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The Wingham Advance Times, 1927-07-07, Page 2
1,17 I IP �tt fl WINGHAM ADVANCE4IMES 7x'711. Thursday, July, 7th, x927 YIIPIGHAM'S RIG DEPARTMENTAL STORE oassinuonmanoampaquespanoicer Confederation. Specials for a.ys mormasnagiracieszpaamono You Will Save Money Here 7th 8tI We Save Y©u Money ",tom " F ���� 1;�►r :THRIE SPECIAL SALE LINES EU BERIZEi' SLICKERS 9 only, sizes z6 to 20, colors`" Red, Brick, Navy, Green; regular $7.95• Now HALF PRICE 3cr9 cassusixrdaarganuansraegsqvaronaorwasstermaa OILE_ SLICKERS 6 only, sizes z6 to 20; colors Yellow, Purple, Blue; Regular $9.75. HALF PRICE, each _::...._.._..._. o Isoralsorq GLAZE ILK SLICKERS 5 only at this price; assorted sizes and col- ors; Regular value $1x.95. 93 To clear, HALF PRICE, each gad' n IES' CL Ridku oua PRICE GI;".LS RAIN CAPAS 7 only; Navy and Fawns sizes 6, so, is and: 14; all with plaid hoods; regular up to $2.95; . each .. 1 e HOS NAVY REEFERS TtiST as two worben 'may live next doorto each othor•.for years and st Il be strangers, so is it with this store. You may, dwell only a sto'ne's -throw away and yet,perhaps, have In ever crossed our threshold. Yet, again, you may `hove visited our store once and some untoward happening may have caused you to form a poor impression about us. We are continually striving\ to merit your good -will; and if at any time anything happens here that might tend to rear a favorable impression of us, we would consider it a favor to have the opportunity of rectify- 6 only, Irish Tietze Cloth Reefers; Navy 1~hl color; sizes 2, 7, 9, and so;, e �r regular up to S4.75; each ..„..._:..... GIRLS Fine Coat good GIS LOU l COATS 6 only Fi s, sizes 6, 8, g, 12 and 14; all are colors; regular up $sz.g5 value; each SUITS eh But PRICED TO CLEAR LADIES' CREPE DRESSES Broken lines and sizes; values worth up to $2o.00; long and short sleeves, 93 and many 'colors; each ..-:_...- LADIES' HATS Any Hat in the store for this clean-up price; values that were up to 193 $6.5o in the lot; now each ...:._ 7 CHOICE CORSETS Odd lines, priced to clear; values That were selling up to $2 0o per pair; special, per pair ..... _. a�jl C.HIL S' PANTIE DRESSES One lot, of broken lines; values up to $s.5o. Get your summer supply at this 93c low price;, each — BOY'S and GIRLS' HATS Priced for a complete clean-up; price up to $1.00 each; all good styles and colors; each regular 53c HRITISU PICTURES Choice Hunting and Fishing Scenes, with heavy black frames. al3 LESS THAN HALF PRICE, each o� Every eke 1"Jedeem it pleasure to serve you. CircT at ar a.i a k1 Ladies Su f steer' :J r'esses .. ... L69 Wt>,;men's ,i':ubber Apr < Ii s 27c Ladies' Crepe Bloomers ... 37c La ;e Tbie Cloths ..... 1. 9 Limen Luncheon Sets 3.89 Hemstitched Towels 23c Checked Glass Towels ........ Heavy Hath Towels .. 29c Wash Cloth & Soap Set . ...... 23c Glass Water Sets ..... ." ....9c eauty Bath Soap . 5c Mens Rubber Belts 14c Gillette Razor and Cream 35c Description of all:, above lines is to be found on our circular sent you this week—Watch for and Read the Yellow Circular. Many other Lines .;.t most attractive Prices—SO COME! Pay Cath a d Buy for Less "Added Attractions F. r the Big 3 Special Sale 119 .anrec,arameaaorra rm. SUM K; r ER DRESS GOS Crepes, Rayons, Tursahs, etc.; values up to $r.98 in the lot. , 6 Your special choice, per yardtP `” �° PLAIN HROADCLOT Limited quantity at this exceptional price; colors Poudre, Copen, Grey; 33c while it lasts per yard FANCY B OA ,1; Ca., TIIS A .choice of lines that have, been :selling up to $r.4g, all to clear at HALF PRICE AND -LESS, yard 73c 1 THE FAVORITE SHOPPING » PLACE A BIG SPECIAL SALE • SPORT <.1,F.M SPUN Several choice colorings and patterns in this servicable cloth; .' regular 75c value, yard 43c C:iIL1'S ALLWOL B THING SUITS