HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-28, Page 3orrie Vidette
Thursday, July 28th, 1927
' P1001
Howick,.a pupil of S,S, No. 6, made
a splendid showing on his entrance
Dr: 1-1 A; Mutton, of Mitchell, was .examination, Otto is only thirteen
a Gerrie visitor on Wednesday. Years :of age, ;He came to Canada
four years ago from Germany and
,did not know a word of English. Hp.
certainly deserves much credit for
his splendid showing.
J. T. Maguire, of Clifford, has,pur-
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cooke and farm-
ily, of Salt; Lake City, Utah, visited,
Mr. Cooke for a few days.
Miss Marjorie Ross, of Owen
Sound, is visiting with her cousin, .chased the '. property of the Royal.
Miss Mabel Ross.; Company of Chesley.
Mr. R. Graham attended the Lib-
eral -Conservative nominations held at
Wingham to " select a Conservative,
candidate for the forthcoming bye -
About twenty of the Gorrie girls
attended a miscellaneous shower at
the home of Miss Evelyn Stephens
An unexpected and sad lass occur-
red in this district when Sarah F.
Dora Cathers, • the youngets daughter•
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cathers, t .
in honor of Miss Elsie Cooke.. Miss Passed peacefully away in the early
Cooke received a great number ei afternoon of Tuesday, July egth.'The
beautiful presents testifying to the re- deceased had successfully passed an
gird in which she is held in thisoil- operation for appendicitis. and it was
• lige., Although completely taken by hoped she would make complete re -
surprise'. Miss Cooke made a fitting '~Overt', but •complications set in and
reply. The afternoon was spent in `although she made a brave fight for
games and lunch was served: This r life the battle proved too' much for
popular young lady is to become the her. ,
bride of Dr. H. A. Mutton, of Mitch- f:The late Miss Cathers was in her
ell, formerly of Gorrie, on Saturday, twcnty-third year, a member of the
July 30.' :United Mission Circle, Senior League,
The "condition ;of Mr. and Mrs. J• I the choir, and a most useful member
Steinmiller's infant daughter, who °f the church; always cheery in dis-
position, thoroughly conscientious,
was seriously .ill, is very inuch im- , and a youngwoman highly regarded
proved. ; g Y g
throughout the community . The fun-
Mrs. W Jardine arrived home from ' eral service was conducted by Rev.
Saskatchewan on Friday to attend,:. W. Craik and he selected an <ap-
the funeral of her late sister,. Miss' Fpropriate text from 2 Corinthians,
Dora Cathers. S:i-"For we know that if our earthly
The Howick council met in the :house of this : tabernacle be dissolved,
townshiphall in Gorrie on Wednes- � e have a building from God a house
Iw g ,
day: not made with hands,eternal in the
Miss A. Townsend, of Parkhill, now .heavens." Man is immortal. The soul.
visiting in Gorrie, was a guest of ,,craves immortality as naturally as
Mrs. R. F. Lynn for a few days. 1 the lungs desire air. It longs for an
Miss Eileen Hyndman, of New- endless existence, as the heart longs
•d f 1 f G .sed f h Th i. t.
English `Tanis ;ears Play in Canada
rr his is the team of English"lady tennis players photographed on board the Cunard liner Ascania from
wliach they disembarked at Quebec last week: Their itinerary takes them from, Quebec to Montreal,
Ottawa, Toronto, Niagara Falls, Buffalo and New York. From left to right they are : Betty Nwthian, Gweneth
R. Sterry;, Joan Fry, Mrs. D. A. Hill, Ermyntrude Harvey, and. Major Dudley T. R. Larcombe, Secretary of
Wimbledon, manager of the team, ' k
held. The family is highly respected pit and putting in culvert, $29.25; by auction on Tuesday evening next.
in the community and they are assur-1 William Fleet,'gravelling, lot 31, con, Several car loads of members of the
ed of the sincere sympathy of the 10, $151.75; Arthur Jacques, gravel- LO.O.F. drove to Brussels to attend
district in their sad bereavement. fling, con. 2 and sideline 1o, $111.75; the memorial service .in that town.
