HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-30, Page 3V5
Corrie Vidette
Pioneer and. Thanksgiving services
will be held in the United church. next
Sunday morning at xx o'clock. This
service will be in keeping with the
message of Confederation, Let us be
patriotic in spirit:
Thee will be no evening service
in thiUnited church next Sunday on
account of the special Confederation
Jubilee ,service to be held at Wrox-
eter Park at 3 p.m. Special music
by United choir. Appropriate ad-
dresses will be given.
Mr. and Mrs. James Shera visited
with relatives at Moorefield last Sun-
Several from here attended, the spe-
cial Orange service held in Wingham
United church last Sunday evening.
. We regret/0 report Mrs E. Gam-
ble, sr., is seriously ill.
Mrs. T. O. Johnston expects. to
spend some time with her mother at
1` t.
g Aird :en,
ISa ad, Green'
GO4 1.00
inl,Ported . _•_2,A:..
"Orth, were week -end visitors of Mr.'
•ap 1 Mrs. Peter: McNay, 12th conees-
.Mn, -and 3/Ii's, ,Robert Purdon and
daughter; o£ Whitechurch, spent a
'day recently with -Mr. and Mrs, An-
drew .Stein, Paramount.
.Mrs. •.Gordon•Towle and children,
of Uancouve,r,::B.C., are visiting with
the former's mother, Mrs. Alex.
.Long,..of:Hemlock City, 12th conces-
Mr. .and. Mrs., J. A. Richards, of
•Marlcdale, ',Spent the week -end with
.111r. , aid . Mrs.:. R. Richards, of Para-
Mr. and. Mrs.. Robert Webster and
:son, ,af Warna,, spent the week -end
with relatives around Paramount.
.Mr. James Ceasor, near Dungan-
non, spent a few days last week with
his niece, Mrs. Wilson Irwin, Toth
Mrs. Johni Campbell and son Dynes
Thursday, June 3oth., 1927
•conrright. 5958. es -Center's tv
"0111 Gr1mrn'a Progrets" is a picturl
America, ilia.. (F. 8.04 of 4i. C.
R411 Grimm, risen to thie front
ranks of fovavvltoeiglht 'boxing, ie
signed to meet ae .c.ha npion. Bar-
bara Baxter 44 his fCnanc+ee and
, manager of Otis tea shop; Canton
$eft, Rem Pilkington (thins fian-
cee) 4sd Botch Ford, fightmilli-
ager, are Ms friends. `Verse and
Panay po with ,Birt and Barbara on
their inertia/se trip ,the ,doo ,of the
fight. Jock Fairfax, ,Bilree enemy,.
tries to wreck ",helito Us oactoano-
I wap eSiam to =vette the wheel
away from letm, for the speed at
'which yv,e 'was tanaveling would have
evade the slightest slipup a ease of
"Gued morning, St. Peter:" all
armed. I tided to reason with this
crazy fiend, but I got absolutely no-
w Ea'es. Phe only one which kept
their head in what cloaked like the
death car 'was ray Barbara. Reach -
big forward from the back she
6101.4ed •off the _ igaalutian,— with ,3aA
Pickering:; in session in Northside United beech,
°Mn Percy Sparling is in Toronto
this week.
Miss Lida Sparling is ' going to,
spend some time with friends and
former pupils in the district where
she taught school, some time ago,
east of Toronto.
United Church Sunday School pie -
the willbe held to Formosa Park,
Wednesday, July 6th;; Cars leave at
so, a.m.. Dinner will be served. Let's•
all go. . •
The Gorrie girls went to Harriston
Friday night for a softball gamer
Harriston team will visit Gorrie in'.
the near future.
Mn and: Mrs. W. Whitfield -spent
Sunday with relatives in St Marys.
Mrs, William Gregg<recently, spent
a few days with relatives in Burling-
ton. \
Mr. George Wylie leaves' forintends tak-
ingthis. week ,where he
ing the summer school course : at
Queens University.'
The presbytery of. Huron will, meet,
Seaforth, on Monday, July nth. Dr.
W. C. Poole, of London, England,
will speak at the session .
Miss' Evelyn Stephens is expected
home this week after three weeks vas
cation in Toronto and other points.
This is the season for Light
Underwear, Straw . Hats. • You
will find what you want here.
Pants and Overalls '%
Mien's and Boys' Work Shirts,
Slople lines in Men's . Work
Boots. _Black and Tan Oxfords.
We 'have all sizes in Canvas
Shoes They are selling at very
tow prices.
We have anothe': shipment of
Oven Ware. The kind that will
stand the beat You can Crust
and Cake in the sam=e 'bowl.
