HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-07, Page 5Thursday, July 7th, z927 I W'INC HAM ADVANCE.TI<MES MAIN PER L ' PERSONAL MAINLY PERS011TAL g of Hamilton, spent aG few daysl Clark', Mrs. P, Clark. Miss W. I�, Rutherford,_ d of the on Friday to mins, arrived Q y spend�,,®,; vacation with hwr parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Rutherford. Mrs, Stuart and Miss Anna, of Toy ronto, are'' enjoying a three weeks' holiday at their home here, Miss Caroline Webb was home over the week -end, leaving on Monday to tilde a_short course- in Physical Cul" ture. • 111 _.11111■11111111111P111 ■ _ MILLS ■ 1111 p _ - _ 1. � _ i_ r . . ,m -m,.•,.;.. w111■1110I. I�IIIIMIII?IIlAII11M11111iIMMIII�hlllllli■IIIMIIILMIIIrII)I�Ill�il)whlill� ' Si ORE NEW ew Goods,, Attractive, r -rices, = rr �t, Values. _ - - °�°�. . _ • � ,III II I ■MAINLY 11111111 111i1111111U■11111111111111111■1111111111111®1A61111 Ill■III■III III III■111■Illii11111111■IIIrIU1 A ■ >� _� _ fn !i- I� a, I■ W.igha ;CI= 1 + • t piling - '' . �r s Twin S4oi �is St _ ■ = ■ _Tint- _ ■ E. = _' 1 t I w Masten Elsner and Claire Weigarth, of Waterloo are s endin their sunt- , a , P g Mr and vacation M.rswith William Chandlerts, Miss Irene Basso, of Toronto; is spending her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warwick, Mor- ris:. , Mr. and Mrs. T. 14IcK. Smith spent P a few days last week. with relatives in London. Mr..R, R. Mooney,King and his sister, in London Jobb,,• M t week. Mrs. Hodgkinson and son George, of are visiting, at the home Kitchener,girls'Ph sister, VictoriastreetMrs. W. B. Thompson, •= Misses Edith and Euphemia Irving, sent a' couple of days at Detroit, PMr. the home of their sister, Mrs. A. G. Smith, Victoria street. 114.. and Mrs Thomas Locke � ge, Mr. and' Mrs. Iyer are visiting friends in Orangeville this week. nuMarie c unl iron, R,N., Toronto, as s. g o senor at the Z xttle Flow- er Girls Camp, Island Grove Lake, S mcoe. Men's hot weather furnishings-' athletic combinations 98e, sports shirts .$t.- 95, silk socks 48c, leather belts 75c, straw hats at various prices. Bros.' Wingham High School. Board have engaged ;the following' t'eachers'to fill vacancies on the staff: Miss M. M. Gordon , of North Ba to teach y' l Art, Junior sica Culture,Y EnglishHamilton,' e, ofd Wallaceburg,oMr. to take nr Mathe atics throughout the school; a- I'red,- S. Phillips, of Fergus, to , take boys Physical Culture, Botany, Junior English and Cadet work, g - . ■ . - � T u d j = L 1 Q,IE C.) i, a1ilB 7II . _ +u1 hil Bargains Fifteen Departments ■ DD� ] Read this 1St r,�] Come. u'a _P- a . : _ so :Pi I ■ eoes DRESS VOILE and ORGANDY - 75e value for 35c � �•' w _•._ _..� �� �'„” ""' '" ' _of - BEADED VOILE in Nav Black Brown, .Sand, ,Green _ y, , Q i and Mauve; yard wide; bargain at ,„,..:_ ,„♦,_-", :, _.,,;,_-,_ �✓ C =rid ■ VESTS• -Ladies, Vests,with or •without sleeves � s� C _ = _.:_..� ,.._.„._ Ga.,C ■ ill = -_ - DIMITY-506yards Check Dimity0 w 5 19cg = Best colors, 36:inches' wide; Sale prise - ,. ,.,.„., _,_.„„„„,_ ✓ r - ■ , lAi 8 Pieces COTTON CREPES, 38„inchgs wide;- _ =. , n, 0. Best colons; now only :..„ _M:._ _, _ . __ _ _ _ _ a� 7 C = r - ■ ■ PRINTED CREPES and RAYON DRESS GOODS = =, ,Regular ,$ .z5i now ... ____ _.._ _:..: »:_ _ ” __: .». � •00 - • • r ■ .GINGHAM and CHAMBRAY -=Best quality imported T • cloth; bargain- �'► 0 29 ___._.____._ .�..._ __.. _ ....... ■m _ >oo yards BLACK DUCHESS SILKDave ■wide,fine y LOU- 36 inches quality; „ ..::_..__..__, .._� __._- • s ■ ® HOUSE DRESSES = - Special at „ . _. :._ .. _._..._: _._.__ __„ _„...... __._ __ .. 9�e ® - Clearing line of WOMEN'S HOSE % A • Now' �__.�._._.