Ed: Jacques, gravel,"$24.75; Fred. Ma- Mrs. George S. Leckie and Miss
L hood, cutting hill :find digging ditch, Georgina returned home to London
1$377.50; John Hyndinan, tile for Ford- last Friday after visiting Wroxeter
Howick Co Heil me in the town- Itivich, $29.7o; John Hyndman, tile, and Brussels friends.
ti u t I"
ri Ser orrn rt' 4 erne, P.a -lper. sym�at y-: e 1mm9rtl, instinct IEo,8 , ohn Moat omen. operating ^�� ,
eletnenta'r • music e:taii•t nation �, ,ship hall, Howick, on 'July Beth, pure ,$ 5 J la Y' g ,• GORRIE
her y rs a reality. Jt is not hi es"dai'y £01.rave11,1'A-rear, $45;' Jet n Hyn+dman, power 1 conducted by the Toronto Conserve- reason out everything. We feel: there 8uant to adjournment tl for 'crusher' $318.50; Ernest Ding, i �n""'-"
toryof Music,securinghonors. Miss': i countrybeyond death. The re- t all 1 s a y
he chair, a yiist ei's present. 1 ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Myles and
Miiut�es of last se alar and special gravelling, con. 12 and dynamiting pit, �,
$13 0 acne King, power or , h' t h *'^+� A•
h f M Myles' vixen s Mr a cl 9d t ger may be some I ,;31
� 1
that the Council instruct. the road $153.85; Williartl Campbell, uncle. to Listowel, are spending the wee a both New York. Canada's uiCounc was
brushing, $i; R. F. Edgar, road sup- Mr. R. McGrath'., havin losht tree races; but be 85 per cent, Australia coming next.
superintendent to see that patrolmenMrs. Robert Stinson and Miss Pearl ware av the U.F.O.fellah. Theer hev
$73.50; William wit 4'li per cent and the United!
have all weeds cut on township Campbell,
Campbell sheep killed by dogs; $20• 'Stinson spent Sunday with friends at been a lot av shmart min raised along States third with 31 per cent
Mr. H. Smith, of Listowel, is sup-
plying the pulpits of the Anglican
parish during the vacation of the
minister, Rev.' 5. R. Jones.
Rev, and Mrs. Craik and son Nor-
man expect to leave for ''a vacation
next Monday and hope to visit in
Services in the United church next
Sunday as usual. x1 a.m., Ezekiel -
"Sitting ' wliere they sat" ' 7 pea.,
vesper service -"The Lonely Trail."
Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnston are
holidaying in their cottage et Bruce
Beach. Rev, S. R. and Mrs. Johnston
and son Lawrence are also at the
To the Editur av ail thim Wingham
Deer Sur: Shure, but wussn't it the
foine convinshun us. Tories hild in the
town hall lasht 'Tuesday wus' a wake?
I nivir wus at a betther wan, an I
hev been attindin thhn ivir since Con
fiderashun wus slitarted. Av coorse,
nothin is ivir so good but it moight
be betther, an I hev just wan wur-
rud av advoice to `give the byes; now
that ye hev buried the hatchet, don't
be afther diggin it up agin. I not-
ished that it'wussen't' buried very
dape' be some av the fellahs'but the
ind av the hadle wus lift shtick'in
out av the dirt, Wid murther in the
hearts av the Black' Aigles, agin
targe Shpotton, plaze dont let the
Tories av Nort Huron kill `him pally-
tickally fersht av all, fer if they do'
he will be• afther tellin thine Black
Aigles to come'on an wilcom.e, an.
do theer murdherin as soon as they
Tings look aisy fer us at prisint,
but as I hev aftin tould our byes, be-
foe.or, ye •
hev to watch thim Grits, `fer
ye nivir can tell what joke they may
g p - fainil of Toronto, are visaing at the be shpringin on us. Mebby befoor zation Department.
meetings were read and on motion ' , t ri tis is prin
hawks, :an foightin an scalpin aitch
other loike a lot av haythen savages,,
wid the :Grits slitandin around an
laughin at us,
It wus an.avil drame intoirely,, so
it wus, but now it's all over, an if
we shtay woide awalce, an kape the
toinmyhawk buried, an don't let our-
sllves be soidshtepped arr shtampad-
ed be thim Grits, we kin win this
elickshun aisy, so we kin',
Yours till nixt wake, ,.