Sizes 26 to 32 123 Regular up to $1.75, each n, L,. IES' SII,.. GLOVES. Clearing all our better Gloves; worth up to $1,98 per pair; i�3 NOW" ONE PRICE, per pair art et Is Keeping Abreast of the Tim SOME JULY FIRSTS To the Editur av all thin Winghazn. paypers: ;beer Sur:, The fursht av July is pasht, an iv- irybody, from wan ind av the coon- thry to the other, wus sillybratin, barrin the fellah who said that noin- teen tyvinty-stunt wud be a year wid- out a rummer. He wus hoidin some- wheer,, but 1 bet he wussent shovcllin coal into the furnc.ce. He is' in the same class with the fellate who said that the incl av' the wurruld wits comin on the twinty-sivinth av June, an .the fellah who sez that Archie Ilislop kin be elickted in Nort Hur- orr. 'Tis a bad business intoirely,, an as uncertain as the whate atop in the droy bili' av the wesitt, throyin to Foretell evilts, as sayin want will take: place befoor it happens. Fer inslztance, the lnissus has been tellin nae: fer fifty" years arr more that 1 would shpoil me stuinznick tlhiinitin hot tay ,an puffin too much sugar in it, but here I ani yit, as sound as the day Confedlteration wits shlarted, an goin as shtrung as ivir, though tnebby a little shlower. That niohids me that I got a good joke on the rnissus wan day lsaht tivake. She had got a letther from our dawter Katie out in Alberta, that wan ay her twin babies wussent doin well an cuddent loom anytrng on' its stttxrnmick:. (1 fcrgit if I tottld`, ye about t}rirn twins arr not, but it chits - scant snake army differ to the shtoay.) Well,as soon as therniss.riG read Kat- ie' icfther site got all ixcoltcrd bike, x�n shtarted. 'to rave about the moth- ers :tv the prisint day not 'Icwonin how to rare childcr properly, art pat - tin all ,-oras iv ilu'csh into thcc+r poor little insoidl,es, an ' titin ,wondherin fairly they don't throive betther, "1 Link, missus," sez 1, "that ye are all asthray in yer remarks, fer scoince is always foiudin out new ways av doirr tings," I sez. "The 'latest dish- covery is that raw mate is the proper fade fer childer as soon as they arc born," sez. I. "1 know a mother m town who raised foor childer on that pian, an a loivlier lot 1 nivir saw in me loi.fe, an iviry wan 'av thin grow-, in loike wades, an nivir sick a day." "1 -fink, Tun," sez she, "that` the hot weather musht be afl'ectin ser head, arr some av thim ould fellates ye chum wid hev been shtuffin'ye, Ler I hev acted as advoisory committee fer all the new 'mothers' in this ind av the ton ivir since we moved in off the farruiu, an I nivir heerd tell av such a crazy tin bein done." "Which` goes to show that yc win 'nin are lacking in powers av observ- ation, an shlow on the uptake, as eour bye learned to say whin he wus dyer - says, fer if ye wud take' a: look in yer' own back pard anny .foine clay, ye wud see a mother robin shtuffin her young watts wid fish wurrutns galore, so ye ward, an I bet ye nivir saw aytlt"er birruds art chiller grow fashtcr than they hev done," "Tis a ,proud wumman I shud be," sez she, "to be havin so shrnart a man, but dye hev proved too much," she sez. "If mate is good, to make chiller grow, it shtands to rayson that grown up paypie don't nide it, so ye will go widout it fer a wake, fer heinso clivir in yer oulo; ape," The wursli.t av it is that whin the missus sez a ting she manes it, an so I havont had anny mate fel' a wake arr two barrin a couple av hot dors I got down at the -garden par - thy whoite she wits in the tint ,.;ittin leer fortune tould. Yours till nixt wake, Tiiliotlty Hay R ,itis ,SMB ••• 111.il :':i: -,.r` Ri Ms 2 .'"