The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-14, Page 4usoimlil liieiiii01114illallia,li1,1i11NI1111tIua11111111i11111iII11I11 111aJnwulal(I in11I11aI111 i111W1 0111111
Published at
_: Every Thursday Morning
W. Logan Craig, Publisher
Subscription rates -One yea r $ 2.00.
Six months $1,00, in advance,
Advertising rates on Application.
To the Edit -4r' av all thine Wingham
Payp.ers :
Deer Sur:
Nort Huron is' aff the map, so to
shpake, fer I see by the Globe that
it is the intinshun av the Governmint
to liould the elickshun in Sout Hur-
The late John ,Markey,, for dver
twenty years editor of the Woodstock
Sentinel -Review, sent a last message
to readers of his paper that is al-
most unique in the records of Cane
During his last illness he was awa
fromhome, and apparently knew tlt,..
Thursday, July 34th, 1927
IPi1iaaiminclit1111availmin�111 a lrll1111llmu is mama ill iliiilia itlalliMailIitia Iii
i oof Trotible8 a
Ching . Feet
with the advent of hot weather
ion we desire to bring to 'the
one who suffers from foot
w and. very successful remedy
Phone Fa
eVcaeen ham
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i■Illi•tlllliilittlmlllifllallli111illmlllmill®III®}IIiue,1i®illml►IilI1Im111®iaiislllilliell1®l !■IIIA
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stirLTS el
i 11
i , cent a word per' insertion, witha minimum charge of 25c.
ILII Alllul1111114111®II1 11U91111illlvM III/MII IIli
LOST—Logging chain, between Cur-
rie's machine shop and Howson's
grist mill. Finder leave at Advance -
LOST—Between Powell's school, 6th
line, Turnberry, and Wingham, on
July 9th, green plaid rug (identifi-
cation mark's). Finder please, leave
at, Advance -Times office.
be received up to and including Sat-
urday, July 16th, for the painting of
all the outside woodwork of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian c h u r c h.
Specifications to be had from Jos
eph Pugh. No tender necessarily
accepted. T._ C. King, Secretary.
WANTED -By the Wingham Pub-
lic School Board, an experienced
Primary teacher with instrumental
arid_ vocal musical ability; 'duties to
commence Sept, 6th, 1927. Applica-
tions will be received up to Satur-
day, July 23rd, 1927. W. B. Booth,
FOR SALE 8 -cylinder Scripp.s-
Booth chummy roadster, 4 passen-
ger; has been thoroughly overhaul-
ed; 30 miles on gallon gas. Apply
L. S. Walker, Htiron Investments
Ltd., Wingham Club B1'dg., for in-
formation. Price ,$15o for quick
WANTED -A girl for dining room
work in Brunswick Hotel. Dining
room experience not necessary.
Mrs. D. Dow.
TENDERS will' be received up to 7
o'clock on Friday, July ;5th -next,
for painting required at school
house of S.S. No. 9, Turnberry.
1'artictilars from Secretary -Treas-
urer Thomas Wheeler, R.R. T,
Wingham. No tender necessarily
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
the provisions of the Trustee' Act,
that all persons 'having any claim
against Allison Shorts, late of Wing-.
Lain Town, in Huron County and,
Province of Ontario, Widow, who
died on or about the 29th day of May,
1927, are required to send by post
prepaid, or deliver to J. A. Morton
at Wingham, Ontario, solicits r for
the executors of the said •deceased,
on or before the est day of August,
1927, their names and addresses' with
full particulars in writing of their
claims and the nature of tiie securi
ties, if atiy,'held by thein, and veri-
fied by a statutory 'declaration, And
take notice that after the said last
mentioned day the said executors
will distribute the assets ,of the said
deceased among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the
claims of -which they shall then have
had notice, and that the said execu-
tors will
xecu-tors:will not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to any
person of wlios,e claim they shall riot
then have received notice.
Doted at Wingharri, Out., °this 9th
Clay of July, x927.'
Solicitor for the said
FOR SALE -9 young pigs, 5 weeks
old. Apply to John R. Salter, phone
TO RENT—A frame house at John
and William streets, Wingham..Ap-
ply at Advance-Timesoffice
TO RENT -House with all conven-
iences, at corner of Catherine and
Victoria streets. Apply to Samuel
Morton, Wingham.
FOR SALE — At Duff's, Bluevale,
harvest tools, binder twine, hay
fork rope, pulleys, screen doors,
auto tires, and plow repairs. W. J.
TEACHER wanted for Union School
Section No. 8 (Turnberry and Mor-
ris). Apply W. J. Henderson, box
55. P.ersonal application preferred.
pared with $297,973,000 -hi 1925, an
increase of 25 per. cent. Last year's
total was the highest for several
years, Development in the mining,
power and paper industries in Can-
ada was an important factor, con-
tributing to the activity in building
during the past year.
