HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-21, Page 2l' vWINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES Thursday,, July 2Ist, X9ri7 monmsmoMOMMIMONammealmilimm rhon. Nee Desir For WOMB & Gi Tc take along On Vacation ATHING SUITS Priced At 69e to $.3.98 COLORED CHINTZ PARASOLS. Priced From 29c, 49c, $2.98 GIRL'S TWEED KNICKERS Specially :priced at 2.19 PURITAN MAID HOSIERY SILK, priced from 43c to $2.25 SILK VESTS AND BLOOMER/ Moodies, Gordon and ,Woods Lavender. Vests priced from ......69e to $1.75 4 Iwaters priced froth 98c to $2.75 Slips priced from .... $2.19 to $4.25 LIGHT WEIGHT NIGHT GOWNS .1 Naincheck, Mull, Rayon, Crepe, Etc,, Choice colors, priced from . • 79e to S2. 5 211111111111111111111111111111111111111 NEWEST NEWEST .IN FELT HATS Leading Shades and Choice Styles.; New Arrivals at . r ...... . $3.75 • FUGI DRESSES ARE SMART White and Colors, Priced from $4.95 exp ("p SMVIART RAYON FROCKS :.-4"A splendid washing cloth, Many styles and, colors, to choose from. Priced up from $6.50 NEW CREPE, KIMONAS In the Leading Shades, special at . —63.15 LIGHT WEIGHT SWEATERS at V., Moos Prices. Other Suggestions ! KIDDIE SOX TOWELS KIDD oiIl4il11111liN�1;; BUY DRESSES astir VOILE DRESSES, Sizes up to 46 Limited quantity only in these large sizes. All going 95 at one price and it is low.. ... .Each • HERE • FOULARD PATTERNED DRESSES Most desirable for the larger sizes up to 44, in pleasing colors. Priced'reasonable $12.95 STYLISH .CREPE DRESSES In : many styles' .and hue. ' Real value in i 1 1 every one. Up from $7.50 Special in New Georgette Frocks In the Most.Pleasing Colors for the Young Miss for all wear. Sizes 18and 20 ... • 16. a 5 Towels Towels TAKE' A GOOD SUPPLY ALONG OUR STOCK IS MOST COMPLETE - YOU WILL NEED THEM - SUNSHINE Voiles Towels t VALUES Priced from 23c to$1.50 We carry a wonderful raPige in good BATH TOWELS suitable for every member of the family - even the baby inay have a special towel, made the correct size.to suit; and as for father who likes the touch of rough linen, his needs are also looked after here: You will save money and get satisfaction by purchasing Your towels at The Walker: PLEASING NUMBERS. THAT SATISFY SUNSHINE Store. VALUES ALL -THE BEST •. SOUISETTE TINKER BELL Crepes RAYON Broadcloths CLOTHS FOR SUj.VIMER WEAR Nee VACATION TOGS For ,en .and Boys.. VAN HIEUSEN COLLARS Specially, priced at 25c FANCY Checked SOX Priced at 59c and 75c FANCY BELTS Priced Low from 25c up .2 We Carry The Stock. fact: that The Walker Store Values Don't overtook the on Sommer Dress' Materials are very low; and the range is most ,complete. Newest Cloths, Newest Pat- terns, Newest Colorings are, on display for you to see, and are priced from 33c per yard up. Look over our range' and be convinced. Our Stock of Flat"`Crepe and Georgette is also complete. SPORT HATS SOAP �!� SPORT VISORS TALCUM �ffi' —' UNDERWEAR r, POWDER PUFFS Last Week''s far ain List Is For This Week 4,p4;'V��e n�µ 9,14.11'; Read Our Ad. in Last Week's Paper y_1 tj^tk'rSh, Men's KHAKI PANTS Selling at $1.59 & $1.79 NO -BUTTON UNDERWEAR All sizes, garment 98c OUTING SHIRTS_ Priced from $1.78 np. MORE NEEDS BATHING SUITS TIES H'KERCHIEFS OVERALLS < PLAY SUITS CAPS menewassuassummenammasom THE ALTERNATIVE VOTE Ibfanitoba has just come through a provincial election, returning the U. F.M, administration under the leader- ship of Mr. Bracken, by practically them sae majority. It is noticed that the Conservative party made quite a gain in the province, pining three or four seats. This is the first election to be held in Canada, on the alterna- tive vote plan, which, did not .finally change the standing of any candidate from first reports. As there has been considerable newspaper discussion of tate years about. adopting some such sox g scheme throe hout,.the Dominion, the following editorial front the Gotderich Sinal" may have a local interest. u 'Everybody who ,is interested in pol- itics is familiar with the 'procedure the choosing of candidates at party c conventions, 'A number of persons arc proposed; a ballot is taken; the. person receiving the lowest Vote is dropped, and another ballot is taken; and. this procedureis ontinued until onlytwo nominees are left. Tlib fin- al vote is then taken, and' the winner is definitely known to have the sup- port of the majority of the conven- tion. ' The "alternative vote," as proposed for election contests in which more