The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-28, Page 4ui,
! l Ii I'O '
� I iI ! II f ! !rl ldlld ■ Its tWll l
1 R lllllrlpill�IIIlL111NI1i11}1�IGI9f1111M1I AIllIh111ft111A11.1ir1 I A111 IIIMIiiI i . 1 _ .
Rubber Lined Double 'ocket
Carry -All .-Case and a
35c Tube Kienzo De'n•tal Cream, 11:
A Sun Visor and a Tooth
Both for 39c
Published" at
4 h4
Thursday, July 26t111,' x9a7.
Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher
Subscription rates --One year $2,00.
Six months $i.00, in advance.
Advertising rates on Application.
1 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant
! . to the provisions of the Trustee Aet,
W !that all persons having. any claim or
! = demand against
alateBrash qf Wroxeter Village n Huoeuben nCu
Province of Ontario, 'Laborer,
Both for, 25c
id We Have a Genuine Thermos" Vacuum Product
for Every Need eed and Pocketbook
.. ...•...o..w4....••=.u.100.00.0.
Paris Green
and Arsenate ofLead
'- Always on Hand.
- Phone 53
17.,& r s
N'•ypAS"ic'a P-i.>+x5TOR •S:^
i llillllill w Iif31I w Ilillll111lflllll1111wWilii®Illillll1111m1nitsIIII®111a1I1011lWhl(1111OninBili®IIF
1111111•IIflII1Seliaill SI111111111111 3fll®IiI61IIIRIIIIl11115111iall11i 11211IiII
who died on or about the x5th day of
May A.D, 1927, are required to send
by post prepaid or deliver to Charles'
Warren Sanburn at R.R..3 Wingham,
Ontario, the Administrator of the es-
tate of the said deceased, an or be-
fore the .17th day of .August, 1927,
their names and addresses with full
particulars in writing of their claims
and the nature of the securities, if
any, held by them, and verified by
statutory declaration, and'take notice
that after the said last mentioned da;y
the said Administrator will distribute
the assets of the said deceased among
the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only .to the claims of which
he shall thea: •have had, notice, and
that the saiP1- Administrator willnot
be liable for the said assets or any
part thereof to any •per'son of whose
claim he shall not then have received
DATED at Wingham, Ont., this
25th day of July, 1927.
Solicitor for the Administrator.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
debts due to the late Reuben San-
lelai llll®IIIIlIIIiIII®Ill®111111 burn of Wroxeter, Ont., are required
to be paid forthwith to C. Meldrum
Sanburn, R.R. r Blwevale,. Ont., agent
for the Administrator of the estate.
Solicitor for the Estate.
1 COULTER -In Morris, on July 20,
ail to Mr. and Mrs. George H. Coulter,
a daughter.
JAMES -In Cleveland, an July 23,
x? cent a word per insertion, witha minimum charge of 25c. ea. Elizabeth Allan, widow of the late
11f11O1111111111 11211111111i112112112111SI11ih1illle111a111511!illli'SIP®IIAllinimi111IIQ@IQ®IUtu % Richard James, formerly of Wing-
ham, in her 89th year.
WANTED -A girl for general house-
work. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Walker.
BAGS -Limited quantity of used
cotton seem -bags, while they last
35c each. Apply to A. C. Adams.
CLOVER HONEY -In pails x4c .lb.,
or • 13c if pails supplied. Apply
Chas. Campbell, Belgrave, phone
TO RENT -A frame house at John
and William streets, Wingham. Ap-
ply at Advance -Times office
FOR SALE Second -hared cook
stove, lawn mower, • coal oil stove.
Coal oil promptly delivered. Phone
3o. Buchanan Hardware.
FOR SALE -8 -:room house on Vic-
toria street, near , Josephine; with
conveniences. , . Terms easy. Apply
to Advance -Tunes.
FOR SALE Cheap --Strong, quiet
working horse, good size, not old;.
would exchange for milch cow or
young cattle. Apply at Advance-
FOR SALE -A 13 -hose. Massey -Har-
ris seed drill, without fertilizer at-
tachment, nearly new; a 5 h.p. Per-
kins gasoline engine, in good re-
pair. Apply at Advance -Times.
WANTED Young man to 'drive
bread wagon and learn the baking
as well. Apply in person to W. S.
Reid, Lucknow, Ont.
WANTED Stenographer and book-
keeper; general office work. State
age, salary and texperience, . Apply
Box A, Advance -Times office.