When the Canadian Pacific steam-
ship Montroyal docked recently at
New York, after completing her first
cruise to ethe West Indies of the
year, she resembled a floating men-
agerie, for there were assembled on
board over 200 love birds, parrots
and monkeys. These pets were
bought by passengers on the cruise.
During the month's cruise the vessel
touched at fourteen ocean ports and
Visited thirteen countries.
pesitu nwtict a Gress, out tinges ire
lives in Sout Huron. But the besht
joke av all is on Mishter Duncan
Marshall, the Grit organizer, ;who
has been ` campin in Nort Huron
i114sht av the toime fer wakes, an
hasn't yet made stair enough to let
the Globe know theer is such a place.
I tought betther av Duncan, fer he
is a shmart fellah, accordin to the
ioight he has, an as full ay talk as a
wumman at a quiltin bee, but he
makes mishtakes the same as the
resht av us, but the ''oriel shudden't
complain, fer he has made it aisy fer
us. When I fursht heerd Duncan
shpake he wus the bye orator av the
Pathrons av Industhry, the roisin
hope av the downthrodden farrumers,
an the way he cud lambasht the two
ould parthies, till furder ordhers, wus
a rale thrate, if ye had a moind av
yer own and did yer own tinkin, so
to shpake. The wurruds rolled out
av his mouth loike wather down the.
Maitland durin the shpring flood, an
both av thim are shtill runnin.
Av coorse the jok is on the resht
av the byes who hev received honor
able menshun in conniction wid the
Nort Huron elickshun ,as well as on
the wans I hev tould ye about, but
not so shtrong, fer Shpotton -an Mc-
Ewan an ;McQuillan an Allen an the
rest av the Tories hev nivir really
loined up fer the race yit. Whin
Jarge Shpotton ran the lasht toime
he prawmised that if he wus elickted
he wud put Nort Huron on the map,
but he wus lift at home an ye see
the result.
But I tink niebby Tom McMillan,
the sledge hammer orator, an mim-
ber fer. Sout Huron musht be madder
than annywan ilse at the, Globe, an
I shu',den't blame him . a bit if he
shtopped his subscripshun. Afther
all the harrud wurruk he has done
fer the Grits fer years, it is enough
to make him mad fer the Globe nivir
to hev heerd tell av him, an to be
afther sayin that Sout Huron is wid-
out a mimber, an that an elickshun
musht be hild almosht at wance. 'Tis
a quare wurruld an a harrud wan to
kape aven wid, so it is.
Wan ting :I know, it is toime fer
us Tori,es to be shtirrin our shtumps
if we intend to win. We hev iviry-
ting in our favor, excipt that we hev
too much -jealousy in the parthy, an
if we don't git togither we may lose
afther all. Surely we shud hev sinse
enough to know that it wud 'ble bet-
thee, to sind anny kind av an ould
Tory at all, to Ottawa, than to sind
a ,Grit arr a U.F.O. He wudden't
nade to be so very shmart a man, fer
all he wild hev to do wud be to shtick
to his parthy, an vote . as he wus.
Yours till next wake,
Timothy Hay.
ti Sweeping reduction in the rate,,
of electricity to all sorts of con-
sumers has been announced by a
leading electrical company in New
Brunswick. The new rates are be-
ing filed with the New Brunswick
Board of Public Utilities. Under ,
the new schedule of rates the house-
holder will be able to secure elec-
tricity for as low as 3 cents a kilo-
watt hour, the sante rates applying.
to stores and offices.
TENDERS will be received by, the.
undersigned .up to 8 o'clock p.m. on
Monday, July nth, for a new fur-
nace for the United Church Manse,
Belgrave. Plan may be seen at
Dan. Geddes" store. No. tender ,nec-
cessarily' accepted. James Michie,
Secretary Building Fund.
TEACHER wanted,,Protestant; for
S.S. No. 7, Morris;'1'luties . to 'com-
mence Sept.' 1st. Lowest or any
tender not necessarily accepted.
Tenders to be in by, July 2oth. Ap-
ply to George H. Coulter, Wing -
ham, Ont., R.R., 4.
CLERK, tired of making $15 per
weelr for himself and $25 for his
employer, to act as our authorized
representative in this locality.
Earnings approach $3o per week to
start. For interview write to Mr.
Wright, Royal 13ank Bldg., Len-
TENDERS will be received by the
Public School Board up to Tues-
' day, July 12th, for scraping, sizing
and painting the, walls and ceilings
of the downstairs classrooms and
halls • of the public school, exclus-
ive of woodwork. (Each room to be
painted a different : color if neces-
sary.) State in tender when Board
may •expect work to be completed.