Saves waste and washing, dishes.
You get a 5 -piece Set for $x.25
4 -piece Set for 98e. 3 -piece Set'.
for 75e. Only a few left.
The Pi+eserving Season has
started, -Fine Apples are now
in. Leave your order. for
We have Special Prices
Saturday Shoppers in certain:
lines. With the extra price you
get for your produce and the
saving on the goods, it pays to
Shop here.
Fordwich, June 15th, 1927.
Howick Council met today in Bes-
witherick',s Rooms, pursuant to ad-
journment. All members present, the
Reeve in the chair.
Minutes of .the last meeting were
read and, on motion of Hubbard and
Taylor; were adopted.
Moved by Taylor and Leonard
that the Reeve and Treasurer issue
cheque to ue for. $674.65 pay
costs, on appeal on drain No. 8. Car-
Moved by Leonard and Hubbard
that the Reeve and Councillors Gam-
ble and Taylor be a committee to
have the Clerk's office overhauled
and put in shape for use. Carried.
Moved by Leonard and Taylor that
drain No. 8. Carried, few weeks at their summer homes
byGamble and Hubbard here
that the 'following accounts be paid:' Mr. and Mrs. J. Hall, and Mr.,
Carried. r and Mrs. James Masters visited rela-
E. A. Corbett, salary as assessor tives at Wroxeter on Sunday:,
1927, $170.00; C. Lawrence, purchase Mrs. Clegg has returned home of
price of office for Clerk, $45o;' Wil- ter spending the past few weeks with
bert Drury, part payment on munici- her daughter at London•
pal drain No. 8, $1,ioo; •lVlunicipal Mrs: Robert Bosman, of Leaming-
World, for, supplies, $18.72; Nelson ton, spent a few days with relatives
Seip, burying dog, -50; G. W. Walk- here. ; a..,,:,,,wv.•.,., . ,
er, express on supplies, .6o, John Mr: John Underwood, of Saska-
Hyndman, " tile for . Clark municipal Toon, " brought down . a carload of
drain, $263.04; John Hyndman, cul- horses last weekand is spending a
vert tile, $30.10; Oscar Weiler, reniov- couple of weeks with his father here.
' g car from road, �s ,
• 50• Everett Al-
Hamilton and Niagara Falls,
Miss Bernice Shaw left Wednesday
for Muskoka. to . spend a couple of
months there She was accompanied
as far as Toronto by Miss Loui Pat-
Fordwich's grand old plan is Wil-
liam Gibson now in his eighty-first
year. Mr. Gibson was born in the
County of Durham, moved to Ford-
wich when one year old, and has re-
sided here ever since . There were
) i fr }wo general stores, three. "hotels, an
lan, cutting hill, fourth concession, x BLUEVALE ' 1'�' one, doctor serving a population' of
$57.00, Ep• Hargrave; dragging, $8.55; about three hundred people. There
John Armstrong, grading and under -
Me Gibson's last visit to Fordwich.
William Goggin, of town, together
with his sister, Mrs. Spinks, is now
on an extended tour of the western
1vlr..' ;and, Mrs. Johni Mundell and was, a, fair road to SSeaforth, which
brushing, $45.10; George Townsend
its culvert and gravelling; $88.; son Hugh and Mrs. Haugh spent the served the purpose nf .bringing in
repo week -end at the home of Mr. and food and supplies, Prices in those
Ernest King, dragging and raking dozen;
stones; • $Ig; William Boyd, dragging Mrs. George Mundell at Drayton, days were: Eggs, 5 cents per
DenMr. Samuel Elliott and two sons Pork,
dressed, $
3. o per
and raking stones, $28.80;
llin s .02• Cliff. and Gordon, and Mr. Smith, of of clothes, all Wool and tailor-made,
ny, removing logs and fig, g, $ 9 ,
with grader Hamilton; were visitors on Saturday $16; shoes, best leather, hand made,
Charles Simmons, work
.$14.50;Fred at the Thome of Mr. Leonard Elliott $4. The school teacher's salary was:
and blowing stumps,
H ndman tractor on grader, ;$245; Mr. and Mrs. James Nichol return- from $too to $300, and he` had to find
y o .Godes ed home last week after visiting a few his own board. Clergymen received
Fred Hyndman, expenses t
Gowdy, on scraper, days at the, home of the latter's bro- $600 annually. Baseball, bees and pic-
ich, $5, Y y, nics constituted the chief sports ex -
$z9.66; Thomas Douglas, team on ther in Kincardine.