__ ... _:: ._. • 9C �_ SPECIAL LINEN DAMASK CC �_ ■ �a8'C 64 inches wide, new patterns; Jubilee bargain _....,,_,_,.,:.,,._ _ II 1 ■ NNE. = CRETONNE. quality -now , „••, 25(,,” ® 35c . "„'"� "'" „'” ' ' ”" „„” ”pit • - COTTON Fine quality factor - q Y Y 1 .00 - -. - - _ ...---,. -••--.._....:.,_ _ ...8 yards for ® ® E. �, CUSHION: TOPS 9 �°'p�y = Fancy Cut Velvet, in bright colors, g; sale ......_._„_ 1.00 IM $1.2 1° - -and TOWELS _ = Large White Turkish Towels, special at .__,�_,-_..._....__:..__ 50C ® M i® SHOES I';C, - ,,, Wom@n's, Mi s9s' and C�hidxgn's o s. and Sli ens F ® � 4?I-ESi- O �,.: r-'2 APRON'S �. A ONS . - _• - - ,.. rigid E. Eslrrc$i colored Rubble. Aprons, now _:..„,�a __.„ __,_. 5(► ® F BABY RUBBER PANTS 1 C - - Special,at _.___ . ,_ _.", _. „ __„,_ .__ _ ____•._...._._,_ 1 ■ iit On sale at ETTE-Good quality, striped.• - �-_ ^ 15C NIGHT DRESSES 1 �9 C _personal, Fancy colored Mulls -bargain -:,___„ ..._,_,:_ .__:_ ® ■ iiiSTRIPED BATH TOWELLING 15c = „. �_,._ ___. _ _.w_ aacity HANDY SHOPPING BAGS ® e �� C ® _.............._ .._.„ ______ _.„...... - _ - HOSE= dozen ® - 5' zen Lisle Hose -bargain _,.,__ .. , , _ _,___,_., „..,,_,..,_ C ® CORSETS New Models -now only . ,. 9 C ® Y - -•••---•-•-••• i g = CORN FLAKES ■ t •_. `�5C � = 3 packages for .: _..._...._........_..._......_.._.___ �_�._ ........... _ . _ 1 TEA Mixed ..., _ ____......_.._. _._....._ 65c ■ ■ Black Green or_ CORN STARCH - 1® ,„. ,.,..„..: _:„,.., ..� „. ”.".-.:,., _,__,_,„,_.. _. ,.._ ...-.. _._,„ ........-.,,_,.__ ®C �' - - MATCHES ® _ . Large box for .... _ -..:: _ „ . __._. , __ ,„, :... 25C gg •, BROOMS iii ■ Extra Heavy -now 591► �� • PEARL SOAP e = -...._ 5 bars for �! = • . - PORK & BEANS C - ■ 25C ® _,.....__ �, _. ....:v _ _..- 2 cans for ■.. ® - JELLY. POWDER - ■ 3 for C 1 = The' Best _.. _,.___ » „ _-•.- ••- •-• --- F ffi LARGE KETTLE and 1.00 8 bars for.,,,,„..,:. ,....... ,,..._ _..-._,_ - 1 ® xo lbs. GRANULATED SUGAR ry =The for _ 15c ® -ens ■ ' WESTFIELD = SILIK CANTON CREPE $2 x9 ill r _ - All Silk Canton Crepes, in a splendid wearing quality; all the , Mrs.new Mr. and Nethery and spent over the we,ek'-end�at the home of ';Mrs. Neth- cry s parents Mr, and.. Mrs, David Cook, and.. other' friends. Mr. and Mrs, J. Hillough, of Dun- gannon, over tin spentSu day with their daughter, Mrs, William Kelley._ . Mr: and' Mrs. Fred J. Cook' were visitors at :Bel rave on Sunda y. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bellamy, of Toronto, `visited at the home of the' latter's sister,Camp- Colin G. , Freda x' -12r. Edward Rodger left on Mon- day for Toronto where he will take a teachers training■ course. Miss'Ruth Vincent, of London, • spent over Dominion Da with her parents, lUir, and Mrs. John Vincent, Miss Vincent has secured a position with the London Life Insurance Coin- piny: Mrs. Pentland, who has spent the Past few weeks in Toronto, visiting, returned to the home of her &ugh-• Mrs. summer shades; 4o inches wide. ■ Specially sed for t eek art, per yard,„-_-_____ i P y pri r has w - SILK FLAT CREPE $z,59 • o -inch All P. 4 Silk Flat. Crepe in a rich finished Silk that give I' wonderful wear; all the. new light shades. ; For summers ectal per and . _ _. �5 special, P y " "" "- " "'"" "-" E . FUGI _ SILKS 79c 1 Exceptional value in this splendid ualit Silk Fu i. = P q Y g '/ El ■ Ina full range of colors, ,extra value, per yard ._-„_„__ 1 - SILK HOSE $2.19 PER PAIR '.' S All Silk,full fashioned Hose Mercur Mercury's best quality, in large range of shadier, all sues Si8to xo. e� - lr. 19 ■ Wonderful value at this price, per pair ...._._ __ W ._ •on 1 SILK VESTS 8gc _ Silk Rayon Ystrap YWhite, , Pink; and Rose Vests n styles; • Peach, Maize, Orchid, Q((�]• t = Specially priced at _,,._„„,,:„_....:_,.„_.