Timothy Hay.
Mrs. J. Campbell spent the week-
end with her sisters, Mrs. L. Birch -
all and Miss M. Montgomery.
Mrs. C. Bryce, of Galt, is spending
the summer with her daughter, Mrs.
Leslie Bryce. W,
Mrs. Alex. McDonald, sr,, is not
enjoying as good health as her 'many
friends would wish her.
Here and There'
Platinum produced in Canada ii
1926 totalled . 9,521 fine ounces, or
an increase of 1,000 over the year
before, according to the Dominion
Bureau of Statistics.
Dr. H. M. Tory, Chairman of the
National : Research Council, an-
nounces a discovery "of great scien-
tific importance" in rust, preven-
tion, emanating from the Dominion
Rust Laboratory. A more definite
announcement is due shortly.
Canadian tobacco has been
,awarded a silver medal for "out- `.
standing excellence" at the,Inter-
national Tobacco Exhibition held at
Olympia, London, England. accord-
ing to word received by the De-
partment of Agriculture. "
Fifteen Austrian. families are
about to take upland in the Okana-
gaa;n Valley, near Kelowa" being the
fiist group to take up land in
British Columbia under the Canada.
Colonization Association, a subsidi-
ary of the Canadian Pacific Colon -
Mabel. Schaefer, of Fordwich, was' turning risen Lord, whose face flashes 68 Garnet I� f cash Y
her teacher.
John ,Montgomery, of Orange Hill,
has purchased a Sedan. saying, "My child, I am near you;
Otto Baltwist ,of 12th concession, be not afraid." The'most. triumphant
message from the preacher's lips is
the message of Easter morning. All
on me out of the death shadows is
the way my Father in heaven has of
-• Village Clerk
Issuer of Mrariage Licenses.
The law now requires the"license
be taken out three days before the
Tea and Dinner Sets
Fancy China
If you are looking for some-
thing nice in a Dinner or Tea
Set, or anything in Fancy China,
we have it.
97 -piece Windsor Dinner' Set-
a beautiful pattern .:»..-___ $28.5o
97 -piece Fruit Set at .-.-.. $17.5o
I only Tea Set, Inci. Lustre $7.50
Another lot of Lustre Egg Cups
at 5c each.
that Jesus taught us about the upper
world and the place of rest and home
is worse than meaningless unless
there is this building from God, not
made with hands.: Shall we cultivate
our souls, refine our spirits, build up
a character, use our talents and then
at the close of day, when sets the'aun
beneath the rosy -tinted west, be ex-
pected to have all our hopes of hen
of Leonard, �d ' er, $235.55; Ernest Karig sheep ,:led home o Mrs. y .• i d leads all nations in 1
:ai93ew- ware brigs liapenin. ?iraa�°- Canada e
by dogs, $5 Alf. Fenney, gravelling Mrs. Isaac Wade. 1 eR.• creased trade since 1913 according.
and grading H, c`3t C, boundary, •Mrs, Robert Mc1Vlillan ainl family, The Tory and Grit carnlidates to statistics compiled by the NaL
Council o$'
Hubbard and were a
Moved by Hubbard and Leonard I £ L' 1 d' h k t shtand about avers in wan respickt,. Eionaa Foreign, Trade Course_
ads. Carried. G. W. Walker, part salary as clerk, Arthur, 'the Maitland river, an I ani tould the
Moved by Leonard and Gamble lioi .her the shrnarter
The Provincial Game Conimis-
that the reeve and deputy -reeve , be $loo; William Wilson, gravelling con. Miss Whiting, of Cleveland, spent g up yegothey I.