LOST -Cap for McLaughlin car gas
tank, nickeled, with hat.'lles on
each side, near McNaughton` farm,
Wroxeter-Bluevale road, Leave at
Advance -Times office.
beets, carrots, lettuce, radishes,
green peas, parsley, Swiss 'chard,
chives, cress, rhubarb, beans, also
fresh eggs. John Kerr.
TO RENT -Howe with all conven-
iences, at corner of Catherine and
Victoria. streets. Apply to Samuel
Morton, llcio;rave, phone 15-624,
agents for Brantford binder twine,
pure manilla hay rope, English par -
is greeit, good stock of bay forks
and handles on hand. -.
MAN --Able to handle direct :alias
work or willing to learn. i'o'sition
is o
local and permanent, with -well.
known concern, Pay excellent, For
Interview, write 209 Royal Bank
Bldg., London, Ont.
TENDERS will he receive: -! by the
undersigned up to 6 o'clock ort 3oth
July next for cleaning and painting
the ceiling and varnishing the wood-
workf school house in U,S.S, No.
4, o
Morris andTurnbcrry. No'ten-
der necessarily accepted, Particu-
lars from Robert Shaw, Sec.-Treas.,
Blue -vale,
Supplies --fresh Brie, prepared plas-
ter, cement, Gyproc fireproof Wall -
beard, prepared roofings, gutter it
on and ride cap, glass, paint, !;via-
esria s anHardware.
tnablc prrc
Commencing July 26th, our store
and fixtures will have been moved
to our newer quarters across the
street, the former Thompson store,
located directly opposite Nortrop's
meat market . Phone 344. T. C. Mc-
FOR SALE by tender -The Trustees
of the United Church, Blueva]e,
are offering for sale by tender the
Methodist church and seats. Ten-
ders for the seats only will be con-
sidered. The tenders will be open-
ed on Monday, August 8th, 1927.
The highestor any tender not ne-
cessarily accepted. A, MacEwen,
Secretary,B Bl 1 Ont.
(Kincardine Review -Reporter)
While in Lucknow the other day
we passed the' public school of that
village and'were surprised to see a
large number of kiddies in the school
grounds. Being holiday time we
wondered at this, so stopped to` see
the reason. It didn't take long to
find out. The school ground is equip-
ped with a splendid outfit for the
kiddies to use to enjoy themselves
their spare time. Swings of sev-
Box 5, neva e, n i
CLOVER HONEY leral different kinds, teeter-totters,
Honey in pails, 140 lb:, or 130 if chute slides and other equipment was
pails .'• supplied. Honey will be left at there and the youngsters were hav-
Milis' store, Wingham. James H. ing a great time, Where do the kid-.
Casemore, R.R. No. 4, Wingham, ' dies of Kincardine play? You may
phone 13-627. I find many of them, on the roads, on
the streets. A few 'of then- go to the
.HOUSE, LOT AND FURNITURE lake; there are only a couple of
IN WINGHAM FOR SALE swings at the park there, which are
hardly fit for the youngsters to use
and not fit for tiny tots. There were
no kiddies 'running back and forth
across Lucknow streets -they were
safe from passing cars. They were
enjoying themselves at the .same
dtme, Lucknow is to be congratulated
o arranging for thisphase of its
youth life. Here in KineardineAwe
have our tennis courts, our bowling
green, our athletic park,. our golf
course, our swimming stand, and all
things for the pleasure of the grown-
ups -but where do our kiddies play?
Such an1
equipment anent as Lucknow has,
if installed in our spacious 'public
school grounds, would solve the prob-
lem. It would be giving the kiddies
fair treatment too.
Offers will be received by the un-
dersigned up to Aug, 9th, 1927, at x
p.m., for the purchase of the two'-
storey•briek residence with lot on
the north side of John street, Wing-
ham, . formerly occupied by the late
Mrs. Allison Shorts. The house is in
good repair and there is soft and hard
water, and it makes a very desirable
residence. As the property is sub-
ject to a reserved price, the highest
or any offer will not necessarily be
accepted. 'Terms, go per cent. of.
price on notification of acceptance of
offer and the balance within 20 days
thereafter. The household goods may
be purchased. by private contract on
application to Mr. Geo. A. Forsyth,.
resident in the house.
