HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance Times, 1927-06-23, Page 8111��I IMM111�111111U IINI I ILII I ISI 11111 lel l III UI�I l lel l hll l ll$ to 20 ./.. Oa Yoor. :.._.Orae II I!I (Ir1i1111 {111 ill I lel l I(rl l lml I lml l lml I IAI I I(rl i lrl l ilk Big Interest Isn't It ? 'Tell, it's, exactly what you can snake right here, by investing in Shoes during Shopping Week, com- mencing Saturday, June 29th to July 2nd In memory of Confederation we will give a dis- count of 10 to 20 per cent. off any pair of Shoes in our Store. REMEMBER—Everything goes—Men's Wo- men's and Children's—nothing reserved. The Good Shoe Store. W. J. GREER Phone 23 vii iGHAM ADVANCE-TX/VIES There was also a tug-of-war between the Oris and the married women. With sympathetic hubbys at the .end of the rope, the married ladies were successful in bringing the girls over the line, A bountiful ,lunch was served in the barn. Mr, Durst; of Wroxeter had the booth, Everything passed off to perfection with the ex- ception of one black eye. Mrs. Hyndman, of Newbridge, was a visitor in the village on Saturday: Mr. Taylor, of Moorefield, will be inducted into Delmore and McIntosh congregation June 28th. mmmi Iili•fl ommIII'NI®IILIIImIIIgIIImIImIIIommiIHIIImI sumIII®Illollmmaffin lmll mum LYCEUM THEATRE a Friday and Saturday • ■ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 27, 28, 29 i • GEO. O'HARA IN June 24-25. " California or Bust." A Gasoline Romance in. High Gear Two -Reel Comedy —"The Adventures of Mazie" International Harvester Co. Fihn—"The Making of Binder Twine" 1 • IN The Campus Flirt. Two -Reel Comedy—"The Masked Marvel" i Thursday, Friday, Saturday 41 WALLACE BEERY and RAYMOND HATTON IN SPECIAL! June 30, July 1, 'We're in the Navy Now." A Comedy of the High Seas. Throw out the Laugh Preservers! Admission 35c and 20c BLYTH Mr. J. A. Strang has disposed 'of his bakery and confectionery business to lVXr. .Frank Hollyman. The bowling tournament was held on Wednesday, sixteen rinks partici- pating. .Mr. Gerald Newton's rink, of Goderich, secured . first prize, four sherbet, sets. P. Cowan, F. Toole, T. Taylor and G. Newton, skip, com- prised the successful rink. The. Loyal, Orange Lodge are holding service in Memorial Hall on Sunday, June 26th, at 2 p.m. Rev. G. B. Gorse, organizer for the Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West, will be the speaker. Mr. Baxter McArthur, of Hartney, Man., is renewing old acquaintance - ships in this vicinity. Mrs. Stothers and son, of Dungan- non, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph. Stothers. Mr. Peter Gal•diner has disposed of his dry goods and groceries to Mr. S. Popplestone. Mr, and Mrs; George Thompson and family spent Sunday with rela- tives at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. William Thornton are spending a couple of weeks with relatives at Ingersoll and Canfield. WHITECHURCH Mr: and Mrs, J. D; Beecroft enter- tained a number of their relatives on Friday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Purdon and Rev. and Mrs. McEachren, of Bol - Florence, of Lanark, arrived here on ton, are,visiting with old friends here. Saturday to visit with relatives and 'Rev. McEachren took the anniversary friends for two weeks. 1I services on Sunday in ' Chalmers Messrs. Ernest and Wilfred Robin- J Church I here. n is visiting in West - son motored to London'on' Sunday :to meet their nephews, Kenneth and field with her daughter, Mrs, Percy Everett Robinson, of Minneapolis, 'Vincent, 'Their mother, Mrs. Ed. Robinson, is I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross and son, .still very ill in the hospital there. of Fordwich, spent Sunday with the Mr. Joe Foster, of 'Winnipeg, is forme•'s sister, Miss Catherine Ross, visiting at his home here, prior to Sorry to report that Mr. W. J. leaving for Montreal, where he has a Coulter is not progressing as rapidly position in the C N,R offices. gas his many friends would wish. MORRIS Thur, ,day, .June 23ra, xgx SIMIRINNUMINSIONNINIONNINNIUMMONNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiIMIMONNIManiiiMininiiillilligailliiiiiii NG BROS. ■■■II ■` ■ ■ ■ III • ••Sattirday,.Jure- 25th t -.o Saturday, Ju Z •• ■ • in: from Us. Bi ,� Bar 'tains During the' Whole � irne., ■ Start Right by Buy g g • • ■ • Six Full Days Of I t.