stoner of Alberta .announces baud -
6, lot 16 $159; David Dane, sheep a few days last week with Mrs. Rob- ,git, and Fordwich is near the head ties to be paid on. wolves killed -
a committee to arrange about the $20 for the pelts of female timber
billed by dogs, $45; John Patterson, ert Dane. wolves $10 for that of males, and
Littlejohnd B It d o h
av the shtrame. So moind I do be
tellin ye byes, to watch out party
sharp fer the thricks av' thim Grits
an near Grits, fer share they kin bate
anny incubator ye ivir saw fer hatch -
in out rings.'
The Tories have been ashlap,e, So to
shpake, in Nort Huron fer six arr
sivin years, an whin ye are :ashlape
ye sometoimes hev noightmares, but
wan goo ting about drames is that
whin they are at theer wurst ye gin-
erally wake up party soon: Sonne-
toimes I hev drained that I wus leant
in the shtrates av Toronto wid noth-
ing_on but ane noightie, arr mebby
tought I wus at a 'Tory convinshun
wid nobody but Grits bean nominated,
arr dramed that bandits had got into
the house an toted me hand an fut,
an thin I wad let a yell out av me,
and be woide awake in a minnit an
plazed to foind it wus all a Brame.
'Tis the way wid us Tories; we hev
been ashlape an dramin that we wus
an Bolton rams an have g $85.95; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Cathers, of To -
the work comment ravel and gravelling, Isaac $2 for adult and pup prairie wolves
s b e. Cared. Wade part salary as school attend- ionto, spent the week -end w
f t 1I and M D J Jnly 1st, rep y
ed as soon as pos
t e h en with
the taken before September 1st and.
i 1 r is ectepte .
ince officer, $3o; J. H. Rogers, ex- ormer s parents, 1 r, Mrs. ,�w
Moved, by Hubbard and Taylor cute:
that by-law No. 5, fixing the rates cise stamps and postage, etc., $5.59; Cather.. Aniflther collection of native
Er. Henry, gravel and gravelling H. 1�Irs. Fred. Irwin, Mrs. McDonald, Canadian animals has gone forward
yen banished. and find no `haven in for the year 1927 be read the third also hJ r. and firs, hlanfonl Irwin, across. the waters through they
and M. boundary, $1oi.4o; Er. then -
which to find port. No! Our God i time and passed. Carried.Canadian Pacific Express Company.
a Father thea mansions await i Moved by Taylor and Gamble tl at rt', gravel and gravelling con. 12, lot spent the week -end with Mr. Charles It included, two bear cubs, two per-
Irwins north of town t prairie dogs
a ter, many r
i the following
accounts be aid. Car- 29, $go.Io; Goldie, McCulloch •&. Co., � eupine, two coyotes,
us. There is no sin, no shame, no ser- g p Mr. and Mrs. W. James, of Barrie, and marmots, two great blue heron
It d $13915 Thomas Inglis
row there. It i never dark and win- tied, vault door,
, ''spent last week in the village d and a collection of Canada geese,
ter never comes to chill the soul. The � _ •
road, _ _ E.