Dated July loth, 1927,
Solicitor, lite,, Wingham,' Ont.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to , Doctor Orders Vinol
the provisions of the , Trustee Act, lNervous Women
that all persons having any claim , Fco
against Allison Shorts, late of Wing -.t I was weak, nervous and anemic,
ham Town, in Huron County and
Province of. Ontario, Widow, who Could hardly .walk. My doctor :order -
died on or about the 29th day of May, ed Vinol, and 1 feel -loo per cent bet-
1927, are required. to send byoat
ter." -Mrs. H. Willis. For over 25
q p ears this simple strengthening iron
prepaid, or deliver. to J.. Morton and cod liver compound has been pre-
at eWxecutors
Ontario, ssaiolicitor for scribed for weak, nervous women and
the or bees ofe the day d August,u, mere and frail children. The very
on before the rat of 11h FIRST week you take Vinol, you be -
1927, their harries and addresses with into feel stronger; eat and sleep bet
full particulars in writing of their g
claims and the nature of the securi ter,
ties, if any, held by them, and veri- I
tied by a 'statutory declaration. And i
take notice that after the said last 112112 1116111111111121121110112111111111111111211119111,
iIlt IlliAi112111 1I11s111®flil1Alll;pA
mentioned day the said executors Ill p1
will distribltte the assets of the said p1 Hot Water and 1
deceased ainong the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the et._
HotAir Heating
claims of Which they shall' theft have pl . Ai
had notice, and that the said ex.ectt r
tors will not be liable for the said - �,.
assets or atiy part thereof to_ any 1.R 'lui"nbing,
person of whose claim they shall not
then have received notice.
Dated at 4Vingliarri, gift,, this hth
flan of July, ee27. w
J. A. MO1.TON, Store Ph; 5$: douse Ph. 88, !:
Solicitor for the said
Eirectitors: Iiiiiii11111111,111111111111110111i1111111111111111111111111filil'
War Jr ROYCE 1
(Continued from •Page rj
ing Board is presenting to you, ue
hope will help you in trying to inter-
pret the meaning of the Scriptures to
the people who are in need of the
true "Light" of the world,
In conclusion we wish you God-
speed and pray that the richest bless-
ing of Divine Grace will accompany,
you in all your labors to carry out the
Master's' great commission.
John Pollock,
Moderator of Session.
J. F, Davidson,
Clerk of Session,
Robert Ross,
Chairman Bd. of Managers,
John S. Craig, Secretary.
Whitechurch, July axst, 1927,
On behalf of the Sabbath school
and Young 'People's Society, Alex..
Coulter, a member of Mr. MacKay's
class, presented him with a club bag,
and James Wilson, jr.,. president : of
the Young People's Society, read the
Whitechurch, Ont., July 21, 1927.
Mr. Angus MacKay:
In appreciation of the honor you
are bringing, not only to yourself,
but to the Sunday School and Young
People's Society, we take this oppor-
tunity to express our gratitude for all
you have done. In the Sunday School
which you attended as a boy, and
later took an, active part as a teach-
er, yoti were always faithful and will-
ing to do whatever was required. Al-
so in the Young People's Society you
took; an active part, for several years
being President and always doing
your part to make our Society a suc-
cess. ,You will be missed in both
these rganizations, not only for the
part you took in the activities, but
also for. the texample you set for the
younger boys. It will be hard to find
someone to fill your place. As a tok-
en of our appreciation, accept this
gift from the Sunday School and
Young People's Society, given.,in the
hope that it may be of service to you.
Jas. Wilson,
S. S. Superintendent.
James A. Wilson,
President Y.P.S.
On behalf of the W.M.S.e. Mrs. Eli
Jacques presented a steamer rug,and
in giving it, said:
Dear Angus:
I need hardly say to you that the
honor you have bestowed upon us by
offering yourself for service in the
Foreign Mission Field has touched a
responsive chord in all our hearts.
We realize something of what it
means to you and to your father and
mother, because most of us who be
long to the Women's Missionary So-
ciety are parents and therefore we
can view your going from that angel.
We as members of the Missionary.
Society being deeply interested in
Missions, will follow your career and
watch your work with great interest.
We hope that in the midst of your
many duties you will find time to
send us word concerning, your work,.
and should you do so, you may be as-
sured that every word in your letter
will be eagerly read and listened to.
We felt we could not let you go with-
out telling you we appreciate you for
what you are and what you have
done, We ask you_therefore to accept
thist steamer rug as a slight token of
our affection for you. We hope it will
be of some service to you, and when
you are using it, think of the folks at
home for `Auld Lang Syne's" sake.
On behalf of the W.M.S. of Chal-
mers Presbyterian Church.