Mrs, Curwaine was under the doe cept when Sir John A. Macdonald
carie to speak in Gorrie ,when 'the
whole neighborhood, Grit and Tory,
Four generations exist in Mr. Gib -
son's family. Mr. Gibson'was seen
with his great-grandchild on his knee,
and didn't forget to say, "This b y
Was bore" on my birthday, when I
was 30 years of age."
Mr. Gibson keeps up his own home,
cooks his own meals, does all his own
housework, and sees that his grand-
son, Vance Gibson, who lives with
him, is at school regularly and on
time. Added to his household duties
he finds time to be weigh -master at
the weighscales at the C.P.R. sta-
tion, half a mile from his home, and
is seldom missing when a car of
stock is being loaded. Truly it may
be said, of him that he is 8o years
Edwin Gibson, of Prince Albert,
Sask., arrived here on a visit to his
mother, Mrs. Margaret Gibson ,and
other relatives. It is 15 years since
To'wnshp..Engineer Fred Edgar be.scraper, $32.05; Albert Duston, hold- tor's care last week but het many
n, the $6; C Lawrence
instructed to to make a report o
Aldrich drain No. 1o: Carried.
Moved by Hubbard and seconded
by Gamble that <: C. boundary, $96.90, Wh ham g,
authorizes and. directs: Frederick A.
widening road and snalcfng dill, $37;
appointed on
r :a
'n akilled
nie making
:he esheepby
the gtrop
drain No. 8, known as the Blind Lake dogs, $75 Eiiunerson Rickert cup
ing scraper,' friends will be glad to learn she is
er for office, $2.5o; Herb. Bricker, feelingbetter again.
compensation for wire fence, $6; Al-
feed Fortney, gravelling on H. and Mrs. Sanderson and'daughters,` of
ll' Young, Toronto, and.also Mrs.' Griffith and
son Fred, of Montreal, are at their
suanmer. home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Mundell and
Drain ' -of the Township'of Howick, rease and_ bolts, $2; Hartwell Strong, son George, of Glenanan, and Mrs.
forthwith,pursuant to the .6o; George Malcolm, of Galt, were visitors on
to ,proceed blowing out stumps, $5
judgment of George I. Henderson, Chapman, culvert on EX. A. Bolton
Esq., KC., drainage referee, dated drain, Wallace township, " $914.00;
the 28th day of April, A.D.,1927, to Johnston ttowns, inspection
make all the -necessary additions, al, Hofermaehl culvert, Ex. A. Bolton
d changes required in By=
terations and
drain, Wallace township, $34.50; Geo.
Law No. 4, 1926, of the Township o ;drain,
°inspection culvert on Ex. A.
Howick, to conform,to the judgment ,
Bolton drain, Wallace township,
of the said drainage referee: Passed $31 50; Fred A. Edgar, plans and ily, of Detroit, are at present visiting
int open Council this .15th ' day 01 specifications for Hoferrnaehl bridge at the home ofd the latter's mother,
June, 1927• ' Ex. A. Bolton drain, Wallace town- .Mrs. R Mrs= ge.
ship, $3o; Fred A•4E'dgar, plans, spec Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell were
Moved by Taylor and Leonard that
visitors last week at the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. Thomas Mathers and family
are at present visiting friends at
Thursday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Mundell.
Mrs. Malcolm and son Robert, of
Galt, were visitors for a few days last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Hutton. •
Mr. and Mrs: McGowan and fam-
his Council authorize the Reeve and-ifications, inspection •McI'.night's.cu l -
Clerk to sign By -Law No. 5 to bor- vert ,Ex. A. Bolton drain, Wallace
row money to carry on wort. on township, $30; Segsworth 'Sr Dobbs,
t Ex. A. Bolton drain, Wallace town-
ship, 1 hi excavation, $11729;J. H. Rogers,
Village Clerk postage, $5; Robert Edgar, salary as
Issuer of Marriage Licences road superintendent, $82.25; Ernest''
The law now'Y'equires the license be King, sheep .killed by dogs, $125; A.
aken out three days before;tne cera• C. Hutchinson,' balance salary and
moray. postage, as collector, $23; W, A. Ir
Subscription taken for the'Npiti conveyancing Lawrence proper -
Advance -Times.
lubbia rates. iveu
9. ' g
ell immiligiili pliileilteliihlill�I ginisons IBillrlllallil®iilliltlllumill�lllflilililtilillh
t�III 1 sa=
Ego and Ci°e,an: Producers.
,Bring us your. ,Eggs and `Cream.,
Highest market prices paid,
is A complete line. of Soft Drinks always on
at our `, inghatn Branch.
i Ice Creatn or Pop
We can deliver
to you on shortest notice,
uwro�sr`naMMNs6i� -_ .. "' u�Mrttw�u...N�Y:A+esiof,wC�ae°'°®"°'Mi'
rr a,
e�,,in t�►n .�r. ads
Wing atm, Ont.