than two candidates go to the poll, is simply a means of obtaining the same result as that for which the suc- cessive votes are taken at a conven- tion, namely, to find the man who has a majority of the voters behind hint. It is impraetirable, in the case of an election to Parliament, to take a series of ballots as in a convention where all the parties are gathered in w one room; the alternative vote aims to reach a similar' decisive result by one ballot. The present situation in North Huron, where several candi- dates have presented themselves, may lti��yatka Jttd-d Iih.NALVe,uu Olua, .nr�JLJ 11' be used as an illustration obthe work- ing of ,the alternative vote. Suppose the five men already nam- ed go to the ,poll. Each voter, if the alternative vote were in use, would be aslced to mark 'the names on his 'ballot in the order of his preference. for instance, one ballot might be marked thus:. Allen ......_ i Spotton ....___ 2 Hislop ..,.. _ 3 Cosens ». -- 4 \ Bricker That would be the ballot of a Con- servative, an admirer of the Dungan- non man (Allen),- Failing the elec- t' oti of his first favorite, he would like to. see Spotton, the other Con- servative on the ballot, elected; and if he coup; not have Spotton he would rather have the Liberalcan- dilate (Hislop) xthan the independent n) , or the United Farmer. This of course is merely an illustration.' Suppose 1o,00o. voters go to the polls and the ballots as marked for the first p?eference are found to num- ber as follows (for purposes of we are are placin g the names of tratiotx placing the candidates in alphabecal order): Allen ............ ..; .._..- 2500 Bricker 2302 Cosens, 2100 • Hislop 1:800 Spotton Isoo 10,000 , In counting the ballots the low man (Spotton) would, be eliminated, and Ills ballots would be given to the can- didates marked "2" on these, 1300 bal- lots. The second count might be: Allen.. .... 2600 Bricker 2700 Cosens .;:.,... - . 2500 Hislop , • .. •. . 2200 • 10.,000 1i.s101s's ballot: s• would 'then be dis- tribute':l among the remaining -three, according as they should. be marked, and the .third, count might be: Allen 3000 Bricker 3200 Cosens .µ 3800 10,000 Cosens has made a big advance, but still he has not a majority. Alien would be eliminated, and the fourth count might be: Bricker rr ..: _ 4800 Cosens ...... ......... ..... 5200 10,000' This would be the final count. Cos - ens with 52oo„,.„votes would have a clear majority and would be declared. elected. Though only" 2100 voters named hint as their first favorite, .5,- 200 voters indicated that they want- ed hind in preference to any of, the others. This is just whdt is done at a dominating convention. If a Bele- gate sees that he Cannot get his own particular favorite nominated, he switches to somebody else; there is no surety that the man who heads the poll on the first ballot is going to get the nomination. With our pres- ent system of Parliamentary .elec- tions, however, the man who heads the . poll is declared elected, `though he may have considerably less than a 'majority of the votes. WHITECHURCH Mr, and Mrs. Will Dobie and Anna, of Auburn; spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Daniel Martin and other relatives here. Mr, and Mrs. George Cottle and Mr. Harold Sparling spent Sunday with Iutr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning, of Kincardine. Mr, John Baker and Miss Marion, Mr, Morgan Jones, of Clinton, and lrtt. Harry McClenaglian and child- ren, of Belgrave, silent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McClenaghan. Mr. and Mrs, William Purdon and Mabel, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pur - don spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cameron, of Ashfield, Miss Sarah Sharpe, of Teeswater, is visiting with Miss Catherine Ross. Miss. Verna Barbour, of Goderich,. is visiting with her grandparents, Mr, and Ilfrs. Jatnes Barbour, sr. Mrs. William Ferrie and Mrs. Rob- ert Ferrie, of Saskatchewan, are :vis- iting with Miss Margaret Ferrie. Master Bobbie Thompson, of Tor- onto, 12 visiting with his aunt, Mrs. Joseph—Tiffin, Misses Marie, Eva and Verna Vin- cent, of Westfield, are visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. MdBrien. Mrs:Van Wick, of Toronto, is vises iting•with her cousin, Mrs, W. R. Fer- rier. Mrs. Alex. Emerson and James and Lila spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Noble, of East Wawanosh.