Mrs. F. Davidson, President,
Mrs. A. Emmerson, Secretary.
Rev. T. D. McCullough presented
a Book of Praise in the name of
Maitland Presbytery and Rev. Dr.
Wilson a Bible from the Board 'of
Missions, and a New Testament it
Hindi from the Upper Canada Tract
A touching incident occurred when
the minister introduced Mr, and ivlrs.
Hector MacKay, the father and mo-
ther of the missionary. The vast au-
dience rose to its feet in their honor,
and their little granddaughter, Cath-
erine Mowbray, presented her grand-
mother with a beautiful bouquet of
sweet peas.
It is thus our church is giving her
sons' and daughters as well as her
substance to "carry on" that she
might be able to fulfil her high des-
pursuant to' Section 56, Chap. 121 of
the Revised' Statutes of Ontario, that
all persons !raving claims against the
estate of Robert Owens, deceased,
who died; on or about the twenty-
third day of June,:, A.D. 1927, at the
Township of East Wawanosh in the
Province of Ontario, are required to
send by post prepaid, or to deliver to
R. Vanston:e; Winghain, Ontario, Sol-
icitor for the Executors, on or before
the twelfth day of August, A.D. 5927,
their names and addresses, with full
particulars in writing ofatheir 'claims,
and the nature of the securities (if
any) heft by them duly verified by
a statutory declaration.
that after the said twelfth day of Aug-
ust, x927, -the said, Executors will pro•
ceed to distribute the assets ofthe
said estate among the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which, they shall then have
had notice, and the said executors
shall not be liable for the said assets
or any part thereof'to any person of
whose claire they shall not their have
received notice,
DATED at Wiiighant this nine-
teenth day of Jauly, A.D. 1927,
R, VANSTQNE, Winghain
Solicitor for the Executors.
Dr, Earl Ball, Mrs. Ball and chil-
dren, of Toronto, spent a few days
with Mrs. R, Musgrove.
Mr. and ,:.'Mrs. John Hockridge
spent a few days, with friends at
Mrs. Thos.' McKinney, 'df Toronto,.
spent a, few days' with Mrs. R,•'lefen
g and n
rove � r attendedreunion L.
Ramsay's school:
Mr. Milt, McVittie, of Windsor,
spent a few days with relatives here..
Mr. F. Black shipped a car of cat-
tle and one of hogs to Toronto on
Mr. and ' Mrs. William Bray, of
Dungannon, 'visited at the home• of
Mr. Robert:. Musgrove last week.
Miss Gertie Turvey is spending; a
few weeks with her sister at Tupper-
ville. •
Rev. IVfr. Walden and family are
spending a few weeks at their sum-
mer home at the lake.:
Rev. John Hutton and Mrs.. Hutton
are spending their vacation with the
former's parents hello. Mr. Hutton
will take charge of services in the
United, church next Sunday,
Mr. Robert McLean has returned.
to North Bay after spending a few
weeks with his family here.
Mr. George McDonald,' of Goder
ich, is here taking off his hay this
:week. It is a very heavy crop and
he- will have a barn full.
lk[r, and Mrs. David Hutton and
two sons, of Cleveland, Ohio, were
visitors last week at the home of the
former's parents, IVir. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. George Ruttan, of
Atwood, and the former's sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Col -
cons, of Chicago, were visitors last
week at the homes of Leonard Ruttan
and Milton Smith, and took in $he
Mr. and Mrs. George Banks, of
Stratford, spent a couple of days last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Len. Elliott.
Mrs. Milton Wa
at present visiting
sgn, of Gorrie, is
at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Mr. Wesley Johnston, of Sault Ste.
Marie, was a visitor last week at e ,e
home of his aunt, Mrs. Leonard Rut -
tan, and was also at the reunion.
Miss Margaret Garniss returned
home Saturday after spending a -cou-
ple of weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Jim Scott, at West Lorne.
The reunion at S.S. No. eo, Mor-
ris, on Thursday, was a grand suc-
cess in spite of the heavy rain in the
evening. The greatest treat of the
afternoon was to have the second
teacher, Mary Ann McCracken, now
Mrs. Roe, who taught there about
sixty years ago and boarded at
George Button's. Leonard Ruttan,
who presented her with a beautiful.
bouquet of rosebuds, was one of her
pupils, he being just a wee boy at
that time. Sarah Fagon was the
first teacher but taught only four
Mr. Parker Sineltzer and friend, of
Guelph, were visitors this week, at
the home of the' former's mother,
Mrs, Smeltzer,
Mr. and Mrs. John Hutton, of New
Ontario, are visiting at the home of
the former's parents, Mr. and, Mrs.