__ nt,,,-v Hart payment on Aran. No. i�. i
it last week. ,
Melvin d h One feature of the celebration of;
R. H. Carson, supplies for township ter,of Toronto are visitingat Mr. the 60th anniversary of Confedera-•
is now left ajar. Someone soon may
hall, $27.20;G. W. Walker, reg. B. D. for Littlejohn drain, $293;; T. A. Rob- I' tion at Vancouver, July 1-4, ra-'
1 erts drainage forms Littlejohn drain,Justin Steinmiller s. be the official opening of the 1,100-••
This -
swing that door again. The gate was l e $21; Albert Gallagher, Blasting g l Howick Loyal Orange memorial foot new Oanadian Pacii'ie Railway
left ajar foryou and me. Confident stone H. & T. boundary, $1.75; Geo. $1.25; T. A. Roberts, drainage forms,
Bolton drain a.2., T. A. Roberts pier new on the latter date, This-
are we that our departed friend has
Griffith,worse onold H S T b u $ 5'' is the second largest Bier on the
seen her Pilot in the suanmuer-land. d
on streets in Fordwich, $25.go; R. A. in such deep water.. 3$
"Some glad new day." The members Taylor, cutting hill and gravelling, No. 9, $1'25'
of he Mission' Circle and associates $593.50 Joseph Sanderson, gravellin Moved by Gamlile and Taylor that Canada's so-called `'
- - Cnnncil ads--- - ''-- `'-'-� Lands" in the Far North have James Kemp,
gravel, $6a.7o; Ab. expenses to Wingham, $4; Wilbert destined for the zoo at Pretoria,
Miss Louise White was'a Iiamilton
South Africa.shut.. Our Klear young sister has
gates ' of. that divine city are never
!Lewis, lunges re fence
appeal, 2X.ao; dram, y John Hya�dman, tile Mrs Hammondandaug
pushed the door inward but the gate$344.70>
service will be held in Gorrie ceme-
tery on Sunday, July 31st ,at 3 p.m.
The district chaplain will have charge
of the service. Programs for the ser-
vice will be provided. Friends wish-
ing to place flowers on the mound
or on the graves of deceased members
r :
Bary, $16.70; George hlosure, work drainage forms, drain No. 8, $1.25; American continent an is said tc•
T. A. Roberts drainage forms, drain lie the only pier in the world btult.
The choir sang with much feeling,of the deceased each carried a floral under examination for the past two-
• the
tribute: At the grave Rev. Mr. Craik strong, malting rill .Blind Lake side- `ick'. rooms Fordwich. Carried. will have an opportunity when the University
road 3o and gravelling con. 6, $220; honor roll is called. It is the Urange- ��v --
iG. R' 7. Walker, Clerk. bean' buried aloive, an shmothered hagen, in the employ of the Dom-.
'Government, f th
read the burial service, after which
1 the Targe audience of relatives and
friends sang "Safe in the 4 arms of
Jesus." Over five hundred people:,at-
tended the funeral, testifying to the
esteem in which the deceased was
�` Iiistle�lirst Just
= • ■
1111•p11Nr1114 11101111111111 111 1101101111111M11:11•11 fll$Ililll$n1•Iillilllitillt11•1110•11m
A Complete Stock of Soft Drinks Always on.
Hand at our Wingham Branch.
Just the Thing for the Pic-Nic or Camping.
Call `1.66 and we will Deliver to
any part of the'town,.
Bring us your Eggs and Cream.
Highest market prices paid.
p,,® plan.owaoil '' ni.Noassuamoes.oalmo.m.om:eo�cod ..ate
Wellington Produce Cort Ltd
rn Ont.
VV lYlghai
W. B. THOMPSON, Branch Manager.
PHONE. t,66.
Thomas Grant, gravelling on -B lime
and Wroxeter road, $122.15; William
Young, gravelling and pulling in cul-
vert, $345:50; Burns Stewart, gravel,
$27.4o; Edgar Jacques, gravel, $'17.7o;
Mrs. William Spotton, gravel, $11,4o;
Wallace Clark, gravelling con. 6,
$271.4o; Thomas Bradeock, gravel,
$31,35; A. E. Cooper, gravel, $8.25;
W. B. Edwards, drawing gravel from,
intention to have a Decoration livid Grit an Progressive votes, arr inion vernmea , or a purpose
service alternately in Gorrie and that we had loaned uploike two bands of ascertaining the value of thliei
vast territory for accommodating
Fordwich, av woild Indians armed wid tommy reindeer.•�^--^ '
Mr. and Mrs. E. Graham and Mr.
