 'Stevenson came to, Clinton in ert Black. rd of Toronto, erred on ala ung rete. and Mrs, Leopard, 1' ninetieth year, sail- dertakrng business here. FIe left for were guests of Mr, and T. 1 Mrs. John Cuiunghame. Mr, Steven-, I85z and for years ca Mrs. G. San, who is in,his , d. corn San Francisco in May, coni- California its March of 2906 and this Hemphill over the week -end and at- ingef throu h the Panama Canal, and is his first return visit. He finds many tended the old boys'r,ettnion at Brim - landing at New York, He made the changes in Clinton and misses many sels, journey ntreey attended the United l alone and was eight- familiar faces. Mr. Stevenson is er- Mr. Leopard, e eon days on board the boat. He th.or•• Oct and active, his only,,infirmity` be- church here Sunday morning and fa- ouglily enJoyod the trip, .Sterne; ing a trimness of vision:•-•�News-Herw voretl tis with 'a Solo, which was well friends with many on , board, and ald. received, MI11si11 i1Iwow E ell I IN11Ii1110111.1111111l111114 e John Gillespie . The members of the Mission Band were also in attendance and sang two patriotic numbers. Over thirty-five members were present. The g next meetinwill be at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Robert Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor and family, of St. Helens, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. end Mrs. David Farrier. Mr. Will Hawthorne, of Brantford, is visiting with his sisters, Mrs. Kerr and Mrs. Holmes. Miss Merle` Wilson is to be con- gratulated on having her pupil, Miss Janet Craig passed her Introductory Piano examination with first-class honors. Mrs. Collins and daughter, Fay, of Shropshire, England, Mrs. McKee and daughter, of Alberta, and Mrs. Najedly and two children, of Winni- peg; are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer. 1\�Ir. and Mrs. Lester Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer., of Culross, spent last week -end with rel- atives in Orangeville and in Toronto. , PROCLAMATION I hereby proclaim Monday, August 7lstr; as Wroxeter's Civic Holiday and call on all °citizens to observe that day, John Henneberg, Reeve.' IIIlllh li.I1IWIN111 IIIIMiIiIMI1S i1IIII IluM111111IN N 1II1111 S til$IIIMIIiI learaii,ce Sale of X11!' m� eroU RAYON'S SILKS•4k9c Blue, •Fawn,.•i,Ulauve.and Sand shades of Rayons, in five stripes and checks, 33 inches wide -49c CREPES 95c Fancy Silk and Cotton Crepes —ideal for stim tner wear, 36 in. wide, reg. to'''$x45, foi .95c.` BROADCLOTHS 79c Fine quality English Broad- cloth in a host of shades; 38 in. wide; reg. goc and $x, for 79c. CANTON CREPES $2.19 40 inch all silk Canton Crepes in a splendid range of colors; regular value $2.75, for $e.,19; FUGI SILK 79c A beautiful Silk for summer wear, in all the new light col- ors; heavy quality; special 790 yard. DRESSES Gingham. ,Broadcloth and Vic- toria Cloth Dresses in neat pat- terns and styles. Special prices 95c, $2.39 and $1.95. CHILDREN'S' VESTS, .2 for 25c; SILK VESTS, .89c, SILK BLOOMERS, $1.39; NORMANDY VOILES, 59c LADIES' VESTS, 250 and 3gc; SILK HOSE, 95c,_$1.25, $2.19 GINGHAM, 25c; BROADCLOTH SLIPS, x,49; BLOOMERS 950 r J A. MILLS 11921110IIIE111111f111®IIIIEMEI;I®IIII$II1E11i9L!1 EM1111111911I®III1111I1111II1' I111�111�11165111I3111l� ♦RW��W, • •• • • • g1•tp�• •MMMIn • • •Vys, JJ0.•/JV•l�l"tLl•JaV•cp • • • 5 THE MAITLAND CREAMERY CREAM We can han• dle your cream. We pay fair market valueplus percentage of profits' every six months. Cream should be delivered not later than 9 o'clock Saturday nights. Highest Market Price for Eggs according to Government Grade. THE UNITED FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. --..PHONE 27I____.._ Wingham, Ontario. it/11T wrier ntriiv Y •J icre art•Vriwmitaismar•N ratriiuti Writer Yil . +-rr +n.1llnTh 0 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ®®®®■■®■111®■■■111® N A Boys' Eli : Rd Bloomers. Regular 1.50 for $Sc. ■■■ 611111YM MIME M; 1ISMMME MIMMI ■ 1 LLiited � ■ I TEST SA •s Breaks Down Lowest Prices t THEY COME. THEY SEE and BUY Showing the .best values of the year, Hanna & Co., Ltd., offer these prices to bring out a crowd of buyers. The big- gest bargain in town. The Finest quality of Tweed, Worsted, Serges, Whikcords and Twists, in variety of choice Patterns and Shades. You will find Single and Double Breasted Models. and Styles :for Men and Young Men. 17.x5 Made to Sell at $25,00 to $32,50. Another Big Group of, . , High Class Suits Going for2415 . Other Specials Offered. Boys' AIl'W;A'oI Bathing Sups. 4 vi �; ' W .h s Men's Large Size Soni r Bats. Boyss ,sur ItijA Ecce to clear 50co Worth up to 2.50 to clear at 95c. is ' Kiddies' Linen and Straw Plats. ■ is Men's and Boys'Golf Sod,■ Half Price. Worth upto 1.00, to clear 5OCe ■. is isiiim lnisisniiiiihradii 1IIi•IIIIIMESP IIIINNi111i11111111111 X51■1911111■tIM1111111110 111115111IMIANS 4.1 Regular 1.50 for 65e.