+ IN-Ri( 1„iF; ".Kr..47j: GLENANNAN Mrs, Chester Dunkin and two little sons, Waiter;'and Jackson, are spend- ing a couple of weeks with the form- er's father, Mr. Armstrong, at Owen Sound. Mrs. Muir and Norman spent Sun day with, friends at Paisley. Miss Cora Gilkinson, of Detroit, spent the week -,end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richard Gilkinson. Mr, and, Mrs. Bert MVlcElroy and little daughter Audrey, of Detroit, spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ©l - jiver Stokes, ' : Dr. Elmer. Aitken, of Toronto, spent the holiday with his friend, Mr. William Elliott, jr., Boundary Brickyard. Miss Grace Rowe, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, spent the, week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Lin- coln. Mrs. Robert. Campbell and daugh- ter Bessie, Mr. Robin Campbell, also Mr, ., Hoskins, motored to . Ethel where they spent a day with friends there. ' Mrs. J. Meteatfe spent a few day's of last week with friends in Wing - ham. A number of friends and neigh- bors gathered at the home of Mrr, and Mrs, Richard Gilkinson last Friday night itt honor of Mr. anti Mrs. Wit - rued Murchison, when they were pre- sented with a' couch and Chesterfield table, also a number of other ttseful and beautiful gifts, Mrs. Murchlsozi, ; and daughter Belle were also pre- sented with a rocking 'chair. After the presentation the remainder of the evcning was Spent in gams and dancing. Mr, and Mrs. George Muir and ba- by, who have spent the past week s, with LADIES' CHAMBRAY ALL- VER PROS, 3 CHOICE COLORS Each RAYON SILK HOSE Splendid quality, with good high silk; mostly all sizes, and lots of col A 3 C. ors; per pair -...--.... .. "� ' . MEN'S LISLE SOCKS —LESS THAN HALF :PRICE; regular 5oc value; colors Navy, Black, Grey or Brown; per pair 23c MEN'S CHOICE TIES Regular -6gc value; a1 choice lot of patterns to 'choose from . buy a supply ,p �g now; each .._... _. ..:._........ LADIES' SILK HOSE (SECONDS) Black only; all sizes. 9 PAIRS r 3 c Limited quantity ....:_ FOR MEN'S CAPS Values up to $2,0o in thelot; good • clean snappy patterns. Choice, each 93c LITTLE CHAPS HATS A splendid light weight Hat for the sum- mer weather;.. all good colors, each 33c 1. ost Seasonable Gods at Usual Low Prices m ' 41e 'vt 2ha with friends here, have returned to Toronto. EAST WAWANOSH Quite a large crowd gathered on the lawn of Mr. Robert Mcl3urney on Sunday afternoon to attend the Diamond Jubilee Confederation ser- vice. Mrs. James McGee, Mrs, 'Dow and Mr. and Mrs. Beecroft spent a few days last week visiting relatives in Hibbert. Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Shiell atrc daughter, of Listowel, spent Sunday at the Doctor's home here., Mrs. Milton Mcl3ttrney and daugh- ter .Dorothy are spending a month with relatives here, , Quite a number of relatives spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mi and Mrs: Thomas Robinson an Friday last. RAPID CITY The Orangemen of L, O. L. 428, Lucknow, attehded slit the worship in South Hinlass Presbyterian church on Sunday last. The order was large- ly represented, Mr, Alex. Nicholson taking crarge of the services, on ac- count of the illness of the pastor, Rev. James. "" Mr. Frank Miller made a business trip to Stratford and St. Thomas last week. Messrs. Hiram Bloom and Robert McNatt spent Saturday itt God,ericb: Mrs. 'Annie Davis. returned" home to Arthur after sliending a few Weeks with her friend, Miss Mary 'Murchi- son, Mrs. Alex, Purvis and family, of Boundary West, visited, at 'William Cook's one day, last week. Where Confederation' Was Bow Room. xti Legislative Building at Charlottetown, PZ10 where the first Conference was held. Left, Tablet Coninleinorative of the event,: , MCRIPxiort "Unity is Strength. in the hearts and minds of the delegates who assembled itt thus room on September 1st, 1864, Wag born the Dominion of Canada." "Providence being kliegbuilcdbtthan-they knew." ,‘"this '"this tablet is meted ot1 tho ocaadet( `( Of the fiftieth anniversary of the event.",