• '.II II I WOOL TRAVEL RUGS—Plaids, plain col- BOYS' LONG TROUSER. SU'I-TS $9.75 BI'G' SAVING ON COATS FOR. WOMEN: I. ■ ours and Tartans, of lovely, fleecy cloths; —Fine Tweed, in double breasted, styles with AND' MISSES ■ ■ plain or fringed; all reduced 20 per cent. a pair each of Bloomers and: Long; Trousers; bargain at $9.75. A very pleasant evening was spent on Monday, June 13th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dennis, of Morris, when a party of friends from Howick gathered at .their home in honour of their daughter Miss Verna and Mr. Harold Thomas, whose mar- riage is to take place shortly. After a brief programme, Mr. Bert Wright and Mrl John Dixon, on• behalf of the company, presented' the young, couple with two beautiful reed°rock- ing chairs and a number of miscel- laneous gifts, as a token of their good wishes. Mr. Thomas made a suitable reply, thanking their friends for their lovely gifts, after which lunch was served and a social hoar spent to- gether. Mr. Mac Thomas, of Woodstock,: and Mr. Harvey Dennis, of Parkhill, attended the Thomas -Dennis wedding on Wednesday last. A most delightful evening was spent on Friday, June #7th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Den- nis, when the members of the con- gregation of the Ebenezer United Church met together to honour Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Thomas, whose marriage took place recently. A pro- gramine of music and speeches was directed by the pastor, the Rev. A. V. Walden. Both bride and groom are valued members of the Ebenezer church, the bride having been organ- ist for a numbre of years. To ex- press their appreciation, and to evi- dence their good wishes, the congre- gation then presented Mr. and Mrs. Thomas with a lovely ninety-seven piece dinner set. Mr. Thomas replied briefly, expressing the gratitude of his bride and himself,. After a boun- tiful lunch had been served by the ladies, the guests departed, leaving behind them their best wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of the young couple; Miss Maude Conn, R.N., of Toren- ` Mr. and Mrs, James. Cornelius and to, is visiting at her Home here after' Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent graduating. Sttndaywith relatives in Dungannon, Mr. Lewis Beecroft, of Edmonton, BLUEVAi:E left here on Monday after spending a week with relatives, here. X- e goes to Ottawa to attend the Foresters' convention there this week, Mr, and, Mrs. Stuart Moore return- ed to Toronto on Thursday, after spending their honeymoon with Messrs. T. H. and Arthur Moore, Miss 'Robina henry, of Toronto, is holidaying at her home here. Mr. Mrs. W. R, Farrier and Garnet and Wixttifred, spent Sunday with Mrs and 1Vtrs, lames McWhin- eyr of Dungannon, Miss Inglis, of Vordwich, spent the wok-e1rd, with Barbara Weir, Alecture with Iantern slides will. be given in the United, Church, Fri- day evening. Miss Margaret McGrogan, of Tor- onto, renewed acquaintances in the village last week. Saturday, the day set for the Pres- byterial picnic, was ushered in with weeping skies. Pfowever, a fair crowd gathered and spent a pleasant time together. Races were put on in the rink: A big tug-of-war between , the single and the married men caus- ed much excitement, the young men