W. T. Booth, Secretary.
Mr. Andrew J. Hooper has rented
his farm, lot x, con, 2, Turnberry, to
Mr. Alex. Wright, and will hold an
auction sale of .farm stock, etc., on.
Monday, July /8th, commencing at
2 o'clock.
Hot Water and
�, .�."'��7fi Air H�2l. �
t co
b Jr1E
Store Ph. 58. Ilouse I'h. 88.
5111lliilllMllall11111ii11i111i111111111111l111111M llti
Good .seed cars, under the joint
directors of the Manitoba Depart-
ment of Agriculture, the Dominion
Seed Branch and the Manitoba, Agri-
cultural ,College, in conjunction with
the Canadian Pacific Railway, are
touring .:the province. The train
consists of a lecture car, a baggage
car with types of all modern farm-
ing mills and other machines; a hor-
ticultural ` car which is the first to
be operated in Canada. Lectures
and demonstrations are given at
each stop.
Emile St: Goddard, youthful Mani-
toba dog musher from The Pas, car-
ried. off the honors in the Eastern
International 120 -mile dog derby at
Quebec recently. St. Gcddard's time
for the three-day race was 11 hours
and 3'1 minutes, over 54 minutes
faster than the previous record for
the same event. He nosed out Leon-
hard Seppala, hero of the Nome,
Alaska, serum epie by 20 minutes
and 20 seconds. George Chevrette
took third place, while "Paddy"
Nolan, 15 -year-old musher, main-
tained fourth place throughout the
Peking, China.—Over 400 pas-
sengers aboard the Canadian Pacific
Empress of Scotland,now on a
tour of the world, the largest num-
ber of foreigners, except the mili-
tary, ever to invade the city, were
admitted recently to the Forbidden
City for the first time since the
young Emperor of China evacuated
it; when he was driven out to Tient-
sin, two years ago. The Manchuria
War Lord Marshal Chang Tso Lin
accorded safe convoy to the party
and every+ conrtesy was shown to the
r through a city
in their tour hi
which so far 'has been rigorously
shut off from interer;urse with the
western world.
pray God, whom I am about to meet, j
that this. my last message do you ' 0
much good and help you to a happy I a
death and a happier eternity.
In that last message, one can reed-
ily see that John Markey was a long
'way down the road toward the sun-
set hours of life. It is as though a
hand, too feeble for more battles on
matters of controversy, had reached
out once again for the ,editorial pen
to write of things that in the last
hours were crowding themselves in
on a mind that had been able to
weigh matters well and assign then
to the proper valuation.
So it was, as he carne to the . point
where there was no more rushfor
copy at press time, no more mails to
be caught, he wrote what seemed to,
him to be the most important topic
—perhaps not on the latest develop-
ment of the day or the week—but
undoubtedly the most urgent in the
light of a life -time.,
It's well that one should turn back
at the last moment, as it were, and
write in this way; not in fear, not in
haste,but. with that calm .delibera-
tion that is able to mark correctly
temporal. values and place them on
the scales against affairs of eternity.
John Markey has left his readers
with a great thought—a touchstone
by which they can test the worth of
their activities, and a point on which
they can balance the value of their
It's well, at times,' to pause a bit,
because we are living in an age of
great speed and:; much haste -to stop
and let the light of eternity break in
on some of the efforts and plans that
we regard as very important. Ex.
Hon. 'Lincoln Goldie, provincial
secretary, cretar has made a good move at
the Ontario Reformatory.
He leas arranged for the teaching
of the inmates by a competent iii-
strtictor, If they care to do so they
can prepare for matriculation. For-
or-eiYners will be given elementary in-
structioi, so they will have at least
a working knowledge of the i ziglish
The plan may or may not be
success, depending largely or/ that
mentality and; outlook of the Mtn in
Iinf.n', rl 4.,,,FL
Stomach Gas Drives
a From Bed
COOK.—In Belgrave, on Monday,
July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Cook, a son.
COWAN—In Wingham, on Tues-
day, July 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art Cowan, a daughter.
MacLEAN—In Sarnia General- hos
pital, on Thursday, July 7th,' to Mr:
and Mrs. Charles E. MacLean, North
Russel street, a son (Charles ''Suther-
aching feet—cramps in the toes, ! '
t or heel. 111.,.
Brace is a real panacea for all
everal in the Town and Vicinity .:
already wearing them with the 1_
exceedingly simple and surprisingly efficacious. 1
Prices for Women $1.25 per Pair. 1
For Men $1.75.