Ltd ..
PHONE 166,
1110111fNfI11I111111111 11101110.11'M 11101111111M11I110111 kll10I110111101111 1110111
ty, $4.60: John Montgomery,- gravel
ling lots 27, 28, -con. : 2, and cut •
hill, $196,40; George Wright, gravel,
$56.25; Fred Edgar, engineering fees,
Clark drain, $9o; Fred Edgar, balance
engineering fees, municipal drain No.
8, $750; G. W, Walker, Clerk's fees
for Clark drain, $io; G. W. `Walker,
bal'auce 'fees on municipal drain No:
8, $5o, Fred Eclgar, preparing, print-
ing and sewing by-laws, Clark's
drain,' $2o; J. Beswitherick, rent of
r oon i, $1.50•
Moved by Gamble and Hubbard
that Council do now adjourn •to meet
on 'the third Wednesday in July in
the Township Hall, Gorrie, when the
rates will be struck.
G W, Walker, Clerk,
Mrs. Williaa'n Ward and children, of
Dungannon, spent a few. days with
her brother, Mr, Willieilm Nicholson,
Quite a number of .Orangemen
from here attended the Orange ser.
Mon at Wingham on Sunday evens.
Ing, when.; Rev. Mr Gosse ,of North
Bay, preached,. ides.
Miss Orr, Miss B. SaYiderson,
R. i n tars, Sanderson, of To-
ronto, and 14x s. W, Griffiths and son
Fred,. of Montreal,` are spending a
Mr, Austin Martin and daughter
Eleanor; Mr. Arthur Knopp, Miss El -
The scholarships awarded bythe eanor Douglas and Vera Hepton, of
Toronto, spent Sunday at the home
Rutnam Girls' Institute to pupils of ,
the Continuationpool, have been of John Douglas.
Mr, and Mrs. JohnR. Wendt and
awarded, to Belelin
Ch sidier in the
Mrs. Wendt: senior,motored to Lon-
don one
and to Myrtle Reich- Mr a
and in Lower School). �s don one day' last week.
Mrs. William Jamieson, Salem, vis- The softball game on Friday •even
ited friends in town on Wednesday. ing between Fordwich and Wroxeter
°The many friends of Dewet Strong boys seas the best' game of the teasers.•
are pleased to see hini able to be The' Wroxeter boys made some bad
round town again, looking. so well errors ,putting the other team in the
bead, but they tightened up near the
end and won out by,a score of 8 to 7.
Mr.'and Mrs: Stephens, of Listow-
,'s,"sse-._• el, spent Sunday at Harry ' Waller's.
must be dreaming
The editor"andMrs. Spence spent Sunday
Dr.a p p
• s' at the' home of R. J. Rann,
again, - r else has a warm spot in his
heart for Bluevale. No Belmore news On Sunday evening His Grace
last week.
the -
The June meeting. of the W.M.S. consecration. service, assisted by the
met Wednesday afternoon with an, rector, Mr. Jones, in the Anglican
attendance of 20. The meeting open church (foiQnierly the Methodist). The
service commenced at the church en-
trance, by a petition read by one of
the wardens, asking his Grace to Cori
secrate this building for the worship
of God. Proceeding to the chancel of
the church, led by the choir and the
wardens, the Bishop proceeded with
the service taken . from the prayer -
book of the Anglican church for that
purpose. His Grace. took. for his. text
the 8th verse of the 26th Psalm,
delivered a most instructive sermon,
showing how the Jews and people of
the eastern countries held the great-
est reverence for their place of wor-
ship and lavished their wealth to
make then the most beautiful build-
ings of those days, while too many
professing Christians of today - held
too little respect for the house of
God. The church was beautifully dee-
ed by song and prayer in unison. The
minutes of the last meeting were read
by the secretary -treasurer ,The topic
was discussed by Mrs., McKenzie.
Collection amounted to $4.95.
Miss Kathleen McGrogan, of Tor-
onto ,called on friends in the village
on Friday; also Miss Margaret Me -
Lean, of Clinton.
A number from the village
ed camp meeting Sunday.