I with ,.tach cheering, whining 'out, SEVEN ARE HURT Mildmay, June 2o,—Seven persons were injured, four rather seriously, in a motor accident at Myles Corner, in Brant, last . night, when a sedan driven by R. A. Dunbar, of Guelph, collidedwith a car driven by H. F. Graham, proprietor of the moving picture theatre, Walkerton. The names of the injured are: F. H. Gra- ham, Walkerton, collar bone broken; Mrs. Graham, severe cuts and bruis- es; Miss Lorraine Graharrt, right arm fractured; Miss Wilda Graham, Miss Beatrice Lumley and Cyril Lumley, all of Walkerton, slightly injured; P. A, Clarke, manager of the Bank of Montreal, Mildmay, badly bruised and shaken up; R. A. Dunbar and Mrs. Barton,' of Guelph. The three last mentioned were occupants of the Guelphcar, while the others were oc- cupants of the Walkerton car. All were removed to the General Hospi- tal, Walkerton, following the acci- dent, and all ;with the exception of Mr. and Mrs. Graham and daughter Lorraine and Mr. Clarke, were able to leave the hospital this morning. The collision was due to a heavy fog. Both cars were badly damaged, JAEGER CAMEL HAIR LOUNGE RUGS, natural shade, in the finest of genuine Camel Hair; Jubilee Shopping Week, less 20 per cent. SAVE ON MEN'S CLOTHING EXTRA QUALITY SUITS $19.00 —Pencil Stripes, Tweeds and Fine Serges; men's and young men's smart models; a big assortment of $26.75 to $3o values. KING'S JUBILEE PRICE $19.0o See our smart TOP COATS •$15, $18, $24 $3.50 to $4.00 PYJAMAS; Jubilee Sale Price, per Suit $2.19 .. Boys' Reg'lar Fellows $3.00 WASH SUITS, White with Blue trim - -•• $2.39 Another good $1.75 line for $1.29• El Forsythe, Strand, Tooke FINE SHIRTS $1.95 ■ separate collar and collar attached styles, in ■ fine Printed Broadcloth, Madras, etc.; regular ■ $2.5o to $3.5o Shirts. King's Jubilee Pride $r-95 ■ s ■ 's$r.00 MEN'S SILK SOCKS _... ._._.- -.._ 49c ■—Brown, Black, Sand. ■ • eMen's x5c 'WHITE CAMBRIC HANDKER- CHIEFS _ - 3 for 33c • ■ Men's 35c SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS; fast ■ color border ..,...__................ .... _... ...... _. _ 4 for $Loo ■ 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 5 $4.00 AXMINSTER FLOOR MATS; full size; each --------- $2.98 CHENILLE BEDROOM MATS, Rose and Blue shades, with fancy border; reversible. LESS 20 PER CENT. Biege shade CURTAIN MADRAS; unusual values 29c, 390 59c McLAREN'S JELLY POWDERS, all flav- ours; Jubilee Price _,_............... 4 for 25c LOOK! 5oo BROOMS; extra quality fine green corn, with five strands and gold stained handle; reg- ularly priced 750; Jubilee Price, each 390 P.&G. WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 3 bars Ire CREPE TOILET PAPER ..._._.... 12 rolls 39c —Get it early! Other TWO -BLOOMER SUITS:• --• Navy, Grey and Fancy Tweed ....._.w .............. :: ,$9.75' BOYS' Extra Quality Flannel Long. SPORT TROUSERS; sizes 26 to 34 ....-..._..._ $2.75 MEN'S Bull Dog WORK SHIRTS; Stripes and Chambrays; extra wear; each . g8c GOOD BRACES, per pair ..... __ roc MEN'S GOOD WORK SOCKS .,_..._.. pr. 25c 5 pairs $1.90 ® LINEN HAND TOWELLING 2 yds. 25c ■ BARGAINS ON GOOD PARASOLS • Fine Silk and Wool material, with a choice of good handles; fast colours, black only; • $6.5o and $7.5o values; Jubilee Price ..... $3.98 ■ $.5o to $7.5o BROCK and BORSALINO HATS.___._...._..._........_.._::_..____..:._:..._......_..._._._.__. $4.95 INavys, Tweeds, Poiret, Twill and Tricotines; all new spring goods; at regular prices of $zo;0o; to $Soaoo; Jubille Prices, less. 20 to 505 STYLISH. WHITE COATS. FOR SUMMER $x9:75' — $24.5.0 Fine White Kasha cloths, full silk lined and beautiful' fur' trimmings. Buy them Jubilee Week. Two dozen MEN'S STRAW HATS, sailor $1 oat each shape 500 KIMONA CREPES, plain or -- pattens; reduced to BROWN'S SUPER LINEN-500-G1ass;Tow- elling, Checks and Stripes; Jubilee Price 38c $1.45 Stripe TRICOTINE BROADCLOTH; sun fast; tub fast; per yard ..... 