John Hutton.
Mr. and Mrs. George. Webster, and
Mr. and Mrs. Harvery Webster, of
St. Marys, were Sunday visitors 'at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. John-
Prof. A. J, Johnston, wife and
daughter,,' of Toronto, were visitors
at the home of/Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
ert Shaw
obert.'Shaw last week.
Messrs, Will and Gordon Mundell
and sister Hazel, and Miss Sylva
Blatchford, were week -end visitors at
the Home of their aunt, Mrs, George'
Mundell, at Drayton,
.Mr, and ;Mrs. Charles Coultice
and daughter Grace, of Listowel,
were visitors cit Sunday. at the home
of the latter's mother, Mrs, Snell,
Rev, John Hutton, of New Ontario,
will preach in the United church next
Sunday. Everyorie welcome.
Mr. Stuart Young has returned
home to Toronto after spending a
month with his wife and family here,
Mr..Griffith, of Montreal, is spend-
ing his holidays with his wife and son
Congratulations are due Miss Win-
nifred Farrier for success in obtain-
ing a first class certificate at Normal,
and in addition an Elementary Art
certificate at the Ontario College of
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Taylor and
family visited on Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. D. Farrier, of W hitechureh.
Mrs. James hard has returned til-
er spending two weeks in Toronto
and Port Credit,
111OIiI 11} 111i1f111 1111". 11111 1111 1111NI11111111 11h111$1111111 11111111 I11iiiis I alusI1i11. inti
Hot Weather
Is;' Much Easier Endured If
out, possess . 'Cool Footwear
For.;,there is no part of the anatolllnY That.
. produces that " tired weary" feeling as
1: 'the feet. Solt and light easy iftting toot-
'_-' wear is a ,real help to comfort ,on these.
▪ trying hot days.
For Women
1s `
Black Canvas Slippers, either 'One Strap or Oxfords, with
light weight soles and rubber heels, are a real panacea for "achy
feet"; and the price is so reasonable, namely,
per pair ,
And a much better line at
Many other lines of "comfort shoes" for 'women are being
shown. You are ,invited to call and see.
For Men
Brown Canvas Laced Boots are 'both light and cool; also
most reasonable in price, namely,
per pair •2 • 65
Other lines of hot weather shoes for men are being shown
which we invite you to call in and see.
Special ecial attention' is directed. to our "Light Work,Boot"' for
the farrn, or in fact for any and all kinds of outdoor work. This
boot is made of soft pliable leather, with Panco soles, bellows;
tongue, no seam in the side; light in weight but goodto (� 5
wear; in all sizes far men, per pair - - ••�
WIIII11111IIf1111Y11Ilii l lime i I®I I ILII IuI I IwI I !ill l lil l ldl l Ili! l lull loll lrl l lwI l l®Ii lilililllilllfilllilf Iih�t
irm!Ukj ! • • • • l•1lwmp _w • • • • •N�-tQmstop,%• • 6lSVstp,riEA•!a\sN:A•
• E ,II
. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 28, 29, 30 g,
• a
• IN
"The �9
��tl W D�
COMEDY -"Tea For Toomey" S
• y
• a :
. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 1, 2, 3 1
• "The Ace of Cads" 1
COMEDY -Too Many Brides i
alltr:Wiwiirailltiii •t9YA9r•'CnYaSr•Y�•11freVriw11YaifiiilYidirm ticItreViailr•17ali'killi•CtroNVA1YiY@ic
® 1 a
°f,ishers u
Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies
Irons,Toasters, > La itl7ipS: and Fixtures.
We Repair All Kinds of Electric
;t al Apparatus.
Vacuum Cleat
ers and Floor
For Rent.
.aria.0,pal6001®.m..CMS . OECD o®oPM. m®.a,m.mm114MD <M. 616.12701.
a> �1�I�ntcs Commission
iia Craw tor lochs.
41• E11
Phone 156.
It is the selettion of rich, 'western wheats -- the finest
grown on the prairies --- that gives extra flavour to bread and
buns, and extra tichness to 'cakes and hies, made from
Seed 30e tit stamps for or 700-rerip Purity ,'lour Cook Book
"Ignitionk Cward. Plow Mille Co. Umbra '1'eeroaEb, Montreal; Ottawa, Soho*John.