___ a.7o/ C'Bloomers at i',•"; ■ ir °� "°� =-0 kl _ thi• /� .MILLS a A. I L -_ iiIIMIII■IIIIIIIII■IIi:+III■]11111119111■11NIII■III■III■III®IINIII■1INIINII!■Ill■911A� 111111II■11111111lfll1S _ +4i► 1i -I ■ - , �_ = = i - ■ _ a = >• - _ - ■ _ _ it _ _d" a' 1 Fa _ of Windsor, spent a few days with relatives in town, ST. HELENS Summer neck ties, golf' trousers; sports pants and shirts, . new socks, artery armbands etc. Kin Bros. , g Miss M. McGregor and Mr. P. Ste -bell verse; ` of Blenheim, visited ,over the _ - reek end with 1Vltss Chris, Robert son. tires, Mary Robertson, of Toronto, in spent the week -end at her hoMe ey town. E'lliat Fe11s is • at Western Univer- sity attending summer school. . Principal Brackenbury and family left yesterday on a motor trip to Welland and to Kingston, where they will spend the holidays:■ Phil.Wind- Mr. and Mrs. Dyer, of Wird sor, were week -end visitors with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Dyer. visited at the borne of her parents over the holidays,, Mr. Frank Galbraith and Mr. Coon, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith this week. Mr. and Mrrs. Herman Arbuckle were •week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dyer. Mr. and Mrg Rt Hr Saint and fam sly iiiotoretl to. 13ufalo, N. fd spend the holidays will their son, Mr, I J. H. Saint,and also his sister, Mrs: � ' C. H. Burger, of Stevensville, and had a most enjoyable tri Mr. and Mrs. E. Pe errt�an and daughter Lillian are visiting friends in Wingham. Mr. 'Kenneth Carter, of Detroit, was a week -end visitor at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Carter, Mr. Van Hopper, of Detroit, was July home♦ Edward lion lest. g spent the week- end at his ltonie here.Fil Miss Beatrice Dobie; of Toronto, spent the week -end at her home here on Diagonal road. Miss Rebecca Armstrong is speed_ ing the week with Mr. and Mrs Ar - thug Ney, Sebrmgviile. Mrs. E. G. Wadland, of Sarnia, spent a few days at the home of her cousin,Miss Harriett, Rhoderus. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred. Carter and family motored to Sarnia and Port Huron over the holiday. Miss Alba Galbraith, of Toronto, visited' at the home of her parents over the holidays: Boys' long pants suits $9.75, blous- es Sc, golf hose 79c and $i, belts ocfree 9 5 boy ties roc, knit blazers, white duck grey oi' re flannel outingtrousers, littleIIII boys' wash suits .2 and ♦ 2 $ 9 `�-•39• King Bros.HE Sunda ni ht the con ne arson o Y g g g f A goodly number of the congrega- tion of the 'United church gathered in■ the, basement on Tuesday gMrs. evening to bid farewell to Rev. and Mrs. Cunt- ming and Margaret, During the ev- Mr. g was called to the ening Cumming- front and the following address was read by Wilson Woods, and Mr.' Todd;' on behalf of the con- gregation, p.resentert Mr. Cumming with a fine gold watch and chain. Dear Mr. Cumming: For the past six years it has been the privilege of the congregation of Calvin Church to sit under your ministry, and it now transpires that ,this cordial relationship of pastor and people is to be broken. During these years your service in the pul- has been such as to instruct in k'nowledge of the Scriptures and in P right living, to inspire to high think- ing and fine ideals, and to ,quicken to active and useful service. The members of the Sabbath School have felt .the interest and prayerful con- sideration you have always manifest- ed in their behalf, sand the Young People in thei•r services leave exile.