72c 35c COLOURED CHINTZES. 23c —Fine for hangings and covers. 200 yard COTTON SPOOLS.; ,Black or White; all sizes 50 SILK BLOOMER ELASTIC—Special Jubi- lee Price 6 yds for 19c 35c LADIES' CREPE HANDKERCHIEFS EAGLE SAXONY 'FLANNELETTE 150 -Ideal for nursery or,growing children; pure white; 15c per yard. GOOD DRESSES REDUCED About 20. in the lot—Crepe, Satin, Georgette, 5. Flat Crepe; women's and misses' sizes; good ■ shades and black in the lot; regular values ■.. ■. - ■ ■ ■ BOYS' RIBBEDCOTTON STOG,KINGS 39e Our regular 5oc line; Jubilee Price, 3 pairs $x ■ ■ per pair; ,.MOCKS galore;values to $i ■ CHILDREN'S uJ _. :_........_.. 25C • •■ WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES, .less than ■ half to $35.00; Jubilee Price, your choice ..._,.:. $18.00 SALE OF WHITEWEAR 39c Fine Cotton Drawers and Underskirts at a mere trifle; formerly priced $z to $2.5o; your choice ...._ ,_ . _: ` ...._ w:_ . .... 39c NATURAL PONGEE 440 This is a much reduced price; a dandy cloth for underwear, curtains, etc; Jubilee Price 44c PLAIN or PRINTED BROADCLOTH; ju- bilee Price, per yard ..•. 390 .•o .■. CHILDREN'S SLICKERS $2.98 —Less than half; ro only at this: price. Our $2.5o Gilt Edge BLACK DUCHESS SATIN ..__._ _._-..__ ,._._ ,•$1.58 WATSON'S SILK UNDERWEAR — Vests, Bloomers _ ...... - 98c DRESS VOILES fon lot' weather—regular values $1 and $1.25; Jubi1 -e Price, per yd. soc 76 -inch wide SHEETTNGS, plain or twill, 63c ■ • ■ ■ CHILDREN'S BLOOMER. DRESSES 98c l ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ .� r ■ ■ KNTTTED' SUITS "THE THING ■ A fine selection of these stylish garments ■ awaits • your;• all' the new shades, $6, $S.95, $11 ■ BARGAIN ON' CORSETS ■ Nemo and Gossard model's; regularly prided $z to $6.5o; Jubilee; Price:..._ 98e, $1.98, $2.95; , RAYON SPORT' HOSE FOR 98c ■ ■ Smart patterns and' effects; on Beige and ■ Dove shades; all' sizes; of our $1..50 line; Ju- ■ bilee nice, per pair _ - 98c ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ `\fir � ��. � ,< `� ■ ■ ■ ■ - IN ■ ■ ■ •■ •■ ■ Smart patterns in Zephyrs and Ginghams; siz- es 4 to 6 years; that are rtegularly priced $1.50; Jubilee Price:...._......_.._.... g8c • HOT WEATHER DRESSES ._ Fugi,, Celanese, Tub Silk, Printed Crepe and Voile ..... _._......... .. $6.75, $9.50, $13.50 NI .. z_ --- ■ 1.1 SHOP 1 ERE AND SAVE k • • These and many other Unusual Bargains will be co iti rued throughout'the full time of Jubilee Shopping Wee ■ • ■ ■ •® ■ . K Ih1G 0 S •• ra111 sion ®IU■*®■■muminsam e■simam i ®■■■.■ sts�eu■a�> ■®•��r■■.ninu ■■ me A, M. Crawford, Wingharn, Orit» Dealer in Chevrolet, Oldsmobile and Metaughlitt. '[BEHIND the beauty of Chevrolet there i, ..D an abundance of titrength and Stamina, just as there is a great store of surplus power. The rugged channel steel frame the' husky banjo -type rear axle, the powerful varve -in• head engine and every detail of construction combine to defy the ravages of -rear and tear, of hills and ruts, of mud and nand, of extreiheS of climate and of hard, continuous usage, ds Chevrolet bas been designed for beauty, Powered for performance, platned for economy so. Chevrolet has been BUILT FOR NDURANCE, And this i— the most Beautiful the Moat Powerful and the most Rugged ObeVYalet in Chevrolet history sclltng at new, hili prices, the lowest for which (tevraet har ever been sold bi Cuda. Roadster' • 36SS `fauring,. . WS Sport Roadster $730 Coupe • $7i3d Conch • • $70 Sedan • ;<861 Cabriolet 3890 Louden Sedan 3930 Imperial Landau Sedan w • • $93 Roadster Delivery • • • • $6,3 Commercial dumb' . . • 3490 , i -Ton Truck Chattels • • • , #1645 Prim al Faziory, OsfidWN,. Govern:ient tem ,lsxli`o. cE-*21 I Chevrolet evrokt �listorr