The illustration shown beneath
Phone 129, WINGHAM
Ilelllmlllelllelilsll u llmli u I ialilill mm.
fYII I IBl 1 1®I I ISI I I®111!1 l lmli lel l lel 1 1■III®III®I I IAl l lel l lel
Listowel, July 9, -Jessie Pearl Lor-
ee ,four-year-old, daughter of Gilbert
and Mrs. Loree, died last night in
the Listowel Memorial hospital from
the result of burns which she receiv-
ed Tuesday afternoon.
One of the members of the young
family was having a birthday party,
when Jessie, wandering away from
the group, found a match and -strik-
ing it, the flame caught her thin
dress. Although aid came almost im-
mediately in response to her screams,
her whole body was terribly burned
before the fire was extinguished. She
was taken to the Memorial hospital,
where she was unable to survive the
Besides her father and mother, she
is sttrvived' by two sisters, Frances
and Ettie, and two brothers, George
and Earl, The funeral will be held
"I had gas so bad 1 had to get ,up
nights on account of the pressure on
my heart. I used Adlerika and have
been entirely relieved."—R, F. Krue-
the l
FIRST spoonful of Ads
lerika relieves gas and often removes
astonishing amount of old waste mat-
ter from the system. Makes you en-
joy your meals and sleep better. No
mattes what yott have tried for your
stomach and bowels, Adlerika will
surprise you. Mci(.ibbon's Drug Store
the reformatory.
But'' they cannot say they hat to
chance, nor can they hide behind that
old claim that every man's hand was
against then;.
There is something in Mr, Goldie"s
plan that runs true to the tradition
of the late Provincial Secretary I -/an -
iia, who seemed 'to have an obsession
for giving people a chance ter do bet-
■ ■.
■ a"ls�-52�
® ■
Headquarters for Farm Lighting Supplies ■
■ ■
■, Irons, Toasters, Lamps and Fixtures. ■
MKinds of Electrical Apparatus.p ■
® We Repair All ■
min ii
IN I ▪ Vacuum Cleaners and Floor Polishers
■ For Rent. it■ ■-
1 ■
■ Wingham Utilities Commission 1
■ ■
■ Craver#orc� Block. Phone 156. '■
Very successful anniversary serv-
ices in connection with the Presbyter-
Ian church were held here op Sunday.
last, conduet:d by the Rev. A: M.
Boyle, of Toronto . The edifice, which
was tastefully decorated with flowers,
was well filled both morning and ev-
ening, many of the Anglican and
United church people being present,
the latter congregation having with,
i611ai111i1111m11i®III®Illein:ilmlll®Iillapli hill®Illilllalliil!!Allilmlll®Illahmlll®Iiilll oto
II Ilml i t®I f liii I I<5{ I ILII I®I I1�111®I l li�l I Isll I®I
1 i I I�iili11111111a111illll�lllill ®IIImwm I i 1631 illl�
I �i lll®If ®ilitilllalil111 I I I I I I IIII�IIIiIIlaI111Wlllli�ll I I :�
S. S. leo. 10 Morris Re -Union
e 1
(Known as the Ramsay School)
Will hold a Re -Union on the School Grounds
On THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1927
Parade at x o'clock ` sharp.
Will commence after Parade, among which will be a Softball
Tournament for Men's and Ladies' teams;` Races, Fancy Drill, etc.
Mount Forest Pipe Band in Attendance. Vi'
Community Lunch. Ladies bring baskets, cups and pitchers. Cof- 1'
fee supplied free on the grounds. =
CONCERT AT NIGHT. Program supplied by the Stratford Con-' =
dert Company. DANCING afternoon and evening at Pavilion on
grounds. 1111`
Admission 25c, Children Free, P
,drawn' their services -in order that
they might enjoy the privilege of
again hearing a former respected pas-
Mr. Boyle had as his theme in the
morning, "The Christian Life," and
in the evening, "Living the Christian
Life," emphasizing the heed of kindly.
sympathy and tolerance between. the
different religious denominations, as
well as between individuals.
Special mention should be made of
the assistance rendered at both ser-
vices by the Presbyterian church
choir of Blyth, who at considerable
sacrifice helped to make the services
a success, Although no appeal had
been made by the managers for any
nountspecial collection, the offering
to almost $tso.00,
The Belgrave branch of the Wom-
en's Institute will meet on Tuesday
afternoon, July 19th, at the home of
Mrs. J. M, Coultas, third line `Mor-
ris.' This is to be.. "Grandmothers" ..
Day," A cordial invitation is given
to all the ladies of the .community,
and a special invitation to all grand -
i mothers, to be present An appro-
priate paper will be given, also a good
!program by the grandmothers, There
will also be an exhibition of pioneer
relics. - Anyone having a memento of
:pioneer days, Tease bring Y r f� g it with
you and make this exhibition an in-
teresting feature of the meeting.