- lensed the uplift of your wise and earnest counselling. To the sick our '"resence and kinds ministra, Y P Y tiops have invariably brought comfort anti cheer: rt•i , ax') r�i4r,;? Ye °IxSaturdaynights. We have had abundant evidence that your first and chief thoughts have been for the spiritual health and well being'of all those who were un- deryourpastoral care. We would remember also those close qualities that have en- deared you to your people. We have oft -recurring reminders of your cap- for self-sacrifice, of your liber- ality, unassuming kindness, ready sympathy, and unfailing sincerity. We rejoice .to know that the influence of your voice from the pulpit and of your Christian character as you have worked among us, cannot but result in permanent good and blessing to our community, In token therefore of our lastingIt affection and esteem and as a re-' membrance from us of your loyal and devoted ministry here, we beg of you to accept this gift. Our sincere good wishes and prayers go with you and your •family to your new field of labor, and it is our earn est hope that your sojourn there may useful and happy one. beD;ir.Gumming in a few words that will not soon be forgotten thanked the congregation for their'gift and a1111 good wishes. After a social, hour, all joined hands and sang Auld Lang Syne, after which 1NIr. Guntiuing pro- uouncsd the benedictioir, Mr. and 1VIrs. Cumming and Margaret left lit- er for their new home at Ailsa Craig followed by the good . wishes of a host of friends. • ter, Colin G. Campbell, on Fri - day. .�suru • . . . . . . . . . . .. . �»����-��� � � xv✓t!uavt•�• � • ' ' '! Mr. and ibirs, Elvin Taylor and children sent Sunda at the home' P Y of the former's mother, Mrs. B. H. Taylor, of Goderich. ITL ai .� Mr. and Mrs, William McVittie children and Mr. John McVittie spent Sunda at the home of Mr, and 7w'Irs. Wi11 Taylgr, of St, Helens: riles Mary Morrie, of -'Toronto, - spent the week end with her cousin, Mrs. Jack Cowan and other friends. Miss Verna Rutledge, of .Auburn, spent Sunday with her.friend, Miss MaryRodger. Miss Grace Redmond, of Goderich, is home for the sun}nter vacation. I CREAM• We can Handle' your cream. We pay fair.market ilii value plus percentage of profits every six months. , Crum should be delivered not later than 9 o clock g •1 Highest Market Price for Eggs, according to :� Government Grade.. I� ! I° i"i hi �+ E. I 1, r' I. Miss Ella Sowerby returned to her home in Goderich township on Wed- nesday last. - •-••.. Mr, J. E. Ellis was a visitor at Guelph few days lats ) THE UNITED FARMERS CO - OPERATIVE. 11 CQMPiNY, )�,. mmEroe •I Phone a week. The official thanksgiving service of the municipality of East Wawanosh •• .3I L^'�1 Wingham - - Ontario in connection with the centennial Ju- ; �yitrvarevraarear:tit.:rurarr.Y�i:R:hrnarairnYaizui•�ar•�Y• •N>Y.maar•ceravr•�tr•�tr.`. bilee Celebration was held on Sunday, July Mrd, on the lawn at Mr. Robert McBurney's, of the tenth concession i®;;'®A;;:ig ERZ !®It`®.I„ ;'1'� '� `. , i” :'.®®E®®®®�N�� of East Wawanosh. The reeve Mr. Robert Coupes was chairman, Rev. Scoby, of Belgrave, spoke on The Pioneers and Settlers Who aLid Our Country's Foundations. Mr. Mos- grove, of Wingham, spoke on The Fathers of Confederation and Rev. W R. Alp, of Auburn, spoke on Those Whose Lives Have Been Giv- en in the Country's `Service. DIr. Robinson, of Mlyth, sounded the Last Post. A choir of thirty voices. lied in the singing of selections ail- propriate for the day. People con- gregated from all over the township. Miss Gladys McDowell, of Homes- vine, is home for the vacation. - NI ®FERTILIzERs N ® II ® 1 1161 tt * fertilizer ■ profitable ® In M ed, m bacterial �j %� T C L Hundreds of Ontario farmers now realize that such as our Scottish "Special” 3-10-5 results on fall wheat.111 certain quarters the use of Acid Phosphate q P but this article being a raw material and liable Sulphuric Acid, which destroys lime in