and Mrs. R. Graham, of Ingersoll,
a x visited ut Gorrie Sunday. •
. 0 'CFA
o , Rev. and Mrs. E. Myers and fan-
n ily, y, of Dashwood, were recent visit
n P ors at the home of iVlr•. and Mrs. Rob -
A RailwaySafety Device
ext Dane and Mr, and lairs. James I
crusher, $296.o5; Ed, McCallum, gra- Total hogs .._.....76 527 31 28 x610 Shera,
veiling and cutting hill, con. " C, 'Select bacon .- 24 36 12 13 455' Mr. T. Galbraith, of London; is
$i68.65; Everett Allen, cutting hill; Thick smooth }a 61 14 54 781 spending a few days in this district.
t Heavies ...._...... _... 2 10 2 52 ' Mrs. W. Jardine and two children
Extra heavies 7 will spend some time with Mr. am
Shop hogs 1"o ..._. 62 Mrs. Robert Cather.:
con. 4,_and gravelling, $493.60; John
Hall, gravel, $19.10 George Towrt-
send, gravelling con. 4 and B. line,
$211.15; A. E, Cooper, gravel, $21,35;
John Doig, geavel, $22.55; William
Doig, gravel, $3o.50; Ross Bayliss,
;;ravelling H. & C. boundary, $56.5o;
Ross Bayliss, grading and gravelling.
sideline 30, $13o.25, Bert. Martin,
tongue ' for .grader and, sharpening
blade, $6.15; A. E. Cooper, gravelling
con 4 and sideline 15, $201.20; A. F.
Cooper, gravel; $44.55; Rich, Walters,
gravel, $32.25; Adam Spence; gravel,
$Io.Io; John Winters, gravel, $2.55;
Chester Cook; drawing gravel, drag-
ging, oil and gnease, $175.7o; Garnet
Wright, drawing from crusher and.
dragging, $412.70; Charles Mcllwain,
gravel and gravelling con. ro,`$x53.95;
Robert Baler, gravel and gravelling
con.. 521 $542.25; William Baylor,
widening road, lot 22, coli, 6, $128.5o.;
Walter Reddow, work on H. & C.
boundary and sideline 25, $Io7.5o;
Charles Sinurions work ing ravel
Lights, feeders 6 7 3 I 67' Mrs, Albert Hall and children, of
Viscount, Sask., are visiting relatives
WROXETER ' in Gorrie.
Mr, and Mrs. Sam. Willis, of Lon-
don, spent Sunday with friends in
`town. •
1VIr. and Mrs. T. W. Henry and
family are holidaying in Detroit, Buf-
falo and other places.
Mr. William Booth, of Kitchener,
spent a few stays with his mother
last week.
Mr, Calbech, of Brantford, is re-
lieving Mr. Henry at the Bank of
The girls' softball team won the
prize at the Ramsay school reunion
last Thursday. ,'They are entered to
the in Brussels reunion com-
petition this week,
A new floor has been put on the
bridge: The old plankwill be sold
Several from here attended the I
special service at the old boys' reun-
ion held at brussels Sunday evening 1 ,
Miss Annie Whiting, of Cincinnati, 1
Ohio, recently visited with Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Dane and Mr. and Mrs,
James Shera.
Mr. and Mrs, E, Spading, of Sar-
nia, spent a few days with relatives
in Gorrie and vicinity. {
Miss L. Hicks, of Winnipeg, spent !
a few days recently with Miss A.
Townsend in Gorrie.
l\trs. T. 13radnock, Mrs. V, Shera,
Mrs. James Shera and Miss M.
gey spent a few days at Bruce Beach. l
Wedding bells will soon be ringing
in Gorrie.
Mr, A. 13: Whetstone, of 1'•iarriston,
was in Gorrie on business. Monday. I :
he Safety Department of the Canadian National Railways has introduced
a safety device which can be installed on hand cars and motors,torevent
derailment, .The device consists of four metal brackets placed in t`ra i+ and
rear of the wheels, as shown in the illustration. These are bolted to the frame
of the car both horizontally and vertinally,
Exhaustive tests were made with a gasoline ear to which these brackets
were attaehed, at speeds varying from ten to thirty miles an hour, and it was,
clearly detaaonstrated that these brackets held the, car•r,titaet. on, the rails.