A large and, attentive audience lis-
tened to the farewell sermon of Rev
McKenzie Sunday afternoon.-VMisit-
ors were present from Wingham,
Teeswater, Wroxeter, Gorrie. Service
was dispensed with at Salem for the
Miss Mary and Miss Hannah
Stokes spent a day last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland, of
Wroxeter. orated with flowers. There was a
Ham -
edifice attendance which just filled the
Mrs. William J. Ballagh andedifice.
ilton, of Teeswater, called on friends There will be a special Diamond
in the village last weal.. •
Jubilee Service in the church next
About forty attended the summer Sunday evening at 7 o'clock:
meeting of the Women's Institute The regular June meeting • of the
held at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
Hector McLean, Thursday afternoon. Wroxeter Women's. Institute will be
Mrs. Herd, Sr., has returned to the held at Mrs.. D. Armstrong's home
village on Thursday, June 3o'at 3 p.m, Miss
Elizabeth Sanderson will speak on
Canadian Patriotism. There will be
an exhibit of pictures of beauty spots
throughout Canada. Roll -call will .be
Mr. and .Mrs. William A. Gathers
answered to by a secipeof seminar
and family spent last Sunday with Mr, dessert.
att'd ,Mrs. John: McCreery, of near
A number from here motored to
Guclph'last week.
A large numb er, from this locality t Mrs. Harris, of Maple, Clulario; is
attended the servitee in Delmore t%a"i- visiting with her sister, Mrs. Omar
ted church last Sunday afternoon, it S
Sue ealnans
; i91l °stO ' s
Continue the
Do not amiss
net tia
An up-to•date goad Map of the Provinces of Ontario
and Quebec, showing all the Important towns, high.
ways, distances and camp sites, given away absolutely
with every pitrcitase of
one pouutd of aur Fatuous
ChoiceSmoked le
Makes a cine piece o
,D.$.L, Bulk 59.ys.
Iiomitno kor h.
,... SnRJ.sn 9renkla,,
RiChrttello 179c1ti•
meat toy. tAce 1'io➢iday sandwiches
Lobster inns :fi+aec
it 'Xs zyc
i.i9y IIran.
Ctnicken9Fladdie 21c
t: ancy Q uu Iity ��4.
R.o•e'd.'Masan Jar
atieen (livesS 390
Stuffed Olives 55e
Cup Musttird 9c
'a5 •
Finest iced x•ib. 39c
Sockeye yi4b. Zlc
Choice 1$ed 1.996. �Qc
Co>aoe '/:"9b.IIC
Choice 1•1h. tic
Pink '/z4b, 12c
Clark's Beans Ire
Fruit Drinks ANC''
Littre Juice 'Zs"
Domino Catsup 19c
"Victory Pickles
Sweet Mixed 500
Sour Affixed 40C':
Wine rd ' 3 hoe
Chocolate Bars 14C 1
"TASTY" in The best "mead "for ybuk" Alcoa
` A 5 X holiday sandwiches toast
BEAD Fruit Broad) e4c f.oai7
Fruit Coke 35C 9t,. Large Jelly fly Roti* �fC „a7
Stores will remain open thurmdny 'evening, hut doted ell day Ricky, July sat•
511 cilli snitch:W. )aim' 2nd rb.,e
c c t ,
being rev. C. N. McKenzie's fare -
to ces.
Mr. and Mss. Charlie Cather s and
well sermon,children visited oil Sunday at Mrs. Colli"
There will be no Sunday'sc'.hnol'i�r Eadie s.
church here next Sunday, owing to ills, and Mrs, Arthur Lincoln .end
the Jubilee services in Wroxeter.
1:ffr, ;Edwin Bennett, Miss Ferny son Alfie motored to Anu Arbor,
Bennett and Mt. Russell Rae made a Michigan, last week, where they at..
business trip to Wiarton the first of teudcd the funeral of the late Mn
the wecanl.d . Rowe
Mr, *Airs, A. E, Gallagher spent Ivi:: and1'Trs. Genrge 1 -Coir and lit.
last Siut'day with ,Mr, turd Mrs, Bert tle son Dalton, of Toronto, are hali-
Harris ,of the x5th concession of Baying at the hone of Mrs. Muir.
'Air. Will Crawford, of Millbank,: is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
CELEBRATION Mr. Leslie Bolt and sister, Miss
lifaribelle; spent Sunday at the hone
Crs, Ivl
The official Thanksgiving Service
of the municipality of East Wawan-
ash, in connection with the C•enten'
vial Celebration, will be held on Sun-
day, July -3rd, at 2.30 1),M„ ill Calvin
Church, or at Mr. Robert13urney's,
weatlhcr permitting. Residents of bor-
dering munioipaiities not holding Ser.
;vices are cordially invited.
of IS: tiir.
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain a"cel, son,
Mrs. Grain, sr,, also Mr, and Mrs.
Thomas Gilmour, vssited'•on Sunday
at the bonne of Mr. and Mrs. Omar
.Miss Jean -Stewart, of Toronto; has
biers visiting at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Reichard Affray.