the development, is too risky to use, %� A.ni a completeEl yields the is recommend to contain soil and retards si ' N' ®• MI NE Ilt RI ist most telt - '� NE klif litl`•' lit ASHFIELD ® Is it not significant that in the older fertilizer using sections M I8 of the United States, farmers are now so prejudiced against Acid is. Mr. and Mrs..Albert Vint and family, of Stratford, spent the boli -Kg days with the former's sister and bio Cher here. Miss Mary Phillips, of Toronto, spent lire week -end tvtlt her sister, Mrs. Thomas Ferguson. Dl r. and Mrs. Gillis Hautes, Car�OT man and Neil, from near Dungannon, spent Sunday in Wingham. Mr, Blue, of Detroit,calleia at Mr. Phosphate that mini N s der'►ng changing Write IN )list gis r, "' +,, Dept. manufacturers in that territory are presently con- mi - the name of the article?�. us far a co =° �I copy of our new pamphlet FERTILIZERS FOR FALL WHEAT giving further information. 11141 published g g IN 'ISHFERTILIZERS Limited 0, W, WELLAND, ONTARIO. 111 the Baptist church had the pleasure induction of Rev Harold G. of hearing a former pastor, Rev, W. Whitfield into the charges of St: Hel-. L. Sleeves,' Who left here 57 years , g and Whitechurch was held on ago to take over the pastorate of Wednesday afternoon with a goodly errors Street Ba fist church 'in g P attendance. P.ev: 1Tr. Telford, of London. Later he moved to file Un- Blyth ,presided, Rev, Mr. Brown, of sled States and is at present pastor Ashfield, preached. Rev: Mr. Scobie, of a church at Waterloo, Iowa. of Belgrave, addressed the newly in- Misses Marjorie and Margaret ducted minister, and Rev. Mr. Alii, Fisher were called to Toronto on of Auburn,' addressed the people. Saturday by the sudden. death of Mrs• IfeLettttan, of Chicago, sang their uncle, Samuel Roether. For a "In the Garden"' during the after- number of years he was a prominentnoon, Altogether it was a beautiful business man in oroirto, being for service. Afterwards a • recePtioit was many years associated with Prime held in the basement, when the visit- Rankin, of which firm he was form- • • •. tng' ministers, mentioned, represenla» eily. president, retiring a few Years tives from the two congregations, ago. The deceased, who was 75 years Rev. Mr. Crory, of Lucknow, and Rev. of age, was a native o£ Pott 1d1g1 , mr, Whitfield each speke a few and had been in ill health for about wows in a bright and cheery manner. threemonths. He was an ardent .file United church was prettily attended Rosedale Conservative a decorated with flags and streamers United. church. The late Dl rs. (Col.) h a i ' service on Sunday far t e p tro tic s Morrison, of, Hamilton, was a laugh- morning, when Rev. Mr, Whitfieldmina, ter. preached. Congratulations areextended to Mrs. Hetherington, of Wilcox, g Mr,John Quirk, who n Friday last Q 0 Sask., anYl Miss Belie DlcGioster, of `hi th birthday, A4r. ': • his gt} Y Mery York,are visiting relatives.ar�1 Quick is unquestionably the oldest i old acquaintances around ex:employee of the Grand Trunk St. Helens, Railway, having entered their employ sevens ears a o. He took Mts. Ca.rneion and son Gordon vis almo t Y y g, sled at Mitchell last week with lire. first serest er train Ont of Fer- the p g s north some58years ago, slid James Douglas. gag g wass on that run kr a long time. He Mfr. Elwell Webster is borne frons still en)oys good health, is active eft- Chicago. r i to n daily . 'dies ate Mt. and Dors. Alex. McLennan ougli to be dowi w , 1 ♦ . weather conditions, and keeps re- left for their home in Chicago rxii inarkably well pasted on current 'ev- Monday, after spending a few weeks encs, with Mrs. Clark. _ „- _,..®,oe ... _ ® sr.E _ c ® �i'ts asi4® ® f� _ LADIES' HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS_' - p ' �llll�lllllelll0lllidfilll�lll■III®III121111�11111�IIIIaIII®IIJ■III®Ill�llllt"1111 J1111$II1g11111NiII1I6111'd 11161111■1i1�9111 James Cook's, tenth. concession, on Saturday, to have a look around the •ig .ii `-`"g� 11, NI �' ;':.� f'¢1` .«M•c' �;i=,,, Ia.t ie "'"' "`�" old place where he had visited with his aunt over 59 years ago.is Mr. and Mrs. Raynarcl, of Luck -abaft, now, spent • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Hall, ninth concession, have returned home of ter is very pleasant trip to Guelph, G,cor eto�vn Brantford slid, Nis acs 8 g, Falls. lir. Hall's sister, Miss Mary Hall, accompanied thein home: The annual church service.of the visiting wit hhis sister, Mrs, ketch- of I?aramount♦ y to report that, Miss Myra! Sorry teacher , . .. McDonald, at Scott's school, tenth concession,•sprained her ankle while playing, ball Last Wednes lay. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Dickson, of near Port Albert, were in Cxo'deririt Tuesday, the 28th, attending the graduation 'of their' daughter, �Villiel- g i ' t all of North Tonawanda, N.Y., spent !a few 'clays with relatives here. Miss Edna Ferguson spent Sundays , • - • . at her- home in Clifford: i Mrs. H. McLead and two daught- ens arc spetidutg some time with trey.: ut0tlter, Mrs. Dan. Zeigler, of �hu,r'd. 1Ir, Wesley Miller and listl4 ,:iii Carson spent Sunday at the Strong, ltoirte♦ ✓. ninevintemorseolln Wkly 1s it that Duck Eggs are not as popular as Hen Eggs The onlyreason we know is,that the hen gg E sh ADVERTISES lust the momente lays an,egg, whileand' a duck Beeps cruller and hicks S her egg Under the straw. We to be like the hen. We tel tellI trytry the world wehave a great line of building lumber; dimensions, Bac A11 No: 1- -B:C. Red Cedar Slim les (edge rata 5g grain) ». "Extra"celebrated All No. 1 5x Extra N.B. White Cedar Shingles.,renewing Alex Murray Co. Asphalt Shingles. Cedar and Hemlock Shiplaii and Boards. ' tc Siding, Flooring, Ceiling, Mouldings etc. se. 'rack Dressed 2 x 4 Hard Niaple Hay Pork T Lumber etc. in. Pine. Wagon. Box b .•.- Let's,not be Ducks.- Gibson n Lumbe>Ir & elder' Mills, taros 3>ier. ,Phone No, 30. VV'E DKLIVER ;, 'I r Orange Society, which was 'laid On Sun4ay evening ,was •,one of the •larg- A car load of friends of •Mr•. and 'near R. R. NO. 4, 'WINGX4AM' est turnouts of the Sisters and bin thers ever held in Dungannon, It ruse headed by the Orange Band' of dlcirch.. Theft were visitors from God<yinDungannon Goder"telt, Wingham, Blyth, Bcigrave, Nile Zion and Lucknow. ' 1.r. 2,itd 114Ys, John Scrrnrge0ttr airrl esti liter, of Goderich, spent a day re- g cently' with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas. Mrs. Gillis Haines, Dungann in, motored up front Toronto .and rile. _ „ the week -end with them. Dtr. and Mrs. Nilson Si°ruin sltvu� Sunday afternoon uti au with non t� t relatives, 14i• Joltn ltttihttfi botlgli a tiew , Oldsmobile six cylinder ori Satrirday, frons A. 'M; Crawford, W"riigltaut, — MrWill • Lockrrdbe and family, of Galt, visited at Mr, A. Va,nalatyne's. 1 art weer.. 14r, an Mrs, John Haines .stertor,- ed to, Guelph ane day.last week. hiss Helen Vanalstyrie; of Detroit, . is visiting her parents, Mr, site Mrs.. it 1. Va,nalstyne. 1 Mrs. ., isis%. J idiiekstcli, of Blytlt, urs �iting` i Dungannon. Higgiir, near Dn Mr, and Mrs. 'Melvin Ra nand of Y Paramount, motored to Ethel last � at Mr. Charlie Campbell's. CENTH LINE HOWICK Mr. and MI's. john WaIYYr$1ey ei-• friends Sunday: torr: James Welsh, of Saskatchewan,' ,tertained their to a social ev- Mr. and Mrs, Williamliadloli and ',ening last week. All. report, a go d, two children, and also Prank Strong, t thee. ilk